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Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, of McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,

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Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may be
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What to Send Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Letter Home Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Welcome Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
in English and Spanish

Start Smart Letter ....................................... 7

in English and Spanish

Start Smart Unit 2

Week 1 We Go to School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 57
I................ . . . . . . . . . . 11 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 59
Week 2 At School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ▲ I Like
I Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ▲ We Like Sam!
Week 3 I Am Picking Apples . . . . . . . . . . 17 ● We Like the Playground
I Can! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 69
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 71
Unit 1 ▲ I Am a Doctor
▲ A Map
Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 21 ● We Can Share
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 23
▲ I Can, We Can Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 81
▲ We Can Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 83
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

● We Can ▲ I Like, We Like

▲ Pam
Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 33 ● Hats
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 35
▲ I See the Apple
▲ I Am
● Family Dinner

Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 45

Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 47
▲ We Can See!
▲ Am I?
● I Grow Up

▲ Decodable Readers ● On-Level Books

Unit 3 Unit 5
Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . . 93 Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 159
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . . 95 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 161
▲ I See Sam ▲ Sit
▲ Can Tam See? ● Animals in Nature
● Tig Can See
Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 169
Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 105 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 171
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 107 ▲ Can It Fit?
▲ Go, Go, Go ● Animals and Their Babies
▲ It Can Go, Go, Go!
● Pigs on Wheels Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 179
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 181
Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 117 ▲ Tap, Tap, Tap!
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 119 ● We Can Play
▲ I See a Truck Go
▲ Sit Tip!
● Fast or Slow?

Unit 4 Unit 6
Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 129 Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 189
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 131 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 191
▲ Can Nan? ▲ Are Caps Hats?
● We Pick Food! ● Where Are We?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 139 Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 199
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 141 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 201
▲ We Can! ▲ Rod Can See It
● Let’s Have Dinner ● This Is for You

Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 149 Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 209
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 151 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 211
▲ Nat ▲ Dad Can Pin It On
● Thanksgiving ● Panda House

▲ Decodable Readers ● On-Level Books

Unit 7 Unit 9
Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 219 Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 279
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 221 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 281
▲ Ed Can, Ted Can ▲ Bug in a Web
● What Can You Do? ● Insects

Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 229 Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 289
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 231 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 291
▲ Hot Ben, Hot Lin ▲ A Vet Can Fix It!
● Go and Play ● Down in the Ocean

Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 239 Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 299
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 241 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 301
▲ Pat and Tip ▲ Pat and the Vet
● In the Snow ● Big Ben

Unit 8 Unit 10
Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 249 Week 1 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 309
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 251 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 311
▲ Sad Hen ▲ Jeb Is Quick!
● Seeds Make Trees ● Duck Quacks

Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 259 Week 2 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 319
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 261 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 321
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

▲ A Bud Is Up ▲ Zip?
● From Seed to Plant ● My Pet and Me

Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 269 Week 3 Parent Letter, English . . . . . . . . 329
Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 271 Parent Letter, Spanish . . . . . . . . 331
▲ Pick It! ▲ Yes, Tip!
● I Like This Flower ● Can You Count?

Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Send a calendar home at the beginning of each month with
activities, events, or announcements for parents and students.

Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

▲ Decodable Readers ● On-Level Books

What to send home each week
• Parent Letter: in two languages
• Take-Home Stories

How to assemble items to send home

Parent Letter
Make a two-sided copy of each
Parent Letter and fold.

Take-Home Stories
For stories that are on a single sheet, make
two-sided copies. Then cut and place page 4
on top of page 2. Then fold.

For stories that are on two sheets, remove

the pages and make two-sided copies.
Place page 3 behind page 1.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Fold and staple

along the
vertical line.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Le tte r Home

Le tte r Home

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Dear Family Member:
This year your child will be building important reading skills.
You can help your child practice reading skills taught at
school. By working together, you and your child can become
partners in learning.
Each week your child will bring home:
• a letter that tells you about the book the class is
reading that week.
• three homework activities that will improve
reading skills and offer practice with words your
child is learning.
• one or two stories for the two of you to read
Reading is key to improving learning in all other subject
areas. With that in mind, here are a few questions you
may want to ask me when we meet:
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

• How is my child progressing in reading?

• Which area is my child’s strongest?
Which is the weakest?
• How can I help my child’s reading improve?
Your interest, praise, and encouragement
are sure to lead to your child’s success in
school. Here’s to an exciting year of learning!
Yours truly,

ie nvenidos!
Queridos familiares:
Este año su hijo(a) comenzará a construir habilidades de lectura
muy importantes. Usted puede ayudarlo a practicar las habilidades
de lectura que aprendió en clase. Trabajando juntos, usted y su
hijo pueden convertirse en compañeros de aprendizaje.
Cada semana su niño traerá a casa:
• una carta que le hablará sobre el libro que la clase está
leyendo esa semana.
• tres actividades de tarea que mejorarán sus habilidades
de lectura y le ofrecerán práctica de las palabras que
su hijo(a) está aprendiendo.
• un o dos cuentos para que los dos lo lean juntos.
Leer es clave para mejorar su aprendizaje de todas las otras
materias. Con esto en mente, aquí están algunas preguntas
que usted tal vez quiera hacer cuando nos reunamos:
• ¿Cómo está mi hijo(a) progresando en lectura?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
• ¿Cuál es el área más fuerte de mi hijo(a)?
¿Cuál es la más débil?
• ¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mejorar a mi hijo(a)?
Su interés, sus elogios y sus expresiones de ánimo
seguramente conducirán al éxito de su hijo en la
escuela. Estamos a punto de arrancar un
emocionante año de aprendizaje.

ta r t Smart!
Dear Family Member:
Kindergarten builds a strong foundation for your child’s
reading success. Kindergarten gives your child a smart
start on the road to growing and learning.
During the first few weeks, I’ll be helping your
kindergartener get used to daily classroom routines and
to the structure of school. Most important, as your child
and I get to know each other, I’ll use the first few weeks
to develop reading readiness. I’ll find out what your child
knows now and build on that knowledge and provide fun
lessons that reinforce your child’s abilities.
Through simple poems, nursery rhymes, songs, and
clapping and movement activities that reinforce your
child’s abilities, your child will:
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

• develop speaking and listening skills.

• recognize the letters of the alphabet.
• build language skills.
• recognize that sentences are made up of words
and words are made up of smaller sounds.
Welcome to Kindergarten!
Yours truly,

buen comienz
Un o!
Queridos familiares:
El Kindergarten construye importantes cimientos en el éxito de
su hijo(a) en la lectura. El Kindergarten la da a su hijo(a) un buen
comienzo en el camino del crecimiento y el aprendizaje.
Durante unas cuantas primeras semanas, yo ayudaré a su
hijo(a) a acostumbrarse a las rutinas del salón de clase y la
estructura de la escuela. Y lo más importante, conforme su
hijo(a) y yo nos conozcamos, usaré esas primeras semanas
para desarrollar un estado en el que el (ella) esté listo para
la lectura. Descubriré qué sabe su hijo(a) ahora y construiré
sobre ese conocimiento, y le proporcionaré divertidas
lecciones que reforzarán las habilidades de su hijo(a).
A través de poemas, rimas, canciones, aplausos y actividades
de movimiento simples que refuercen las habilidades de su
hijo(a), este(a) será capaz de:

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
• desarrollar habilidades para hablar y escuchar.
• reconocer las letras del alfabeto.
• construir habilidades del lenguaje.
• reconocer que las oraciones están formadas
por palabras, y que las palabras están a su vez
formadas por pequeños sonidos.
¡Bienvenido(a) a Kindergarten!

We Go to School

by Wiley Blevins
8 illustrated by Maria Eugenia

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

We Go to School

We Go to School

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I .
by Wiley Blevins
illustrated by T.S. Spookytooth

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
read read
. I . I




© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill



At School

by Lu Chin
illustrated by Anette Heiberg

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

At School

At School

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I Can

I can. by Juan Carlos Alvarez

illustrated by Sarah Dillard

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
read read
. I can . I can
I Can
I can

I Can

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I can

I can
I Am Picking Apples

by Wiley Blevins
illustrated by Ann Iosa

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

I Am Picking Apples

I Am Picking Apples

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I Can!

by Wiley Blevins
I can ! illustrated by Ana Ochoa

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
read run
. I can . I can
I Can!

I can

I can

I Can!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I can

I can

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Whose Baby Am I? Every
VOCABULARY baby has parents. A baby owl is called an owlet. A baby
elephant is a calf. I am learning how to
animal together guess what will happen next
in a story. I use what I
Name an animal you may have at home, in school, or know. I use the pictures.
in your neighborhood. What fun could you have with Together I can make
the animal? my guess.

(fold here)
High-Frequency Word: we This Week’s Skills
I’m going to write the word we on a piece of paper and Comprehension: make

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
read it to you. You can trace the word on my back as you predictions
say the letters. Then we can make up sentences together High-Frequency Word: we
that begin We can .
Concept Words: size words
Concept Words: size words Phonics: m
big, small, short, tall Would you like to go on a treasure hunt? Look for words
Name a pair of animals, such as a mouse and an elephant. on containers in your kitchen that begin with the
Which one is big? Which one is small? Which one is short? letter m.
Which one is tall? Let’s do the same thing with other kinds
of animals or objects.

What’s Next?
Let’s talk about what is happening in each big picture and
in the two smaller ones next to it. Draw a box around the
small picture that shows what will happen next. Tell me
your reason for choosing the picture you put in a box.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Whose Baby Am I?
VOCABULARIO Todos los bebés tienen padres. En inglés el bebé de
una lechuza se llama owlet
animal together y el bebé de un elefante
se llama calf. Estoy
Nombra un animal de tu casa, de la escuela o de tu aprendiendo a adivinar
vecindad. ¿Cómo podrías divertirte con ese animal? lo que pasará después
en un cuento. Uso lo

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS que sé y también las
ilustraciones. Con esas
Palabra de uso frecuente: we
dos cosas puedo ir
Voy a escribir la palabra we en un papel y te la voy a adivinando.
leer. Traza la palabra sobre mi espalda a medida que

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
vayas diciendo las letras. Entonces podemos hacer juntos
oraciones que comiencen We can . MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
Comprensión: hacer predicciones
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican tamaño
Palabra de uso frecuente: we
big, small, short, tall Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican tamaño
Nombra un par de animales, como ratón y elefante.
Fonética: m
¿Cuál es big? ¿Cuál es small? ¿Cuál es short? ¿Cuál es tall?
¿Te gustaría participar en una caza del tesoro? Busca
Vamos a hacer lo mismo con otras clases de animales u
palabras que empiecen con la letra m en recipientes de
tu cocina.

¿Qué viene después?
Vamos a hablar de lo que está pasando en cada una de las
ilustraciones grandes y en las dos más pequeñas que están
al lado. Encierra en un recuadro la ilustración pequeña
donde se ve lo que va a pasar después. Dime cuál es tu
razón para escoger esa ilustración.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I Can, We Can

We can . by Wiley Blevins

illustrated by Hector Borlasca

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
rake play
. We can . I can
I Can, We Can
I Can, We Can

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I can . We can .
paint sweep
6 3

7 2
clean build
. We can . I can
We Can

by Wiley Blevins
We can!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
eat jump
. We can . We can
We Can
We can . We can .
play sleep
2 7
3 6
run climb
. We can . We can

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can


We can. We Can

8 by Cynthia Swain
We Can
We can. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We Can
We can. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We Can
We can. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading The Picnic at Apple Park.
VOCABULARY Families in a neighborhood pack up food and games for a
picnic at the park. I am learning that stories can happen
activity cooperate in different places and at different times. This is the
setting. This story starts inside each family’s home. Then,
Talk about group activities that your child participates in. everyone is at the park.
Discuss ways in which the group members cooperate.
This Week’s Skills

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW Comprehension: identify setting
High-Frequency Word: the High-Frequency Word: the
Look for the word the in book titles, on signs, and in Concept Words: same and different
newspapers. You and your child can write the word in the
Phonics: a

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
air as you name the letters. Then have your child write the
Hunt for words with
on a piece of paper.
the letter a. Have your
Concept Words: same and different child point to the letter
a in each word and
same, different name it.
Play “Same or Different” with your child, using pairs of
objects that are the same and different sizes, such as your
shoes and your child’s shoes, your hand and your child’s
hand, and so on. Ask, for example: Are these hands the
same or different? How are they the same and how are
they different?

Where Is It?
Who can get their dog home first? We need a coin and
two small objects for markers. First, flip the coin. We’ll take
turns, moving one space for “heads” or two spaces for
“tails.” Move your coin and marker one space and describe
the setting of the picture. Whoever gets their dog home
first wins!

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo The Picnic
VOCABULARIO at Apple Park. Las familias de una vecindad
empacan comida y juegos para ir de picnic al
activity cooperate parque. Estoy aprendiendo que los cuentos
pueden ocurrir en distintos lugares y en épocas
Platique acerca de actividades de grupo en las que su niño diferentes. Eso se llama ambiente. Este cuento
participe. Comente distintas formas en que cooperan los comienza en la casa de cada familia. Luego se
miembros del grupo. encuentran todos en el parque.

(fold here)
Comprensión: identificar el ambiente
Palabra de uso frecuente: the
Palabra de uso frecuente: the
Busque la palabra the en títulos de libros, en carteles y en

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
los periódicos. Junto con su niño puede escribir la palabra Palabras de concepto: igual
en el aire e ir nombrando las letras. Luego haga que el y diferente
niño escriba la palabra the en un papel. Fonética: a
Busque palabras con la
Palabras de concepto:
letra a. Haga que su niño
same, different señale la letra a en cada
Juegue a “Same or Different” con su niño, usando pares palabra y la diga en voz
de objetos iguales pero de tamaños diferentes, como n alta.
sus zapatos y los zapatos del niño, su mano y la mano del
niño, etc. Pregúntele, por ejemplo: ¿Son nuestras manos
iguales (same) o diferentes (different)? ¿En qué son iguales
(same)? ¿En qué son diferentes (different)?
¿Dónde está?
¿Quién puede llevar primero su perro a la casa? Necesitamos
una moneda y dos objetos pequeños que sirvan como
marcadores. Primero vamos a tirar la moneda. Mueve un
espacio si la moneda cae en “heads” y dos espacios si cae
en “tails”. Mueve tu moneda y tu marcador un espacio y
describe el ambiente de la ilustración. Gana el que primero
lleve su perro a la casa.

The Alphabet
. / 0 1 2 3 4 I See the Apple
5 6 7 8 9 : !;

"< #= $> %? &@ 'A (B

)C *D +E ,F -G

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

I T K the
Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu by Emily Baker
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

see alphabet

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
astronaut see ambulance see
. the I . the I
I See the Apple
I the . I T K the T K .
see apple see ax
2 7
3 ant see 6
alligator see
. the I . the I

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I See the Apple
I Am

I am ! by Dolores Webster
happy illustrated by Melanie Hope Greenberg

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
happy book see
. I am . the I
I Am
I Am

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I the . I am .
see dress happy
6 3

7 2
happy doll see
! I am . the I
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Family Dinner

Family Dinner
by Cal Ryan illustrated by Diane Dawson Hearn
Family Dinner © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I am the
I am the
Family Dinner © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I am the
Family Dinner © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I am the
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Peter’s Chair.
VOCABULARY Peter has a new baby sister. His parents
have painted his old cradle for the
change relative baby, and they want to paint his
old blue chair. He doesn’t want
Name some of our relatives. How do we think relatives them to paint his old blue chair!
change as they grow up and get older? I am learning how to use the
pictures and details in a book

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW along with what I know from my
life to guess what will happen
High-Frequency Words: we, the next. We will be reading about
I’m going to write each word on a sticky note and put what Peter does with his old chair.
them on the table. Then I’ll say the words and you can

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
point to each one. Then we can say the word. We can look This Week’s Skills
for these words in some of your books. Stick each note on
the page where you find the word. Comprehension: make predictions
High-Frequency Words: we, the
Concept Words: size words
Concept Words: size words
big, small, short, tall Phonics: review m, a
Let’s play “Who Is It?” I’ll ask questions about our
relatives. For example: Who is big? Who is short? I’m going to trace a letter on your back. Then you can
You can answer the questions. trace a letter on my back. I’ll trace the letters you are
studying this week.

