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Golden Slipper

Begins To Gleam r-
A tradition of GSCW will be
carried out when the freshmen
compete with the sophomores on ;: ;;i.-v;.
November 19 for the possession of
the GoWen Slipper. The Slipper
is held, at .present by the sopho- VOL. XIX MilJedgevaie, Ga., Tuesday. November 9, 1943. .-,; . . - i t'•• •mV'4i' t
mores of last year, who are now • • • • ' • "

Each of the classes is now pre-
paring a play, either an original
or an adaptation, to present in the
. contest. Members of the classes
Hart, Little, Brantley, LGgaii:
will be re'feponsible for the suc-
cess of their play. A new' ruling
this year prohibits the faculty
adviser from taking part in the
Elected To Freshman Offices
actual production of the play. CHAPMAlfMD'feiy^4''r"; •
Production of the sophomore's
play will be under the direction
of Janes Sparks, a senior. Sen.ior
Coiiege Ifieafre Series Opened Beth Hart decisively., defeated
Jane Knowles in th6^ runoVer-H^ld-
Wednesday, for freshman'ii-cteis&
advisers are Frances Walker and
Frankie Ridgeway. The faculty
advisEr is Miss Meaders Betty
With "Arsenic And Old Lace" president, as thiey pdlled 148f.^82'
votes respectively.-•• Presideiittai
By JUNE CAROL JONES nominees eliminated • in the *"pri-*
Boyd is writing the play. A hilarious plot and a cast capable of bringinig the char- mary election Monday-were'Mary
Committees and chairmen for acters to life m a d e the College Theatre production, Arsenic Helen Sperry, Jo£Jh Smith, and'Jo'
the sophomore class are as fol- and Old Lace, b y John Kesselring, a real success. Miller. • - ' . • ••••• .'•' t'
lov>'s: The play, under hte direction by Miss Edna West, v;as pre-
Stage crew—Helen Wallace Other officers" elecled' we-l:Je:'
sented to a capacity audience Thursday night.
Harriet Little, vice-president; Mi-- •
Posters—Mathilda Roughton
Arsenic and Old Lace is the riam Chapman, secretary; Mary.
Costumes—Lois Corry
story of the two Brewster sisters UPPERCLASSMEN VOTE Elizabeth Brantley, treasurer.;
(Continued on Page Five)
who mix cocktails of strychnine, TO ACCEPT HONOR PLAN Anna Logan, Represej-rtalive''to;

Phoenix Names e Edif@r cyanide, arsenic and elderberry

wine to help their poor lonesome Louise
chairman of
Court, and Minniebel Pov/'e'M,
Representative to Go'anci'}.' ';'''*
New Members male friends find peace and
that more than 90 per cent
Harriet Little, ' wmrn'rig '•' over
happiness. Complications arise Sunny Hancock with a 31 vpte'
Four new members of the Phoe- of the members of the soph-
when a long lost brother returns margin, was chosen vice-presi-^,
nix Society have been selected omors, junior and senior
Jewell Willie, editor of Col- to the Brewster home with a new dent. Miriam ChapriDajq defeated
from the senior class. They are classes voted to accept the
onnade and a member of the face, a criminal record, and a Isabel Murphy .'for,'treasure'ri' '155
Beulah Brown, Faye Hancock, honor system in academic
Senior Class, is no longer Jewell corpse. Of course, there's a ro- to 93,' in the only race to'be'(de-
Florence Hooten, and Doris Proc- work.
Willie. As of November 1st, 1943, mance, and a happy ending for cided in the. primary electio'ifi'."
tor. The acceptance of this sys-
she is Mrs. Sammy Cathcart all except the villainous brother. Mary Elizabeth Brantley.; ^re-
This society is composed of (Sonny) Ketchin, Jr. tem places the responsibility
The coup de grace comes when ceived 64% of yote.s eas.t to \viH
approximately the upper seviTi of neithier giving nor receiv-
It seems that Sonny and Wil- the twelve corpses rise from their over Saradelle Tiiirney, . tl^ereby
I per cent o i . the studpn^s o* the ing feelp in academic work
lis have been next-door neigh- graves in the cellar to take a bow becoming Freshman treasurer.''
senior d'iass. Only'trbcjur i'ne up- which is unauthorized by the ••'^i
per three and a half per cent were bors in Louisville, Georgia, for in curtain calls. Anna Logan polled 156 of . the
selected at this time as the re- 3ver so long and have known for All receipts from the play were faculty member. 233 votes cast, decisively- winning
maining portion will be chosen almost as long that someday they given to the American Theatre as Representative to Upper • Court
after grades for .the winter quar- would be Mr. and Mrs. Ketchin. Wing War Service for the bene- Sophomores Elect over May Jones... , • ;
ter are on file. Phoenix is the So when Sonny received his com- fit of Stage Door Canteens. Carolyn Smith lost,to Minnie-
only organization on the campus mission in the Navy on October The cast was as follows: Mayes And Quinn bell Powell as R.epresentative to
which is sponsored by the fac- 28, they decided there was time Abby Brewster—Jane Sparks •Sophomore class held their fall Council, They, polled 96-137
ulty as a whole. The Phi Beta to be married before he left for The Rev. Dr. Harper—Capt. C. election for their new class sec- votes.
Kappa members of the faculty active duty. They were married G. Cole retary and treasurer. The fol- Nominees elimiEaled. in the
serve as a permanent committee in Aiken, S. C , last Monday and Teddy Brewster—Max Noah lowing were elected: primary held Monday were: vice-
to select the students and are a are spending their honeymoon in Edith Harper—Mary Boyd Evangeline Mayes, secretary president, Olive Smith; treasure*?,
part of the society. Louisville. Officer Brophy—Sk. 3c John J. Nona Quinn, treasurer. Betty Shirmer; repre,f:entative to
Campo The Junior Class elected for court, Ann Cordell and Ora Spi-
Members who were selected Ensign Ketchin graduated in
last spring and who are still on Officer Klein—Sk, 3c John A. their new vice-pres:denit, Betty vey; representative 1o council,.
June from Erskine College, where Babick Armour of Columbus; Ga. She Ellen Blackburn.
the campus are Jane Bivins, Dor- he was editor of the college pa-
othy Mann and Hilda Pope. Martha Brewster—Jeanne Pet- replaced Jerry Glover, who didn't
psr, the Mirror. He has just com- (Continued on Page Six) come back to school this year.
pleted a special training course
Private To Appear for the Navy at Northwestern
On Appreciation Hour University.
n'lE I
Private Joe Glassman will ap- OM EXHIBIT!
pear on the regular Appreciation Dr. Paul J. E..oesen iii an ama-
Hour A¥ednesday, November 17, THAHISGI¥IMG ' teur but his "hc.bby"' is sO well
, in Russell Auditorium at 8:30
^ ..M p.m. Mr. Glassrnan is a violin-
WILL BE THEME Wednesday evenin, November 10, at 8:30 in the Russell developed th?:l his pictures h'ave
a decidedly professional 'touch.
Auditcrium, Williem Harizell Hov/and v/ill present an orcjan
ist'and is stationed at Robbins OF SEMIOR DANCE recital during' the Music Appreciation Hour.
Memb'rs of the i'r.cul'ly an'd' stu-
Field ,,i.n, Macon, at the present The traditional Thanksgiving dent body who' sav; his exhibit
time. He is a four-year fellow- Turkey will be in his glory Sat- Mr. 'Rov.-and attended school sic, and is a Fellow of the Am- in the Library ]art v/eek-'were t'lt-
ship holder from the Julliard urday night v^iien he presides av the Colorado State Preparatory erica Guild of Organists.' once delighted with his ability to
Graduate School of Music in New ever tlie Senior Dance from the School at Boulder, Colo., where His playing on the organ al- catch light and shadow ^'Ondv/itk-
York City. He has appeared in Dlace of honor over the big win- he began his organ study v\'ith ways evokes praise from those his pictures' clud eflects. "
concert as .<;oloist and with re- dow in ths gymnasium.. Prof. George M. C]iadwick. Then v;ho hear him'. In addition to re- One of Dr. Boesi-n's favorites
newed string quartets throughout followed two years at the Uni- citals in Northern cities, Mr. Row- is a picture of Pete—a •.southern
the country. He was a member In the leadout which is under versity of Colorado, and four and has played extensively darky who has v,'drked at'GSGW
of the Erno Rupee Symphony Or- the direction of Betty Cheney, the years at the Oberlin College Con- throughout the South. for some time. This'is'''a close
chestra at Ro'jkeJ'e'.Ior Center for couples will pa5s over a stile servatory of Music, where under up view of his' face -and was so
two years. He has also played Ihrcugh a giant pumpkin. the great teacher of-- , American NURSE COIRPS DATA well photographed and, developed'
with other famed O'chestras as Music will DC supplied by re- organists. Dr. George \N. An- AVAILABLE IN that all the shine and wrinkles
conductrd by Kostclanet:':, Reis- cordings, drew.?. Other organists v/ith HEALTH DEPARTMENT are vividly evident. ' •.
man, Warnow, and Himber. Flo Finney and Sara Kirkland '•vhom he has studied are Palmer The, Health Department will A favorite of many 'is • a side'
Dr. Joseph Maerz, pianist and are chairmen of the dance. Evelyn Chri.stian, Marcel Dupre, Arthur have a representative from the view of the court house.' ''It. is'
accompanist for Mr. Glassman, Davis is chairman of bids. Co- Poister, and Parvin Titus. At U. S. Nurse Corps Thursday and titled "Southera . Pori.icei" and is
for a long term of years, has been chairmen of decorations are Lot- Fountainbleau, France, Mr. Row- Friday of next week. She will a very impressive picture which'
the director of Wesleyan Conser- tie Wallace and Frances Walker. and studied with'Henri Libert. give to anyone who is inter-csted emphasises the charm of. south-
1 vatory of Music in Macon. He Seniors and their dates are in- For the past seven years, Mr. information about free profession- ern buildings. ' • .. •
*, A has appeared in concert in the vited to attend a buffet supper Rowand has been Director of al training with pay and about • "For Rent'" is a ' •delightfui
U. S., Canada, and Mexico. He before the dance Saturday night. Music at Shorter College, Rom.e, the career opixjrtunities for col- photograph of a.'.,bia'd hdusci-high' m
has appearied in Riussell Audito- Eleanor Douglas is- supper Georgia. He has the .degrees o;f. lege women in nursing that the up in]* lrep..-.whJch'
rium on former occasions. chairman. Bachelor of Music, Master of Mur Nurse Corps offers; (Continued oji iP^jge •.F.iv.*) '••'•
How To Write To That Boy
PLANS FOR YEAR Campus Briefs
The World "Everybody in the outfit w a s feeling kind of low. Our Georgia State College for Women,
San Jose, October'15th of 1943. The Citizenship Club held its.
first meeting n the form of a Plans Made For X-RAY PLANNED;
The COLONNADE This Week mail came, .aiid the next day was our second big-battle.
The mail m a d e a lot of difference ini the way that battle
went. Everybody went into it feeling good—they had
Milledgeville, Georgia.
E. U. A.
Wishing to know better your country through correspon-
"get acquainted" party at the
home of Mrs. (Miller last week.
College Directories
Claudia McCorkle, president of The hospital sick list last week
By iB^ILlfff! BUNDY Plans were made for the club Granddaughters' Club, has an- included:

