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Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93

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Fisheries management approaches as platforms for climate change

adaptation: Comparing theory and practice in Australian fisheries
Emily M. Ogier a,e,n, Julie Davidson b,e, Pedro Fidelman c, Marcus Haward a,e,
Alistair J. Hobday d,e, Neil J. Holbrook a,e,f, Eriko Hoshino d, Gretta T. Pecl a,e
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 49, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
Discipline of Geography and Spatial Sciences, School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Locked bag 4, Maroochydore DC, Queensland 4558, Australia
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart, Tasmania 7000, Australia
Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examines the extent to which the choice of management approach is a critical factor in en-
Received 23 December 2015 abling climate change adaptation in marine fisheries. Climate change is expected to compound many
Received in revised form pressing issues affecting fisheries management. Good governance of fisheries, which is critical to building
1 May 2016
their adaptive capacity and social-ecological resilience, is seen as ever more important in the context of
Accepted 11 May 2016
climate change. A range of fisheries management approaches have been developed and, to varying de-
Available online 26 May 2016
grees, applied. Each has been described in the literature as a promising way to manage marine resources.
Keywords: Through literature reviews and a survey of practitioners, this study explores how theoretical properties
Climate change adaptation of selected major management approaches (i.e., ecosystem-based management, adaptive management,
Fisheries management
co-management, adaptive co-management, and active adaptive management) enable climate change
adaptation, and how such properties are perceived by practitioners to manifest in practice using an
Adaptive management
Ecosystem-based management Australian marine fisheries context. Overall, the selected management approaches have the potential to
Practitioner perceptions enable climate change adaptation to varying degrees. Ecosystem-based management, in combination
with adaptive management and co-management as nested management approaches, possesses the full
array of adaptation capacities and attributes required for adaptation in fisheries. Distinctions between
theory and practice observed in this study highlight the importance of practitioner perceptions and
enabling institutional arrangements in adapting management to climate change.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction strategies and supply chains [9–11]. In sum, climate change is a

major threat to the sustainability of marine fisheries, and is ex-
As global climate changes as a result of increased greenhouse pected to exacerbate existing biophysical, social and economic
gases in the atmosphere, marine fisheries are being impacted by pressures [12,13].
warming sea temperatures, sea-level rise, changing ocean cur- The impacts of climate change on fisheries need to be appre-
rents, changes in nutrient supply and primary productivity, and ciated in the context of fisheries as sociol-ecological systems [14]
the increased frequency and intensity of extreme climate and and the linked societal drivers, such as changes in markets, tech-
nology and governance. Because of the dynamic and evolving
weather events [1,2]. These changes are also altering species
context in which fisheries are embedded, it is likely that climate
composition, abundance and distribution [3–5]. Consequently,
change will affect future fisheries systems differently [8,15] adding
fisheries resources, and the stability of supply, access and utiliza-
to uncertainty surrounding the effects of climate change on fish-
tion of those resources, are also being affected [6–8] with sig- eries and management regimes. The dynamic nature of climate
nificant implications for dependent communities and industries, change adds to the challenges regarding the effectiveness and
including requiring modification to fishing practices, livelihood flexibility of management focusing on single species fisheries
systems, single gear-type management controls, and conventional
Corresponding author at: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University
property-rights approaches [16–18].
of Tasmania, Private Bag 49, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia. There is a considerable volume of literature describing the need
E-mail address: (E.M. Ogier). to enhance resilience and build adaptive capacity in marine
0308-597X/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93 83

