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A Prática Clínica da
Caso 17 – Reino Plantae – Nymphaeaceae

Reino Plantae - Nymphaeaceaee


A Prática Clínica da Homeopatia Contemporânea

Nuphar luteum...............................................................................................................................................2
Nymphaea odorata.........................................................................................................................................3
Three cases of nuphar luteum (R. Tomassini).............................................................................................5
Face eruption: Nuphar luteum..................................................................................................................5
Case C.F. 7 years old - female....................................................................................................................9
Case 3 is the most similar to Sulphur.....................................................................................................14
Conclusion by Riccardo Tomassini, MD....................................................................................................17
Vermeulen Synoptic II Nuphar luteum.....................................................................................................18
The Healing Power of Homeopathy..........................................................................................................22
Need for a Paradigm Shift....................................................................................................................22
The Challenge.....................................................................................................................................23
The System of Homeopathy...........................................................................................................24
The Emergence of the Sensation Method..................................................................................25
The Techniques of a Homepath....................................................................................................31
Kingdoms – Deeper understanding.......................................................................................................34
The MINERAL Kingdom.................................................................................................................34
The PLANT Kingdom......................................................................................................................36
The ANIMAL Kingdom...................................................................................................................37
Reino Plantae

Nuphar luteum


1. Compassivo; sofre ao ver o sofrimento de animais.
2. Intolerante à contradição.
3. Impotência sexual com ausência total de desejo e ereção, apesar de fantasias eróticas.
4. Aversão ao coito (mulheres).
5. Enterocolite. Diarréia que aparece nas primeiras horas da manhã.
6. Psoríase.
NUPHAR LUTEUM (Nenúfar Amarillo)

1 No tolera la menor contradicción. Es muy compasivo, y le duele ver el sufrimiento
de los animales.
 2 Peor: el día siguiente al coito; al anochecer (debilidad y prurito).
 3 Pesadez cefálica. Cefaleas frontales, como si fuera en los lóbulos frontales del
cerebro. Pitiriasis en el cuero cabelludo, con prurito intenso y caída del cabello.
 4 Ve chispas brillantes estando al sol, que convergen hacia el centro, peor al toser.
 5 Gusto dulzón. Lengua blanca. Boca pastosa. Languidez en el epigastrio, con
gastralgias y digestión lenta.
 ** 6 Diarrea que aparece temprano y lo saca de la cama, de 4 a 6 de la mañana,
generalmente precedida de cólicos, con heces abundantes, amarillas, acuosas, fétidas,
seguidas de un marcado agotamiento y ardor en el ano. Pinchazos como agujas en el
 7 Arenillas rojizas en la orina, adherentes y duras.
 *** 8 Es uno de los medicamentos importantes de la impotencia sexual masculina, con
total ausencia de deseos sexuales y de erecciones, a pesar de las fantasías eróticas que
llenan su imaginación; con pene retraído y escroto relajado. Espermatorrea o pérdidas
senlinales durmiendo o al defecar u orinar, con total ausencia de erecciones, debilidad
y palidez. Pinchazos en los testículos, que se extienden a la punta del pene. Caída de
pelo pubiano.
 9 Dolor retroesternal cuando corre.
 l0 Dolor sordo en la zona lumbar izquierda. Puntadas en los flancos al caminar.
Sensibilidad de la región renal. Debilidad en los miembros al anochecer. Lupus en los
brazos. Pinchazos en la cara posterior del muslo izquierdo. Inquietud y cansancio en
las piernas. Dolores agudos en la cara plantar del dedo gordo derecho.

 11 Placas rojas prominentes, cubiertas de escamitas plateadas, con violento prurito

peor al anochecer; al desaparecer, quedan manchas pálido rojizas o amarillentas.
Psoriasis. Pitiriasis capitis. Intoxicación por Rhus Tox.
Nymphaea odorata


1. Símbolo da pureza.
2. Sonhos lascivos.
3. Suposição de reprimir e dissipar inteiramente o desejo sexual.
4. Ulceração da boca e garganta.
5. Diarréia matinal (como em Nuphar luteum).
Nymphaea odorata
It is not strange that this beautiful and odorous flower should have been selected as an emblem of
purity, and that the ancient physicians supposed it to have the power to repressing and entirely
dissipating venereal desires and sexual power. It is said that the priestesses and vestals in temples
devoted to the worship of Diana, used to sleep on beds made of the odorous water-lily, in order to
keep themselves chaste and pure. In later times, an infusion, syrup, or distilled water of the root
was given internally for excited sexual desires. Even as late as the time of Culpepper, it was
advised in "nocturnal pollutions and amorous dreams."
Allopathic physicians have not made much use of this plant, except where they have borrowed its
use in diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, etc., from domestic practice. Eclectics have used it to greater extent,
but their knowledge of its qualities is quite meager.
King mentions its use in ulcers of the mouth and throat. He says: "I recollect a lady who, several
years since, was pronounced by several physicians to have uterine cancer, and which resisted all
their treatment. She was permanently cured by a squaw, who gave her to drink freely of the
decoction of a root, as well as to inject it into the vagina, which proved to be that of the White-
Nothing is said by any American writer in relation to its action on the functions of the sexual
Dr. P.H. Hale informs me that he has prescribed an infusion of the root as an enema in many cases
of acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, supposed to be caused by ulceration. The tincture was given at the
same time internally, and the leucorrhoea was cured with surprising rapidity.
I have been informed by many women that they have cured themselves of an obstinate leucorrhoea
by the use of an injection of an infusion of the fresh root.
If the root will act as a rubefacient when applied externally, it requires no stretch of imagination to
believe it acts homoeopathically as a topical application in chronic inflammation, erosion or
abrasion of the vagina and cervix uteri. I conjecture that it acts very similar to the lotions so popular
in such cases, with our school, namely: a mixture of the tincture, or Aqua Calendula with
Glycerine; or more nearly still, to Hamamelis, Calendula and Glycerine.
In order to ascertain whether it had any influence in repressing unnatural sexual desires, I once
administered the tincture of Nymphoea to a hysterical woman, who was much troubled by
amorous dreams, voluptuous sensations in the genitals, and uncontrollable flow of sensual

thoughts. She took ten drops every three hours for a week, with no perceptible effect on those
In the Winter of 1865-6, one of the class in Hahnemann Medical College proved it under my
direction, but no symptoms of sexual depression were induced during the experiment. If the drug
had any effect it was to slightly excite the genital organs. The only noteworthy symptoms related to
the urinary organs, lumbar region, and throat. It caused, apparently, some soreness of the throat in
both experiments. This proving, however, need to be substantiated by others before its symptoms
will possess much value.
Nymphaea odorata

(white pond lily.)

Botanical description
The white pond-lily has a blackish, large, fleshy perennial root or rhizoma, growing in mud where
the water is from three to ten feet deep, and is often as thick as a man's arm, sending up leaves and
flowers to the surface. The petioles are long, somewhat semi-circular, and perforated throughout
by long tubes or air vessels which serve to float them. The leaves are floating, orbicular, sometimes
almost kidney-shaped, peltate, cordate-cleft at the base, quite to the insertion of the petiole, the
lobes, one each side, prolonged into an acute point, entire, reddish, with prominent veins beneath,
dark, shining green above and five or six inches in diameter. The flowers are large white, or rose-
colored, and fragrant. A western species, the N. tuberosa, is odorless. The sepals are four,
lanceolate, green without, and white within. The petals are numerous, lanceolate, from an inch to
two and a half inches long, of the most delicate texture, white, sometimes tinged with purple on the
outside. Stamens numerous, yellow in several rows. Filaments dilated gradually from the inner to
the outer series so as to pass insensibly into petals. Anthers in two longitudinal cells growing to the
filaments, and opening inwardly. Stigma with from twelve to twenty-four rays, very much
resembling abortive anthers, at first incurved, afterward spreading. The pericarp is berry-like,
many celled, many seeded.
This plant grows in ponds, marshes, and sluggish streams, flowering from June to September.
 Officinal preparations: Tincture of the fresh root; with strong alcohol.
 Analogues: Asarum, Agnus castus (?) Baptisia; Calendula; Eryngium, Hamamelis;
Nuphur; Phytolacca (?)
We have but one proving, which was made by Dr. Edwin Cowles, at Hahnemann Medical College,
Chicago, in 1865. One object of the proving was to ascertain whether its ancient reputation, as an
aphrodisiac, could be substantiated. The only noteworthy symptoms related to the urinary organs,
lumbar region, and throat. It caused, apparently, some soreness of the throat, in both experiments.
This proving, however, needs to be substantiated by others before its symptoms will possess much
 Head: Lascivious dreams. Feeling of dullness. Headache, through the temples, with
severe coryza.
 Throat: Sore throat, with roughness and tingling. Frequent desire to swallow, with
painful deglutition.
 Bowels: Pain in hypogastric region. Pain in the bowels and back. Thin stools, with
slight burning.
 Urine: Sensation on urinating, as if the urine had not all passed. Increased flow of
urine. Slight involuntary passing of urine.
 Back and lower extremities: Pain in the back and lower limbs. Great weakness in the
lower lumbar region.
 Clinical. Back, pain in. Coryza. Diarrhoea. Throat, sore.

Hale mentions this emblem of purity and its traditional reputation as a dissipator of venereal
There has been only one proving (by Dr. Cowles), and no definite clinical experience.
Like Nuphar, it has early morning looseness of bowels.
1. MIND - RESTLESSNESS - night ( a1 ) 1 249
2. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - increased ( a1 ) 1 237
3. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - night ( a1 ) 1 18
4. BACK - WEAKNESS - Lumbar region ( k ) 2 99
Three cases of nuphar luteum (R. Tomassini)
Face eruption: Nuphar luteum
Case January 1997
This is a case of a thirty-year-old woman that I have known for years, as we have some friends in
common. She has a degree in natural science and up to a short time before the visit she lived in a
house with a garden where she kept various animals: dogs, cats, rabbits, geese, etc.
I haven't seen her for a long time, but I remember her as a small woman, a little overweight, polite,
but rather unwilling to strike up a friendship and stay with other people, and she is easily in a bad
mood when one jokes too much with her. She got married not long ago and now lives in a flat
without a garden.
She says:
'An eruption appeared on my face; it is red color with subcutaneous itching pimples and my skin
became dry, and no one has understood them. The eruptions appear around my nose and my
mouth, even under my chin. In a word, it's as if I had a beard. I have used 500 billion ointments,
more or less, all of them with cortisone, but after a short time they aren't effective anymore;
moreover I can't put on cortisone for the rest of my life. I have also taken antihistamines which
help, but I can't use them all my life either.'
Since when have you had the eruptions?
'It appeared two to three years ago in December and it went away with lotion. Then, last winter it
came back again. I felt better in March, after my marriage, but in June it was horrible and it has
gone in this way with ups and downs until now and nobody knows why.
I feared an allergy to chocolate, but I have done research and I am not allergic to anything; but I eat
a lot of chocolate. I am not able to restrain myself. I eat mountains of chocolate before my menstrual
period. Anyway, I always need to eat sweet things; without them I would die.'
'Among other things I suffer from atrocious headaches, especially during my periods. When I have
a headache I can't bear light or noises; it seems like there are two hammering daggers here in my
temples, and I can't bear the light. I have to stay lying in the dark and immobile. Yes, two daggers.
If I sleep it usually goes away. It happens the day before or the day after my period. When I was
very young and up to the age of eighteen, I vomited, fainted, suffered from stomachaches and
backaches with my periods. It was a disaster. Then, I began taking the pill, because otherwise I was
very unwell, and so I felt definitely better. Now I have been using the pill for four to five years
uninterruptedly. I also feel swollen and in my opinion this is due to the pill.'
'This has nothing to do with it, but I have terrible nightmares: I dream about wars. I dream that I
am being bombed - that everywhere there are planes bombing. I am in my house, the one by the
sea, and there is a group of planes bombing, and I don't know where to run away to, while there
are some people who remain indifferent. I wake up very anxious. Other times I dream about
tortoises that are born in my garden, that come up from the ground and I am worried about them. I
often dream about tortoises, more than other animals. I also dream of horses because having a
horse is the dream of my life. Then I dream that my dog has been left in my parents' house. I
haven't yet dreamt about the dog I have now. Then I have parrots, canaries and many other

