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Yoredale News

The Parish and Community

Magazine For
Masham, Healey, West Tanfield,
North Stainley and Well with Snape

March 2018
Masham, Healey, West Tanfield, North Stainley and Well with Snape.
March 2018
Volume 33 Number 3

Vicar: The Revd. David Cleeves, The Vicarage, Rodney Terrace, Masham,
HG4 4JA (01765 689255) email:
Curate: Revd. Nick Morgan 01765 635039 email:
Children & Youth Worker: contact Revd. David Cleeves

Masham Healey
Robert Arnold 01765 689116 Anne Ramsay 01765 689278
Jim Hunter 01765 689828 Delia Richmond 01765 658765
Irene Saunders 01765 688306
Cath Boshier 01765 688957 Well with Snape
John Knopp 01677 470204

West Tanfield North Stainley David Bryant

01765 635206 Scilla Kealy 01765 635253
Christopher Bourne-Arton 01677 470385 Christine Waugh.01765 603802

Methodist Church: Minister: Rev. Dr. Pat Malham 01765 688556.

Leadership Team: Stewards:

Masham West Tanfield
Joy Rayden 01765 689310 Mr Simon Abel 01677 470297
Steve Laugher 01765 689559
Pauline Staton 01765 689175
Janet Newey 01765 689302 Snape
Nigel Wright 01677 427249 Graham Pentelow 01677 470904
Pete Hammond 688568.
Magazine Editor: Christine Greensit. 5 Chapman Lane, Masham HG4 4EE
Telephone: 01765 689711. Email:
Advertising. Lynn Simms.
or Telephone: 01765 689784
Material should either be posted or emailed to the editor who reserves the
right not to include items if space is limited.
Donations are always welcome. Please make cheques payable to
'Masham PCC' and sent to the editor. Thank you.
Closing Date for the April magazine is 10th March
From the Vicarage David Cleeves Palm Sunday
Sunday 25th March is Palm Sunday; on that day Christians celebrate and
remember the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In many places palm
branches and palm crosses will be blessed and there will be a procession,
just as 2,000 years ago Jesus rode on a humble donkey and was greeted
with shouts of ‘Hosanna!’ – ‘Save now!’ - by the pilgrim crowds.
A Spanish nun, Egeria, who visited the Holy Land around the year 380
describes the bishop and people processing from the Mount of Olives into
Jerusalem, carrying palms and olive branches and ‘the babies and the
ones too young to walk’ being carried on their parents’ shoulders. It is a
deep human instinct to identify with historical moments of profound
significance by re-enacting them in dramatic ways. So the story of Palm
Sunday becomes our story, our journey with Jesus to the city where he is
to meet his death.
One of the popular traditional hymns for Palm Sunday was written by
Henry Milman, a Victorian dean of St Paul’s. He wrote dramatic poems and
romantic verse dramas, as well as some of the first studies of biblical
history to root Scripture in the culture of its day (he gave offence by
describing Abraham as ‘a nomad sheikh’). In his Palm Sunday hymn, Ride
on, Ride on in Majesty, he sees the Palm Sunday procession as a
poignant, funeral procession – ‘in lowly pomp ride on to die’. Indeed, that is
how this Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday, unfolds.
If there was an expectation among the Palm Sunday crowds that this was
the beginning of a revolution in which Jesus would drive out the oppressive
Roman occupiers, it was not to be. The week that begins with Palm
Sunday moves inexorably through ever darker moments: the Last Supper,
the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (the garden of the pressing out of
the olives), betrayal, arrest, torture, mocking, scourging and a trial that
shows both religious and political leaders as utterly unconcerned with truth
(as Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, asks dismissively, ‘what is truth?’).
So on Good Friday Jesus is nailed to the cross of a criminal in the agony of
crucifixion, a scarecrow figure hung between two thieves. That agony ends
with a cry from the psalms, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’
In the darkness of this dying a Roman soldier points to this tortured figure
and echoes the words first heard at Jesus’s Baptism: ‘Truly this man was
the Son of God.’
It is the powerful paradox of the Christian gospel that in this dreadful dying
what men and women have seen and known is a God who does not stand
aside but who comes down to the lowest part of our need. Matthias
Grünewald could paint this tortured figure in that most powerful of medieval
religious paintings, the Isenheim altarpiece, showing the figure of Jesus
with scabrous marks of the same skin disease from which the patients in
the hospital in Colmar in which it was displayed suffered. Here is a God
whose love reaches out in its fullness to prison cells and torture chambers,
to sufferers from cancer, and the victims of natural disaster, to the dying
which must come - in whatever ways it comes - to each one of us, and to
the lesser deaths that mark the pattern of our human lives.
Death mocks at the hollowness of our human achievements - we brought
nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it - so our worth is
measured not by what we do but by what we are. It is not ‘I do, therefore I
am,’ but ‘I am, therefore I do’. And what am I? It is one made in the image
of the love of God, who freely gives, and loves us unconditionally with a
love that will not let us down and will not let us go. It is the victory of that
love at Easter, which breaks into the world surprising us with the joy of a
new creation. Easter does not undo Good Friday; it is not, as a Christian
thinker once put it, ‘a descent from the cross postponed for 36 hours for
reason of effect’. It is a new life that is born in the grave, in the darkness
and nothingness of death, which makes of our dying ‘the gate of life
immortal’. As in Holy Week Christians walk the way of the Cross it is to be
renewed in that faith, and in that love - in the God whose love will never let
us down and will never let us go.
David Cleeves

