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~~ BamBaBites ~~


30TH AUG, 2010

Tittle Tattle in Blue


Electronic Commerce - Benefits and Threats. Do these threats pose serious for
Special points of interest: business operation? A perspective view of E-commerce threats and control measures
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) defined a tiny mistake could create havoc. Threats
as the way of doing business electronically could come in many ways as viruses, frauds,
 Electronic Commerce— was just a concept few years back. There internal sabotage, Trojans, eavesdropping
Benefits and Threats were concerns on how this could be or even as DoS attacks.
achieved without the manual interaction
 3 Google Tricks when you Let us review some most common threats.
between 2 parties concerned.
DoS (Denial-of-Service) attack, targets a
don’t know what to search But today, we see that dream achieved and legitimate system to limit entry to its service
how businesses make huge profits when they even to authorized users. This is achieved by
 LOTA Flashback push their business into electronic commerce sending large data packets into the system
environments. E-commerce simplifies the way which ultimately reduces the bandwidth of
 How to implement Strategic we do business. Rather than, doing every- the system used to serve its clients and may
Plans thing manually, this concept paves way to even completely halt the entire system.
do things at 1 click and bring down the time Eavesdropping which is listening and captur-
 Foundation of ones life taken to finish tasks, the legacy way. ing data that is sent across a network. This is
based on their parents why, companies encrypt confidential data
As known, every technology has its weak-
before sending it over a network.
nesses. So does E-commerce. If the basic
 Good—Average— Bad foundation is not robust, even corporate Another major threat is website phishing
firms could collapse within no time. The rea- which means a hacker creates an exact
son for this is due to the complete automa- copy of a genuine website and make sure,
tion the E-commerce environment holds. But customers access this rogue site and enter
then we could also say, nothing is impossible their information, which the hacker can later
so, creating a robust, threat free environ- retrieve and use it to perform transactions.
ment is also possible. It all depends on how
Inside this issue: But virus attacks are currently the most
firms design their electronic networks.
popular internet threats up-to date. A
Whatever said , E-commerce is the way of hacker writes a code to create destruction
doing business since it has simplified the to a particular network or any network. This
Editorial 2 way we do business. From checking your destructive program can be harmless like
Australian bank account in Norway and slowing down the computer and dangerous
depositing money to Sri Lanka from Swit- like deleting anything it finds and physically
Good ~ Average ~ Bad 2
zerland and purchasing an iPhone in Amer- destroying a system.
ica while residing in Cambodia is all achiev-
able only through E-commerce. If it was not This is the world of E-commerce and how it
LOTA Flashback 3 behaves. Every time a virus is released,
for this, just imagine the difficulties we
would face when it comes to International companies dealing with virus guards, imple-
How to implement Strategic Plans 4 affairs. ment new security measures to detect those
With that said, let us review what are these viruses and clean them up. And this fight
so-called threats and why business need to between the two parties and the end cus-
Google Search Tricks 5 address them effectively. E-commerce is tomer continues to grow and remain active.
Bamba Heads East doing business over Internet which is a
means of communicating worldwide without Jc. Imtiyaz Gaffoor
Foundation of life based on Parents 6 any barriers. The Internet is an unregulated,
Ifthar Programme unmanaged and uncontrolled medium and Director International
Breakfast Donation therefore posed to severe threats. The en-
tire business depends on this technology and
Page 2 ~~

„All that we see or seem; without understanding -ond issue of BAMBABITES’
Is but a dream within a what is in the interest of theme is „You are the KEY
dream‟ - Edgar Allan Poe the individual” - Jeremy to the Future‟.
All of us as individuals have I would like to say a ‘BIG
dreams. It is the fervor of Interests of individuals once THANK YOU” to all who
these dreams that define nurtured is a positive direc- spent their valuable time on
who we are. JCI teaches us tion would definitely impact
to nurture these dreams the articles included in this
the business community and issue.
and create a positive society in a grand way and
change within the commu-
nity. invariably create a positive
change. Jc. Angela Thayalaseelan
“It is vain to talk of the
interest of the community, As Jaycees we are the Editor
agents of change. This sec-

Musician Elvis “The King” Presley was awarded the

TOYP award by the US Jaycees in his younger days.
It was his most prized possession. He carried it every-
where; on tour, vacations and more. Still today it
stands in Graceland for all to see.