animals. Another dream is that I still have them, but I have to run away because there is a war and
I have to leave. I fear that they will die of hunger or might escape from the (aviary) greenhouse.'
How is your relationship with animals?
'I have always been very fond of them. I have had many. I speak to animals. Some would consider
me mad. An animal died and I cried like an I-don't-know-what. I cry also for human being's death.
I painfully live this thing of death. Death is not a tragedy rationally, but if someone dies I cry
without being able to restrain myself.'
What do you think about death?
'I have lived another life. For me there must be something. I believe in aliens, in ghosts. I am not
afraid of them, but I believe in them.'
Do you feel for others?
'I share with everyone. I can't see suffering babies going hungry. These wars, people killing each
other - that's enough. I can't bear it anymore.'
What about your personality?
'I am quite calm. I was shy and perhaps I still am, but I mask it. It is necessary to do the best one
can. I like to stay in nature in quite places. I go scuba diving and it is wonderful.
Before marrying I had a house with a garden and animals. Now, I live in a flat and for me this has
been a tragedy. There is no greenery and so I have filled the house with plants and gotten a dog.
Living here has been upsetting; buildings are high here and they make me anxious. If I could I
would go to live in the countryside. The house has a northern exposure and I need the sun. I am a
little animal needing the sun, and not having it is hard for me.'
Other problems?
'I don't sleep much. I am not able to fall asleep before 1 am.'
'Claps of thunder. I can't bear them. Moreover, my teeth have always been decayed. My milk
molars broke into lots of little pieces. I have always had nosebleeds too.'
'I cry very often and I like being made a fuss over. I ask for it if I don't receive it. As a child I didn't
receive enough love, at least not enough for me. I felt I was neglected and my father was never
present. But I think it was my idea that I was neglected and that my mother loved my brother more
than me.' (Actually, as I know her family, I believe her feelings are not wrong.)
This is the repertorization of the case.
MIND; LOVE; animals, for (and)
MIND; LOVE; animals, for; suffering (as) sympathetic for animals (in a combined rubric)
FACE; ERUPTIONS; General; mouth; around
MIND; DREAMS; battles (and)
MIND; DREAMS; war (and)
MIND; DREAMS; air; attacks (in a combined rubric)
MIND; WEEPING, tearful mood; tendency
GENERALITIES; FOOD and drinks; chocolate; desires (not included)
MIND; FEAR; thunderstorm, of (not included)

I noted Natrum muriaticum and Natrum sulphuricum, but they fail in many aspects that I consider
essential in order to prescribe them. So my attention was captured by Nuphar luteum and I chose it
with expectation.
Nuphar 30 CH in drops, morning and evening for at least ten days. Later on, I spoke with her by
telephone and I told her to continue taking the remedy in cycles for just a little more than three
months. (By cycles I mean - give the remedy for a few days, then wait and then give it again for a
few days and then wait. I don't use this method because I prefer to give the remedy until the
appearance of reactions and then wait the amelioration without prescription until the reappearance
of symptoms.) When she came for the visit she had stopped the therapy after about twenty days.
Follow-up after three months
I see the patient again in April. She tells me:
'I feel good. Everything has gone away on my face; I don't have pimples anymore, just some
normal small boils. I haven't taken the pill for three months and my period still goes well. I lost
three kilos. And I am cheerful. I haven't even eaten chocolate anymore. I like it, but I don't crave it
like before when I couldn't do without it. Now, let's talk about what isn't doing well. The skin on
my face is dry and also on my hands. It's very dry and I put cream on continuously. The skin on my
face is always drawn too, so I have to use cream.'
Since when?
Ten to fifteen days, since I stopped the treatment. I forgot about cellulitis and that my hands and
feet swell especially in the evening because of fluid retention. It bothers me. Sometimes certain
shoes don't fit. Then I easily feel pins and needles in my arms and legs. If I cross them, they tingle.'
Since when have you been suffering from retention and tingling?
'Always. The retention was much worse when I took the pill, but it is genetic because my mother
suffers from it too.'
As for the rest?
'I feel much better than before. I am happy with the result of the treatment. Also my temper is
better and I wake up well. Before I woke up badly and I didn't want to get up. I would never get
up, because I was tired and very sleepy, but now things are better.'
'Very little, almost nothing. Even without taking the pill I didn't have any pain at the onset of my
period. It has gone well for three months.'
'Always so many. They seem like movies.'
'Not any more. I dream that I go underwater and breathe like a fish. It's fantastic.'
Anything else?
'I dream of horses, but also think about them when I am awake. I would like to have one, but it's
not possible.'
'No, not any more. I dream I have to take a graduation examination and I say that I have a degree
so I haven't to take it.'
And with animals?
'Things go well. I am always very fond of my creatures.'
How is your adaptation to the new house?
'Better. I'm getting used to it and I don't consider it to be so narrow and closed anymore.'
And what about death?

'My goodness! A neighbor of mine died a few days ago. I was sorry, but I reacted in a different
way than before. I felt more detachment, less involved. Now, he is well; he is in peace. Before he
suffered, and if things must go so, it's better to have an end. Now he isn't suffering anymore.'
'No more, not even one time.'
'No, never.'
Follow-up after six months
I prescribed the same remedy, 30CH in cycles, indicating that she would act according to the
situation or, if in doubt, she would telephone me.
She didn't call me and came back for the visit in July, a month after complete cessation of the
A few days before the visit she fainted at the onset of her period.
She tells me: 'I almost always fainted up to the age of eighteen, with pain. This time I felt a terrible
pain and I felt as if I was going to be sick and then I fainted. I wish it would never happen again.
Then I recovered consciousness and I felt sick, but no more pain. In all, it maybe lasted about
fifteen minutes. As for the rest, everything is going very well.'
(Actually, she hasn't had any more problems with her skin, headache, crying or fear of death.)
I prescribe the 30 CH dose again, in cycles, advising her to take it when she is near her period. Five
months later she felt very well. In particular she didn't have any problems with her periods any
more, or headaches, which she tells me she had tried many various treatments in the past years,
without any result. I decide to wait.
Follow-up after two years
The patient comes back a year later (in December 1998) during which she has taken the 30 CH dose
from time to time, at the onset of her period, always with very good results. She also tells me that in
spite of the fact that she is still very fond of animals, she feels less sensitive to them than before. In
the end, she adds that she had forgotten to tell me that her teeth had always been very sensitive
and aching, with dental caries, before the treatment. Each tooth with small caries was very painful.
She hasn't felt any pain and she hasn't had any new caries for a long time.
I prescribe the 30 CH dose in cycles again, as needed. During the winter the remedy helped her to
get over a form of influenza.
Follow-up after three years
The patient took the remedy only before menses until January 2000. Then she had head pain and
menses pain again and repetition of 30 CH failed. I prescribed LM6 in March, to be taken for 20
days. There was a headache and I stopped the remedy. In June 2000 she was doing well without
any repetition of doses, so I think that the remedy was curative.
Refusing to answer
Nuphar luteum

Case C.F. 7 years old - female.

First visit in June 1998.
The patient's mother contacts me before the visit and tells me that her daughter has problems of a
relational nature; she doesn't speak at all outside of her house. On the contrary, she has no
problems with her parents. She preferred to come and talk freely of these problems before letting
her daughter enter.
The mother's story:
'Since she was three I began to realize that if she was questioned, she didn't answer either adults or
children. When a baby visited she withdrew into herself as long as he/she stayed there. I thought
she would improve by going to nursery school, but when she was three she didn't even want to go
there; she only clung to me. We managed it when she was four. During the first year she only went
a little because she always fell ill, and there she didn't speak. She spoke a little at the end of the
year. The following year: nothing. She didn't speak the whole year. Perhaps the teachers weren't
capable, but she didn't fit in at all; she walked up and down the room and didn't even approach the
others. I took her to neurologists and psychologists and they advised me to help her get friendly
with other children by letting them play together in the presence of their parents. But it is not easy.
She improved a bit, little by little, and now she speaks with two children who we have seen many
times. She hardly speaks in her class.
She has also begun reading. She didn't do it before, as she is shy and insecure too, and she reads
badly. It turned out that she didn't read at all. By socializing she has improved a little.
On the contrary, she speaks at home continuously. Outside, she passes as a dumb person. When
she plays with other children and is asked to run towards a certain place, she doesn't even try to
run; she gives up at the beginning. I think it is due also to her character. Moreover, up to the age of
four or five she was always with her grandparents or with adults. Now, she wants to see children;
she has said that she wants a sister too. Previously, she wanted a cat or a tortoise.
'I think so, seeing that if she is asked for, she doesn't answer. It is as if she is afraid...'
'I've let her have her way almost always, and I was told this could cause insecurity. If someone
reproaches her, she stops immediately. Not with me. If I reproach her, she gets a little bit nervous,
she answers me, she tells me: "Shut up! Let me speak". She wants me to let her have her way. If she
gets something into her head, she insists and doesn't change her mind. I have noticed that she
grinds her teeth at night. I hear it because she still sleeps with us.'
'She always woke up during the night and I discovered that with us she managed to sleep, and so.'
Is there anything else?
'She seems to have a strong character at home, but not outside, where she seems to be afraid.'
'She tells me that she doesn't want me to die or to get old, but this is a fear that I have too. She
often doesn't want to remain alone in her room or she wants to be accompanied to the bathroom.'
How is her relationship with medical doctors?
'She goes there willingly.'
And what about her diet?
'She has appetite, but only for pasta and bread. She doesn't want meat, fruit or vegetables. Perhaps,
it is due to her love for animals.'
Do you have any animals?
'We have a cat, fish and tortoises. The cat was mine. She asked for the others. I have always loved
animals too; it's a family thing. She worries about animals when she sees meat and ham.'
And to animals in the street?

'She is very fond of cats. She wanted to feed them too; fortunately, we have managed to distract
her. Now, she would like to have a kitten or birds, but I have convinced her to get another fish. She
also wants a sister, otherwise, she says, she gets bored. I think she has thought about it going round
with the two children that are sisters to each other.'
(I let the child come in, and she enters with her father.)
I tell her that we were talking about animals, and I'd liked to know what animals she has.
Immediately she begins speaking willingly.
'I have a fish, a tortoise and another tortoise and a cat and a frog.
(I go on asking her about things about animals, and before answering she always thinks about it a
little bit.)
What about diseases caught in the past?
Her mother answers: 'Chicken pox. As for other diseases, she was given vaccines.'
Would you like to have more animals?
The child answers: 'Yes, one more cat, and a dog. And canaries.'
Have you ever been to the zoo?
'Yes several times.' Her mother: 'She also says that she wants to become a veterinarian.' Her father:
'Yes, when she pretends, she is a doctor for animals. She visits them, takes care of them.' Her
mother: 'Tell the doctor how many teddies you have.' Child: 'I have many of them. The biggest is a
dog. White, pink and black.'
The smallest one?
'A cat.'
Which one do you prefer?
'A black and white cat.'
Do you sleep with them?
With how many of them?
'I don't know.' Her mother: 'About ten, more or less, in her bed. Then there are others on her
cupboard. It's a sort of invasion. Also when she was a baby, she always wanted games dealing with
animals. She didn't speak yet, but she pointed out games with animals. She put the animals in line,
like a zoo. She played a little with "Barbie", but much more with animals.'
Do you dream about animals?
'Yes, I dream about the cat, the seal and the bear.'
What do they do?
'They are still.'
And you?
'I wasn't there.'
Did you see them?
Did you ever become frightened?
'No.' Mother: 'She likes grasshoppers and locusts too. She wants her father to pick them up.'
Father: 'Yes, she also wants lizards, hornets and bees.'
Do you dream about tortoises? (I made this question because I was thinking of a similar case.)
'Yes, I have dreamt that I woke up and there was a bathtub with many tortoises, even big ones and
fish. Then Dad took them and put them in another tub and one of them bit him and there were also
fish. I put the tortoises in the tub too, but the small ones.'
(It is to be noticed that she doesn't talk about her dreams in general, while she talks about the one
with tortoises in a completely different way; she is much more involved.)