MPEMBEa ASSOOATED COLLEGIATE PRESS HiffhUffhts of taie week just

heard from homeV
, : No artful- blurb, this, from the facile typewriter of a
i dence, I would very much appreciate if you could get m e in
touch with some of the shidents in your College who would
to roll bandages every Tuesday, nounced that all indications show
and to read stories to nursery that the Directories will be out
Helen Crotwell, Dorothy Sud-
dath, Anne Walton, Nora Bridges,
Distribuior of "Collegiate Digest passed; v.-ere the announcements of like to exchange impressions with me. school chiildren at designated fcy the Christmas holidays. Fur-
PubUsbed everr other week diflrmer school year except during
IiiHtdixs and esamiuaUoa periods 1>7 the students of the Georgria
tiie dacisions reached at the Tri-
partite Conferem:e i-K Mosow. It
W'-xs especially significant since it
Washington publicity man. Those are the words of a bat-
tle-hardened combat soldier, recorded b y men of the Araiy's
Special Service Division during an investigatioin,
i I h i v e sent this application to some other colleges in the
United States and I have correspondence with fourteen al-
times. ther plans are being made for
Anyone who has won the DAR the year. These Dinectories will
Merle Sanders, Anne L. Rogers,
Naomi Mizelle.
•Dorothy Miller, Hilda March,
the kind of mail soldiers like to get. Multiply that state- ready, one college for each state. IVEedal for Good Citizenship in ontain the names, home address, Mary Anne Dudley, Joyce Ed-
StAte Collcero for WomeEi. MiUedgeville, Ga, Subscription, price. ijva.s a I'S'flecton of Russian atti- high school is eligible for mem- and classifications of all students.
ment a thousand times a n d you'll understand w h y Army Would y o u b e so kind as to place this letter in a visible munds, Edith Kirkland, Mary
$1.00 per year. Ehtcred as second class matter, October 39, 1928, tudes as well as British and Am- bership in the club.
officials consider mail from home the greatest little morale- place v/here the students could see it and answer m e di- Granddaughters' Club sponsors Bowers, Hilda Gray, Sara Bac-
in ttie post ofKce, MilledgeviUe, Ga., uude!r the Act of March 2, Lni.can.
builder ever invented. rectly. New members of the club are: this publication each year. cus.
At this meeting, which Rus- My address is: Katherine Bittick, Betty Jane
W9. There's such heap big medicine in a V-mail envelope The X-Ray tests were given to
sians insisted siiculd he held in Jose' Morera B. Brinson, Ann Hutchinson, Elea- -AMBDA PSI OMEGA
from Dubuque that unsentimental Army men are prepared • students and faculty members by
Moscow, China was also repre- Box No. 1002, nor Meadors, Ruth Ellis, Mary ELECTS VICE-PHESIDENT
to u s e the whole might of the armed forces to assure its the hospital in cooperation with
EDITORIAL STAFF sented at some of the twelve San Jose, Costa Rica, A.C. Hekn Sperry, Isabel Murphy, Ann At the last meeting of the Lamb-
f delivery-. For the first time in the history of the war, a boy Public Health Department Mon-
meetings, and signed the decla- I am 24 years old,, born in Costa Rica of Central American, Laura Rogers, Gladys Heath, Sa-
i. . , .Editor in a slit trench can get—^by airmail, no less—his p a g e of da Psi Omega, which was held day. Those requested to have
;• Jewell Wmie Katchin ;;Associate Editor i-ation that pledged the ci'eation book-keeper, working at present n the National Bank of die Bankston, Mary Jane Vaughn, tuberculin tests made were all
ardent nothings from Janie in Sioux Falls. The Army ten- Dctober 29, Susan Morris was
, Hei.eti Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . • • • • _ .Managing Editor of az\ international organization Costa Rica. Mary Florence Bell, Anne Boyd. new students and faculty mem-
to maintain future world peac-a. derly cradles a shipment of mail on every ship a n d plane .lected new vice-president. The
* feane/Power. . . . . . . ^j^^^g g^^^r deaving this country. From rear installations in combat Thinking you in anticipation for attention you will give bers and seniors whose tests had
Representatives at the meeting next meeting will be held No-
areas, planes shuttle the mail to the most advanced foxhole. to the present. proved negative in previous ex-
'• 5 f ^ T ^ T ^ i h """' .Fedturs and Literary Editor were Coi'deil Hull, Anthony RENTAL LIBRARY ADDS vember 15.
I am yours very truly, .minations.'
.•;,• Hazel Snlxth.• ^^^^^„ Editor Eden, Vyacheloff Molotov, and In North Africa, o n e Army Post Office on a much-bombed 12 NEW BOOKS TO LIST
vjecmne; Power . . . . ; • ^^rt Hditor Foo Pin«:-3heung. 'Tliay did nO't airfield dug its quarters fifteen feet undegxound—and the •.CHOLS ELECTED NEW
P.D.: The correspondence may b e in English or Spanish.
/,;.Mary. F i a n n ^ 0 " ? - — • = • - • • • • • ; '^^^^^ Editor discuss the possibility of a meet- m.ail'went through. New books have been added to 'RESIDENT OF BELL B
the collection of the library. They
;. :^rdce^Wornb(9.._ • • -^ • - • • • g^^^j n. .g^. Thousands of former civilian postal clerks, bristling with Evelyn Echols, a junior, is the
. , % b y Copeland. ^\^^^^':V,^;,^,^
• R ^ o r t e r s : . L^ila Calhoun hazel U^^^^^
Helen Matthews,
ins; between Roosevelt, Churchill,
pistols and tommy guns, and specially tutored in the ways are: Paris Underground, by Etta new president of Bell B. A va- FINAL TRY-OUTS
and Stalin.