What Will Happen?
Let’s talk about what’s happening in the pictures on the We can play the same game on this page.
left. What do you think will happen next? Draw a line from
the picture on the left to the one on the right that shows
what will happen next. Tell me how you chose each pair
of pictures.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Peter’s
VOCABULARIO Chair. Peter tiene una hermanita nueva.
Sus papás han pintado la vieja cuna
change relative de Peter para el bebé, y también
quieren pintar su vieja silla azul.
Nombra a alguno de nuestros parientes. ¿Cómo ¡Peter no quiere que pinten su
piensas que los parientes cambian cuando crecen y vieja silla azul! Estoy aprendiendo
se vuelven mayores? a usar las ilustraciones y los

(fold here)
detalles de un libro, junto con lo
MIS PALABRAS que sé por mi experiencia, para
adivinar qué pasará después. Vamos a
Palabras de uso frecuente: we, the leer sobre lo que hace Peter con su silla vieja.
Voy a escribir cada una de estas palabras en una nota

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
adhesiva y ponerlas todas sobre la mesa. Voy a decir cada MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
palabra y tú debes señalarla. Luego vamos a decir juntos la
palabra. Podemos buscar estas palabras en tus libros. Pega Comprensión: hacer predicciones
la nota adhesiva en la página donde veas la palabra. Palabras de uso frecuente: we, the
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican tamaño
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican tamaño
Fonética: repaso de la m y la a
big, small, short, tall Voy a trazar una letra sobre tu espalda. Después tú
Vamos a jugar a “¿Quién es?”. Te voy a hacer preguntas puedes trazar una sobre la mía. Voy a trazar las letras
sobre nuestros parientes, por ejemplo: ¿Quién es big? que tú estás estudiando esta semana.
¿Quién es short? Tú debes contestar las preguntas.

¿Qué va a pasar?
Vamos a hablar sobre lo que pasa en las ilustraciones de Jugemos el mismo juego aquí.
la izquierda. ¿Qué te parece que va a pasar después? Traza
una línea de la ilustración de la izquierda a la de la derecha
que muestra lo que va a pasar. Dime por qué escogiste cada
par de ilustraciones.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We Can See!

We can! by Sarah Shoemaker

illustrated by Christine Jenny

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
map see
? the Can we We can!
We Can See!
We can ! Can we the ?
see see mirror
2 7
3 6
mop see
? the Can we We can!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can See!
Am I?

by Wiley Blevins
Am I ? illustrated by Shirley Beckes

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
I am. ? Am I
Am I?

Am I

I am.

Am I?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I am.

Am I
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I Grow Up

We the . I Grow Up
by Katie Ungaro illustrated by John Nez
eat soup
I am 1.
I Grow Up © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I am 16.
I Grow Up
We © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I am 8.
I Grow Up
We © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading What Do
VOCABULARY You Like? A girl likes the rainbow. So
does a boy. They both like to play.
favorite friend I’m learning about characters
in a story. The characters in
Who is a good friend? You have a friendship with that this book are the girl and
child. Tell me your favorite things about your friend. boy. I can learn about
characters by what they

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW do and say or what the
writer says about them.
High-Frequency Word: like
Let’s make a list of things you like. On a piece of paper, I’ll
write sentences that begin I like . Then we can read This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
the list together. You can point to the word like in each Comprehension: identify character
sentence as we read together.
High-Frequency Word: like
Concept Words: color words Concept Words: color words
red, blue Phonics: s
Let’s play “Color me.” I’ll point out things in our home, I’m going to hunt for words that start with the letter
and you can tell me if they are red or blue. s, and I’ll read each word. Then you can think of other
words that begin with the same sound.

All About Who?
Let’s choose two characters. You can you draw a picture
of one, and I’ll draw the other one. For example, we
might draw “Red Riding Hood” carrying her basket of
food. We might draw the ”Big Bad Wolf“ knocking on the
grandmother’s door. Then we can ask each other questions
such as: What does your character look like? How does your
character act? What are some things your character does?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo What
VOCABULARIO Do You Like? A una niña le gusta el
arco iris. También le gusta a un
favorite friend niño. A los dos les gusta jugar.
Estoy aprendiendo acerca de
¿Quién es tu amigo o amiga favorito? Lo que sientes por él los personajes de un cuento.
o por ella se llama amistad. Dime las cosas que te gustan Los personajes de este libro
más de tu amigo o amiga favorito son el niño y la niña. Puedo

(fold here)
aprender sobre los personajes
MIS PALABRAS por lo que dicen y hacen, o por
lo que dice el autor acerca de ellos.
Palabra de uso frecuente: like
Vamos a hacer una lista de las cosas que te gustan. En una

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
hoja de papel voy a escribir oraciones que comiencen I MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
like . Después vamos a leer juntos la lista y tú vas a Comprensión: identificar personajes
señalar la palabra like en cada oración que leamos.
Palabra de uso frecuente: like
Palabras de concepto: palabras de los colores Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican color

red, blue Fonética: s

Voy a buscar palabras que comiencen con la letra s y
Vamos a jugar “A colorear”. Voy a señalar cosas de nuestra
voy a leer cada palabra. Luego tú puedes pensar en
casa y tú me dirás si son de color red o blue.
otras palabras que comiencen con el mismo sonido.

¿Acerca de quién?
Vamos a escoger dos personajes. Tú puedes hacer la
ilustración de uno y yo haré la del otro. Por ejemplo,
podríamos dibujar a “Caperucita Roja” con una cesta de
comida y al “Lobo Feroz” golpeando en la puerta de la
abuela. Luego nos podemos preguntar: ¿Qué aspecto tiene
tu personaje? ¿Cómo actúa? ¿Cuáles son algunas de las
cosas que hace?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I Like

I like Saturday.
by Lila Torres
illustrated by Miriam Sagasti

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
sun sailboat
. I like the . I like the
I Like
I like the . I like the .
beach sandwich
2 7
3 6
sand umbrella
. I like the . I like the

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I Like
We Like Sam!

We like Sam! by Stan Casey

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
soap sailboat
. We like the . We like the
We Like Sam!
We Like Sam!
We like the . We like the .
soccer ball sand
6 3

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
7 2
sandwich sun
. We like the . We like the
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Like the

We Like the Playground

We like the . by James Gee illustrated by Rick Brown
We like the
We Like the Playground © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We like the
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Like the Playground
We like the . We like the .
sand castle merry-go-round
6 3
We like the
We Like the Playground © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We like the
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Friends All Around. Friends
VOCABULARY can be alike or different. Some play fast music. Some play
slow music. Friends can be different ages. I am learning
world game how people in a book are alike
and how they are different.
What games do you like to play? Do you think these
games or other games you know are played in different
parts of the world?

(fold here)
High-Frequency Word: a
Let’s look for the word a in books, on signs, and in other This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
kinds of print. Point to the word and read the word each
Comprehension: compare and contrast
time you see it.
High-Frequency Word: a
Concept Words: number words
Concept Words: number words
one, two, three Phonics: p
Have you ever played “How Many”? I’m going to write Let’s find things at home that begin with the
one, two, and three on index cards. When I point to a sound we hear at the beginning of the word paint. For
card, count out that number of coins. Then write the word each correct word, you can paint the letter p on
one, two, or three on each card. I’ll help you. a piece of paper.

Time for Lunch Now we can put a √ under each lunch box if the item
is there.
Let’s look at the two lunch boxes on this page and talk
about what is inside each one. Next we can put a √ next to any item in both lunch boxes.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Friends All
VOCABULARIO Around. Los amigos pueden ser parecidos
o diferentes. Algunos tocan música rápida;
world game otros tocan música lenta. Los
amigos pueden ser de distintas
¿A qué te gusta jugar? ¿Crees que los juegos que te gustan edades. Estoy aprendiendo en
u otros juegos que conoces se juegan en diferentes partes qué se parecen y se diferencian
del mundo? los personajes de un libro.

(fold here)
Palabra de uso frecuente: a
Vamos a buscar la letra a en libros, en carteles y en otros

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
tipos de impresos. Señala la palabra y léela cada vez que MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
la veas. Comprensión: comparar y contrastar
Palabra de uso frecuente: a
Palabras de concepto: palabras de los números
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican número
one, two, three
Fonética: p
¿Has jugado a “How Many” alguna vez? Voy a escribir
Vamos a buscar en casa palabras que empiecen con
one, two y three en tarjetas. Cuando yo señale una tarjeta
el mismo sonido que escuchamos al comienzo de la
cuenta el mismo número en monedas. Luego escribe la
palabra paint. Cada vez que encuentres una palabra vas
palabra one, two o three en cada tarjeta. Yo te ayudaré.
a pintar la letra p en una hoja de papel.

Ahora vamos a poner un √ debajo de cada lonchera si cada
¡Hora de almorzar! alimento se encuentra allí.
Vamos a mirar las dos loncheras de esta página y platicar Luego, podemos poner un √ en los alimentos de las dos
sobre lo que hay en cada una. loncheras.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I Am a Doctor

I am a . by Tamika Jackson

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
firefighter police officer
. I am a . I am a
I Am a Doctor
I am a . I am a .
doctor teacher
2 7

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
3 6
vet chef
. I am a . I am a

I Am a Doctor
A Map

We like the map! by Jeff Stanley

illustrated by Jared Lee

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
sheep pumpkin
. We like a . We like a
A Map
We like the map! We like a .
2 7
3 6
pig pie
. We like a . We like a

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A Map
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can Share

We Can Share
We like a . by Carol Dale
We like a
We Can Share
We like a © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We like a
We Can Share
We like a © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We Can Share © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We like a

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Simon and Molly plus Hester.
VOCABULARY Molly and Simon are best friends. They ride a bike. They
make toast. Then Hester moves in. When Molly plays with
solve problem Hester, Simon feels sad. I’m
learning about characters
Have your child talk about a problem that might come up by what they say and do.
when they are playing with friends. What are some ways The writer also tells us
to solve the problem? about them.

(fold here)
High-Frequency Words: a, like
I’m going to write each word on a card and read them This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
with you. Tell me the word that goes in each sentence: Comprehension: identify character
I you; I would a pet; giant is big.
I see book. High-Frequency Words: a, like
Concept Words: color words
Concept Words: color words
Phonics: s, p
yellow, red, blue, purple, green We can hunt for words that begin with the letters s and
Let’s play “Match It.” I’ll write the colors yellow, red, p in books we are reading together.
blue, purple, and green across the top of a piece of paper.
I’ll cut pieces of colored paper, and you can match the
piece to the correct color.

Who Am I?
I’m going to ask you some riddles. Can you guess which
character I’m talking about? Draw a line between the riddle
and the character.
I can be very scary.
I like to walk in the Who am I?
woods. I carry a
basket. Who am I?
I am going to
marry a prince.
I am smart. I built Who am I?
my house of bricks.
Who am I?
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Simon and Molly
VOCABULARIO plus Hester. Simon y Molly son muy buenos amigos.
Ellos montan en bicicleta. También hacen tostadas.
solve problem Después Hester se muda
a la vecindad. Cuando
Haga que su niño hable de un problema que puede tener Molly juega con Hester,
cuando juega con sus amigos. ¿De qué manera se puede Simon se pone triste.
resolver el problema? Aprendo acerca de los

(fold here)
personajes a través de
MIS PALABRAS lo que hacen y dicen.
El escritor también nos
Palabras de uso frecuente: a, like cuenta cosas sobre ellos.
Voy a escribir cada palabra en una tarjeta y leerla contigo.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Dime la palabra que debe ir en cada oración.
I you; I would a pet; giant is big.
I see book. Comprensión: identificar a los personajes
Palabras de uso frecuente: a, like
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican color
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican color
yellow, red, blue, purple, green Fonética: s, p
Vamos a jugar “Match It”. Voy a escribir los colores Vamos a buscar palabras que empiecen con la letra s o
yellow, red, blue, purple y green en la parte de arriba con la letra p en los libros que estamos leyendo juntos.
de una hoja. Voy a cortar hojas de papel de colores y
puedes emparejar los pedazos de papel con la hoja del
color correcto.

¿Quién soy?
Te voy a hacer algunas adivinanzas. ¿Puedes adivinar de
qué personaje estoy hablando? Traza una línea entre la
adivinanza y el personaje.
I can be very scary.
Who am I?
I like to walk in the
woods. I carry a
basket. Who am I?
I am going to
marry a prince.
I am smart. I built Who am I?
my house of bricks.
Who am I?
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I Like, We Like

We like a ! by Wiley Blevins

illustrated by Nancy Davis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
balloon game
. I like a . I like a
I Like, We Like
I Like, We Like

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I like a . I like a .
present hat
6 3

7 2
clown pizza
. I like a . I like a

I like Pam. by Amy Helfer

illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

Sam! Sam? Sam?


Pam? Pam?


© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I am Sam.

I am Pam.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

by Maisy Flicker illustrated by Diane Paterson

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We like ! I like a .
hats green hat
2 7
I like a
. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I like a . I like a .
pink hat blue hat
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading The Bus for Us. Tess and
VOCABULARY Gus see a garbage truck, a backhoe, and other vehicles
while they wait for the school bus. I am learning how to
transportation vehicle use the pictures and words in a book to guess what will
happen next. I know
Name different kinds of vehicles you have ridden in, we’re going to see cars
such as a bus, car, or train. Have you seen other kinds and trucks. I can tell
of transportation? because each page so

(fold here)
far shows them.
High-Frequency Word: see
Look for the word see in signs, magazines, and

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
newspapers. Have your child write see. Count the number This Week’s Skills
of letters in the word. Comprehension: make predictions

Concept Words: shape words High-Frequency Word: see

circle, triangle, square, rectangle Concept Words: shape words

We can play “I Spy” using shape words. If I say: I spy a Phonics: t

red circle on the wall. What is it? you would say: the clock. Let’s hunt for words that start with the letter t. We can
Let’s play with more shape words. look in one of your books.

