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Crystal Spectra of Metal Coordination Compounds. II.

Violet Form of CoPy2Cl2 and

J. Ferguson

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 32, 533 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1730730
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Crystal Spectra of Metal Coordination Compounds. II. Violet Form of CoPy 2Cl 2 and
CoCI 2 '6H 20

Division of Chemical Physics, C.S.l.R.O. Chemical Research Laboratories, Melbourne, Australia

(Received August 7, 1959)

A microspectrophotometric study of the visible polarized crystal spectra of the violet form of cooalt di-
pyridine dichloride and cobalt chloride hexahydrate is reported. An analysis of the band structure of the
former is made in terms of non interacting, complex units, but in the latter, interaction between a cooalt
ion and the chloride ions on next nearest neighbor complexes, in addition to the ligands, is needed for a
successful analysis of the spectrum.

INTRODUCTION 4p state is not split and remains triply degenerate,

the previous paperl the absorption spectra of a 4T1g (P). The 2G, 2H, ZP, and 2D states must also be
I )J
number of tetrahedral cobalt (II) complexes were
reported. The present paper is concerned with the
considered and a diagram published by Low 7 gives the
calculated energy levels of the various levels as a func-
crystal spectra of two octahedrally coordinated cobalt tion of cubic field strength in Oh symmetry.
(II) compounds with known crystal structure, CoCI 2 • EXPERIMENTAL
6H 20 and the violet form of CoPyzCh.
The crystal absorption spectrum of cobalt chloride The experimental arrangement was similar to that
hexahydrate has previously been reported by Gieles- described in I except that a special stageS was used to
sen2 and Pappalardo. 3 Pappalardo's work was done with record the spectra at low temperature. The prepara-
unpolarized light and as will be shown the absorption tion of the cobalt dipyridine dichloride is described in
spectrum is so strongly anisotropic that measurements the literature9 and the cobalt chloride hexahydrate was
with unpolarized light confuse the analysis of the analytical grade recrystallized from water.
bands. Gielessen had noted the marked anisotropy of CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CoCI,·6H 2 0
the absorption, but he was not interested in an analysis The crystal structure has recently been reported by
of the band structure. The present analysis was made Mizuno, Ukei, and Sugawara. 4 It is monoclinic with the
possible by the recent crystal structure determination unit cell dimensions a= 10.34, b= 7.06, c= 6.67 A,
in which it was shown that the basic octahedral unit is and /3=122° 19'. Figure 1 shows projections of the
CoCh(H 20)4 and not Co(H 20) 6++. 4 CoCIz(HzO)4 units (a) on the (010) face and (b) on
Octahedral Co++ complexes are red in color and the the (001) face of the crystal. The remaining two mole-
spectrum of the ion in water is well known. The spec- cules of water, which are in the lattice, are not included
trum of single crystals of CoS04 • 7H 20 has been studied in the projections. The cleavage plane is parallel to
by Holmes and McClure," and it is nearly identical the (001) and this is the well-developed face when the
with that of Co++ in water. The spectrum of Co (NOB) 2' crystals are grown from solution. The projection in
7H 20 was determined in the present work and it is also Fig. 1 (b) is then the relevant one for the spectral
the same as Co++ in water. The absorption band is measurements as the light was incident on the (001)
broad and asymmetrical, centered at about 500 mJ.l. face. The b crystal axis is parallel to the needle axis and
It is likely that the asymmetry is linked to a distortion the Co-Cl bonds lie in the ac plane at right angles to
of the water octahedron as a result of the Jahn-Teller the b axis. The crystals are strongly dichroic and appear
effect.6 This asymmetry is developed to a marked ex- orange with the electric vector perpendicular to the b
tent in CoCh ·6H20 and can best be explained by axis and mauve with the vector parallel to the b axis.
considering the 'interaction between a Co++ ion and These colors depend, of course, on the crystal thickness.
the next nearest neighbors as well as the six ligands. The complex unit belongs lO to the point group D4h
The ground state of the cobalt (II) ion is split under and the arrangement of the four water molecules is
the effect of an octahedral field into three levels, square planar.
4Tlg(F) , 4Tzg (F) , and 4A zg (F), while the excited
J. Ferguson, J. Chern. Phys. 32, 528 (1960); hereafter called I.
2 J. Gielessen, Ann. Physik 22, 537 (1935). The structure of the stable violet form of cobalt
3 R. Pappalardo, Phil. Mag. 4, 219 (1959). dipyridine dichloride has been determined by Dunitz. ll
• Mizuno, Ukei, and Sugawara, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 14, 383
(1959). W. Low, Phys. Rev. 109, 256 (1958).
5 O. G. Holmes and D. S. McClure, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 1686 Spectrochim. Acta (to be published).
(1957). 9 A. Hantzsch. Z. Anorg. u. allgem. Chern. 159, 18 (1927).
6 H. A. Jahn and E. Teller, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A161, 10 Eyring, Walter, and Kimball, Quantum Cllcmistry (John
220 (1937); H. A. Jahn, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) AI64, 117 Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1944), p. 387.
(1938). 11 J. D. Dunitz, Acta Cryst. 10, 307 (19S7).


