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D-1 MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND THERMAL CHARACTERIZATION OF G-10CR AND G-11CR GLASS-CLOTH/EPOXY LAMINATES BETWEEN ROOM TEMPERATURE AND 4K* snd R, 1M. B. Kascu, G, R. MacDonald, D, I Beckman, 5 Sebeamm National Bureay of Standards "Boulder, Colorado INTRODUCTION reinforced epoxy laminates fr swuctural supports godfor lec! and them insltion a superconducting magnets. This coc ‘bred om such factors as svalnby, cor, machina, ratio, and low elctrial and thermal conductivities, Tere commercial supply of these materials heving prediciable cxyogenic performance. Therefore, the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) has cooperated with the laminating industry and the National Electrical Manufactures’ Association (NEMA) to establish specifications for eryonenicarades of NEMA G-10 and. slasclothreinforced epory laminates. These materials, designated O-10CR and G-LICR, meet existing NEMA, as Wella federal and iilitary specifications for .10 and G-11 products. The component and manufacturing speriseaione he been distributed to all U.S, manufacturers through the NEMA erganication. The produets are currently available from one manufacturer, and others have shown an Titorert in their produeton, 'NBS is curreatly undertaking a mechanical, electrical, and thermal property characterization of the CR-grade materiale over the 295- to 4-K temperature faage:, Contibutions to ie charecteation have. aw Uren ae by th ‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and the Westinghouse Corpora: {don In ths paper is presented the cata base obtained on U-IUCK and G-T1CK produced for NBS by two manufacturers. The mechanical properties of CR-arade Taminates produced with boron-tree glass reinforcement were screened in antic- ipation of improved radiation resistance of this variant. 236 Mm Kass, GR MacDonald DH: esha 2nd Sram (MATERIALS “The basis for both G-1OCR and G-IICR isthe same glass fabric of silane Singhed E las Its plain weave fs produced on a conventional loom by interlacing trary (length) threads (16.9 1.2 per em or 43-23 por in.) and 6 (width) threads (2.808 per eo or 322 perth). The specaly mae, Doron-free gas has Similar configuation. "The G-l0CR matrix is a conventional, hest-actvated, amine-atalyzed, bisphenol-A, slid-type epoxy resin chosen for proven performance at exyogentc temperatures. The G-11CR matix fe an sromalic-amine-hardened, bisphenol-A, Tiquid-tvpe epoxy resin exoected to provide improved resistance fo radition damage, The fished products area natural beige color. Resin weight fraction 32 036% for G-10CR and28to 33% for G-11CR- Production detaisare presented by Renzinger “Two producers, designated manufacturers A and B, supplied sheets of G-1OCR. and G-1ICR in nominal thicknesses of 0.127 em (0.080 in), 0.381 em (0.150in) {ind 2.54 om (Lin) Manufacturer Dao provided similar panele in the boron tree ‘arian. Manufacturer A produced the materials as pilot plant run Although pilotplant procedures closely parallel production conditions, the manulacturer Subsequrcly also provided atusl proution panels fr adlioal testing “The mechanical ests performed on these materials ae summarized in Tables T andl. Asnoted in Table and Figs. {through 3, the plot plant production panels of ‘mantacturer A Were weed to estabish Dace mechanical properties fortension (warp, fil), compression (war, fill, normal) and shear (warp il). Results ofthe screening {ests on the mechanical performance of material from manufacturer B appear if ‘Table TL. Theso tests were performed Only inthe warp direction The pilerplant production panels of manufacturer A'were ako wed in the sty of electrical berformance (Table IM, thermal condustivity (Fie. ). and thermal expansion ig) ‘TEST METHODS ‘Mechanical Tests “Tensile specimens cut from the 0.127-cm sheets were a modified version ofthe MIL-HDBK 17A specication. The gauge length was 54cm (2.125-in) long and 12 T-am (0.5-in) wide, The specimen width tapered to 234 em (Lin) in the grip area. Resistance strain gauges cemented dizecly to the surface inthe longitudinal And iransvers orientations allowed measurement of Young's modus and Poisson's {atio, The ultimate strength and elongation were also determined, ‘warp and fil compresson-etramgth speciment from the 0-38i-cm sheets ware 6.99-em (2.75-n, long and 0794em (0313-in) wide