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Teacher Candidate: Miss Oberholtzer Date: January, 25, 2018

Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Dietz Coop. Initials: ____________

Group Size: Varies Allotted Time: 40 Minutes Grade Level: 6th Level
Subject AND Topic: Social Studies & Great Britain Section: _________

I. Objectives and Standards

a. Standard(s): PA Common Core/PDE SAS
i. 7.3.6.A: Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using
the following criteria:
1. Population
2. Culture
3. Settlement
4. Economic Activities
5. Political Activities
ii. 7.2.6.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions.

b. Performance Objectives:
i. Given the answer to the study guide, the students will be able to self-
correct and understand where they need to study more than other sections.
ii. Given the Bell Ringer, the student will be able to recall information they
learned in the previous days.
iii. Given two countries randomly picked from the Word jar, the
student will be able to practice what the capital is to prepare for the
countries and capital quiz next Tuesday.

II. Instructional Materials:

a. Teacher
i. Computer
ii. Smart board
iii. Weebly Notes
iv. Word Jar
v. Study Guide Answers
vi. Video on the Tower of London
vii. PowerPoint Notes

b. Student
i. Social Studies Notebook
ii. Study Guide
iii. PowerPoint Notes (Each student will receive one)
iv. Pencil

III. Subject Matter Explanation

a. Prerequisite Skills
i. Student should know more than half of the answers on the study guide.
ii. Should have heard of what the Tower of London is, and why people like
to visit it.
iii. Knowledge will vary when it comes to knowing the countries and
capitals of western Europe.

b. Content & Vocabulary

i. The Tower of London
1. The British Crown Jewels are kept there
2. Crowns are worn by Kings and Queens
3. Diamonds, Rubies, sapphires
ii. Beefeaters: Guards who work at The Tower of London
iii. United Kingdom
1. Population: 59 million
2. Government: Constitutional Monarchy
3. Made up of England, Norther Ireland, Wales, and Scotland
4. Economy: Agriculture: Wheat, barely, potatoes. Industries include
Steele, metals, vehicles, etc.
5. Exports: Manufactured goods, machinery, fuels, chemicals
6. Imports: Manufactured goods, semi finish goods, consumer goods.
iv. Great Britain is still a MONARCHY headed by QUEEN
ELIZABETH II. She is SYMBOL of Britain's past.
v. Magna Carta: "Great Charter" It limits the power of the king and gave the
nobles more power.
vi. Parliament: Helped decided what kind of taxes the citizens would
be paying. It was a group of nobles? Parliament did three things:
1. Decided the kinds of taxes paid by citizens.
2. Elected Representatives
3. It was a true democracy
vii. Four Fact about Queen Elizabeth II
1. She helps unify of bring together the British people.
2. When she is in London, a royal flag is flown over the Buckingham
3. Ceremony -> Changing of the guard
4. Ceremony -> Trumpets Blare/ guardsmen march at the palace.
viii. The Southern part of Ireland became an INDEPENDENT country
in the 1920s.
ix. Most people call the United Kingdom Great Britain because most
of the population live on the island of Great Britain.
x. Bell Ringer Questions:
1. What are the four countries that make up the United Kingdom?
a. Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England
xi. Word Jar Countries will vary.
1. The Tower of London is a 900- year old Castle.
The Tower is known for holding the British Crowns and jewels.
Most of these crowns were worn by past Kings and Queens.
Throughout its history, it served for more than just a fortress to hold
crowns and jewels. It was once a royal residence, barracks, armory, prison
and museum.
Today, the tower holds jewels such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires.
Tourist come and visit from all around the world to see them.
On the inside you would find motorized walkways, bulletproof cases, etc.
1. Beefeaters:
Guards who work at the Tower of London.
Where did the name come from??
The name Beefeater most likely originated from the time when the guards
at the Tower were paid part of their salary with chunks of beef.
They also participate in ceremonies such as when the Queen arrives at the
Buckingham Palace or when they are performing the changing of the
2. The Legend of the Tower of London??
Legend says that the Tower of London will fall if six ravens ever leave
the fortress. To be on the safe side, there is always at least 8 Ravens in the
3. Video on the tower of London:

IV. Implementation
a. Introduction:
i. As the students enter the room, let them answer the Bell Ringer today
WITHOUT using their notes. The Bell Ringer is a repeated question from
yesterday's pre-test. The Bell Ringer question is:
1. What are the four countries that make up the United Kingdom?
2. Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England.
3. Introduce the Word Jar:
a. Explain that this jar has all 18 countries and capitals in the
jar, every day we will pick two or three countries to write
down following the bell ringer for extra practice.
*Allow students to pick these words from the Jar.
*Allow the students a couple minutes to answer the questions, Once the
bell ringer and word jar is completed, have the students bring out their
study guide packets.
*Have two students pass out the PowerPoint notes they will need from
here on out.
1. Period 3: 20 copies
2. Period 4: 22 copies
3. Period 5: 21 copies
4. Period 8: 21 copies

ii. Development
1. Going around the room, have the students answer the questions to
the study guide questions. Each student should attempt to answer
the question, once everyone goes once, repeat the question.
a. If it seems like more than one student gets the question
wrong, take time explaining the answer.
2. Once we finish going over the study guide answers, have them put
those away and have the PowerPoint notes on their desks.
3. Explain that we are finally going to dive into what Great Britain is,
and were going to start with the Tower of London. Show them the
short clip of what the Tower of London is from the Weebly site.
4. Once the video is over, go to the notes on the website.
a. Talk through the notes, explaining that they should
remember and write down what is in bold. Talk about some
of the cool facts, the ravens, etc.

C. Closure
If you have time, have a few students share out what their favorite thing was that
they learned from the Tower of London and todays lesson.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation Plan
i. Period 3: JD, LH, LC, SG, QO – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.

ii. Period 4: SP, GL, BG, LB, BM – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iii. Period 5: EM, CS, AW – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iv. Period 8: DR – has a paraprofessional with him throughout the

V. Assessment of Students
a. Formative:
i. Having the students answer the Bell Ringer will allow me to see if they are
understanding what the four countries are that make up the United
Kingdom, they struggled with that on the pre-test.
ii. Going over the study guide as a whole will allow me to see if they really
are starting to understand the information about Great Britain.
iii. Having a Word Jar will allow me to see if the students are studying
their countries and capitals.
iv. Having the students share out at the end of the period will allow
me to see what stuck out to them and what they obtained for the day.
b. Summative:
i. There will be a paper and pencil test at the end of the Unit.

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