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Version 2.

-Behind the Scenes: Fallout New Vegas can now use a FalloutCustom.ini file if using
the JIP LN NVSE Plugin ( This file
will now be backed up if present. Functionally, the mod description says that the
file will overwrite settings in FalloutPrefs.ini as well as Fallout.ini. This
behavior is different than the other games, so BethINI will cause FalloutCustom.ini
to contain ALL settings from both Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini as a workaround.
-Bugfix: Poor preset button is now disabled when switched to use Vanilla Presets in
Skyrim Special Edition since there is no poor vanilla preset, which would prompt a
message saying "You should not receive this error. Inform me if you do."
-GUI change: Moved the Wetness toggle (Fallout 4) in the Detail tab to a different
location in the same general vicinity.
-GUI change: Moved the Lens Flare toggle (Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition) in
the Detail tab to a different location in the same general vicinity.
-New Tweak: Anamorphic Lens Flare under Detail for Skyrim Special Edition.
-New Tweak: Interior Godrays toggle under Detail for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Presets: BethINI Presets (Skyrim Special Edition) for High and Ultra have been
changed to set bVolumetricLightingDisableInterior to 0 due to reports about it
causing interiors to look strange.
-Tweak changed: Godrays dropdown (Skyrim Special Edition) has been modified to
remove the option to turn on Godrays indoors due to reports about it causing
interiors to look strange.

Version 2.6
-New Tweak: Bethesda Modding Platform under Interface for Fallout 4.
-New Tweak: Half Hertz under Basic for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Bugfix: The FPS tweak for Skyrim Special Edition now shows the correct FPS value
that Havok is set to.
-Bugfix: The Clamped tweak for Skyrim Special Edition could be labeled the value it
is set to instead of being called Clamped.
-Bugfix: The Disable Tutorials tweak does not work for Skyrim Special Edition, so
it has been removed.
-Bugfix: The Intro Music tweak now will show if it is disabled in Skyrim and Skyrim
Special Edition.
-Bugfix: The VSync tweak could be labeled the numerical value it is set to instead
of being called VSync.
-Tooltip Change: The tooltip for VSync incorrectly said that VSync stood for "video
synchronization" instead of "vertical synchronization." Also, noted that VSync
helps eliminate screen tearing.
-GUI Change: Preset dropdown (for LOD levels) has been improved to include BethINI

Version 2.5.1
-Bugfix: If the Mod Organizer path was not found, and the user browsed to its
location, INI Path would not be updated to include the profiles indicated by the
Mod Organizer path, and could also display items duplicated.
-Bugfix: Skinned Trees and Tree Animations are no longer on top of each other
(Thanks synthtech0).
-Bugfix: Remove Grass tooltip now correctly indicates that it changes
bAllowCreateGrass and bAllowLoadGrass as necessary in Skyrim, Skyrim Special
Edition, and Fallout 4.
-Decided to upload the utility to the relevant Nexus site for each game to make it
easier for people who have never heard of it to find.

