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How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides

Published by: DennisW on 20th Jun 2010 | View all blogs by DennisW

This is a subject that I have long been meaning to put out there,
as it is essential that we now understand how much loving
assistance is always by our side! We need to know that we are
not alone! It may not seem like it at times, with all of the pain
and difficulties we face, because of what’s known as free will.

In the many intersections of our life that play out every day, we
can go left, right, or straight. But what if you knew that one
direction was better than the others? What if you could be given
a little extra nudge or guidance, to keep you safer, and place you
on a path that was in your best interest of you, and your soul’s
growth? Your Spirit Guides are here to help with that, and
they’ve been with you since birth!

Pre-Birth Soul Plan

What’s important to factor into all of this, is what’s known as
our ‘Pre-Birth Soul Plan’. We originated from the Source of
creation, and we will return there again. Meeting your Guides
will give evidence to this fact. And we are here to learn the
lessons of life, living the human experience. During this Pre-
Birth ‘discussion’, we choose our parents, our friends, and
where we will grow up. We also choose the lessons we’d like to
learn for our own soul’s growth, and even how we die. That may
seem impossible in some circumstances, but I recommend you
read ‘A Book of Insight: Wisdom from the Other
Side’ by Tina Fiorda and Tilde Cameron for these answers. The
book review is on my blog, which is where you are likely reading
this now.

Read the review here!

After THOSE choices, we’re kind of on our own, and free to
choose and live the way we like. This is called free will. Free will
to succeed, and free will to make a mess of our lives. But none of
our time is wasted, despite what we believe. All of it contributes
to another lesson learned that your soul (and Source) have sent
you here to learn. But we all have a grand purpose to discover,
and your Guides want to keep you on the path. Call it destiny or
something else. Your Guides value all lessons learned, but they
would like you to get on track toward your main purpose in life,
as chosen pre-birth. Easy enough, right?

So, with so many changes going on in the world today, we often

look to those that seem ‘guided’ or ‘in communication’ with
beings of another dimension. Until a year or so ago, I was that
same person. Always so grateful to meet someone else, who had
the ‘gift’ to connect with their Guides, angels and Ascended

What you will learn from this post is the basic principles of
making this connection, in a SAFE and satisfying way. There is
so much information regarding this subject, and crystals, and
what Spirit Guides are, that you can research later. Or, you can
ask them! And many sensitives, clairvoyants, and intuitives will
tell you that you need nothing to connect. Which is actually
quite true. Meditation will strengthen your connection to
Source, and this will in turn strengthen your intuition. That
little ‘tug’ on your heart that says “Stop” or “Go” or “Don’t go
out with that person!”

What you’re feeling IS your Guides trying to communicate with

you. Don’t ignore this ‘gut feeling’ as it is coming from your
creator! But today, this is about tangible answers to the riddles
of life that are plaguing you. Use both methods, and get
connected! And stay connected! Make your Guides a part of
your life, and your best friends. Because THAT is just what they

My Own Introduction to My Guides

I first learned just how close I was to making some sort of
breakthrough, or contact, while at the ECETI Ranch in Trout
Lake, WA (Here in the states) about two years ago. I managed to
reunite with a friend I met there a year before. Only this time,
the talk got a bit more serious about our own guidance and
energies, but in a good way. This friend did a bit of ‘light work’
on me. A healing, or cleansing of all that suppressed my own
Long story short, something was happening during this session.
She later told me of how close I was to ‘Opening the door to the
temple, and meeting my own Ascended Masters and Guides’. I
won’t bore you with the details, but I left that week knowing
that something was about to give. A breakthrough was going to
happen. I trusted her. And in so doing, I trusted the message.
They were trying to connect with me, as much as I was trying to
connect with them! I had hoped it would be a clear, audible
communication. Yes, I wanted to hear voices! Seems it doesn’t
always work that way in the beginning, if at all for some. But
they are there, and there are other ways for them to reach you.