Women’s World Day Of Prayer Friday 2nd March All God’s

Creation is Very Good! 7.00 p.m. St. Mary’s Church Masham
An estimated three million people around the world will join in this service
which has been written this year by the women of Suriname in South
America. Suriname asks us to pray for conservation and the protection of
wildlife, through an awareness of pollution, misuse and abuse, as well as
for the situation in Suriname and concerns for the future. This is not simply
a day of prayer for women, but for everyone who cares about our world
and those who live in it. Please join us.

Good Friday Activities

For school age children of 3 and 4 year olds if accompanied by an adult
All parents/carers are welcome to stay if they wish and to join in the fun
Friday 30th March Starting in Masham School finishing in St. Mary’s
Church 10.00 a.m. - 12 noon. Crafts & Cards, 40 places available
If you wish to reserve a place please contact Kate on 01765 689255
or e mail No charge is made for this
event but a donation of £1 per child towards the cost of materials would be

very welcome. Adults please join us for a very short service in church at
approximately 11.45 a.m.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT The Sport’s Pavilion, Masham @ 7.00 p.m.

Supper, followed by a talk. Tickets from Kate (Tel. 01765 689255 or email at £3.50 each.
Thursday 22nd February: The Reverend Robert Williamson – The Third
Order of Franciscans Robert has recently become Vicar of Thornton-le-
Moor after serving in Darlington. He is married to a Vicar and one his main
passions is music. He acts as Novice Guardian and Spiritual Director for
the Third Order which is a worldwide Anglican Franciscan Religious Order
of men and women lay and ordained, married and single, young and old,
and of various ethnic and educational backgrounds. Members commit
themselves to leading their lives according to a Rule of Life, while living in
their own homes, working in the community and caring for their families.
There are about 3000 members worldwide. The Aims of the Order are to
make Jesus known and loved everywhere, to spread the spirit of love and
harmony and to live simply. They are inspired by St. Francis’ challenge to
the Church to follow closely Jesus’ earthly life, to proclaim the gospel and
bring justice and peace. Franciscans seek to worship and serve God in His
creation and are therefore pledged to the service of others and to respect
all life. The Third Order was founded by St. Francis of Assisi for lay people
who wished to live according to a Franciscan Rule of Life.
Thursday 1st March: Margaret Sentamu: ‘Going on Growing – Falling
Upward into the arms of God during Lent.’ Margaret’s talk will be based
on the work of Richard Rohr, who talks about the Spirituality of Two Halves
– when we are young and thrusting and full of energy and when we grow
older and become more reflective and life is less in black and white but
more grey. Margaret is a freelance Leadership Development consultant
with a focus on diversity. She has worked for a number of years in the
private, public and third sector which included a period as Senior Selection
Secretary, overseeing the team responsible for the recruitment of trainee
clergy for the Church of England. Margaret is a Non-executive director of
the Leeds & York Mental Health Trust and Traidcraft Plc, helping to fight
poverty through fair trade. She is also a Lay Adjudicator for the Solicitors
Regulatory Authority and a Lay Assessor for CIPFA member accountants
who breach the Code of Conduct and bye-laws. She is President of Mild-
may International (HIV/Aids), trustee and patron of a number of charities
mainly to do with education, health and poverty in the Global South as well
as UK based charities. She is married to the Archbishop of York and they
have four grown-up children, two of whom were fostered long-term. She is
sought out as a public speaker, preacher and leads retreats, quiet days
and pilgrimages to Iona. Alongside the Archbishop, she enjoys offering
hospitality and supporting and encouraging our brothers and sisters in the
Anglican Communion.
Thursday 15th March: Sister Rita Lee - to locals in Collyhurst, a run-down
part of inner city Manchester, Sister Rita Lee is known as “Attila the Nun”.
It’s actually meant as a compliment, for it neatly captures two essential
things about the 70-year-old livewire from Cork. She is a nun of more than
50 years’ standing and she is also a fighter par excellence, waging crusade
after crusade on behalf of the people of Collyhurst. And somehow, against
the odds, she always comes out on top. As, for example, on a trip to Lon -
don to tell Iain Duncan Smith, the then Work and Pensions Secretary, to
stop docking the benefits of regulars at the Lally Centre, the food bank-
come-advice centre she runs from the basement of a Victorian school
building. “I told him sanctions were cruel,” she says. Collyhurst is one of
the 10 most economically deprived areas in the country. “We must help
one another in this life” says Sister Rita.” “It’s the commandment. We can’t
just go on our own. ‘Take the shirt off your back and give it to somebody.’
That’s where I come from.” Sister Rita and her work have been the subject
of a BBC documentary (another one is being made) and a recent play in
Thursday 22nd March: The Reverend Alison Askew - 'O little town of
Bethlehem and other stories from Palestine' Alison was a teacher of
Religious Education in Kent for ten years. She was ordained in July 1995.
Initially working as Chaplaincy Team Leader and Head of Bereavement
Services for North Hampshire Hospitals; from September 2010 she has
been Priest in charge of Kirby on the Moor, Skelton and Cundall. Alison
frequently leads trips to Palestine/Israel and will have just returned from
one she gives her talk.

