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1. Fury is violent or very strong anger.

2. Outrage is an intense feeling of anger and shock.
3. Resentment is bitterness and anger that someone feels about something.
4. Wrath means the same as anger.
5. Exasperation is great irritation or annoyance.
6. Indignation is the feeling of shock and anger which you have when you think that something
is unjust or unfair.
7. Vexation is a feeling of being annoyed, puzzled, and frustrated.
8. Acrimony is bitter and angry words or quarrels.
9. Animosity is a strong feeling of dislike and anger.
10. Annoyance is the feeling that you get when someone makes you feel fairly angry or impatient.
11. Irritable is easily annoyed.
12. Hostility is unfriendly or aggressive behavior towards people or ideas.
13. Extreme means very great in degree or intensity.
14. Hatred is an extremely strong feeling of dislike for someone or something.
15. Violence is behavior which is intended to hurt, injure, or kill people.
16. Grief is a feeling of extreme sadness.
17. Sorrow is a feeling of deep sadness or regret.
18. Cheerless places or weather are dull and depressing.
19. Gloom is a feeling of sadness and lack of hope.
20. Melancholy is an intense feeling of sadness which lasts for a long time and which strongly
affects your behavior and attitudes.
21. Self-pity is a feeling of unhappiness that you have about yourself and
your problems, especially when this is unnecessary or greatly exaggerated.
22. Loneliness is the unhappiness that is felt by someone because they do not have any friends or
do not have anyone to talk to.
23. Dejection is a feeling of sadness that you get, for example, when you have just
been disappointed by something.
24. Despair is the feeling that everything is wrong and that nothing will improve.
25. Depression is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything,
because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
26. Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry.
27. Apprehension is a feeling of fear that something bad may happen.
28. Nervous is frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen,
and show this in their behavior.
29. Concern is worry about a situation.
30. Consternation is a feeling of anxiety or fear.
31. Misgiving a feeling of uncertainty, apprehension, or doubt.
32. Wariness the quality or state of being wary.
33. Qualms about doing something, you are not worried that it may be wrong in some way.
34. Edgy is nervous and anxious, and seem likely to lose control.
35. Dread is a feeling of great anxiety and fear about something that may happen.
36. Fright is a sudden feeling of fear, especially the fear that you feel when
something unpleasant surprises you.
37. Terror is violence or the threat of violence, especially when it is used for political reasons.
38. Phobia is a very strong irrational fear or hatred of something.
39. Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear, which makes you act without thinking carefully.
40. Happy is feelings of pleasure.
41. Joy is a feeling of great happiness.
42. Relief is to feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no
longer happening.
43. Contentment is a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction.
44. Bliss is a state of complete happiness.
45. Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure.
46. Amusement is the feeling that you have when you think that something is funny or amusing.
47. Pride is a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done
something good or possess something good.
48. Sensual pleasures refers to that which is aesthetically pleasing to the senses.
49. Thrill it gives a sudden feeling of great excitement, pleasure, or fear.
50. Rapture is a feeling of extreme happiness or pleasure.
51. Gratification the act of gratifying or the state of being gratified.
52. Satisfaction is the pleasure that you feel when you do something or get something that
you wanted or needed to do or get.
53. Euphoria is a feeling of intense happiness and excitement.
54. Whimsy is behaviour which is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than having
any serious reason or purpose behind it.
55. Ecstasy is a feeling of very great happiness.
56. Mania is a mental illness which causes the sufferer to become very worried or concerned about
57. Acceptance of someone into a group means beginning to think of them as part of the group and
to act in a friendly way towards them.
58. Friendly behave in a pleasant, kind way, and like to be with other people.
59. Trust is believing that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything
to harm you.
60. Kindness is the quality of being gentle, caring, and helpful.
61. Affinity feeling that you are similar to them or that you know and understand them very well.
62. Devotion is great love, affection, or admiration for someone.
63. Adoration is a feeling of great admiration and love for someone or something.
64. Infatuation having a strong feelings of love or passion for them which make you unable to think
clearly or sensibly about them.
65. Shock is a person's emotional and physical condition when something very frightening or
upsetting has happened to them.
66. Astonishment is a feeling of great surprise.
67. Amazement is the feeling you have when something surprises you very much.
68. Wonder is a feeling of great surprise and pleasure that you have.
69. Contempt having no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.
70. Disdain a feeling or show of superiority and dislike.
71. Scorn refusing to have it or accept it because you think it is not good enough or suitable for
72. Abhorrence a feeling of extreme loathing or aversion.
73. Aversion disliking people very much.
74. Distaste disliking people and consider them to be unpleasant, disgusting, or immoral.
75. Revulsion is the strong feeling of disgust or disapproval.
76. Guilt is an unhappy feeling that you have because you have done something wrong or think that
you have done something wrong.
77. Embarrassment is the feeling you have when you are embarrassed.
78. Chagrin is a feeling of disappointment, upset, or annoyance, perhaps because of your
own failure.
79. Remorse is a strong feeling of sadness and regret about something wrong that you have done.
80. Humiliation is the embarrassment and shame you feel when someone makes you appear stupid,
or when you make a mistake in public.
81. Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment, which is caused by something that
has happened or something that you have done or not done.
82. Mortification is a strong feeling of shame and embarrassment.
83. Contrition remorse for having done wrong.

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