I would like to bring to your notice of a segment in society which is not captured by most of
the nonprofit organizations and the local governments. This segment is not about disabled,
poor or any other needy people. Let me explain through an example…
Think about your school days. We can categorize school students into few segments. The first
segment the intelligent, the second are the average and the other poor in knowledge.
If you have noticed the attention paid by the school teachers, majority of it would be towards
the intelligent students. This is due to the fact that those categories score very high in their
examinations, and end of the day the teacher get credits for those who score high. But the
reality is those students are born intelligent and do not need much or extra attention. Those
who need are the student category of average and poor in understanding the subject. Unfor-
tunately these are the groups who are ignored from the schooling in our society.
If you analyze this situation closely; from the school days group 1 is motivated and the rest of
them are de-motivated, and those are in society they come up with the negative attitude of
achieving things.
Personally I have experienced these kind of students are capable of thinking very creative
and highly energetic; but they need guidance, advice and direction.
People always forget that everybody doesn’t have the talent to be doctors and engineers. If
one could not get through his studies may be he is good in skillful jobs like fashion designing,
graphic designing etc.
Through JCs we can conduct more career guidance training and reduce this gap which helps
the mother land to have a more productive and innovative work force.

Jc. Zarook Sajid

Immediate Past President JCI Bambalapitiya
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 3
The first NOM / LOM pro- ment”. procedures” and “Mastering
ject for the newly formed the Constitution”. These were
It was time to get introduced conducted by Former NOM
chapter, was LOTA 2010.
to your “Buddy” and the letter treasurer Jc. Shimron Samson,
Subsequently, it was time for
system in place to convey any Jc. Jamael Jabbar, Jc. Malika
the appointment of the
message across to anyone Amasekera.
“LOTA - Chain of Command”
during the course of the two
unanimously given to Jc. Faraz
days. We are still not sure of It was time to have lunch and
Farook and Jc. Imran Marikar.
the outcome of this process – a little fun with the ducks in
Many a night was spent in
Good? Bad? the garden. They seemed to
collaboration with the Na-
correlate with certain mem-
tional Board the guidance for After a tea break and a stroll bers of the “Geese” team and
this project, planning every in the grounds of the Olympic had planned out a strategy for
detail. The National Board House’s atmosphere for learn- attack. Well there was no
headed by Jc. Azard Ishak and ing, it was time for under- stopping the Geese with such
his crew consisting of Jc. Sec. standing the “Duties and Re- minute attacks and they were
Gen. Radhika De Silva, GLC sponsibilities of the LOM ready for the next team play.
Jc. Sumedha Alahakooon, VP officers” by JCI Sen. Bimal We were given the “Big Pic-
Jc. Charitha Bandara, Execu- Liyanage and the NOM. ture” by none other than Na-
tive VP Jc. Zulfer Hassen, Groups were formed based on tional President Jc. Azard
Executive VP Jc. Suranga JCI designations for this pur- Ishak who later evaluated the
Edirisighe and Treasurer Jc. pose. After an effective brain- projects Plans based on theme
Shehan Wijewickrama all storming session it was time “Climate Change”. Next came
combined their heads together for lunch after which the pres- the inspiring session by JCI
with the Bamba crew consist- entations were held. Sen. Prasantha Lal De Alwis
ing of Jc. Anushly, Jc. Faraz,
The LOM officers seemed to on “JCI career for Good Cor-
Jc. Imran, Jc. Kavita, Jc.
have a partiality to animals; porate Governance”. Finally it
Shamry, Jc. Jananki, Jc. Su-
and the Olympic House was was time for the graduation
mangaly, Jc. Riyaz, Jc.
turned into “Old Mac Don- Ceremony for the LOM offi-
Waasique, Jc. Faathi, Jc. Imti-
ald’s Farm” when the grouping cers of LOTA 2010. The
yaz and Jc. Angela to plan for
for the next events took place. Chief Guest for the evening
the breakthrough project
There were the Sharks, Geese, was none other than JCI Sen.
LOTA – 2010.
Energizers, Monkey-Booz, Prasantha Lal De Alwis a
On the dawn of the 20th and and the Bold. Well needless to prominent figure in today’s
21st of Mar 2010, we saw the say the fun began with the commercial environment.
JCI spirit in full at the various “Haka’s” and “Motto’s” The two memorable days had Organising Team Bamba
“Olympic House – Colombo where quacking sounds and with Facilitators and Chief
to come to an end and it was Guest
07”, a crowd of approximately monkey dances were the high- time to call it a day, in his vote
50 participants, where major- lights. National President of thanks Jc. Faraz thanked all
ity of the active chapters had a Azard’s and Jc. Khalil’s Ener- who contributed big or small
well balanced representation, gizers were an essential part of to make this event the success
were gathered. The singing of keep all awake and geared up it was. The NOM, and the
the National Anthem kick till the end of day 2. Next “LOTA - Chain of Command”
started the gala event on the came the very informative Jc. Faraz and Jc. Imran, along
morn of the 20th a Saturday. session by none other than the with Captain Jc. Anushly man-
After the lighting of the “oil executive vice president, Jc. aged to maneuver the vessel
lamp”, the Course Director Zulfer Hassen on the “Tools and its crew impeccably
and Facilitator, also the Imme- for successful Personal Effec- through the rough seas and
diate Past National President tiveness and Organising”. This LOTA pa rticipants a t th e end
present a very successful and
JCI Sen. Bimal Liyanage saw the end of Day 1. of th e session
truly Jaycee Gala Event con-
launched the training schedule
The 21st was another eventful ducted in style – LOTA 2010.
for LOTA 2010.
day, having mingled in and
The first speaker was none fallen into the trend of LOTA
other than the renowned Dr. the Jaycees were now more
Upali Mahanama where he relaxed and ready for fun.
steered the new LOM officers This day was on the serious
on an enjoyable discussion of topics namely “Financial Mat-
the “Power of Professionalism ters -voicing the theme who
& Leadership in Manage- are you?”, “Parliamentary
Page 4