Lent Meditations
Sundays at 6.00 p.m. February 18th & 25thMarch 4th & 11th at Cogden
House, 34 Market Place, Masham. Based on the book ‘Word in the
Wilderness: a poem a day for Lent, Holy Week and Easter’by Malcolm
Guite, Chaplain of Girton College, Cambridge. Each session a poem from
the book will be the focus of our meditation, with music, candlelight and
silence. All welcome

From the Registers R.I.P.
23rd January Gwen Mackenzie at Masham
8th February` Jean Smith at Well


Third Sunday 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
of Lent 9.15 a.m. Healey Holy Communion
March 4th 10.45 a.m. Masham Family Service
PURPLE 10.45 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion 10.45
a.m. Well Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

of Lent 9.30 a.m. West Tanfield Family Service
Mothering Sunday10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion and
March 11th Baptism
10.45 a.m. Snape Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. Healey Evensong
8.00 p.m. North Stainley Compline

Fifth Sunday 9.15 a.m. Healey Holy Communion

of Lent 10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
March 18th 10.45 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Well Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. West Tanfield Lenten Cantata
Palm Sunday 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
March 25th 10.30 a.m. Masham Procession from
Methodist Chapel
10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Procession from
the Village Hall and Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. North Stainley Revive
6.30 p.m. Healey Evensong
6.30 p.m. Snape Evensong

Monday 7.30 p.m. Masham Holy Communion

March 26th

Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Masham Holy Communion

March 27th

Wednesday 7.30 p.m. Masham Holy Communion
March 28th

Maundy 7.30 p.m. Masham Holy Communion .

Thursday 7.30 p.m. Snape Holy Communion
March 29th

Good Friday 11.45 a.m. Masham Family Service

March 30th 2.00 p.m. West Tanfield Devotion
7.30 p.m. Healey Tenebrae

Compline also known as, Night Prayer, is the final church service of the
day. The English word Compline is derived from the Latin completorium, as
Compline is the completion of the working day. Dating back to the fourth
century, Compline is a service to close the day, an opportunity to give
thanks for the joys and graces experienced. It is a beautiful, short, quiet
and meditative service and brings a perfect end to the day. It is a point of
calm in a hectic week, a nightcap for the soul.
Tenebrae on Good Friday in St. Paul’s, Healey at 7.30 p.m. The word
‘tenebrae’ is Latin for shadows. The purpose of the Tenebrae service is to
recreate the emotional aspects of the passion story. The service starts out
with the church in candlelight and the candles are gradually extinguished
as the story of Good Friday is told, finishing with the church in darkness.
People leave in silence. (The lights are turned up but re main dim so that
people can see their way out). The purpose of the service is to recreate
the betrayal, abandonment, and agony of the events, and it is left unfin-
ished, because the story isn’t over until Easter Day.
Service Of Light on Easter Day in St. Mary’s, Masham at 6.00 a.m. fol-
lowed by a cooked breakfast at Cogden House, 34 Market Place, Masham.
A dramatic service that starts in the dark and marks the beginning of East-
er. The service begins outside the church. A new fire is lit and blessed. A
Paschal Candle is blessed and lit and carried into the dark church; every-
one lights their individual candles from the Paschal candle and continue in
procession until the whole church is alight. The Paschal candle symbolizes
Christ, the Light of the World. As the candle proceeds through the church,
the small candles held by those present are gradually lit from the Paschal
candle. As this symbolic "Light of Christ" spreads, darkness is decreased.

