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Research Design

The research design of a study outlines the basic approach that researchers use

to answer their research question (Polit & Beck, 2010). To meet the aims and objectives

of the study, it is important that the researcher selects the most appropriate design for

achieving the aims of the study (Parahoo, 2006).

The true experimental design was chosen as an appropriate research method,

specifically the Posttest Only Controlled Group Design, where the researcher is able to

manipulate and control the independent variables, treatment and the subject. It is

proposed that the researcher is to observe and record the data and differences of the

experimental group and controlled group during the days.

Sample size Determination

The sample size that we are going to use on our study is fifteen, 10 - 15 day old broiler
chicken with the same height and weight for they will be used in the treatment that we will be

There are 5 broiler chicks in each trial that will be needed in our 3 treatment trial.

Subject of the Study

Broiler Chicken a a gallinaceous domesticated gowl, bred and raised specifically for meat
production. They are a hybrid of the egg-laying chicken, both being a subspecies of red
junglefowl Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. Most commercial broilers
reach slaughter-weight at between five and seven weeks of age although slower growing
breeds reach slaughter-weight at approximately 10 weeks of age.

Data Gathering Method

Statistical Analysis
Calendar of the Activity

Date Activity
October 15-21, 2017 Making of Cages
October 28, 2017 Buying of 10-day old broiler chicks
October 29, 2017 Starting of experiment
October 29- December 9, 2017 Treatments are occurring, the height and weight
of chicken will be measure every week.
December 9, 2017 End of the study
January 6-7, 2018 Final Output

Observation Forms

Criteria Week Height Weight Observation

Treatment 1

Treatment 2

Treatment 3

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