fisheries [10,19–21], and associated management and governance 2. Background

attributes required in the face of climate change [22–28]. In this
paper, resilience refers to the “amount of change a system can 2.1. Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Australian fisheries
undergo and still retain the same function and structure while management
maintaining options to develop” [29]; and, adaptive capacity de-
notes “…the preconditions necessary to enable adaptation, in- Australia is currently regarded as being at the forefront of
cluding social and physical elements, and the ability to mobilise marine fisheries management [50,51]. Major reforms established
these elements” [30]. Theoretical analyses have emphasised the in the early 1990s provide the basis for significant development in
two related directions. The introduction of output controls in a
need to engender the required attributes through implementation
wide range of fisheries with individual transferable quotas (ITQs)
of adaptive governance approaches informed by resilience think-
and harvest control rules (HCRs) have been matched by develop-
ing [30–35]. In contrast, embedding or “mainstreaming” the de-
ing collaborative partnership approaches to co-management, and
velopment of adaptive capacity within existing fisheries manage-
industry contributions to management through cost recovery
ment systems has been seen as the more practical approach to
principles. The establishment of iterative and adaptive manage-
addressing climate-driven changes [8]. As climate change is likely ment approaches has been facilitated by the development of tools
to exacerbate existing fisheries management problems [11], such as management strategy evaluation (MSE) [52,53]. These
adaptation options need to be assessed within prevailing devel- fishery or species based approaches have been matched by in-
opment contexts and governance goals [26,36–38]. creasing attention to the management of broader marine systems,
Tension between normative and pragmatic considerations has including a focus on ecosystem approaches to fisheries [50–52,54].
highlighted the perceptions of practitioners as an important, but Species-based approaches are being extended to encompass
still little understood, variable affecting conceptualisation and management of by-catch and, in some cases, habitat [55]. While a
operationalisation of resilience and adaptation [39–41]. Normative number of ecological and economic parameters are embedded,
resilience-based management approaches have been critiqued for there has been more limited progress in including the social sys-
their grounding in ecological theory to the exclusion of practi- tem in fisheries management [56]. There is, however, widespread
tioner experience [42], and considerations of utility and costs recognition of the significance of social objectives in Australian
posed by substantive changes to management systems [19]. On the fisheries management, and increasing concern with concepts such
other hand, pragmatic public policy can significantly enable or as a “social license to fish” [57].
constrain climate change adaptation in natural resource manage- Australian fisheries management reflects the country's federal
ment [41,43,44]. political structure, with jurisdiction over Australian fisheries
What remains unclear is the means available to enhance fish- shared between federal, state and territory governments [58].
eries adaptive capacity and resilience that would be more effective Federal government legislation has established statutory fishing
and timely in the face of climate change. Are development and rights, their registration and mechanisms for review of allocations,
and mechanisms for allocation of permits and licences [59,60]. It
implementation of new management approaches explicitly de-
has been federal government policy that ITQs are the preferred
rived from resilience thinking required? Or, can resilience prop-
management tool in its fisheries since 1990, with many state
erties and adaptive capacity be embedded and enhanced in fish-
fisheries also adopting quota management systems [61]. Industry
eries management approaches currently in use (for example,
has been responsible for 100 per cent of required attributed costs
ecosystem-based management)?
of management of federal government managed fisheries since
A mixed-method approach is used to examine the suitability of
1994/95 [62]. Cost recovery approaches underpin a number of
resilience-based and best-practice management approaches as elements of the co-management approach including funding for
platforms for climate change adaptation in the context of Aus- scientific assessments and enhancing partnership approaches to
tralia's marine fisheries. Five management approaches were se- management [53,63].
lected for analysis. Two of these are derived from resilience The reach of national-level environmental legislation to en-
thinking (i.e., adaptive co-management and active adaptive man- compass fisheries management has been one of the most sig-
agement), and have not yet been widely operationalised in prac- nificant changes affecting Australian fisheries policy and man-
tice [45,46]. The remaining three management approaches (i.e., co- agement. More specifically, this has included the introduction of
management, adaptive management, and ecosystem-based man- strategic assessment of fisheries for federal government managed
agement) are recognised as best-practice fisheries management fisheries and state export fisheries under the Environment Protec-
[45–48], and have been operationalised and implemented ex- tion and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). This as-
tensively [49]. Literature describing the normative and theoretical sessment is made against a standard set of guidelines for the
properties of each of the management approaches was reviewed ecologically sustainable development (ESD) of fisheries [64]. In
to identify and compare the degree to which they engender ca- explicitly identifying target and limit reference points related to
pacities identified as critical for adaptation in the context of cli- biomass, the development of a harvest strategy is significant, with
mate change (e.g., building resilience and adaptive capacity). At- harvest control rules being established as part of a formal man-
tributes identified in the literature as requirements of manage- agement procedure [65].
The current state of practice of the selected management ap-
ment regimes conducive to climate change adaptation were then
proaches varies across Australian marine fisheries (Table 1). As
identified [8,22,23,25]. Practitioner perceptions of the selected
mentioned above, while there has been implementation of co-
management approaches were ascertained using a survey of se-
management, adaptive management and ecosystem-based man-
nior fisheries managers to determine the presence or absence of
agement, there has been limited application of those management
adaptive attributes. The comparative suitability of the selected
approaches informed by resilience thinking within Australia.
management approaches as platforms for climate change adapta-
tion is examined, with particular considerations given to the role 2.2. Role of management approaches in contributing to climate
of practitioner perceptions. Concluding remarks on the implica- change adaptation in fisheries
tions of this study for fisheries management systems and for
adaptation research are then outlined. In this study, management approaches determine the key
84 E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93

Table 1
Examples of applications of the selected management approaches in Australian marine fisheries management. The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is
responsible for federally-managed fisheries, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is a federally-established authority, while the state acronyms indicate
state management; South Australia (SA), Queensland (QLD), Tasmania (TAS) and Western Australia (WA).

