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Material aspects which are easily measurable or quantitative in nature GDP gnp per capita income

inflation rate inflation rates unemployment investment fiscal balance trade balance this economic
indicators alone does not give us a realistic view of development e.g. the GDP does not tell us how a
country’s income is spent and it does not give a tru reflection of a countries economic inequalities

Social indicators emphasis on economic growth and development tends to down play social
development .persons began to recognize that there were factors which existed that contributed 2
economic growth bit were not in themselves economic factors for example a strong strength of identity
and social cohesion these promoted common intrest and investment in innovation.

Wide spread gab between rich and poor countries -many world leaders saw development and it’s ideas
as being eurosyntric it didn’t take into account the verify of culture and histories of people across the
globe therefore the human development index was produced by the United nations as a more
comprehensive standard of living indicator

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