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S. Laureys (Ed.

Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 150
ISSN 0079-6123
Copyright r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Hysterical conversion and brain function

Patrik Vuilleumier

Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Clinic of Neurology & Department of Neurosciences,
University Medical Center, Faculty of Psychology & Education Sciences, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Abstract: Hysterical conversion disorders represent ‘‘functional’’ or unexplained neurological deficits such
as paralysis or somatosensory losses that are not explained by organic lesions in the nervous system, but
arise in the context of ‘‘psychogenic’’ stress or emotional conflicts. After more than a century of both
clinical and theoretical interest, the exact nature of such emotional disorders responsible for hysterical
symptoms, and their functional consequences on neural systems in the brain, still remain largely unknown.
However, several recent studies have used functional brain imaging techniques (such as EEG, fMRI, PET,
or SPECT) in the attempt to identify specific neural correlates associated with hysterical conversion
symptoms. This article presents a general overview of these findings and of previous neuropsychologically
based accounts of hysteria. Functional neuroimaging has revealed selective decreases in the activity of
frontal and subcortical circuits involved in motor control during hysterical paralysis, decreases in somato-
sensory cortices during hysterical anesthesia, or decreases in visual cortex during hysterical blindness. Such
changes are usually not accompanied by any significant changes in elementary stages of sensory or motor
processing as measured by evoked potentials, although some changes in later stages of integration (such as
P300 responses) have been reported. On the other hand, several neuroimaging results have shown increased
activation in limbic regions, such as cingulate or orbitofrontal cortex during conversion symptoms affecting
different sensory or motor modalities. Taken together, these data generally do not support previous pro-
posals that hysteria might involve an exclusion of sensorimotor representations from awareness through
attentional processes. They rather seem to point to a modulation of such representations by primary
affective or stress-related factors, perhaps involving primitive reflexive mechanisms of protection and
alertness that are partly independent of conscious control, and mediated by dynamic modulatory inter-
actions between limbic and sensorimotor networks. A better understanding of the neuropsychobiological
bases of hysterical conversion disorder might therefore be obtained by future imaging studies that compare
different conversion symptoms and employ functional connectivity analyses. This should not only lead to
improve clinical management of these patients, but also provide new insights on the brain mechanisms of

Introduction medical condition in which patients may present

with various somatic symptoms without a recog-
Since more than a century, hysteria has continu- nized organic illness, hysteria still constitutes a
ously fascinated both clinicians and theorists in- poorly understood class of disorders at the border
terested in altered states of self-consciousness. As a between psychiatry and neurology, with many dif-
ferent appearances and names. A variety of clas-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 (0)22 3795.381; sifications and explanations have been proposed
Fax: +41 (0)22 3795.402; over the years, with different emphasis on psycho-
E-mail: logical or neurobiological factors, but none is still

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(05)50023-2 309


Fig. 2. ‘‘L’anesthésie hystérique’’, a cruel demonstration of an-

esthesia in a patient at La Salpêtrière, while in a state of hysteria
(etched from photograph by P. Régnard, 1887, Les maladies
Fig. 1. Illustration of paraparesis (astasia–abasia) of hysterical épidémiques de l’esprit – Sorcellerie, magnétisme, morphinisme,
origin (drawn by Jean-Martin Charcot in the 1870s). délire des grandeurs. Plon-Nourrit, Paris).

but not consciously produced or intentionally

entirely satisfactory (see Halligan et al., 2001 for a feigned. However, although the term ‘‘conversion’’
recent general overview). implies a specific mechanism whereby a primary
In some respects, the most important change psychological disorder is converted into bodily
since classical descriptions of hysteria by Charcot symptoms, the exact processes responsible for trig-
and others at the end of the 19th century (see Figs. gering this phenomenon and altering the patients’
1 and 2) is related to the fact that the term ‘‘hys- awareness of their bodily state still remain un-
teria’’ was recently eliminated from the official known. In fact, when considering the possible ne-
psychiatric terminology. Thus, hysteria is now re- urobiological changes associated with hysterical
ferred to as ‘‘conversion disorder’’ in the DSM-IV conversion symptoms, many of the current hy-
classification (American Psychiatric Association, potheses are not very different from those elabo-
1994, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental rated in the 19th century. Moreover, in contrast to
Disorders), where it is defined as a loss or distor- other psychiatric conditions (such as depression,
tion of a neurological function (e.g., paralysis or anxiety, compulsion, or phobia), surprisingly few
anesthesia) that is not explained by an organic investigations have been carried out to examine
neurological lesion or medical disease, arising in whether the ‘‘functional’’ symptoms experienced
relation to some psychological stress or conflict, by hysterical patients might correspond to any