How to Implement STRATEGIC PLANS

The strategic planning “How goals, filed, unimplemented in a Develop within you and your
to?” question strikes at the cabinet or computer is a serious team to communicate, reinforce,
heart; how to make changes of source of negativity and poor and provide a structure that
any kind to happen in your employee morale. supports the articulation and
organisation? Start by answer- accomplishment of the strategic
ing „Why your organization Senior leaders can do the fol- planning goals.
might want to be one of the lowing to create a successful
organisations in which the strategic planning process. While every person in your
employees understand the mis- Establish a clear vision for the organization cannot make their
sion and goals?‟ They enjoy a strategic planning process. voice heard on every issue
29% grater return than other Paint a picture of where the within the strategic planning
firms. This seems like a good organization will end up and the process, you must solicit and
CHECKMATE reason to start Strategic Plan- anticipated outcomes. Make act upon feedback from other
ning to me. How about you? certain the picture is one of members of the organisation.
reality and not what people Integral to the strategic planning
Keys to Strategic Planning "wish" would occur. Make sure process must be the commit-
Success key employees know "why" the ment of each executive to dis-
organization is changing. cuss the process and the plans
These are the keys to effective with staff members. Too often, I
strategic planning for your busi- Appoint an executive champion have experienced executives
ness: or leader who "owns" the stra- holding information closely and
tegic planning process and consolidating their own dys-
 Full and active Executive makes certain other senior functional power within the
support managers, as well as other organization at the expense of
 Effective communication appropriate people in the or- other company employees feel-
ganization, are involved. ing - and acting - excluded.
 Employee involvement Executive support in strategic
 Through organisational plan- planning is critical to its suc- (And then they ask: how can I
ning and competitive analy- cess. Executives must lead, get my staff to "buy-in" to these
sis and support, follow-up, and live the
“Treat people with the  Widespread perceived need results of the strategic planning
new expectations?)
Recognize the human element
same respect you expect for Strategic Planning process. These are additional
ways executive leaders can inherent in any change - the
change from reactionary to
from them. And you If you are implementing your support the strategic planning
process. See the first part of this strategic thinking is a huge leap.
strategic plans in an organisa-
will enjoy the 29 tional environment that is al- article for more ways that lead- People have different needs and
ready employee-oriented, with a ers can support the strategic different ways of reacting to
percent greater return high level of trust, you start the planning process. change. They need.
strategic planning process with If training is part of the strategic
than non-strategic a huge plus. An additional plus Pay attention to the planning plan, senior leaders must partici-
is an organisation that already occurring. Ask how things are
planning companies” pate in the training that other
thinks strategically. going. Focus on progress and
barriers for change manage- organization members attend,
Unfortunately, the implementa- ment. One of the worst possible but, even more importantly, they
tion of strategic planning most scenarios is to have the leaders must exhibit their "learning"
frequently occurs as an organi- ignore the process. Sponsor from the sessions, readings,
sation moves from being tradi- portions of the planning or the interactions, tapes, books or
tionally reactionary to strategic. strategic planning process, as an research.
So, often, learning to think involved participant, to increase Lastly, and of immense signifi-
strategically is part of the strate- active involvement and interac- cance, be honest and worthy of
gic planning learning curve. tion with other organization
Full and Active Executive Throughout the strategic plan-
Support for Successful Strate- If personal or managerial ac- ning process, treat people with