What Will Happen Next?
Discuss what is happening in the first picture in each row.
Ask: “What will happen next?” Have your child point to the
picture at the right that shows what will happen next and
explain her or his choice.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo The Bus for Us. Mientras
VOCABULARIO esperan el autobús de la escuela Tess y Gus ven un
camión de basura, una excavadora y otros vehículos.
transportation vehicle Estoy aprendiendo a usar las ilustraciones y las palabras
de un libro para adivinar
Menciona diferentes tipos de vehículos que hayas usado, qué pasará después. Sé
como el autobús, el automóvil o el tren. ¿Has visto otros que vamos a ver autos y
medios de transporte? camiones. Lo sé porque

(fold here)
hay autos y camiones
MIS PALABRAS en todas las páginas
del libro que he visto
Palabra de uso frecuente: see
hasta ahora.
Busque la palabra see en carteles, revistas y periódicos.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pida a su niño que escriba see. Cuente el número de letras
Comprensión: hacer predicciones
Palabras de concepto: shape words
Palabra de uso frecuente: see
circle, triangle, square, rectangle Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican forma
Vamos a jugar a “I Spy” (Veo, veo) usando palabras que
indican forma. Si te digo: I spy a red circle on the wall. Fonética: t
What is it?, tú me contestarás: the clock (el reloj). Vamos a Vamos a buscar palabras que empiezan con la letra t.
jugar con otras palabras que indican forma. Podemos mirar en uno de tus libros.

¿Qué pasará después?
Hable sobre lo que pasa en la primera ilustración de cada
hilera. Pregunte: “¿Qué pasará después?”. Haga que su
niño señale la ilustración de la derecha que indica lo que
sucederá después y que explique por qué ha escogido
esa ilustración.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

I See Sam

I see Sam. by Anita Wylie

8 illustrated by Maribel Suarez

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
train train
. I like the . I see a
I See Sam
I See Sam

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I see a . I like the .
plane boat
6 3

7 2
plane boat
. I like the . I see a
Can Tam See?

Tam can see Pat! by Beverly Kels

illustrated by Carol Schwartz

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
train train
. Tam can see the ? Can Tam see the
Can Tam See?
Can Tam See?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Can Tam see the ? Tam can see the .
jet boat
6 3

7 2
jet boat
. Tam can see the ? Can Tam see the
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Tig Can See

Tig Can See

Tig can see the . by Jan Shen illustrated by Jerry Smath
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Tig Can See
Tig can see the . Tig can see the .
clock tree
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Tig Can See
Tig can see the . Tig can see the .
boat bridge
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Tig Can See
Tig can see the . Tig can see the .
bus cat
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading On the Go.
VOCABULARY I know that people all over the world go
places. There are lots of ways to travel. I’m
travel journey learning how to put things into
groups. In this book, I can group
Think of a place far away. Can we find it on a map? Let’s things that move on wheels. Buses
talk about how you could travel there. have wheels. So do trains, cars,
and planes.

(fold here)
High-Frequency Word: go
I’m writing the word go on a piece of paper. Trace it
for me with a crayon. Now we’ll use different colored
This Week’s Skills
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
crayons. Each time I say “Ready, set, go!” write go in
a different color. Comprehension: classify and categorize
High-Frequency Word: go
Concept Words: sound words
Concept Words: sound words
ring-ring, ding-ding, Phonics: i
honk-honk, tick-tock This week when we read together, let’s look for
Let’s play “What Can I Say?” Here’s a riddle for you: I am a words that start with the letter i and have the letter
telephone. What can I say? Answer the riddle with one of i in them.
the words for this week. Now we can make more riddles.

On the Move
Let’s look at the pictures of the two trucks. What kinds of
things do you think they carry? Draw a circle around any
items the truck with vegetables might carry. Draw a square
around items the truck with the chair might carry.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo On the Go.
VOCABULARIO Sé que la gente de todo el mundo va a
distintos lugares. Hay muchas maneras
travel journey de viajar. Estoy aprendiendo a
dividir las cosas en grupos. En
Piensa en un lugar lejos de aquí. ¿Podemos encontrarlo en este libro puedo agrupar cosas
un mapa? Vamos a platicar sobre cómo podríamos viajar que se mueven sobre ruedas.
hasta ahí. Los autobuses tienen ruedas.

(fold here)
También tienen ruedas los trenes,
MIS PALABRAS los autos y los aviones.
Palabra de uso frecuente: go
Estoy escribiendo la palabra go en un papel. Trázala MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
con una crayola. Cuando termines usaremos crayolas de Comprensión: clasificar y categorizar
colores diferentes. Cada vez que te diga: “¡Preparados,
Palabra de uso frecuente: go
listos, ya!”, escribe go con un color de crayola diferente.
Palabras de concepto: el sonido de las palabras
Palabras de concepto: sound words Fonética: i
Esta semana, cuando leamos juntos, vamos a buscar
ring-ring, ding-ding, palabras que comiencen con i o que tengan la letra i.
honk-honk, tick-tock
Vamos a jugar a “¿Qué digo yo?”. Tengo una adivinanza
para ti: Soy un teléfono. ¿Qué digo yo? Contesta con una
de las palabras de arriba. Ahora vamos a pensar en más
¿Qué llevan?
Vamos a mirar las ilustraciones de los dos camiones. ¿Qué
tipo de cosas crees que llevan? Encierra en un círculo lo
que podría llevar el camión con los vegetales. Dibuja un
cuadrado alrededor de lo que podría ir en el camión con
la silla.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Go, Go, Go

Go, go, go! by Wiley Blevins

illustrated by Don Tate

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
boat boat
go! Go can go. A
Go, Go, Go
Go, Go, Go

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A can go. Go go!
plane car
6 3

7 2
plane car
go! Go can go. A
It Can Go, Go, Go!

We can go, go, go! by Michael LeRue

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
It can go, go, go! . I can see the
It Can Go, Go, Go!
It Can Go, Go, Go!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I can see the . It can go, go, go!
6 3

7 2
It can go, go, go! . I can see the
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pigs On Wheels

Pigs on Wheels?
Go, ! by Eunice Bosh illustrated by Liz Callen
I see the
Pigs on Wheels? © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
, go!
I see the
Pigs on Wheels? © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
, go!
I see the
Pigs on Wheels? © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
, go!
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Duck on a
VOCABULARY Bike. Duck goes for a ride on a boy’s
bike. The cow thinks Duck is silly.
adventure wheel The sheep thinks it could be
dangerous. What will the other
Let’s make up an adventure on wheels. barnyard animals think?
I’m learning about the
MY WORDS TO KNOW characters in a story and

(fold here)
the things that happen.
High-Frequency Words: go, see
Tell me a sentence for each word. I’ll print the sentences
on a piece of paper and read them to you. Can you
underline the words for this week?
This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Comprehension: identify character and plot
Concept Words: shape words High-Frequency Words: go, see
circle, square, triangle, rectangle Concept Words: shape words
I’m drawing two shapes. Their names are printed above. Phonics: i, t, p, s
Can you name each shape I drew? We could add drawings Write the letters i, t, p, and s in the space below.
to show the shapes of different kinds of transportation.

Make Movies
We’re going to make a movie. Let’s talk about each
drawing. Can you draw the missing ones? When we come
to an empty frame you can draw what is missing.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo
VOCABULARIO Duck on a Bike. El pato da un paseo
en la bicicleta de un niño. La vaca
adventure wheel piensa que el pato es gracioso.
La oveja piensa que puede ser
Inventemos de una aventura sobre ruedas. peligroso. ¿Qué pensarán
los otros animales
MIS PALABRAS de la granja? Estoy

(fold here)
aprendiendo sobre los
Palabras de uso frecuente: go, see personajes en un cuento
Dime una oración con cada palabra. Yo escribiré las y las cosas que les pasan.
oraciones en una hoja de papel y te las leeré. ¿Puedes
subrayar las palabras de la semana?

Palabras de concepto: shape words © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

circle, square, triangle, rectangle MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

Estoy dibujando dos formas. Los nombres están escritos Comprensión: identificar personajes y argumento
arriba. ¿Puedes nombrar cada forma que dibujo? Podemos
Palabras de uso frecuente: go, see
agregar dibujos para ilustrar las formas de diferentes
medios de transporte. Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican forma
Fonética: i, t, p, s
Escribe en el espacio que está debajo las letras i, t, p, y s.

¡Hagamos una película!
Vamos a hacer una película. Platiquemos acerca de
cada ilustración. ¿Puedes dibujar las que faltan? Cuando
lleguemos a un recuadro vacío debes dibujar lo que falta.

I See a Truck Go

by Wiley Blevins
Go, go, go! illustrated by Mircea Catusanu

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
I see it. go. I see a
I See a Truck Go
I See a Truck Go

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I see a go. I see it.
6 3

7 2
I see it. go. I see a
Sit Tip!

Tip sat. We can go! by Amy Helfer

illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

We can go. Sit Tip.

Sit Tip!
Sit Tip.

We can go.
Sit Tip!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We can go.

Can we go?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Fast or Slow?

I see it go fast. Fast or Slow?

by Carrie Smith
I see it go fast. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Fast or Slow? I see it go slow.
2 7
I see it go fast. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Fast or Slow? I see it go slow.
6 3
I see it go fast. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Fast or Slow? I see it go slow.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Apple Farmer Annie. Annie
VOCABULARY has an apple tree orchard. She picks apples in the fall.
Annie uses some of her apples to
farmer market make different foods. She sells
the best apples at a market in
Let’s talk about things a farmer does. What things are in the city. I’m learning that the
our local market thanks to farmers? things that happen in a story,
happen in a certain order.

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW Remembering the order helps
me understand a book. It
High-Frequency Word: to
helps me retell it, too.
We can look for the word to in book titles, on signs, and
in newspapers. Write the word in the air as you name the

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
letters. Then write to on a piece of paper.
This Week’s Skills
Concept Words: food words
Comprehension: identify sequence
carrot, apple, plum, pear
High-Frequency Word: to
Let’s draw pictures of different fruits and vegetables.
When we are done, I’ll shuffle the pictures and you can Concept Words: food words
arrange them in two piles, one for fruits and the other for Phonics: n
vegetables. We can hunt for the letter n in a newspaper or a
magazine. You can circle each n you find.

Farmer Fred’s Day
Here’s a puzzle we can solve. Draw a line to each place
Farmer Fred goes.

First, he milked the cows. Next, he fed

the chickens. Then he rode the tractor.
Last, he brushed the horses. Farmer Fred
went home for lunch.

Where did Farmer Fred go first?

What did he do second?
What did he do next?
Then what did he do?
Where did he end?

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Apple Farmer Annie.
VOCABULARIO Annie tiene una huerta de manzanos. Ella recoge
manzanas en el otoño. Annie prepara
farmer market diferentes comidas con las
manzanas. Las mejores las vende
Vamos a platicar sobre las cosas que hace un granjero. en un mercado de la ciudad.
¿Qué podemos encontrar en el mercado gracias a Estoy aprendiendo que las cosas
los granjeros? que pasan en un cuento pasan

(fold here)
en cierto orden. Recordar el
MIS PALABRAS orden me ayuda a entender el
libro. También me ayuda para
Palabra de uso frecuente: to
volverlo a contar.
Podemos buscar la palabra to en títulos de libros,

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
carteles y periódicos. Escribe la palabra en el aire y MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
nombra las letras. Luego escribe to en un papel. Comprensión: identificar el orden
de los sucesos
Palabras de concepto: palabras de comida
Palabra de uso frecuente: to
carrot, apple, plum, pear
Palabras de concepto: palabras de comida
Vamos a dibujar fruits and vegetables diferentes. Cuando
terminemos, voy a barajar los dibujos y puedes ponerlos en Fonética: n
dos grupos, un para fruits y el otro para vegetables. Vamos a buscar la letra n en un periódico o revista.
Encierra en un círculo cada n que encuentres.

El día del granjero Fred
Aquí tenemos un rompecabezas para resolver. Traza una
línea a cada lugar donde va el granjero Fred.

First, he milked the cows. Next, he fed

the chickens. Then he rode the tractor. START
Last, he brushed the horses. Farmer Fred
went home for lunch.

Where did Farmer Fred go first?

What did he do second?
What did he do next?
Then what did he do?
Where did he end?

Can Nan?

Can Nan see the man? by Toshio Ushida

photographed by Ken O’Donoghue

8 Nan can!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
orange apple
? Can Nan tap an ? Can Nan tap an
Can Nan?
Can Nan go to the ? Can Nan tap a ?
store potato
2 7
3 6
Can Nan see the man? ? Can Nan tap an

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Can Nan?
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Pick Food!

We eat food! We Pick Food!

by Juana Rivera
We pick beans to eat. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Pick Food! We pick bananas to eat.
2 7
We pick oranges to eat. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Pick Food! We pick nuts to eat.
6 3
We Pick Food! © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We pick corn to eat.

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Our Special Sweet Potato
VOCABULARY Pie. A boy and his family want to make a sweet potato
pie for Daddy’s birthday. But the potatoes they pick
special feast start to roll down a hill. Everyone in the neighborhood
tries to catch them. I’m learning that I can use story
When do we celebrate holidays? Do we have a family clues, picture clues, and what I already know to figure
feast? What makes it special? out things the writer doesn’t say. I can tell from a
picture in the books that Mr. Mason owns the bakery.

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW This Week’s Skills
High-Frequency Word: have Comprehension: make inferences
Can you write the word have on a card? Then say
High-Frequency Word: have
sentences that begin I have . For example: I

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
have a coat. Concept Words: season words
Phonics: c
Concept Words: seasons You can use raisins or other small
winter, spring, summer, fall objects to form the letter c.
Then we can hunt for words
Let’s draw pictures of each season: winter, spring,
that start with the letter c in
summer, and fall. Then you can tell me about your
one of your books.
pictures, and we can label them with the right
season name.

You Decide
Let’s talk about what is happening in the first big picture.
Then we can look at the small pictures. What will happen
next? Let’s talk about why you chose your picture. Then we
can do the same thing with the pictures on the next page.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Our Special Sweet
VOCABULARIO Potato Pie. Un niño y su familia quieren hacer un pastel
de camote para el cumpleaños del papá. Pero los
special feast camotes que recogen comienzan a rodar colina abajo.
Toda la gente de la vecindad trata de agarrarlos. Estoy
¿Cuándo celebramos un día de fiesta? ¿Cuándo hacemos aprendiendo que puedo usar pistas del cuento, pistas
una fiesta familiar? ¿Qué tiene de especial esa fiesta? de las ilustraciones y cosas que ya sé para deducir lo
que el autor no dice. Por una de las ilustraciones me doy

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS cuenta de que el Sr. Mason es dueño de la panadería.
Palabra de uso frecuente: have MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
¿Puedes escribir la palabra have en una tarjeta? Luego di Comprensión: hacer inferencias
oraciones que comiencen con I have . Por ejemplo:
Palabra de uso frecuente: have

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I have a coat.
Palabras de concepto: palabras de las
Palabras de concepto: las estaciones estaciones

winter, spring, summer, fall Fonética: c

Puedes usar pasas de uva u
Vamos a dibujar ilustraciones de cada estación: invierno,
otros objetos pequeños para
primavera, verano y otoño. Después me hablarás sobre
formar la letra c. Después
tus dibujos y les pondremos el nombre correcto de cada
podemos buscar en uno
de tus libros palabras que
empiecen con c.

Lo decides tú
Vamos a platicar sobre lo que pasa en la primera ilustración
grande. Luego podemos mirar las ilustraciones pequeñas de
al lado. ¿Qué pasará después? Dime por qué escogiste esa
ilustración. Hagamos lo mismo con las ilustraciones de la
página siguiente.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We Can!