Management approach Australian fishery application and management Context

Co-management Northern Prawn Fishery (AFMA) Collaborative approach whereby industry association assumed responsibility
for real-time data collection and scientific and crew-based observation adaptive
for fishery assessment and management. Small number of commercial opera-
tors [103].
Lakes Entrance Fishery (part of the Southern and Eastern The Lakes Entrance Fishermen's Cooperative is applying its cooperative en-
Scalefish and Shark Fishery, AFMA) terprise structure and capabilities to take responsibility for: quota pooling and
monitoring; quota transaction and reconciliation processes; automated data
transmission and data collection protocols; and, industry self-regulated com-
pliance functions [103,104].
Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery (SA) A fishery in which annual and intra-annual growth is variable and therefore the
optimal time to harvest is also variable. Industry association coordinates pre-
season surveys and has authority to develop the annual harvest strategy. Small
number of commercial operators and no recreational sector [63,103].
Tasmanian Scallop Fishery (TAS) A boom and bust fishery (sporadic and intermittent recruitment). Industry as-
sociation coordinates pre-season surveys to inform annual harvest strategy and
has authority to manage fine-scale spatial management of fishing effort within
designated zones, in accordance with industry codes of practice. Small number
of commercial operators [63].
Adaptive management Lakes and Coorong Fishery (SA) A multi-species, multi-gear fishery exploited using a rotational harvest system,
which shifts effort from one species to another when one becomes financially
non-viable to target, or spreads effort across several species when conditions
are ideal. Low mechanisation fishing methods enables rapid shift in target
species as adaptive. Various input and output controls are triggered by key
environmental parameters (namely, water flow) falling outside reference levels
Majority of federally-managed fisheries (i.e. those fish- Each AFMA harvest strategy sets out management actions that are needed to
eries managed by AFMA) through application of MSE and achieve defined biological and economic objectives for a single fish stock or
HCR group of fish stocks. This includes specifying: ‘control rules’ that regulate the
level of fishing activity, and monitoring and assessment processes to inform
both setting and progress of the harvest strategy objectives.
MSE is used to conduct evaluation of the entire management cycle in the de-
velopment of harvest strategies [51,65].
Tasmanian Scallop Fishery (TAS) See description under ‘Co-management’
Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery (SA) See description under ‘Co-management’
Ecosystem-based Great Barrier Reef (QLD/GBRMPA) Policy guidance triggered by increased non-fishing pressures re-directed focus
approaches from protection of selected individual reefs/fisheries to stewardship of the
larger-scale seascape. Subsequent re-zoning process focused on maintaining
ecosystem function and biodiversity [106,107].
Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management (EBFM) frame- Operational extension of ESD policy using a qualitative risk-based approach to
work (WA) identify high priority ecological assets requiring direct management action

normative, theoretical and operational elements and the broad of the contribution of management approaches to adaptation for
relationships between those elements that inform the specific marine fisheries beyond the recommended strategy of improving
management arrangements for common-pool marine resources fisheries management and governance more broadly to build re-
within a broad governance system. Management approaches are silience and enable adaptive capacity [8,12,22,26]. Extensive work
high-level conceptualisations of normative, generalised govern- has been undertaken reviewing specific adaptation tools for nat-
ance arrangements (Fig. 1) [47,66,67]. They can inform all levels of ural resource management, and identifying criteria for selecting
fisheries management, in the case of ecosystem-based manage- those tools most likely to maximise adaptation in a given context
ment, or inform specific management components such as harvest [70–73]. However, reliance on targeted management tools as
control rules or decision-making processes, in the case of co- technical fixes to mitigate or adapt to specific impacts is a function
management or adaptive management [68,69]. In practice, multi- of “short planning horizons that focus on immediate problems”
ple management approaches are commonly implemented for the [26,67]. Analysis of the suite of management tools available to
same fishery or marine system in reflection of the iterative de- respond to climate driven range shifts in marine systems suggests
velopment and broad mandate of fisheries governance arrange- that, given the delays in implementing targeted tools, applying
ments (Table 1). management approaches which build resilience and adaptive ca-
Because management approaches delineate the breadth of va- pacity across a fishery social-ecological system may be a better
lues and concerns included in the scope of management ar- management response [15].
rangements and the array of actors engaged in decision-making,
they exert a determining influence on the capability of marine
fisheries management arrangements to enhance adaptive capacity 3. Methods
and build resilience [24]. In particular, management approaches
can create leverage in implementing policy options and activities 3.1. Review of theoretical properties of selected management
to enable adaptation in marine fisheries [8]. approaches
Adaptation to climate change requires enabling at all levels of a
fisheries management system. There has been limited evaluation The theoretical properties of the five selected management
E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93 85

Fig. 1. Conceptualisation of the role of management approaches within fisheries management. Dashed arrows and boxes represent potential inputs and feedbacks. For example,
objectives can help to select or develop the management approach being applied to a given fishery, just as the management approach informs the development of objectives.

approaches were reviewed to determine the extent to which they selected if they: contributed to one or more of the identified cri-
possessed “critical capacities” of fisheries management and gov- tical capacities (Section 3.1); and, were independent of institu-
ernance that enable climate change adaptation and build resi- tional settings (i.e., a fundamental adaptive attribute of the man-
lience (Table 2). Critical capacities are identified in the literature agement approach) and, therefore, applicable across a broad range
on resilience [30,74–76], natural resource management and bio- of fishery contexts. Adaptive attributes with a sole focus on gov-
diversity conservation [25,77], fisheries management science ernance quality itself, without any direct contribution to enhan-
[65,68,78–80], and global environmental change and adaptation cing resilience or building adaptive capacity, were omitted. The
[33,81,82]. These include: selected attributes were then modified to meet the specifications
of the survey design and their application to marine fisheries at a
1. Learning orientation. workshop of members of Australia's National Climate Change
2. Capacity to cope with complexity and uncertainty. Adaptation Research Network for Marine Biodiversity and Re-
3. Long term focus. sources in September 2012.
4. Ecosystem focus. Survey participants were approached on the basis of their
5. Integration of multiple sectors and scales. professional expertise in the development and application of
6. Monitoring and review capability, and fisheries management approaches in Australia. A list of practi-
7. Enhanced stakeholder engagement and empowerment. tioners was drawn up from a review of previous research projects
and publicly available information (e.g., fisheries management
3.2. Survey design agency websites). Participants invited to take part in the survey
included: heads of fisheries or marine resource management
A semi-quantitative survey-questionnaire of practitioners was agencies from all states and territories; and heads of fisheries re-
conducted to determine the extent to which adaptive attributes are search provider organisations across Australia. Eighteen partici-
perceived to be present in each of the management approaches. To pants – from a total of 26 invitees – completed the online survey
identify “adaptive attributes” for assessment of the suitability of (response rate¼70%).
each of the management approaches as platforms for climate Participants were provided with a brief description of each of
change adaptation, the study draws on previous evaluations of the five management approaches in the context of fisheries
fisheries governance [23], adaptation and fisheries management management. They were asked to consider the application or po-
[22,26,38], and marine biodiversity conservation governance in the tential application of each of the management approaches to
context of climate change [25]. The adaptive governance regime Australian fisheries with which they were familiar. Participants
requirements identified by Lockwood et al. [25] were initially de- were then asked to rate the extent to which each of the man-
rived from resilience and other adaptive governance management agement approaches possessed each of the 17 critical adaptive
approaches and subsequently refined by a panel of international attributes. A five-level Likert-type scale [83] was used (0 ¼Unsure/
marine scientists and marine biodiversity managers using an Not Assessable, 1¼ Strongly Disagree, 2 ¼Disagree, 3 ¼Neutral,
iterative multi-stage process of expert elicitation (Delphi method). 4 ¼Agree, 5 ¼Strongly Agree). Participants were also requested to
Seventeen adaptive attributes (Table 3) were selected from the provide examples of fisheries where each of the management
36 identified by Lockwood et al. [25]. Adaptive attributes were approaches had been implemented, as well as general comments.
86 E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93