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Cl •
o 0

FIG. 1. Crystal
structure of cobalt
b chloride hexahy-
drate, projections of
CoCI,(H20), units
(a) on the (010)
face and (b) on the
(001) face.

c a

(0) (b)

It is monoclinic with the unit cell dimensions a=34.42, fairly well with those reported by Gielessen,2 but in-
b= 17.38, c=3.66 A, and ,),=90°. The structure consists clude one or hvo more than those given by Pappalardo. 3
of polymeric chains, running parallel to the c axis There is an interesting intensity change and shift of
(needle axis), each chlorine being shared by two co- the group of narrow bands on cooling the crystal. Those
balt ions. Figure 2 shows the interatomic distances and from 19800 cm-I to 20400 cm-I decrease in intensity
angles. The arrangement of the four chloride ions sur- and the remaining ones increase in intensity. It is likely
rounding each cobalt ion is rectangular planar so that that the former represent "hot" bands, transitions
the octahedral unit CoPy2Cl4 has the point symmetry arising from the vibrationally excited ground state.
D 2h , not D 4h • The y complex axis has been taken bisect- DISCUSSION
ing the smaller Cl-Co-Cl angle (85.5°) and the z
axis coincident with the Co-N direction. The crystals Band Widths
are poorly developed needles showing dichroism. Both sharp and broad bands often appear in the
spectra of transition metal complex ions. The reason
CRYSTAL SPECTRUM OF CoPy 2 Cl, for this can easily be seen by considering the dependence
The absorption spectrum of a single crystal at room of the ground and excited states on the crystal field
temperature is shown in Fig. 3 for light incident on the strength. 12 When the upper state of an electronic transi-
(100) face. The spectrum appears to be made up of tion has the same, or nearly the same, orbital electron
four bands, three of which overlap. Photographs of the configuration as the ground state, then the bands
spectrum at low temperature, however, show the ap- appear sharp.
pearance of a narrow band at about 18 700 em-I. Pappalard0 3 and Low have calculated the energy
levels of both doublet and quartet states of Co++
CRYSTAL SPECTRUM OF CoCh·6H 20 in an octahedral field. These calculations show that
The crystal spectrum shows a considerable amount of three electronic states should be considered for the
structure even at room temperature. As well as two spectral region covered by the present work. Two of
broad bands there are other much narrower ones which these are quartet states 4TIy (P) and 4A 2u (F) and the
are further sharpened on cooling the crystal. Figure 4 other is a doublet state 2Tla(P). The appearance of
shows the spectrum at room temperature and low tem- the narrow bands in the spectrum of CoCb ·6H20 can
perature in polarized light. The striking feature about be linked to the transition from the ground state to the
the absorption spectrum is the marked anisotropy of doublet state, because this has essentially the same
some of the bands, particularly the broad band at about orbital configuration as the ground state. Spectra of
22 000 em-I. If the spectrum is taken in unpolarized CoPy2Cb at low temperatures show the appearance of a
light it is difficult to observe this band as it has an ap- narrow band, but overlap by the more intense broad
parent optical density of about 0.3 (50% transmission) bands in the same region obscures the detection of
and is broad. others.
The spectra in Figure 4 were recorded on the Beck- Transitions from the ground state to the two quartet
man DK2 spectrophotometer and the resolution is not states 4Tla (P) and 4A 2g (F) should result in broad
sufficient to resolve the structure of the weak narrow bands, with the transition to the latter being broader
bands. These were obtained from photographs taken and weaker than the other. In order to identify the
with the Hilger medium spectrograph and their posi- bands it is necessary to consider the orientations of
tions are given in Table 1. They are indicated by the complexes in the crystals.
arrows in Fig. 4. The positions of these bands agree 12 L. E. Orgel, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1824 (1955).