Cat can have a cat nap! by Lucy Floyd

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
milk milk
. Cat can sip . Tim can sip
We Can!
We Can!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Sam can nap. Cat can sit.
6 3

7 2

Can cat nap? Nan can sit.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Let’s Have Dinner

We can have muffins. Let’s Have Dinner

by Catherine Ellis
We can have milk.
Let’s Have Dinner
We can have noodles. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We can have hamburger. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Let’s Have Dinner We can have salad.
6 3
We can have carrots.
Let’s Have Dinner
We can have corn. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Yoko. Her mother
VOCABULARY makes her favorite lunch for school. But
everyone laughs at it. Her teacher
tradition menu asks everyone to bring food from
another country. I
Do we have any traditions in our family? What could we can use story clues to
cook for a traditional family dinner? tell that steamed
rice rolled up with

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW something inside
is called sushi.
High-Frequency Words: to, have
I’ll write each word on an index card and then say the
word. You can point to each word I say. Can you read the

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
word aloud?
This Week’s Skills
Concept Words: fruits and vegetables
Comprehension: make inferences
yams, bananas, peas High-Frequency Words: to, have
Which fruit is your favorite?
Concept Words: fruits and vegetables
Which fruit is your least favorite?
Which vegetable do you like best? Phonics: n, c
Which vegetable do you like least? I’ll write a word and we can read it together. Then you
can write the word. I am going to write: no, not, nap,
can, cat, and cap.

Tic, Tac, Toe
We’re going to play Tic, Tac, Toe. Choose one of the
squares and tell me why the child is doing what the
picture shows. Write an X in the square on the Tic, Tac,
Toe board. We’ll take turns; I’ll write O. Whoever gets three
in a row first wins!

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Yoko. La
VOCABULARIO mamá le prepara el almuerzo favorito de Yoko
para que ella lo lleve a la escuela. Pero sus
tradition menu compañeros se ríen de lo que ella lleva. La
maestra les pide a todos que
¿Tenemos tradiciones en nuestra familia? ¿Qué comida traigan comidas de otros
podríamos preparar para una cena familiar tradicional? países. Puedo usar
pistas del cuento para

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS darme cuenta de que
los rollos de arroz al
Palabras de uso frecuente: to, have vapor que tienen algo
Voy a escribir cada palabra en una tarjeta y a decirla. adentro se llaman sushi.
Señala cada palabra que escuches. ¿Puedes leer la palabra

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Comprensión: hacer inferencias
Palabras de concepto: frutas y verduras
Palabras de uso frecuente: to, have
yams, bananas, peas Palabras de concepto: frutas y verduras
¿Cuál es tu fruta favorita? Fonética: n, c
¿Cuál es la fruta que menos te gusta? Voy a escribir una palabra y luego la podemos leer
¿Cuál es el verdura favorita? juntos. Después tú puedes escribirla: no, not, nap, can,
¿Cuál es la verdura que menos te gusta? cat y cap.

Vamos a jugar al Ta-Te-Ti. Escoge uno de los casilleros y
explícame por qué el personaje está haciendo lo que se ve
en el dibujo. Escribe una X en el casillero. Nos turnaremos.
Yo voy a escribir letras O. Gana el que tenga tres marcas
seguidas en una hilera.


Nat can nap! by Wiley Blevins

illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

Tip it Nat. Tip it in.




© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Tap an

See the pan.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

We have pie! Thanksgiving by Jane Frances

We have soup to eat. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Thanksgiving We have nuts to eat.
2 7
We have turkey to eat. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Thanksgiving We have bread to eat.
6 3
We have corn to eat. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Thanksgiving We have beans to eat.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Mama Cat Has Three
VOCABULARY Kittens. Fluffy and Skinny do whatever Mama does. But
not Boris! He’s always getting into trouble. I’m learning
compare action how to use my own experiences and the
pictures and details in a book to guess
Think about two animals, such as a dog and a bird. what will happen next. We are
How can we compare them? How are their actions going to read about what Boris
alike and different? does when the other kittens nap.

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW This Week’s Skills
High-Frequency Word: is Comprehension: make
What is your name? Tell me, saying: My name predictions

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
is . Spell is aloud and then write it using a red
High-Frequency Word: is
crayon. Let’s do it again using a blue crayon. Can you
write is using a green crayon? Concept Words: position words
Phonics: o
Concept Words: position words We can hunt for words that start with the letter o or
next to, on, off, under, behind have the letter o in them. I’m going to draw an octopus
and write a word with o on each of the eight legs. You
I’m going to put something on our table. Now you can
can underline each o.
take it off the table. Now put it next to the table. Let’s
choose something else to put on the table and play again.

What Will Happen?
For each picture on the left, draw a line to the picture on
the right that shows what you think will happen next. Then
we can do the same with the pictures on the next page.
Let’s talk about your choice.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Mama Cat Has Three
VOCABULARIO Kittens. Fluffy y Skinny hacen lo mismo que hace la
mamá. ¡Pero Boris, no! Boris siempre está metido
compare action en problemas. Estoy aprendiendo a usar
mi propia experiencia y las ilustraciones
Piensa en dos animales, como un perro y un pájaro. ¿Cómo y detalles del libro para adivinar qué
los puedes comparar? ¿En qué se parecen y diferencian sus pasará después. Vamos a leer sobre
acciones? lo que hace Boris mientras los

(fold here)
otros gatitos duermen.
Palabra de uso frecuente: is
Comprensión: hacer predicciones
What is your name? Contéstame: My name is .
Palabra de uso frecuente: is
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Deletrea is en voz alta. Escribe is con una crayola roja.
Ahora con una azul. ¿Puedes escribir is con una verde? Palabras de concepto: palabras que
indican posición
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
Fonética: o
next to, on, off, under, behind Vamos a buscar palabras que empiezan con la letra o o
Voy a poner algo on nuestra mesa. Ahora, puedes quitarlo que tienen la letra o. Voy a dibujar un octopus (pulpo)
off la mesa. Ahora, ponlo next to la mesa. Vamos y escribirle una palabra con o en cada una de las ocho
a elegir algo más para ponerlo sobre la tabla y jugar patas. Puedes subrayar todas las o que encuentres.
otra vez.

¿Qué pasará?
Traza una línea desde cada ilustración de la izquierda hasta
la ilustración de la derecha que indica lo que tú crees que
pasará después. Luego haremos lo mismo con las ilustraciones
de la página siguiente. Vamos a comentar tus elecciones.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill


It can not sit! by Tom Beedy

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
ice log
. It is on . It is on a

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
It is on a . It can sit in Mom.
6 3

7 2
It is on top. . It can sit in a
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Animals in Nature

It is on the log. Animals in Nature

by K.C. Childs
It is on the rock. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Animals in Nature It is on the branch.
2 7
It is on the tree. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Animals in Nature It is on the lily pad.
6 3
It is on the leaf. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Animals in Nature It is on the flower.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Animal Babies ABC.
VOCABULARY There is an animal baby for every letter of the alphabet!
We are learning how to put things
parent information into groups. We figure
out how things are alike
Talk about the different animal parents and babies your and different so we can
child has seen. Discuss what kind of information each group them. For example,
animal baby learns from its parents. in this book, some animals

(fold here)
hatch from eggs. Mothers give
MY WORDS TO KNOW birth to others.
High-Frequency Word: play
Print the word play on an index card. Have your child use
This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
his or her arm to “write” it in the air, saying each letter Comprehension: classify
while writing. Your child can repeat this a few times until and categorize
it can be done without looking at the card. High-Frequency Word: play
Concept Words: position words Concept Words: position words

down, left, right, up Phonics: f

Have family members help your child find words that
Offer directions for your child to follow. You might
start with the letter f in book titles, on signs, and on
suggest that your child wave his or her left hand; put the
other environmental print.
hand down; touch his or her right shoe; look up at the

Land or Water?
Invite your child to color the animals in red that live in
places like those of the fox. Have your child color the
animals in blue that live in places such as the fish.

A fox lives on land.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A fish lives in water.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Animal Babies ABC. Hay
VOCABULARIO un animal bebé para cada letra del alfabeto. Estamos
aprendiendo a poner las cosas
parent information en grupos. Observamos en
qué se parecen y en qué
Hable sobre animales jóvenes y adultos que su niño haya se diferencian para poder
visto. Conversen sobre la información que cada bebé de agruparlas. Por ejemplo, en
animal aprende de sus padres. este libro hay algunos animales

(fold here)
que nacen de un huevo. Otros
MIS PALABRAS salen directamente de
las mamás.
Palabra de uso frecuente: play
Escriba play en una tarjeta en letras de imprenta. Haga MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
que su niño la “escriba” en el aire y que diga cada letra a Comprensión: clasificar y categorizar
medida que escribe. El niño puede repetir esta actividad
varias veces hasta que la pueda hacer sin mirar la tarjeta. Palabra de uso frecuente: play
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
Fonética: f
down, left, right, up Haga que otros miembros de la familia ayuden a su
Déle instrucciones a su niño en inglés. Dígale que mueva niño a buscar palabras que comiencen con la letra f
su mano izquierda: move your left hand; que baje la mano: en títulos de libros, carteles y cualquier otro material
put your hand down; que se toque el pie derecho: touch impreso a su alcance.
your right foot; o que mire hacia arriba: look up at
the ceiling.

¿Tierra o agua?
Pídale a su niño que coloree de rojo los animales que viven
en lugares similares a donde vive el zorro. Dígale que coloree
de azul los animales que viven en lugares similares a donde
vive el pez.

A fox lives on land.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A fish lives in water.

Can It Fit?

Can it POP? by Liz Ray

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
It can play. play? Can a
Can It Fit?
Can a fit? It is fat!
2 7
3 6
It can fit. fat? Is a

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Can It Fit?
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Animals and
Their Babies

The squirrels can play. Animals and Their Babies

by Jan Dree
The bears can play.
Animals and Their Babies
The fawns can play. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

The goats can play.
Animals and Their Babies
The foxes can play. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

The kittens can play.
Animals and Their Babies
The foals can play. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Mole
VOCABULARY and the Baby Bird. Mole helps
a baby bird that falls out of its
responsibility habitat nest. He wants to keep it as a pet.
His mother tells him the bird is a
A habitat is a place in nature where animals or people live. wild animal and wants to be free.
Talk about the responsibility we have to keep habitats safe I wonder what will happen to
for the animals that live there. the bird. I’m learning about the

(fold here)
characters in a story and about
MY WORDS TO KNOW the plot. The plot is what happens.
High-Frequency Words: is, play
I am going to write these words on a piece of paper. We This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
can read the words several times. Then we can talk about
Comprehension: identify character and plot
a playground. What is there? What do you play? We will
try to use all the words as we talk. High-Frequency Words: is, play
Concept Words: position words
Concept Words: position words
Phonics: f, o
under, behind, down, left, next to, off, Can you give me a word with the letter o? What about
on, right, up a word with the letter f? Now let’s try to find as many
I’m going to put a spoon and a box on our table. I words as we can that have both the letters o and f in
will tell you where to move it. For example: Put the spoon them.
next to the box; Put the spoon on the box.

My Friend Amy Amy got on her bike.
Suppose that Amy is your friend. Let’s talk about what she
is like. Then you can draw her. On the next page, let’s talk
about a day Amy went bicycle riding. I’ll write sentences in
the box.

Amy is my friend.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Amy came home.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo
VOCABULARIO Mole and the Baby Bird. El topo
ayuda a un pajarito que se ha
responsibility habitat caído del nido. Quiere tenerlo
como mascota. Su mamá le dice
El hábitat es el lugar de la naturaleza donde vive un que el pájaro no es un animal
animal. Hablen sobre la responsabilidad que tenemos doméstico y que quiere estar en libertad.
de mantener los hábitats seguros para los animales. Me pregunto qué le va a pasar al pájaro.

(fold here)
Estoy aprendiendo sobre los personajes
MIS PALABRAS y el argumento de un cuento. El
argumento es lo que pasa.
Palabras de uso frecuente: is, play
Voy a escribir estas palabras en una hoja de papel. MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Leámoslas varias veces. Después vamos a hablar de un
Comprensión: identificar personajes y argumento
parque de juegos. What is there? What do you play?
Tratemos de usar todas las palabras de la lista. Palabras de uso frecuente: is, play
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
Fonética: f, o
under, behind, down, left, next to, off, ¿Puedes decirme una palabra que tenga la letra o?
on, right, up ¿Puedes decirme ahora una palabra que tenga la letra
f? Ahora, vamos a tratar de encontrar tantas palabras
Voy a poner una cuchara y una caja sobre la mesa. Te como podamos que contengan las letras o y f.
voy a pedir que muevas la cuchara y te voy a decir dónde
ponerla. Por ejemplo: Put the spoon next to the box. Put
the spoon on the box.
Mi amiga Amy Amy got on her bike.
Imagina que Amy es tu amiga. Cuéntame cómo es. Después
puedes dibujarla. En la próxima página vamos a hablar de
un día en que Amy fue a montar en bicicleta. Voy a escribir
oraciones en el recuadro.

Amy is my friend.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Amy came home.

Tap, Tap, Tap!

A can tap! by Amy Helfer

bird illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

Tap, tap, tap! A cat can not tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap!
Tap, tap, tap! A fan can not tap.
2 7
3 6
Can a cat tap? Can a fan tap?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Tap, Tap, Tap!
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can Play

We can go play! We Can Play

by Jeanie Carr illustrated by John Wallner
Can we play? © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can Play Bird is in the nest.
2 7
Frog is on the rock. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can Play Bear is in the cave.
6 3
Fox is in the den. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We Can Play Spider is on the web.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Russ and the Firehouse.
VOCABULARY It’s about a boy named Russ who visits his uncle in a
firehouse. Russ gets to help
neighborhood equipment his uncle. He helps clean the
fire truck! I’m learning that
Try to take a walk around your neighborhood, or discuss every book has a main idea.
stores and other places in the community. Have your child It’s what the book is mostly
tell details about the type of equipment found at one or about. Details tell more

(fold here)
more places. about the main idea. This
book is about a firehouse.
MY WORDS TO KNOW The details tell us what is in a
High-Frequency Word: are

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
In large print, write the word are on a piece of This Week’s Skills
paper. Read the word with your child. Have your child
Comprehension: main idea and details
finger-trace the word as she or he says the letters. Then
make up sentences together that begin We are . High-Frequency Word: are
Concept Words: sequence words
Concept Words: sequence words
Phonics: h
first, next, last Let’s hunt for words in our home that begin with the
Line up three stuffed animals or toys. Ask your child: letter h.
Which one is first? Which one is next? Which one is last?
Reorder the animals and repeat. Find other objects to
place in order.