Table 2
Overview of selected fisheries management approaches and their potential contributions to climate change adaptation.

Description Strengths Limitations Potential contribution to climate

change adaptation

“[A]n arrangement where responsibility Improvements in the legitimacy and effi- Can exacerbate existing power im- Provides a platform for conflict resolu-
for resource management is shared ciency of governance processes and balances [98]; tion and negotiation of trade-offs [117];
between government and user groups” management functions [110], including Over-representation of extractive in- Involves systematic learning and in-
[109]. Support for co-management de- improved acceptance of climate change terests can overwhelm non-use values novation [98];
rives from the recognition of the limits adaptation strategies and reduced costs [113]; Builds capacity and empowers stake-
of government action. It differs from for government; Resource management agencies can holders through shared responsibility
community-based management in that Governance benefits include more ap- be captured by private interests [110]; [118];
government is involved in decision- propriate, efficient and equitable pro- Some resource user groups may lose Collaborative engagement improves
making about fisheries management. cesses through decentralization of re- their customary access [114]; acceptance of climate change adapta-
source management decisions, en- State power can be extended unin- tion strategies [119];
couragement of stakeholder participation, tentionally into communities suppo- Enhances long-term planning [111];
and fostering of conflict resolution [111]; sedly being empowered by co-man- Provides flexibility to cope with com-
Management functions of long-term agement [113]; plexities imposed by increased change
planning and inclusive decision-making Local and national priorities may con- and variability [26,112].
may be enhanced by co-management ap- flict [115];
proaches [111]; Expectations for participation and
Potential for systematic learning and in- empowerment may be unfulfilled
novation under conditions of uncertainty [112];
[98]; Weakened focus on ecological system
Empowerment and responsibility shared (target species issues dominate);
with industry; Without strong institutional forms, co-
Balancing of social and economic con- management arrangements can fall
siderations with those of ecological (ac- apart with large numbers and highly
cording to industry); diverse commercial operators [116].
Encourages stakeholder participation and
facilitation of conflict resolution;
Learning is central to co-management's
value as an adaptive strategy [112].
Adaptive management
Concerns the facilitation of learning from Addresses the challenge of operating with Learning may become quickly out-da- An iterative process that reduces un-
management decisions and feedback of impartial knowledge and allows progress ted; certainty in a goal-oriented and struc-
those lessons in following rounds of in the absence of complete information Passive adaptive management can tured process [121];
decision-making [120]; [120]; move a system to a threshold where Accounts for system complexity by in-
Emphasizes structured learning by do- Involves continual review of management abrupt change occurs [122]; tegrating ecological, social and eco-
ing [121]. outputs and outcomes and allows for ad- Monitoring may be focussed on com- nomic drivers [94];
justments in response to new informa- pliance and not learning [77]; Better able to deal with change through
tion; Areas of application may be limited managing for both short-term and
In cases where there is cost-recovery, can [123]; long-term impacts [125];
allow for new research to address new Considerable implementation pro- Provides platform for review and ad-
questions (vs closure in the case of in- blems exist [124]. justment of strategies;
complete information). Accounts for complexity by considering
multiple sectors and policies [126];
Embraces complexity, variability and
uncertainty [127].
Active adaptive management
A more responsive form of adaptive (See strengths as listed for Adaptive Application best limited to ecosystems Provides platform for active social
management [89], in which the re- Management) where human influence is evident but learning through experimentation, re-
lationship between management and Relationship between management and not heavy and restoration of ecological experimentation, hypothesis genera-
learning is interactive and highly cou- learning is interactive and highly coupled functions and processes has most po- tion and testing [89];
pled. [89]; tential [123]; Encourages diverse inputs of knowl-
Management is an iterative process of Incorporates features consistent with Can be less participatory if high level edge and experience through mechan-
experimentation, re-experimentation, maintaining the sustainability of fisheries analytical framework is used (e.g. isms for multi-stakeholder involvement
and continuous hypothesis-generation in the context of uncertainty, limitations MSE); [23];
and testing which guide decision-mak- on knowledge and high levels of system Continuous hypothesis-generation Embraces ecosystem scale and system
ing. complexity: and testing which guide decision- complexity [23].
Active adaptive management “involves  management activities are specifically making can reduce security and sta-
a process of active learning, planning, designed to test hypotheses through bility of operating environment for
evaluation and judgment about the ecosystem scale holistic experiments; commercial operators;
socio-economic-ecological environ-  complexity is embraced; Biophysical system remains central to
ment and the effects of key decision  mechanisms for multidisciplinary and management with social dimensions
variables” [23]. multi-stakeholder involvement are only included to the extent that they
provided; and serve fisheries management
 there is strong emphasis on social objectives.
learning [89].
Adaptive co-management
A matured state of co-management ar- Empowerment for industry through co- High level of engagement adaptive by Social networks set up for co-manage-
rangement [128], linking the iterative management; industry to participate; ment are helpful in dealing with cli-
learning aspects of adaptive manage- Wider set of considerations than co- Long time frame for reporting back on mate hazards [82];
ment with the shared management management (that is, it is concerned with new evidence (e.g. need better real- Embraces complex adaptive systems
responsibility of co-management [90] ecosystem dynamics); time systems); thinking e.g., cross-scale interactions
and concerned with ecosystem dy- Has potential to develop adaptive capa- Effective adaptive co-management is and ecosystem dynamics [81];
namics [88]; city, social-ecological resilience, sustain- dependent on how well decision- Provides mechanisms to adjust to
At least five variables have been able resource use, and enhanced making institutions fit their social- change [88];
E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93 87

