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Bill Woodward School​ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Winter 2018

Welcome to English Language Arts! I really look forward to working and learning 
with you this semester ​☺​ This class will be an opportunity for students to develop 
their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.  
Course Outline______________________________________________________________ 
The aim of the Language Arts program is to enable students to understand and 
appreciate language and to use it confidently, competently, and artistically in a 
variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction, and learning. The 
general learning outcomes outlined in the Grade 7 & 8 Language Arts Program 
of Studies (curriculum) will be achieved through: 
● Listening & Speaking 
● Reading & Writing  
● Viewing & Representing  


Course Content 

Unit 1: Grammar & Sentence Structure  

● Sentence structure (subject & predicate). 
● Verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc. 
● Paragraph writing (descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and expository 
● Writer’s workshops & notebook development. 
Unit 2: Short Stories  
● Authors purpose (writing to explain, entertain, inform, convince) 
● Elements of a short story (plot, setting, characters, etc.) 
● Introduction to figurative language & imagery. 
● Reading strategies - finding the main idea, recalling information, 
understanding sequence, finding word meaning in context, inferring and 
making predictions. 
Unit 3: Novel Study 
● Characterization (static, dynamic, round, flat), plot development, setting, 
mood & atmosphere. 
● Interpreting figurative language.  
● Summarizing and retelling. 
● Reading comprehension strategies. 
Unit 4: Poetry  
● Identifying figurative language & literary devices. 
● Identifying author’s purpose. 
● Poetry workshops. 
Unit 5: Multimedia & Non-Fiction 
● Media literacy. 
● Research project. 
● Distinguishing between fact and opinion. 
● Uncovering main idea and supporting evidence.  
● Identifying author’s purpose. 
*Units of study and their order are subject to change* 

Assignments: 30% 
Journal Prompts: 25% 
Projects: 20% 
Essays 15% 

All assignments are subject to change 

Expectations & Policies_______________________________________________________ 
Students are expected to follow the code of conduct as outlined in the BWS 
Student Handbook for 2017-2018, this includes the cell-phone/PCD policy. These 
policies are posted in the classroom and available online.  
The cell phone policy states that no cell phones are to be used in school unless 
for educational purposes designated by the teacher. Students who do not 
comply with this policy will have their device confiscated until the end of the 
Active participation, consistent work habits and taking responsibility for your 
conduct are key to your success in this class. If you put dedication and effort 
into each of these areas, you should achieve good marks and understanding of 
knowledge and skills. Your success is up to you! I can only help you achieve it if 
you are willing to put in the work.  
Extra help is always available to you should you need it! 

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