underlying ‘‘functional changes’’ in cerebral activ- resulting from their brain lesion (Vuilleumier,
ity, as can be evaluated for instance using a variety 2000a, 2004; Marcel et al., 2004). Anosognosia
of modern neuroimaging techniques. cannot be explained by psychogenic factors alone,
The aim of this chapter is to present a general or by general confusion, but it is often associated
overview of the relationships between hysterical with a lack of emotional concern quite similar to
conversion and brain function, focusing particu- ‘‘la belle indifference’’ that has typically been de-
larly on previous attempts to determine some ne- scribed in hysteria. Moreover, like anosognosia for
urophysiological correlates of hysterical hemiplegia, hysterical paralysis and hysterical an-
conversion disorders. This review will primarily esthesia are often thought to affect the left more
concentrate on patients with unexplained neuro- than the right limbs, without this being entirely
logical deficits in sensory and/or motor functions accounted for a more frequent dominance of the
(i.e., hysterical paralysis or anesthesia), since such right hand (Galin et al., 1977; Stern, 1983; Pas-
disorders are the most frequent and most easily cuzzi, 1994; Gagliese et al., 1995), although a re-
described in terms of specific neurological path- cent meta-analysis has questioned the existence of
ways. Similar approaches in other domains (e.g., such an asymmetry (Stone et al., 2002). It is also
visual loss, deafness, or amnesia) will also be intriguing to note that the neurological functions
briefly mentioned, but other conversion disorders most frequently associated with anosognosia are
associated with more ‘‘positive’’ symptoms such as strikingly similar to those frequently concerned by
pseudo-seizure and abnormal movements will not hysteria, involving not only unilateral paralysis
be discussed here, since even less is known about and anesthesia, but also blindness, amnesia, or
their possible functional neural correlates (for re- jargon aphasia (Merskey, 1995; Vuilleumier,
view see Prigatano et al., 2002; Reuber et al., 2000a). Although such similarities do not indicate
2003). Finally, a few studies have examined the any clear relationships between these different dis-
functional neuroanatomy of dissociations induced orders, these parallels between neurology and psy-
by hypnosis (Maquet et al., 1999; Faymonville et chiatry highlight the fact that some behavioral
al., 2000; Halligan et al., 2000; Kupers et al., this abilities may dissociate from the subjective expe-
volume), but their implications for hysterical def- rience of these abilities, and that such dissociations
icits are still in part unclear and will be discussed are likely to arise from specific changes in brain
briefly. function – be they due to certain types of organic
A better understanding of patients with hyster- damage or to certain psycho-affective states.
ical conversion has important implications for
several reasons, both clinical and theoretical. First,
such disorders are very common in clinical prac- Incidence and evolution
tice, causing frequent problems in diagnosis and
therapy for neurologists as well as psychiatrists, Hysterical conversion disorders are thought to
and resulting in important medical costs and ma- represent 1–4% of all diagnoses in general hospi-
jor socio-economic burden for the patients and tals throughout western countries. This frequency
their relatives. Second, conversion disorders raise has remained remarkably stable across the past
important theoretical questions concerning the re- decades despite many important changes in med-
lationships between body and mind, and the ne- icine. Thus, a retrospective survey at the National
urobiological and psychological mechanisms Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Lon-
underlying self-awareness. don, Queen Square, from 1955 to 1975 revealed a
From the perspective of clinical neurology, relatively constant rate of patients investigated for
dissociations between performance and awareness conversion or ‘‘functional’’ symptoms, ranging
of performance are not unusual in patients with from 0.85 to 1.55% over decades (Trimble,
organic brain lesions, a phenomenon termed ‘‘an- 1981). A similar result was found by another
osognosia’’ whereby patients may fail to acknowl- study examining the diagnoses made on 7836
edge and even explicitly deny a severe handicap successive outpatient referrals at Charing Cross