Table 2 (continued )

Description Strengths Limitations Potential contribution to climate

change adaptation

identified as most characteristic of efficiency and effectiveness of manage- ecological conditions, effective com- Accounts for system complexity by op-
adaptive co-management: learning, ment [129]; munication processes among key lea- erating across multiple levels [130];
knowledge, networks, shared power, Offers a way of studying and structuring ders, intergroup cooperation, and po- Encourages autonomous adjustment by
and organizational interactions [129]; increasingly coupled social-ecological litical management skills [88]. fishers and their communities, values
As much concerned with the social, systems [81]. different knowledge sets (tacit, tradi-
institutional and ecological dimensions tional and scientific) and fosters colla-
of resource management as with the borative decision-making across key
resource itself. stakeholders [22].
Ecosystem based management (EBM)
Arising in response to recognition of a Consideration of non-target species, in- Costly data requirements [135]; Embraces change, learning and adapt-
crisis of biodiversity, EBM is an ap- cluding habitats and ecological commu- Complex and expensive implementa- ing policies [138];
proach to resource management that nities; tion [135]; Assists fisheries’ adaptation to climate
grounds management in the ecological Recognizes other needs in the ecosystem Weak governance arrangements, e.g., change by enhancing and protecting
system [131]. EBM explicitly takes ac- (e.g. ecosystem allocation to seabirds) and instability, non-cooperation among natural ecosystems and the goods and
count of the main extrinsic forcers on aims to sustain a broader range of eco- governance entities, large number of services they produce [139];
the dynamics of harvested fish stocks system services than single species; jurisdictions [135]; Better able to deal with change whe-
as well as the full suite and magnitude Better alignment of fisheries with other Integrating economic, ecological and ther gradual or abrupt through mana-
of impacts of harvesting on all ecosys- marine planning processes [134]; social issues can be very complex ging for the long-term [125];
tem components, including species, Recognizes the importance of changes in [134]; Application of a precautionary ap-
human and non-human, and the en- the environment (e.g. productivity, cli- Monitoring costs can be prohibitive proach and adaptive management
vironments in which they live mate variability and change); across all aspects of the ecosystem. helps to account for uncertainty of fu-
[80,91,132]; Social, economic, and ecological view- Need prioritization tool (e.g. Ecological ture climate impacts on fisheries and
EBM has arisen in response to the re- points are taken into account; Risk Assessment) [54]; marine ecosystems [140];
cognition that single species manage- Decision-making that integrates across all The large number of interest groups Accounts for complexity by considering
ment has caused complex, potentially human activities impacting the same represented in decision making can multiple sectors and policies [126] and
cascading effects on marine food webs, ecosystem; lead to paralysis [80]; addressing cumulative impacts [134].
including biomass reduction, trophic Allows for more efficient use of manage- Different expectations of stakeholder
cascades, fishing down food webs and ment resources [134]. groups can raise transaction costs
rapid evolution [133]. [80];
Lack of scientific knowledge about
ecosystem dynamics [136] and an in-
ability to predict how natural systems
are likely to respond to human inter-
vention limits the ability to implement
complex range of EBM criteria;
Absence of a clear approach or toolkit
for EBM implementation;
Considerable gap in translation of EBM
principles proposed by scientists and
their incorporation in management
plans [132];
Existing gaps in social science knowl-
edge limit EBM application [125];
Existing institutional context can limit
EBM implementation [137].

