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Unit 53 – LO4 - Pitch Presentation Feedback Sheet

Name of presenter(s) Shona Brewill

Comments on the proposal information

Title, synopsis, running time, originality of idea

Title complimented the theme of your radio station and it also made your intentions clear that you
wish to to broadcast the show all year round. Although the idea lacks originality due to there being
multiple christmas radio stations currently on air, the fact you wish to appeal to an audience all
year round is intriguing. However you need to offer strong methods in order to achieve this and
maintain your target audience.

Comments on the budget

Budget summary feasibility, budget based on professional rates

You have discussed expenses and mentioned the cost of equipment and the wages of presenters,
however you must mention this in more detail and write about the cost of specific pieces of
equipment. The feasibility of the budget would also be improved if you considered the incomings
of the broadcast which would allow you to account for your set budget and also your expenses.
When writing about this, you need to consider advertising and other ways a radio show receives

Comments on the production schedule and launch date

Dates, timings, activities, location, personnel, resources, contingency plans etc.

Your production schedule effectively discusses how it will promote the new broadcast and also
comments on when the first show will air. You also mention where the radio station will take place
and that you have planned activities in the local area to promote this. You did however fail to
mention any contingency plans which you must ensure you do in order to be able to find suitable
and effective solutions to problems with equipment or other resources.

Comments on proposed cast/stars

Profile of leading cast and their unique selling point

You need to consider having more than one presenter in order to offer variation in vocal tone
throughout the broadcast. Selecting famous stars to also appear on your show will attract many
listeners but you need to also account for the cast of having them appear on your show.
Comments on the target audience.
Profile and size of intended target audience and the programme’s appeal to them

You need to consider having a wider target audience and creating a broadcast that also appeals
to children. From this you can then consider secondary and tertiary audiences and how you will
maintain your appeal to these audiences.

Comments on sample materials

Talk/music/sound effects/dialogue/interviews etc.

Jingle complimented the theme fo your radio station however you need to ensure that public
participation is key to your show and this can be achieved by including vox pops and interviews
within your broadcast.

Additional comments

Your pitch lacked confidence and you failed to elaborate more when discussing specific elements
of radio broadcast. When pitching in the future you need ensure you are rehearsed and prepared.

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