In case two also we find the same relationships problem of case one, but in a larger aspect.
I chose the following symptoms:
MIND; LOVE; animals, for; human being, with great difficulties for (2)
MIND; LOVE; animals, for (13 (and)
MIND; LOVE; animals, for; suffering (3) (as combination rubric: sensitive to animals) (15)
TEETH; GRINDING; sleep, during (52)
MIND; ANSWER, answering, answers; aversion to (80) (and)
MIND; ANSWER, answering, answers; refuses to (34) (in combined rubric) (89)
MIND; TIMIDITY (156) (and)
MIND; EMBARRASSMENT (17) (in combined rubric) (160)
MIND; EMBARRASSMENT; strangers, in presence of (4)
The differential diagnosis between remedies was easy because I didn't recognize any aspect of
other remedies present in the repertorization.
Sulphur is the only remedy with some aspects that seem similar, but there aren't important
symptoms of this remedy.
On the other hand I think that Nuphar could be very similar to Sulphur in many symptoms. There
was another reason to prescribe Nuphar.
I prescribed Nuphar Luteum 30 CH in drops, morning and evening, for at least two weeks.
After a telephone consultation she continued to take the remedy for two months.
Follow-up after four months
I saw her again two months after stopping the remedy, four months after the first visit.
She comes in and waves to me cheerfully. She wears some pendants round her neck - the kind one
can find inside a common packet of crisps. Two of them are of animals, one a pumpkin and one a
skull. When I ask her which one she prefers she tells me the ones representing animals.
Mother: 'She says she prefers the second standard in the primary school to the first one. She has
also learned to read, even if she is lazy. Anyway, things are much better.'
In what?
'In everything. Also her teachers feel the same way. She even goes to other classrooms to ask for
the chalk.'
And her friends?
'Now she has more friends than before. She goes to dance lessons, too. She often sees her friends,
and if she doesn't she becomes nervous; she is much more sociable. There is no comparison. It
began last summer and then, little by little, things have gotten better and better.'
And what about grinding her teeth during sleep?
'I haven't heard it for a long time.'
'Her passion for them is still the same. Last summer we lost a small tortoise and we bought another
one.' Child: 'It was in the garden. I was looking at the big one. The small one went away and we
never found it again.'
And what do you play with now?
Mother: 'Now, she plays with her dolls, not only with animals.'
'At this time she is afraid to remain alone in a room, but we don't know what she fears.'
Has she spoken of her mother's old age or of death anymore?

'No, not anymore. Perhaps her fear of remaining alone began after a movie that frightened her. In
particular there was a scene in which a horse was drowning and she burst into tears.'
I prescribed the same remedy for her, 6 LM in drops, in cycles.
Postscript after two years
Since this time, I have been in contact with her mother periodically, but I have not visited her child
again, because she feels very well. She is sociable and perfectly integrated into her school. She
hasn't had any problem in her relations outside of her family and she is enjoying excellent health.
The remedy helped her also when she had common seasonal influenza, which passed without any
problem and in a short time.
Inflammation of urethra
Nuphar luteum
V.V. , a 34-year-old male veterinarian.
First visit on January 1998
The patient appears with a lifeless facial expression and a vacant glance. He looks dirty and
shabby, his nails chewed and dirty.
He begins to tell his story:
'I have various problems, among which is a little chronic urethritis. I've done everything to cure it:
antibiotics, antifungal products, but uselessly. Years ago I was found to have chlamydia, and then
the test was doubtful and later negative. But it always troubles me a little. It gets worse with
influenza or masturbation. My girlfriend lives in another region and sometimes she has had fungi,
but I have had the tampon tested and the result is negative. I don't know what to do anymore. Even
from an emotional point of view, things are not excellent. I have left this girl twice, already.
Perhaps I was hurt years ago by a girl that I loved more than the others. She lived in another town
too. I've always had difficulties with women, with the female sex, also with cohabitation. I've
always had girls that lived a long way from my town. I've left two girls who lived in my town
shortly after, even if I would have preferred to remain their friend. At the university many girls ran
after me, but I was in love with the one that was not in the circle and with my ideals, and so I lost
many occasions without doing anything. They were ideals of life too. I wanted to go to South
America with this girl, to do guerrilla warfare. On the contrary, I stayed in Italy working as a
veterinarian. I wanted also to go to Africa and to natural parks, but I have not found concrete
occasions to do so.
I think that I only drink a little, but according to my girlfriend I drink too much. I've taken drugs,
almost all kinds except heroin. I smoke - tobacco and even hashish - but only occasionally. I've
never run after a joint. If it appears, good, if not, never mind. I'm insecure, because I tend to
accumulate things: books, CDs, whatever generally interests me. I also work a lot in order not to
tackle the problems I have. I'm successful in my job. I've also worked as a volunteer in a dogs'
home and for many years I've been registered in naturalistic associations. I was active in radical
politics and now I'm a Rifondazione party member (post-Communist Italian party): in short a full
life, too full. I've performed as a theatre actor, choral singer, and things like that. Now I do religious
practice, because I'm a Buddhist and I do Aikido as a martial art. As for the rest, I can't do much
since I work a lot. The sexual, emotional side has always taken second place also, because I don't
have the courage to tackle problems.'
What problems?
'I also had short homosexual experiences, many years ago. I've always had troubled sexually. I
dream of a woman with ideals. I'm not satisfied with little. Now, I am having a love affair with a
girl four years older than I am, and her flaw is that she is passive. She's tired; she wants to sleep. It's
a relationship that leaves me very unsatisfied. We seem to be friends, apart from when we have
sexual intercourse, which she always finishes too early. I would prefer longer things, with sex
What else?

'When I was a child I fell in love with my mother. When I was 14, I dressed up as a woman,
obviously only at home... then I masturbated, this is it.'
And what about the girl you loved very much?
'The distance made things go badly. I was deeply in love with her, even if my mother says that I
left that girl. I said that seeing the distance, if an affair had occurred we could have lived it. I made
a stupid mistake. I asked her if I could have a affair with a French girl. We left each other. Then, we
started again and left each other again, but my feeling towards her is still alive, even if I no longer
have possibilities with her after these six years have passed.'
What about guerrilla warfare?
'Everything started while reading Che. I felt great injustice. I've always hated Americans and their
government and I wanted to go and solve their problems. I intended to take part in the Brigate
Rosse. The fact that my father is a high-ranking official of Carabinieri played an important role. He
is very authoritative, even if he has been domesticated by my sister, who looks very much like me.'
How is your relationship with animals?
'As a child I petted all the dogs I met. Then I worked as a volunteer. Anyway, I'm very severe with
my animals. I have a little dog and to make it understand things, I've even smacked it. I have also
five cats, and if they did things at home I immobilized and smacked them a little. I've had other
dogs, but things didn't go well. Two of them ran away and one died, but it was not my fault.'
What is the effect of animals' suffering on you?
'I'm sorry, but I'm used to it by now. It was worse before.
If you see them being ill-treated?
'I react, even if I've ill-treated my dog. I was undecided about giving it away or not, but then it
became very unwell. It saved itself, and so I've understood how important it is for me and I've cried
many times, but I've avoided crying before. Anyway, I have a very sweet relationship with
animals. I pet them; I kiss them, even too much. My teachers said that I should be more detached. I
studied law earlier, because I wanted to go into politics, but I changed my mind because of my
passion for animals, and I thought that I could do politics in any case. It comes to my mind now
that I watch hard porn movies and I read pornographic magazines. Then, I feel dizzy.'
'I suffer from vertigo, but not in the mountains. Balconies and stairs give me vertigo. It's worse if
I'm stressed. Studying exhausted me and this improved with acupuncture. I've been to a
psychologist too.'
Have you ever felt strange sensations or seen strange images and colors?
'That happened with LSD: devils on the windscreen, lights, colors, but only in that situation.'
What else?
'Perhaps a certain inferiority complex towards my sister who is older than me, even if I was more
brilliant than her at school.'
And what about masturbation?
'It happens often. I watch a movie and then...Or from time to time I took a bra and
What's your attitude towards what is transcendental?
'It's something really important. I've tried to believe in our religion. I also joined Azione Cattolica,
but later I didn't get on well with it, and a friend of mine had spoken to me about Buddhism. I
began and then continued. I have to say that I've also traveled a lot. I've lived in several towns. I've
always moved without any problem. I've hitchhiked without any destination, with only my
sleeping bag. For a certain period of time I went around with a football team, later for a girl, now
for courses, congresses or for leisures, but I spend a little time on leisure. I have a very busy life, full
of activities.'
Anything else about your urethritis?

'It's constant, painful, but it doesn't get worse if I urinate. If I masturbate, it gets worse. It's like a
sharp pain inside, constant.'
Any worsening?
'If it worsens I feel a major burning sensation. It worsens if I get flu. If I have sexual intercourse, it
doesn't get worse. When I was nineteen I had a fistula and anal rhagades. Moreover, I have always
wanted to live any kind of experience, to learn from experience and then to judge. To try and know
how it is.'
Have you ever suffered from diarrhea?
'I've forgotten to tell you about it. If I'm stressed or because of exams, I have diarrhea. Even three
to four times. On holiday I feel well. My stool are also sputtering and stinking, but never with
What time of the day do you usually have diarrhea?
'It may happen in the morning. I get up and have two discharges in half an hour. Food can cause it
'I can't remember them, now. Before, I used to write them in order to analyze them. I used to
dream about love, feelings. Many of them related to animals, but I can't remember now.'
Problems concerning others?
'I share with people a lot. I'm a blood donor, and I'm in the list of bone marrow donors. I've been
registered in Amnesty International. My problem is showing my affection to the girls I date, and
living a close relationship with them, staying with them. On the contrary I share with animals a
great deal. They are different, and they're at a lower level than we are. I also had humbler friends
with problems and I tried to help them. I've also defended ethnic minorities.'
What do you think about death?
'I fear it a little. Cemeteries fascinate me, I used to go there at night to walk, even with a girl who
still loves me, but who I've never returned my love to. Now I see animals' death with more
detachment. I've gotten used to it. But not for my animals; I cry for them.'
MIND; FEAR; high places (24) (and)
VERTIGO; HIGH places (12) (as: high places agg.) (24)
MALE; MASTURBATION, disposition to (73) (and)
FEMALE; MASTURBATION disposition (51) (as masturbation) (78)
MIND; SYMPATHETIC, compassionate (45)
MIND; SYMPATHETIC, compassionate; animals; suffering, feels great pain seeing suffering
animals (3) (and)
MIND; LOVE; animals, for (13) (as love for animals) (15)
RECTUM; DIARRHEA; morning (158)
RECTUM; DIARRHEA; morning; bed, driving out of (34)
URETHRA; PAIN; stitching (116)
Case 3 is the most similar to Sulphur.
From diarrhea in the morning to the mental aptitude of the patient, many symptoms seem to look
like Sulphur. But 'Sympathetic' is unknown for Sulphur and it is also present in Nuphar. Also the
genital tropism is well known for Nuphar even if in this specific symptom it is absent.
So I prescribed Nuphar.
In the repertorization, we can see Phosphorus and Calcarea phosphorica also, but there are neither
the fears and hemorrhages of Phosphorus, nor themes of Calcarea phosphorica, like the
ambivalence between the desire for independence and the lack of strength to obtain it.

