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Child Development, May/June 2007, Volume 78, Number 3, Pages 825 – 838

Peer Selection and Socialization Effects on Adolescent Intercourse Without a

Condom and Attitudes About the Costs of Sex
David B. Henry, Michael E. Schoeny, Daneen P. Deptula, and John T. Slavick
University of Illinois at Chicago

This study investigated peer selection and socialization effects on sexual behavior and attitudes using 1,350
15- to 18-year-old students participating in two waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
Regarding socialization effects, friends’ intercourse without condoms predicted later individual intercourse
without condoms positively. Friends’ attitudes about the costs of sex predicted later individual attitudes pos-
itively and intercourse without condoms negatively. The latter relation was stronger for females than for males.
Regarding selection effects, individual attitudes predicted later friends’ attitudes positively, but the strength of
this effect varied by ethnicity. The results suggest that adolescents socialize friends to have similar sexual at-
titudes and behavior but tend to select friends based on similar attitudes rather than similar behaviors.

Peer influences can increase risk for alcohol, tobacco, Marmer, 1999; Udry & Billy, 1987). Although the
and other drug use among adolescents (Ennett & importance of peers for understanding risk is widely
Bauman, 1996; Ozer, Weinstein, Maslach, & Siegel, acknowledged, there is disagreement about the
1997; Perkins & Wechsler, 1996; Wood, Nagoshi, & processes involved in peer effects. Social control
Dennis, 1992). Peers also influence the initiation and theorists (e.g., Hirschi, 1969) suggest that peers affect
frequency of sexual intercourse (Billy & Udry, 1985; one another through selection (i.e., adolescents tend
to select friends who are similar to themselves). On
the other hand, models of peer influence (Dishion,
Support for this research was provided by Grant R01HD042406 Patterson, & Griesler, 1994; Sutherland & Cressey,
from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Devel-
1974) suggest that socialization (i.e., peer groups exert
opment to the first author.
The analyses for this article were conducted on data provided an influence on group members) is the primary
by the Add Health program project. Designed by J. Richard Udry process involved.
(PI) and Peter Bearman, Add Health was funded by Grant P01- This study explores the role of peer influences
HD31921 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human in sexual behavior, focusing on how peers’ attitudes
Development to the Carolina Population Center, University of about sex influence sexual behavior, and in which
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with cooperative funding partici-
pation by the National Cancer Institute; the National Institute of direction influence flows. The analyses use data from
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; the National Institute on Deafness the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
and Other Communication Disorders; the National Institute on Health (Add Health; Udry, 2003), a national study
Drug Abuse; the National Institute of General Medical Sciences; that explores health-related behaviors of adolescents
the National Institute of Mental Health; the National Institute of
in grades 7 – 12. The Add Health sample provides
Nursing Research; the Office of AIDS Research, NIH; the Office of
Behavior and Social Sciences Research, NIH; the Office of the Di-
data to answer such questions as how peer attitudes
rector, NIH; the Office of Research on Women’s Health, NIH; the and behaviors influence sexual risk (Brown, Dolcini,
Office of Population Affairs, DHHS; the National Center for & Leventhal, 1997), and whether peer influences are
Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, similar for males and females. In this study we focus
DHHS; the Office of Minority Health, Office of Public Health and on the contribution of peer variables to risk for sex-
Science, DHHS; the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation, DHHS; and the National Science Foundation. ually transmitted diseases (HIV/STD), defining such
This article was based, in part, upon a presentation delivered at risk as having intercourse without using a condom
the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society. in comparison with not having intercourse, or only
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Barbara using a form of contraception other than a condom.
Ray, LaVome Robinson, PhD, and four anonymous reviewers We selected this definition because only abstinence
whose efforts and insights improved this manuscript.
Daneen P. Deptula is now at the Department of Psychology, and condom use protect against HIV/STD infection.
Eastern Illinois University. Selection versus socialization is an enduring the-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to oretical and empirical question in peer relations.
David B. Henry, Department of Psychiatry, Institute for Juvenile
Research, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.,
Room 155, Chicago, IL 60608. Electronic mail may be sent to r 2007 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2007/7803-0011
826 Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, and Slavick