The survey results were analysed by determining the fre- components constitute those properties required to enhance re-
quencies of the six responses for each management approach silience and build adaptive capacity (Table 2). All of the selected
against each attribute. A management approach was deemed to management approaches have an adaptive orientation and,
possess an adaptive attribute when 50% or more of respondents therefore, a measure of flexibility. As such they may be, in theory,
either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement. The total suitable for coping with complexity and uncertainty and hence
number of adaptive attributes observed to be present in each change to varying degrees. Distinctions between the theoretical
management approach was then examined to indicate the extent components of the selected management approaches are strongest
to which each management approach possessed adaptive attri- with regard to learning orientation; ecosystem focus; and, en-
butes likely to engender resilience and adaptive capacity for a gi- hanced stakeholder engagement and empowerment.
ven fisheries system. Learning is a central requirement in adjusting to the dynamism,
Respondents' comments regarding the management ap- complexity and uncertainty associated with climate-driven change
[31,85]. Monitoring and review are essential to processes of
proaches were examined using content analysis [84], based on
learning and therefore climate change adaptation. Monitoring
coding categories derived directly from the comments data.
provides the feedback loop on management experiments that
generate new knowledge. This new knowledge, in turn, becomes
the basis of further experimentation. It is also necessary for eval-
4. Results and discussion uating the effectiveness of management actions in relation to re-
source status objectives, and for facilitating improved manage-
4.1. Theoretical contributions of selected management approaches to ment [81,86]. Each of the fisheries management approaches with
climate change adaptation an adaptive dimension has components that link monitoring to
iterative phases of decisions and evaluation of alternative strate-
The selected management approaches are strongly differ- gies, and result in learning used to improve decision-making in the
entiated in the literature by the extent to which their normative context of change.
Table 3
Percentage of survey respondents who perceived that adaptive attributes for climate change adaptation were present in selected fisheries management approaches (presence of an attribute is indicated when 50% or more of
respondents either Agreed or Strongly Agreed that it was present).

Critical capacity Adaptive attributes Co-management Adaptive Active adaptive Adaptive co- Ecosystem-based
management management management management

1. Learning orientation 1.1 Systems and processes that enable continuous testing of as- 41 75 75 75 75
sumptions, management experiments, and adjustment of
2. Capacity to cope with complexity 2.1 Decision systems which take account of and respond to the 43 86 100 64 72
and uncertainty possibility of nonlinear or abrupt change and, where necessary, the

E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93

need for transformation
2.2 Stakeholders who understand and work with the structures, 84 53 54 84 77
functions and values of the relevant social-ecological system or
2.3 Levels of redundancy (that is, multiple actors with responsi- 50 17 17 33 17
bilities) in decision systems and processes
3. Long term focus 3.1 Precautionary approach 25 58 59 58 75
3.2 Processes that consider intra- and inter-generational distribu- 8 17 33 8 50
tions of costs and benefits
4. Ecosystem focus 4.1 Values biodiversity and ecosystem services 47 63 69 56 100
4.2 Ecosystem performance indicators 25 25 33 25 75
5. Integration of multiple sectors 5.1 Provisions to take account of management decisions made at 54 61 69 54 92
and scales other levels and resultant feedbacks
5.2 Presence of multi-level arrangements and mechanisms to facil- 25 25 25 25 58
itate interplay between institutions and jurisdictions
6. Monitoring and review capability 6.1 Decision systems which integrate and deploy quality spatial and 50 71 71 64 72
temporal information (for example, biophysical, social, economic,
legal, operational)
6.2 Monitoring, assessment and decision systems which are re- 66 91 100 92 75
sponsive to change signals in target species
6.3 Monitoring, assessment and decision systems which are re- 41 75 75 75 75
sponsive to change signals in ecosystems
6.4 Monitoring of negative externalities (that is, unintended im- 33 42 42 33 58
pacts) arising from adaptation responses by fishing fleets
6.5 Biological performance indicators 67 91 100 83 75
7. Enhanced stakeholder engage- 7.1 Diversity of knowledge forms (citizen science & fisher ecological 83 58 58 83 58
ment and empowerment knowledge) used in decision making
E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93 89