Nuphar L. 30 CH in drops twice a day, and later 0/6 LM in drops, repeated in cycles of about
twenty days every month.
I see the patient again five months later. He has spontaneously stopped taking the remedy.
He now appears a little bit quicker.
'Urethritis seems to be much better. Diarrhea on alternate days, but only a discharge. As for
sentimental relationships, I'm a little cold. I'm not at ease with her. A baby is coming, but I don't
feel like having it. She absolutely wants it; moreover she lives in the north. The baby will grow
without his/her father.' (He says this with regret.)
What do you think about it?
'That the baby will grow up imperfect, unbalanced, full of complexes, shy.'
Can't you find a solution?
'I think not. She doesn't want to come and live in my town, I cannot go to hers because of my job...
I want to work, to earn; I'm a go-getter. I can, even if I don't feel like it. I need a woman close to me
at night, not only on the weekends. I had too many of them like this.'
And as for your child that is coming?
'I don't feel like becoming father. I want to do something else, to enjoy myself, to work, to go round
or to have an ever-present woman, to live with someone and not to see her only on the weekends.'
What else?
'As for the rest, my morale is not so good. I'm tired and I feel like leaving.
How do you feel with animals?
'Everything goes very well.'
What about your emotional sharing with them?
'Perhaps it is lower. Sometimes I'm nervous and I ill-treat my animals; sometimes I'm very sweet. It
depends on the time. But I'm tired of always having them with me. I've taken a house with a
garden so I can leave them there. I have two of them, and another one is coming; I took it in from
the street. Then I took one kitten, a stray with an eye to be taken off, poor thing!'
'I didn't commit myself, but I have registered at two animal associations.'
Any kind of drugs?
'A little hashish. I wanted to try a barbiturate, but it befuddled me and so I haven't taken it
anymore. It was an experiment.'
'I've spoken about it with a friend of mine, I would like to make a cemetery for dogs. I think death
is a time of passing. We believe in reincarnation, and so I don't fear death very much.'
'Just sometimes, but less than before. If I watch a film....'
Fear of the void?
'I fear it, but the vertigo has passed away.'
I insist on the 0/6 dose in cycles. He takes it for a long time randomly. He comes back eight
months later.
He starts speaking:
'There is family news. I had a baby three months ago. My partner and I are doing very well
together. Our child has linked us with each other, and now I'm convinced of it - me who didn't
want him! The fact is that she lives far away. I'm a little nervous, anxious. If I'm very stressed I get a
little dizzy, but I have an exhausting life.

As for urethritis, if I take the remedy it goes well. If I stop taking it, it comes back later, or if I
masturbate. With my girlfriend, if it happens, it's very beautiful also from this point of view,' (he
means from the sexual point of view), 'and so I never feel pain. I fear that I could suffer again from
exhaustion because of fatigue like years ago. I should stop.'
What about your intestines?
'I suffer form diarrhea, but not always. If I take the remedy, it is better. It depends also on the
stress. I'm not constant and a little untidy, I don't know if it is evident.' (Actually one can notice it
High places?
'They annoy me just a little bit.'
'My relationship with them is always good, even with mine. Sometimes I can't stand them, but I
always feel a great love for them.'
He continues taking the remedy and six months after the latest visit he still feels physically well.
As for the relationships with his son and his partner, things go very well. He has changed some
things at his work in order to spend more time with them.
Later I gave a higher potency by telephone (18 LM for few days) and after a short initial
accentuation of symptoms, every physical symptom disappeared. I don't know the following
psychological evolution of the case because he didn't come back to visit any longer.
I think that the remedy was correct but, because of the many repetitions needed of the remedy, the
potency was initially too low.
I use the Complete Repertory of MacRepertory and I usually use the default strategy to analyze the
Massimo Mangialavori has been a friend of mine for many years and we have taught together
since 1997 (the year of the founding of our Italian homeopathic school). We talk a lot about materia
medica and homeopathy in general. Many years ago we talked about Nuphar and he told me his
opinion. Later on I studied the remedy in the repertory too, and I agreed with his opinion.
These cases are a clinical confirmation of his ideas.
In accordance with Massimo, I think that love for animals and difficulties in relationships are two
of the most important themes of this remedy.
Cases two and three show both the problems well. In Case one, the difficulty in relationships is
less evident, but I had known the patient well for many years before her visit and I had noted her
difficulties for many years.
I think that important aspects of the remedy are:
* Oversensibility and difficulties in relationships
* Sexual troubles
* Tendency to elimination with difficulties in elimination and/or non-physiological elimination
(i.e. eruptions and diarrhea especially) or aggravation with elimination
* Weakness (especially related to elimination)
I think that both love for animals and sexual problems are strictly connected to the difficulty in
relationships. This seems the aim of the psychological problem of Nuphar and it is perhaps the
expression of the difficulty to manifest him/herself in the world.
I need to underline that the behavior with animals could be ambiguous. We can often see love for
animals or fear for some of them or tendency to ill-treat some of them. This could be another aspect
of the difficulties in relationships, but this is a hypothesis. I have noted in three or four cases a
particular sensibility toward turtles - dreams, less love, 'suspiciousness' or, on the contrary,
admiration, but I'm not sure of this symptom. Finally I noted a big problem with death: fear and a
tendency to avoid the problem with an incapacity to accept this event.

Physical triggers of the remedy are:

* Head (pain)
* Skin (eruptions and itching)
* Rectum (diarrhea)
* Genitals (every trouble)
As a conclusion I need to say a little about repertorization. The choice of symptoms is very
subjective and I could speak for hours to explain why I take one symptom and not another.
I will try to explain something about it. Generally we have many symptoms in each case, often too
many! I think that it's very important to understand the patient first and his/her problems. This is
the only way to choose the important symptoms. For instance, in Case one, 'Fear of thunderstorms'
is a symptom, but it doesn't represent the patient. Eruptions, headache, love for animals are aspects
that describe the aim of the case. 'Desire for chocolate' could be a good symptom (i.e. , a
representation of profound problems with parents) but we know that it is a bad rubric because
there are only a few remedies.
Riccardo Tomassini, MD
I.R. M.S. O.
Via Paolo Emilio 32
00192 Rome

Conclusion by Riccardo Tomassini, MD

 See three cases of Nuphar luteum
I use the Complete Repertory of MacRepertory and I usually use the default strategy to analyze the
Massimo Mangialavori has been a friend of mine for many years and we have taught together since
1997 (the year of the founding of our Italian homeopathic school). We talk a lot about materia
medica and homeopathy in general. Many years ago we talked about Nuphar and he told me his
opinion. Later on I studied the remedy in the repertory too, and I agreed with his opinion.
These cases are a clinical confirmation of his ideas.
 In accordance with Massimo, I think that love for animals and difficulties in relationships
are two of the most important themes of this remedy.
Cases two and three show both the problems well. In Case one, the difficulty in relationships is less
evident, but I had known the patient well for many years before her visit and I had noted her
difficulties for many years.
I think that important aspects of the remedy are:
 Oversensibility and difficulties in relationships
 * Sexual troubles
 * Tendency to elimination with difficulties in elimination and/or non-physiological
elimination (i.e. eruptions and diarrhea especially) or aggravation with elimination
 * Weakness (especially related to elimination)
I think that both love for animals and sexual problems are strictly connected to the difficulty in
relationships. This seems the aim of the psychological problem of Nuphar and it is perhaps the
expression of the difficulty to manifest him/herself in the world.
I need to underline that the behavior with animals could be ambiguous. We can often see love for
animals or fear for some of them or tendency to ill-treat some of them. This could be another aspect
of the difficulties in relationships, but this is a hypothesis. I have noted in three or four cases a
particular sensibility toward turtles - dreams, less love, 'suspiciousness' or, on the contrary,
admiration, but I'm not sure of this symptom. Finally I noted a big problem with death: fear and a
tendency to avoid the problem with an incapacity to accept this event.
Physical triggers of the remedy are:
 Head (pain)
 * Skin (eruptions and itching)
 * Rectum (diarrhea)
 * Genitals (every trouble)
As a conclusion I need to say a little about repertorization. The choice of symptoms is very
subjective and I could speak for hours to explain why I take one symptom and not another.
I will try to explain something about it. Generally we have many symptoms in each case, often too
many! I think that it's very important to understand the patient first and his/her problems. This is
the only way to choose the important symptoms. For instance, in Case one, 'Fear of thunderstorms'
is a symptom, but it doesn't represent the patient. Eruptions, headache, love for animals are aspects
that describe the aim of the case. 'Desire for chocolate' could be a good symptom (i.e. , a
representation of profound problems with parents) but we know that it is a bad rubric because
there are only a few remedies.
Riccardo Tomassini, MD
I.R. M.S. O.
Via Paolo Emilio 32
00192 Rome

Vermeulen Synoptic II Nuphar luteum

Nuphar luteum. Yellow Water Lily. Frog Lily. N.O. Nymphaeceae.

Perennial aquatic herb, grows to the surface of the water from a thick horizontal rootstock.
Growing on long peduncles, the flowers open as the sun rises, after a few hours gradually closing,
being entirely closed during the midday heat and at night. The scented flowers are visited by
bumblebees, bees, flies and beetles, which usually bring about cross-pollination. The fruit is shed
when ripe, and it floats around for a long time before it disintegrates. The plant grows all over
Europe, Siberia and Iran. The name comes from the Persian word nufar, a reduced form of ninufar,
from Sanskrit nilotpala [from nila, blue, and utpala, lotus].
 "Water-lilies [Nymphaea] were well known to primitive Man who, groping for signs
and portents of the Deity, saw in their blooms living symbols of regeneration and
purification. Their manner of rising with the return of the rains, pure and undefiled
from the mud and slime of dried up watercourses suggested immortality, purity and
resurrection... Professor Goodyear ascribed to Water-lilies a high place in the arts of
thirty centuries before Christ. From its twisted petals he traces the Ionic capital and
from that the Greek fret or meander. This doubled becomes the swastika, earliest of all
symbols and according to the way it faces the representative of good or evil, male or
female, light or darkness. The well-filled seed pods suggest the cornucopia, emblem of
fertility and another old symbol." [Perry]
The flowers of Nuphar are smaller than those of Water-lilies. They will grow in deep, shaded or
running water - all situations which do not suit Nymphaeas. The tuberous rhizomes have been
used for tanning purposes and fed to stock. The seeds can be roasted like popcorn.
Although less appealing to the imagination, Nuphar has an equally long history as Nymphaea.
Paracelsus praised it as a good remedy for affections of the uterus and called it a 'coagulativum.'
The French preparation of Nuphar flowers, 'Eau de Nénuphar,' were traded as an anaphrodisiac.
 The constituents of Nuphar and Nymphaea are almost identical.
 Both have a digitalis-like glucoside and an alkaloid that affects the smooth musculature
of the intestines and the blood vessels.
 Animal experiments carried out in the middle of this century isolated an alkaloid that
puts animals into a kind of hypnotic state.
 Proved by Pitet [on himself].
 Compare: Phosphorus. Sulphur. Lycopodium. Iris. Picricum acidum.
 Region: Brain. Gastrointestinal tract; rectum. Sexual organs. Skin.
Leading symptoms

M Sympathetic.
"Great moral sensibility; acute pain on witnessing suffering of animals."
M Impatience at slightest contradiction.
G Weakness after coition; from diarrhoea.
G Complete absence of sexual desire.
Voluptuous thoughts do not cause erections.
G Sore, bruised pains [head; thorax; posterior part of thigh].
agg. Jar [walking].
P Pressive pain in forehead and temples.
amel. Open air.

and Dull pain and sensation of weight in orbits.

"You may find it useful in some headaches attending depressed condition of the generative
organs." [Hale]
P Brilliant sparks before the eyes when coughing [hard].
P Acute or chronic enterocolitis.
Yellow diarrhoea in early morning [between 4 and 6 a.m. ]; sour, offensive.
agg. Slightest error in diet. ["Least excess of any kind."]
agg. After coition.
and Sense of exhaustion in epigastric region.
and Depression of sexual functions.
P Skin.
"There appeared on different parts of the body a number of red blotches, tolerably regular in
outline, ovoid or circular, prominent, and covered with little scales of a silvery white, in short,
resembling psoriasis; there were a few on the posterior surface of the arms, but they were most
abundant on the anterior surface of the legs; they itched violently, especially in the evening; friction
removed the little scales, which were rapidly reproduced, remained a few days, and then fell off
again from the scratching induced by the itching; this eruption lasted a month and a half; as it
disappeared, and the scales ceased to be reproduced, the skin at the place of each blotch became
pale red or yellowish [after ten or twelve days]." [Allen]

 Mind: Intolerance of contradiction [1]. Voluptuous thoughts [2].