Selection and socialization are alternative explana- support for condom use were up to three times more
tions for the observation that adolescents and their likely to intend to use condoms than were those
peers tend to have similar levels of delinquent who did not perceive such peer support (Brown,
behavior and substance use. Selection refers to ado- DiClemente, & Park, 1992; Murphy, Rotheram-Borus,
lescents gravitating to friends who are similar to & Reid, 1998). Walter, Vaughan, Gladis, and Ragin
them (Wills & Cleary, 1999). Selection processes be- (1993) found that the primary predictor of inter-
gin as early as kindergarten (Cairns & Cairns, 1994, course among urban, minority youth was the extent
p. 108), appear to be a driving mechanism in forming to which individuals believed intercourse was com-
peer groups, and should be considered when mon and acceptable among peers. In a longitudinal
studying peer influences (Brown et al., 1997; Kandel, study controlling for pubertal development, age, at-
1978). Similarity indicators such as gender and race tractiveness, family structure, school performance,
are primary organizing characteristics of peer groups delinquency, and attitudes about sex, Udry and Billy
(Cairns & Kroll, 1994). Similarity among group (1987) found that a predictor of sexual intercourse
members is related to many outcomes and charac- was whether participants’ same- and cross-sex
teristics including academic achievement, attrac- friends had sex. Marmer (1999), in a cross-sectional
tiveness, aggression, substance use, and other study, found that among White and Hispanic ado-
behaviors (Cairns & Cairns, 1994, pp. 112 – 113; Eiser, lescents (but not among African American adoles-
Morgan, Gammage, Brooks, & Kirby, 1991). cents), friends’ initiation of intercourse was
Socialization, or social influence, explains indi- associated with individual initiation of intercourse.
vidual – peer similarity by the process of peers ex- It is also important to explore the roles of attitudes
erting influence on the behavior of the individual versus behavior in selection and socialization. Do
(Wills & Cleary, 1999). Several studies have docu- adolescents select friends based on their attitudes
mented the risk associated with deviant peer influ- or behaviors? Are adolescents socialized by their
ences (Brook, Whiteman, Gordon, & Cohen, 1986; friends’ attitudes (Brown et al., 1992), by the sexual
Dishion, Patterson, & Reid, 1988; Elliott, Huizinga, & behaviors their friends describe, or by the sexual
Ageton, 1985; Hawkins, Lishner, & Catalano, 1985; behaviors believed to be prevalent among their
Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992; Klein, Forehand, friends (Walter et al., 1993)? Models of health-related
Armistead, & Brody, 1994). For example, Dishion, change suggest a pivotal role for attitudes. The
Spracklen, Andrews, and Patterson (1996) found, Health Belief Model (Sheeran & Abraham, 1996) in-
using videotaped conversations, that delinquent cludes dimensions of perceived susceptibility, se-
adolescents offered advice on deviant activities and verity, and costs of the target behavior (Rosenstock,
rewarded their friends with nonverbal and verbal 1974). The Decisional Balance Model (Janis & Mann,
indications of approval when the friends talked 1977) includes an attitudinal dimension, postulating
about deviant activities. They termed this process that individuals make decisions about behavior by
‘‘deviancy training.’’ assessing and comparing benefits and costs. Both
Manski (1995) noted the difficulty inherent in as- models predict that adolescents concerned about the
sessing simultaneous processes involved in peer in- costs of sex would abstain or use protection when
fluence, and Berndt (1992) suggested that pathways having intercourse. Research on the decisional bal-
of influence between individuals and peers are mu- ance model supports this contention (Grimley, Riley,
tual rather than unidirectional. Some studies of Bellis, & Prochaska, 1993; Prochaska, Redding, Har-
delinquency and substance use indicate significant low, Rossi, & Velicer, 1994), leading proponents to
effects for both processes (Keenan, Loeber, Zhang, view attitudes as important avenues for intervention.
Stouthamer-Loeber, & Van Kammen, 1995; Luthar & It is possible that peers influence one another
D’Avanzo, 1999). Others have found significant ef- through their descriptions of sexual behavior rather
fects for either selection (Farrell & Danish, 1993) or than their attitudes about the costs of sex. Adolescents
socialization (Wills & Cleary, 1999), but not both. of both sexes talk about sex with their peers, although
Despite the health consequences (e.g., STDs, HIV) the contents of these conversations may differ by
associated with having multiple sex partners and gender (Gilfoyle, Wilson, & Brown, 1993; Gilmore,
failing to use condoms, the question of selection 1996). Hearing such descriptions of sexual behavior
versus socialization has not been studied in relation might facilitate adolescents selecting friends who
to sexual intercourse without condoms among ado- engage in similar behaviors or provide the opportu-
lescents. However, studies have found evidence nity to model peers’ behavior (Bandura, 1986).
consistent with socialization influences on condom Gender differences in peer influence may occur
use intentions. Adolescents who perceived peer because the potential costs of sex, such as pregnancy
Selection and Socialization 827

and risk of contracting STDs, are greater for females scores were based. Finally, we examined the possi-
than males. Our focus on intercourse without con- bility that effects were moderated by gender,
doms in this study negates the female advantage of ethnicity, and age.
being able to avoid pregnancy risk with birth control
pills. Nevertheless, friends’ attitudes about the costs
of sex may influence females to a greater extent than
males. Previous studies have found a stronger asso- The data are drawn from the Add Health longi-
ciation between peer and individual sexual behavior tudinal survey. The analyses used data from Waves 1
for females than males (Marmer, 1999; Udry & Billy, and 2 in-home interviews. Wave 1 interviews were
1987). These studies, however, did not assess the role conducted between April and December 1995, and
of friends’ attitudes in gender differences. Therefore, Wave 2 interviews were conducted between April
we examine differential selection and socialization and September, 1996. Respondents participated in
effects by gender in this study. Wave 2 only if they had participated in Wave 1.
Other variables may obscure, mediate, or moder- Twelfth graders in Wave 1 did not participate in
ate selection or socialization effects. For example, Wave 2. The mean time lag between interviews in the
involvement in mixed-gender friendship networks is sample for this study was 334.4 days, with a stan-
associated with higher levels of sexual activity (Mott, dard deviation (SD) of 45 days. The length of time
Fondell, Hu, Kowaleski-Jones, & Menaghan, 1996; between interviews did not correlate with either
Rowe & Rodgers, 1991), making it important to Wave 1 or Wave 2 measurements of intercourse
control for the gender composition of each adoles- without condoms or costs attitudes. The Wave 2 in-
cent’s friendship network. Sexual activity is likely to terview was generally similar to that used in Wave 1.
become more normative as adolescents grow older, The sample for the current study included 1,350
suggesting that it is advisable to control for age and students in nine high schools who completed both
to evaluate its potential moderating effect. waves of the Add Health in-home survey and
African American adolescents have been found to nominated at least one friend in each wave (Bear-
be at greater risk than either non-Hispanic White or man, Jones, & Udry, 1997). This sample represents
Hispanic adolescents for contracting STDs (Crosby, 68.2% of 1,979 students who were in grades 9 – 11 in
Leichliter, & Brackbill, 2000; Ford & Lepkowski, Wave 1 and who had nonmissing intercourse and
2004). However, previous research (Marmer, 1999) costs attitudes measures in Waves 1 and 2. The Add
suggests that peer influences regarding sex may be Health study did not administer measures of atti-
weaker among African American adolescents than tudes about sex to students younger than 15 years of
among White and Hispanic adolescents. Crosby et al. age. Students were included if they nominated at
(2000) found that Asian adolescents had a lower risk least one identifiable friend (who was not identified
of STDs than other minority adolescents, but studies by Add Health as a romantic partner) and had data
have not evaluated the role of peer influences among in both waves. The subjects in this sample attended
Asian adolescents (cf. Ford & Lepkowski, 2004). For schools in which all students took part in the Add
these reasons, we control for multiple ethnic identi- Health study.
fications and include an analysis of ethnicity as a The sample had an average age of 16.7 years
potential moderator of adolescent sexual behavior in (SD 5 0.91) in Wave 1 and was 48.9% female. Sub-
this study. jects reported their ethnic identifications using items
similar to those subsequently used in the 2000 U.S.
census. We collapsed these designations into five
mutually exclusive racial/ethnic categories for
We examined the role of two characteristics of analysis: African American (12.4%), Asian (17.14%),
friends in adolescent sexual behavior: their attitudes White (50.2%), Hispanic (19.4%), and other (0.9%).
about the costs of sex, and their numbers of partners Those included in the final sample (N 5 1,350) were
in intercourse without condoms. Throughout the an average of 3 months younger, t(1,977) 5 10.8,
analyses, we controlled for gender, age, ethnicity, po.01, and were less likely to be African American,
and the proportion of Wave 1 friends who were w2(1, N 5 1,979) 5 15.45, po.01, than the students
the same gender as the respondent. We also con- who were excluded (n 5 629) because of inadequate
trolled for the proportion of Wave 2-nominated peer nomination data. Those included in the sample
friends who did not attend the same school as the were also less likely to report having engaged in
respondent. Doing so accounted for differences in intercourse without condoms in Wave 1 (5.3% vs.
the proportion of friends in Wave 2 on which friends’ 9.3%), w2(1, N 5 1,979) 5 4.45, po.05.
828 Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, and Slavick