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CRY S T ,\ L SPECT R A 0 F V] 0 LET CoP y , C 12 ;\ N D C 0 C 1, . () H 2 0 53:;

£1 C:Z

so ,. "
FIG. 2. Crystal structure
of cobalt dipyridine di- o,.
chloride, interatomic dis- z
tances and angles. O----f-tl-i---l:-.::t.-o N ~

31!OJ.V!l3d VOJ. "'OOl!!

LI 91 61 OZ IZ sz

Cobalt Dipyridine Dichloride
SO (i
CoPy2Cb belongs to the point group D2h because there
is a slight rhombic distortion of the tetragonal sym- z '"'"
metry. This means that the triple orbital degeneracy -<
of the 4T1g state in octahedral symmetry is removed. 3l<n.lVl<Jdf'l3.J. MOl

The correlations between the irreducible representa-

tions of Oh, D4h , D2h , and C2h are given in Table II. FIG. 4. Crystal spectrum of cobalt chloride hexahydrate at
It is seen that the components of the ground state are room temperature and low temperature, in polarized light. The
4B 1g , 4B2g and 4B3 in D Zh • Xeglecting the rhombic dis-
arrows show the position of the bands recorded in Table I.
tortion it is easy to see that from the positions of Cl-
and Py in the spectrochemical series13 the dx • and dyz assumed that the band at about 16 000 cm-I, polarized
orbitals should be less stable than the dxy orbital. This perpendicular to the needle axis, represents this transi-
means that the ground state should be doubly degener- tion. This is so because the spectra of CoPy4Cb and
ate, 4Eg , with the 4A 2g state possibly some few hundred CoPY4(NCSh14 show no pronounced splitting of the
cm-1 above it. It seems likely that the rhombic distor- absorption band, and the components are grouped close
tion in CoPy2Cb has its origin in the Jahn-Teller effect together so that a simple tetragonal distortion is un-
so that the 4Ea level is split into 4B2a and 4B 3y • likely to produce a splitting as large as 3000 cm-1 in
A decision must be made as to which band represents CoPy2Ch. Also, the 4A2o state should lie below the
the transition to the upper state 4 A g ( 4 A 20 in 0,,). It is 4T1g (P) state for Dq less than about 1000 cm-1 and the
ligand field in CoPy2Cl 2 seems certainly less than this;
"0 in fact it represents the lowest field of any octahedral
complex of cobalt (II) studied in the present work.
If we assume, therefore, that the band at 16 200 cm-1
is the transition to the upper 4A g state, it remains to
identify the other bands. For this it is necessary first
.,/ J. ""odie ai.. (o} to consider the projections of the transition moments

TABLE I. Positions of the narrow bands in the spectrum of

CoCr.·6H20 at low temperature (±20 cm-1 ).
WAVENUMBER. x 10·$ (em·'). 19850cm-1 20 230 cm-1 (a pol.)
FIG. 3. Crystal spectrum of cobalt dipyridine dichloride in 20030 20 250 (b pol.)
polarized light. 20 120 (a po1.) 20 410
20 130 (b pol.) 20 580
20 850
13 R. Tsuchida, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 13, 395 (1938).

