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Scrapbook Project:

Great Depression and the New Deal

Chapters 9 & 10 U.S. History

The Great Depression was an extremely difficult time for our country. At one point, the
unemployment level was at 25%. The History Channel describes it as being “the worst economic
downturn in the history of the industrialized world”, which is shocking. We have just seen how
prosperous the country was during the 1920s. Now, I would like you to examine America’s economic
downfall during the 1930s. While working on this project, you will see how American life was impacted
by the Great Depression and FDR’s New Deal.

• You will be creating a scrapbook to document the Great Depression and FDR’s New Deal. The
goal is for you to think like a historian. What were the most important people, events, and
aspects from that time?
• You will have limited in-class time to work on the project, so you are responsible for work
outside of the classroom.
• You will either create a tangible scrapbook (in a binder or actual scrapbook) or a digital one
(preferably on PowerPoint)

Your project will include five major sections:

1. Documents
2. Photographs
3. FDR biography
4. Programs
5. Legacies

Section 1: Documents:
-Choose two of the following documents. Each document will have a page devoted to it.
-Summary of the document
- Explain how it relates to the Great Depression or New Deal

-Documents (links on my website)

- FDR First Inaugural Address
- Fireside Chat
- AAA Speech
- Radio Address to CCC
- Speech for Social Security
Section 2: Photographs
- Choose THREE photos from my website. Each photo will have a page devoted to it.
o Print out the photo
o A description of the photo describing the scene
o Explain how it relates to the Great Depression or New Deal

Section 3 :FDR Biography

1. Create a page devoted to the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This should act as a mini
biography page for the president. Try to focus on his life during the Great Depression and his
New Deal as much as possible. He was significant during WWII, but we aren’t there yet!
- Use textbook pages 310-311
- Use additional sources. Cite these sources in MLA format on your bibliography.

- Include:
o The dates he was alive
o Where he lived
o His education
o His experience with polio
o His wife, Eleanor
o At least 3 photographs with captions
o Additional information as you see fit

Section 4: New Deal Programs

1. Include a blank map of the United States where you label the locations of 5 “Public Works Projects of
the New Deal” (look on page 309 of your textbook for assistance).
2. Create specific pages devoted to at least 8 New Deal programs. You must include The CCC, WPA,
and Social Security. They can be included in your total of 8. Therefore, you should include 5
additional ones from the book.
The textbook should give you a bulk of the information, but you should use additional sources. Cite these
sources in MLA format on your bibliography.

a. New Deal Programs mentioned in the textbook (pages 313- 327)

Choose 5 from this list (you also must include the CCC, WPA, and Social Security)
i. SEC
ii. FDIC
iii. FCA
iv. HOLC
v. AAA
vi. NIRA
vii. NRA
viii. CCC
ix. FERA
x. PWA
xi. CWA
xii. WPA
xiii. NLRB
xiv. CIO
xv. Social Security
xvi. United States Housing Authority
xvii. Fair Labor Standards Act

b. Each program’s page should include:

i. Full name of the program
ii. Who it helped
iii. How it helped them
iv. Picture or logo related to the program
v. Does it still exist today (or does a variation of it exist today?)

Section 5: Legacy of the Great Depression and the New Deal

- On this page, explain what type of legacy the Great Depression and the New Deal had on American
society. This is the “why does it matter?” part.
- Include:
o One paragraph about the legacy of the Great Depression
o One paragraph about the legacy of the New Deal

- Section 1: 18 points total
- Section 2: 18 points total
- Section 3: 14 points total
- Section 4: 25 points total
- Section 5: 10 points total
- MLA citations: 3 points
- Bibliography: 3 points
- Following Directions: 3 points
- Neatness: 3 points
- Proper use of class time: 3 points

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