Procedures unreciprocated nominations were marginally less

likely to have engaged in intercourse without a con-
The Add Health study reports that the interviews
dom (8.6% vs. 9.9%), t(972) 5 1.82, po.10, and had
took between 1 and 2 hours to complete, depending
significantly higher mean costs attitudes (2.49 vs. 2.42),
on the participant’s age and experiences. The ma-
t(972) 5 6.49, po.01, than those whose nominations
jority of interviews took place in the respondents’
were reciprocated.
homes with parents or other family members not in
Of 8,895 peer nominations in Wave 1, we excluded
the same room. All data were recorded on laptop
3,550 (39.9%) for the following reasons: 232 (2.6%)
computers. For sensitive sections, the respondent
were nominated as romantic partners, 1,969 (22.1%)
listened to prerecorded questions through earphones
did not attend the participant’s school or a sister
and entered the answers directly (audio-CASI). In
school, 460 (5.2%) were reported to attend the re-
addition to maintaining data security, this method
spondent’s school but had names that were not on
minimized the potential for interviewer or parental
the list used to link nominated friends to the re-
influence and social desirability bias. The Add
spondent, and 889 (10.0%) did not complete the
Health data set covers a range of topics including
Wave 1 in-home assessment. Of 8,572 peer nomina-
health, sex, and contextual experiences. Care was
tions in Wave 2, we excluded 3,872 (45.2%) from
taken to ask respondents questions appropriate for
calculations of network data for the following rea-
their ages and experiences.
sons: 279 (3.3%) were nominated as romantic part-
ners, 2,017 (27.0%) did not attend the participant’s
school or a sister school, 737 (8.6%) were reported to
attend the respondent’s school but had names that
The in-home survey asked each student to nomi- were not on the list used to link nominated friends to
nate up to five male and five female friends in order the respondent, and 839 (9.8%) did not complete the
of preference. Although students could nominate any Wave 2 in-home assessment.
friends, study identification numbers were assigned The number of nominated friends in Wave 1 ranged
only to nominated friends who attended either the from 1 to 10, with a mean of 6.27 (SD 5 2.74). Wave 1
same school or a sister school (a middle school or friendship networks consisted primarily, but not ex-
junior high school in the same town) as the nomina- clusively, of same-sex friends (mean proportion 5 0.67,
tor. Because Add Health included identity protection SD 5 0.27). Approximately 1% of subjects nominated
of romantic partners, data from romantic partners no same-sex friends, and 27.2% nominated all same-
could not be used to calculate friends’ variables. sex friends. Males and females nominated the same
We used adolescents nominated by each subject as proportion of same-sex friends, t(1,348) 5 1.3, ns.
the individual’s friendship network. This procedure In Wave 2, subjects nominated an average of 6.02
excluded fewer subjects from the analysis than had we (SD 5 2.52) friends each. The mean proportion of
relied on reciprocated nominations or network analy- nominated same-sex friends was 0.70 (SD 5 0.29).
sis. As Kiesner, Poulin, and Nicotra (2003) have noted, Approximately 5% of subjects nominated no same-
nonreciprocated nominations provide information sex friends, and 39.0% nominated all same-sex
about subjects’ desired and actual friendships, and friends. As in Wave 1, the proportion of same-
may more accurately represent the influence of friends sex friend nominations did not vary by gender,
than reciprocated nominations. In addition, Schoeny, t(1,348) 5 1.7, ns. We found a modest but significant
Henry, Deptula, and Slavick (2004) found that nonre- correlation between age and the proportion of
ciprocated friendship nominations provided much of nominated friends not in the same school as the
the same information as either reciprocated friendship subject, r 5.15, po.01.
nominations or networks formed through social net- The friendships were modestly stable between
work analysis. To arrive at the friendship network waves; 38.4% of the nominations from Wave 1 were
variables, we calculated the means of the nominated also nominated in Wave 2. The demographic char-
friends’ attitudes about the costs of sex and number of acteristics of nominated friends were also relatively
partners in intercourse without condoms, excluding stable across waves.
the subject. Among subjects who had both recipro-
cated and nonreciprocated nominations, we compared
the demographics of those nominated in reciprocated
nominations with those nominated in unreciprocated For this study, the outcome variable of interest is
nominations. The two groups did not differ in gender the number of cross-sex partners with whom the
composition and mean age. Those nominated in adolescent engaged in sexual intercourse without
Selection and Socialization 829