v; Evangeline .Mayes. Sara Shealey, -^'"'^^^ J^p'y^..^^ Uy The American, British and Rus- of Army m.ail, do their jobs so well that a letter addressed Clements Resigns, Home Ec Helps Shiber; Under Cove'r by John •ancy was created by the resig- The Penquin Club held its fin-
simply to "Tex, Machine Gun Company, Camp," Ray Carlow* Journey in the Dark, nation of Joanne Hayes. al try-outs recently and the fol-
...Hdrdiiian,: Helen Crotwell. Martha Cark, hio f o u n . , J-y sian representatives agreed to the Accepts Position Nursery School by Martin Flaver; None But the lowing girls were accepted as
; McCoy; Art' Staff, loan Smith. ^ organization of a European Ad- actually reached the soldier.
Anne Van Atta, president of Lonely Heart, by Richard Llewl- 10 MEMBERS ACCEPTED members: Barbara Burns, Nan
visory commission to sit in Lon-" What's the scul-nourishing vitamin in a letter from home? Teachmg In Dublin Home Ec Club, announced at the lyn; A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, 'OR CHEMISTRY CLUB )avenport, Jane Hill, Joan Smith,
. '. ,, BUSINESS STAFF don, and to make recommenda- Interviewers of the Army Service Forces grilled thousands Mrs. Nan Clements, who has last club meeting the following by Betty Smith; Survival, by Phy- Girls accepted for the Chemis- Betty Hargrove, Jean Penland,
tions on continental problems; of srvicemen on this point. The answers provide an infalli- besn a housemother at GSCW chairmen for committees to work
Business Manager Lis Boitome; Crescent Carnival, try Club are: Betty Boyd, Mar- Elizabeth Knowles, and Jewel
• .Elixabeh Powell provided for future Tripartite ble recipe to follow when you're writing to your own ser- for the past seven years, has re- with the nursery schools: Jeanne Radford.
' i s i s t a n t Business Manager by Frances P. Keye; Indigo, by ha Lou Britt, Georgianne Bugg,
;:.iMartha Ta^rlor. meetings and discussions; created vicmen. The club is now making plans
.Circulation Manager signed to accept a position teach- Power, mount pictures; Helen Christine Weston; My Family, Gladys Heath, Jane Holland, El-
.. 'Patieiice. Lane Clark an Italian advisory commission Family chit-chat, news of friends, home-town gossip— for a swimming demonstration to
'Massee, Minnie Belle Powell ing English and Civics in Dub- Crotwell, dances for children from Riglit or Wrong, by John Phillip sie Hutchings, Edith Kirkland,
"Busiriesij; Assistants: Frances with the French Committee of these are the basic ingredients. The boy wants to know be held on February 28.
National Liberation as a member lin. ons to four; Jean Miller, doll Sousa, 3rd; Thunderhead, by Mary Flora Stephens, Virginia Wood,
how the family is doing financially, and that you're busy Miss Lippman is now advisor
Mrs. Clements was principal of clothes; Ruth Walker, smocks and O'Hara;-The Apostle by Shalem and Cordelia Vines. They will be
Bandage. Rollers Combine Business, Pleasure and provision for the later par-
ticipation of Greece and Yugo-
tas a beaver shortening the war on the h o m e front. Don't Tiftcn Junior High school and Asch. initiated at a later date. ior Penquin this year.
forget to tell him, in a manly sot of way, that you're all aprons; Hazel Huffman, scrap
,,• ."Did you .knovvT Mary was gettng har ring next month and slavia; guaranteed restoration of principal of Monroe Junior High
school prior to her arrival at books; Martha Duke, Gerry Bow-
crazy to have him back. "SEARCH ME, PAT. PENS AND REPAIR
'.Becky had the biggest old fuss with Tom 'cause he didn't Austria; and agreed to the prin-
call Her' lip last night, a n d Joyce and Harry are like that?" ciple that all German officers and
Spare him your worries; h e h a s his own. Don't mutter C'^CW as hocusemother of May- ers and Jeanette^Hadden are mak- "JEEPERS, DAD! I'M '^ PARTS ARE SCARCE. WHY DIDN'T YOU 8
•"—No! I don't waste time poking my nose in every- • about civilian hardships; his are worse. Be happy and nev/- fair Hall. Since then she has ing the curtains for the nursery
.body eise's business, I roll bandages." responsible for, or who consented sy. Is your letter fit to b e read in a foxhole? Then you've .'^,'>.f;)jj ....hji^emother • "^ ™' '^ 'xay-Pr0-at Midway.
" ''.'Tust what' have-v^'-e been missing by not going to the sur- to, atrocities massacres, or exe- v;ritten a piece that Steinbeck couldn't better. Send snap- !.;.told"h^im 'tha. we v/ouWjj i-^ost HANDSOMEST FLYER AND HAS SOLV-X IN ITI"
The members of the Home Ec >-
'•qicdl drefssing room? W e have a time to go, but most of cutions in the occupied territories, shots, of course, but when you photograph Mothf^.,-b(e s u r ^ glad''Hb~liv-*-4*im -ev-c'ry pa
Club have finished hemming 24 MY PEN CONKS OUT.
'us'r>eem to think w e just can't m.iss that show. That boy should be sent bade to the land she's not poised winsomely in front ot^'a'n important "arse- help to continue his studie^^ -^y,^^ / 1
towels, and 24 bath cloths for the THINK IT CAN BE / \^
somewhere may b e lying ni a foxhole waiting for us to in which these acts were com- nal. The enemy is sly at sifting information from such lit- ing his captivity. Like,;^ ^^^^ ^ 1
lursery school at Midway. /
•imish having a good time, and roll a bandage. Only a mitted, and be tried by the lavv-sj tle things. his fellow prisoners, thU^^^ ^-^^^^ ^^ FIXED?" < >
had not yet received-^^^^ ^^ ^^^ The Home Ec. Club will meet >' «>
• '••eteon bandage for that shrapnel wound on his leg, but how prevailing there. ki i • ^