 Head: Falling out of hair [1]. Painful sensation of heaviness in temples, in morning [1].
Violent itching of scalp at night [1]. Motions in head while walking [1].
 Eye: Painful heaviness in right orbit [1/1].
 Face: Pale discolouration [1].
 Stomach: Acrid eructations [2].
 Abdomen: Pain during daytime [1]; before stool [1]; agg. after stool [1].
 Rectum: Diarrhoea in morning, driving out of bed [1]; after breakfast [1]; painless [1]. Burning
pain during diarrhoea [2]. Urging agg. after stool [1].
 Prostate: Emission of prostatic fluid during stool [2]; on straining [1].
 Male: Seminal emissions in morning during pressing at stool [2]; seminal emissions without
erections [2]; during sleep, without erections [2; Dios.]. Retraction of penis [2]. Sexual desire
diminished [1].
 Female: Aversion to coition [1].
 Extremities: Stitching pain in thigh amel. pressure [1].
Nuphar luteum (yellow pond-lily)
 Pharmacy: Nuph. Nuphar luteum. Nymphaea lutea. Yellow pond lily. N. O.
Nympheacee. Tincture of fresh root. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies,
tincture to sixth potency.
 History: Nuphar left the Yellow Pond Lily, was proved by Pitet and many of his
symptoms have been clinically confirmed. Planets: Venus.
 Homeopathic: Nuph. has a yellow diarrhea coming on in the early hours of the
morning. With the diarrhea is great exhaustion. Nuph. has cured many cases of
diarrhea so characterized and even cases of typhoid fever. Produces nervous
weakness with marked symptoms in the sexual sphere. Sexual weakness and

pollutions. Pityriasis capitis very much aggravated with much itching and falling out
of the hair.
 Clinical: Cholerine. Colitis. Diarrhea. Dyspepsia. Exhaustion. Headaches. Impotence.
Psoriasis. Rhus poisoning. Seminal emissions. Typhoid fever.
 Modalities: The diarrhea was worse 4 to 6 a.m. , worse after the least excess of any
kind. Weakness and itching were worse evening. Walking causes painful shocks in
hams and pain in flank, which was better by pressure. Worse day after sex.

Mind: Impatient of slightest contradiction. Excessive moral sensibility, acute pain in witnessing
sufferings of animals.
Abdomen: Entero-colitis. Colicky pains all round waist, worse 5 to 7 a.m.
Back: Dull pain left lower lumbar region. When walking painful stitch to flank. Better by pressure.
Sensitive on kidney region.
Chest: Pain behind sternum, when running, as though subjacent organs violently shaken.
Eyes: When standing in sparks filled field of vision, converging from circumference to center.
Head: Heaviness of head. Bruised shaking in brain. Dull pains in front part of base of brain on level
of orbits. Lancination in right and left anterior lobes of brain. Headaches attending depressed states
of generative organs.
Limbs: Weakness and loss of power in limbs, worse evening.
Male: Complete absence of sexual desire, parts relaxed, penis retracted. Impotency with
involuntary emissions during stool, when urinating. Spermatorrhea. Pain in testicles and penis.
Weakening nocturnal omissions while convalescing from typhoid.
Mouth: Sweetish taste. Tongue white, mouth pasty.
Rectum: Smarting and burning at anus after every stool. Stitches as from needles in rectum, above.
Much exhaustion with stools, sense of exhaustion in epigastric region.
Skin: Violent itching. On different parts of body red blotches tolerably regular in outline, ovoid or
circular, prominent and covered with little silvery white scales. As eruption disappeared, scales
ceased to be reproduced and skin at place of each blotch became pale red or yellowish.
Stomach: Painful sensation of weariness in stomach. Digestion slow, wind colic with liquid, sour-
smelling stools. Exhaustion in epigastrium.
Stool: Yellow diarrhea, worse in the morning. Diarrhea during typhoid. Soft stools preceded by
some colic for several days or painless diarrhea. Stools: liquid, yellow, fetid.
Urine: Urine deposits copious reddish sand, which is hard and adheres to the vessel.

Another marked feature of the proving was the excessive depression of the male generative system.
Nuph. has done good work in analogous conditions and headaches associated therewith.

(1) in sexual weakness, Agnus, Kali-br., Lyc., Sel., Yohimbin. Nymphea odorate.
(2) In diarrhea: Chel., Gambog., Sulph.,
(3) Early morning diarrhea: Sulph., Nat-sulph., Rumex, Podo.
(4) Sexual debility, Gels., Con., Dig., Nat-m., Chin.
1 - Excessive moral sensibility, giving one great pain on witnessing the sufferings of animals
(eleventh day).

Clinical. Cholerine. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Headache. Impotence. Psoriasis. Rhus poisoning.

Seminal emissions. Typhoid fever.
Nuphar l., the Yellow Pond Lily, was proved by Pitet, and many of his symptoms have been
clinically confirmed. Most marked was a yellow diarrhoea coming on in the early hours of the
morning. With the diarrhoea is great exhaustion. Nuph. has cured many cases of diarrhoea so
characterised, and even cases of typhoid fever. Another marked feature of the proving was the
excessive depression of the male generative system; and Nuph. has done good work in analogous
conditions, and headaches associated therewith.
The diarrhoea was < 4 to 6 a.m.; < after the least excess of any kind. Weakness and itching were <
evening. Walking = painful shocks in hams; and pain in flank, which was >> by pressure. < Day
after coitus.
Compare: Early morning diarrhoea, Sul., Nat. sul., Rumex, Pod. Sexual debility, Gels., Con., Dig.,
Nat. m., Chi.
1. Mind.
Impatient of slightest contradiction.
Excessive moral sensibility, acute pain on witnessing sufferings of animals. @
Case 445:
Virginia S., had typhoid fever already, for 3 weeks, when I was called to see her. The fever, during
its whole course, partook more of the abdominal character; she had, in 24 hours, twelve to fifteen
liquid, yellow and foetid stools; the pulse was small and miserable; emaciation extreme; and her
whole state in such a depression, that only an unfavorable prognosis could he given. As the stools
were especially frequent between 4 and 7 in the morning, I prescribed, without hesitation Nuphar
luteum, of the 12th dilution, a dose every 2 hours, and some beef tea in the interval. The next night
she had only five passages towards morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening; the
second night, three; the third none; and in the fourth reconvalescence was fully established.-Bibl.
Hom. S. L.
Case 446
An old man, 71 years old, suffered from Cholerine since a week, in spite of Laudanum, Bismuth,
etc.; and was already in the last stage of marasmus. After taking Nymphoea lutea, for 12 hours, the
stools, the chief cause of the exhaustion, were arrested, and he could take nourishment suitable to
his state.-Bibl. Hom. S. L.

Case 447
Miss B. 54 years old, suffers since several weeks from entero-colitis, with severe colicky pains in the
rectum, and the characteristic stools of the Nymphoea. At the same time, she shows, in different
parts of her body, psoriasis, with great itching. Nymphoea12 cured in three days the intestinal
affection, and eradicated, quickly, the exanthema. Bibl. Hom., April, 1870. S. L.

The Healing Power of Homeopathy


Need for a Paradigm Shift

Descending froam the thinking mind into the feeling body is a great chalienge for many
people, but it's a challenge that more and more people are taking these days. Body-mind
therapies have been flourishing acrass the Western world in recent decades. Yoga, Reiki,
Qigong, massage, essential oils used in spas, and other grauncling exercises are on the rise.
People of ali ages have begun to recognize that for the mind to work at its best, the body needs
nourishment. Nourishing the body is not achieved by filling it with food that has been
pracessed beyond recognition. Wholesome ingreclients for ali the senses are vitaliy important
in our life. Just as important as taking care of these physical needs, we also need to be fully
present in our life, and to realize our highest potential: we need to address our inner self.
Fincling our connection to the clivine source and cherishing our soul is one side of the coin. As
we mas ter this side we raise our awareness. On the other side of the coin are our physical and

emotional limitations that call out for a therapy that addresses our healing on a similarly
holistic level. That is where homeopathy comes in. Homeopathy can answer our most
prafound questions about our health and weli-being. Awareness is not necessarily enough to
remove energetic debris fram our body. Homeopathy is capable of addressing the energetic
core on the innermost level and can gent1y begin to reorganize unbalanced energies on the
mental, emotional, and physicallevels. As we become aware and address what's happening on
ali these levels, we may shine with the glowing light of utmost clarity and consciousness.
The Challenge
One of the challenges that faces homeopathy is that it does not fit the mold of the worldview
we have been accustomed to. Understanding the workings of homeopathy requires a
paradigm shift fram the old and weli-lrnown path. Dr. Timothy Dooley's introductory book on
homeopathy, Flat Earth Medicine, uses the metaphor of sailors who were trained to think the earth
was flat and that if they sailed the globe they would fali off the edge into nothingness. Imagine
the courage needed to go on that first voyage and take the risk of that jump! It took a visionary
mÍnd to be the captain of the ship, but finding a willing crew must have been a challenging
undertaking. The book Presence addresses this issue in more modern terms. The authors are
consultants to large corporations and global organizations, and they help them maneuver into
sustainable directions. They write:
Most change initiatives that end up going nowhere don'! fail because thry lack grand visions and noble intentions. Thry fail
because people can '! see the reality they face. Likewise, studies of corporate mortality show that most Fortune 500 companies
fail to onlast a few generations of management not because of resource constraints but because thry are unable to "see" the
threats thry face and the imperative to change. 'The signals of threat are alwqys abundant and recognized by many" says Arie
de Ceus. ''lêt somehow thry fail to penetrate the corporate immune system response to rdect the unfamiliar. I1 Senge,
Peter, Scharmer, C. Otto, ]aworski, ]oseph, Flowers, Betty Sue, Presence, Exploring ProJOund Change in People,
Organizations, and Sociery. Cambridge, MA: SOL, (2004) p. 29.
Just as corporations are unable to see the threats they face in business, people are unable to see
the threats in their health. The state of health in modero man is alarming, but toa few people
are ready to look for any perspective other than the conventional way. "The signals of threat"
are many, which we can see just by looking at the accelerating rate of chranic diseases in
modero society. Still, most people still want to sail on the "safe" waters of the flat earth; they
are reluctant to take that jump into the abyss.
You have the opportunity today to chart a very different course. I invite you to explore
homeopathy, even if it sounds unfamiliar to you at first. This book will provide you a
compasso I invite you to try incorporating the ideas that form the backbone of homeopathy
into your everyday health care. Then, see if you fali off the edge of the earth, or if you
suddenly see something you never thought you would!

The System of Homeopathy

The resting point of our body is health: That is the state our vital force, the energy that
enlivens our body, is moving us toward. Our body is the instrument through which we can
achieve the ultimate goal of our existence. When our body is not in this ideal state, the vital
force is working hard to return to it. When the vital force is struggling, symptoms appear in
our body. These symptoms are the body's way of communicating to us that there is
something not right. When there is no struggle, there are no symptoms. A gentle well-being
reigns in our body: we feel at ease, healthy, like everything is in its right place.
Indeed it is. This state is the goal homeopathic treatment is working toward. ln the chapters
ahead, you will see glimpses of the state of well-being. You will find road maps showing you
how to get there. The destination is the state of health. What are the signs that can help guide
you to see the road? What are the subtle or not so subtle signs in an illness that can hint at the
possible image of health? We are going to explore these signs through the examples of real
people who choose to follow a homeopathic route to wellness.
The focus of homeopathic understanding is to see what is unique in a person. That's different
fram the conventional appraach, which constructs its raad map by finding what is common in
people. Adequate levels of measurements, daily aliowances of certain nutrients and the most
suitable medication for a certain disease are established. Once you suffer fram an ailment, you
are categorized by the ailment and its symptoms will be treated. The goal of conventional
treatment is to free you fram those symptoms and get your measurements back to the normal
Homeopathy views health differently. Instead of trying to match one with pre-Iabeled notions
and disease categories it is aimed at addressing what is unique in that person. In this way it
finds the unique essence in the midst of common features. Once that unique essence is
addressed the body will go back to its natural resting place: health. Symptoms will disappear
not because they were counteracted but because the whole organism carne to a healthy
balanced state where the vital force does not need to work hard to get back there; it does not
need to create the symptoms anymore.
As we explore case studies of actual people, we willlearn how to find the unique core
individuality in each situation. At the same time we will also explore how this individuality
shows up everywhere in the same person. Each symptom carries something common, which
is characteristic of all other symptoms of the person. This common element is the key to the
health of the whole organism. By studying the person's individuality in depth, we come to see
the wholeness of the individual.
Homeopathy is a system of healing that is capable of restoring health in a gentle way. It has
been practiced for over 200 years. Going back even further, we find that the same principIes
that are the cornerstones of the science of homeopathy were usedconsciously or
unconsciously - for thousands of years. Homeopathy means "similar suffering." The core idea
is that healing agents are present in the universe and the healer's task is to find the matching
pair: what heals what. lf one lacks health there is a substance in nature that carries the
corresponding healing energy for that particular state of dis-ease. This substance carries
similar energetic qualities as the diseased state of the person and is therefore capable of
bringing the sick back to health through its similarity rather than counter-action.
This idea is similar to the energetic undercurrents in martial arts. The winning technique in
the fight is achieved thraugh understanding the opponent's energyand flowing with it to
bring the opponent to defeat. Opposing by force, in contrast, takes more energy fram us and
can be damaging not only to the opponent but to ourselves as well.