using a condom, termed intercourse without a condom peers. Peer socialization is modeled by the effects of
for this study. Use of a condom is the only form of Wave 1 friends’ variables on Wave 2 individual vari-
contraception that provides protection against STDs ables, controlling for Wave 1 levels of the individual
and HIV, and intercourse without a condom with variables, and peer selection is modeled by the effects of
multiple partners increases the risk for contraction of Wave 1 individual variables on Wave 2 peer variables,
HIV or other STD. We assessed intercourse without a controlling for Wave 1 levels of the peer variables.
condom using Add Health participants’ reports of The approach used in this study is a longitudinal
up to three relationships and three nonrelationship cross-lagged analysis, which enables stronger infer-
heterosexual encounters in the preceding year. Ad- ences about causal direction to be drawn than either
olescents defined romantic relationships themselves, contemporaneous cross-lagged models or univariate
but answered specific questions about kissing, longitudinal models. The latter two approaches do
holding hands, and expressing affection for people not test the reciprocal effects of multiple variables
outside their families to define nonrelationship en- (Lorenz, Conger, Simons, & Whitbeck, 1995). Cross-
counters. For each encounter of either type, respon- lagged models are most useful when it is unknown
dents reported on events that involved sexual whether multiple variables are related in a causal
behavior. If the respondent was male, he was asked, chain (A1 ! B2) or in a feedback loop (A1 ! B2 and
‘‘When you had sexual intercourse with (initials of B1 ! A2). Cross-lagged estimates represent the ex-
partner), did you insert your penis into her vagina?’’ pected effect of a predictor (A) on change in the
If the respondent was female, she was asked, ‘‘When outcome (B), by modeling the effect of a predictor
you had sexual intercourse with (initials of partner), (A1) on an outcome variable (B2), controlling for
did he insert his penis into your vagina?’’ For each preexisting levels of the outcome variable (B1).
instance of intercourse, using a condom was coded 0 Cross-lagged analysis using the Add Health data set
and all other instances of having intercourse were allows for longitudinal study of both selection and
considered to be unprotected from a health per- socialization effects, as well as the reciprocal effects
spective and were coded 1. Each subject’s score on of attitudes and behavior between adolescents and
intercourse without a condom was the number of their friends.
partners coded 1. Because the survey queried only We used generalized linear models (McCullagh &
six partners (three relationships and three nonrela- Nelder, 1989; Nelder, 1961) for the cross-lagged
tionship encounters), individual scores of inter- analyses. These models allow analysis of data for a
course without a condom ranged from 0 to 6. variety of distributions through error and link
For this study, the term costs attitudes refers to at- functions. Because intercourse without a condom
titudes about the costs of sex. We assessed costs at- was measured by counts of partners, we used a
titudes using a measure derived from section 17 Poisson probability distribution for these analyses
(Motivations to Engage in Risky Behavior) of the with a logarithmic link function. We used a gener-
Add Health survey (Deptula, Henry, Schoeny, & alized linear model with a normal probability dis-
Slavick, 2006). Adolescents’ responses to all items tribution and an identity link function when
ranged from 1 to 5, indicating strong agreement to analyzing the outcome variable of attitudes about
strong disagreement. We formed the scale score by costs of sex. A separate model was fit for each of the
averaging the reversed item scores; high scores rep- four Wave 2 variables: (1) individual intercourse
resented higher levels of perceived costs. Details without a condom (number of partners), (2) indi-
about the construction of these scales are available vidual attitudes about the costs of sex, (3) friends’
elsewhere (Deptula et al., 2006). intercourse without a condom (mean number of
The nine items in the costs attitudes scale appear partners), and (4) friends’ mean attitudes about the
in the Appendix A. In the Wave 1 Add Health data, costs of sex. The equation for each Wave 2 outcome
the internal consistency reliability of the scale was variable was as follows:
.77 by Cronbach’s a. The Wave 2 reliability was
similar (a 5 .79). Deptula et al. (2006) found that each
unit increase in costs was associated with a signifi- Y ¼ B0 þ B1 ðgenderÞ þ B2 ðageÞ
cant decrease in risk for having had intercourse. þ B3 ðother ethnicityÞ
Data Analysis þ B4 ðAfrican AmericanÞ
þ B5 ðAsianÞ þ B6 ðHispanicÞ
This study explores the longitudinal association
between intercourse without a condom and attitudes þ B7 ðW1 proportion of same-sex
about the costs of sex among individuals and their nominated friendsÞ
830 Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, and Slavick