The next Singing for Fun (for adults) will take place in the church on
Tuesday13th March at the church. Please bring a plate of finger food for a
shared lunch at 12.15 pm to start singing at 1.15 pm unto 2.15 pm.
Singing for Fun (for children) will take place in the church on Saturday
17th March at 3.00 to 4.00pm – a drink and biscuits will be served. A
permission slip will be required which parents/guardians complete on
Pie & Pint Monday 12th March, at 12.00 for 12.30 p.m. at the Bay Horse
pub. Please tell Jim on 01765 689828 if you are coming. Pie and a pint of
local beer is £7.50 but the light menu and other drinks are of course
available. All welcome.
Thank you to everyone who supported the 2018 Burns Supper.
Further information speak to Lesley Hunter on 01765 689828

Three Monarchs Feasting, Pageantry, Revelry
Friday 6th April 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Masham Town Hall. Three course meal
& entertainment. Tickets £35 from Janet Jameson (01765 689068), Jim
Hunter (01765 689828) or Masham Community Office
In aid of the Masham Church (2000) Trust


Sunday 10.30 am Masham Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament

4th March 10.30 am Snape Mrs E.Hogerzeil
10.30 am Tanfield Garbutt
6.30 pm Maple Creek Rev. Nick Morgan
6.30 pm Snape Worship and Explore

Sunday 10.30 am Masham John Bailey

11th March 10.30 am Snape Rev D Wood
10.30 am Tanfield Rev.Dr Malham
6.30 pm Ellington Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament
6.30 pm Snape Mr D Lightfoot

Sunday 10.30 am Masham Mr F Bell

18th March 10.30 am Snape Mr L Baynes
10.30 am Tanfield Phillips
6.30 pm Snape Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament

Palm Sunday 10.30 am Masham United with St Marys
25th March 10.30 am Snape Rev.Dr Malham
10.30 am Tanfield F Bell
6.30 pm Ellington Rev.Emison
6.30 pm Snape Rev. H Bell
6.30 p.m. Masham Kings Praise

The Real Easter Egg

The egg that shares the Easter story. Out of the 80 million Easter eggs
sold each year, The Real Easter egg is the only Fairtrade one with the
Easter Story in the box, and which supports charitable projects. The whole
range can be ordered online at or from
Traidcraft,, TLM, Embrace the Middle East.
Christian bookshops and some cathedrals also have stock. You can also
buy the blue Original egg from Tesco, Waitrose, Morrisons and Asda. See
the full shop list or order at

A traveller is coming with an extraordinary story to tell

15th April 2018 at 6:30pm, Masham Town Hall, a dramatic retelling of the
complete Gospel of Mark. A traveller arrives to tell the story of a preacher
and miracle-worker whose dynamic presence touches the lives of all who
meet him, with the most astonishing twist-in-the-tale the world has ever
known! There is joy and sorrow, comedy and pathos, as Mark’s fast-
moving narrative brings the characters to life. The drama is underscored
throughout by live music. In the second act we begin the journey to
Jerusalem and the Cross, and an invitation to share bread and wine before
the startling discovery of the empty tomb. Devised & performed by Rev’d
Ian Birkinshaw and Peter Birkinshaw, who both work with Riding Lights
Theatre Company.


Methodist News
Saturday Morning is open in the chapel School Room each week from
10.30am to 12noon. A good place to refresh yourself on your way to or from
your Saturday shop!
For chapel bookings, phone Diana Pybus on 689875.

Hope Community Project

Knitting Group We meet every Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist
School Room from 2pm and 4pm. We are very lively and supportive group
and welcome new members whether experts or novices. There are plenty
of experienced knitters to teach beginners or give advice on tricky patterns!
If you want to know more, give Lynda a ring on (01765) 688170 or just turn
up on the day! We have plenty of wool, needles and patterns to get you
Wednesday Drop-in is the place to go for a good cup of coffee (or tea!)
and a chat. You’ll find us in the Methodist School Room from 10.30am to
12noon every week.
Thursday Club normally meets at Maple Creek from 2.30-4.00pm every
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Everyone is welcome to join us for
refreshments, good company, speakers and music.
This month’s sessions:
March 8th Beetle Drive 22nd Easter Celebration
Sunday Afternoon Drop-in is open every week at Maple Creek from 3.00
– 4.00pm. If Sunday afternoon feels a bit empty, you are welcome to join
us for conversation, refreshments, and a good laugh – guaranteed to cheer
you up!
Hope Community Garden Spring is on its way, and work will be starting
again this month.If you are interested in what it’s all about, or would like to
take part in some way, Jim Hunter is the man to talk to – he can be
contacted at 01765 689828


Open every Wednesday, 12.30-3.30pm at Masham Methodist Church
We offer a simple café serving soup, rolls, cakes and hot drinks, and a
variety of activities from dominoes to crafts, and singalongs to darts. Our
main objective is to provide good company, good conversation and plenty
of laughter. We are very grateful to the Co-op who held a raffle to support
us and at our Christmas party presented us with a cheque for £100. We
were also delighted at the beginning of February to be invited by Dementia
Forward to afternoon tea at Ripley Town Hall along with three similar
groups. The event was also attended by Cllr. Helen Swiers, Chairman of
North Yorkshire County Council, who thanked all the volunteers for the
valuable work they do, and presented each group with a certificate in
recognition of their dedication.
We are open to everyone, but offer additional information and support for
people living with dementia through our contacts with Dementia Support,
Carers Resource, Red Cross and others.
If you would like more information about the centre, or would like to
volunteer, please contact Joy Rayden on (01765) 689310.