Hospital between 1977 and 1987 (Perkin, 1989), associated with a favorable prognosis, including
which revealed a stable incidence of 3.8% of con- young age, sensory rather than motor symptoms,
version disorders over the years. In Switzerland, acuteness of presentation, onset precipitated by a
Frei (1984) also estimated that the proportion stressful event, good premorbid health and good
and presentation of hysterical conversion disorders socio-economic status, as well as an absence of any
among patients seen in a large public hospital was other concomitant organic disease or major psy-
similar in the 1920s as compared with the 1980s. chiatric symptoms – especially depression
However, it is important to emphasize that the (e.g., Ford and Folks, 1985; Binzer and Kullgren,
type of conversion disorders may significantly vary 1998; Crimlisk et al., 1998; Stone et al., 2003).
across different medical settings and referral sourc- Personality disorder appears as a particularly
es. This might explain why the incidence of hys- decisive prognostic factor (see Crimlisk et al.
teria may appear to vary in some domains but not 1998). It is therefore important to identify poten-
in others. It is known that a large number of pa- tial risk factors during the initial evaluation of
tients with conversion and somatoform symptoms patients, in order to prevent the development of a
are never seen by either neurologists nor psychi- more chronic handicap.
atrists (Bridges and Goldberg, 1988; Crimlisk and
Ron, 1999). Neurologists probably see many more
patients with relatively acute and limited symp- Body, mind, and brain diseases
toms, as compared with psychiatrists who tend to
see patients with more chronic and multiform dis- A potential limitation to our current understand-
orders (Marsden, 1986). Moreover, although there ing of hysterical conversion comes from a lack of
is a good consensus between neurologists as to clear definition of the boundaries with some relat-
clinical syndromes reflecting non-organic diseases ed disorders. From the perspective of psychiatry, a
(irrespective of which term is actually preferred to number of problems are still unresolved concern-
describe these syndromes, e.g., hysterical, func- ing the terminology and classification of functional
tional, or psychogenic), there is usually less agree- symptoms without an organic cause. In DSM-IV,
ment among psychiatrists (Mace and Trimble, the concept of hysteria has been broken down to
1991). Furthermore, although most neurologists different disorders, including somatoform disor-
would agree with the DSM-IV statement that ders on one hand and dissociative disorders on
‘‘typically, individual conversion symptoms are of the other hand, with conversion disorders being
short duration’’, many psychiatrist have rather considered as a specific category of somatoform
observed that conversion symptoms often tend to disorders involving sensorimotor symptoms or
persist or reoccur in association with other psy- pseudo-seizures, distinct from other somatization
chiatric comorbidities and pathological personal- symptoms or psychogenic pain disorders. Further-
ity traits (Ron, 1994; Binzer and Kullgren, 1998; more, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome
Stone et al., 2003). would fall under other diagnostic categories,
However, in most cases seen by neurologists, a although in clinical practice there is often some
rapid remission of initial symptoms is observed overlap between all such conditions. For example,
after appropriate behavioral treatment. The like- many patients recovering from conversion eventu-
lihood of spontaneous remission has repeatedly ally suffer from depression at a later stage (Binzer
been found to be 50–60% after 1 or 2 years and Kullgren, 1998). Furthermore, whereas con-
(Singh and Lee, 1997; Binzer and Kullgren, 1998; version disorders are defined as deficits affecting
Crimlisk et al., 1998) or even greater (Folks et al., a specific neurological function such as motor
1984). Among young patients (o 27 year-old), strength or somatosensory perception, psycho-
only 3% have symptoms for more than 1 month genic memory loss is considered instead under
(Turgay, 1990). The duration of effective behavi- the category of ‘‘dissociative disorders’’ even
oral treatment in such cases is usually between though memory is obviously also a specific brain
2 to 26 weeks (Speed, 1996). Several factors are function (see Markowitsch, 1999, 2003 for a

neuropsychological perspective of psychogenic associations between hysterical conversion and

amnesia). Therefore, unlike DSM-IV, the Interna- neurological diseases are not only challenging
tional Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) of the for current ‘‘dichotomous’’ classification schemes,
World Health Organization has included all sen- but in fact might potentially provide valuable clues
sorimotor and memory symptoms of presumed about the neurocognitive mechanisms by which
psychogenic origin under the same general cate- awareness of a function can be dissociated from
gory of dissociative disorders. actual abilities in a patient. However, the co-
From a neurological perspective, it is worth existence of these neurological diseases and con-
noting that hysterical conversion may sometimes version might also just be a coincidence, purely due
coexist with a real organic brain disease, although to their high incidence or to any other general
the conversion symptoms in such cases is not di- stress factors.
rectly explained by this brain lesion alone. Gowers Nevertheless, despite these problems of defini-
(1893) already recognized that hysteria could oc- tions and associations, hysterical conversion is
casionally be a ‘‘complication’’ of organic brain only rarely falsely diagnosed for an occult neuro-
disease, and Schilder (1935) wrote that brain dys- logical condition. Although a few early studies
function could sometimes induce ‘‘organic neurot- suggested that up to 20% of patients initially di-
ic attitudes’’. More recently, an intriguing study by agnosed with motor conversion deficits may sub-
Eames (1992) described a series of 167 patients sequently develop a real organic neurological
who were admitted to a rehabilitation ward and disease explaining their original symptoms (Slat-
reported that 32% of these patients exhibited at er, 1965; Mace and Trimble, 1996), several recent
least one ‘‘hysteria-like’’ behavior during the studies have now clearly established that such rates
course of their rehabilitation, as assessed by sys- were overestimated and that only 1–5% of hyster-
tematic rating scales used by caregivers. Such be- ical patients may present with a underlying but
haviors could include exaggeration, secondary occult organic cause (e.g., Crimlisk et al., 1998;
gain expectancy, or non-organic patterns of the Stone et al., 2003). The rarity of organic diseases
deficit. Interestingly, not all types of patients pre- detected in current follow-up studies is probably
sented hysteria-like symptoms, but these behaviors due to several factors, including a better charac-
were more frequent after diffuse brain lesions terization of neurological diseases and the availa-
(e.g., closed injuries, anoxia, encephalitis) than af- bility of more sensitive non-invasive diagnostic
ter focal lesions (e.g., stroke), after subcortical procedures.
more than cortical lesions, and in patients with ex-
trapyramidal motor disorders more than in others
(Eames, 1992). Similarly, Gould et al. (1986) re-
ported that among a prospective series of 30 pa- History and theories
tients with an acute hemispheric stroke, ‘‘atypical
signs’’ usually suspected to reflect non-organic The term of ‘‘hysteria’’ was forged by the ancient
‘‘functional’’ origin were observed in approximate- Greeks to indicate that physical disturbances in
ly 20% of cases (e.g., changing deficit, patchy sen- the uterus were the primary cause of psychic
sory loss, or ‘‘give-away’’ weakness). Finally, symptoms in women. By contrast, all modern the-
multiple sclerosis (e.g., Nicolson and Feinstein, ories of conversion disorders acknowledge that not
1994) and epilepsy (e.g., Devinsky and Gordon, only both men and women may be affected, but
1998) constitute two other frequent neurological also a primary psychological disturbance is prob-
diseases in which not only some truly ‘‘organic’’ ably responsible for triggering subjective physical
manifestations may sometimes be difficult to dis- symptoms, and perhaps also for triggering some
tinguish from non-organic disorders, but some pa- associated changes in the neurophysiological state
tients may also present with a combination of of the central nervous system. However, the exact
apparently both ‘‘organic’’ and ‘‘psychogenic’’ psychological factors to blame still remain disput-
manifestations at the same time. These occasional ed, and the possible implication of a particular