much that would m e a n to himi. -jununicatioji^ from war Bond of next Tuesday night in the Little
CordeHl Hull was extremely en- $50.00 was presented before her Theatre at 6:45. All members are
n w e fold a bandage late • thusiastic about the general atti-
There'll b e no need to fold it straight. departure last week. urged to come.
tude of collaboration wliich pre-
The Red Cross needs us now. vailed at the meeting, and felt
fully fortified against any possi- I S H A TALI, DARK %"J

BHE?/T01 BROODS ble advocates of isolation after

'D.i.d 'you ever think as the hearse went b y the war. CiAIRVOyANT
That some of these days you're going to die? HELLYOUR
And'when you're de-^ad and gone to dust Boarders,-Jams, And fORTUNB
'Who's to remember you on this earth?"
. Ai\d v/hy?
Chicken Make Book
Grae-socie, aren't v<re? But, do slow u p in your mad By HAZEL SMITH
Ch?cl.-C5i Every Sunday by Rose- • gin i j ^
ru^^U to nowh'^r9 long enough to look at hte list of things for
tnay Taylor is one of those com-
which one? famous people v/ill probably be remembered

len skortage grows I

edy novels! The author relates
Virhen. "history grows dim." the '^goincs-on" in her mother's
Gladstone—a traveling b a g with an especially v/ide boarding house.
Paul Jones—cL brand of whisky. There is a story about each
Prince Albert—a stuffed coat, very long, formal and boarder. A couple is secretly
married and the way the mother
"never unbuttoned.
Br:;marck—an especially fat German rump steak, not finds out is a tale you'll never
ON'T expect to replace Solv-x roots out the causes of
populac now.
Goetlie (pronounced goat-ee)—form of chin bearas once
forget. One rich boarder loses
her fortu^^e, and is forced to be. D your pen ifit fails now!
Production of all pens—
most pen failures. It fights
off the metal corrosion and
worn in. Arkansas. > their cook.
especially offirst-choicebrands rubber rot always caused by
Lincoln—a car, and a__highway.
The father is always speculat-
on some wild scheme but —has been sharply reduced by highly acid ink. It ends clog- Joti^of
V/elliaqton—a long boot, wnth a high sole. ging and g u m m i n g . . . cleans
strangely he always makes mon- Gov.erhment order. Repair
Henry Clay—a cigar. parts, too, are scarce! your pen as it writes!
Jefferson—a hotel, avenue, or post-office. ey. Before they decided to have
Why not let Parker Quink For steel pens, too, Quink Pia&^Mnd m 5it^/
M.'tpoleon, Washington, Ceasar, Samon—trade names a boarding house, he was always
away on a trip. When he re- provide the "ounce of pre- is ideal. The Parker Pen Com- 1. Protects rubber...lengthens the'd in. the plumbing business for bathroom fixtures. pany, Janesville, Wisconsin, life of sac or diaphragm.
turned, he had to sleep on the vention"? This ink alone has
Marie Antoinette, Josephine, Marie Louise, a n d Eugenie and Toronto, Canada. 2> Dissolves sediment and gum loft
floor because mother had rented the magic ingredient, solv-x.
•—trade name in ladies' underwear. by other inks. Cleans your pen as
. . .Mitthew, Mark, Luke, and John—side streets in Mon- their room! FOR V . . . — M A R "Micro-film B/ack." Parker Quink in "Micro-film
It writes.
They move around from town The people who.make It put
Black" photographs perfectly! It is Jet-biack—ideal for every use. Quink comes
.ireoi. in 7 permanent colors: Micro-film Black, Blue-Black, Royal Blue, Green, 3< Prevents clogging of feed.
to town and somehow manage to 0 special "clinging agent)'
' Hancock—synonym for signature. Violet, Brown, Red. 2 washalile colors: Black, Blue, family size, 2$^. Other 4« Safeguards base metal parts...
?slablisli a boarding house every- Chrystallyne, In the polish to
Joequerainot (a French general)—deep crimson rose, sizes, 15^ and up. ^ S< Assures quick
where they go. They once es- -tnoke it cling to the nails like
Oi.iieen .A.nn, Loui.^, XIV—periods of furniture. tablished a club for boys next ivy to Q wall, and thus resist starting and even

t ! Queen Mary—^a ship. chipping longer. Try Dura- flow at all times.
door and that's when mother got
• ' Henj-y ,Grady—a hotel.
...Ponce .d.e Leon—an avenue in Atlanta.
i! . .Hoover—makeshift cart used in southern rural districts
during the depression, known as Hoover carts.
a new coat! (No, Pop didn't buy
This novel is just the type with
which to curl up on a boring day.
Gloss today.