So then, what seemed like chance (though nothing is chance), I

bumped into someone I knew from a UFO Expo, while at a
meeting for Contactees. Would you believe, her topic of
conversation was….wait for it… connecting with your Guides! I
couldn’t believe my luck. Not only being within my UFO
element, and amongst those who get the whole Contact-thing,
but I was going to learn how to connect with other beings.

Now, she was actually busy helping Contactees figure out just
what type(s) of beings they were encountering, through their
own Guides (and yes, even ET Guides) around many of us,
before she showed me. But once I learned from her that you can
connect to some greater wisdom, or all-seeing entity that guides
our course through life, you had to believe, they can tell us
anything then! And so it began, my constant connection and
daily communication with my Guides, angels, and Ascended

Some of these beings have never incarnated upon this 3D world

we know. Some have (Part of their soul plans as well). Some are
ETs that exist in higher dimensions, here to help us integrate
and assimilate into the greater cosmic neighborhood, that will
soon experience. So yes, we all seem to have ET Guides as well
as other more ‘normal’ entities around us.

And oh yes, by the way, your Guides can also connect you to
relatives that have passed away. The day you realize that, is the
day you had better have a box of tissues handy! NOTHING is
more powerful than that reunion! And they too, are always
nearby. You are never alone. And all of these beings are here to
help, and to get you through your toughest hours. But in the
end, once you understand how to communicate with them, you
may learn to avert troubled times before they enter your life!
And by the way, some of your Guides have actually spent time
with you in your youth. These are the ‘imaginary’ friends that
your parents thought you had. You were able to see them, and
they are still with you today! But over time, we have lost that
ability to stay connected, as belief systems have separated the
bond. But they would like to connect again with you. Do you
remember that? That was them.

On a personal note, since connecting with my Guides, my life

has been shockingly ‘efficient’ with little to no rough spots along
the way (knock on wood). THIS, after leaving my job, to follow
the information I was being given. New town, new life, new
experiences, and…no job. It seemed crazy to others, but I had
decided to give myself up to ‘the process’ and test the many
things I’d been told by my Guides, about the protections and
guidance I’d find along the way. I am simply amazed, and am
not so sure I wouldn’t have fumbled a bit more, had I not
connected with this realm. And I would have been in the same
repetitive situation I was in, likely for years to come, had I not
listened. They are simply amazing beings to have with you in
this journey.

Getting Started
So let’s get started. What you will need is a pendulum. Now
don’t laugh (like I first did, when I heard this). Many of you
understand that crystals hold energy, vibration and
information. Each crystal, like all other things upon this planet
carries a vibration, unique to its own structure, density, and
origin. Now, I won’t pretend to be an expert of all crystals. I only
want you to understand what’s needed for the purposes of this
lesson. Plenty of books out there on the subject though, or on
the net, if you’re interested.

What you’ll want to look for is a pendulum, much like I’ve

pictured below. The type of chain doesn’t seem to matter much,
but take your time with your crystal choice. This is not a
pass/fail exam. This is about choosing what feels right to you,
and is comfortable to work with. Some say the crystal chooses
YOU! But you’ll know when you find something that feels right.

Do be sure to seek out either: 1.) Clear Quartz Crystal or 2.)

Amethyst. The amethyst will probably feel a bit heavier, it’s
purple, and a little more solid of a feel. But what I look for is
something balanced and centered, more than anything. For me,
it’s the clear quartz (pictured). You can actually see it vibrate as
you look down at it, pinching the chain between your thumb
and forefinger.

Either of these should cost about $15-$30 or so at a New Age

Bookstore, or crystal shop. So pick one out, then run a quick test
at the New Age store of your choosing. Don’t get ahead of
yourself, just do this test, then go home, as you must include
basic protections when communicating with other dimensions.

Pinch the chain, and allow the crystal to come to a dead stop,
just an inch or so off the table. In your mind only (for now) ask
“Spirit, please test Yes for me”. Watch for the movement. Then
ask, “Spirit, please test No for me”. What you’re now looking for
is a response that is most responsive between the two.
Something deliberate. For me, ‘No’ is straight up, and ‘Yes’ is a
diagonal swing upper left. But it’s the defined, swinging action
that feels best.