brain functions in generating an abnormal phys- are echoing the more recent proposals of a selective
ical experience still remains unresolved. impairment in action ‘‘representations’’ for inten-
Since the 19th century, a myriad of different tional motor planning (e.g., Spence, 1999), al-
theories have been put forward to explain how though both the terminology and concepts of brain
hysterical motor or sensory deficits might be im- function have considerably changed since then.
plemented in the brain in terms of specific ana- At the same time as Charcot, Janet (1894) also
tomical circuits, or in relation to putative cognitive proposed that hysterical deficits were the result of
architectures. However, most of these theories rest ‘‘fixed ideas’’ that could take control over mental
on purely speculative grounds, and little empirical or motor functions. However, he added that such
work has been conducted to test these neuropsy- ideas could arise at an unconscious level and acted
chological hypotheses. Although it is beyond the by inducing a dissociation between distinct do-
scope of this chapter to discuss all of these theories mains of behavior (one becoming dominated by
in great detail (for more complete reviews, see the unconscious fixed idea). Such views paved the
Merskey, 1995; Halligan et al., 2001), a few con- way to the classical theory of Freud and Breuer
jectures on the neural substrates of hysteria that (1895), later refined by Freud alone (Freud, 1909),
have been proposed by influential neuroscientists who formulated a purely psychodynamic account
will be briefly illustrated. Although many old the- with only minimal reference to the nervous system.
ories are susceptible to misinterpretations based on In brief, according to Freud and Breuer, hysterical
our current knowledge, it is interesting to note that deficits were produced by affective motives and
some of them might still appear attractive if they conflicts, which were unconsciously repressed and
were rephrased using more modern concepts and transformed into bodily complaints with symbolic
terminologies from current cognitive and affective values. For this reason, hysterical deficits did not
neurosciences. In fact, several recent hypotheses obey anatomical constraints as observed with or-
about the possible cerebral correlates of hysterical ganic neurological lesions. This view has then nat-
conversion, proposed on the basis of new func- urally led to the term of ‘‘conversion disorder’’,
tional neuroimaging results, can be traced back to and in many respects is still prevailing today. Only
strikingly similar ideas that were elaborated more later did Freud emphasize that the unconscious
than a century ago, but naturally phrased in terms affective motives usually had their origin in sexual
of models of brain physiology from that time. concerns from early childhood.
One of the first and best known hypothesis on An attempt to integrate these different cerebral
the cerebral mechanisms of hysterical conversion and psychological perspectives was made by the
was proposed by Charcot in the early 1890s (see French neurologist Babinski in 1912, who also first
Charcot, 1892; Widlocher, 1982; White, 1997). described anosognosia after brain damage two
Charcot suggested that hysterical losses in motor years later (Babinski, 1914). Babinski believed that
or sensory functions were produced by functional hysteria involved a form of suggestion permeating
alterations within the central nervous system, af- the subject’s awareness in the same way as hyp-
fecting activity of motor or sensory pathways with- nosis, but under the influence of strong emotions,
out any permanent structural damage. Hysteria and in the presence of some individual predispo-
was thus considered as a ‘‘neurosis’’ among other sition. According to Babinski, such emotions were
functional illnesses such as epilepsy or Parkinson’s elicited in a purely automatic and reflexive man-
disease. Charcot suggested that such functional ner, and could have both physical (‘‘organic’’) and
changes in the nervous system could be induced by subjective (‘‘imaginal’’) manifestations. Conscious
particular ideas, suggestions, or psychological control could operate only at the level of a sub-
states, as demonstrated by the effect of hypnosis sequent interpretation stage. A more sophisticated
on hysterical symptoms. Thus, hysterical paralysis neuro-anatomical scheme was later proposed by
could result from an inability to form a ‘‘mental Pavlov (1928–1941, 1933), who suggested that in
image’’ of movement, or instead from an abnormal predisposed individuals with a somewhat weak
‘‘mental image’’ of paralysis. In essence, these ideas ‘‘resistance’’, some over-excitation of subcortical