Version 2.5
-Behind the Scenes: Added support for Mod Organizer 2. Please treat Mod Organizer 2
exactly the same as the original Mod Organizer. The INI files will be duplicated to
the relevant Documents\My Games folder for Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition as
a temporary workaround until profile INIs are fixed. This will need to be done
manually if you are using Mod Organizer 2 for the older games (recommended to stick
with Mod Organizer 1.3.11 for them atm).
-Behind the Scenes: INI Path under Setup will now reduce Mod Organizer profile
paths to ModOrganizer > Profile-Name if the current INI Path is set to a Mod
Organizer profile.
-Behind the Scenes: INI Path will always display the Documents\My Games location as
an option.
-Behind the Scenes: If you select "Browse..." for the INI Path and select the same
location that is currently the INI Path, BethINI will no longer reload.
-Captions: Improved description for Flickering Light Distance dropdown.
-Controversial Tweaks: Added iNumThreads:HAVOK, iPreloadSizeLimit:General,
uExterior Cell Buffer:General, uInterior Cell Buffer:General as controversial
tweaks for Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Skyrim Special Edition.
Added iPreloadSizeLimit:General, uExterior Cell Buffer:General, uInterior Cell
Buffer:General as controversial tweaks for Oblivion. Do note that Fallout 4 does
raise the default values for iNumThreads:HAVOK from 1 to 7 and
iPreloadSizeLimit:General from 25MB to 400MB.
-GUI Messages: Disable Tutorials message of "The game will no display tutorial pop-
ups." was fixed to say "The game will no longer display tutorial pop-ups."
-GUI Change: Renamed the Foliage tab Visuals, since there are not enough foliage-
related settings, and I need more space to place settings that affect the visuals.
-GUI Change: Moved all the Grass and Tree settings to the right side of the tab.
-Harmful Tweaks: Added bForcePow2Textures:Display 1 (CTD), bUse Shaders:Display 0
(CTD), uExterior Cell Buffer:General < 0 (CTD), uGridsToLoad:General < 5 (CTD or
simply invalid), uInterior Cell Buffer:General < 0 (CTD), and iMinGrassSize:Grass <
0 (can cause CTD) as harmful tweaks for Oblivion.
-New Tweak: Gamma under the Visuals tab for Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas,
Skyrim, and Skyrim Special Edition.
-Tweaked tweak: Flickering Light Distance dropdown now has better numerical preset
options in the dropdown.

Version 2.4
-Behind the Scenes: Mod Organizer location for the current game is saved to the
BethINI.ini file.
-Bugfix: If the location of the INI file is not found, you will be requested to
select your game again upon restart (in case you accidentally selected the wrong
-Bugfix: If the location of the game folder is not found, you will be requested to
select your game again upon restart (in case you accidentally selected the wrong
-Bugfix: Ambient Occlusion for Skyrim Special Edition could be set incorrectly.
-Bugfix: Archive Invalidation (Fallout 4) was intended to be enabled through
Recommended Tweaks, but it instead applied whatever value was set according to the
INI file previously.
-Bugfix: Removed the FOV tweak for Oblivion, since changing it from the default
value of 75 breaks the menus.
-Caption change: Water Ripples toggle description improved.
-Harmful Tweaks: fDefaultFOV:Display for Oblivion if set to anything other than 75
will break the game menus.
-Invalid tweak removed: iDifficultyLevel:GamePlay (Oblivion)
-New Setup Option: You can now specify the location of Mod Organizer under the
Setup tab. It will automatically update your list of profiles listed under INI Path
if changed.
-New Setup Option: Added a Always Select Game toggle that will force BethINI to
always ask you to choose your game at startup.
-New Tweak: Reflect Detail on Water toggle under the Detail tab (Fallout 3 and
Fallout New Vegas).
-New Tweak: Reflect Full Scene on Water toggle under the Detail tab (Fallout 3 and
Fallout New Vegas).
-New Tweak: Reflection Blur on Water dropdown under the Detail tab (Fallout 3 and
Fallout New Vegas).
-Presets: Slightly optimized presets better for Fallout 4.
-Presets: Optimized presets better for Fallout New Vegas in regards to water
-Presets: Slightly optimized presets better for Fallout 3.
-Unlocked Tweak: Water Ripples (Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim) under the
Detail tab.

Version 2.3
-New Tweak: Remove Borders toggle under the Gameplay tab.
-New Tweak: NPCs Use Ammo toggle (Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Fallout 4,
and Skyrim Special Edition) under the Gameplay tab.
-New Tweak: Disable Combat Dialogue toggle (Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim,
Fallout 4, and Skyrim Special Edition) under the Gameplay tab.
-Recommended Tweaks: Added f1PArrowTiltUpAngle:Combat 0.7 and
f1PBoltTiltUpAngle:Combat 0.7 to recommended tweaks for Skyrim Special Edition.
Testing of arrows in 3rd person showed that the angle is correct with the default
value of 2.5 for f3PArrowTiltUpAngle:Combat