þ B9 ðproportion of W2 friends not in Table 1

Percent of Sample Engaging in no Intercourse, Intercourse With a
respondents schoolÞ
Condom, and Intercourse Without a Condom, Waves 1 (W1) and 2 (W2),
þ B9 ðindividual W1 intercourse without condomÞ by Gender (N 5 1,350)
þ B10 ðindividual W1 costsÞ
McNemar tests of
þ B11 ðfriends W1 intercourse without condomÞ Variable gender W1 (%) W2 (%) W1 – W2 difference
þ B12 ðfriends W1 costsÞ þ e;
No intercourse
Female 75.04 61.31 58.73
where Y is individual or peer costs attitudes or the
Male 70.87 63.73 5.22
log of the number of individual or peer intercourse
Only intercourse with a condom
partners, B0 is an intercept, and e is an error term. B1 Female 19.58 31.47 75.76
estimates the effect of gender, which was coded  .5 Male 22.84 30.81 23.73
for female and .5 for male, so that the overall effect Any intercourse without a condom
estimates could be interpreted as the average effects Female 5.41 7.01 9.23
across genders. Ethnicity was effect coded with non- Male 6.30 5.46 0.20
Hispanic White as the comparison level; thus, the
other estimates represent the effect for the average of Note. po.05; po.01.
all ethnicities. B8 controls for the proportion of W2
nominated friends who were not in the respondent’s
school or a sister school. For the Wave 2 individual waves. This, however, is expected due to the in-
variables, B11 and B12 estimate the cross-lagged ef- creasing age of the subjects. A logistic generalized
fects, and B9 and B10 estimate the cross-lagged ef- linear model of Wave 2 intercourse on Wave 1 in-
fects for the Wave 2 peer variables. Taken together, tercourse and gender found that the percentage of
the four models allowed evaluation of the cross- subjects who engaged in intercourse increased to a
lagged longitudinal relations between individual greater extent among females than males, B 5  .45;
and peer attitudes about the costs of sex and inter- standard error (SE) 5 .13; w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5 11.50;
course without a condom. po.01; relative risk for male 5 .63. Furthermore, 2.2%
To test for the moderating effects of gender, age, of females, versus 0.4% of males, reported having
and ethnicity, we fit models with the interactions intercourse without a condom with two or more
between these terms and the individual and friends’ partners in Wave 2 (po.05). Same-sex relationships
predictors. Each moderated analysis also included were excluded from the analyses. One and one-half
the main effects for the predictors, gender, and percent (1.5%) of participants reported that at least
the control variables. Gender was dummy coded one relationship or nonrelationship romantic partner
(0 5 female, 1 5 male) for the moderated analysis by was of the same sex. The proportion of females re-
gender. Ethnicity was effect-coded for the moderated porting at least one romantic partner of the same sex
analyses and differences in slopes among different (1.9%) was significantly greater than that reported by
ethnicities were evaluated using contrasts. males (1.1%), (po.05). Among those who reported
sexual intercourse in Wave 1 (n 5 449), we also cross
tabulated the binary indicator of any intercourse
Results without a condom and the number of partners, re-
gardless of condom use. The relation between these
Summary Statistics
variables was strong and significant, rs 5 .58, po.01,
Approximately two thirds of the sample in each suggesting that those with more partners were less
wave reported that they had a romantic relationship likely to use condoms.
in the preceding year. Females were more likely than Table 2 reports the means, SDs, and correlations
males to report a romantic relationship in Wave 1 among the primary variables used in the cross-lag-
(68.8% vs. 63.5%, po.05) and in Wave 2 (70.2% vs. ged analyses. Attitudes about the costs of sex were
63.8%, po.05). strongly correlated between waves (r 5.63). Scores
Table 1 shows the proportion of the sample in on the measure of attitudes about the costs of sex
Waves 1 and 2 that reported engaging in no inter- were normally distributed, with absolute values of
course, and any intercourse with and without a skewness and kurtosis o1.0. We found no evidence
condom. It also shows McNemar tests of the differ- for floor or ceiling effects that would have limited the
ences between the Waves 1 and 2 proportions, which amount of measurable attitude change. Repeated-
reveal a pattern of increasing intercourse between measures analyses of variance with gender by time
Selection and Socialization 831

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations


Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. W1 individual intercourse without a condoma 0.06 .26 1.00

2. W1 individual costs of sex 3.52 .65  0.13 1.00
3. W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma 0.08 .21 0.11  0.12 1.00
4. W1 friends’ costs of sex 3.50 .48  0.15 0.32  0.20 1.00
5. W2 individual intercourse without a condoma 0.10 .36 0.14  0.18 0.12  0.15 1.00
6. W2 individual costs of sex 3.46 .69  0.11 0.63  0.09 0.29  0.13 1.00
7. W2 friends’ intercourse without a condoma 0.10 .27 0.09  0.11 0.12  0.14 0.07  0.08 1.00
8. W2 friends’ costs of sex 3.46 .51  0.09 0.31  0.13 0.42  0.09 0.30  0.11 1.00

Note. W1 5 Wave 1; W2 5 Wave 2.

N 5 1,350. Correlations with an absolute value >.07 are statistically significant at po.01.
Number of cross-sex partners (maximum of six) with whom the respondent had intercourse without a condom.

interactions found a small but significant negative individual variables, controlling for Wave 1 levels of
change in average individual attitudes about the outcomes. Youth who perceived higher costs in
the costs of sex between Waves 1 and 2, Wave 1 tended to have friends in Wave 2 who also
F(1, 1323) 5 15.64, po.01, d 5  .22, and friends’ at- perceived higher costs of sexual intercourse. This
titudes about the costs of sex between Waves 1 and 2, was the strongest cross-lagged effect in these ana-
F(1, 1323) 5 5.70, po.05, d 5  .13. We found no dif- lyses (r 5.17). Because selection involves both selec-
ferences in attitude change over time by gender. tion of new friends and deselection or retention of
existing friends, we conducted follow-up analyses to
determine the extent to which these results were due
Results of the Cross-Lagged Analyses to selection versus influence on retained friends.
These analyses focused on two subsamples: one that
Table 3 reports the regression coefficients, SEs, excluded those nominating only new friends in
significance tests, and effect sizes for the individual Wave 2 (retained friends subsample), and the other
and friends’ predictors. Effect sizes in the table ap- excluding those who, in Wave 2, nominated only
pear in units of Pearson’s r (Wolf, 1986), representing friends who had also been nominated in Wave 1
the expected unit increase in the outcome variable (new friends subsample). We calculated friends’ in-
per unit increase in the predictor. Significant cross- tercourse without a condom and costs attitudes in
lagged effects from individuals to friends and from Wave 2 by taking the mean values of the retained
friends to individuals occurred over time. and new friends. We fitted models for selection ef-
We tested for effects consistent with socialization fects related to intercourse without a condom and
by predicting Wave 2 individual intercourse without attitudes using each of these subsamples. The re-
a condom and Wave 2 individual attitudes by Wave 1 sults, reported in Table 4, were similar to those
friends’ variables, controlling for Wave 1 levels of the obtained with the full sample. Individual costs
outcomes. Friends’ Wave 1 predictors were often attitudes significantly influenced both retained and
associated with individual Wave 2 outcomes. Having new friends’ costs attitudes in Wave 2, and influ-
friends in Wave 1 who had more frequent inter- enced intercourse without a condom among re-
course without a condom was associated with higher tained, but not new friends in Wave 2. The effect of
levels of individual intercourse without a condom in individual attitudes on intercourse without a con-
Wave 2. Having friends in Wave 1 with stronger dom was significant when retained friends’ attitudes
beliefs in the costs of sex was associated with lower were tested. This relation had not been significant in
levels of individual intercourse without a condom in the main analysis.
Wave 2. Finally, higher attitudes about the costs of
sex among friends in Wave 1 were associated with
Moderated Analyses
higher perceived costs among individuals in Wave 2.
We tested for effects consistent with selection by The models for testing the moderating effects of
predicting Wave 2 friends’ intercourse without con- age and ethnicity were identical to the models for the
doms and Wave 2 friends’ costs attitudes by Wave 1 main analyses, except that they included interactions
832 Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, and Slavick

