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Sophia Burke

Professor Anderson

COMM 2150-403

January 29, 2018

#1 Chief Tecumseh


In this article, a Native American chief is speaking to a white man named William Henry

Harrison about the argument over land. Tecumseh makes the argument that the Great Spirit made

this land for all his children, not just those white and wealthy. He reminds him on a treaty signed

back in 1795, which was an agreement of who can claim what land. However, the United States

then broke that treaty and broke Native American territory. The Native Americans believed that

land is not property, and it is against all morals to try and sell. This chief said, “Sell a country?!

Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the earth?” The chief has no confidence in white

people and says they are unjust.


There isn’t much to interpret, as it is obvious that the chief has had enough of the white

people lying, stealing, and abusing. The chief is furious that the white people keep trying to steal

the Native American lands. They even make treaties with them to later just break them as if their

word means nothing. Tecumseh is trying to warn others not to sell land to white people because

white people are the devil and will try to take advantage of your kindness. He feels betrayed.


I agree with Tecumseh whole-heartedly. What the white man did was and still is one of

the worst things someone could do to a culture, besides actively trying to kill them and practice

genocide. These white men sail over from Europe, bring disease, steal their land, make false

treaties and betray their trust, and destroy everything sacred. White people believe they are the

superior race, and it’s completely racist to see a group of people living peacefully and just take

whatever they want. The article leaves me disappointed and ashamed of calling myself a white

person. I want to acknowledge all the painful things my ancestors have done to innocent people

like this village. Their way of life was sacred and shouldn’t have been intruded so much upon.


I want to be able to acknowledge more about cultures that are different than mine. I want

to be able to actively listen and understand problems they are facing. I understand that I am

living with privilege, and that it is not so easy for minorities. Not even minorities, because white

people are the minority, we just believe we are superior for some reason. I want to be the

privileged person who makes a change for the better and use it for good. For example, during my

service learning project, I hope I can do some good to the Deaf community and listen to things

they have to say about hearing people, then take that into heart of things I can do to make things

more accessible to them. Maybe there is a lack of interpreters, or maybe there is a lack of closed

captioning. I am unsure of the problem yet, but I hope to at least be able to listen and connect

about it.

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