Blue Light Gallery: For the first week of March, Jo Garlick’s soft pastels
are on the walls of the Blue Light Gallery with Lisa Tindale’s very clever
mosaic tiles and Smugglers Treasure - handmade jewellery using
recycled silver and beach finds in the cabinets. Kwirky Kloks are back
with their individually themed clocks. From the 10 th March, Emma Spick
returns with her very popular felted pictures, wood turner Dennis Thorpe
is exhibiting for the first time and Annie Elias’ adorable felted bears will
make unique presents for anyone over 36 months. The Gallery is open the
same time as the Community Office: Monday-Saturday, 10am-3pm. For
more information about future exhibitions or if you would like to exhibit,
please contact The Blue Light Gallery at the Community Office, 7 Little
Market Place, Masham, HG4 4DY or call 01765 680 200 or e-
Citizens Advice Drop-In Advice Session (Craven & Harrogate
Districts): at Mashamshire Community Office on Thursday 1st March (and
every first Thursday of the month). Drop-in session from 10am-noon.
Free, confidential, independent, impartial advice covering Debt, Benefits,
Housing, Employment and Consumer. Advice line 03444 111444
(standard rate).Email:
Enquiry form
Tour de Yorkshire Roadshow: on Tuesday 6th March from 2-3.30pm at
Masham Town Hall. Businesses across Yorkshire are being invited to a
series of Tour de Yorkshire roadshows as the county gears up to host the
major international cycle race, coming through Masham on Sunday 6th
May 2018. This roadshow, delivered by Welcome to Yorkshire, is a great
opportunity to come along and find out more about what is happening in
Masham and across the region during the Tour. The session will include a
short presentation, detailed information of the new route, and a Q&A
opportunity. Registration from 2pm. To book your free place, please visit:
Movies in Masham: Goodbye Christopher Robin (PG) on Tuesday 6th
March. The books of AA Milne (Domnhall Gleeson) about his son
Christopher Robin (superb newcomer Will Tilston) sweep the nation. But
what will the acclaim do to the Milne family? On Tuesday 20th March,
come and see To Kill a Mockingbird (PG). This 1962 classic, adapted
from Harper Lee’s novel, is set in small-town Alabama. Widowed lawyer
Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck) risks his reputation to defend a black man
accused of raping a white woman. All films start at 7.30pm at Masham
Town Hall. Tickets £5 from Mashamshire Community Office, Tel: 01765
680200 or on the door. Come and enjoy the full cinema experience, wine
and soft drinks, sweets from Bah Humbugs and Brymor ice cream.
Eilidh Steel and Mark Neal: Eilidh and Mark are a Scottish fiddle and
guitar duo who are in great demand in the UK and abroad. Combining
traditional music rooted in Argyll and Scotland's West Coast with their own
compositions, Eilidh and Mark are leading lights of the young folk/roots
movement and have toured extensively in the UK and around Europe.
"Everyone on the planet should hear (them) at least once" - Fatea
Magazine. Masham Town Hall on Saturday 10 th March at 7.30pm. Tickets
£10. Concessions £6 available from Mashamshire Community Office
01675 680200 or email:
Sponsored Walk: Sunday 11th March 11am-1pm. Commencing from
Masham Town Hall, walk around the Wetlands and along the River Ure.
Easy 2.5 mile walk with points of interest enroute. Refreshments served in
the Town Hall from 10.30am with hot drinks, sandwiches and homemade
cakes. There are also some stalls, so pop along, even if you don't want to
walk. In aid of Saving Yorkshire's Dogs. For
more information, please call: 07562 986 101 or email:

Trash to Treasure: Save the date, and help save lives! Class Four at
Masham School are taking over the Town Hall on Thursday 15 th March
from 10am-3pm to raise awareness and money for the plight of children
living amongst the rubbish dumps of Manila. Come and listen to a range of
speakers (including our own children), enjoy a delicious lunch, and work
together to turn trash into treasure. All proceeds will go to charities
supporting children’s lives in the Philippines. Tickets: £4.00, available from
Masham Primary School (Tel: 01765 689200) and Mashamshire
Community Office (Tel: 01765 680200). If you can’t make the date but
would still like to help, we would love to hear from you. We desperately
need people with craft skills to help us up-cycle unloved items into treasure
which we can sell. Similarly, if you would like to donate craft materials, or
have anything which you could donate for up-cycling for a good cause,
please bring them to the school office by Friday 9th March. For more
information, please email:
Food Safety in Catering (Level 2): for local businesses or individuals at
Masham Town Hall on Tuesday 20th March from 9.30am-3.30pm. Aimed at
anyone working in a catering environment where food is prepared, cooked
and handled. Gain a firm grasp of food safety systems, techniques and
procedures involved. Learn how to control food safety risks. Be confident
in your expertise to safely deliver quality food. Refreshment of this
qualification is recommended at least every 3 years.
Useful for charitable groups catering at the Town Hall, pubs, hotels, tea
rooms and any organisation that produces food. Cost: £65 per person and
£55 for community organisations. Limited spaces.
To book, please call Mashamshire Community Office on 01765 680 200 or
Eighteenth-Century Women Artists: by Caroline Chapman as part of
Grewelthorpe Village Café Talks Programme on Wednesday 21 st March at
7.30pm. Although the eighteenth century produced women artists like
Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun and Angelica Kauffman, their achievements have
previously been overlooked by art-historians. Caroline has worked in
publishing for 40 years and has written several books, including one on the
founders of the Bowes museum. She lives in Grewelthorpe. Donations on
the night.
I-Pad Support: With thanks to the Co-Op Community Fund, Mashamshire
Community Office have two i-pads for community use. Do you own an i-
pad but don’t feel very confident in using it? Are you thinking of buying one
but want to know more before you spend the money? Do you want to find
out some more shortcuts? Our volunteers are offering help and support at
drop-in sessions at Mashamshire Community Office on Monday afternoons
from 1-2.30pm. Please call first to book an appointment, 01765 680200.
We are able to lend the i-pads to any community group that would be
interested in using them as part of an activity. We also have a volunteer
who is very knowledgeable with Tablets and happy to help. Please get in
touch if you require his services.
Wheelchair: Our donated wheelchair has frequently been “borrowed” over
the Summer. If you have a need, or an elderly relative or friend staying,
please contact us and we can make arrangements to lend you the
wheelchair. Any donation would be greatly received! For more
information, please call 01765 680200 or pop into the Community Office, 7
Little Market Place. Email:
Old stamps and corks: are needed to help raise funds for Saving York-
shire’s Dogs (SYD). Please take any used postage stamps (with some en-
velope still attached) and proper corks (not plastic) to Forrest House Vets,
5 Little Market Place, HG4 4DY. Any queries, please call 07562 986101.
Liftshare: If you haven’t already, come and find out how to travel more
easily from/to Masham by joining this FREE journey matching service,
linking those who live, work, or travel in and around Masham. Please log
on to to register your journey or to request a
lift. You can choose to car share as little or as often as you like, it doesn’t
have to be on a regular basis. If you’re concerned about having to register
online, pop into the Community Office for more information and we’ll show
you how easy it is to register your request or offer of a lift on Tel: 01765 680 200 or email: Please support this initiative and help our
community travel.

Dales Centre: (previously Dales Care) in Bedale is now open on Tuesdays

and Thursdays from 10am – 2pm. No booking necessary. Pop in for a hot
drink and a biscuit (£1 per drink) or stay for a two course freshly cooked
meal with all drinks included (£8). The centre also has a bathroom suite
with hoist available for hire on Tuesdays and Thursdays for those needing
assistance with bathing. Booking necessary (£10 per session). Please
bring someone to assist you. Call 01677 425806 for more information.

Masham Local History Group

Tuesday13th March. York Guildhalls - Professor Kate Giles
Tuesday 27th March Human bones from Archaeological sites-
Dr Charlotte Roberts
Meetings are held in Masham Town Hall at 7.30pm and non-members are
charged £3. All are welcome

Masham WI
Would like to invite you to a ‘Buzzing Evening’. on Monday 12th March
at7.15 p.m. in Masham town Hall. Our Speaker will be Fran Hall. Fran
who is an expert in Bees and the Making of delicious honey from her hive
in Ellingstring. Our competition will be an Arrangement of of flowers with a
Black and Yellow theme. Hope you will join us. Visitors welcome at a small
fee of £3.50.Tea/Coffee/ Biscuits.

Masham Players Present `Daisy Pulls It Off By Denise Deegan

This riotous and affectionate pastiche of the classic girls' school story was
a huge West End hit and won the Olivier Award and Drama Theatre Award
for Best Comedy. Full of hilarious characters and splendid scrapes Daisy
Pulls it Off celebrates, with a sly wit and a big heart, an arguably sweeter,
more innocent era. The play is directed by Julie Prescott 22nd, 23rd, 24th
March 2108 Masham Town Hall
Tickets £8 and £7 (concessions over 60, under 16 and disabled)
Contact Masham Community Office on 01765 680200
Methodist News
The ladies from W Tanfield Methodist Chapel invite any one who would
benefit from hot meal and good company to come along to the old chapel
on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 12.15 . You may be hesitant to
come but you can be assured a of a warm welcome so do come and give
it a try . Contact 01677 470961 .
The Homemakers meet in the old Chapel W.Tanfield on the 3rd Monday
of every month at 7.30 pm or sometimes out and about .
19th March The work of the charity Action For Children
16th April Angela Close .Subject .Antiques.
21st May A visit to Braithwaite's Nursery Leeming Bar and
Demonstration : How to fill a Hanging Basket Contact 01677 470268