cerebral centers (possibly mediating emotional or signals from limbic systems within orbitofrontal
learned conditioned responses) could lead to a re- and cingulate cortex during volitional movements
active inhibition of cortical inputs imposed by the (Marshall et al., 1997). Again, such inhibition was
frontal cortex. This inhibition was responsible for ascribed to unconscious motivational factors.
hysterical paralysis or anesthesia, whose duration Finally, from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s, ow-
was proportional to the amount of resources de- ing to the influence of the research in split-brain
pleted in the individual. patients, a number of authors interpreted hyster-
A number of more recent accounts based on ical neurological symptoms as a form of interhem-
neurophysiological speculations have similarly ispheric disconnection or dysregulation syndrome
proposed a role for inhibitory or ‘‘filtering’’ mech- (Galin et al., 1977). The greater occurrence of left
anisms as a likely neural substrate for generating hemibody disorders led to the idea that the trans-
hysterical conversion deficits. Thus, in line with fer of sensory or motor inputs might be impaired
Babinski and Pavlov, Sackeim et al. (1979) and between the right hemisphere (involved in emo-
Stern (1983) hypothesized that affective or moti- tions but without language abilities) and the left
vational processes might induce a selective block- hemisphere (responsible for verbal and symbolic
age (or distortion) of sensory and/or motor inputs, expression), with or without some additional
resulting in their exclusion from conscious aware- impairment in the right (Stern, 1983) or left hem-
ness. A greater involvement of the right hemi- isphere (Flor-Henry et al., 1981). However, only
sphere in emotion might account for more very indirect evidence from performance on
frequent symptoms on the left side of the body neuropsychological tests was offered in support
observed in some series (Stern, 1983; see Stone et of these interhemispheric hypotheses (Flor-Henry
al., 2002). Other researchers such as Ludwig (1972) et al., 1981).
suggested that an inhibition of sensory or motor In sum, most theoretical models trying to link
functions could arise through gating mechanisms hysterical disorders with specific neuropsycholog-
at the level of thalamic nuclei, under the influence ical or neurophysiological mechanisms have es-
of attentional factors (see also Sierra and Berrios, sentially been inspired by speculative arguments or
1999), whereas Spiegel (1991) instead emphasized analogies with general models of the brain and
an attentional mechanism mediated by the anteri- mind, rather than by the convergence of systematic
or cingulate cortex. Likewise, Kihlstrom (1994) empirical research. It is striking that relatively few
argued that conversion disorders might involve a studies over the past decades have exploited ne-
dysfunction in the ‘‘monitoring and controlling urophysiological techniques (see below) that pro-
functions of consciousness’’, resulting in a disso- vide objective measures of brain functions (such as
ciative state that might affect the subjective expe- electroencephalogram (EEG) or brain imaging),
rience of perception and/or voluntary action, allowing a better identification of neurobiological
presumably through abnormal coordination of factors associated with hysterical conversion. This
particular neurocognitive modules. Oakley (1999) is all the more surprising since the well-defined
also referred to neuropsychological models of at- neurological-like symptoms of conversion (e.g.,
tention to suggest that during hysteria, an internal paralysis, anesthesia, blindness, etc.) should po-
representation of the ongoing sensory or motor tentially be amenable to a precise investigation
activity might be excluded from awareness by a with well-defined predictions about the site and
central executive attentional system involving type of neurophysiological dysfunction. In partic-
frontal and cingulate areas. Finally, Halligan and ular, the advent of new functional imaging tech-
David (1999) and Marshall and colleagues (1997) niques should now allow a refine assessment of
as well as Spence (1999) and Spence and colleagues functional correlates in brain activity potentially
(2000) also speculated that representations of associated with hysterical conversion, and thus
motor action might be inhibited in patients with go beyond the dichotomous question of ‘‘organic’’
hysterical paralysis, with activation in their motor versus ‘‘non-organic’’ disease. A better know-
cortex being actively suppressed by abnormal ledge of such functional correlates might provide

important constraints on psychodynamic theories results suggesting a paradoxical amplification

