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Teacher Candidate: Lea Huck Date: _______________________

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Dillow Coop. Initials: ________________
Group Size: Twenty-Three Allotted Time: Twenty Minutes Grade Level: First Grade
Subject or Topic: Social Studies- Careers: Doctor/Nurse Section: 045

Standard (PA Common Core):

 15.2.2.B. Identify occupations of familiar adults.
 15.2.2.Q. Ask and answer questions related to interests and careers.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

 The first grade students will be able to identify the characteristics of a doctor and nurse by
answering questions during and after a video.

II. Instructional Materials:

 BrainPOP Jr. video, Going to the Doctor
 A Doctor- Rhymes on Profession YouTube video

III. Subject Matter/Content:

 Prerequisite Skills: The first grade students will need to know what a job is.
 Key Vocabulary:
o Doctor: a man or woman who cares for people who are sick or hurt
o Nurse: a man or woman who cares for people who are sick or hurt
 Big Idea: A doctor or nurse’s job is to care for people who are sick or hurt in the community.
 New Content: A doctor or nurse treats sicknesses, cuts, scrapes, and broken bones. Doctors and
nurses also perform check-ups to check your eyes, ears, nose, throat, and stomach to make sure
that everything looks okay. Doctors wear white coats and have stethoscopes around their necks,
while nurses are often dressed in scrubs.

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction:
1. Remind the students about the unit. Tell the students, “During the next few days in
social studies, you are going to learn all about different careers that you might want to
be when you grow up.”
2. Tell the students, “The other day, we watched a BrainPOP Jr. video about community
helpers. Who remembers what some of the jobs throughout the community were?” Call
on students to share out some of the jobs.
3. Tell the students, “The careers that you are going to learn about today are doctors and
nurses. Raise your hand if you told me the other day that you wanted to be a doctor or a
nurse.” Allow students to raise their hands.
4. Ask the students who raised their hands, “Why do you want to be a (doctor/nurse)?”
Call on some of the students to share out.

B. Development:
1. Introduce the BrainPOP Jr. video, Going to the Doctor, to the class. Tell the students,
“This video is all about what going to the doctor is like. Listen to the video because we
are going to pause it at some points to talk about everything we have learned.”
2. Pause the video at 0:21. Ask the students, “Why do you have to get a checkup, or, why
do you have to sometimes go to the doctor even when you’re not sick?” Wait for
students to raise their hand and call on some students to share out their answers. Then,
say to the students “Let’s listen to find out some more reasons why we might go to the
doctor to get a checkup.”
3. Pause the video at 0:54. Ask the students, “What does the nurse do?” Say to the
students, “If you have been to the doctor, the nurse is usually the person who you see
first. Do you remember some of the things that the nurse does?” Wait for students to
raise their hand and call on some students to share out their answers. Then, say to the
students, “Let’s listen to find out some more things that the nurse does.”
4. Pause the video at 2:26. Ask the students, “What are some things that we learned that
nurses do?” Some possible answers include check your height and weight,
temperature, blood pressure, and hearing, and write down all your information.
5. Pause the video at 3:30. Ask the students, “What does the doctor do?” Wait for
students to raise their hand and call on some students to share out their answers. Then,
say to the students, “Let’s listen to find out some more things that the doctor does.”
6. At the end of the video, ask the students, “What are some things that we learned that
doctors do?” Some possible answers include ask you questions about your health, use
tools like a stethoscope, check your ears, nose, throat, eyes, stomach, and back, and
give immunizations or shots.

C. Closure:
1. Take the easy quiz at the end of the lesson. Read each question aloud and talk the
students through the answers. When the students think they hear a correct answer,
have them give a thumbs up. Select the answer with the majority of thumbs up after
each answer has been read. If the answer selected is wrong, talk to the students about
why it is not the correct answer.
2. Ask the students for a thumbs up if they understand what a nurse and doctor do, a
thumbs down if they do not understand what a nurse and doctor do, or a hand raised if
they have any questions about what nurses and doctors do.
3. Say to the students, “We just learned about a ton of different things that doctors and
nurses do. The next time we have social studies, we will learn all about a new type of job
and what the people who have that job do. The job, or career, we will learn about is a
police officer!”
4. If time, play the YouTube video A Doctor- Rhymes on Profession until 1:05.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation:
 Students who have difficulty seeing can sit in the front of the group during the video.
E. Assessment/Evaluation:
1. Formative
i. During the closure of the lesson, the students will be asked for a thumbs up if
they understand what a nurse and doctor do, a thumbs down if they do not
understand what a nurse and doctor do, or a hand raised if they have any
questions about what nurses and doctors do.
ii. Students will be monitored during the lesson. Students who seem to always
select answers that are not correct will be pulled in a small group during
intervention the next day. During that time, the students will re-learn the things
that they struggled with during the lesson.
2. Summative

V. Reflective Response:
A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives:
B. Personal Reflection:

VI. Resources:
 BrainPOP Jr. video, Going to the Doctor
 A Doctor- Rhymes on Profession YouTube video

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