Copr. IMS by
Tbo Furliisr Pen Cotawaw
Palorion, New Jersey
'. ;$ir-, Walter Raleign—oipe tobacco. Vour boredom will dissolve and
..'.Morai?. Eat. drink, and b© merry, for tomorrow you m a y you'll be glad you have "Chicken
"Could I interest 70U in buying 9 Contemporary G e o r ^ a :
l=ounded by E. T. Reynotdi
syllabus?" ' .,J
ii.di^', and'Vidien you're .gone people probably won't remem- Every Sunday!"
•Jieri'yxi'u •.'•iMiYViray.. . I..;.-J.ill'li:!l.'l'V'-'l'i'V

.,..,M,;=yS>-s!;V " i

• >


THE COLONNADE Folk Club Completes
Tryouts; 21 Successful CCRA Ibldiers Through Service Fund
NEW PiRESIDENT Jessies' Jive
Weird Weather Causes Confusion; The Folk Club has been holding
tryouts for the last few weeks. Baptist Students
Wesley Foundation
f Electing Pat Ingle as presi- Sodaeas reigned in Bell Hall last week. I suppose yq'a
. Students of GSCW have again.Jaken the opportunity and dent, the Cecilian Singers chose heard about the funeral of Carolyn De Long.' Pallbecurtars;^
They welcome the following new Attend Convention responsibility in the wide participation in the World Student" to serve with her during the year, mourner, guest book, and everything. It was re'ally an- illus-
Aoril, Hoveml)er Play Hide And M members:
Martha Frances Taylor, Aileen
students who attended the state Has New Director Service Fund. In the drive which ended Friday night $565 was the following:
pledged. This money will help unit© students all over the
trious funeral, (P.S. See the corpe for further details.) '•
By HAZEL SMITH Tye, Marian Bessent, Barbara Ann
BSU convention at Bessie Tift last The Wesley Foundation for
1943-1944 is now fully organized.
li world. Faculty pedged $800. Betty Burris, vice-president; Have you seen a copy of the fashion. Louise brought.: them'
week-end presented the follow- Jeanne Culpepper, secretary; Jean "Weakly Belle?" It's a weeldy back from her honeymooa; along;
Well—Spring is here! Oops, I must have been confused. Camp, Leslie Rees, Betty Ager- ing program Sunday niglit at the The arrival of its new director on
ton, Betty B. Anderson, Helen Tile World Student Service Cheney, treasurer; Marjorie Mor- .not weakly) paper published by with a collection of other Mejtir".
I know a lot of other people are confused, too, but it is No- Baptist church giving some of October 30 has completed the or-
N i. Fund was started by Students retary; Margaret Wilson, treas- ton, social chairman; and Caro- some of those ingenious Bell Hall :an handiwork.
vember even if it does look like April—one couldn't tell by Britt, Betty Haynie, Dorothy highlights of the convention. ganization. Miss Dorothy Stev-
Thompson, Lovete Craig, Helen who have A.P.O. numbers now— surer; and Jane Holland, publi- lyn Smith, publicity chairman. girls. I haven't been able to find Someday—maybe —" we'll Icnow
the weather. ens from Varina, North Carolina,
Matthews, Martha Clark, Doris Song menion Guadalcanal and in Sicily, city. The dormitory committees out who is the editor or any of how it feels to play Lucky aiiid btf-
is a graduate of Greensboro, N.
You Icnow, weather is a funny
Council, Eleanor Douglas, Ora Prayer—Nora Payne men in px'ison camps in Gennany were: Atltinson, Dot Mami and The membership of the glee the staff. I think Ann Fitzpat- lucky at one and the same tiwi^,
C. She has had experience in
thing. School opiens in autumn Remargs—Bobble Roberts and in the Far East, It has been Mary Kennedy; Bell, R,osal>-n By- club has increased ttiis year with, rick, Eugenia HoULngsworth, and Meanwhile, we'll just have 't»
GSCW To Present and we all shop around for slcirts
Spivey, Louise Hunt, Evelyn
Hall, Carolyn Smith, Barbara Devotional—^Emma Burch
youth direction and remained
;:!IM supported in the past six years by num, Leila Calhoun, Peggy a total enrollment of 106 girls.
other members of that suite' are look at Frances Burrough.? and'
home at the beginning of the term
Program On and sweaters. Then we come to Bautell, and Margery McDaniel. Offering—Offertory Prayer No- women and men now in the arm George, Ann Bedgood, and Penny They are: n charge. They say those goph- igli with admiration: ' '' "
in order to organize a Youth Fel-
school in September and wear ra Payne ed forces, in C.P.S camps, inlNesbit; Bell B, Edith Kii-V:iand, Helen, Akin, iVIarjorie Barber, )mores are really out to win that Thiingrs I Like About' Pe«p£e t
owship in her hometown church.
Armistice Day our new woolens—and nearly
Song—Spirit of BSU—Choir
Dorothy, Dottie, Dot, or Steve,
war industries, and in important' Betty Thompson, and Margie Mary Florence Bell, Sara Ellen 'Golden Slipper"! But then tho^e
•An all-faculty program will be burn up! IRC To Discuss Talks—In God We Trust—Kath-
is what everyone calls her.
I Students in col Huglies; Beeson, Rachel Jones; Blanchard, Joan Brazille, Jennie Freslimen are really gonna be hard Aim CarnTichael's h a i r . . . . H a r -
ryn White leges will carry on for them in Terrell, Ami Bulloch and Henry Boyd, Julia Lou Britt, IVIary Alice to beat. At any rate the competi- riet Thorpe's dimplies..'.. i'Betti^
given at GSCW unaer the aus-
ces of the Civilian Morale Com-
Then one morning I get up and Post War Problems The Campus an the Crisis— The Motive Drive has been go- the magnificent spirit in which Sims; Terrell A, Betty Andersor^ Brown, Leila Bee Brownlee, Geor- tion is bound to be fast and heat- Green'."? l a u g h . . . . . .Ann Logan',';
I'm determined to wear that sum- Having United States and the Louise Smith ing on, and there is still time for
'•"•ittee in commemoration of Ar- the World Student Service was Saradelle Turner, and Virginia gianne Bugg, Sara Burkhatter. ed. quLet frieiidliness.' Helen Aik-
mistice Day, on November 11th,
mer voile. On the way to breal^- world situation as the program This Needy World—Evangeline a few late subscriptions. The conceived and has always been Sutton; Terrell B, Emily Willis, Bobbie Burns, Betty Burris,
iJist I turn to an icicle! The next theme for the year, • the Interna- Jarrett Snuff program must be Jane Beclcam, and Helen. Black- Frances Burroughs, Barbara Ann Our peach from, the family en'.g piano technique;.... .Moina
in the Russell Auditorium at Mayes l^upjported.
morning when I open my papers, tional Relations Club will meet a sponsor for something so it man. this week is Miss Kallie Smith. Jolm.soa','3 sense of humori • ' ••
^0:30 a.m.. It will be held dur. Grapling With Wartime Reali- chose Motive Magazine. jBaoks For Prisorners Camp, Ann Carson, Frances Have you seen her take-off on
it's cloudy, so I wear my reversi- Friday night at 6:45 in Miss Hel- The money for W.S.S.F. will By surpassing the $376.00 giv- ChaUcer, Merle Chason, Jane the faculty? It's really super! ZOWm SUPPERS
'•\g the regular chapel hour, but ties—Faye Hancocl?: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rudisill
ble. But no rain! en Greene's apartment. At the be spent to keep disorganized stu- en last year with $565.00 this Cheek, Jean Cheney,
on Thursday instead of Friday, The Price We Pay for Freedom entertained at a reception in She is a charming person with (Continued from Page One)
the regular chapel day. Then that home-going week- last meeting the club discussed dent groups and students in pris- year, the GSCW students have a
end with Joe there on his fur- the reasons for the United States —Sara Jane Walliison honor of Miss Stevens at their
on camps and relocation centers share in helping the students v/ho Jonnie Clyde Claxtcn, Louis you've ever had a Humanities
a most vivacious personality. If Pep—^Sara Penn