By the way, I mention using telepathic thought, as this is what is

used in higher realms, rather than the spoken word. This is just
a good way to test it without others around you hearing
anything. Either way works fine though. They hear you either
way! Very handy if you have something personal to ask in a
public setting.

There are books that tell you of all the ways you should lay this
out or that out to properly communicate with your Guides. I
have found, that any way you set up your diagram, it will
respond to what you understand. And then, if I’m in the car,
sitting in a parking lot somewhere, it will continue to respond
the way I understand, with no diagram before me. Straight up
will still mean no, and upper left will still mean yes. Your Guides
will remember this. A sample diagram is linked for printout

Printable PDF of Pendulum Diagram

Basic Precautions
Now, one thing I should make very clear here, is something that
was shared with me while I was learning this. The crystal is
merely a conduit that allows its vibration to reach into higher
dimensions. And like a phone line, it allows the communication
to return to you. This is why I tell you to keep your test very
simple at the store, until you can ‘cleanse’ the crystal at home,
and then establish a link to ONLY those of the highest vibration.
I’ll share what to say later.

But the idea is, your intention, as with any other

communication or experience with other dimensions or
paranormal, will invite only what you seek. Positive intent, a
clear request to speak to only those of the highest vibration of
love, and for the highest and greatest good for you and those
around you, will almost certainly filter out all lower vibrational
entities. And you’ll get a sign if one is around, and you can
quickly remove it before you begin.

This isn’t about poltergeists and ghosts. It’s about getting

accurate information. Lower vibrational beings can lie to you.
We don’t want that. We want those of great knowledge and love
serving us, and it’s as easy as asking your Guides to clear them

A Sensible Warning
I will also make this very clear, and it shouldn’t even need to be
said, but I’ll say it anyway. Used properly, this is a perfectly safe
and beneficial means to communicate with the unseen. But this
is not a game, and it is not to be abused, or used to impress your
friends. You are dealing with greater forces than yourself, and
this should ALWAYS be respected. Just like a Ouija board, it’s
only a tool. It’s not the board or the pendulum, it is the intent of
the user. Seek out lower vibrational, darker, earthbound
energies, and that is what you will invite. Stay far and wide from
that realm, and you will be guided by love, from only those you
choose to be around you. And I will share with you just how to
go about that in a moment. Fair enough?
And on that note, please recognize what your use of a pendulum
looks like to the other entities. If there is a being that has lost its
way, either through suicide, or has simply missed their
opportunity to go to the light, and they happen to be nearby,
they may have NEVER seen anyone that is able to communicate
with other realms, or that anyone in the 3D recognizes their
world. This is exciting to them, as you light up like a beam to
them! So, lower vibrational does not necessarily mean ‘evil’ per
se. It means they have not ascended into the higher realms of
the love vibration, and trapped in a lower dimension, or octave
of another dimension. Call it purgatory or limbo. That would be

So they may approach you, as being their last, best hope to

move on. This has happened to me. A husband and wife in a
murder suicide many years earlier. They saw me as their
communicational conduit, to help them resolve this, and go to
the light the know they missed.

This is a possibility when you ask if everyone is of the light of

God, and you get ‘No’. Could be anything, and I would not
recommend you linger in that conversation. Immediately
remind them (if it goes even this far), that you mean no
disrespect, and you do feel for their situation, but you cannot
have lower vibrational entities around you. Ever. And that you
will call in your Guides to assist.

Speak then directly to all Guides, Angels, and Ascended

Masters, to escort this being to the light, and help them find the
love and happiness they seek. They will do that, and open a
portal of light for them. Again, stay out of the conversation. Deal
only with your Guides. Then maybe ask them later if they were
able to do it, and if this person was successfully able to cross
over. You can then thank them, and move on. It is a good feeling
to be sure, but this is not what you are here to do.

For me, once that was done, I had no further dealings with
lower vibrational beings. These two were simply lost, and
missed their chance to go to the light, due to the instant trauma
of their deaths, and a lack of recognizing that they were dead.
This creates many earthbound beings. Others may have missed
their chance for fear of judgment on the other side, given the life
they lived. The circumstances vary, but stay out of that mix
however you can.