Table 3
Cross-Lagged Effects From Generalized Linear Models, N 5 1,350

Predictor Estimate Standard error w2 (1) Effect size (r)

Socialization: W2 individual intercourse without a condoma

W1 individual intercourse without a condoma .54 .21 6.60 .07
W1 individual costs attitudes  .59 .14 17.79  .11
W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma .54 .28 3.88 .05
W1 friends’ costs attitudes  .61 .21 8.47  .08
Socialization: W2 individual costs of sex
W1 individual intercourse without a condoma .00 .06 0.01 .00
W1 individual costs attitudes .62 .02 677.96 .71
W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma .04 .07 0.31 .02
W1 friends’ costs attitudes .16 .03 22.85 .13
Selection: W2 friends intercourse without a condoma
W1 individual intercourse without a condoma  .17 .38 0.20  .01
W1 individual costs attitudes  .21 .15 1.96  .04
W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma .41 .31 1.77 .04
W1 friends’ costs attitudes  .38 .21 3.27  .05
Selection: W2 friends’ costs of sex
W1 individual intercourse without a condoma  .01 .05 0.02  .00
W1 individual costs attitudes .13 .02 40.95 .17
W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma  .14 .07 4.42  .06
W1 friends’ costs attitudes .34 .03 136.95 .32

Note. W1 5 Wave 1; W2 5 Wave 2.

Each model controlled for individual gender, ethnicity, age, the gender composition of the friendship network, and the proportion of W1
friends no longer in school in W2. Effect sizes are expressed in units of Pearson’s r with the signs retained to communicate the directions of
the effects.
Number of cross-sex partners (maximum of six) with whom the respondent had intercourse without a condom.
po.05; po.01.

between the moderators (age or ethnicity) and the actions between the predictor variables and gender.
individual and friends’ predictors. Separate analyses These analyses found gender differences between
tested for moderation by age and ethnicity. For these Wave 1 friends’ attitudes about the cost of sex and
analyses, age and the other numeric predictors were Wave 2 individual intercourse without a condom,
mean centered to minimize the likelihood of finding B 5 .81, SE 5 .41, w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5 3.82, p 5 .05. For
spurious interaction effects. In the analysis of mod- females, Wave 1 friends’ attitudes about the costs
eration by ethnicity, interactions between the pre- of sex predicted individual intercourse without a
dictors and the effect codes for African American, condom significantly and negatively, B 5  1.01,
Hispanic, Asian, and other ethnicity, with non-His- SE 5 .41, w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5 6.07, po.05, r 5 .07, but
panic White as the comparison level, were entered this relation did not hold for males, B 5  .21,
simultaneously. SE 5 .41, w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5 0.26, ns, r 5 .01. Figure
The analysis testing the moderating effect of age 1 graphs this effect. Although individual costs atti-
did not return any significant interaction terms, but tudes predicted individual intercourse without a
the moderated analysis for ethnicity returned sig- condom in these moderated analyses, B 5  .59,
nificant interactions indicating ethnic differences in SE 5 .14, w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5 17.79, po.01, r 5 .11,
selection effects. Contrasts showed that, compared there was no evidence of differential effects of indi-
with Hispanic subjects, African American and non- vidual attitudes on subsequent individual inter-
Hispanic White subjects had stronger positive Waves course without a condom by gender, B 5 .21,
1 – 2 effects of individual costs attitudes on friends’ SE 5 .27, w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5 0.58, ns.
costs attitudes, B 5 .12, SE 5 .06, P2 (1, N 5 We conducted three variations on all analyses: (1)
1,350) 5 4.26, po.05 for African American subjects, with a data set in which missing values had been
and B 5 .10, SE 5 .04, P2 (1, N 5 1,350) 5 4.85, po.05 imputed using multiple imputation (Schafer & Gra-
for non-Hispanic White subjects. ham, 2002), (2) with a data set using reciprocated
To test for gender differences in the effects, we rather than nonreciprocated nominations, and (3)
constructed a series of models that included inter- with a measure of costs attitudes including only
Selection and Socialization 833

Table 4
Cross-Lagged Selection Effect Sizes Using Subsamples Reporting New and Retained Friends at W2

Retained friends New friends

Predictor N 5 868 N 5 885

Selection: W2 friends’ intercourse without a condoma

W1 individual intercourse without a condoma .01 .01
W1 individual costs attitudes  .07  .05
W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma .04 .02
W1 friends’ costs attitudes  .08  .06
Selection: W2 friends’ costs of sex
W1 individual intercourse without a condoma  .06  .02
W1 individual costs attitudes .13 .15
W1 friends’ intercourse without a condoma  .02  .03
W1 friends’ costs attitudes .58 .16

Note. W1 5 Wave 1; W2 5 Wave 2.