What Am I?
We are going to answer riddles. When you know the
answer to the riddle, tell me what to write in the box. I have tables
and chairs.
You can eat here.
A waiter gives
I have many rooms. you food.
Teachers are in each room.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I sell all kinds
of bread.
I have trees
and grass. I sell cakes and
cookies, too.
I have benches to
sit on.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Russ and the
VOCABULARIO Firehouse. Trata de un niño llamado Russ que va a visitar
a su tío a la estación de bomberos. Russ ayuda a su
neighborhood equipment tío. ¡Lo ayuda a limpiar el
camión de bomberos! Estoy
Dé una vuelta alrededor de su barrio o platique sobre aprendiendo que todos
tiendas y otros lugares de la comunidad con su niño. Haga los libros tienen una idea
que su niño le cuente detalles sobre los tipos de equipo principal, que es sobre lo que

(fold here)
que se pueden encontrar en uno o más de esos lugares. trata el libro. Los detalles nos
dan más información sobre
MIS PALABRAS la idea principal. Este libro
trata de una estación de
Palabra de uso frecuente: are
bomberos. Los detalles nos

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Escriba la palabra are en letras de imprenta grandes en explican qué hay en la estación.
una hoja de papel. Lea la palabra con su niño. Haga que
su niño trace la palabra con el dedo a medida que va MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
diciendo las letras. Luego formen juntos oraciones que
Comprensión: idea principal y detalles
comiencen con We are .
Palabra de uso frecuente: are
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican orden Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican orden
first, next, last Fonética: h
Ponga en fila tres animales de peluche o juguetes. Vamos a buscar palabras que comiencen con la letra h
Pregúntele a su niño: Which one is first? Which one is en nuestro hogar.
next? Which one is last? Cambie el orden y repita. Haga lo
mismo con otros objetos.
¿Qué soy?
Vamos a averiguar las respuestas de estas adivinanzas.
Cada vez que encuentres una respuesta, dímela y yo I have tables
la escribo.
and chairs.
You can eat here.
A waiter gives
I have many rooms. you food.
Teachers are in each room.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I sell all kinds
of bread.
I have trees
and grass. I sell cakes and
cookies, too.
I have benches to
sit on.

Are Caps Hats?
A hat is on Min. A cap is on Tim.
Min can sip, sip, sip. Tim can hit, hit, hit.
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
by Rosa Acosta I see 2.
Hat? Cap?
Are Caps Hats?
Are Caps Hats?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A hat is on Pam. A cap is on Tom.
Pam can tap it. Tom can fit him in.
6 3

7 2

Sam can tip it! Nat can sit on top.

A hat is on Sam. A hat is on Nat.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Where Are We?

Are we at a zoo? Where Are We?

by Bonnie Gerard
We are at a school. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Where Are We? We are at a hat store.
2 7
We are at a park. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Where Are We? We are at a market.
6 3
We are at a playground. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Where Are We? We are at a firehouse.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Bus Stops. In this book, a
VOCABULARY bus stops at many places in a city. At each stop, I can
look at the pictures that
community workers show things in the city.
I’m learning that every
Let’s talk about some different workers we see when we book has a main idea.
go outdoors. For example, a mail carrier brings us our mail. This book is about all
(construction workers, bus drivers, police officers) the things you can see

(fold here)
from a bus window.
High-Frequency Words: for, you This Week’s Skills
Look for the words for and you in cards, in books, in Comprehension: main idea and details

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
advertisements, and anywhere else that has printed
High-Frequency Words: for, you
words. Then I’ll give you a piece of paper and you can
draw a picture. I’ll fold the paper in half to make a card. Concept Words: words that compare
Write the name of someone you will give the card to. Phonics: d, r
Let’s think of words that begin with the letters d and r.
Concept Words: words that compare They stand for the sound you hear at the beginning of
big, bigger, biggest, small, the words dog and rock. I’ll give you clues to guess the
word that begins with d or r. For example: I use a
smaller, smallest shovel to do this or I use my umbrella when it is
We can play “I Spy.” I’ll say things such as, I spy two dogs. doing this outside.
Which one is bigger? Which one is the biggest? Then you
can ask me a big/bigger/biggest question.
What’s Going On?
Look at the picture. What is the main idea? What details
tell about the main idea? Color all the details that belong in
the town. Cross out the details that do not belong.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Bus Stops. Es sobre un
VOCABULARIO autobús que para en distintos lugares. En cada parada
veo ilustraciones de
community workers algo de la ciudad. Estoy
aprendiendo que todos
Hablemos sobre trabajadores que vemos cuando salimos. los libros tienen una idea
Por ejemplo, un cartero (mail carrier) nos trae las cartas. principal. Este libro trata
(construction workers, bus drivers, police officers) de todas las cosas que se

(fold here)
ven desde la ventanilla
MIS PALABRAS de un autobús.
Palabras de uso frecuente: for, you MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
Busca las palabras for y you en tarjetas, libros, anuncios y Comprensión: idea principal y detalles

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
cualquier otro lugar donde haya palabras impresas. Luego, Palabras de uso frecuente: for, you
te voy a dar una hoja de papel para que hagas un dibujo.
Doblaré el papel en dos para hacer una tarjeta. Escribe el Palabras de concepto: palabras que comparan
nombre de la persona a quien se la darás. Fonética: d, r
Palabras de concepto: palabras que comparan Vamos a pensar en palabras que comiencen con d y r.
Representan el sonido al comienzo de las palabras dog
big, bigger, biggest, small, y rock. Te voy a dar pistas para que adivines cuál es la
smaller, smallest palabra que comienza con d o con r, por ejemplo: I use
a shovel to do this, o I use my umbrella when it is doing
Vamos a jugar a “I Spy” (Veo, veo). Te voy a decir, por this outside.
ejemplo: I spy two dogs. Which one is bigger? Which one
is the biggest? Después tú me puedes hacer una pregunta
con big/bigger/biggest.
¿Qué pasa aquí?
Mira la ilustración. ¿Cuál es la idea principal? ¿Qué detalles
se refieren a la idea principal? Colorea todos los detalles
que correspondan a la ciudad. Tacha los detalles que
no correspondan.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Rod can see Tad mop. Rod Can See It Rod can see Tim on a mat.
Tad can dip the mop. Can you nap on a mat?
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
by Nancy Hertz Mom can pin it for Dan.
Rod can see a rip.
Rod Can See It
Rod Can See It

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Rod can see Mom and Ron.
Rod can see a cat.
Mom ran to Ron.
The cat can sit on top.
6 3

7 2
Dot can pat him. Don can hit the rim.
Rod can see Rob. Rod can see Don hit it.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
This Is for You

The card is for me! This Is for You

by Lee Peters illustrated by Noah Jones
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
The rose is for you. This Is for You
The basket is for you.
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
The doll is for you. This Is for You
The picture is for you.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
The ball is for you. This Is for You
The kitten is for you.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Alicia’s Happy Day. In
VOCABULARY this book a girl walks in her neighborhood with her
mother. They hear music on the street. They see flags
celebration job and taxicabs. Everything
Alicia sees makes her
Let’s talk about a celebration you enjoy. What jobs need to feel happy. I’m learning
be done in order to plan the celebration? to check if I understand
a story by retelling it

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW in my own words. The
pictures in the book
High-Frequency Words: for, you, are help me recall what I
I’ll write each word on a sticky note. We can read and read.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
say the words. In the next book we read, you can stick
each note on the page where you find the word. This Week’s Skills
Concept Words: sequence words Comprehension: retell
High-Frequency Words: for, you, are
first, next, last
Let’s talk about a making a sandwich. Tell me what needs Concept Words: sequence words
to be done first, next, and last in order to make Phonics: d, h, r
the sandwich. Look at these letters. They end many words. Let’s find or
say words that end with those letters. For example, we
could say: sad, math, or car.

Tell It All!
Have your child retell the story of “The Three Little Pigs.”
(First read or tell the story if your child is unfamiliar
with it.) Point to each picture as your child describes
what is happening. Then your child can color his or her
favorite picture.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Alicia’s Happy Days.
VOCABULARIO En este libro una niña camina por su vecindario con su
madre. Las dos escuchan música en la calle. Ven banderas
celebration job y taxis. Todo lo que
Alicia ve la hace sentirse
Vamos a platicar sobre una celebración que te guste. ¿Qué feliz. Estoy aprendiendo
tareas hay que hacer para organizar la celebración? a ver si comprendo un
cuento al contarlo con

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS mis propias palabras. Las
ilustraciones de un libro
Palabras de uso frecuente: for, you, are me ayudan a recordar lo
Voy a escribir cada una de estas palabras en una nota que leo.
adhesiva. Vamos a leer las palabras y a decirlas juntos. En

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
el próximo libro que leamos, podrás pegar la nota adhesiva
en la página donde encuentres la palabra.
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican sucesión Comprensión: volver a contar
first, next, last Palabras de uso frecuente: for, you, are
Vamos a hablar sobre cómo preparar un sándwich. Dime Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican sucesión
que necesitamos hacer first, next, last (primero, luego y
Fonética: d, h, r
por último) para preparar el sándwich.
Mira estas letras. Vamos a buscar o a decir palabras que
terminen con ellas. Por ejemplo, sad, math, o car.

Haga que su niño le vuelva a contar el cuento “Los tres
cerditos”. Primero léale el cuento o cuénteselo si el niño
no lo conoce. Señale cada ilustración a medida que el niño
vaya narrando lo que pasa. Después el niño puede colorear
su ilustración favorita.

Dad Can Pin It On

“Dad, you can pin it on.

by Amy Helfer
Pin it on Mom!” illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
“Not a fat cat, Sam.” Mom can pat him!”
Dad Can Pin It On “It is a fat cat, Dad.
“It is a tan hat, Dad. “It is a pin, Sam!
Can it fit on Mom?” It is a red pin for me!”
2 7
3 6
It is a red pin for Mom.”
“Not a tan hat, Sam.” “Is it a red pin, Dad?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Dad Can Pin It On
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Panda House

We did it for you! Panda House

by Marie Stone illustrated by John Wallner
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We are digging for you. Panda House
We are happy for you.
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We are planting for you. Panda House
We are building for you.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
We are painting for you. Panda House
We are washing for you.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading A Rainy Day. The book has
VOCABULARY photographs. The words and pictures tell what a rainy
day is like. It is wet and gray. A lot of
weather cloud rain can make floods. The main idea
of this book is about rain. The writer
What can we say about today’s weather? Is there rain? gives a lot of details about what
Look at the sky for clouds. Talk about how clouds can happens when it rains.
sometimes help us predict the weather.

(fold here)
This Week’s Skills
Comprehension: identify main idea
High-Frequency Words: this, do and details
I’m going to write the words this and do on a piece of
High-Frequency Words: this, do
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
paper. We can read them together. You can finger-trace
each word as you say the letters. Let’s look around our Concept Words: sound words
kitchen. Point to different things and take turns asking: Phonics: e
What can this thing do? Our refrigerator keeps food cold. When we go out, let’s look for words that start with the
letter e. We can look in stores or other places we visit.
Concept Words: sound words We might find words such as enter and exit.
bam, crack, drip, drop, splash
Let’s play “I Hear” using words for sounds. For example:
I hear something drip in the sink. What is it? I hear
something go bam after lightning. What is it? I hear
someone splash in the bathtub. Who is it?

What Am I?
Let’s read the riddles below. You can draw a line to match
the riddles to the answers.

You see me When it snows

in the sky. you are cold.
Then you hear I keep your
a loud bam! hands warm.

I look like popcorn I keep your feet dry.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
in the sky. You can splash
Sometimes I look in puddles.
like animals.
I can play in
I warm up the earth. the water.
I look round and You wear me
yellow. in a pool.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo A Rainy Day. En el
VOCABULARIO libro hay fotografías. Las palabras y las ilustraciones nos
dicen cómo es un día de lluvia. Es
weather cloud húmedo y gris. Cuando llueve mucho
puede haber inundaciones. La idea
¿Qué podemos decir del tiempo de hoy? ¿Llueve? Busquen principal de este libro es la lluvia. El
nubes en el cielo. Hablen de cómo las nubes pueden a escritor da muchos detalles de lo que
veces ayudarnos a predecir el tiempo. pasa cuando llueve.

(fold here)
Comprensión: identificar la idea
Palabras de uso frecuente: this, do principal y los detalles
Voy a escribir las palabras this y do en una hoja de papel.
Palabras de uso frecuente: this, do
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Luego las leeremos juntos. Traza cada palabra con el dedo
mientras dices las letras. Vamos a la cocina. Voy a señalar Palabras de concepto: palabras de sonido
cosas y a preguntarte: What can this thing do? Tú debes Fonética: e
responderme, por ejemplo: Our refrigerator keeps food cold. Cuando salgamos vamos a buscar palabras que
Luego nos turnaremos. comiencen con la letra e. Vamos a mirar en las tiendas
y en otros lugares. Tal vez encontremos palabras como
Palabras de concepto: palabras de sonido enter y exit.
bam, crack, drip, drop, splash
Vamos a jugar a “Escucho algo...”con palabras en inglés
que representan sonidos. Presta atención: Escucho algo
que hace drip en el fregadero. ¿Qué es? Oigo algo que
hace bam después de un relámpago. ¿Qué es? Alguien
hace splash en la tina del baño. ¿Quién es? Nombre
¿Qué soy?
Vamos a leer las adivinanzas de abajo. Tú puedes trazar una
línea que vaya de la adivinanza a la respuesta.

You see me When it snows

in the sky. you are cold.
Then you hear I keep your
a loud bam! hands warm.

I look like popcorn I keep your feet dry.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
in the sky. You can splash
Sometimes I look in puddles.
like animals.
I can play in
I warm up the earth. the water.
I look round and You wear me
yellow. in a pool.

Dan can dip in. Ed Can, Ted Can Nan can hit this net.
Dan can do it! Nan can do it!
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
by Julio Alvarez
Pam can do it!
Pam can play in it.
Ed Can, Ted Can
Ed Can, Ted Can

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Cam can fit a hat on it. Ted can pet the cat.
Cam can do it! Ted can do it!
6 3

7 2
Kit can do it! Ed can do it!
Kit can sit in the den. Ed is set to go.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
What Can
You Do?

Look at the sunset. What Can You Do?

by Frank Fenn
Look at the rain.
What Can You Do?
You can do this. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Look at the snow.
What Can You Do?
You can do this. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Look at the clouds.
What Can You Do?
You can do this. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

We are reading In the Yard this week. At the
VOCABULARY beginning of the book, a girl and her parents plant
flowers in their yard. The whole book is about things her
season month family does in their yard. I’m learning that stories can
happen in different places and at different times. This
Do we have a calendar? What month is it now? What story tells us about a yard in all the seasons.
season? We can look at other months and talk about what
season they are in.
This Week’s Skills

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW Comprehension: identify setting
High-Frequency Words: and, what High-Frequency Words: and, what
Let’s look for the words and and what in book titles, on
Concept Words: words that compare

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
signs outdoors, and in newspapers. When we see a word,
you can write the word in the air as you name the letters. Phonics: b, l
Then we can write each word on a piece of paper. Let’s hunt in books for
words that begin with
Concept Words: words that compare the letters b and l. We
can point to the letter
long, longer, longest, tall, taller, tallest in each word we find
Let’s arrange things by size. I’ll put a long pen here, then and name it.
a longer marker, and last the longest pencil. Now you tell
me which is the longest.

When Is It?
Here’s a game called “When Is It?” We need two small
things for markers, such as a raisin and a piece of macaroni.
Now we each flip a coin. We can move one place for
“heads” and two places for “tails.” When you land on a
place, look at the picture. What season do you think the
setting shows? We’ll take turns. Whoever gets to the pool
first wins!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo In The Yard. Al
VOCABULARIO principio del libro, una niña planta flores en el jardín
con sus padres. Todo el libro trata de cosas que la
season month familia hace en el jardín. Estoy aprendiendo que los
cuentos ocurren en diferentes lugares y en épocas
¿Hay aquí un calendario? ¿Qué mes es? ¿Qué estación? distintas. Este cuento se refiere a un jardín en todas las
Podemos mirar otros meses y hablar de la estación que es. estaciones.