of conversion, with greater biological and neuro- rather than attenuation of tactile evoked respons-
logical plausibility, and might also improve the es during hysterical anesthesia (Moldofsky and
clinical assessment and management of patients. England, 1975). Taken together, these findings do
not appear consistent with the common hypothesis
about conversion disorder, according to which
Electrophysiological correlates of conversion sensory stimuli might be filtered out of awareness
disorders by attention-related gating mechanisms (see, e.g.,
Ludwig, 1972), at least at these relatively early
Since EEG provided one of the first tools to meas- stages of cortical processing. Moreover, these early
ure brain activity, a number of studies from the SEPs may not necessarily correlate with subjective
1960s to 1970s onward have used this technique perceptual experience, since SI responses can still
and other related electrophysiological measures to be elicited by unperceived stimuli in patients with
investigate brain functions in patients with hyster- brain tumors involving the parietal lobe but spar-
ical conversion. These studies can generally be ing SI (Preissl et al., 2001). Also, in patients in a
considered in two broad categories: those aiming vegetative state, devoid of any conscious percep-
at demonstrating intact electrophysiological re- tion, preserved SI activation has been shown using
sponses despite subjective functional losses, and functional imaging and simultaneously recorded
those trying to determine some abnormal pattern SEPs (Laureys et al., 2002). These data emphasize
correlating with functional symptoms. that SI activation does not necessarily mean con-
Many reports have described that basic scalp scious somatosensory perception.
potentials evoked during simple sensory stimula- On the other hand, a few other studies have re-
tion are usually normal during hysterical sensory ported subtle changes in paradigms that were
deficits. For instance, standard somatosensory slightly more sophisticated than just detection of
evoked potentials (SEPs), visual evoked potentials simple tactile stimuli. For instance, tactile stimuli
(VEPs), or brainstem auditory evoked potentials close to perceptual threshold may fail to produce
(BAEPs) are usually found to disclose normal am- normal evoked potentials in patients with sensory
plitudes and latencies in the presence of subjective conversion symptoms, even when stimuli above
anesthesia, blindness, or deafness, respectively threshold still produce normal responses (Levy
(e.g., Howard and Dorfman, 1986; Drake, 1990). and Mushin, 1973). In addition, anomalies in
These findings clearly indicate that primary sen- the rate of habituation to repeated stimulations
sory pathways are both structurally and function- were observed in hysterical conversion using SEPs
ally intact in the patients. In the somatosensory (Moldofsky and England, 1975) as well as skin-
domain, patients have also been studied using conductance reactivity (Horvath et al., 1980).
magnetoencephalography (MEG) in order to dis- In normal subjects, responses were found to de-
tinguish activations in primary (SI) and secondary crease over time when comparing late blocks of
(SII) cortical areas (Hoechstetter et al., 2002), stimuli relative to initial blocks. Such habituation
since data from healthy people typically show a could also be observed in patients with high levels
differential modulation of SII but not SI activity of anxiety (Horvath et al., 1980), but was not
by attention and task-related factors. However, present in patients with hysterical conversion,
MEG results in patients with hysterical sensory indicating that the latter tended to process
loss also showed a normal pattern of response for frequent and expected stimuli as if they were
the characteristic components generated in both SI still novel.
and SII, controlaterally and ipsilaterally to the Another recent single-case study reported
deficit. If anything, a trend for even greater re- anomalies in tactile evoked potentials, but involv-
sponses was observed in the patients relative to ing a more cognitive stage of attentive processing,
healthy subjects, in both SI and SII (Hoechstetter as indexed by the P300 component (Lorenz et al.,
et al., 2002). These data converge with earlier EEG 1998). This component is typically elicited by