The subsample of retained friends consisted of the 868 respondents who nominated at least one friend in W2 who was also nominated in
W1, and the subsample of new friends consisted of the 885 subjects who nominated at least one new friend in W2 who was not nominated
in W1. Effect sizes are expressed in units of Pearson’s r to facilitate comparisons, with the signs retained to communicate the directions of
the effects. Each model controlled for individual gender, ethnicity, age, the gender composition of the friendship network, and the pro-
portion of W1 friends no longer in school in W2.
Number of cross-sex partners (maximum of six) with whom the respondent had intercourse without a condom.
po.05; po.01.

nonpregnancy items. The magnitude, but not statis- nominations. The analyses using nonpregnancy
tical significance, of some effects differed when using costs also returned effects similar to the analyses
imputation, suggesting that using listwise deletion with the full costs attitudes scale. Friends’ costs at-
rather than imputing missing data would not change titudes predicted individual intercourse without a
the study conclusions. Using reciprocated nomina- condom marginally, B 5 .27, SE 5 .14, w2(1, N 5
tions also did not substantially change the results, 1,350) 5 3.75, po.10, but the interaction between
and required the exclusion of many more subjects gender and friends’ costs attitudes, although similar
than were excluded when using nonreciprocated in direction to that found in the main analyses, was
not significant, B 5 .38, SE 5 .24, w2(1, N 5 1,350) 5
2.63, ns. The effects of friends’ costs attitudes on in-
dividual costs attitudes were significant and similar
in magnitude to those in the main analyses, as were
W2 Predicted Partners w/o Condom

the effects of individual costs attitudes on friends’
costs attitudes. Because the results were similar to
those using the measure of costs that included the
0.6 pregnancy items, and because the full measure pos-
sessed a higher internal consistency, we used the full
scale for the main analyses.
Female Overall, the picture that emerges from this study is
Male one of a small but potentially important risk to ad-
olescent health in which peers play a modest but
0.0 significant part. In this study, approximately 6% of
1 2 3 4 adolescents had intercourse without a condom at
W1 Friends Costs of Sex least once in Wave 2, and those with more sexual
Figure 1. Plot of interaction between gender and same-sexed partners were less likely to have used condoms than
friends’ attitudes about the costs of sex for predicting intercourse those with fewer partners. Inconsistent condom use
without a condom (N 5 1,350). and multiple sexual partners have been associated
834 Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, and Slavick

with unplanned sexual activity in other studies (e.g., with their friends about sex, they may espouse atti-
Poulin & Graham, 2001). tudes or make behavioral claims that exaggerate the
The cross-lagged longitudinal analyses found ev- risk of their actual behavior (Cohen & Shotland,
idence for peer socialization and selection processes 1996). In an attempt to gain their peers’ acceptance,
affecting change in sexual risk. Because each analysis adolescents may conform to their perceptions of
controlled for preexisting levels of the outcome friends’ attitudes and behaviors (Urberg, Luo, Pil-
variable, the obtained effects may be interpreted as grim, & Degirmencioglu, 2003), or replicate the level
influences on change rather than influences on ab- of risk their friends describe with respect to attitudes
solute levels of risk. The analyses testing effects or behaviors.
consistent with socialization found that friends’ in- Selection and socialization effects varied by eth-
tercourse without a condom predicted change in nicity, but not in a manner consistent with a previous
individual intercourse without a condom, and that study, suggesting that peer effects might be stronger
friends’ attitudes about the costs of sex predicted among non-Hispanic Whites than among African
change in individual costs attitudes and in individ- Americans (Marmer, 1999). In this investigation,
ual intercourse without a condom. These modest African Americans did not differ from non-Hispanic
effects are not direct evidence for socialization, as are Whites in selection or socialization effects, and both
studies of deviancy training (Dishion et al., 1996). of these groups evidenced stronger selection effects
Nevertheless, they are consistent with the idea than did Hispanics. The peer effects among Asian
that socialization effects operate primarily through subjects did not differ from any other ethnic group,
friends’ attitudes. or from the average effect. The ethnic difference in
The analyses testing selection effects found that peer influence among Hispanic subjects may be due
individual attitudes about the costs of sex were as- to ethnic differences in the relation between accul-
sociated with change in friends’ attitudes about the turation, peer influences, and risk. For example,
costs of sex 1 year later. This effect is consistent with Kirchunova (2004) found that, among Hispanics,
the notion that individuals select friends whose at- acculturation predicted the level of peer influence on
titudes are similar to their own, a conclusion sup- academic achievement.
ported by follow-up analysis using only the Wave 2 There was also evidence for differential social-
attitudes of new friends. In addition, we found sig- ization effects by gender. Females, to a greater extent
nificant effects of individual Wave 1 costs attitudes than males, were more likely to engage in intercourse
on change in intercourse without a condom among without a condom in Wave 2 if their Wave 1 friends
retained friends. The analyses using the attitudes of perceived fewer costs concerning sex. The gender
retained and new friends underscore the pivotal role differences found in this study are consistent with
of attitudes, but not behavior, in both the selection of findings that, compared with males, females are at a
new friends and retention of, or influence on, exist- higher risk for having multiple sex partners and for
ing friends. engaging in higher risk sexual behaviors (Ford,
The bidirectional pathways of influence found in Sohn, & Lepkowski, 2002), and that peer relations
this study of sexual behavior differ from findings of may contribute to heightened female risk (Udry &
socialization but not selection effects in studies of Billy, 1987). One possible explanation relates to dif-
substance use (Wills & Cleary, 1999). The effects in ferences in self-construals. Females tend to perceive
this study are consistent with Berndt’s (1992) sug- themselves as interdependent with others, whereas
gestion that peer relations involve processes of mu- males tend to perceive themselves as independent of
tual rather than unidirectional influence. Although others (Cross & Madson, 1997). Greater perceived
peers’ attitudes and sexual behavior influence ado- interdependence may lead to greater responsiveness
lescents, adolescents also choose friends whose atti- to the attitudes of friends, which may explain the
tudes are consistent with their own, a process that finding that friends’ attitudes about the costs of sex
may reinforce and legitimize their own attitudes predicted more frequent intercourse without a con-
about sex. The important role of attitudes in these dom among females but not among males.
results is noteworthy in this connection. The recip- A second possible explanation for the obtained
rocal effects of individual and friends’ attitudes, al- gender differences derives from the scale of attitudes
though modest in size, were the strongest cross- about the costs of sex. The costs of sex noted in the
lagged effects in this study. scale are greater for females than males and may
Peer selection or socialization may contribute to have been responsible for the stronger influence of
generally increasing sexual risk among adolescents friends’ attitudes about the costs of sex on females.
through pluralistic ignorance. When adolescents talk However, our results provide mixed support for this
Selection and Socialization 835