Religious Disclaimer
Also, you will see references and incantations within this script
that may sound quite religious. I am not religious, however,
though I very much believe in a creator of all things, known as
‘Source’. Many of the short prayers I received were from
someone who is Catholic. If you choose to alter the wording,
there is no harm in that. But don’t think that this is a religious
ritual that you may not be comfortable with. Religion or not,
you have Guides! And I don’t think they have any interest in
your particular religious practice, should it differ from another.
God is God whatever you choose to call it. Your Guides will not
be offended, and actually seem to welcome spirituality over any
religion itself. But recognizing Source is the key. If you didn’t,
you probably wouldn’t be doing this anyway!
Preparing for Contact
So, the first thing you want to do, is lay out your diagram. I have
one for the alphabet, in a sunset formation, one with numerals,
and one I use most, which is ‘Yes/No/Other Option’. They are
all on the printable PDF I’ve linked to this post, but you can
draw your own if you like.

I first look to cleanse the crystal of all residual energies, and of

any of those that have handled it before. You should do this
anytime someone handles your crystal along the way. The
communications will be attuned to you and you only when this
is completed, and it washes away any uncommon or residual
energies. It only takes a few seconds.

Hold the crystal pendulum over a flame, say 4-5 inches above
and just let it move as it will.... It will likely begin spinning very
quickly counter-clockwise. And that’s fine. That’s what you
want. Do not fear this motion, or the process. Fear is a lower
vibrational emotion, and can attract similar entities. This is all
positive, all love, all the time!

State Out Loud

(or Telepathically):
When that’s complete, and the crystal has spun for a minute or
less, I make a statement before I begin, EACH and EVERY time!
This is important. You want to be sure your guides are present,
and ready to answer you, and also, to be sure they are
STRICTLY of the highest vibration. No lower vibrational entities
present before you begin.

State This Before EACH Session:

“At this time, I’d like to call in my Guides, my Angels, and my
Ascended Masters. I surround myself with white light, the light
of God, creator of all that is. I seek only the highest and
greatest good for myself, and the highest and greatest good for
those around me. The light of God surrounds me, the power of
God protects me, and the love of God Enfolds me. I’d now like
to know if my Guides, Angels, and Ascended Masters are all
present at this time? And are you all speaking strictly from the
light of God, creator of all that is?”

(By the way, you may also ask for one of the Archangels by
name, such as Archangel Michael or Gabriel, for special
requests to clear lower vibrational entities and such. They will
do this, as you’re going to the top to get the job done! And they
will respond.)

Holding the Pendulum

When using your pendulum, I like to place my elbows on the
table, pinching the ring at the end of the chain with the thumb
and index finger of each hand, as I rest my forehead against that
same point. This makes for an absolutely stable position and for
perfect accuracy to my answers. Use a position that feels best,
but you might like to try that.

Watch for a moment as the crystal settles on yes or no. It may

start going to yes, and then finish at no. This will be the case
with every question you ask. So give it 10 seconds or so for
complete accuracy. If you got a ‘YES’ after the above
incantation, then that’s your cue on whether or not to proceed.
Don’t begin until that’s the case. If you get ‘No’, don’t be scared.
Clearly state, “I ask now that my Guides and Angels clear any
and all negative and lower vibrational entities from this space. I
cannot have them near me at anytime, now or in the future. If
you are of a lower vibration, you must leave now.”
At that time, ask again if all communications are now coming
strictly from the light. The universal law being, they cannot
respond yes if they are not of the light. It pains them in some
way. Those of the light will tell you so. Once you get yes, move

Communications Begin Now

It is at this time that your communications can really begin. I
have a habit of using the Yes/No diagram the most, as it is
easiest for them to communicate through, and gets me the
quickest answer.

When you first get started in ‘meeting’ your guides, ask them to
‘Test’ each chart you first present to them. Ask them to test Yes,
Test No, and Test Other Option. For the other diagrams, ask
them to test each numeral or letter, and to please stop when
they’re finished. What you’ll find, is that they may have one way
in mind to rotate or swing, but your chart will help them synch
up with you. Very easy.

