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16PEPE20 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ea °? COURSE OBJECTIVE: To explore the procedure of investigating scientifie problems aml find solution through systematic analysis COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to * Define problems, inv tigate and analyse them, © Extract information from the data collected, * Disseminate the art of presentation and report writing. INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 09 Rescarch methodolozy — Definition, mathematical tools for analysis, Types of research, exploratory research, conclusive research, modeling research, algorithmic research, Research process- Steps.Data collection methods - Primary data Observation method, personal interview,telephonic interview, mail survey, questionnaire design Secondary data- Internal sources of dita, external sources of data, SCALES ~ MEASUREMENT AND SAMPLING METHODS, (09) Scales Measurement, Types of scale ~ Thurstone’s Case V seale model,Oszood’s Semantic Differential seale, Likert scale, Q- Sort scale.Sampling methods- Probability sampling methods — Simple random sampling with replacement, simple random sampling without replacement, straitied sampling, cluste sampling. Non-probability. sampling method — Convenience sampting, judgment sampling, quota sampling, HYPOTHESES TESTS (09) Hypotheses testing - Testing of hypotheses concerning means (one mean and difference between two mmeans -One tailed and two tailed tests), Conceming variance ~ One tailed Chi-square test NONPARAMETRIC TESTS, (0) Nonparametric tests- One sample tests ~ One sample sign test, Kolmagoroy-Smirnov test, run test for randomness, Two sample tests Two sample sign test, Mann-Whitney U test, K-sample test ~ Kruskal Wallis test (H-Test. RESEARCH ANALYSIS AND REPORT WRITING (09) Introduction to Discriminant analysis, Factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, conjointanalysis.Report writing Types of report, guidelines to review report, typing instructions, oral presentation Lecture: 45 Periods Tutorial: 0 Periods Pra ls Total: 45 Periods ical: 0 Per REFERENCES, J Kothari. CR. Research Methodology Methods and techniyues, New Age Publications, New Delhi, Second Euition, 2609, seivam, R., Research Methodology, Prentice 2. Panne: Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004 » Contraller of Examinations Government Colliae of Techni COIMBATORE - 641 013,

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