gic Planning tions or behaviour requires the same respect you expect
change of the vision statement,
mission statement, values, and from them. And you will enjoy
Successful strategic planning
Full and Active Executive Support requires commitment from goals to take hold in the or- the 29 percent greater return
for Successful Stra tegic Planning executives and senior managers, ganisation, "model" the new than non-strategic planning
whether the strategic planning is behaviour and actions. (Senior companies, predicted earlier.
occurring in a department or in managers must walk the talk.)
a complete organisation. Execu- Establish a structure which will With your vision statement,
tives must lead, support, follow- support the move to a more mission statement, values,
up, and live the results of the strategically thinking and acting strategies, goals, and action
strategic planning process or, organisation. This may take the
plans developed and shared,
the strategic planning process form of a Steering Committee,
will fail. It's as simple as that. Leadership Group, Core Plan- you'll all win, both personally
ning Team or Guiding Coali- and professionally. humanre-
Without the full commitment of tion.
the organisation's senior execu- Change the measurement sys-
tives, don't even start strategic tems, reward, and recognition
planning. Participants will feel systems to measure and reward Jc. Faraz Farook
fooled and misled. A vision the accomplishment of the new Public Relations Officer
Jc. Faraz Farook statement and a mission state- expectations established through
ment, along with this year's the strategic planning process.
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 5

3 Tricks When You Don’t Know What to Search For

The operator may turn particu-
More often than not, you have 1. Wildcard Search Operator larly handy when:
to try dozens of various search
phrases to accidently come Search engines may treat a  Your search term is very
across a good result. wildcard (*) differently. broad and you are unsure
Google substitutes it for one which of the related words
Today‟s short search tutorial or more words that would is used to describe the phe- Google Search Engine
will show some Google search normally occur in the phrase. nomenon. How to use i t effectively
tricks you can use to search Thus, if you, for example,
when you actually don‟t know search [“reliable * provider”],  You went to research re-
what you are going to find. search results will include: lated terms excluding the
“reliable television provider”, one you use (e.g. [~search-
The tips will turn useful in a “reliable webhosting pro- search]
number of cases: vider”, “reliable VoiP pro-
vider”, etc. 3. Related: URL Search Op- “Google substitutes
 When you are looking for erator
random inspiration and Possible Usage (*) for one or more
thus have no idea which The related: search operator
words to use to search Thus two of the most obvious allows to find more similar words that would
(actually what you really ways to take advantage of the pages to the provided one. It
need to get inspired is to search operator are: used to be strictly based on co normally occur in the
know those words); -citation: it looked for more
 Use it when you remember pages with the same set of phrase.”
 When you topic is broad the phrase but can‟t re- back links to the above one.
and you are unsure which member the word; But since then it has been
one of the related words noticed that it also applied
and synonyms best de-  Use it to research various some thematic relevance.
scribe your question; combinations with one or
more base words (for key- Possible Usage
 When you have found a word research or language
page, can‟t define it prop- learning); It is thus clear that the search
erly but need more of the operator should be used when
kind (especially, if you 2. ~ Synonym Search Opera- you need to find similar pages
have landed on some tor (especially when you can‟t
wicked tool and want to formulate the contents or de-
The Google ~ operator allows fine the concept of the current
know if there are more you to broaden the scope of
tools like this). page).
your search to related terms
Now, let me share the Google and synonyms. Jc. Imran Marikar
search operators that will help Director Individual
Possible Usage
you in any of the above cases:

Bamba Heads EAST...