One of the main distinctions between the selected manage- management links different organizational levels including the
ment approaches is the degree of reassessment of management community level with different levels of government and with
approaches undertaken. Given the significant implications of cli- industry, thus fostering social learning processes crucial to the
mate change for the marine environment and for fisheries, the adaptive capacity of social-ecological systems [98–100]. This
level of change required to adapt could necessitate significant management approach uses collaborative processes of knowledge
changes or “transformations” in governance [33,87]. Learning by co-production and problem-solving at multiple scales [88]. Active
trial-and-error or simple adjustments to management objectives adaptive management offers mechanisms for multi-stakeholder
(i.e., single-loop learning), such as modifying catch limits to con- involvement, a necessary but not a sufficient condition for social
form to target harvest rates, is at some point in the future unlikely learning, which helps stakeholders cope with informational and
to be sufficient under climate change conditions. Multiple learning normative uncertainty associated with social-ecological change
iterations or loops (also called double- and triple-looped learning) and facilitates building the consensus necessary for collective
[76,81], which involve a re-evaluation of assumptions, key re- adaptiveness [99]. Similarly, ecosystem-based management is
lationships and mental models, are more likely to support the premised on the inclusion of the social system and is argued to
capacity for transformational change. Management changes re- include co-management and participatory approaches in-principle
sulting from this level of learning could include revising the [24]. However, the extent to which enhancing stakeholder en-
models used to calculate total allowable catch [88] or a switch to gagement and empowerment is an explicit, normative component
supporting alternative sectors, such as tourism. of the management approach is contested; hence, the re-
The management approaches that explicitly incorporate mul- commendation for development of social-ecological systems ap-
tiple learning iterations are active adaptive management and proaches [70,75].
adaptive co-management [89]. Active adaptive management pro-
vides a platform for learning through experimentation, re-ex- 4.2. Practitioner perceptions
perimentation, hypothesis generation and testing. Adaptive co-
management has a medium to long time horizon with multiple In practice, all of the management approaches considered here
iterative cycles of learning and adaptation [90]. This management are equipped to address climate change challenges to an extent.
approach also fosters the capacity for timely adjustment of man- Analysis of the survey data indicated that respondents perceive
agement settings in response to changes in the state of the re- that four of the management approaches in the context of Aus-
source through its capability for rapid feedback of updated sci- tralian fisheries possess at least 70% of the key adaptive attributes
entific information. with the exception being co-management, which is perceived to
Incorporation of ecosystem dynamics and services, including possess 47% of the attributes (Table 3, Fig. 2 – see Supplementary
stable fisheries, is a critical capacity of management approaches data). The observed differences between the management ap-
conducive to climate change adaptation in fisheries [88]. Ecosys- proaches as identified by practitioners largely align with the the-
tem-based management explicitly takes account of the main ex- oretical differentiation described in the literature (Section 4.1,
trinsic forcers on the dynamics of harvested fish stocks, as well as Table 2).
the full suite and magnitude of impacts of harvesting on all eco- Ecosystem-based management is identified by practitioners as
system components, including species, human and non-human, the optimal management approach for equipping fisheries man-
and the environments in which they live [80,91]. Adaptive co- agement systems with the adaptive attributes necessary to en-
management's concern with the linked social-ecological system, hance adaptive capacity and resilience. In accordance with the
and the requirement that management be focussed at the bior- theoretical account of this management approach (Section 4.1,
egional scale, also provide adjustment to change at the ecosystem Table 2), the observed results indicate that ecosystem-based fish-
scale [92]. Active adaptive management is similarly equipped eries management possesses almost all of the adaptive attributes
through its processes of “active learning, planning, evaluation and (16 out of 17). The attribute observed to be missing by participants
judgment about the socio-economic-ecological environment and is levels of redundancy arising from the participation of multiple
the effects of key decision variables” [23]. The co-management and actors with responsibilities in decision systems and processes,
adaptive management approaches do not preclude an emphasis on which reinforces the critique of this approach, that is, that it lacks
ecosystem scale and dynamics, but these approaches are com- an explicit social-ecological system focus (Section 4.1). Attributes
monly limited in their application to the management of target which only the ecosystem-based management approach was
species (Table 1). deemed by practitioners to possess include: processes that con-
Enhancing stakeholder engagement and empowerment is sider intra- and inter-generational distributions of costs and ben-
likely to engender shared understanding through social learning efits; presence of multi-level arrangements and mechanisms to
and provide mechanisms for addressing social barriers to adap- facilitate interplay between institutions and jurisdictions; and,
tation - thereby enhancing the capacity to confront and address monitoring of negative externalities (that is, unintended impacts)
complex decision contexts. Learning processes are optimised arising from adaptation responses by fishing fleets.
where stakeholders are engaged as collaborators, and where there The co-management approach was perceived to have 8 of the
is acceptance of the value and legitimacy of diverse forms and 17 adaptive attributes in the context of Australian fisheries (Ta-
sources of knowledge [25,93]. It has been shown that a diverse ble 3, Fig. 2 – see Supplementary data). Adaptive attributes which
range of disciplinary participants and of functional groups are practitioners deemed to be absent in the co-management ap-
critical to generating a holistic understanding of resource dy- proach were attributes that contribute to the following critical
namics, diverse solutions to resource issues, and social learning capacities: an explicit ecosystem-level, as well as long-term, focus;
[94]. and a learning orientation. The following critical capacities were
Co-management offers a management approach for substantive observed to be only partially present: capacity to cope with
engagement and empowerment of stakeholders and, in so doing, complexity and uncertainty; integration of multiple sectors and
creates a platform for conflict resolution and negotiation of trade- scales; and, monitoring and review capability (Table 3). These
offs. Reduced conflict and resistance to climate change adaptation observed gaps concur with the limitations in the scope of this
strategies, as well as more efficient and equitable adaptation management approach identified in the theoretical assessment
processes, are likely to result from decentralized or polycentric (Section 4.1, Table 2). The particular strength of co-management
resource management arrangements [79, 95–97]. Adaptive co- arrangements in contributing to adaptive capacity and resilience
90 E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93