In physics, waves behave in a similar fashion. Ripples caused by a pebble dropped in water
can be neutralized by creating waves in sync with the original waves. Creating counteracting
waves may cause an impressive splash but it will take longer for the water surface to calm
down again and reach its original resting state.
Homeopaths interpret the word disease literally as "lack of ease." We are looking for the
difference between the diseased state and the healthy - what makes the diseased condition
different fram the ideal, healthy state of a person? We search for the core imbalance that
manifests in mental, emotional and physical symptoms. The goal is to eliminate the imbalance
rather than fight the manifestations: the symptoms. A sick person is mainly troubled by these
symptoms and would like to get rid of them, but if our sole focus is on the symptoms we lose
sight of the big picture. Because the surfacing symptoms are governed by the core imbalance,
eliminating it will stop the appearance of those symptoms. The big picture includes the core as
well as its manifestations. When we keep that picture in sight, we will fmd the governing core
and we will make sure that we follow through until ali the symptoms fade away.
As I mentioned at the start of the chapter, the vital force is working in all of us to maintain the
flow of health. If we are at ill health the vital force is working to bring us back to good health.
Homeopathic treatment is guided by the same purpose, by providing a helping hand to the
vital force. Homeopathic remedies gently work to bring the body back to healthy balance.
Remedies are given in rninute doses - just enough to give that extra little nudge the vital force
needs to bring the organism back to health. Homeopathic remedies do their job in a truIy
gentle way. They do not introduce a new force into the system that knocks out the disease-
causing agents. They affect the natural self-healing mechanism, giving it an extra boost. That is
how homeopathic treatment follows the natural direction the body is taking.
Instead of trying to bIock the wind fram causing harm to our livelihood we can build
windmills and use the energy of the wind to achieve constructive goals. This same principIe is
true in ali areas of life. Opposing something costs us energy, while going with it and gently
guiding it in a positive direction creates energy. Keep this fundamental principIe in rnind
while reading this book. Healing with homeopathy is based on the genuine flow of nature.
When we follow it, we can comprehend the remarkabIe compIexity of life's simplicity.
The Emergence of the Sensation Method

 The master plan that creates the guiding force in homeopathic healing is what
we call the vital sensation.
When homeopaths listen to their clients' words describing their disease, they are listening to
words that describe the inner sensation. The inner sensation is something that you experience
throughout your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reality. This is the core sensation
through which you fllter the world around you. It's how you perceive good, bad, pleasant,
painful, exciting and boring, fear and joy, your body and your spirit, your neighbors and your
pets, your dreams and your job, competition and performance, smelis and sights and other life
circumstances. Reality is something you perceive; it is not a fixed experience for all. Reality
changes according to the fllter you look through at it. This fllter is the core sensation, the vital
sensation. Otto Scharmer, a leading expert on organizational learning, calls the same
phenomena the "blind spot" in his book Theory U. Talking about leaders he worked with he
... what counts is not only what leaders do and how they do it but their 'interior condition, ' the inner place from which they
operate or the source from which all their actions originate. (. . .) if we were to ask the question "From what source does our
action come?" most of us would be unable to provide an answer. We can 't see the source from which we operate,. we aren 't
aware of the place from which our at!ention and intention originate. 2 2 Scharmer, C. Otto, Theory U, Leading from
lhe Fulure as it Emerges. Cambridge, MA: Sol (2007) p. 7.

This source is what the homeopath has to find in each person.

This vital sensation holds the key to the homeopathic remedy that is capable of cleaning that
filter, consequently bringing relief. Ease and health, the person's natural state, will prevail.
Healing through homeopathy aims to dissolve the central disturbance, the deep-seated
imbalance blocking the healthy state. The homeopathic remedy addresses this core
imbalance. Once it is corrected, the body can return to its natural state of being. The time
needed will vary from person to person depending on the general well-being of the organism.
The remedy induces this process and the rest is the workings of the body's own self healing
mechanism. It's important to understand that the remedy is not aimed at chasing after each
problem and trying to solve them one by one. Rather, homeopaths believe that everything
that ails a person can be traced back to the energetic core. Once that is returned, the body will
heal itself - on the mental, emotional and physical levels. The vital sensation helps the
homeopath to find the remedy capable of initiating that healing process, the individual path
that person needs to take to be healed.

 The process that a homeopath follows to elicit the core sensation is to find a
substance in nature that has a similar energy to it.
Homeopaths have been working on understanding the energetic blueprints of substances in
nature since homeopathy was founded two hundred years ago. Samuel Hahnemann, the
founder of homeopathy, realized that symptoms created by a crude substance could be
healed if the same substance was administered in minutely diluted homeopathic doses. These
doses are called remedies. Each remedy can potentially heal thousands of symptoms, given
that they arise fram a common vital sensation. After thorough study of the remedies and the
corresponding symptoms, the names of the remedies were collected and catalogued in the
Homeopathic Materia Medica. By studying the symptoms of a remedy, we get a glimpse into
the energetic world of the substances that remedies come from. The Homeopathic Materia
Medica is a gigantic database of symptoms. Homeopaths sought a simpler way to sort
thraugh it. As a result, many great thinkers in homeopathy grouped the remedies according
to certain rules.
The first attempt to group remedies was made by Hahnemann, who introduced the notion of
miasms. He found that people that had some common traits in their personality and physical
makeup shared some similarities with their ancestors' disease histories. Based on this finding,
he named these traits by the names of those diseases. This idea was subsequently expanded,
and we will discuss it later in this chapter.
Another approach is to group remedies by the natural category of the original substance, such
as remedies coming fram spiders, snakes, metaIs, acids, etc. Some categories are broader and
are based on some quality of the original substance, which does not necessarily come from the
same natural order. An example is the "drug remedies." Remedies made fram coffee,
chocolate, alcohol and the plant sources of poppy or cannabis belong to this group.
Location of the original substance is another way to see similarities between remedies. For
example, sea remedies come from mineral, animal and plant sources that share the ocean as
their home.
Remedies also are grouped by the part of the population they are most commonly used for,
such as remedies for hormonal imbalances in women, remedies for behavior problems in
children, etc. A useful grauping for the novice is according to the acute ills that most often
bring about states that correspond to the remedy, such as headache remedies, teething
remedies or remedies for coughs, injuries, burns, bladder infections, poison ivy, etc.
As homeopathy gained more popularity in the 1800s, and people used it for long-term health
care management, some polychrests emerged. Polychrests are the most often used remedies
that homeopaths describe as general personality archetypes. These remedies have wide
spread use, they cover many aspects of the human body including a broad spectrum of

emotional, physieal, and mental symptoms. They usualiy have a fully built personality proftle
and affeet the whole organism as opposed to remedies that are used in specifie situations and
used less frequently than polychrests. James Tyler Kent, an American homeopath of the era,
was one of the first to work extensively on deseribing ali aspeets of these polychrests.
One aspect of healing with similars is the realization that there is a connection between the
energy of a substanee and the energy of the person in need of healing. Remedies carry the
energetic blueprint of their original substance. We can classify them in a similar fashion to
how they are classified in their original form, the substance in nature. The idea of classifying
remedies aeeording to their sourees is not new. Some authors have ealied it the "doctrine of
signatures" and it has been utilized by several homeopaths extensively. Misha Nodand, a
contemporary British homeopath, approaches remedies this way. In this approach the
emphasis is not only on the symptoms a remedy ean heal but also on broadening the
understanding of these remedies by studying their natural habitat, qualities, behaviors. We
can draw parallels with the personality of the people who benefit from the remedy.
Italian homeopath Massimo Mangialavori groups remedies aeeording to their common
characteristies regardless of their natural habitat. For example, in the group of sea remedies he
includes other mineraIs in the grouping if they share basic charaeteristies. Or, based on the
same idea, he adds some remedies made of salts of zinc to the snake group.
Some would name the similarity between the physical charaeteristics of a plant and the
physical manifestations in the person. For example, a person who needs a plant with yellow
flowers manifests with a condition with yellow bile and jaundice. Ameriean homeopath Paul
Herscu has worked out a system called "cycles and segments." This system works mainly with
the first approach we discussed, when the homeopath focuses on the grouping of symptoms rather
than their similarities to the source. Herscu filters through the symptoms according to the essence
they are manifesting. If there was a discharge in a certain body part or excessive restlessness, even
though one is a physical manifestation and the other is an emotional restlessness, they belong to the
same segment because they are the same phenomena expressed as different symptoms. They both
express discharge.
All these approaches have helped the practice of homeopathy and its practitioners to better utilize
the Materia Medica. Once a practitioner masters one or more approach, they can be extremely
useful tools in prescribing.
 Nevertheless, the most groundbreaking classification in the history of homeopathy
has come with Rajan Sankaran's system of classifying the remedies according to the
kingdoms in which their crude substances are found.
 The difference between the way the doctrine of signatures was used before this
method and working with the Sensation Method is that we identify the kingdom on
the sensation level.
It means that we do not look for superficial similarities between the source and the person. Rather,
we elicit the sensation they experience reality with and match that with the characteristics of the
source. This is an important distinction. If this matching did not occur at this level we could pick
any random element in a person and match it with a remedy. Some practitioners who have heard
about this method and try to practice it without understanding this important distinction have
made some embarrassing mistakes. To understand this distinction, one has to be familiar with the
seven levels of expenence.

 The key to the Sensation Method lies in the structure of the initial interview.
When we conduct a homeopathic interview we take the client by the hand and walk them
through their inner reality step by step, guiding them deeper into the levels of experience.

1. The first level people usually start telling their story at is by naming their
2. The next step is when they describe the symptoms in detail: conditions,
how their ailment appears or improves, the location, the severity of those and
other descriptions.
3. One level deeper, people talk about feelings - the emotions these
symptoms evoke or are born into. At this leveI people tend to take a broader
route and relate their experience in more general terms from the emotional
perspective. Most people have strong emotional reactions and are quite aware of
them, so this is a level of experience people can talk freely about.
4. One step beyond this is the level of images - the situations the person
relates to. This is the first level that we do not tend to go to easily in casual
conversation. It can be a stretch for many people to realize that underneath our
emotional reactions there are fixed images that we unconsciously believe in. This
is the layer people draw from when describing their situation in metaphors.
5. Once this level is well described, we go further into the realm of
sensations. At this leveI people relate to the physical sensation a certain image,
dream or situation brings forth. This leveI correlates to the local sensations and
brings out the global sensation that manifests everywhere in the person. Without
reaching this level we cannot be sure of the core sensation that feeds the images,
the emotions, the symptoms and the ailment the person is suffering fram. On this
level, then, we can identify the kingdom with precision. Let's take a look at
how we classify our remedies on this level.
The scientific mind of man has created categories in order to classify nature. These categories
are called kingdoms. There are three main categories: the mineral kingdom, the plant
kingdom and the animal kingdom. Since homeopathic remedies come from sources of nature,
this classification fits our remedies as well. The three categories carry qualities that are based
on the natural order of kingdoms. Our remedies carry the resemblance to their crude sources, so
our categories are also based on, but not bound only to, the qualities of substance. Humanity
perceives life in material terms, whereas we know that ali araund and within us is energy. Our
perception is what creates substance, thereby enabling us to see, feel, touch or smell these
substances. Even though we are not always aware of the basic nature of these substances, the
energy is nevertheless there. ln homeopathy we deal with these energies. We use the language of
our material world as tools to describe what we feel and what we heal, but it is not on this level
that healing actually takes place.
Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher and author of the bestselling book The Power of Now, describes an
energetic manifestation of humans in the most elegant way. He coined the term "pain body,"
meaning the ego and mind that we identify our whole being with. When we identify ourselves
with this part of ourselves, we create a habit based on emotionaliy charged reaction fram which we
cannot break free. The further our path takes us in identifying with this pain body, the harder it is
to cut ourselves off from it. But if we choose to, we can let it go. 3 Tolle, Eckhart, The Power of Now,
A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Vancouver: Namaste Publishing (1999) pp. 36-41.
Curiously, this pain body is a very similar manifestation to what Rajan Sankaran calls the
"Other Song" in humans. It is also referred to as the ego. These are terms that describe a part of
ourselves that takes over our whole being, our consciousness. It is a challenging force that we often
fail to recognize and thus we give up our true self - our soul- and as we become influenced by this
force we get out of balance. Once we are out of balance, the path to dis-ease is open and we tend to
fali ill on some levei. Sooner or later our whole being will be affected by the imbalance, making it
difficult for us to see our way back to the healthy state, the balanced state, the state without ego.
The state we are meant to be in.

