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1- If I spoke Japanese as well as you do, ----. English for the benefit of young audiences --
A) shopping in Japan can be a very interesting
experience A) that their translations favour a literal
B) I would try to find a job with one of the approach
Japanese banks B) who are confused by jokes which are-400
C) it makes it easier when trying to make years out of date
myself understood in Japan C) although the words differ but the meaning
D) I was actually asked in an interview does not
E) I must find out how to ask for vegetarian D) why they compare it in different translations
food in Japanese and languages
E) many of which can be found on the Internet
2- ----that working with and around electricity
requires your full attention and respect. 7- There is no need for you to take any
medicine ----.
Başarmak için YESDĐL!

A) Electricity is a strong invisible force

B) Accidental contact with electrical currents A) even if there were no signs of disease
can cause injury B) before your health care provider might
C) You should make it part of your routine to prescribed an antiviral medicine
wear rubber gloves C) if you eat well-balanced meals
D) It is very important to remember D) although the risk of transmission is not high
E) You must inspect your electrical tools on a E) as soon as you had your blood pressure
regular basis checked

3- If you don't stop saying such negative 8- You should keep important documents in a
things about your opponent, ----. safe place -----.

A) this had to be done in a positive manner A) what you do before an emergency happens
B) you may not be able to win the election B) in case you need to leave your home for
C) you must sell not only your ideas but extended periods of time
yourself C) if you had become a victim of identity theft
D) you should have pointed out the D) when you gave your social security number
differences between you and your over a cellular phone
opponent E) after you prepared a list of your medical
E) positive points also should have been conditions and prescription medications
9- Society is becoming increasingly reliant on
4- As bear and lion habitats continue to technology and ----- they are going to get left
decrease, ----. behind.

A) they used to damage property, agriculture, A) thus there is an increasing demand for
and natural resources people with training in technical fields
B) they contributed to our enjoyment of nature B) that could help to meet this growing need
and outdoor recreation C) unless people have a degree of
C) interactions between these animals and engagement with technology
humans continue to increase D) which helps companies to develop
D) they were serious predators of sheep, and innovative products and services
goats E) therefore there is a growing perception that
E) both species were vulnerable to attack science can solve any problem

5- -----, no matter how clean they seem to be. 10- Human genes are to be manipulated only to
correct diseases ----.
A) You should never use these empty
containers for anything else A) where computerized robotics were used to
B) People prefer potatoes that are large and check thousands of DNA samples
round in shape B) by the time scientists identified individual
C) Terriers don't have a strong doggy odour human genes
and are easy to train C) while they were checking DNA samples
D) Wind generators are becoming more D) for which alternative treatments are
popular unsatisfactory
E) Daily disposable contacts are probably the E) a few of which had been cloned or mapped
best vision correction option
6- A leading British scholar has proposed
translating Shakespeare into contemporary 1

11- We either leave now and avoid rush hour ---- 16- ----, artificial intelligence will be the subject
. of my thesis.

A) so our hours extend well beyond normal A) As soon as it became a scientific discipline
business hours B) That it is not relevant for my current work
B) in order to pick up the kids from basketball C) If there were one full-time researcher in the
practice project
C) thanks to continuous flow of traffic to the D) Unless my professor suggests otherwise
suburbs E) Though it has been seen as an interesting
D) despite having a map right in front of us research subject
E) or wait until after 19:00 to drive home
17- When I am in a theatre and tons of people
12- ---- when a tsunami hit the Asian coasts. are talking throughout the movie, ----.

A) It has caused a huge loss of life and A) they didn't realize how loudly they were
livelihoods talking
B) In many areas fishing activities are still B) I sat as far away from people as I could
Başarmak için YESDĐL!

nonexistent C) it used to be one of the most popular forms

C) It was the early morning of December 26 of entertainment in our city
D) Many diving resorts renowned for their rich D) I just want to leave and watch the film later
marine life have been destroyed on my TV
E) Tourism is a key economic activity in many E) they were caught having a phone call in a
of the affected areas theatre

13- Although technology has the potential to 18- Even though the modern world-economy
provide a better quality of life for everyone, - will require many more people to use
---. English, ----.