specimens tested normal 9 the glass cloth had about the same eros section but were only 2Sésem (1-in} long. ‘With end caps cemented in place, the gauge length was 1,91 em (0.75), The ‘method and fixture were described elsewhere [*] ina shea strength test followed two methods. Three-point bendi (ASTM 2344-72) was the smplest and good for comparison Or quahty checks Dat provided no real engineering daa, since tensile and compresive sresies Were aso present. The specimens were 2,S4-cm (-in) long by O.64-cm (0.25-in) wide and he ge af wade mans 9p way ings edosometo peo by NES ad i alae oly to ‘atte oesnen marin comnce ‘poy Lanimtes 231 Mechs Bec and Thermal Cancletton we so Ee =D aS st = (008 Hd $Y ssIBEIMEW_) AOTT-D PUE YDOT-D 9 WOME DLARD TOPUNHHN TARE, od, “ensile Camrose ‘Shear aeeoth TE aces path, “Sra = sro GegER brparcarer pros, as one Rae ‘i S92 wr OTL OM ome oP RE GALCR impacted sat) ays 302 Bisa Aigomstonstee og ay te M3 ome oan Ta 8 29s ass TM gus anal eco eerie aide as tc ws ao 08 TS eats % OMS te Shea ws asa SS es 0s ome from the 0.38t-em-thick aheste. The guillotine shear method (ASTM D 2733-70) ean provide more meaningful values of strength, but i 00, subject (0 considerable naccuricy, unless the results are applied carefully. Data appearing in ‘Tables Fond H were btsined with a poliied ASTM opesinen [tam eutsoroyynie sues wore 0983-0 (037%) apr wih de Roper etn a oe ‘elding consistent results regardless of specimen thickness. Without this suppe pare psingot each rom he sear pane reduced he mead tenth fy Conon of al apesimes pir wo tetng (ASTM D 3039-71) was a east 4ohe at 22:2 2C and $0 10% relative humid. ‘Volume resistivity tests conducted by Westinghouse according to ASTM D 257 used 1000-Vde and 7.62-cm(3-in-diameter electrodes with a 0:64-em (0.25-in) [ard gap. For the elecinc stengin, OU HZ Wes applied at U.SV/s Tse with 127 x 3Bi-om (0.5 LSin) painted electrodes, ‘Thermal Tests ‘Thermal conductivity measurements were egnducted by the longitudinal heat ‘tow method at closely spaced temperatures,(]. The specimens were L9I-cm (0.754in) cubes with a density of 1904 g/em for G-1OCR and 1.956 g/cm’ for G-1icR. 0 M.B. Kaen, Re MacDonald D-H Basa, es and Re Seana Fig. 3-Comoresine ven emperauforG-1ECR anus (i pt Err taa how appr and wert pends GICR ‘eaped nia dat seas ‘Table IL. Electrical Properties of G-10CR and G-11CR ‘Mtanutactorer A; Plot Plant) orgie, The 2s ent rio” % i a0 Meuse Flecie and Therel Charatan Fpeny Lamar 24 nN 4. Thema conduc. temperate for OHO and "ic tmeminctrer a pon "wena conoverny, atx? A preliminary test of total enptriction between room temperature and 75 K wa conducted at the Los Alamos Selentife Laboratory” Later measurements as & fpatinuous function of temperature Wete performed at NBS with + quartz ‘diatometr. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mechanical Tests “The mechanical data in Table ae characterization ofthe pilo-plant G-IOCR, and G-I1GR from manufacturer Ast all Gee temperatures and in both fiber directions (ako normal direction for compressive sung). These are averages of thee o four specimens. The standard deviations among individual ess were about ‘THERMAL ceUTAACTON, 10 44% of the average value for the Young's moduls, tensile strength, and shear strengths, and about 9% forthe Poston’ ratio, compressive scength and stain-o- {silae. Overall there wan no noticable change in dtu scatter with temperature In Figs I through, the shaded areas indicate the extent of upper and lower data spread among ‘Only to parameters showed any slgnitesnt tempersture-relted material diferences. O-TICR had a higher modulus in both directions and a higher tensile Strength inthe fil direction, The gullitineshearstrength test results may indicate Some superiority inthe G-1OCR. ‘Cooling both materials from room to cryogenic temperatures increased the value ofall parameters: Younes modulus about 30%, Posson's ratio 35 to 40%, tensile and compressive strengths 70 to 130%, uitimai strain about 100% inthe ‘arp dieaton an 0% n he lection, shot-eam shes strength abou 100%, Sind pilatine shear trong nthe range S084. Cat ICR apparent ight Ie temperature-dependent than G-I0CR. The elastic properties, modulus, and Poi son's ratio showed somewhat greater change with temperature for fl ‘ircetionn, whereas the opposite occurred for the ultimate strength a ‘Since the fil direction yan count is approximately 