Version 2.2
-Bugfix: Removed fLightLODMaxStartFade from the list of settings modified on the
tooltip for Light Fade for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Bugfix: Update mechanism now checks the Skyrim Special Edition Nexus page instead
of the original Skyrim page (this was changed in version 2.0, but was not forwarded
in the updates that followed).
-New Tweak: Lock Frame Rate toggle (Skyrim Special Edition) under the Basic tab.
-New Tweak: FPS (Skyrim Special Edition only at this point) under the Basic tab.
This is a beta tweak! Set this to, for example, 120 in order for the game physics
to not bug out at 120 fps. Please report any bugs with this feature!
-New Tweak: Clamped (Skyrim Special Edition only at this point) toggle under the
Basic tab. This is a somewhat dangerous tweak. If you enable this, the game's speed
will run at whatever you have set in the FPS tweak. This may be useful if things go
too fast or too slow depending upon what you changed using the FPS tweak. If your
framerate differs from the FPS value, the game will speed up or slow down
accordingly. This tweak is subject to Controverisal Tweaks detection.
-Controverisal Tweaks Additions: iFPSClamp
-GUI Change: Moved a few things around slightly under the Basic tab.
-Behind the Scenes: Created GetGameSettings.ahk and GeneralFunctions.ahk libraries
from functions piled inside the main BethINI.ahk. This makes the source code a
little more manageable and clean.
-Added mod-suggested INI tweaks for the following mods: Simply Faster Arrows and
Bolts (Skyrim Special Edition)

Version 2.1
-Bugfix: The tooltip for Vsync (Skyrim Special Edition) pointed to iPresentInterval
instead of iVSyncPresentInterval.
-New Tweak: Rim Lighting toggle for Snow (Skyrim Special Edition) under the Detail
-New Tweak: Improved Shader toggle for Snow (Skyrim Special Edition) under the
Detail tab.
-New Tweak: Intensity for Snow Sparkles dropdown (Skyrim Special Edition) under the
Detail tab.
-Presets: BethINI presets for Skyrim Special Edition were further optimized.
-Recommended Tweaks: Added fSparklesIntensity:Display 0.3 for Skyrim Special
Edition (softens the harshness of snow sparkles).
-GUI Change: Moved some things around under the Detail tab for Skyrim Special
-GUI Messages: Some capitalization fixes.
-Setting Renamed: Snow Sparkles to Sparkles.

Version 2.0.2
-Bugfix: Godrays (Skyrim Special Edition) dropdown would get duplicated after each
preset application.
-Bugfix: Shadow Bias (Skyrim Special Edition) dropdown would get duplicated after
each preset application.
-Bugfix: Detailed Draw Distance for Shadows (Skyrim Special Edition) dropdown would
get duplicated after each preset application.
-Bugfix: Shadow Resolution dropdown would have a invalid "max" option after preset

Version 2.0.1
-Fixed the background color of controls when the system has visual styles disabled
(i.e. Windows Classic).

Version 2.0.1Beta
-Hotfix: Video card info was stored in the wrong section for Skyrim Special
Edition, causing the launcher to autodetect video settings and applying a vanilla
preset after being used.