The attempt to identify this force in homeopathy is eliciting the energy, the resonance that
created the core imbalance.
 That is the Other Song, the blueprint of a homeopathit remedy.
Other Song is a telling name because we hear the words of a person describing something
different than a healthy human state. In health, a human being experiences reality without
restrictions, without fears and concerns; all the organs of the body work in harmony and we
do not need to pay attention to their workings. This is the ideal state. In homeopathy we do
not draw a line between manifestations on the physical, mental ar emotional levels. Once the
balance is broken, the same underlying disturbance manifests at different locations, thus
creating symptoms on all these levels. You will see in the illustrating examples that the same
energy can be seen in a physical complaint and in an emotional ar mental phenomenon.
 Let's look at how Tolle describes the phenomenon of breaking free from the
pain body. His description is an illustration of how energies can get healed, and
it's very similar to homeopathic thinking about cure.
It is your conscious Presence that breaks the identification with the pain-body. When you don't identify with it, the pain-body
can no longer control your thinking and so cannot renew itself anymore by feeding on your thoughts. The pain-body in most
cases does not dissolve immediately but once you have severed the link between it and your thinking, the pain-body begins to
lose energy. ( .. .) The energy that was trapped in the pain-botfy then changes vibrational frequency and is transmuted into
Presence. ( .. .) Regardless off what you sqy or do or what face you show to the world, your mental-emotional state cannot be
concealed. Every human being emanates an energy field that corresponds to his or her inner state...
 That energy that was trapped inside the pain body is what we homeopaths call
a "remedy state."
 It is that other song that is playing along with the human song within.
It is the unnecessary inner vibration that is the core problem and that needs to be eliminated in
order to have a clear, healthy vibrational state.
Sometimes a good homeopathic interview can "sever the link" Tolle is talking about.
The person reaches the sensation level, the level at which they can identify that sensation that
resides in the core and does not let them be free and healthy.
Usually, however, this short-term severing resulting fram the interviewing process is not
enough. The remedy provides the right amount of energy in the right frequency that can
remove trus connection permanently. Sometimes, when the person is chronically ill, the
sensation gets overwhelming and the "other song" occupies more than the healthy part of the
As Tolle puts it, "in illness the energy is low and the ego can strive (...) in chronic illness some
people never recover from identifying with the ego - it becomes a permanent part of their false
ln this situation, when the person's energy is far beyond the possibility of restoring all-
encompassing health, a remedy might not be able to remove that imbalance anymore. This
happens in cases that are deemed to be incurable. Homeopatruc remedies might be able to
bring relief and al1eviate the symptoms and create more wel1-being in the person, but total
cure is much less likely.
ln the following chapters we will discuss in more detail the various expressions of the subtle
underlying energy. You will read about the kingdoms as they refer to human behaviors and
sensations in health and disease.

This classification corresponds to the diverse survival techiniques species have
What makes a mineral a mineral or a plant a plant?
What makes animals different from other kingdoms?
 The answer is in the specific way these creatures cope with survival.


 People who need mineral remedies see reality as structure and view
themselves lacking something in their structure.
Their function depends on their structure. Their sheer existence, identity, security, role in
society, performance and responsibilities are perceived in different levels of structure. They
feel as though they are missing something to be perfectly well, to perform or carry
responsibility for themselves and others. They might feel they had it all figured out but are
losing it now. These are all variations on the same theme: do I have what it takes? Even if they
feel secure they are concerned with issues of this realm: their inner ability to withstand the
pressure of life.
Minerals in nature are qualified by their ability to withstand pressure and may be formed as
gases, metaIs or other non-metals. Their structure is what defines their existence.

 Survival of plants depends on their ability to sense what is happening in their

They are growing in one place and have to adapt to conditions of moisture, such as extreme
flooding or dryness, strong winds and fluctuations in temperature - from the heat of the
blazing sun to the freezing cold. Their survival depends on their ability to react to those
influences around them. People who need plant remedies are sensitive to their environment
and tend to be reactive. When they talk, they emphasize their inner sensations as reactions
to the outside influence. Naturally, in working with people we often see reactions to other
people, but we also see physical sensitivity to temperature and noise, as well as pollens and
other elements of nature.

People who need remedies from the plant kingdom do not talk about their
inner ability to withstand pressure as minerals do. They describe how outside
forces affect them.
The animal kingdom is based on the food chain, or survival of the fittest: the sttonger wins,
the weaker looses.
 But who is the victim and who is the aggressor?
In most cases it is two sides of the same coin. Within one individual there is a sense of being
weaker than someone else and in other instances they are the stronger party. In cases of
animal remedies, people even experience their physieal ailments as an entity that is going to
win or lose against them. You know the expression: "This headache is killing me." This could
be uttered by anybody but once someone uses expressions like this frequently, a homeopath
can use it as the key to the door that opens to a person's inner world.
Animals, and people who need animal remedies, deal with territory and survival. They often
remark on another person's appearance and dress with the purpose of seduction or seeking
attention. If they are concerned with their position in society, it is not about their inner
structure (as in a mineral remedy) but rather a competition for power over others.

 Based on the specific means of survival, we classify remedies into subgroups

within the kingdoms.
This is done by the same subcategories that the sciences of biology and chemistry use: in
mineraIs we use the lines and columns of the periodic table; in plants we use the plant
families; and in animals we use the classes like mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc. Just as
qualities of the kingdoms correspond to qualities of human behavior, these more specific
qualities of the subkingdoms will manifest through the remedy's pieture.


 The next cornerstone of the Sensation Method is the classification by miasms.

 Miasms are the coping mechanisms a person tends to use in approaching his or
her problems and obstacles.
 As homeopaths, it is not enough to determine the sensation in the complaint. We
also have to identify the degree, the depth and the severity of it.
People with similar sensations will cope with their problems in varying ways. This coping
mechanism is what we call a miasm. We will learn more about miasms when we discuss the
Plants cases, describing how the specific remedy was picked for the person being treated.
The Techniques of a Homepath

 The primary tools of homeopathy are words.

Other healing modalities use other tools: manipulating energy channels or pressure points in
the body, using pressure of fingers and hands or needle points, visual art or music in art
therapies, movement and other aspects of the physical body in bodywork. ln homeopathy we
talk. We ask questions and listen to what the person has to say. And more than just listening to
what they say, we listen to how they say it. To elicit important qualities we need to listen to the
words the person is using. There is a certain aspect of words we use that draws us to them. lf
we listen to the words we frequently use, we begin to hear some recurrent themes and so
might understand more about ourselves than with emotional exploration. Some times
emotions can send us on winding roads of our spirit, and we might get lost. A shortcut can be
found when we listen to the simple utterances we use in telling our complicated story. That's
what homeopaths do.
 In homeopathic case-taking, we ask patients to tell us about their inner sensation.
When talking about their inner sensation people can talk about it without the pain
attached to it. It just is. They can talk about it without getting emotionally
involved in it. They talk about it from outside that pain-body Eckhart Tolle (1999)
talked about. Helping a person talk in this manner is an important attribute of
homeopathic case-taking.
 By going into the sensation without the emotions attached to it, we can explore
it without so much drama.
The process goes deep, exact and does not cause suffering.
 Once the sensation is identified, it can be addressed.
This might explain how some people get well after the interview, even if they have not yet
received their remedy. Usually, however, this effect of the interview is short-lived; longterm
benefits are experienced only after taking the appropriate homeopathic remedy.

 Another great tool that shows underlying energy is following the hand gestures
a person uses.
Body movements are manifesting the same energy as words, in a slightly different format.
When we use our hands while explaining something or putting more emphasis on our
thoughts and words, we unknowingly use a telling venue of energy. Energetic patterns that
express our inner sensations are manifesting not only through words we use or ailments we
suffer from. The body is embedded in these energies, and all our movements are governed by
them. That is why often, when people are not sure how to express a feeling they ftrst gesture
with their hands and then the expression in words fol1ows it. Most often these patterns are
unconscious, which is exactly why they help us opening a door to the innermost sensations
that we are not aware of but which affect our whole being.

Doodling is one of the tools used for confirming the vital sensation or creating the right
state of mind to talk about the vital sensation. A doodle is an abstract drawing that the person
creates absentrnindedly while in the presence of the homeopath. Usually, we tend to doodle
when we're bored or while our rnind is wandering without consciously thinking of the
drawing. Since a doodle is not planned or conscious, and is in a way nonsense, it exactly matches
the kind of experience we are looking for in our homeopathic case-taking. Using these doodles
we can reach the vital sensation. This can be done at the beginning or the end of the interview,
as an encouragement to ente r the state of the sensations or as a conftrmation to see whether
the person arrives at the same sensation through the doodle as through telling their story.
In this approach, the client doodles something with a black pen on a white piece of paper. If he
or she has a recurrent scheme of doodles they should doodle that. They can draw several
doodles and then pick one that has the most impact on them. The next step is for the person to
just look at the doodle without thinking or interpreting it. It is an intimate time when only the
person and the doodle are present, so to speak, and the person is asked to concentrate on the
experience, the sensation the doodle brings out. After this the client is asked to explain their
experience. If they talk about the same experience they described earlier, and they use gestures
as well, we know we are in the right track. Otherwise, we can use this experience as a starting
point for further discussion.
Drawing a doodle can have a healing effect on its own because when a person looks at it, they
experience their own sensation as in a meditative state. Homeopaths often observe that after
drawing the doodle the person revitalizes or feels better, as they experienced something
profound in their inner world.
The tone of voice we use, the way we dress and the way we move are ali expressions of the
energy we carry within. When homeopaths listen to the words one speaks, and apply all these
other tools to deepen their understanding, they will get a clearer picture of that inner essence
they are looking for.

 Case-taking is the fIrst step in understanding a person's inner reality.

The flow of the interview is set by the patient during the interview, with occasional guiding
questions or requests for more specifIc information. The homeopath usually lets the patient
lead the way in this process, instead of trying to fIt them into a preset mold.
 The homeopath wants to find out about the inner experience of the person
regarding the chief complaint.
 Once that is covered the flow of the interview proceeds to whatever areas the
person takes it to.
As you will see in the cases discussed in detail, there are several complaints and areas one
talks about.
 The inner sensation - the core - can be reached from anywhere.
 In fact, the goal of case-taking is to reach the same spot from all manifesting
lf a person has arthritis, depression, recurrent colds and some inability to concentrate,
describing these problems one by one will point to thesame vital sensation. Underneath each
of our individual problems is the same vital sensation.
 Once that vital sensation is elicited, the remedy will address that sensation.
Consequently, once the healing response starts, that sensation will dissolve and bring healing
to the manifesting ailments. All this will not emerge when talking to a person casually.
Deep probing is required in order to elicit symptoms on this leveI.