A) it is such an inseparable part of human A) the schools are playing their part to
society encourage the use of proper English
B) it gives rise to robust economies B) proficiency in English is regarded as a
C) it helps us combine resources to produce gateway to economic globalisation
desired products C) it is a necessity for many people
D) electronics technology allows people to D) the Ministry of Education has also taken
receive news and entertainment from all concrete steps
over the world E) this does not mean that people have to
E) it is also capable of destroying everything lose their mother tongues
within a very short space of time
19- When an animal dies, ----, where it gets
14- There is evidence to suggest -----. covered up by mud.

A) since Mars was once a really wet place A) a number of scavengers will often quickly
B) that lose weight will have maintained these move in to consume the carcass
losses after four or five years B) the body may sometimes be carried away
C) as marijuana interferes with our body's' by streams into lakes or the sea
immune response C) an autopsy should be performed
D) although the average rate of warming of D) the custom is to put the carcass out for the
the Earth's surface will be greater hyenas
E) that the smog in the Arctic is thicker than E) it becomes imperative to know the cause of
the smog anywhere else in the world death

15- Many people don't see the need for using 20- Communication is the means ---- in order to
computers ----. be heard and change our environment
according to our own version of reality.
A) so that we could overcome the problem of
illiteracy A) how it enables us to be fully participating
B) since modern universities usually provide members of our community
resources for computer-based teaching B) because of its role in sharing and
and learning challenging values and information
C) because they haven't had to use them in C) that it prepares you to be a more effective
their jobs so far communicator
D) even tough many of them become obsolete D) through which we express ourselves
very soon E) why it is an essential element of a
E) what their capabilities are, both in the democratic society
workplace and in their leisure activities 2

21- Camels need lots of salt in their diet ----. 26- -----, naturally a person would take an
umbrella to his office.
A) so that they can be strong enough to carry
heavy loads on long journeys A) Unless there is a 95 per cent probability of
B) while salt came from the southern Sahara rain
C) when people used camels for B) If a weather forecaster said that there's 80
transportation in some mountainous areas per cent chance of rain
D) until they started living in very hot desert C) When the announcer warned of another
areas day of rain on the radio
E) which can walk 25 miles a day with the D) Though more rain has been forecast for the
help of their long legs weekend
E) Even if he or she knows it is going to rain
22- It will take a long time for Guatemala to
recover from the massive damage ---- that 27- The cactus must conserve the water that is
destroyed the livelihoods of thousands of stored inside of it ----.
A) which allowed less water to evaporate
Başarmak için YESDĐL!

A) though the final death toll will likely never B) how the leaves have evolved into spines
be known C) why it is well-adapted to life with little
B) however rescue teams couldn't reach some precipitation
areas D) since it has to deal with very dry conditions
C) as hundreds more have been reported E) very few of which have leaves
D) so it cut the region off from the rest of the 28- ----, there is no such thing.
E) caused by Hurricane Stan A) In order to understand what free speech
23- Osteoporosis is a progressive disease ---- B) Thus there is only medicine that has been
that a bump or fall causes them to break proven to be effective
easily. C) As a clean nuclear weapon that minimizes
collateral damage
A) while it depends on the thickness of your D) Though the public increasingly demands
bones early in life no-risk food
B) that can cause loss of height and severe E) Nevertheless magic was thought to be
back pain somewhat exotic
C) in which bones become so thin, porous and
D) when this process begins to reverse 29- ----- that custom plays in forming our world
E) so the risk for the disease could have been outlook.
A) People are still not aware of the important
24- The mouth of the Amazon River has long role
been a starting place for hunters ----. B) Norms may lose their original context as
society changes
A) that it is also home to some extreme C) The existence of a custom becomes most
creatures evident when it is ignored or violated
B) which is one of the longest rivers in the D) An individual sometimes finds himself in a
world foreign environment dealing with an
C) that drains the entire Northern half of the unfamiliar culture
South American continent E) Moral judgements define wrong and right
D) so that it can carry an enormous amount of behaviour
E) going to the jungles of Brazil 30- Retirement is obviously a very complex
period and -----, the better.
25- -----, since foxes do not compete with
wolves for food. A) when physical conditions don't allow the
person to work any more
A) Wolves and foxes can't coexist peacefully B) which is the status of a worker who has
B) They are usually aggressive towards any stopped working
wolves they may come across C) the earlier you start planning for it
C) Wolves often ignore foxes D) that usually happens upon reaching a
D) A solitary wolf is often at a disadvantage determined age
E) They have been known to prey on foxes E) though it is considered a right of the worker
in many societies 3