Version 2.0
-Bugfix: Distant object detail settings for Skyrim Special Edition did not work.
-Bugfix: Exterior (shadow) Draw Distance could display no value if set to 0 for
Skyrim Special Edition.
-Bugfix: Decal settings could be enabled/disabled incorrectly for Skyrim Special
Edition upon preset application.
-Bugfix: Show Quest Markers and Autosize Quick Container toggles under the
Interface tab were on top of each other, making them unusable.
-Bugfix: Light Fade would add fLightLODMaxStartFade to Skyrim.ini in Skyrim Special
Edition, which is invalid, despite the fact that it automatically removes it (i.e.,
end product was right, but removed unnecessary write).
-New Tweak: Godrays dropdown for Skyrim Special Edition under the Detail tab.
-New Tweak: Snow Sparkles toggle for Skyrim Special Edition under the Detail tab.
-New Tweak: Detailed Draw Distance (shadows) for Skyrim Special Edition under the
Detail tab.
-New Tweak: Fade-in for Grass for Skyrim Special Edition under the Grass tab.
-Unlocked Tweak: Remove Shadows toggle for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Ambient Occlusion dropdown for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Shadow Bias dropdown for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Grass Wind Speed dropdown for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Dynamic Trees toggle for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Skinned Trees toggle for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Tree Animations toggle for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Tree Detail Fade dropdown for Skyrim Special Edition.
-Unlocked Tweak: Far-off Tree Distance dropdown for Skyrim Special Edition.
-GUI Change: Basic tab has had a major renovation.
-GUI Change: Several settings under the Detail tab have been resized/moved.
-Presets: BethINI presets for Skyrim Special Edition were further optimized.
-Behind the Scenes: Update mechanism now checks the Skyrim Special Edition Nexus
page instead of the original Skyrim page.
-Behind the Scenes: The Navmesh section is no longer removed from the
SkyrimPrefs.ini file for Skyrim Special Edition, even though it is invalid. This is
because the game consistently adds this section back in, so there is no point in
removing it.
-Behind the Scenes: Mod-suggested INI tweaks are now applied at startup as well as
enforced prior to preset application.
-Added mod-suggested INI tweaks for the following mods:
Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell (Skyrim Special Edition)
Haafstad and the Border of High Rock (Skyrim Special Edition)
Nyhus and the Border of Cyrodiil (Skyrim Special Edition)
Skyrim Flora Overhaul (Skyrim Special Edition)
Snow Elf Palace (Skyrim Special Edition)
Verdant (Skyrim Special Edition)
Vivid Weathers (Skyrim)
Vivid Weathers (Skyrim Special Edition)

Version 2.0Beta
-Update text now says "Your choice." instead of "You're choice."
-Added the Fallout 4 sprinting fix to Gameplay and to the Recommended Fixes.
-Mouse Y-scale is now set to 0.042 as part of the Recommended Fixes for Fallout 4.
-The "Show Quest Markers" toggle does exist for Fallout 4, and BethINI now
recognizes this fact.
-Changing the "uGrids" GUI setting now sets uExterior Cell Buffer to the
appropriate value.
-Controversial tweaks shall now detect uGridsToLoad for all games if set to
something other than default (5).
-iGrassCellRadius shall be automatically set to the correct value for Fallout 4.
-Added Skyrim Special Edition support. Please notify me of any bugs.

Version 1.3
-Optimized the width of tooltips
-Fixed FXAA tooltip not showing
-Added more info to the preset tooltips, giving a rough guideline on when each
preset should be employed
-Added the INI settings modified to tooltips where relevant

Version 1.2
-Added built-in backup restoration to the Setup tab. Users who wish to revert
changes or who decide they were better off before using my tool can go back in time
to their old crappy INI files at the click of a button!
-Added the ability to set the INI files to read-only upon saving, toggleable in the
Setup tab. If your main INI file (e.g., Skyrim.ini) is set to read-only upon
launch, this option shall automatically be ticked.
-Added dialogue subtitles and general subtitles to the Interface tab.
-Bugfix: It was possible to get an error message when hovering over the links in
the Setup tab. This should be fixed now.
-Removed the "Miscellaneous" headline under Interface, as it is unnecessary and
wasting space.

Version 1.1
-Bugfix: Particles could have duplicate preset numbers after the GUI was refreshed
after certain actions.
-Bugfix: 3rd Person Arrow and 1st Person Bolt Tilt-up Angle settings were not being
correctly refreshed.
-Bugfix: Mouse wheel zoom speed message required a space between the word "to" and
the value it was set to.
-Bugfix: Mod autodetection had a lot of bugs in it. Should all be fixed now.
-New Tweak: Wetness toggle for Fallout 4 under Detail tab.
-New Tweak: Motion Blur toggle for Fallout 4 under Detail tab.
-New Tweak: Ambient Occlusion dropdown for Fallout 4 under Detail tab.
-Unlocked Tweak: Object Detail Fade for Fallout 4.
-Added support for Enderal.
-Added a controversial tweaks detection system which allows the user to set
detected controversial tweaks to their recommended default values or keep the
controversial values if desired.

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