(fold here)
Comprensión: identificar el ambiente
Palabras de uso frecuente: and, what
Palabras de uso frecuente: and, what
Vamos a buscar las palabras and y what en títulos de
libros, en carteles de la calle y en periódicos. Cuando veas Palabras de concepto: palabras que comparan

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
una de las palabras, puedes escribirla en el aire y nombrar Fonética: b, l
las letras. Luego podemos escribir las palabras en una hoja Vamos a buscar en
de papel. libros palabras que
comiencen con b y con l.
Palabras de concepto: palabras que comparan Vamos a señalar la letra
long, longer, longest, tall, taller, tallest en cada palabra que
encontremos y a decir su
Vamos a ordenar cosas de tamaño. Voy a poner un
bolígrafo que es long aquí, luego un marcador que es
longer al lado y finalmente el lápiz que es longest. Dime,
¿cuál es longest?

¿Cuándo es?
Aquí hay un juego que se llama “¿Cuándo es?” Necesitamos
dos fichas pequeñas como una pasa de uva y un trozo de
macarrón. Vamos a echar una moneda. Avanzaremos un
espacio si sacamos heads, y dos si sacamos tails. Cuando
llegues a un lugar mira la ilustración, ¿qué estación del año
muestra? Gana el primero que llegue a la piscina.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

It is hot, hot, hot. Hot Ben, Hot Lin Bob had a red cap on.
Bob ran, ran, ran.
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
by Liz Ray
Mom let Tim hop in!
It is not hot.
Hot Ben, Hot Lin
It is hot, hot, hot. They can fit on Deb.
Lin and Ben are hot.
2 7
3 6
What can fit on Deb?
Dad let Ben hop in. It is not hot.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Hot Ben, Hot Lin
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Go and Play

See what bears do?

Go to sleep, Cub! Go and Play
by Katherine Scraper
illustrated by Elise Mills
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
See what birds do?
Cub can too! Go and Play Go and play, Cub.
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
See what rabbits do?
Cub can too! Go and Play Go and play, Cub.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
See what ducks do?
Cub can too! Go and Play Go and play, Cub.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Bear Snores On. It’s about a
VOCABULARY bear that sleeps in a cave during winter. When a mouse
comes into the cave, the bear keeps sleeping. A hare
experience hibernate joins the mouse and they have snacks. But the bear keeps
sleeping. This story tells about make-believe things that
Discuss why birds fly south in the fall. Why do animals cannot happen in real life.
hibernate during the cold winter months? What do
animals experience in the cold?
This Week’s Skills

(fold here)
Comprehension: fantasy and reality
High-Frequency Words: High-Frequency Words:

this, do, and, what this, do, and, what

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Print the words in a list, then say a word and ask your child Concept Words: sound words
to point to it. Ask your child to copy the words. Phonics: b, l, e
Can you think of a word
Concept Words: sound words that starts with b?
What about l?
bam, crack, drip, drop, splash, crash What about e?
Ask: What do you hear when you jump in a pool? splash
What do you hear when rain falls? drip, drop What do you
hear when a bat hits a ball? crack What sound do you hear
when you bang a drum? bam

Get Real
Play the “Real or Fantasy” game with your child. Use two
small objects for markers. First, flip a coin. Move one space
for “heads” or two spaces for “tails.” Then look at the
picture in the box landed on. Does the picture show a
fantasy, something that could not happen, or does it show
reality, a thing that could happen in real life? Take turns.
Whoever gets to the cave first wins!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Bear Snores On. Trata
VOCABULARIO de un oso que duerme en una cueva durante el invierno.
Cuando un ratón entra en la cueva, el oso continúa
experience hibernate durmiendo. Una liebre se une al ratón y los dos comen
algo. Pero el oso continúa durmiendo. El cuento es sobre
Comente por qué los pájaros vuelan hacia el sur en otoño. cosas imaginarias, que no pueden pasar en la vida real.
¿Por qué inverna los animales durante el invierno? ¿Qué
experimentan los animales cuando hace frío?
Comprensión: fantasía y realidad

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS Palabras de uso frecuente:
Palabras de uso frecuente: this, do, and, what
this, do, and, what Palabras de concepto: palabras de sonido

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Haga una lista con las palabras y diga una palabra al azar Fonética: b, l, e
y haga que su niño señale la palabra. Haga que el niño ¿Se te ocurre alguna palabra
copie las palabras. que comienza con b? ¿Y con l?
¿Y con e?
Palabras de concepto: palabras de sonido
bam, crack, drip, drop, splash, crash
Pregúntele a su niño: ¿Qué sonido escuchas cuando
chocan dos carros? bam ¿Qué sonido escuchas cuando te
zambulles en la piscina? splash ¿Y escuchas cuando llueve?
drip, drop ¿Y cuando el bate golpea la pelota? crack
¿Qué sonido escuchas cuando tocas el tambar? bam
¿Realidad o fantasía?
Juegue este juego de realidad o fantasía con su niño. Use
como marcadores dos objetos pequeños. Primero, echen
una moneda. Avancen un espacio si sale heads y dos si
sale tails. Observen la ilustración del recuadro donde cayó
la moneda. ¿Muestra la ilustración una fantasía o una
realidad? Túrnense. Gana el que llegue primero a la cueva.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Pat and Tip

Pat and Tip are not sad.

Pat can sit. Tip can nap! by Amy Helfer
illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4

Pop it Ben! Hit it Sam!

Can Ben bat? Sam can bat.
Pat and Tip
I have a bat. Ben ran. Cam ran. Sam ran.
Can you play? Pam, Pat, and Tip ran!
2 7
3 6
Cam and Pam can.
Ben can. Sam can. ! Pit, pat. It is

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pat and Tip
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
In the Snow

What can we do?

We can have fun! In the Snow
by Michael Price illustrated by Steve Haskamp
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
What can Deb do?
This is Ben and Lin. In the Snow What can Ned do?
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
What can Ben do?
This is Deb and Ned. In the Snow What can Lin do?
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
What can Lil do?
This is Lil and Ted. In the Snow What can Ted do?
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading
VOCABULARY Oak Trees. It tells about how
oak trees grow from acorns.
grow plant I’m learning that an oak
tree grows in different
What kind of flowers would you like to plant? What would steps. It starts as an acorn.
happen as they grow? Then it grows roots. Next a
stem grows. Words like first, next,

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW later, and last tell the order in which
things happen.
High-Frequency Words: little, said
Let’s find the words said and little in books. You can copy
and complete this sentence: I said, “A is little.” This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Comprehension: identify sequence
Concept Words: position words
High-Frequency Words: little, said
bottom, top, middle Concept Words: position words
I’m drawing a picture of a ladder. Point to the top of
Phonics: k, ck
the ladder. Point to the middle. Draw something at the
How many words can we think of that begin with
the letter k or end with the letters ck. We could
say kid and back.

Grandpa’s Garden Look at what Grandpa does now. We can write a number
Look at the pictures to see what Grandpa does in his next to each sentence to tell what order Grandpa does
garden. We can write a number next to each sentence to things in his garden.
tell what order Grandpa does things in his garden.

The flowers are

Grandpa waits growing.
for the flowers
to grow.

Grandpa puts
the flowers in
Grandpa digs holes.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
a vase.

Grandpa cuts
Grandpa plants the flowers.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos
VOCABULARIO leyendo Oak Trees. Cuenta
cómo los árboles de roble
grow plant crecen a partir de bellotas.
Estoy aprendiendo que los
¿Qué clase de flores te gustaría plantar? ¿Qué les va a árboles de roble pasan por
pasar a medida que crezcan? distintas etapas cuando
crecen. Comienzan como bellotas.

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS Luego les salen raíces. Después les crece
un tallo. Palabras como primero,
Palabras de uso frecuente: little, said después, más tarde y al final
Vamos a buscar las palabras said y little en libros. indican el orden en que
Puedes copiar esta oración y terminarla: pasan las cosas.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I said: “A is little.”
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición Comprensión: orden de los sucesos
bottom, top, middle Palabras de uso frecuente: little, said
Voy a dibujar una escalera. Indica con el dedo lo alto (top) Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
de la escalera. Indica con el dedo la parte de en medio
Fonética: k, ck
(middle). Dibuja algo en la parte inferior (bottom).
¿Cuántas palabras sabemos en inglés que comienzan
con la letra k? ¿Y qué terminan con ck? Para empezar
tenemos dos: kid y back.

El jardín del abuelo Mira lo que está haciendo el abuelo ahora. Vamos a
Mira lo que está haciendo el abuelo en su jardín. Vamos a escribir un número al lado de cada oración para indicar en
escribir un número al lado de cada oración para indicar en qué orden hace el abuelo las cosas del jardín.
qué orden hace el abuelo las cosas del jardín.

The flowers are

Grandpa waits growing.
for the flowers
to grow.

Grandpa puts
the flowers in
Grandpa digs holes.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
a vase.

Grandpa cuts
Grandpa plants the flowers.

Sad Hen

The hat fits.

Kit Hen is not sad. by Amy Helfer
illustrated by Gary Phillips

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
Ken Cat sits.
Kit Hen sits. Sad Hen Let’s sit on the back deck.
Sad Hen

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Ken Cat has a red sack. Kit Hen is not sick.
It is for Kit Hen. Kit Hen is a little bit sad.
6 3

7 2
Is Kit Hen sick?
“It is a red hat!” said Kit. Ken Cat met Kit Hen.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Seeds Make Trees

Seeds Make Trees

Dad and Mick said,
“We like trees.”
by Olive Jackson illustrated by Jerry Smath
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Dad said,

Seeds Make Trees

“I see seeds. Mick said,
Do you?” “Little trees do get big!”
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Mick said,

Seeds Make Trees

Dad said, “I do!
“Little trees get big.” I see seeds.”
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Seeds Make Trees
Dad said, Mick said,
“Seeds make little trees.” “I like little trees!”
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Seed Secrets. It tells about
VOCABULARY plant seeds. It tells that they need water and sun to
grow. It tells how seeds travel in the air. I’m learning
observe seeds to check if I understand a book by retelling it in my
own words. I can use the pictures in a book to help me
If we buy an avocado in the store, we can put the seed remember what I read.
in water and observe how it grows. When it has roots,
we can plant it in dirt. (Put three toothpicks in the pit
This Week’s Skills

(fold here)
of an avocado to hold it in a glass of water. When it has
roots, it can be transferred to a flower pot.) Comprehension: retell
High-Frequency Words: here, was
MY WORDS TO KNOW Concept Words: position words

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
High-Frequency Words: here, was Phonics: u
I’m getting sticky notes. On each one write your name We can hunt for the letter u in
followed by the words was here! You can put the notes in magazines, newspapers, and books.
different places in our home for our family members I’ll help you read the words.
to find.

Concept Words: position words

in, out, over, under
Let’s find a ball and a box. I’ll keep moving the ball
and you can tell if the ball is in or out of the box, over
or under the box.

Tell It All!
Let’s watch a TV show together. At each commercial break
we’ll retell what we just heard and saw. I’ll help you write
sentences. You can draw pictures to help us recall.


© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Seed Secrets. Trata de
VOCABULARIO las semillas de las plantas. Dice que necesitan agua y
sol para crecer. Cuenta cómo las semillas viajan por el
observe seeds aire. Estoy aprendiendo a ver si comprendo un cuento
al contarlo con mis propias palabras. Puedo usar las
Si compramos un aguacate podemos poner la semilla en ilustraciones de un libro para recordar lo que leo.
agua y observar cómo crece. Cuando le crezcan raíces,
lo podremos plantar. (Ponga tres palillos en la semilla del
Comprensión: volver a contar

(fold here)
aguacate para que se pueda sostener en un vaso de agua.
Cuando tenga raíces siembre la semilla en una maceta). Palabras de uso frecuente: here, was
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición
Fonética: u

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Palabras de uso frecuente: here, was Vamos a buscar la letra u en revistas,
Aquí tengo notas adhesivas. Escribe en cada una tu periódicos y libros. Te voy a ayudar a
nombre seguido de las palabras was here! Luego pon leer las palabras.
las notas en diferentes lugares de la casa para que las
encuentren otros miembros de la familia.

Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición

in, out, over, under
Necesitamos una pelota y una caja. Voy a mover la pelota
y tú me vas a decir en inglés si la pelota está in, out, over
o under, o sea dentro, fuera, sobre o debajo de la caja.

¡Cuéntamelo todo!
Vamos a mirar un programa de televisión juntos. Cada vez
que pasen un anuncio nos contaremos lo que acabamos de
ver y escuchar. Te ayudaré a escribir oraciones. Tú puedes
hacer dibujos que nos ayuden a recordar lo que vimos.


© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A Bud Is Up

Nick can see it!

Nick did it! by Mara Debonne
illustrated by Paige Billin-Frye

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
Set it in the sun. 4. Water it on top.
5. Set the cup in back. A Bud Is Up 3. Tap it. Tap it in.
A Bud Is Up

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
It did not pop up. 1. Pick up a cup.
The sun was not up. 2. Pack it. Fit it in.
6 3

7 2
It can pop up! Nick can do it!
But the sun is hot here. It is fun, fun, fun.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
From Seed
to Plant

We love melon! From Seed to Plant

by Bill Williams
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

From Seed to Plant

This melon plant
Here are tomato seeds. was a melon seed.
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

From Seed to Plant

This tomato plant was
Here are melon seeds. a tomato seed.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

From Seed to Plant

This pumpkin plant was
Here are pumpkin seeds. a pumpkin seed.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Sunflower
VOCABULARY House, about a boy who plants seeds and
watches them grow into big, big, bright
garden senses yellow flowers. The boy and two friends
pretend that the tall flowers are the walls
We could visit a vegetable garden, look at a picture of and roof of a house. The house begins to
one, or close our eyes and picture one. Now we’ll use all fall at the end of the summer. There is a
five senses to talk about the garden. What do you see, picture of a seed growing, however. I can

(fold here)
hear, smell, feel, and taste? figure out that soon a stem will grow and
there will be many flowers next summer.
High-Frequency Words This Week’s Skills

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
here, was, little, said Comprehension: draw conclusions
I’ll write each word on a piece of paper and leave one High-Frequency Words:
letter out. Can you fill in the missing letter? I’ll help you.
here, was, little, said
Concept Words: position words Concept Words: position words

in, out, over, under Phonics: u, k, ck

Can you find a word that begins with
Let’s sit at the table and I’ll put out a pen and a book. I’ll the letter u? What about a word that begins
give you directions such as: Put the book over the desk. with k or ends in ck?
We can use all the words that way.

Where Are You?
Play a game with your child. Write the numbers one
and two on cards, and put the cards in a bag. Use two
different coins as markers. Take turns picking a number
and moving that many spaces. Tell if you would use the
pictured object at school or at the beach. The first one
to reach “Stop” wins.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo Sunflower
VOCABULARIO House, acerca de un niño que planta semillas
y ve cómo crecen hasta transformarse en
garden senses grandes y brillantes flores amarillas. El niño y
dos amigos más imaginan que las altas flores
Podemos visitar un jardĮn, observar una fotografía de uno son las paredes y el techo de una casa. Al
o cerrar los ojos e imaginárnoslo. Vamos a usar los cinco final del verano la casa comienza a caerse. Sin
sentidos para hablar del jardín. ¿Qué ves, escuchas, hueles, embargo, hay una ilustración con una semilla

(fold here)
tocas y saboreas? que crece. Me parece que va a crecer un tallo,
y que el próximo verano habrá muchas flores
MIS PALABRAS amarillas.
Palabras de uso frecuente: MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
here, was, little, said Comprensión: sacar conclusiones
Voy a escribir cada palabra pero voy a dejar fuera una Palabras de uso frecuente:
letra. ¿Puedes decirme qué letra falta? Yo te ayudaré.
here, was, little, said
Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican posición Palabras de concepto: palabras que indican
in, out, over, under
Fonética: u, k, ck ¿Puedes decirme una palabra que
Vamos a sentarnos a la mesa. Yo voy a sacar un bolígrafo y comience con la letra u? ¿Podrías darme también una
un libro. Yo te daré instrucciones, tales como: Pon el libro palabra que comience con k y otra que termine en ck?
sobre el escritorio. Podemos usar todas las palabras de
esta manera.

