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Project Mechanical Systems, Chemical Engineering, Faculty of IQ, University of Guayaquil


Guerrero De La A Bryan 1, Kocher Solano Karla 2, Silva Ávila Geanella 3.
Chemical Engineering, University of Guayaquil

Introduction Production Processes

Apparently it was in Egypt when the first leavened Ingredients, flour, water, ice, salt, yeast, sugar, oil,
bread came, when they saw that the mass produced among the most important is receptan.
air bubbles produced and its volume increased bread 1. Heavy:
was lighter and better taste. It is noted here that was 2. kneading
where the first biochemical methods of preparation of 3. Laminate
fermented foods were used. 4. Fermentation chamber
5. Baked.
Currently one of the most important companies in the 6. Cooling and unmolding.
world making bread on an industrial scale is the 7. sheathed
Mexican GRUPO BIMBO SA has offices in almost every 8. Finished Product Control
continent and distributes its products (including bread) 9. Storage.
Decreased heat required for leavened dough
General Objective
31313.12 𝐾𝐽 to .28181.808 𝐾𝐽
Leavening time optimize bread dough SUPAN within the
Time decrease leavened dough 2 ℎ𝑟𝑠 14 𝑚𝑖𝑛 to
industry, using software simulators to improve efficiency.
1𝐻𝑟 15 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Debulking Moisture 11.40 kg to 11.32 kg present in the
final mass, favorable process conditions leavening.

Time optimization of leavened bread dough in this case industry SUPAN led us to the conclusion that the ability of the
fermentation chamber is 9 units 24 cans per minute. While the fermented product components. This process can lead
to rework, if a fault in the fermentation chamber that is the team that most often paralyzed, because it has outlived
its usefulness occurs.

The prover, the cans containing the loaves, which rises to a considerable height and moved to a conveyor leading
from the prover to the oven, which has a temperature of 230C, with a capacity of 14 cans per minute.

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Perez, N .; Mayor, G .; Navarro, VJ 2001. Processes Pastry and Bakery. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza.
Quaglia, G. 1991. Science and Technology breadmaking. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza.
Seoane, RM 1997. Evolution Baker Sector: Current Techniques of Baking. Food Science and Technology 1 149-152.
Tejero, F. 1992-1995. Spanish Bakery. (2 vols.). Ed. Montagud, Barcelona.
Knight p., G. M. (2007). Improvement of dough rheology, bread bread quality and shelf-life by enzymes combination. Journal of Food Engineering, 81 (1): 42-53.
CASP, a. and April, j. (1999). Food Preservation processes. Madrid: Oxford University Press.
Bourgeois, CM; Larpent, 1995. JP II Food Microbiology: Food Fermentations. Ed.Acribia, Zaragoza.
Calaveras, J. 1996. Treaty Bakery and Pastries. Ed. AMV, Madrid.
Callejo, MJ 2002. Industries cereals and cereal products. Ed. AMV-Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.

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