Eastward… Bamba decided to possess as individuals and
head out of the safe zone of living in a community barely
Colombo and suburbs and touched by the effects of the
create value in Batticoloa. war. As per our goal we made
this the initiation point to plan
The training session con- out the future projects that
ducted by none other than could be accommodated to
Jaycees Anushly and Suman- this community. Bamba is
galy for present and future pre resolute in its goal of remain-
school teachers on effective ing active citizens of Sri
handling of the students and
Lanka in par with JCI.
communication skills was
what the session was on.
The outcome and feedback of
the participants was tremen-
dous and many were the re-
quests for future sessions of
The trip coupled with a get
together of the chapter mem-
bers for a time of fellowship
was an eye opener to us in of
the various blessings we
Breakfast Donation IFTHAR PROG
A child permanently bereaved of In line with the fasting period
his parents at a tender age where
that is followed by our Muslim
he is unable to support himself in
this highly competitive world suf-
GIVE ~ GAIN ~ GROW brothers and sisters an ‘Ifthar
fers in numerous ways unthinkable Programme’ was organized on
to some of us. Bamba decided to 20th of Aug. A special guest
bring a smile on the faces of these
JUNIOUR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL speaker was invited and shared
children at Sri Lankadhara Society SRI LANKA BAMBALAPITIYA his thoughts. It turned out to be
Orphanage situated in the midst of a very successful event and an
Colombo. It was a time of fun and informative one for all partici-
fellowship with these children as Contact us on pants getting more insight into
they enjoyed the meal provided by
us and games that followed after the day to day aspects of life
which it was time for school. The and its various commitments.
3rd of Aug officiated in enlighten- WE’RE ON WEB! Hats off to Jc. Huzaifa Farook for
ing us on the innocence kids and WWW.JCIBAMBA.ORG his leadership role in organiz-
how we could help spread light in ing this event.
their darkened world.

The foundation of one’s life

based on their parents behaviour ...

Parents are a significant been able to prevent the in whenever there is a con-
influence on how their blow up, even when it flict or disagreement about
children turn out in life. If a wasn’t triggered by any- anything, because they
child is brought up in a thing the child did or did would rather keep the
grouchy home, the child not do. If it is pre-empted peace at all costs than risk
may grow up to become a by a situation involving the an argument.
querulous adult. This is child or even a discussion
expected because, the about the child, they think If You Watched Your Par-
child spent the growing that if only they had been ents Fighting, You Learn
and formative phase of life “good,” their parents fight- Fighting—Or Peace Keep-
with parents who have ing wouldn’t happen. Chil- ing.
shown no better way to dren internalize the prob-
live. Parents are a child’s lem and develop anxiety Even in families where
first role model whose when parents fight and parents fighting is not an
behavioural patterns they they begin to suffer from extreme problem, parents
copy. Even if they do not low self-esteem. should remember that
like certain attitudes, they what they do and say, and
still find themselves behav- Children learn behaviours more importantly, how
ing as such because they and norms from the peo- they act toward one an-
know no better. ple closest to them—their other, influences their
parents. But if a family is child, their child’s self-
Children have a little frame dysfunctional, they will esteem, and their child’s
of reference and the world also learn that dysfunc- short- and long-term emo-
they live in is small, center- tional behaviour. When a tional health, as well as
ing on themselves and child grows up with par- their future relationships.
their families and their ents fighting all the time, (Some contents have been
limited exposure in life, they either come to think extracted from the inter-
they think everything that of that as “normal” and net)
happens is directly related become fighters them-
to them. Of course this is selves—frequently bullying
so, but not in the way that other children or needing Jc. Krishani Kodikakara
a child thinks. to have control in their
other relationships—or
When parents fight, re- they recognize that it is not
gardless of what the par- normal and will do any-
ents are fighting about, thing to avoid it. In the
many children blame latter case, they become
themselves, thinking that children who are alto-
somehow they might have gether unassertive, giving

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