Lent Lunches In West Tanfield

In aid of St. Nicholas’ Church funds and Herriot Hospice Homecare.
Thursday 8th March 12.30 p.m.and at The Bull on Thursday 22nd March
12.30 p.m. at The Bruce. Soup and Sandwiches for donations of whatever
people feel they would like to give. It would be helpful if people could book
their places at the communal tables in advance. Please telephone 01677

A Lenten Cantata
A performance of Handel’s ‘A Lenten Cantata’ takes place in St. Nicholas
Church, West Tanfield on Sunday, March 18 th at 4.00 p.m. by a combined
choir of choristers from St. Nicholas Church and churches in the
neighbouring parishes of Burneston, Kirklington and Wath.It is made up of
four choruses from the Easter section of ‘The Messiah’ plus recitatives
and arias from his ‘Passion of Christ’ and relates the events leading to
Christ’s crucifixion.The soloists in this performance are: Susie Morgan, Ian
Sweeney and Reverend Nick Morgan and the organist will be Tony Rudd.

West Tanfield Tennis News

The first club night of the season will be on Tuesday 3rd April from
6 p.m. onwards .The club are having a FAMILY DAY on Sunday April 8th
2 p.m. until 4 p.m. . Every one welcome to come along (young and not so
young !! ) An opportunity to play and have fun . Tea .Bring and Share
If you are interested in playing on a Thursday morning as a Member or pay
as you play . Contact Lesley Chadwick 01765 604145. The new club
house is now in place . The “GRAND OPENING “ is planned for Sunday
10th June 2 p.m. Every one is invited to come along to this special
occasion. . There will be an opportunity to play tennis or just mix and
mingle and enjoy tea . Do come along and support the club . Put the date
in your diary.Junior coaching will begin in May .New Members are always
welcome . Contact 01765 635318 for any information .

West Tanfield Cricket Club

The cricket season will soon be here, it starts on Sat April 21st. Once again
the club will be running 2 teams in the Nidderale Lg & a team in The
Wensleydale Evening Lg. New players of all abilities are always welcome,
& visitors are always welcome at the club for tea or a pint
.Indoor nets are at Aysgarth School on Sunday evenings 8.30pm - 9.30pm
new players are very welcome. For more details contact John
07761796021 or Tom 07850743596. A Quiz was held recently in The Bull
on behalf of the Cricket Club. The Club donated the £60 raised to
Dementia Forward & Bluebell Day Centre in memory of club member
Steve Greensit's wife, Janet, who sadly passed away in January.

Nicky’s Pre-school “Good” Ofsted rating

Congratulations to our new pre-school manager and the team at Nicky’s
for achieving a “Good” rating in our latest Ofsted inspection.
Nicky’s is a small pre-school situated next door to St. Nicholas school in
West Tanfield, which means we have excellent links with the school and
others in the area. We offer flexible hours from 7.45am to 5.30pm and also
offer the government funded 30 hours extended entitlement as well as the
universal 15 hours entitlement. So if your funding has just started or about
to start then come along and see what our pre-school has to offer. Please
contact our manager Elisa on 01677 470123 or visit our website for further information.

West Tanfield and District Flower Club. This month we see the return of
John Dalton for our open evening, John is a well known name in flower
arranging, so we welcome him back after his last visit three years ago.
TIckets are now on sale at £8.00 each,this includes wine and nibbles, they
can be obtained from Pauline 01765 689175 or Brenda. 01677 470557.
To be held at West Tanfield Village Hall at 7-30pm.


Church Electoral Roll
If there are any residents of Well and Snape who are not currently, but
would like to be, on the Church Electoral Roll, will they please get in touch

with Ian McCarroll on 01677 470583 BEFORE Thursday, 22nd March.
Thank you"

Well Walkers – March longer walks, generally around 5-7 miles, 5th & 19th,
all 10.00 am from Orchard House. Telephone 470305 for more information
if you want to come along and join in, everyone welcome, you don’t have
to live in the village to join in.
Shorter, easier walks of up to 4 miles to take place on Monday 12 th & 26th
March, 10.00 am from Orchard House, everyone welcome. Tele 470426
for more information if you want to come along or know of any shorter
walks we could do or that you want to suggest
Well Ladies Coffee – Wednesday 14th March at Sue Bravender’s, Pear
Tree Cottage, Church Street 10.30 am
Wellies Craft Group –Tuesday 6th February at Kath Greaves, everyone
welcome, you don’t have to be ‘crafty’ to join in. Something Christmassy
this month. Just come and listen if you don’t have anything you particularly
want to do. Phone 470426 for venue or ask to be added to the email list
for the group if interested
Well Parish Council – the next meeting will be Monday 7th May at The
Institute, 7.00 pm. This will be the Annual Village and Annual General
Meeting of the PC unless there is a reason to call a meeting earlier than
Well Village Website –, or email
Village Email Contact Group – several emails a month are sent out to
those on the list, if you want to be included or no longer wish to receive
emails please contact the clerk on Your email
address will not be disclosed to any other parties and kept confidential.
Defibrillator Code – the code for the defibrillator machine is C147 and is
also on the side of the porch at The Milbank Arms is on the notice on the
notice board across the road next to the bus shelter. Please let the Clerk
know in the event of it being used so that new pads can be ordered.