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TABLE II. Correlation table for the resolution of Ok into D'h, TABL~ IV. Vibro!lic represen~ations in D2h (product of ground
Dv., and C!h. Only the g representations are given. electromc state, eXCited electromc state and perturbing vibration)
for CoPy2CI,.
Oh D'h D'h C2h
-------- .. ----~--- Symmetry repre-
sentation of per- Symmetry ropresentation of the product of
Ala Aln An Aa turbing vibration ground and excited electronic wave functions
A 2g Bla An An
E. A.+B'g B 2 .+B3g A.+A.
T,g A 2 .+Eg B1g+B'g+B' g B.+A.+B g Ag RIg B'g B~{y
Tz. B2g+E. B,.+B2g+B3g B.+A.+B.
{3lu B lu A" B,. B2u
{l,,, B 2u B7,,~ Au B lu
(lEU BEU B,. B lu Au
on the crystal axes, in particular the absorption in-
Table III gives the absorption intensities which Cobalt Chloride Hexahydrate
would be observed with electric vector directions
parallel to each of the three crystal axes, for transitions It would appear from the success of the analysis of
of unit intensity along each of the three molecular axes, CoPy2 Cl 2 that the analysis of the spectrum of CoCh·
assuming no intercomplex interaction. Because the 6H20 should follow on closely similar lines. Such an
absorption spectrum was observed for light incident approach would treat the symmetry of the complex as
D4h and consider projections of the molecular axes on
on the (100) face of the crystal, the projectioHs on the
band c crystal axes are relevant. the crystal axes. The ground state should be 4A 2o from
The electronic transitions are forbidden for electric arguments about the relative field strengths of the CI-
dipole absorption and internal u vibrations are assumed and H 20, similar to those used for CoPy2C/z, and the
to be the mechanism whereby intensity is stolen from excited states which fall in the spectral region examined
more energetic allowed transitions. The possible u will be 4A 2o (F), 4Eg (P) and 4B Ig (P). The fundamental
fundamentals belong to the representations B Iu , B zu , vibrations which satisfy the symmetry requirements as
and Batt of D 2h , and these can now be combined with all perturbers are a2 .. , {32u, and ~u. However, combinations
the possible direct products of the ground and excited of these vibrations with the electronic states cannot
states as shown in Table IV. Only those vibronic explain the polarization of the bands in the spectrum.
combinations with symmetry BItt, B 2u , or Bau are allowed The fu(X, y) transition moment projects mainly on the
(A lu is inactive) and correspond to transition moments b crystal axis and none of the strong bands is b polarized.
along the z, x, and y molecular axes, respectively. In addition the strongly polarized band at 22 000 cm-1
The assignment of the 16 200 cm-l band to an upper is difficult to understand with this scheme. Because of
4A g state which is polarized perpendicular to the c the failure of this model, an attempt was made to
crystal axis (parallel to b) means that the ground state include the effect of interactions other than from the
must be 4Bag, since BSflX AgX ({3Iu, {3zu, {33u) = B 2u , B 1u , six ligands in the octahedron. The next nearest neigh-
Au; zero projection on the c axis, Table III. Either a bors of the Co++ ion are the four CI-- ions which lie
Bag or B 2g ground state is consistent with the interpre- toward the corners of the unit cell, each 4.SA from the
tation of the rhombic distortion as arising from the Co++ ion. \Vhen these together with the six ligands are
Jahn-Teller effect. considered, it is easily seen, Fig. 1, that the field around
The assignment of the other three bands follow from the Co++ is C2h • The correlations between D4h and C2h
Fig. 3 and Tables III and IV. The highest energy com- are given in Table I where the twofold axis of C2h is
ponent has nearly equal absorption intensity along taken to be identical with the twofold axis which bi-
the band c crystal axes and must be assigned to an sects the H20~Co~H20 band angle in D 4h •
upper 4Bsg state because BggXBag=Ag, and from Table The ground state is now 4Bg while the excited states
I this should result in three active components B lu , are 4A g(F), 4Bo(P) , 4A u(P), and 4B o(P). The z axis
B 2u , and B 3u • The other two bands have the same (Au representation) is coincident with the b crystal axis
polarization ratio, roughly 2/1 (c/b) and this is ex- and the x and y axes (B,,) lie in the ac plane. It is only
pected for both Big and Bza upper states.
TABL~ V. Vihro~ic rcpresent.ations in C2h (product of ground
ciectrolllc state, eXCIted electromc state, and perturbing vibration)
TABLE. III. Sg~ares
of the projections (absorption intensities) of for CoCb·6H20.
umt transitIOns moments on the crystal axes in CoPy2CI 2 •
Symmetry repre-
Crystal axis sentation of per- Symmetry representation of the product of
Complex axis and rep- turbing vibration ground and excited electronic wave functions
resentation in D2h a b c
Ao Bo
x (B 2 ,,) 0.57 0.43 0
Y (B 3 .) 0 0 1 Au B"
z (B lu ) 0.43 0.57 0 Bu Au