For example, I may ask a series of Yes/No questions, such as,

“I’m wondering if I should make such and such a purchase?
Should I wait on this? Will it harm my finances in the long term
if I do this? Should I buy it in June? July? Yes on July? Should I
buy it before the 15th? No? After the 15th? Yes? OK Spirit, I’m
going to count off the days. Please go to yes when you think it’s
best…” And so on. That’s how you can use the Yes/No option to
narrow your answers down. Keep a note pad nearby, and mark
your answers. Very soon after, you’ll ignore the paper, except for
important things to remember, and it will just become a very
fee-flowing conversation!

Always Say Thank You to Spirit

As a note, make it a habit to THANK Spirit after your answers.
Common courtesy, just like in life. As you will learn in
meditation as well, it’s all about gratitude and thanks for what
you have. This also strengthens your connection to Source,
raises your vibration, and enhances intuition. So always give
thanks to your Spirit Guides during your communications.

The numerical chart is very handy for obvious reasons. For

example, you’re looking to purchase a car, and you want to ask,
“Spirit, please tell me, in thousands, what is a fair price is to pay
for this car?” It’ll go to the number. Acknowledge that number,
say thank you, and ask for the next number, if there is one. After
that, it should come to a halt on the center, starting point dot,
which you’ll have on every chart. If you know the rest of an
answer, say “Spirit, if you’re about to say______, then you can
stop now” And it will. Saves everyone time.

I Don’t Want to Bother My Guides

Now, when I started doing this, I felt kind of guilty. Should I be
asking such inane questions to such evolved intelligences? Do
they really have the time or interest in doing this? Just like in
life, I don’t like to bother others, or be a nuisance with their
assistance. Your Guides do not see it this way. They are here for
you. They are EXCITED that you have discovered them! And
they are with you for life anyway. They want you to learn and to
make good decisions, and if they can help you with that, they
will happily do it.

How to Test Your Conscious

And here’s a question I would like you to ask in the beginning,
and then later on, after you get a feel for this! Most of us
understand the reprogramming and re-connection of our DNA
strands through this period of rising consciousness we’re now
experiencing. Many of us are climbing up from our original, and
unaware, 2-strand DNA, to our ultimate goal of a 12-strand
DNA, which suggests a full connection and awareness to the
higher realms, as each chakra links to another dimension!

The more you learn, the more your consciousness rises, and the
more of your chakras that connect to each dimension on up,
which then downloads information from that realm into your
DNA, and so on. So as a test for yourself, see where you’re at
today. Ask Spirit, “How many DNA strands of mine are now
connected?” Then in a month or so, ask again. Your very
discovery of now connecting with your Guides will increase your
DNA connections, or links to higher dimensions, I found! A
wonderful type of personal progress report on just how ‘aware’
you are becoming!

Using the Alphabetical Chart

OK, so finally, you have the alphabetical chart, which works best
in a sunset or rainbow formation (shown above). It works just
like the others, but takes more time to get your answer. For this,
you need to be patient, but the information is much more
concise. Before you begin with your questions on here, I’d ask a
couple of things of your Guides.
1.) Ask Spirit to please only answer in English (or whichever
language you’re comfortable with).
This is not a given. There are languages not of this world, and
you will soon recognize when it is NOT in English! Halfway
through, you may ask, “Have you been spelling this in English?”
And Spirit may tell you no. “OK Spirit, I have to tell you, English
is the only language I understand. Will you be able to do this for
me? If not, can you please bring in another Guide that can assist
and translate? Thank You”. And it’ll be done for you, in most

2.) Again, ask Spirit to test your chart first. You can ask
him/her to stop at anytime, once the flow is recognized. Now,
Spirit may also have a habit of spinning counterclockwise when
clockwise may be the easiest route to spelling things out. Just let
your Guides know that “Whatever is comfortable for you, feel
free to spin either way”. At which point, they may change their
direction. And testing the chart is a one-time deal. Once they
align with what you’re working with, it’s set, and you shouldn’t
have to do it again.