arises from the decentralized and participatory governance ar- approaches when they were impeded by any applied knowledge of
rangements which are likely to engender reduced conflict and active adaptive and adaptive co-management, in particular, and
greater levels of trust and acceptance of adaptation pathways. The the importance of context (including institutional arrangements)
co-management approach is the only approach observed by in determining the extent to which adaptive attributes were
practitioners to enable levels of redundancy arising from the present.
participation of multiple actors with responsibilities in decision
systems and processes.
The adaptive management, active adaptive management and 5. Implications for adaptive governance of fisheries
adaptive co-management approaches were observed by practi-
tioners to possess the same 12 adaptive attributes (Table 3, Fig. 2 – Practitioners perceived each of the management approaches as
see Supplementary data). The five attributes deemed not to be equipped to an extent to enable adaptation to threats and oppor-
present include: levels of redundancy (that is, multiple actors with tunities arising due to climate-driven changes. Both the theoretical
responsibilities) in decision systems and processes; processes that assessment and observed results suggest that these management
consider intra- and inter-generational distributions of costs and approaches have a focus on building adaptive capacity, reducing
benefits; ecosystem performance indicators; presence of multi- vulnerability and increasing social-ecological resilience while
level arrangements and mechanisms to facilitate interplay be- promoting sustainable fisheries. Daw et al. [8] suggest that a good
tween institutions and jurisdictions; and, monitoring of negative strategy to support future adaptations – including those not cur-
externalities (that is, unintended impacts) arising from adaptation rently foreseen – is investing in generic adaptive capacity and re-
responses by fishing fleets. This result indicates that the following silient fisheries systems. Increased adaptive capacity can be
critical capacities are only partially present: an ecosystem-level achieved by locating fisheries management within a governance
focus; a long term focus; and integration of multiple sectors and regime containing flexible and equitable institutions, which re-
scales. Compared with co-management, these adaptive manage- volves around the implementation of good fisheries governance.
ment approaches were all observed to have greater capacity in Hence, by supporting improved governance, the management
coping with complexity and uncertainty; in monitoring and re- approaches in question comprise important enablers of adaptation
view; and in systems-based learning orientation (specifically, to climate change. Our analysis distinguished specific strengths,
systems and processes that enable continuous testing of assump- weakness and capacities of each of the management approaches.
tions, management experiments, and adjustment of interven- Ecosystem-based management is highly-equipped for climate
tions). Compared with ecosystem-based management, practi- change adaptation. It can help increase the adaptability and resi-
tioners were more likely to strongly agree that these adaptive lience of fisheries resources, associated ecosystems, and depen-
approaches possessed attributes which enable monitoring and dent communities and industries; consider multiple sectors and
review capability (Fig. 2 – see Supplementary data). Strengths of policies; address cumulative impacts; consider scientific and
these approaches include enabling a platform for active social technical information; and embrace ecosystem services. This
learning through experimentation, review and evaluation, re-ex- analysis of both theoretical properties and practitioner perceptions
perimentation, hypothesis generation and testing – all of which has highlighted the utility and performance of this management
enable identification, implementation and evaluation of adapta- approach, particularly given its breadth of scope which can en-
tion options. compass other management approaches, namely co-management
These practitioner observations of adaptive, active adaptive and and adaptive management, as nested structures [24]. There ap-
adaptive co-management approaches are in broad agreement with pears to be no additional incentives for implementing either of the
the theoretical assessment (Section 4.1, Table 2). However practi- resilience-based management approaches (active adaptive man-
tioner observations diverge from the theoretical assessment in one agement and adaptive co-management), particularly given the
area: all three of these adaptive approaches were deemed by potentially high transaction costs to overcome their lack of oper-
practitioners to possess the attributes of diversity of knowledge ationalisation in Australia. Ecosystem approaches to fisheries are
forms (for example, local fisher knowledge and citizen science) being endorsed and their implementation supported both within
used in decision making; and, inclusion of economic, social and Australia [101,102] and internationally [47]. Features of co-man-
community performance indicators. In contrast, both the adaptive agement and adaptive management can be integrated into eco-
and active adaptive management approaches have been critiqued system-based approaches to ensure collaborative opportunities for
in the literature for their lack of explicit emphasis on enhanced stakeholder involvement and strengthen iterative management.
stakeholder engagement and empowerment (Section 4.1, Table 2). The review of theoretical properties revealed that the selected
This highlights the lack of differentiation by practitioners between management approaches can differentiated theoretically in terms
these three approaches, in contrast to the theoretical assessment of a number of critical capacities. By comparing this result with the
in which the three approaches are distinguished from each other observations of fisheries management practitioners, our analysis
with regard to the level of explicit stakeholder engagement, use of has highlighted the lower level of differentiation of management
the social-ecological systems framework (that is, ecosystem-level approaches by practitioners. These findings may reflect the lack of
focus), and the number of levels of iterative learning and adapta- implementation and, therefore, familiarity with the two resilience-
tion (Section 4.1, Table 2). based management approaches. Further potential reasons for the
Overall the observed results support the theoretical account of discrepancy between theory and practice may include: practi-
the management approaches examined here. In a few instances, tioners are not aware of the finer theoretical differences between
practitioners were more likely to ascribe attributes to approaches the management approaches; theoretical properties and distinc-
in contrast to the theoretical assessment. This may be accounted tions between management approaches are less relevant in a
for by use of multiple approaches in combination to manage practical management situation; management procedures are not
fisheries, which survey participants noted is a common occurrence responsive enough to highlight and implement the differences; or,
in Australian fisheries. It was observed that, in some cases, co- institutional arrangements reinforce “business as usual” behaviour
management and adaptive management were applied as tools regardless of the particular management approach.
within a broader ecosystem approach to fisheries that en- These tensions between theory and practice potentially affect
compassed ecosystem-based management. Further comments the capacity of fisheries management systems to adapt to chan-
from participants concerned the challenge in comparing ging requirements of governance capability in the context of
E.M. Ogier et al. / Marine Policy 71 (2016) 82–93 91

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