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1. What is panel display?

Panel displays are created with the
help of technology other than CRT
2. Give the full form of LCD and LED?
*Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD).
*Light Emiting Diode.
3. What is the use of video capture card?
Video capture cards are circuit
boards used to convert analog video
signal from video camera,DVD player etc.
to digital signal. The converted digital
signal can be displayed on the display
device or can be recorded on a hard disc.
4. Define adaptors?
Display adaptor is a circuit board.
This is used to convert the raw data to
image data that can be displayed on the
5. Give the full form of SVGA and EGA?
*Super Video Graphics Array
*Endanced Graphics Adaptor
6. Give the principle of SMPS?
Basic principle of SMPS is, the input C
voltage is first rectified and filtered. This
unregulated DC voltage is fed to a high
frequency DC-to-CD converter to
produce regulated DC voltage levels.
7. List the output voltage levels of SMPS?
SMPS stands for switch mode power
supply. This receives 230V. a.c and
translates it into different dc levels such
as +5V,-5V, +12,and-12V.
8. Define power good?
Power good signal is a +5V signal
generated in the SMPS.this voltages is
present in the grey color cable. Power
good signal is given to the motherboard
to tell the computer that all the voltage
levels are good in the SMPS and can be
9. Give the difference between off-line
UPS and on-line UPS?

Off-line UPS On-line UPS

*An off-line UPS is *Batteries are
otherwise called always connected
standby power to the output
system. *it through inverter.
uses a circuit to *So always it is
sense the AC input. supplying power
from the battery to
the computer.
*therefore On-line
UPS’s get never
because it does not
need to switch its
output from main
power to batteries.
10. What is the use of stabilizers?
Stabilizers are used to boost or buck
the incoming voltage to give a constant
output voltage.
11. Define spike guard?
Spike is defined as an over voltage
that lasts for shorter duration say one or
two nano seconds. This damages the
electronic equipment.
12. What is meant by BIOS?
BIOS stands for basic input output
system. All the motherboards comes
with them. A BIOS chip called CMOS
RAM. This contains read only programs
that are used to setup the computer
13. Define cold and warm booting?
Cold booting is defined as a process of
turning on the computer system after it
has been powered off.

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