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The proper name for "ice" is methylamphetamine, also known as methamphetamine,

which is a kind of amphetamine. "Ice" is a potent central nervous system stimulant.
It increases the activity of the brain and nerve impulses which travel to other parts of
the body. It is chemically similar to adrenaline, our body's own stimulant.

Street Names


What It Looks Like

"Ice" appears as a semi-transparent, colourless, grain-sized crystals with bitter taste.

It is usually carried in plastic bags or aluminium foil packets.

Effects and Dangers

 Inability to sleep
 An increase or decrease in sexual desire
 Reduced appetite
 Chest pains
 Panic and confusion
 Permanent inability to sleep
 Anxiety and tension
 Nutritional disorders owing to depressed appetite
 High blood pressure
 Rapid and irregular heart beat
 Skin rash
 Hallucination and feeling of persecution which lead to violent behaviour
Special Dangers

Long-term use of "ice" will lead to tolerance as well as physical and psychological
dependence. At very high doses, toxic psychosis, convulsions, coma, brain
hemorrhage and death can occur.

Legal Aspects

"Ice" is a dangerous drug controlled under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance. It is an

offence to illegally manufacture, supply or possess "ice".

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