contention. Consistent with this explanation, when friendship stability. Berndt and Hoyle (1985) note
the analysis was conducted without the items relat- that the stability of friendships changes little from
ing to pregnancy, the moderating effect of gender 4th to 11th grades. Third, this study used nonrecip-
was not significant. Contrary to this explanation, the rocated friendship nominations to represent friends’
moderated analyses found a differential effect of influence on the individual. This method permitted
friends’ attitudes on individual behavior, but no using a larger and more representative sample than
differential effect of individual attitudes on individ- would have been possible with reciprocated friend-
ual behavior. It is difficult to imagine why, among ship nominations. In addition, previous research
females, higher risk items would result in stronger suggests that using nonreciprocated nominations
effects of friends’ attitudes but not stronger effects of captures aspects of peer influence not assessed by
their own individual attitudes. We believe, therefore, reciprocated nominations (Kiesner et al., 2003). The
that the gender differences in socialization effects are limitation of this method is that we cannot differ-
not an artifact of the scale items. entiate between the effects of actual and desired
The effects of friends’ attitudes found in this study friendships.
have implications for prevention. These findings Fourth, excluding romantic partners may have
may support previous research showing that using been partially responsible for the greater impact of
adolescents in leadership roles may be an effective peer attitudes compared with peer behaviors. Inter-
way to change attitudes and norms regarding sexual actions with peers other than romantic partners
behavior (Mellanby, Newcomb, Rees, & Tripp, 2001). might have been more likely to focus openly on the
Because the measure of peer influence in this study potential costs of sex, a less sensitive topic than
was limited to the influence of friends’ attitudes and peers’ actual behaviors. Sexual behavior might not
behaviors, we cannot determine whether the effects have been as open a topic for peer discussions,
would translate to adolescent leaders who are not making sexual behavior less influential than peer
friends. A second implication is that social norms attitudes as a predictor of adolescent behavior. Ex-
interventions such as those used for substance use cluding romantic partners also may have resulted in
prevention (Perkins, 2003) may be more effective underestimating the strength of socialization effects.
among females than among males in preventing Fifth, these analyses did not consider the influence
high-risk sexual behavior. Such interventions should of school or community levels. Some of the effects
be implemented with caution, however, because attributed to friends in this investigation may have
unintended negative consequences have surfaced in related to school- or community-level differences.
similar interventions for substance use (Wechsler We took several measures to cope with these
et al., 2003) and delinquency (Dishion, McCord, & limitations and increase the validity of the results.
Poulin, 1999). There is a need for research that can We tested for floor or ceiling effects that would have
inform intervention and developmental science by affected estimates on the attitude measure, but found
enriching our understanding of the influence of none. We included appropriate control variables to
peers on adolescents, variations in influence by control for relations between outcome variables and
gender, and the influence of friends within larger ethnicity, age, the gender composition of networks,
peer contexts. and the proportion of friends not in school in Wave 2.
Because the measure of intercourse without a con-
dom consisted of counts of partners, we used Pois-
Study Limitations
son regression for analyses of this outcome variable.
The limitations of this study should be considered We also conducted the analyses with imputed data
when interpreting these results. First, the sample and reciprocated nominations to determine the de-
consisted solely of the saturated schools of the Add gree to which our decisions about imputation and
Health data set and was not designed to be repre- reciprocation had on the results. In addition, the
sentative of the U.S. population as a whole. Second, analyses in this study controlled for Wave 1 levels of
the sample included only those students who re- intercourse without a condom and attitudes of the
mained in school over both years of the study and individual adolescents and the sexual behavior and
nominated friends who attended their schools or attitudes of their friends. The effect estimates from
sister schools. These constraints were necessary be- these analyses are thus the contribution of the pre-
cause testing the research questions required longi- dictors to change in the outcome variables, control-
tudinal stability of both individuals and at least some ling for the Wave 1 levels of other predictors and
of their friends. We do not believe that limiting the the demographic and network composition control
sample in this way resulted in artificially lower variables.
836 Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, and Slavick

Conclusion Brown, L. K., DiClemente, R. J., & Park, T. (1992). Predic-

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the literature in three ways. It is the first study to use Cairns, R. B., & Cairns, B. D. (1994). Lifelines and risks:
cross-lagged analysis to consider simultaneously the Pathways of youth in our time. New York: Harvester
longitudinal effects of selection and socialization on Wheatsheaf.
sexual behavior (cf. Manski, 1995). This is also one of Cairns, R. B., & Kroll, A. B. (1994). Developmental per-
the few studies to consider the role of attitudes in spectives on gender differences and similarities. In M.
peer influences in sexual behavior. By differentiating Rutter & D. F. Hay (Eds.), Development through life: A
attitudes about sex from sexual behavior that might handbook for clinicians (pp. 350 – 372). Oxford, UK:
be observed or described by others, it adds to the Blackwell Scientific.
Cohen, L. L., & Shotland, R. L. (1996). Timing of first sexual
literature by providing evidence that attitudes are
intercourse in a relationship: Expectations, experiences,
pivotal for understanding peer influences (Henry and perceptions of others. Journal of Sex Research, 33,
et al., 2000). Because this study evaluated peer influ- 291 – 299.
ences on intercourse without a condom, it has im- Crosby, R., Leichliter, J. S., & Brackbill, R. (2000). Longitu-
plications for efforts to reduce HIV/STD risk among dinal prediction of sexually transmitted diseases among
adolescents. More generally, this study enhances a adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 18,
growing body of literature that seeks to understand 312 – 317.
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