¿Dónde estás?
Juegue este juego con su niño: Escriba los números uno y
dos en tarjetas y ponga las tarjetas en una bolsa. Use dos
monedas distintas como marcadores. Túrnense para sacar
un número y avanzar el número de espacios indicados. Diga
si usaría el objeto ilustrado en el casillero de la escuela o en
la playa. Gana el primero que llegue a “Stop”.

Pick It!

I can tip it up a lot. by Amy Helfer

It can pop up. illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
Can I pick it? Let it sit.
It is a sick pod. Pick It! Do not pick it.
It is a red bud. Kick the rock.
Do not pick it. I can not pick it up.
2 7
3 6
Can I pick it? Pick the sick pod.
It is not red. Hop to it.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pick It!
Pick It!

I can tip it up a lot. by Amy Helfer

It can pop up. illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
Can I pick it? Let it sit.
It is a sick pod. Pick It! Do not pick it.
It is a red bud. Kick the rock.
Do not pick it. I can not pick it up.
2 7
3 6
Can I pick it? The sun was not up.
It is not red. It did not pop up.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pick It!
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
I Like This Flower

Kangaroo said,
“I like Little Ant.

I Like This Flower

I like Butterfly.
I like Honey Bee.”
by Marie Stone illustrated by Brian Cody
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“I like flowers,”
said Butterfly.
“Little Ant and
I will sit here.” I Like This Flower

3 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“I like flowers,”
“I like flowers,” said Butterfly.
said Kangaroo. “Little Ant and
“But I can not sit here.” I Like This Flower I will sit here.”
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“I like flowers,”
said Honey Bee. Click! Click! Click!
“Little Ant, Butterfly, “What was that?”
and I will sit here.” I Like This Flower said Little Ant.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Beetles.
VOCABULARY Beetles are insects. They have three
pairs of legs, three parts to their bodies,
interesting insect and no backbone. A beetle has wings,
and most of them can fly. I’m learning how
Let’s talk about insects we have seen. Which one is the to put things into groups. I figure out how things are
most interesting one for you? Tell me about it. alike and how they are different. In this book there are
different kinds of beetles. Ladybugs and fireflies are both

(fold here)
High-Frequency Words: she, he
I’m going to print the words she and he on index cards This Week’s Skills
and read them to you. Point to the card with the word Comprehension: classify and categorize

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
as I say each one. Can you write each word? Can you tell
High-Frequency Words: she, he
me other words that rhyme with she and he?
Concept Words: opposite words
Concept Words: opposite words Phonics: g, w
fast, slow, high, low We can look for words that start with the letters g and
w in books you are reading.
When I say fast or slow, move your body so that it is
going either fast or slow. When I say high or low, point to
something up high or down low. Let’s repeat this until we
use all of the words.

Is It an Insect?
We’re going to circle each insect in red and underline each
mammal in blue. Then you can draw another animal in the
empty box. Is it an insect or a mammal?

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo
VOCABULARIO Beetles. Los beetles, que en español
se llaman escarabajos, son insectos.
interesting insect Tienen tres pares de patas y su cuerpo
tiene tres partes, pero no tienen columna
Hablemos de insectos que hemos visto. ¿Cuál es el más vertebral. Los escarabajos tienen alas, y la mayoría
interesante para ti? ¿Por qué? de ellos puede volar. Estoy aprendiendo a poner las
cosas en grupos. Observo cómo se parecen y cómo se

(fold here)
MIS PALABRAS diferencian para agruparlas. En este libro hay diferentes
tipos de escarabajos. Las mariquitas y las luciérnagas son
Palabras de uso frecuente: she, he escarabajos también.
Voy a escribir en dos tarjetas las palabras she y he en letras
de imprenta y las voy a leer. Señala la tarjeta donde está la MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
palabra que escuchas. ¿Puedes escribir she y he? ¿Puedes Comprensión: clasificar y categorizar
decirme otras palabras que rimen con she y he?
Palabras de uso frecuente: she, he
Palabras de concepto: palabras opuestas Palabras de concepto: palabras opuestas

fast, slow, high, low Fonética: g, w

Vamos a buscar palabras que comiencen con la letra g y
Cuano diga fast o slow, mueve el cuerpo a la misma
con la w en los libros que estás leyendo.
velocidad. Cuando diga high o low, indica con el dedo
algo que sea alto o bajo. Vamos a repetir hasta que
usamos todas las palabras.

¿Es un insecto?
Vamos a encerrar a cada insecto en un círculo rojo y
subrayar en azul a los mamíferos. Después puedes dibujar
otro animal en el recuadro vacío. ¿Es un insecto o un

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

The cat can run and run. Bug in a Web The dog can wag and dig.
Can she get a big bug? Can he dig up a big bug?
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
by Ana Ruiz
Rick can hug it!
This is a big, fat bug.
Bug in a Web
A web can trap a bug. Gus can pick up this bug.
It is a big, wet web. It can sit on him.
2 7
3 6
Did Meg get it in the net? Can Gus see it?
This bug can hop up. That is not a big bug.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Bug in a Web
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

This bug is a spider.

It has 8 legs.
Is a spider an insect?
by Trevor Johns

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
ant moth

She sees a bug.

The bug is a ladybug.
It has 6 legs.
mosquito housefly

2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
beetle stick insect
She sees a bug, too.
If a bug has 6 legs, The bug is a bee.
we say it is an insect! Insects It has 6 legs.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
He sees a bug. He sees a bug, too.
The bug is a butterfly. This bug is a grasshopper.
It has 6 legs. Insects It has 6 legs.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Fish Faces.
VOCABULARY Fish are different shapes, sizes, and
colors. They can be spotted,
amazing ocean dotted, or striped. Their noses
might be long and they might
Have we ever been to the ocean? Or have we seen pictures shine. I’m learning how the fish
of the ocean? Let’s talk about the amazing animals that in the book are the same and
live there. how they are different.

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW This Week’s Skills
High-Frequency Words: has, look Comprehension: compare and contrast
Write each word on an index card and read it aloud. Have
High-Frequency Words: has, look
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
your child copy each word by writing it. Tell your child to
say each letter while writing. Repeat. Then your child can Concept Words: opposite words
“erase” each word and write it from memory. Phonics: x, v
Let’s hunt for words that end with the letter x or begin
Concept Words: opposite words with the letter v. We can look in books and magazines.
short, long, fat, thin, narrow, wide
Let’s make a chart using the words short, long, fat, thin,
narrow, and wide. I’ll write the words at the top of the
page, and make a column for each word. You can fill in
each column with names of things that are short, long.
fat, thin, narrow, and wide.

Fishy Friends
Look at the two fish. Let’s talk about how they are alike
and how they are different. Then you can color them in.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Which fish do you like best? Why?

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo
VOCABULARIO Fish Faces. Los peces son de
diferentes formas, tamaños y
amazing ocean colores. Pueden tener manchas,
lunares o rayas. Pueden tener
¿Has estado alguna vez en el océano? ¿Has visto fotos del narices largas y pueden brillar.
océano? Vamos a hablar de los asombrosos animales que Estoy aprendiendo en qué se
podemos encontrar allí. parecen y en qué se diferencian

(fold here)
los peces del libro.
Palabras de uso frecuente: has, look Comprensión: comparar y contrastar
Escriba cada palabra en una tarjeta y léala en voz alta.
Palabras de uso frecuente: has, look
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Haga que su niño copie cada palabra y que diga cada
letra en voz alta a medida que la vaya escribiendo. Repita Palabras de concepto: palabras opuestas
el procedimiento. Después el niño puede “borrar” las Fonética: x, v
palabras y escribirlas de memoria. Vamos a buscar palabras que terminen con la letra
x o comiencen con la letra v. Vamos a buscar en libros
Palabras de concepto: palabras opuestas y revistas.
short, long, fat, thin, narrow, wide
Vamos a hacer un cuadro usando las palabras short,
long, fat, thin, narrow y wide. Voy a escribir las palabras
en la parte superior de la página, y a hacer un columna
para cada palabra. Puedes escribir en cada columna los
nombres de cosas que sean short, long, fat, thin, narrow y
wide. Nombre
Peces amigos
Observa los dos peces. ¿En qué se parecen y en qué se
diferencian? Después podrás colorearlos.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Which fish do you like best? Why?

Look at the big, big pig. A Vet Can Fix It! Pat is a wet vet.
Did this big pig get sick? Pat can fix it.
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
by Liz Ray
Let a vet fix it up!
A sick pet is not fun.
A Vet Can Fix It!
This red fox can not run. The dog in this van is sick.
It has a bad back leg. Can a vet fix this dog?
2 7
3 6
Max can fix this sick fox. Peg can fix this duck.
Max is a vet. The duck had bad luck.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A Vet Can Fix It!
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Down in
the Ocean


Down in the Ocean

A diver sees the ocean.
It is very big!
by Michael Evans
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Look! Look!

Down in the Ocean

A diver sees the ocean. A diver sees a whale.
The diver jumps in. It has a very big tail.
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Look! Look!

Down in the Ocean

A diver sees an octopus. A diver sees a turtle.
It has very big arms. It has a very big shell.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Look! Look!

Down in the Ocean

A diver sees a fish. A diver sees a shark.
It has big eyes. It has a big mouth.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading If the Dinosaurs Came
VOCABULARY Back. The boy in the book thinks of all the ways
dinosaurs could be helpful. For example, lots of people
fantasy reality could ride them to work.
I’m learning that some
Let’s change one of your experiences just a little bit stories are about things
so that it becomes a fantasy. You might say that your that could not really
friend the dinosaur sits next to you on the bus. happen. A boy could

(fold here)
really love dinosaurs, but
MY WORDS TO KNOW they couldn’t come back,
and they couldn’t take
High-Frequency Words: she, he, has, look people to work!
Say each word in random order. Have your child point

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
to each one. Finally, have your child copy the words into
columns of words with two letters, three letters, and This Week’s Skills
four letters. Comprehension: fantasy and reality
High-Frequency Words: she, he, has, look
Concept Words: opposite words
Concept Words: opposite words
big, small, short, tall, fat, thin, high,
Phonics: x, v, g, w
low, loud, quiet, fast, slow Can you think of words that end in x? What
I am going to write down the words big, small, short, tall, about words that end in v, g, or w?
fat, thin, high, low, loud, quiet, fast, slow on cards. You
can draw a picture on the card that matches the word.
Then we’ll shuffle the cards and match each word with
its opposite.
Get Real
We need two small objects for markers, such as a raisin
and a piece of macaroni. We’ll put them on the ship that
says GO. Flip a coin. Move one space for “heads” or two
spaces for “tails.” Whenever you land on a picture, tell
whether the picture shows fantasy or reality. We can take
turns. Whoever gets to the treasure chest first wins!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo If the Dinosaurs Came
VOCABULARIO Back. El niño del libro piensa en todas las maneras en
que los dinosaurios podrían ayudarnos. Por ejemplo,
fantasy reality mucha gente podría montarse en ellos para ir al trabajo.
Estoy aprendiendo que algunos
Vamos a cambiar una de tus experiencias, sólo un poquito, cuentos tratan de cosas que
para que se vuelva fantasía. Me podrías contar, por no podrían suceder en la
ejemplo, que tu amigo el dinosaurio se sienta junto a ti en realidad. A un niño le pueden

(fold here)
el autobús. encantar los dinosaurios, pero
no pueden regresar ni tampoco
MIS PALABRAS llevar a la gente al trabajo.
Palabras de uso frecuente: she, he, has, look MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Diga las palabras al azar. Haga que su niño señale cada Comprensión: fantasía y realidad
una cuando la escuche. Finalmente haga que el niño copie
Palabras de uso frecuente: she, he, has, look
las palabras en columnas, una de palabras con dos letras,
otra de tres letras y otra de cuatro. Palabras de concepto: palabras opuestas

Palabras de concepto: palabras opuestas Fonética: x, v, g, w

¿Pueden pensar en palabras que terminen en x? ¿Y en
big, small, short, tall, fat, thin, high, palabras que terminen en v, g y w?
low, loud, quiet, fast, slow
Voy a escribir las palabras big, small, short, tall, fat, thin,
high, low, loud, quiet, fast, slow en tarjetas. Puedes
hacer un dibujo en la tarjeta que corresponde con la
palabra. Luego vamos a barajar las tarjetas y a emparejar
cada palabra con su opuesto. Nombre
¿Realidad o fantasía?
Necesitamos dos objetos pequeños, como una pasa de uva
y un trozo de macarrón, para hacer de marcadores. Los
vamos a poner en el barco marcado “Go” y a echar una
moneda. Avanzamos un espacio si sale “heads” y dos si sale
“tails”. Debemos observar la ilustración del lugar donde
caemos y decir si muestra una fantasía o algo que podría
suceder en la realidad. Vamos a turnarnos. Gana el que
llegue primero al cofre del tesoro.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Pat and the Vet

Pat ran up to Tip. by Amy Helfer

Tip got a big, big hug! illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
Pat got in. It had a red rag in it.
Dad ran to get the van. Pat and the Vet Dad got a big tan box.
Pat and the Vet

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pat sat in back. Tip led Pat to a sick cat.
The sick cat sat in back. The cat did not get up.
6 3

7 2
Meg can fix it! Tip did not wag!
Meg the vet had a look. Tip ran up to Pat.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Big Ben

Horse said, “Shhhhh.

Look in the box.”
by Susie Fineman • illustrated by John Kanzler
Big Ben

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Big Ben did not
see Little Sheep. Big Ben ran to see Horse.
“I will look for “Has Little Sheep come
Little Sheep,” he said. Big Ben here?” he said.
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Pig said, “No. Big Ben ran to see Cow.
Is she with Horse? “Has Little Sheep come
Look in the barn.” Big Ben here?” he said.
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Cow said, “No. Big Ben ran to see Pig.
Is she with Pig? “Has Little Sheep come
Look in the pen.” Big Ben here?” he said.
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading What Do You Know! The
VOCABULARY words in the book rhyme, and I can look for things in
the pictures that the words name. I
understand describe look for shapes, fruits, colors, and
animals. I’m learning how to use
Look at a picture in a book. Describe the picture for me. the pictures in a book to help
Tell me what you understand from looking at the picture. me understand it.

(fold here)
This Week’s Skills
High-Frequency Words: with, my
Comprehension: use illustrations
I’m going to write the words with and my on a piece of
paper. We can read the words together. Finger-trace each High-Frequency Words: with, my
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
word as we say the letters. Can you write the words from Concept Words: color, fruit, and
memory now? vegetable

Concept Words: color, fruit, and vegetable words Phonics: j, qu

Get out some of your books and
tomatoes, potatoes, plum, grapes, we can hunt for words that
red, brown, purple, green begin with the letters j and qu.

