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The background of this research related to the stress among the teenagers,
since they were considered in the period of seeking their identity. In this period is
regarded as the time of stress that distracts self-existence and causes distress.
The main causes of stress for most teenagers were the problems related to hard
tasks or the inability of coving with the tasks due to unstable situation or stress
caused by trauma (Wangsa, Teguh, 2010). Stress is reactions or responses of the
body toward psychosocial stressor (Sunaryo, 2004). One of the effects of the
stress is the teenagers’ habit of smoking for the purpose of increasing the ability
in stressful situation.
Based on the report of WHO (2008) Indonesia was listed in the third position of
the total smokers, and the preliminary study at Garut Nursing Academy of Local
Government Garut showed that 17 of 20 (85%) male students were smokers. Their
reason of smoking (12 students or 60%) referred to stress.
The aim of the research was to find out the correlation the level of stress
and smoking habit among the male teenagers of Garut Nursing Academy of Local
Government Garut by the year of 2014.
The type of this research was referred to descriptive correlation with total
sampling to 131 male teenagers. The technique of collecting data was
questionnaires and data analysis used was unvariat and bivariat in line with chi-
The result of the research indicated that almost all male teenagers were in
light stress, and the majority of the teenagers could categorized as light smokers.
There existed significant correlation between stress and smoking habit. Based on
this finding, It is suggested that it be in need of guiding them in relation to stress
and smoking habit solution through any kind of activity such as recreation,
exercises, arts, and social work to reduce the stress. To overcome the smoking
habit and to reduce the total pieces of the cigarettes, health education is supposed
to be promoted among the male teenagers. Through this effort it is expected that
they can stop this habit. This effort should be conducted by academic advisor by
any time when they consult academic tasks.

Keywords : Level of stress, smoking habit

References : 19 books (2003 – 2012) and 14 internet sites

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