 Reaching a level where the person thinks their story does not make sense
anymore is a very important aspect of the Sensation Method.
We have to arrive at a point during the interview when there is enough trust and rapport
between homeopath and client for this to happen. It is important to have this comfort zone;
otherwise, the person telling their story would feel uncomfortable and leave the level of
nonsense, escaping back to '''reality,'' to the world of common sensibility. But on the level of
common sense many people tell very similar stories, thus losing the individuality we need to
comprehend in a person in order to arrive at a single remedy that is able to heal their unique,
individual imbalances.
 In fact, this "nonsense" makes a lot of sense out of the human context.
That is exactly why it demonstrates so well the connection between the person and the
source of the remedy they need.
 They are talking about the attributes of the source of that remedy.
This is what we call source language. Decoding this level is an art the homeopath needs to be
skilled at. There are rules by which it is possible to differentiate between plants in the
mountains that a person may enjoy looking at or, if they describe a plant source, which is the
remedy they need. Many people like animals and could describe their nature, habitat and
behaviors, but they do not need an animal remedy. On the other hand, some people do need a
remedy made of that animal source and they describe their inner sensations according to the
nature, habitat and behaviors of that animal. This is a fine art of distinction that the homeopath
needs to develop.


 There is no fixed pattern of case-taking, no set questions we need to ask our

clients. Nevertheless, we want to touch upon all the Levels of Experience as
discussed earlier.
There is a natural flow that takes people through their story. In the beginning of the interview
we ask about the nature of the complaint. Once that is described, we further question specific
aspects of it. Nowadays, health care consumers are very well informed. With the widespread
use of the Internet, information is just a click away. Consequently, people tend to know a great
deal about their condition. However, this does not replace the actual symptoms one
experiences. These symptoms are more personal than the average, general description of an
illness. People can go into minute details about their pains and discomforts. This is important
terrain for the homeopath, who can then dive deeper into even more personal experience of
these symptoms. Trus is the starting points from wruch people then usually describe their
emotional circumstances of their complaints. Once they are talking about the emotions it is
just one step further to understand their beliefs that those emotions are based on.
Trus is a depth which typical conversation seldom reaches. It's the level at which we need to
encourage our patients to go ahead and describe their inner reality, however absurd or
unreasonable it might sound. For some, it is as senseless as dreams. It has vague relation to
reality but they are not sure what the connection is. They do not act as predictably as they
usually do in their waking life. lndeed, at this level people talk about their dreams, pictures,
irnages of their daydreams, the goals they want to acrueve, hobbies they enjoy, favorite
movies, books, stories and heroes. Once a person is talking about these things they experience
certain sensations. There is a reason we feel good at the sight of an awe-inspiring piece of art
or scenery. There is a reason we engage in a particular sport or activity. Once we can tackle
that sensation the activity brings up, we are in a very different realm than describing
symptoms of a disease. ln trus realm we can navigate through with ease; there are no norms
we have to comply with. At this leveI it is also easy to name the sensation and the opposite of
it, wruch brings on unpleasant associations. Often two polarities can be elicited here, and that
can secure our understanding of the vital sensation. We arrive at the root of the problem, the
key to healing.
Kingdoms – Deeper understanding
The MINERAL Kingdom
In this chapter we will look at three illustrative eases where the person needed a mineral remedy.
We will see how and why mineral remedies are fascinating examples of how the natural order of
minerals translates into our homeopathie understanding of personality types of people.
Minerals are elements or eombinations of elements. All the elements are organized in the periodic
table, which is divided into rows and columns. The elements are placed in order of their atomic
weight: the ones in the top row are the lightest and toward the bottom of the periodic table they are
getting heavier and heavier. One could say the further we go down in the periodic table, the people
who need those remedies will have more and more "weight." We're not referring to body weight
but rather that they will earry more weight on their shoulders in terms of responsibility, or the
ability to eare for themselves and others.
The pressure they feel they are dealing with in their everyday life increases as well.
In our homeopathic understanding, we draw a parallel between stages of human development
and the rows in the periodic table.
1. The elements of the first row deal with existence. People who need one of these
remedies describe their ailments as elemental questions of being. They feel that their
existence is so questionable they feel lonely, abandoned or unreeognized.
2. The second row of elements mainly deals with issues of detachment from the source.
These are expressed as the need or inability of moving apart from another entity, often
a person's mother or family.

3. The third row deals with the developmental stage of identity: as a person matures
they establish an identity for themselves in society.
4. The next step, the fourth row; works toward creating security for themselves and,
once that is achieved for others, for their loved ones. Issues with financial security and
safety come up in these remedies.
5. The fifth-row remedies have all the previous preliminaries down, so they crave
adventure. These people are creators of the new and beautiful: artists, speakers, actors
and researchers.
6. The sixth row has all the above under control. They hold great responsibility. Heads
of organizations, bankers, leaders and politicians are a few examples that might be
typicaliy included in this category. When talking about their physical complaints,
these people will describe their ailments in similar terms to their general view on
Each mineral is found at a crossing point of a ROW and a COLUMN

 Within a row there is a natural increase, peak and decline in success. The issue is
established by the theme of the row and the specific remedy is pinpointed by the
level of their success according to the column.
So, when a person is talking to me, I have to decide what kingdom the person's remedy is in. It is as
if the story they are telling me goes through a filter. When I hear words that describe structure, my
mind is ready to build a mineral picture. The art of this work is staying in that dangling moment of
being ready for a mineral picture to emerge while at the same time staying open to the other
kingdoms. The more words coming in that confirm the mineral kingdom, the more ready I am to
act on the basis of those words. And the more words I hear in general, the more aware I become of
the structure theyare talking about I start understanding what the lack is that they perceive in their
reality. Where they perceive that their structure is standing, where are the flaws of it? Where is it
collapsing or breaking? How much pressure is it placed under? I keep asking questions so the
person will specificaliy tell me the inner sensation in ali their symptoms, and eventualiy they arrive
at the sensation that cannot be further described with new dimensions. Further inquiry will only
yield more of the same depth, the same qualities, the same sensation.
 Once it becomes clear where in the process of human development this person is
struggling - the point they cannot pass without help - we know we are at the right
spot in the periodic table.
There is another aspect of the way a person talks in this process.
They often speak in a unique language that actually deseribes the original substance from which
the remedy was made. People talking this way experience reality in a way that can be related to
that original substance. They will often talk about relationships, the need to give something or be
attached to somebody. Curiously the image of atoms and electrons comes to mind. A person who
needs a remedy like magnesium or sodium needs to connect to someone, just as the sodium and
magnesium ions need to pick up an electron on their outer shell because they lack one.
A person who needs the remedy Natrum muriaticum, which originates from common salt (cloride
of sodium), has issues on one hand with needing another person to feel their own identity beeause
they believe they cannot exist without that person. On the other hand, they also feel betrayed by
that person. This makes them dose up and experience waves of emotions within, not letting the
flood of tears show on the surface. Natrum muriaticum is a classical remedy for grief. The central
feeling in this remedy is that one has a sense of being betrayed by the people they love and
depend on. If you look at the periodic table of elements (at the end of the book) you will see that
the two components, sodium and clorine are found at two opposite ends of the table. The
difference in qualities of the elements explains the dual nature of this remedy. One has a lack, the
other has excess. These two opposites build up the Natrum muriaticum picture.
Following are three actual cases related to choosing remedies from the mineral kingdom. These
people carne to see me with different complaints and reeeived remedies made from different

minerals. In all cases, however, the way they describe their complaints is characteristic of the
mineral kingdom. Only their individual situations differ. One is from the end of the second line, the
seeond is from the beginning of the fifth line, and the third case if from the beginning of the sixth
The PLANT Kingdom
 One of the biggest breakthroughs that Dr. Sankaran achieved while developing the
Sensation Method was his understanding of the pIant kingdom.
He realized that the survival technique of pIants is their ability to adapt to environmental changes.
 Their sensitivity is the key issue in this process.
He also realized that, just as with the mineral kingdom where we have the periodic tabIe to
categorize the minerals, so too do we have pIant families into which we divide the pIant species.
When he started studying the homeopathic characteristics of pIant remedies, he found that, indeed,
 there were common SENSATIONS among remedies that came from the same
botanical families.
He realized that these remedies can be grouped into these pIant families and, just as minerals can
be pIaced at the meeting points of rows and columns of the periodic tabIe,
 pIant remedies can be grouped within the pIant family according to the MIASM
the remedy belongs to.

 Miasm is a unique grouping of homeopathy, which I mentioned briefly in Chapter

The term was first used by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. He realized that some
of his patients were getting better for awhile but then relapsed. This was the recurring pattern: he
would repeat the remedy, improvement would Iast for a certain time and then the person would
relapse again. His patients did not achieve that perfectly healthy state he set as the goal of healing.
Being an avid scholar and researcher he Iooked closely at this phenomenon. He studied the
background of these people and discovered that those who had ancestors with similar chronic
diseases shared some personality characteristics. They did not have the actual disease itself but had
other physical, mental or emotional traits that he could trace back to the inherited energetic
blueprint of the disease from previous generations. At his time these major diseases were mainly
syphilis, gonorrhea and psoriasis. Later, other homeopaths included other diseases, namely
tuberculosis and cancer.
Dr. Sankaran added a few more, such as typhoid, malaria or leprosy.
 These groupings carry the name of the disease and mainly refer to a certain pattern
of disease, which the disease itself manifests.
For example, the characteristics of malaria cover cases of intermittent acute attacks of the disease.
Between periodic attacks, the person experiences relative calmness. If one experiences any other
illness in this fashion, a homeopath would call for the remedy belonging to the malaria kingdom.
Thus, the name suggests an illness but most likely the person has nothing to do with the actual
illness itself; it is just the degree and characteristic pattern of his or her illness.
When we are discussing plant remedies we differentiate between vital sensations.
 In one plant family all individual species will share the same sensation. What is
different is the degree to which they experience that sensation.
The ANIMAL Kingdom
Animals are largely characterized by their place in the food chain. One animal is stronger than
some other animal, and it can eat that weaker animal or expel it from its territory. But at the
same time, that stronger animal is also weaker than some other animal that is one step higher
in the food chain. So not only does this initial animal have to deal with strategies to eat the
weaker one, it also has to protect itself against the stronger one.

 Thus, in our Materia Medica, animal remedies are characterized by the sensation
of feeling weaker or stronger than other outside forces.
 People in this category will view reality in terms of me in opposition to you or
someone else.
 Some people will experience this dynamic as a constant sense of being the
victim, while others will always feel like the stronger one, the aggressor.
Some people will alternate between the two roles in different situations.
 This duality is very characteristic of the animal kingdom.
AnimaIs are also territorial creatures. They often belong to a family, a pack, a flock or school.
People who need these remedies will often feel obliged to be part of a group and suffer the
consequences. But since it is a basic survival urge to belong to the group, it will be important
for them.
Some human expressions of territorial feelings are jealousy and envy. Many animal
remedies deal with these issues.
 When talking about their sensations, people will not talk about their inner
structure, as mineraIs do, nor about the effects of the environment on them, as
plants do, but their whole person affected by, attacked by, made vulnerable by
another entity, be it a headache, depression, their own family members or the
At a deep level of talking about these sensations, these people will describe a dreamland
that exists only in their world.
They themselves have no idea how they reached that level, but some pictures, images or
scenes form in their mind when describing what seems to be the original environment of the
animal their remedy is made of.
Before we examine the cases of the animal kingdom, I want to revisit a key component of the
Sensation Method of homeopathy so we can see how it applies to the following examples.
 The power of homeopathic case-taking lies in the fact that it does not involve
the emotional layer.
As I have mentioned before, our goal as homeopaths is not to explore the emotional layer,
nor even the layer that feeds the emotions. Our goal is to arrive at the sensation level and
hear the words that describe that leveI.
As we are humans, and homeopathy utilizes our ability to verbalize our feelings, sensations
and experiences, we use words to transfer these ideas. But beyond the actual words the
coherency of speech has only secondary importance.
 Describing sensations is often far from what the person is used to.
 It is far from the realm the ego feels attached to or protective of. Our ego is
what works the "pain body," as Eckhart Tolle calls it.
 With the Sensation Method we go beyond this body and thus trick the ego.
Once the ego has no access to what we are talking about, we can truly describe our core
problem with no pain and suffering. There is no guard invested in keeping the pain body as
intact as possible. This pain body is the very obstacle to health. Our ego does not want us to
be free of it. It wants us to stay illhealthed because that is its only chance for survival. This
process has a dual benefit. First, we can reach the core problem without touching painful,
tender spots in the whole being - we don't have to stir up traumatic experiences. Second,
upon reaching the core level, we touch something truly essential, and once that essential core
is addressed and healed, healing will emanate into the whole being, transforming the whole
into a healthy state.

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