I’m writing fruit on one half of a piece of paper, and

vegetable on the other half. When I give you a word, tell
me if it names a fruit or vegetable. Then you can tell me
what color the fruit or vegetable is.

Count and Color
In this game, I’ll ask you questions and give you directions.
You can answer them and follow them by looking at the
big picture.

How many ducks do

you see? Color the
ducks yellow.
How many pigs do
you see? Color the pigs
How many cats do
you see? Color the
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
cats gray.
Add three balloons.
Add one more cat.
Color the merry-go-
round horses different
Let’s make up a story
about the picture.

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana estamos leyendo What Do You Know!
VOCABULARIO Las palabras del libro riman, y puedo buscar en las
ilustraciones cosas a las que
understand describe se refieren las palabras. Busco
formas, frutas, colores y animales.
Mira una de las ilustraciones de un libro. Descríbemela. Estoy aprendiendo a usar las
Dime qué es lo que entiendes de la ilustración. ilustraciones de un libro para

(fold here)
Palabras de uso frecuente: with, my MIS DESTREZAS DE LA SEMANA
Voy a escribir las palabras with y my en un papel. Podemos
Comprensión: usar ilustracioness
leerlas juntos. Traza con un dedo las letras a medida que

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
las vayamos diciendo. No mires las palabras, ¿puedes Palabras de uso frecuente: with,
escribirlas de memoria? my
Palabras de concepto: palabras de colores, frutas y Palabras de concepto: palabras de
verduras colores, frutas y verduras
Fonética: j, qu
tomatoes, potatoes, plum, grapes, Saca algunos de tus libros. Vamos a buscar palabras que
red, brown, purple, green comiencen con las letras j y qu.
Voy a escribir la palabra fruit en la mitad de una hoja de
papel, y la palabra vegetable en la otra mitad. Cuando te
diga una palabra, tú me dirás si es el nombre de una fruta
o de una verdura. También me dirás el color de esa fruta
o verdura.
Cuenta y colorea
En este juego te voy a hacer preguntas y dar indicaciones.
Mira la ilustración grande para contestar las preguntas.
How many ducks do you
see? Color the ducks
How many pigs do
you see? Color the
pigs pink.
How many cats do you
see? Color the cats

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Add three balloons.
Add one more cat.
Color the merry-go-
round horses different
Let’s make up a story
about the picture.

Jeb Is Quick!
Jen can tap, tap, tap. Jack can quack.
Jen can kick, kick, kick. Is Jack a little duck?
4 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
illustrated by Erin Mauterer
by Anita Faulk
Bob did not quit.
Bob is back!
Jeb Is Quick!
I am Jeb. Kim got my red jug.
I am a big, quick jet! Kim is quick!
2 7
3 6
Jim can jig with Deb. But Bob is hot!
Jim can jig. Bob can jog.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Jeb Is Quick!
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“Quack!” said Duck. Duck Quacks
“I am fun and I
can quack!”

Duck Quacks
by Katherine Scraper illustrated by Robin Oz
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“Can you quack?” “My duck is fun,”
said Jen. said Jen.
“Ack!” said Duck. “I am not sad.”

Duck Quacks

2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“My duck can juggle “Ack?” said Jen.
with me!” said Jen. “I am sad.
My duck can
not quack.”

Duck Quacks

6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“My duck can skate “My duck can dance
with me!” said Jen. with me!” said Jen.

Duck Quacks

4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Warthogs Paint: a Messy
VOCABULARY Color Book. One rainy day, the warthogs decide to paint
their kitchen wall. First they paint red, then yellow, then
imagine create blue. I’m learning that when one thing happens in a
story, it makes something else happen. In this book, the
Imagine a beautiful picture. How would you create it? warthogs mix blue paint with yellow paint. Then they
What would you put in it? What colors would you use? have green paint.

(fold here)
MY WORDS TO KNOW This Week’s Skills
High-Frequency Words: me, where Comprehension: identify cause and effect
Use a finger to write the words me and where on my back
High-Frequency Words: me, where
as I name the letters. Then write the words on paper.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Concept Words: sound words
Concept Words: sound words and opposites and opposites

buzz, boom, splash, zoom, quiet, loud, Phonics: y, z

How many words can you name that begin with the
soft, hard letters y or z? I’ll give you hints, such as: This looks like
Let’s pretend to be a bee, a thunder cloud, a duck, and a horse but it has black and white stripes. I’ll print the
a jet. We’ll act out being each thing, while we make the words to name. You can point to the letter in each
sound that matches it. We’ll use sound words like: buzz, word and name it. Then we can say the words together.
boom, splash, zoom. Then we’ll talk about which sounds (zebra, zipper, zero, zigzag, yard, yawn, year, yellow)
are loud words and which are soft or quiet.

Tic Tac Toe
Let’s read the causes below. We’ll take turns telling what
will happen. After each turn, you can mark an X on the
tic-tac-toe board, and I’ll mark an O. Whoever gets three in
a row first wins! We may not need to use all the clues. We
can make up our own clues and play again.

You step in a puddle.

Your feet grow.
You have new skates.
Your phone rings.
You hear a funny joke.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
You jump into a pool.
You are very thirsty.
You are very tired.
You get a new baseball.
Your dog is hungry.
You feel sick.
Your dad gets a pizza.

Conexión con el hogar
Ejercicio de palabras
Queridos familiares:
VOCABULARIO Esta semana estamos leyendo Warthogs Paint: a
Messy Color Book. Un día de lluvia los jabalíes deciden
imagine create pintar la pared de su cocina. Primero la pintan de color
rojo, luego de amarillo y finalmente de azul. Estoy
Imagina que haces una hermosa ilustración. ¿Cómo aprendiendo que algo que pasa en un cuento hace que
la crearías? ¿Qué pondrías en la ilustración? ¿Qué pase otra cosa. En este libro los jabalíes mezclan pintura
colores usarías? azul con pintura amarilla. Entonces
terminan teniendo pintura verde.

(fold here)
Palabras de uso frecuente: me, where
Comprensión: identificar causa y efecto
Escriba con un dedo las palabras me y where en mi espalda
cuando yo digo cada letra. Luego escriba las palabras en Palabras de uso frecuente: me,
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
un papel.
Palabras de concepto: palabras de
Palabras de concepto: palabras de sonido y palabras sonido y palabras opuestas
Fonética: y, z
buzz, boom, splash, zoom, quiet, loud, ¿Cuántas palabras en inglés me puedes decir que
soft, hard comiencen con y o con z? Una pista: Parece un caballo,
pero tiene franjas blancas y negras (zebra). Voy a escribir
Imaginemos que somos una abeja, un nubarrón, un pato las palabras que tú me digas. Señala las letras y y z y
y un avión. Vamos a actuar como si fuéramos cada cosa dilas. Luego digamos las palabras juntos. (zebra, zipper,
y hacemos el sonido que lo corresponde. Vamos a usar zero, zigzag, yard, yawn, year, yellow)
palabras de sonido como: buzz, boom, splash, zoom.
Entonces comentaremos qué sonidos son palabras que se
dicen en voz alta y cuáles se dicen en voz baja.
Ta te ti
Vamos a leer la lista de causas de abajo. Vamos a turnarnos
para decir qué pasará después. Al terminar tu turno,
escribirás una X en el tablero; yo escribiré una O. Gana el
primero que tenga tres marcas en una hilera. Puede que no
necesitemos usar todas las pistas. Después podemos crear
nuestras propias pistas y jugar otra vez.

You step in a puddle.

Your feet grow.
You have new skates.
Your phone rings.
You hear a funny joke.
You jump into a pool. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

You are very thirsty.

You are very tired.
You get a new baseball.
Your dog is hungry.
You feel sick.
Your dad gets a pizza.


Kim and Zack pet Rex. by Maureen Stiles

Can Rex wag? Yes! Yes! photographed by Ken O’Donoghue

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
Yum, yum, yum! That big, tan yam is for me.
This yam is big and hot. Zip? I am Kim.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
But Zack did not get the yam. Where can Rex run?
Zack said, “Yuck, yuck!” Rex can run on the track.
6 3

7 2
But Kim can zig zag. Rex is my big dog.
Zack can zip, zip, zip. I am Zack.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
My Pet and Me

My pet is at the zoo! My Pet and Me

by Tyler Martin
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
This is my pet. This is the pet I want.
If I run, Can you see where
my pet will run too. My Pet and Me my pet is?
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
This is me. This is my pet too.
I do not Can you see where
have a pet yet. My Pet and Me his name is?
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
This is my pet. This is my pet too.
If I let my pet go, Can you see where
it will run. My Pet and Me his name is?
4 5
Home-School Connection

Word Workout Dear Family Member:

This week we are reading Turtle Splash! Countdown
VOCABULARY at the Pond. The book begins with ten turtles, until a
bullfrog scares them. One turtle
explore curious jumps into the pond. All the
pictures show what the pond
What are you curious about? Is there someplace you looks like.
would like to explore? What would you see there?
This Week’s Skills

(fold here)
Comprehension: setting
High-Frequency Words:
High-Frequency Words:
me, where, with, my me, where, with, my
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Let’s read the words above. Look for those words in books,
and when we go outside we can look for them on signs. Concept Words: number words
You can finger-write each word on my hand as you name Phonics: j, qu, y, z
the letters. Can you think of two people whose names begin with
the letter j? How about two names that begin with the
Concept Words: number words letter qu, y, or z?
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten
I’m going to write each number word on an index card.
We can read the words together. Then I’ll hold up each
card and you can make that many dots below each word.

Where Is It?
We can play “Where Is It?” We need two small markers,
such as a raisin and a piece of macaroni. We each place our
marker on one of the frogs. First, flip a coin. Move to the
first picture for “heads” or the second picture for “tails.”
Tell me what the setting is. We’ll take turns. Whoever gets
to the pond first wins! We can play again.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Conexión con el hogar

Ejercicio de palabras Queridos familiares:

Esta semana leeremos Turtle Splash! Countdown at
VOCABULARIO the Pond. El libro comienza con diez tortugas, hasta que
un sapo enorme las asusta. Una
explore curious de las tortugas se zambulle en
la laguna. En todas las
Qué te despierta la curiosidad? ¿Hay algún lugar que te ilustraciones del libro puedo
gustaría explorar? ¿Qué podrías ver allí? ver cómo es la laguna.

(fold here)
Palabras de uso frecuente: Comprensión: el ambiente
me, where, with, my Palabras de uso frecuente:

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Vamos a leer las palabras de arriba. Búscalas en libros, me, where, with, my
y cuando salgamos búscalas en carteles. Escribe cada
palabra en mi mano con un dedo mientras dices las letras. Palabras de concepto: numerales
Fonética: j, qu, y, z
Palabras de concepto: numerales ¿Puedes pensar en dos personas cuyos nombres
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, comiencen con la letra j? ¿Y en dos nombres que
eight, nine, ten comiencen con la letra qu, y o z?

Voy a escribir cada una de las palabras en una tarjeta.

Leamos las palabras juntos. Luego voy a darte las tarjetas y
tú podrás dibujar en cada una la cantidad de puntos que el
número indique.

¿Dónde está?
Podemos jugar a “¿Dónde está?” Necesitamos dos
marcadores pequeños, como una pasa de uva y un trozo
de macarrón. Cada uno coloca su marcador en uno de los
sapos. Después lanzamos una moneda. Avanza a la primera
ilustración si sacas heads, y a la segunda si sacas tails. Dime
cuál es el ambiente. Nos turnaremos. Gana el primero que
llegue a la laguna. Juguemos otra vez.

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Yes, Tip!

Tip, Cam, and Pat win! by Amy Helfer

Tip is a fun dog! illustrated by Nathan Jarvis

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
5 4
We can win!” Tug, tug, tug!
“Do not quit yet, Pat! Yes, Tip! It is fun to tug on it.
Yes, Tip!

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“Zip! Tug! Dig in! Pat ran up to Cam.
Do not let up on this job.” Sam, Nat, and Pam ran up.
6 3

7 2
Tip can tug! Tug, Tip! “Can we tug on it?”
Tip got in back. Cam got a fat rope.
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
6 10 Can You Count?
2, 4

Jack said, “That was quick!”

“Count with me,” said Fox. Can You Count?
by Olive Jackson illustrated by Priscilla Burris
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
2, 4, 6,
8, 10

“Can you count to ten?”

said Jack.
“Where is Turtle?” said Jack.
Fox said, “Yes. My mom
“Here I am,” said Turtle. Can You Count? counts like this.”
2 7
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10

“Can you count to ten?”

said Jack.
“Where is Fox?” said Jack.
“Yes, I can,” said Turtle.
“Here I am,” said Fox. Can You Count? “Can you count with me?”
6 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10

“Can you count to ten?”

said Jack.
“Where is Zebra?” said Jack.
“Yes, I can,” said Zebra.
“Here I am,” said Zebra. Can You Count? “Can you count with me?”
4 5
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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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▲ Unit 1 Week 1 We Can ● Unit 5 Week 1 On Level Animals in Nature
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Scenes. Masterfile 8: Jeff Foott/Picture Quest
● Unit 1 Week 1 On Level We Can ▲ Unit 5 Week 2 Can It Fit?
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▲ Unit 1 Week 2 I See the Apple ● Unit 5 Week 2 On Level Animals and Their Babies
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▲ Unit 3 Week 2 It Can Go, Go, Go!
CORBIS. 5: Jeff Greenberg/Photo Edit. 6: Reuters/CORBIS. 7: Sky Bonillo/
1: BananaStock/Jupiterimages. 2: Rainer Holz/zefa/CORBIS. 3: Tony
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Freeman/Photo Edit. 4: J. David Andrews/Masterfile. 5: Tom Stewart/
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Jupiterimages. 5: Zoran Milich/Masterfile. 6: Table Mesa Prod./Index Stock
● Unit 3 Week 3 On Level Fast or Slow?
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1: Larry Williams/Corbis 2: Kim Karpeles/Alamy 3: Jane Sapinsky/Corbis
4: Michael Kim/Corbis 5: Transtock Inc./Alamy 6: ImageState RF/AGE ● Unit 7 Week 1 On Level What Can You Do?
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▲ Unit 4 Week 1 Can Nan?
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1–8: Ken O’Donoghue. Shot on location at Tilly & Salvy’s Bacon Street
Farm, Natick, MA. ▲ Unit 7 Week 2 Hot Ben, Hot Lin
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3: C Squared Studios/Getty Images 4: Comstock 6: David Allan Brandt/
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Works 1: Michelle Garrett/Corbis 2: Corbis 3: Jim Sugar/Corbis 4: Michelle
Garrett/Corbis 5: Photodisc Green/Getty Images 6: Getty Images 7: Wally
▲ Unit 4 Week 2 We Can!
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CORBIS. 4: Tony Cordoza/Getty Images. 5: Roy Morsch/CORBIS. ▲ Unit 9 Week 1 Bug in a Web
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● Unit 4 Week 2 On Level Let’s Have Dinner
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▲ Unit 5 Week 1 Sit
▲ Unit 9 Week 2 A Vet Can Fix It!
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▲ Decodable Readers
● On-Level Books

● Unit 9 Week 2 On Level Down in the Ocean ● Unit 10 Week 2 On Level My Pet and Me
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Corbis 7: Georgette Douwma/Picture Quest 8: Stephen Fink/Corbis 7: Diane Paterson 8: Kelly/Mooney Photography/CORBIS
▲ 10 Week 2 Zip?
1-8: Ken O’Donoghue.

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