3.) To simplify things for myself, I like to ask the question, and
then ask “How many words do you need Spirit, to spell this
out?” Then I know how many words to count as we go. Again,
make a note on paper as you go. Spirit will stop on the dot at the
end of each word. Then, you can say, “OK, I’m ready for the
second word”, and so on.

4.) I’ll ask my Guides to then begin whenever they’re ready.

Once I confirm the letter, I’ll say, “If such and such letter is
correct, Spirit, you can move to the next. Thank you.” And Spirit
will move on.

5.) After each word, I confirm it with the Guides. If I’m wrong
on one, we can go back. This also saves time, and ensures

And in the end, there’s not much more to it than that. After first
experimenting with this the first day, and realizing the
information I was now receiving, I made page after page of
questions, so that I could go down the list the following night.
You may ask anything about anyone. I often confirm first, when
speaking of another person, that Spirit in fact, knows this
person. When I get a yes, I move forth. The same may go for
someone I was just on the phone with. I’ll ask my Guides if they
heard the conversation. “So you know so and so? OK Spirit, I’d
like to ask you something about him/her. Would that be fine?”
Who Are Your Guides, How Many
do You Have, and What Are Their
And as you’ve noticed, I’ve used the words Spirit and Guides
quite a bit. It feels a bit impersonal, but when speaking to the
group, it’s appropriate. But get to know them! Ask of how many
Guides you have. Spell their names using your chart. Ask what
dimension they’re in. Ask if you have any ET Guides, who are
they angels/Guides, and who are the Ascended Masters? And so
on. Whatever you want to know! Then, you can ask if such and
such a Guide is present and just refer to them by name. A very
nice, personal touch.

What’s kind of funny, is that your Guides seem to work in shifts!

One will be present at a certain time of the day, and the other
will take over later. Compare the dimensions they’re in, and you
may spot a pattern as to how this works in the higher realms!
Those in the 6th-8th dimensions seem to switch off with each
other, at least in my case. This point of changing shifts is key,
because the information shared with one Guide does NOT
automatically transfer to the other, if they weren’t present at the
time. Just like life. So, if I get another guide, I’ll confirm
whether or not they know what I’m talking about. If not, I’ll do a
quick re-cap of what the other told me, and then look to further
guidance once this one’s caught up. You wouldn’t think it would
be that way, but it’s more like earth than we think, I guess! But
do ask about your Ascended Masters. They should be in the
12thdimension, and are always present, and ready to assist. Kind
of like a chaperon or ultimate guardian. They know what’s
happening, but your other guides are the ones that work most
intimately with you, and have lessons of their own to learn as
well, as you all go through life’s journey together!

If you have any questions,

you can always email me:

Again, this is meant to be a positive experience. No fear needed!

Clear the way for positive energies only, dismiss the negative
when you see signs of one, and ask what you want to ask. And
always say thank you! Remember, you may REALLY need them
in an emergency one day, so always be respectful. They are
beings of love, and extremely forgiving when we make mistakes,
and are not judgmental at all. They understand our motivations,
and why we do the things we do. I will even ask if they are upset
with me, when I know I’ve strayed. Never is that the case. But
they may rather you did something differently, for your highest
and greatest good. Disappointment does exist in their realm,
but it’s out of love. They just want to see you happy, and to
learn. Enjoy this relationship. You are NEVER alone!

Connecting With Deceased Relatives and


Oh, and a very important ‘P.S.’ to share. When you get used to
communicating with your guides, take the next step, and ask
about your loved ones who have passed. You can ask if a
particular relative comes around very often. You can even ask to
be connected with them, if they are now present, and finally, if
they are now controlling the pendulum? You’ll see a change in
the way the pendulum moves when this happens. Verify again
that they are speaking strictly from the light of God. Then, it’s
time to catch up. You will cry, the moment you get your first
confirmation that it is them.

Ask something only the two of you would know or remember for
conf irmation that it is them. That is when the reunion begins.
Your Guides are like phone operators in this sense, and can
always retrieve those that you love, whenever you need them.
Remember that!

