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// CETermITSMobile_v05.


// ITSMobile Utility Functions v0.5

// Written by Naurtech Support.
// NOTE: These helper functions may need updating if ITSMobile is
// NOTE: updated or the mobile.js or mobile_menu.js files are changed.
// NOTE: Only supported for Windows Mobile 5 and later.

// These functions are loaded into and run in the CETerm script engine
// and activate JavaScript in the browser HTML pages.

var itsScriptDelay = 10;

// setFKey - used for most function key actions

function setFKey( fcode )
// Activate script in web page.
runScript( "try{setFKey(" + fcode + ");}catch(eee){}",
itsScriptDelay );

// setOKCode - mostly used for button actions

function setOkCode( fcode )
// Activate script in web page.
runScript( "try{setOkCode(" + fcode + ");}catch(eee){}",
itsScriptDelay );

// setOkCodeEnter - used for Enter key action

function setOkCodeEnter()
// If not ITSMobile page (e.g., login), just submit first form
var script = "if(typeof setOkCodeEnter === 'function')" +
runScript( script, itsScriptDelay );

// processKeyEvent - used to handle all key actions

// Activate processKeyEvent in web page with the specified

// keyCode, shiftKey state, and ctrlKey state.
function processKeyEvent( keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey )
var eventLiteral = "{ctrlKey:" + (ctrlKey ? "true" : "false") +
",shiftKey:" + (shiftKey ? "true" : "false") +
",keyCode:" + keyCode + "}";
// DEBUG: Uncomment the next line to check key mapping
//OS.Alert( "processKeyEvent(" + eventLiteral + ");" );

// Activate script in web page.

runScript( "try{processKeyEvent(" + eventLiteral + ");}catch(eee){}",
itsScriptDelay );

// Run a script in the browser JavaScript engine after a delay of msecs

function runScript( script, msecs )
var b = CETerm.Session( CETerm.ActiveSession ).Browser;
if (b !== null)
var d = b.Document;
if ( d !== null)
var w = d.parentWindow;
if (typeof w !== "undefined")
w.setTimeout( script, msecs );

// OnNetCheckFailed
// This script will reset the state of the SAP page if a form submit
// is canceled.

// TODO: More could be added here to direct the user to find RF coverage.

function OnNetCheckFailed ( session, pendingURL )


// Inform user
OS.Alert( "Your request has failed. " +
"Please return to RF coverage and try again." );

// Reset page values

var b = CETerm.Session( session ).Browser;
if (b != null)
var d = b.Document;
if ( d != null)
var f = d.forms["mobileform"];
if (f !== "undefined")
var e = f["~ItsMobFirstSend"];
if (typeof e !== "undefined")
// Reset ItsMobFirstSend
e.disabled = false;
e = f["~OkCode"];
if (typeof e !== "undefined")
e.value = "/0";
e = f["~FKey"];
if (typeof e !== "undefined")
e.value = "";

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