Br. Guy Wells, president of Through Christ to Triumph- '-.ome Sunday afternoon. All Lights—Helen Crotwell '
lough. That old question pops
the College, will be the main up, "To take a coat or not to -ntry into the war. They will Hazel Langfordj to continue their studies. The hold so much of the future in [Carry, IMary Jo Cown, Betty Cox, course uder her you know how
Methodist students and faculty Make-up—Pat Ingle. I
spealter. The theme of his ad- .'ake a coat." The Friday dawns i-ontinue this plan in the meetnig boofes, supplies, fcod, and other aieir hands, and who will be so Judy Crul, Nina Crow, Margaret she can make those "dead Greeks"
Helen Matthews has been elect- were invited ot meet her. Props—Mary Harrell- '
articles needed will be given importaAi in building a new Cullen, Jeanne Culpepper, Agnes rise up and live. Her office is
dress is "The Meaning of Armis- bright and cheerful so the coat Friday when post-waf planning ed as second vice president of the
tice Day, Today, in the Midst of remains in the closet. When I will be introduced.
Total War." Dr. Hey Taylor, get home and get a chance to get
Baptist Student Union Council to GREENE SPEAKS AT
suceed Louise Smith, who is now CURBENT AFFAIRS
t tliem. A Swedish secretary of world that must be creat-ed on Davis.
W.S.S.F. writes of his visit the ruins of the old.
made to a large camp where
"five fathoms
Charlotte Davis, Jacqueline Da- ront auditorium entrance.
vis, Agues De Beauguine, Rebec-
down" from the
Soimd—Dot Gassett '
Publicity—Leila Calhoiin..
Jeyxiette Todd, is writiing the-
dean of instruction, will preside. out in the night air, it's all but
Post"War Position chairman of the Honor Commit- The attendance at the current there are 2000 U . S . Army Air LITTLE. CALHOUN SONGS What cha know? Our editor play wrhich btie freslimaiv class
The following is the complete snowing—and no coat! But I ca Dye, Hope Eason, Frances Eu- ets maiTied! Congratulations v/ill produce under the directica
tee. affairs supper ' has been' recently • Corps officers captured in Africa. FEATURED ON CHAPEL
program: don't really mind because Joe has Of Women Defined The following girls attended increasing, the number present
!"'inks, Margaret Fields, Catherine Willie. O.K. staff, v/ho'U be )f Am-ie Lunsford, a junior. Juii-
He writes, "What our personal Under the sponsorship of CGA, Fitts, Jeanette Fussell, Frances
Song, "America," Audience. sleeves! Since the first of September, the convention: Betty Armour, •^t the last one being 25. The next lext? Well, I can hope can't I? or advisers are ' Carolyn Cor,"
approacli means to countless in- Dr. Harry Little, Head of Educa- Files, Freddy Gillis, Martha
Devotion, led by Miss Evelyn
Once in a lifetime I have a 1939, women have been taldng Bernice Brown, Emma Burch, Ann supper is to be Thursday night, dividual students was made very tion Departm-ent, delivered a sec- , Griggs, Gloria Stone was one more ongs, and Anne Tinsley; publici-
Saturday night date. And so I, an increasingly large part in what Bacon, Louise Bobo, Martha
November 11, at which time Miss clear to me, as in a fish, when ond scholarship talk in chapel popular girl last week. Twenty- ty.
Quartette, "Lest We Forget"— being the studious type, have to was once called "A Man's World." Clark, Miriam Chatfield, Barbara Greene will talk on India, All Lillian Hatter, Edith Henderson, sight letters at one mail. Results Committees and chairmen for
I was introduced to a young man last Monday, '
Mr, and Mrs. Max Noah, Miss go to the library that afternoon. •Vomen have been buildiing ships, Duvall, June Davis. persons interested in going are Harriet Hendricks, Betty Grace )f a freshmaii initiation at An- the freshmaa class are as ' fbl-^
with a very Nordic-sounding :Mr. M. B. Calhoun, who is a
Alberta Goff, Mr. Lloyd Outland, When I left the room it was a pirplanes and munitions for the asked to sign up in the "Y" apart- Hodges, Virginia Holmes, Martha lapolis. Gee! These things 1OV/K:
MISS TURNER FETED nartie, L . . . . . . . I had a brief chat special agent for the FBI, dis-
accompanied on piano by Miss lovely day, but before I leave the nien who were once: doing the ment by noon Wednesday. Howard, Elizabeth Huff, Dot Buie. hould happen more often. • Production—Jane Knowles
AT SUPPER BY YWA Charge for the supper is 15 cents. with this lonesome and somewhat cussed the war-time program of Pat Ingle, Gwen Jackson, Vir- Songs—Atlilene Hill
Maggie Jenlcins. library, the sun got made at a job themselves. Though the in- Congratulations to Vivien Jack-
bewildered-looldng law studerV that organization Friday. He de- ginia Jolly, Clara Jane Jones, Publicity—^^Kenry Sims
Address, "The Meaning of Ar- cloud and made it cry. I have troduction of women into the The college Baptist Young Wo- It will lastjkg>^ 5:30 to 6:30. on; she is more than popular
told h,im that we v/ould, 'be fined sabotage and showed that Reba Nell Jordon, Frankie King, House Committee—Anne Bul-
mistice Day Today, in the Midst to trudge to the room (an hour crk world on so large a scale man's Auxiliary entertained with .vith one battalion of our g:-eat
—graph Mciri^y W/surHI- gladHO—glv-ft—! -ev«'ry ' :pMsible in contrast to espionage, sabotage Kittl Liles, Frances Massey, Mar-
of Total War," Dr. Guy Wells. before time for my date) with was not necessarily through a supper in the little banquet GHOSTS ^j^ari'-'lmportant"'"^ American army. She was chosen tocii
help to continue his studies dur- might be committed unwittingly garet McCann. .The judges will take into con-
ViQlih Solo, Mr. Ll-yd Outland my hair drooling in all directions choice, the women have shown, room of the Cafetei-ia Tuesday MEET IN n a t i o n from such lit- )in-up girl recently.
ing his captivity, hike most of by loyal Americans who do not Marjorie McCorvey, Jeanne sideration the amount of publciity
•--'-Reading, "Tribute to Our Flag," except down "curly" lane. But almost without exception, that aight, November 2. Guests in- Louise Allen owns a pair of
v^r >.!. Y sponsor!;!^, his fellow prisoners, this student realize what tliey are doing. Mr. McGill, Sara- Melton, Marjorie
Miss Edna West. by the time he phones that he's they can do a man's job as well, fluded Miss Frances King Tur- ing of thrill&ix shoes ihat are really somp'n. the play itself, and the amount of
; had not yet received a single Calhoun also pointed out that Morton, lEthel Rae Moza, Opal
Song, "Tlie Star Spangled Ban. been delayed, the sun isn't the or better than a man. ner, State Young Peoples' Lead- Hallowe'en p a i ' ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .'hey're handmade rav/hide huar- class spirit and enthasiasm which
communication from home since juvenile delinquency is on the Mundy, Betty Nelson, Anne Pate,
But with this development of er for Georgia; Mrs. C. F. Fow- .ches, painted in true Mexican each class..shows.
ner." only one who got mad! kinds and co!fll|^HI^^m|||PI being taken a prisoner four increase and is a problem that luth Peavey.
woman power have come many ler, YWA Counseler; Mrs. Myr- that occasion. W i t ^ ^ l the danc-\ montlis previously. And now he demands attention, if a serious
I repeat, "Weather is a funny Carolyn Plunkett, Helen Potts. li!!j:i!!i£r4«|<U!ii!l°l!i>2i!!i£l>!i3l<
tice Anderson, President of the ing, telling of fortunes, and go- was unexpectedly approached by crime wave is ot be avoided in Ernestine
Cotillion Club thing." But it's nice we're hav- problems, not the least of which
is the problem of the post-war Woman's Missionary Society; and ing through the hall of horrors, the futui'e. Prescott, Margaret