31- Many pure metals are rarely used for 36- -----, but the consumption has risen steadily.
industrial purposes ----.
A) Fast-food restaurants are the most frequent
A) if their properties had been changed by choice of outside food
changing the elements present in the alloy B) Over the past ten years, natural gas
B) in that they are elements that generally production has remained steady
have good electrical and thermal C) The Gulf War was responsible for the mild
conductivity yet noticeable increase in gasoline prices
C) because they are too soft, rust too easily, D) An added advantage of seafood is that its
or have some other drawbacks protein is highly digestible
D) that are used in aerospace applications for E) In the last 30 years milk drinking among
fuel economy teens has increased more than 40 percent
E) which means they can withstand impact
and are durable

32- The education budget for the coming year is

about $4 billion, ----.
Başarmak için YESDĐL!

A) otherwise the rest must be distributed to

schools 37- Despite almost universal acknowledgement
B) which is much more than what people of the vital importance of women's literacy, -
expected ---.
C) because it is still not enough to cover all
policy obligations A) they are encouraged to pursue technical or
D) why the minister of education announced scientific careers
his resignation B) education remains a dream for many
E) that is more than three times the size of our women in some countries of the world
General Fund budget C) the proportion of women in economic
decision-making positions has increased
33- -----, experts predict annual vehicle thefts D) most of them are interested in science
can exceed two million by the end of the E) it is particularly interesting to note that
decade. some of them are creators of major
A) In order not to be a victim of auto theft
B) As it is in everyone's best interest to
prevent theft
C) That it drives up the cost of insurance
D) If current trends continue
E) Although stolen vehicles are often driven
recklessly and at high speeds

34- The earliest animals ---- were all very simple 38- ---- upon which countries develop
kinds and lived in the sea. relationships.

A) whose remains have been found A) The more necessary it becomes for people
B) which has retained characteristics of a very to understand and cooperate with each
ancient ancestor other
C) since species evolve at very different rates B) They are likely to resolve the differences
D) why scientists usually compare their that arise between them
descendants C) Mutual respect for territorial integrity is one
E) what makes them an ideal model for of the bases
evolutionary comparisons D) People and governments in these countries
have to accept
35- A tattoo can be removed, with varying E) The program had helped some countries
degree of success, depending on ----. stop smugglers

A) in addition to using an advanced laser

B) how it was originally done
C) unless the surgery has been done
D) however the recovery time is longer
E) since the resulting scar is far worse than
the tattoo 4

39- The price of the coal will vary according to -- 40- Astronauts are subjected to all kinds of
--. tests ----.

A) even if coal burning stations use at least a A) when they stayed in a zero-gravity
dozen different types of coal environment for a long time
B) since most of it comes from local mines B) as soon as they started to experience
C) only if the distribution is inefficient space sickness in space
D) how far it has to be transported and how C) as they had been exposed to radiation
expensive the freight charges are D) after those most physically and mentally fit
E) which causes frequent energy shortages had been selected
E) before they are actually sent up in a
Başarmak için YESDĐL! 5


1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D

11. E 12. C 13. E 14. E 15. C 16. D 17. D 18. E 19. B 20. D

21. A 22. E 23. C 24. E 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. C

31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. E
Başarmak için YESDĐL! 6

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