But as I found out when I first contacted my father (Who passed

in 2007), is that just like in life, he’s not used to these ‘gadgets’!
Ha! He always hated computers and tech, in general. And that
continues apparently! Remember also, we do keep our
personalities on the other side also! But, there’s a real
clumsiness that comes through from an energy or entity that is
not familiar with communicating this way. It will get easier for
them the more they learn how to use it, just like yourself. For
me, I found that kind of amusing.

Understand also, that your loved ones have a limited amount of

time to communicate with you, during each session. They are
holding a certain frequency to do this, and it fades not long
after. For me and my father, the cut-off is about a half hour,
maybe a little more. So the communication may begin to fade,
but they’ll go recharge, and be refreshed the following day. Also,
if they were already visiting you when the communication
began, the clock has already been ticking on their energy level.
So, I’ve been caught with only ten minutes left ‘on the meter’!
Learn to roll with this, and ask them how much time they have,
or if their energy is feeling strong enough to talk for awhile.
Alcohol Affects Your Answers and

NOTE: Alcohol WILL affect your results. Do not drink before or

while doing this. Alcohol lowers your vibration, and will muddy
the results. And you’ll notice that! The answers become less
definitive and very unclear and hazy. ALTHOUGH, you can ask
for another Guide that will be able to de-tox you during the
session. One will be brought in, and your answers will clear up. I
try not to make that a practice though. If I’ve had a drink or two,
I wait till the next day to communicate.

Shifting Timelines & Changing Answers

And quite possibly, the most important point I can make, is the
universal law of shifting timelines. You must understand, every
human being is given free will. You may be given an answer
today by your Guides, that can shift each day, depending on
your actions. Like I said, timelines change. They are seeing into
the NOW. Past, present and future, as things are right NOW,
such is the perspective of the higher realms.

If you are concerned about changing answers, ask the question

each day, or several times prior to an important event for more
accurate results. You are not being lied to by your Guides, your
path is simply changing from moment to moment, based upon
the free will decisions of your life. But when you adhere to your
guidance, it aligns you more appropriately with other answers
you may have just received. Basically, it’s your prerogative do
your own thing, to ignore the advice, and that’s OK, but
everything else changes also, so remember that.
For example, I wanted to do this article to help others connect
several months ago. I was told no at the time. Only NOW does
Spirit find it essential that we all begin recognizing this
connection to Source. So there is a rhyme and reason to it all.

As another example, I have also been asking Spirit if I should

acquire more precious metals, given the state of the economy. I
made an initial purchase months ago on their recommendation,
but have been getting a ‘No’ ever since. Basically, “You have
enough”. This week, I was told not only to buy more, but how
much to spend, and on what metals and denominations, just
like before. Yes, you can get info that specific.

So, the world’s timeline has changed. Teaching this seemed to

be an essential subject now, that it wasn’t, several months ago.
So keep checking back on the things that are important to you.

And last but not least, if you are in a setting without your
pendulum, anything will still work! Pendulums are just much
more balanced and vibrational. I have used everything from a
Sharpie marker and a rubber band, to a shoelace tied around
the tip of a Philips screwdriver, when that’s all I have around! It
is amazing. It will still allow for communication to flow, when
you’re pendulum is nowhere around.

Enjoy, and congratulations! I hope you all enjoy the journey and
companionship this discovery brings to your life, as it has for

Some Sample Questions:
Is there a God?
Am I living according to my soul plan?
Is the 2012 Ascension to the 5th dimension for real?
Are there UFOs that are watching and protecting me?
Will everyone in my family be ascending during this shift?
How many Guides do I have?
Will the dollar collapse, and is money safe?
Should I buy gold or silver?
Is there anyone in my family who's health I should be concerned
Will my pets ascend with me?
Will I reunite with all of my deceased loved ones and pets
during the ascension?
Can I communicate with my loved ones this way?
Should I warn (or teach) others of what I'm learning through
Between a 2-strand and 12-strand DNA connection, where am
Will UFOs be arriving during 2012 to assist us?
If I meditate, while I strengthen my bond with Source?
Should I stay where I am now living, given the earth changes
Do my deceased relatives ever come to visit me?

And whatever others you can think of!

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