ing weather, isn't it? a fellow student from the out- Prince. Caroljii Proctor, Rosa
Admits IS Girlr position of the feminine worker. Miss Wilma Pool, Counselor for there was a definite Halowe'en side, offering personal and indi- The entire chapel period Mon- Mae Reid, Dotty Riviere, Sara
The Cotillion Club had their The ordinary thought on the sub- the local YWA. atmosphere. vidual assistance for this particu- day was spent in singing.
Joyce Forrester, social .chair- Scott, Lydia Slieppard.
quarterly try-outs and tlie fol- REC CALENDAR ject has been that at the end of
the war woman's place will man, was in charge of the ar-
Virginia Olsen was chairman of lar intellectual need. 'My, this Grace Sherrad, Beth Smith,
was a Godsend. I must say!' was
lowing girls were admitted as new
members: Leila Calhoun, Betty
<Tain be in the home. rangements for the supper.
the planning committee for the
his half-stammering reaction. 'I
LANIER TO SPEAK Carolyn Smith, Mrs. Joan Sayer,
party. Frances Stallworth, Caroline
Burris, Jean Culpepper, Carolyn 4:15—Volley Ball Recently, however, Dean Wil- thought my time in this camp was BEFORE LEGIOM Strickland, Bertha Studdard, Bet-
Pnsston, Ann Pippin. 4:15—Bicycles and skates check- liam Bowling of the College of TIBLE STUDY GROUP •^LSEN "Y" TREASURER going to be completely wasted!' Charlie Lanier, Sixth District, ty Summerford, Jean Taylor, Bet-
Jane Holland, ' Martha Jane id out Liberal Arts, Washington Univer- SPONSORED BY CCRA Virginia Olsen has been elected His eyes were simply shining as Commander American Legion,
8:00—Penquin Club ty Thomason, Miriam Timmons.
Grossman, Susan Morris, Char- sity, in an address welcoming CCRA sponsors a Bible Study Treasurer of Y to succeed Louise he thanked m.e for this offer
will be the guest spealcer at the Saradelle Turner, Allien Tye,
lotte Hodges, Claire Key, Doris TUESDAY new students brought forth a new each Friday afternoon in the Y Smith. Louise Smith is now which to him meant a new ray
armual Armistice Day program Vennis Veale, Maxie Walden, Re-
Council, Harriet Little, Helen thought on women at work. Dean apartment at five o'clock. Mrs. chairman of the Honor Commit- of liope, a tiny bit of meaning in
4:15—Tennis Club presented by the Morris-Little becca Wall, Grace Watson, Mary
'•'''allace, June Davis, Betty Daubs, 4:15—Bicycles and skates check- Bowling said, " They (col- EVans will lead the next discus- tee. a meaningless world." And this
lege women) alone have the pri- sion. The remaining discussions is only one of a thousand stories Post No 6. Mr, Lanier will be Watson. Mary Ana Watson.
Evelyn Echols. ed out introduced bj Judge George S. Marilyn Williams, Mary Ann
vilege of training themselves for in the quarter will be led by Mr. like it.
The club officers this year are: 4:30—Plunge Period
President, Flo Finney efficient and effective, service in Harding, pastor of the Episcopal Visit Our Store and Floyd Heads Drive
Carpenter. Williams, Jeanette Wingate, Dot
6:45—Folk Club The program wUl be held in Thompson, Carolyn Crow, Eliza- Sunday—Only
Secretary - Treasurer, Evelyn 8:00—Tumbling Club
the post-war world." 'hurch. Shop for Values! i The committee • for the drive
Russell Auditorium Thursday beth King, Fi-ances McQuney and
As Dean Bowling suggests, the The group is' studying the life ws made up of Harriet Floyd, Virginia Hood. MONTY
Publicity Chairman, ^ Gladine
WEDNESDAY period when we will cease to be of Christ this quarter. All are' Rose's 5-10-25C Store chairman; Geraldine Bovver, sec- night, November 11, at eight
Culpepper 4:15—Volley Ball dependent on Wiomen for work "ited to attend the discussions.
Legionnaires who have been
4:15—Bicycles and skates check- once done by men is not to ap- members of the organization for iOESON EXHBITS : „ GRACIE
-p^ar immediately upon the demo- LET US REPAIR YOUR SHOES
Bureau Provides ed out
bilization of the Army and Navy. Quidc Service, Reasotnctble 25 years will be presented gold (Continued from Page One) ^ FIELDS;
5:00—Exiscutive Rec Board and silver citations. Seated on full bloom.
GSCW maintains a Placement Wediiesday)
6:45—General Rec Board (1st
The men who have been train-
ed for Army life cannot be ex- BUS S T A T I O H GRILL Prices
THE GLOBE SHOE HOSPITAL the stage will be gold star moth-
ers of World Wars I and II.
A bit of local color is found in
two typical GSCW scenes. The

pected to pick up highly technical Ot^posite the A&P Store first is "Wash Day," which might
b u r e a u to help students to find 6:30—Cotillion Club and specialized tasks immediate-
suitable employment upon com- THURSDAY — * — MiUeidgeville, Ga. have been talcen any Monday
pletion o f college work. The Bu- 4:15—Tumbling Club
ly. That will be up to the wo-
men who have taken this oppor-
HARRINGTON'S morning. The second is "Ten Monday and Tuesday
"reau endeavors to collect infor- 4:15—Bicycles and skates check- tunity to prepare themselves for, New Manager—Hugh Hodges BELL'S BEAUTY DRY CLEANING AND SHOE O'clock Scholar," and is a close-
up of a girl tying; the sti'ings of
mation about all registered stu- ed out
dents in order to supply possible 4:30—Plunge Period
in the words of Dean Bowling,
her saddle oxfords. k
employers with accurate records 6:45—Modern Dance Club
"tile age of the college woman."
Possibly, it might be suggested New Permanent Wave Machine
One Day Service Dr. Boesen does all his devel- The iQanag^iiient''
of the student's ability.
FRIDAY that the solution will not be
We Gladly Deliver to College Girls of Newest Type Has Been oping and'printing. ; CanMN 'i' '
Future calls to the college for found in exclusion of women for
recommendations will be cleared 4:15—Bicycles and skates check- certain jobs by the old edict of
Promptly Added pf'SdHlty'diifltb
through the Bureau and each stu- ed out
We Use the Best Chemicals CALL ON WOOTTEN'S BOOK STORE the antics of
tradition, but instead, let indi- Money Can Buy
dent should have a record there SATURDAY vidual ability and training deter- Cigarettes — Sandwiches — Soft Drinks for •Olsen a(iid Jpbnsoii!