Methodist News
Craft and Chat.......Tuesday 13th & 27th... from 2-4pm. All welcome to
come along and bring your own craft or join in a communal one, while
enjoying enjoying a chat.
Under 5's..........10-11.30am each Wednesday for children, parents,
grandparents and carers.

Youthclub.........Thursday 8th and 22nd, 7-9pm in the Institute, for
secondary school age children. On the 8th, it will include Pyrography and
crafts, on the 22nd, there will be a walk up to the lambing shed at Roskill.
Sunshine Corner......Friday 9th & 23rd, 3.30-5pm. Each session, includes
fun, crafts, and games etc based around a bible story.
Guild......Friday 2nd, 7.30 pm.....led by Rebecca and Mike Ducker
Monthly coffee morning.........Saturday 31st, from 10-12, why not call in
for a free coffee and friendly chat
Family Time Special. ....Sunday, 18th, from 3.30-5pm. This relaxed
friendly family afternoon is held in the institute and after a short story, there
are several theme related crafts, followed by a tea. All families welcome.

Snape Show The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Methodist
Chapel school room a 7pm on Monday 16th April 2018. This meeting is
open to all locals people in the parish of Snape with Thorp and Well.

Church Electoral Roll

If there are any residents of Well and Snape who are not currently, but
would like to be, on the Church Electoral Roll, will they please get in touch
with Ian McCarroll on 01677 470583 BEFORE Thursday, 22nd March.
Thank you"

Snape Local History Group

Meetings are held on Fridays at 7.30pm in Snape Institute. Admission is
£2.50 for non-members, who are welcome at all speaker and discussion
9 March Grounds For Appeal -a follow up to last year's discussion on the
WWI Appeal Tribunal Papers in NYCRO- Discussion Evening led by Ruth
23 March The Black Death - the disease, its effects, symptoms and how
our ancestors dealt with it or died - Illustrated talk by Eric Houlder.

Snape Institute
Snape Institute is holding its AGM on Thursday 22nd March at 7pm in the
Institute. The meeting is open to all members of the parish and
nominations for new committee members would be most welcome. Please
ring the secretary on 470232. for details.
On Friday 27th April the Institute presents a concert by the “Highside
Singers” at 7.30pm. Tickets at £8 can be pre booked from Sarah Lowe on

The usual fitness and exercise classes are as follows;
Monday Carpet Bowls14.00-16.00.Circuit Training 19.30-20.30
Tuesday Yoga 1.00-12.30 (Term time only) Keep Fit 19.00-20.00
Wednesday Table Tennis19.00-21.00
Thursday Zumba 16.00-17.00
Friday Circuit Training 9.30-10.30 T’ai Chi 1.00-12.15 (Term time)
Lent Breakfasts in North Stainley will take place on Thursday 1st , 8th ,
15th and 22nd March at 9am in the Staveley Arms in North Stainley. A
special offer of a breakfast roll and tea or coffee for £5 is available. During
the breakfasts there will be an opportunity to colour in some posters from
Lindisfarne Scriptorium which feature Lenten themes. These will be
displayed during Holy Week in St Mary’s Church. No need to book – just
turn up.
The Staveley Arms Pub, North Stainley March Events
Wednesday Night Carvery from 4 pm £6.95, Thursday Night Italian 2
meals for £10, Friday night is Fish night. Bi-weekly General Knowledge
quiz March 7th and 21st, starts at 7.45pm FREE. Mothers Day 11th
March, booking recommended FREE gifts for all mums.

Job Opportunity
Caretaker/ Cleaner needed for North Stainley Village Hall, North Stainley
Sport and Recreation Trust wish to recruit a Caretaker /Cleaner to aid the
effective running of the Village Hall and associated services. Approx time 8
Hours per week: Salary £9 per hour. Due to the sensitive nature of the site
the successful applicant will subject to a DBS check. Please contact Mal
Lee (Treasurer NSSRT) for further information and job description. Email : or Ring 01765 635024

Exhibition and Sale of Paintings by David Page Art

St. John's Church, Sharow, Ripon HG4 5BJ. Thurs. 22 - Sat. 24 March
2018 at 12.30p.m. to 5.30p.m. and from 6.30p.m. daily. Live incidental
music, refreshments and silent auction. Entry £2.50p afternoons; £5.00p
evenings with free glass of wine.Children FREE. 60% of art proceeds
shared equally - Northern Aldborough Festival; Ripon Choral Society; St.
John's Church. See David Page Art Facebook page for 'event' updates.


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