novel stimuli in an ‘‘oddball’’ task or by infrequent Evoked potentials in other sensory modalities
targets within a stream of successive stimuli, and such as vision and audition have been less often
presumably reflects a normal orienting response to studied beyond elementary sensory responses, per-
relevant stimuli. Lorenz et al. (1998) designed an haps because conversion disorders in such modali-
elegant EEG paradigm in which they repeatedly ties are less frequent, more variable, and/or seen by
stimulated the unaffected left hand of a man with physicians other than neurologists. In patients with
hysterical sensory loss on the right hand, and oc- functional blindness, a P300 was still evoked by
casionally applied a ‘‘deviant’’ stimuli on either the unreported visual stimuli but with smaller ampli-
affected right hand, or on another finger of the tude (Towle et al., 1985). By contrast, a study of
same unaffected left hand. The patient showed a auditory processing in patients with hysterical
normal P300 response for deviant stimuli on the deafness reported a reduced P300 response, with
unaffected left hand, but no P300 for deviant preservation of earlier N1 and N2 auditory re-
stimuli applied to his affected hand. Standard sponses (Fukuda et al., 1996). Some anomalies
SEPs in this patient also revealed normal activa- were also reported in patients with various som-
tion of early cortical areas (e.g., SI) for innocuous atization symptoms for the auditory mismatch
and painful tactile stimuli, demonstrating intact negativity (MMN), which is normally evoked by
sensory pathways and preserved inputs to somato- deviant stimuli in a series of repetitive sounds
sensory cortex. Furthermore, when an healthy (James et al., 1989). Still other studies reported
control subject was asked to feign anesthesia on more general changes in EEG spectra in patients
one hand, and to intentionally omit to report the with conversion and somatoform disorders, includ-
infrequent stimuli on that side (i.e., like the con- ing abnormal ratios in frequency distribution over
version patient), a P300 was still normally evoked right and left frontal lobes (Drake et al., 1988).
by these deviants on the pseudo-anesthetized Similarly, motor conversion disorders have been
hand, indicating that a reduction of P300 in the investigated by transcranial magnetic stimulation
patient was not due to malingering or control by (TMS), typically demonstrating normal and sym-
voluntary inhibition. metric motor evoked potentials (MEPs) when
Interestingly, reduced P300 responses to tactile pulses were applied over the motor cortex, despite
‘‘oddball’’ stimuli have also been observed in pa- the presence of a unilateral hysterical paralysis
tients who present with a ‘‘segmental exclusion (Meyer et al., 1992; Magistris et al., 1999). Again,
syndrome’’ (Beis et al., 1998). These patients ex- such results are usually taken to indicate that mo-
hibit an abnormally prolonged under-use and pain tor pathways are structurally and functionally in-
of their upper limb after suffering a relatively mi- tact in these patients. Only one recent study found
nor injury to peripheral body tissues in one hand a decreased excitability of motor cortex in right
or one finger, and such functional exclusion of the hemisphere of two patients who had a contralat-
limb cannot be explained by the severity of injury. eral left hysterical weakness (Foong et al., 1997b),
Although this syndrome is different from conver- but these cortical excitability thresholds did not
sion disorder, it has similarly been considered as a change when patients recovered from their weak-
maladaptive deficit with a partly psychogenic or- ness. There is also anecdotal evidence that con-
igin, and abnormal P300 responses were interpret- version patients may show an abnormal
ed as reflecting some kind of attentional inhibition contingent negative variation (CNV) component
or hemineglect in motor behavior (Beis et al., in EEG, which is normally evoked during motor
1998). Accordingly, anomalies in P300 have been preparation in response to a cue prior to an ex-
found for undetected stimuli not only in patients pected to-be-judged stimulus (Drake, 1990).
with spatial hemineglect after right parietal lobe Considered all together, electrophysiological da-
lesions (Lhermitte et al., 1985), but also in patients ta in hysterical conversion are generally consistent
with Parkinson’s disease with impairments in in- with the absence of organic brain pathology af-
tentional motor planning (Kropotov and Ponoma- fecting the primary sensory or primary motor sys-
rev, 1991; Sohn et al., 1998). tems. Instead, any changes in brain function

associated with conversion might involve higher flow changes during a resting state or during a task
levels of processing or representations where period. The first of such SPECT studies was car-
sensory and/or motor signals are integrated ried out by Tiihonen and colleagues (Tiihonen et
with more complex information related to the al., 1995) in a woman who had a long history of
meaning and self-relevance of stimuli and actions, left hemisensory disturbances of presumed hyster-
(e.g., motivational significance, novelty, expected- ical origin, and reported both decreases in right
ness, etc.). This might relate to the reduced parietal activity and increases in right frontal ac-
P300 response found in a few different studies tivity when the affected hand of the patient was
using different paradigms. However, EEG and stimulated (as compared with a more symmetric
MEG investigations still remain remarkably pattern after recovery). However, this single ob-
scarce, and reported findings have too rarely servation was more qualitative than truly quanti-
been replicated to allow firm conclusions about tative, and not statistically analyzed. Similarly,
any putative neural correlates of specific conver- another SPECT study reported a series of five pa-
sion symptoms. tients with heterogeneous conversion symptoms,
including not only limb weakness but also vertigo
and gait disturbances (Yazici and Kostakoglu,
Hemodynamic brain imaging 1998), in whom brain scans at rest showed a re-
duction in activity for several cortical regions,
Over the past 10 years, functional brain imaging predominantly in left parietal and left temporal
has literally exploded into innumerable paths of lobes, but with a great variability across patients.
new research on the cerebral bases of various be- A more systematic SPECT study was conducted
havioral functions in humans, including not only in our own center, in a group of seven patients
perceptual and motor processes accessible to ex- who were prospectively selected based on the pres-
ternal objective assessment, but also much more ence of an isolated and ‘‘focal’’ motor conversion
complex mental operations related to internal af- disorder, with a recent onset and short duration
fective states (Damasio et al., 2000), perceptual or (o 2 months) (Vuilleumier et al., 2001). Strict se-
motor imagery (Kosslyn et al., 1995; Ehrsson et al., lection criteria were used including: unilateral
2003), and even unconscious processing or prefer- weakness in upper and lower limb, with or with-
ences (Elliott and Dolan, 1998). This functional out sensory loss in the same territory, but without
brain mapping approach has also been successfully any other psychogenic or neurological symptoms
extended to a variety of psychiatric conditions such (such as headache, vertigo, blurred vision, etc.),
as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, pho- without any past history of major psychiatric or
bia, post-traumatic stress disorders, schizophrenia, neurological disease, and without any organic le-
or hallucinations (e.g., Frith and Dolan, 1998; sion as determined by extensive medical investiga-
Parsey and Mann, 2003; Kircher, this volume). tions (i.e., brain and spine MRI, SEPs, MEPs,
Surprisingly, however, very few neuroimaging VEPs, EMG, etc.). These patients were followed
studies have been performed in patients with up for 6 months after the onset of their symptoms,
conversion symptoms, despite the fact that such and underwent brain SPECT scanning in three
symptoms might often be very well suited to neuro- different conditions: (1) a baseline rest condition
imaging investigations. (To), with eye closed and no stimulation, when
Most neuroimaging studies of conversion used motor symptoms were present; (2) a passive acti-
SPECT (single photon emission computerized vation condition (T1), with bilateral vibrotactile
tomography) or PET (positron emission tomo- stimuli (50 Hz) applied to both the affected and
graphy), and focused on motor rather than sensory unaffected limbs simultaneously, when motor
conversion symptoms. These techniques allow on- symptoms were present; and (3) the same activa-
ly a few brain scans to be taken and provide an tion condition (T2), again with bilateral vibrotac-
estimate of activity averaged over several minutes, tile stimulation of the affected and unaffected
indirectly obtained by a measure of cerebral blood limbs, after motor symptoms had recovered

