Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

I Fill the gaps with the words from the box.

moment shipped here person explain

moment returned spell talk appointment reason
message number alright invoice let available

1. Can I ask you the _______________of your call?

2. Can you ______________ your name please? Okay, J-O-H-N.
3. He is out of the office at this ____________________.
4. Can I take a ___________________ for Mr. Brown?
5. What is your telephone ___________________?
6. Everything is __________________ for you. Just calm down.
7. _________ me know if you want to go home.
8. Hold on a ______________ while I find a pen.
9. He is not the ________________ who deals with the order.
10.No one is _____________ to solve the problem but me.
11.I’d like to _________________ why it happened.
12.He _____________ from the business trip last week.
13.Are you available to ____________ about it now?
14.We will send you an _______________ with the products you ordered.
15.I have an ______________ with my doctor today.
16.The products were ___________________ yesterday.
17.The service is not ___________________ at this moment.

Making requests

I’d like to…

Could I…

Could you, please, tell me….

Expressing regret / polite refusals

I’m sorry but…

Unfortunately, …

I’m afraid that…

Expressing agreement

Certainly, sir.

Of course, it will be done (by Monday).

Alright, we agreed that….

Thank you, sir/madam.


No problem.

Concluding the conversation

Have a nice day / evening / weekend.

Have a pleasant stay…

Safe travels!

We are looking forward to…

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