0.75 ofthe warp direction ‘count, It Would seem likely to fad the fiber-dependent parameters occuring in ovghiy this atl. Pl/ warp ws aol 0.80 for tne modslusand vlna sta, 0.63 for tenile and compressive strengths, and 1.00 for Poisson's rato, Shoar strength S largely a function of matrix and matix-ther bonding soit should be directionally sndependent. The guilotine tests showed no Fea diference between orientations, ‘but the shor-beam tess yielded ail warp property ratio of 0.70; this indicates that Aexure produces tensile and compressive, aswell as shea, forces, Some material {ependenee with fill/warp ratio did sppeat inthe tensile and compressive strengths ‘where twas somewhat hghet for G-1ICR than for G-10CR. The only parameter to ‘isplay a temperature dependence wan the flue strain: the rat of Sl warp Dropertes deereated in the exyogenic reson, ‘The compresive strengths normal to the cloth plane are valiable data for high pressure laminater ince thoes materials are kay tobe loaded inthis rection Inmany weight-bearing applications In general, the values seem tobe comparsbleto shorn the wap recon and how he ume temperature dependence. Aisecton; nevertheless, they do cover composite lots from manufacturers A and Bs production plants as wel asthe boron free product fom ‘Some diterences exist herween value in the (80 following all comparisons are with the complete characterization datain Table I for ‘manufacturer A plo plat specimens For G-1OCR of manufacturer A's production Plant, Poison’ rato runs about 15% high, and the compressive stength at 76 Kis 13% low. For G-1ICR of manufacturer B's production plant, the tensile stength st 76 Kis 18% hi, “The majority of diferences, however, occur inthe horon-tree products. In G-10CR the modulus is 15% low, Poissons ratio is 23% high, tensile strength i 14 tn 208. ow, ana fave stan at 6 He 17% low Th itveees in G-1TER ae 8 STu-high modulus, and a 19%-high tensile strength at TOK. None of these Aiferences are really dramatic, ard they could be the result of normal experiment ‘cator and the allowable vritions in yarn count and resin content Limited data, particularly at cryogenic temperatures, are available for ‘comparison, and they deal mostly with S-las cloth [*). In general they show that Mechanic, Ba and Thormal Orato of Ge ipenyLamines 243 the present materials display a higher modulus and tensile strength by a factor of about 1/3 and a somewhat higher compresive strength and lower fallre stain, ‘Darel snapasinn uf shear sucugl i vexy difficult beaut of the many cape ‘mental varinbies lected Tests Volume resistivity (Table IN showed 1.5 to 2 orders of magnitude increase on cooling to 4K. Electr strength, however, displayed no temperature dependence Sind no diference betmeen composite types ‘Thermal Tests "Thermal conductivities (Fig. 4) were nearly identical for both materials. Data vere about 10% higher forthe warp direction than the normal othe reinforcement, show a dcectional dependeace possibly indicating that the epoxy was a dominating facior A detailed analysis of the continuous datas now in preparation for publication elsewhere [I-A preliminary ‘measurement of ota contraction between room temperature and 73 Keonducted at ASL indicated approximately 10% greater AL/L. concr.usions “The CR-grade glass-epoxy laminates should prove wsefl in applications that requite'» costmercally aesilable structural or inulodng rateia of predictable Performance, ‘These composites do have good mechanical properties at room temperature and below. Inthis and other iaortores, work continues on mechani ‘lyslectiel,andthermal chaoctesiation ev well asrcastance tradition mage, ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘he thermal conduct state Hust ana thera coticton mematemeats(A Flr ocd, ‘ay Te aon GA Mande Weiegwe Ra Conn fRha e NOTATION Roman symbols inst Greek symbols ofan eng Pov eeieceeee Pete REFERENCES 1.4 8 Remi n Adon open ring. al Pen, New Yk 980, 9 2. RE Seeamm and M.B Kaen, Mar St Beg 30:97 (197 5.1.6, Hs nd JMC Aion, “Then Condy of ls ite pony Coast Soper Sint tree Been" wpb Repos 115091, Nat! Brae of San 4: BOB Risen Cope 6227 (975 NCI Raven x pare Reet, ASTMESTP HD, Ameri Soi for Teng and Mee, PSlndpi: Penman (995) 586 6 Pate iesmegie toeis in, Nap Bae fa, ov, Crt, 1 RE Gare Temes Proper Dion, Nae wea of Standards, Bolder, Clo,

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