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the au and {3u vibration fundamentals which are capable tion is assumed to lie at about 18 000 cm-1 covered by
of removing the symmetry prohibition of the electronic the stronger 4B g-,;4A g (P) band. The structure de-
transition. The combinations of these with the direct veloped in the latter band at low temperatures is pos-
products of the ground state and possible excited states sibly a component of the quartet-doublet transition
are given in Table V. This shows that the absorption which also accounts for the narrow bands in the region
bands should be unpolarized if the au and {3u vibra- 19000-21 000 cm-I . This state, 2T1g (P) in Oh sym-
tions are equally efficient perturbers. The analysis of metry, will be split by the lower crystalline field and in
the spectrum depends on the assumption that one addition the bands will. be complicated because they
species is much more efficient than the other and this are narrow and vibrational structure will be observed. 17
can be related to the mechanics of the vibrations The strong polarization of these bands is explained by
and/or the nature of the excited state from which the the effect of the C2h field in the same way as for the
intensity is stolen. quartet-quartet transitions.
Speculation about the mechanism of possible perturb-
ing vibrations is unwarranted at this stage, but the
question of the nature of the allowed electronic transi- The two octahedral cobalt(II) complexes studied
tions from which the intensity is stolen can be con- here seem to represent examples of the two possible
sidered. Usually it is assumed that the perturbing situations which can arise in the crystal spectra of
vibration mixes the dn configuration of the ion with a molecular coordination compounds. In the first, that
dn-1p configuration. 15 of cobalt dipyridine dichloride, the electric field at the
There does not appear to be exact knowledge of where metal ion has the symmetry of the ligands and the effect
the d- p transitions are located in complex ions, and of next nearest neighbors can be neglected to a very good
unless they are strongly lowered from the free ion approximation. In the second, that of cobalt chloride
value they must surely lie at too high an energy to be hexahydrate, the electric field at the metal ion is of
considered for intensity stealing. 16 The possibility then lower symmetry than that of the ligands because of
enters that electron transfer states involving essentially illtercomplex interaction. The spectrum of this complex
ligand to metal transitions are the states from which is now unlike that of the first type and for the case of
the intensity for the d-d transitions is stolen. In Co++ a large splitting between the components of the
CoCI2 (H 20)4 the Co~CI electron transfer transition triply degenerate 4T1y (P) state occurs. This splitting
should be the most important state from which the reveals the presence of a doublet state [2T1g (P) ]
intensity is stolen and the spectrum in Fig. 4 can be which is normally concealed by the stronger 4T1g (P)
analyzed on this assumption. The important vibrations state in the other octahedral complexes.
will be ones which are essentially Co-Cl stretching In I intercomplex interactions were found to modify
modes, a2u in D4h and {3" in C2h . With the (3u vibration the absorption spectra of some polar tetrahedral com-
as effecting the perturbation then the transitions have plexes. The crystal spectrum of CoCb ·6H20 has shown
the following polarizations: 4B g-,;4 Ag (F), b polarized; that intercomplex interaction can also be significant
4B q-,;4B g (P), a polarized; 4B y -,;4A g (P) , b polarized; in octahedral complexes even though there is a centre
4B g-,;4B g (P), a polarized. of symmetry. This, of course, means that considerable
The strongly polarized band at 22 000 cm-1 is now care must be taken in the interpretation of crystal
interpreted as 4B g-,;4B g (P) being a split component of spectra when the crystal structure is not known.
the octahedral band and the one at 18 500 cm-1 repre- The analysis of the spectrum of cobalt chloride
sents the accidently degenerate pair 4B y -,;4A g(P) and hexahydrate suggests that the mechanism of the d-d
4B g-,;4B,,(P), the other components of the octahedral transitions in metal complexes can involve electron
4T1g-,;4T1g transition. The weaker 4Bg-,;4Ag(F) transi- transfer states as the source of the intensity.

14 Unpublished work. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

10 A. D. Liehr and C. J. Ballhausen, Phys. Rev. 106, 1161
(1957). The author wishes to thank Dr. A. L. G.' Rees and
16 Ballhausen and Liehr 15 assume the d - P transition is lowered Dr. N. S. Ham for helpful discussions.
from about 120000 cm-1 to about 60 000 cm-1 in Cu++ to explain
strong absorption at about 2000 A. 17 For example, R. Pappalardo, Phil. Mag. 2, 1397 (1957).

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