to facilitate recommendations. m You Want the Best-Shop at

mine the status of the individual.
The Placement Bureau is open 2:00—Bicycles and skates check- —Student Life, Washinigton Unl- All Business Will Be Deeply Appreciated! Gifts, Stationery, and School Supplies
Cvom 9:30 to 12:00, 2:00 to 3:00, ed out versty. — Associated Collegiate E. E. B E L L ' S lesiisiiBiefi^
and 4:00 to 5:00 daily in room 3:00—Plunge Period I Press.
212, Education Building. 8:00—Play Night

•.-jirti„r-i > [.ji ,f;v.iBrvifiV!i* i-.'-jf*'*^-' '•^*"' ••"'

-^.wfffi3fa;asifKit^Sil»!»'H!«»t«'«'«™ '-'"""'-j
!,JpWlf,'?MH "^W"*

iiif'&'ii' nrnf
THE COLONNADE Folk Dancers Visit (Continued from Page One) Health Chib Social;
Lake To Make Plans'erson New Officers Elected
men Prove Good Sports The executive committee of the man
Folk Dance Club spent the week-
Elaine Harper—Camelle Cole-^

Mortimer Brewster—Sk.
3c W. Club
Having a weiner roast as the ^l
first socialof the year, the Health '^
met at Nesbit Woods Tues-
end of the 23rd of October at
As Juniors Make Them Jump Lake Laurel. ' Miss Whitney, club
sponsor, and Christine Viozas
T. Kitchen
Mrs. Gibbs—Elizabetla Davis
Jonatiian Brewster—Henry Por-
day night. After the supper Eliz-
abeth Knowles and Kate McKe-
mie led the club in snngs.
''Rat ^DayVwas celebrated in tme'GSCW style when the "low- acted as chaperones.
•3y",''freshmen of 1943 were iniiated by the Juniors srecently. The purpose of the week-end terfield Replacements for the offices of
The Fireshihen, supplied ample proof of their good sportsman- was to plan the annual Barn Dr. Einstein—Lieut, (j.g.) Jack secretary and treasurer were
ship and showed .for once for all that they were eligible to be Dance, sponsored- bv the club. Caum elected. They are Ruby Oliff and
called ""Jessies." Officer O'Hara—Sk. 3c Kenneth Sonny Hancock, respectively. ,
Those enjoying tlie week-end Swope
The,day.began si 4:30 whea the were: Beth Brooks, Evelyn Da- Lieutenant Rooney—Sk. 3c C. LT. CAUM TO ADDRESS
Juniors woke thd Froah, to begin SQUARE DANCE vis, Annie Mary Dudley, Frances K. Crandall GEOGRAPHY GROUP-
their dpij^ of pennace. Each Fi-sh- Ezell, Ann Harris, Betty Grace Mr. Witberspoon — Charles Lt. (j.g.) Jack Caum, of the
man" was required to wear her PLANNED SOON Hodges, Myrtle Jackson, Waver- Smith Navy, will speak on the strategy
skirt,-upside down, her hair in a "Bow to your partner. ly Knight, Mary Pierce Hammond, The production staff was as of the Pacific at the monthly
stocking, .high, heeled shoes, one "Do-ce-do right. Mildred Sauls, Willene Walker. follows: meeting of the Geography Club
spck, make-up. on hall her lace, "Back to your place and prom- Director—Edna West Thursday night. Lieut. Caum is
and one glove, and. to cany her enade." INDERSON ADDRESSES Technical Director—Jeanne Mc- connected with the Naval Train-
books in a suitcase througho-tjt These are only a few of the ELEMENTARY ED CLUB Gill ing school here.
the day. things that will be happening at Assistant Director — Louise The meeting will be held in
ITreshmen. were at Ih^^ bed? and the big barn dance to be held The Elementary Education Club
Smith Mrs. Dorris' apartment at seven
call of Juniors .all, day, doing fa- December 4th^ in the big gym. met last Tuesday with Miss Mary
Stage Ma:iager—Evelyn Pope o'clock.
vors .for them,, singing the Fresh- Who is giving it? Why the Lee Anderson, Principal of Pea- Lighting—Betty Collins, Rach-
men- Creed,, and doing,g' Folk Dance Club, of course. body High school, who spoke on
the, JOTioTs could think ;if, from Who is it for? It's for all the tne West. Plans were made for Properties—Charmet Osborn The volleyball tournament was
making beds, on. "Jessies" so don't iniss out on it! the club to meet once a month Publicity Manager—Flo Finney begun last Monday. In the first
to help with nursery school pro-
. Eat Court WEC held in Peabody Mark the date on your calendar jects. Wednesday night the
Business Manager—Jane Gar- game, Atkinson defaulted to Ter-
Auditorium at the .end of the nov: and vow to be there. rett rell A. On Wednesday, Bell B
You won't regret it. The big- members will work on scrap-
<lay,; Msry Johnson piejiided over Make-up—Mae Bess Murphy triumphed over Beeson with a'
boolis, collection of po-sms and
the court during tbe trials of gest event of the year!!! Watch stories, mounting of pictures. Sound Effects—Marian Stewart score of 35-5, and Bell Hall fell
jabout t;en unruly Ireshmien. Elacb for further announcements. Costumes — Margaret McCann, before the Town Girls, 38-16.
•freshman, was tried and sentenced Elizabeth Powell All games are being played ort
by a solemn-lsced jury of jun- Monday and Wednesday at 4:15
FOUR NEW MEMBERS duction will be presented in Feb- on front campus.
lors. CCRA presented its first pro-
Connie J-Iowell was sentenced gram Monday night, November 1. Plans are being made for re- ruary.
to waah out her rnoiith wi,ih soap. Dr. Maurice Trimmer, pastor of organization of the Tennis Club. F.T.A. MEETING SET
Sarah Pittard bad to pay for her the First Baptist Church of Ma- Membership is now limited to 24. PRESBYTERIAN GROUP FOR TONIGHT
crimes by sitting on a coke bot- con, spoke. As a result of last Tuesday's try- NOW IS WESTMINISTER All future teachers and people
tle -anci washing clothes. The A Capella Choir, under the outs, Elizabeth Knowles, Harriet The Westminister Fellowship of interested in education are invited
It was a great day—^^but just direction of Mr. Noah, sang The Little, Elizabeth Wansley, and students, formerly PSA, meets to attend a meeting of the Future
%vait until those freshmen are Lord's Prayer. Esther Slappey were admitted to very Sunday afternoon at 5:00 Teachers of America tonight et
Huniors. That will! be a great day. Eugenia Hollingswovth presided. the club. p. m. 6:45 in Beeson Rec Hall.

\ -

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