(in four patients; three others had persisting or again converging with previous electrophysiology
new symptoms at 6 months follow-up). The results suggesting that sensory processing in these
rationale of vibrotactile stimulation was to pro- early cortical stages does not seem suppressed
vide an indirect activation of both sensory and (as previously proposed: Ludwig, 1972; Sierra
motor areas in the brain (since such stimuli and Berrios, 1999) but instead appears enhanced
provide inputs not only to cutaneous but also (Moldofsky and England, 1975; Hoechstetter
deep tendon fibers), in a completely passive, sym- et al., 2002).
metric, and reproducible manner. All voxel-based These selective anomalies in subcortical brain
analyses in this study were done on a group regions during motor conversion (Vuilleumier et
basis using statistical parametric mapping (SPM) al., 2001) are intriguing since these regions are in-
(Friston et al., 1995). terconnected into functional loops forming a cor-
A first analysis comparing activation by bilat- tico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit which is
eral vibrotactile stimulation to resting baseline critical for voluntary motor action (Alexander et
(T14T0) revealed relatively symmetric increase in al., 1986) and since the striatum (especially cau-
cerebral blood flow in frontal and parietal areas date nucleus) constitutes an essential neural site
involved in somatosensory and motor functions, within such loops where motivational signals can
both ipsilaterally and contralaterally to the motor modulate motor preparation activity (Mogenson
conversion symptoms (Vuilleumier et al., 2001). et al., 1980; Kawagoe et al., 1998; Haber, 2003; see
This result converges with previous electrophysio- Fig. 4). It is therefore conceivable that these cir-
logical data indicating intact sensorimotor path- cuits might become functionally suppressed during
ways in such patients. A second, more interesting hysterical motor conversion under the influence of
analysis compared activation by bilateral vibro- a particular affective or motivational states, re-
tactile stimulation after recovery relative to the sulting in an impaired ‘‘motor readiness’’ or im-
same stimulation during symptoms (T24T1), pro- paired ‘‘motor intention’’ for the affected limb(s).
viding a direct measure of changes in brain activity Notably, in humans, focal lesions (e.g., stroke) af-
specifically associated with hysterical motor weak- fecting the basal ganglia (Watson et al., 1978;
ness, irrespective of any other distinctive pattern of Healton et al., 1982) and thalamus (Laplane et al.,
brain function in these patients (e.g., related to 1986; von Giesen et al., 1994) are implicated in a
depression, anxiety, or other personality charac- syndrome of unilateral motor neglect, in which
teristics). This comparison revealed selective de- patients present with impairments in motor use
creases in activity of the basal ganglia and that cannot be explained by primary weakness but
thalamus in the hemisphere contralateral to the rather reflect a lack of motor intention or plan-
motor deficit, when the deficit was present as ning. Such a loss of motor intention has also been
compared with recovery (see Fig. 3A). implicated in the failure of some brain-damaged
Further, the degree of decreases in caudate nu- patients to become aware of their (real) paralysis,
cleus and thalamus at the time of symptoms (T1) i.e., anosognosia for hemiplegia (Gold et al.,
was significantly correlated with the duration of 1994; Vuilleumier, 2000b), suggesting that subjec-
conversion, i.e., activity was lower in these two tive experience of conscious motor action and
regions in patients who did not recover 6 months volition might be linked to basal ganglia or
later, relative to those who subsequently recovered thalamus function. Also in support of this, direct
(Fig. 3B). This reduced activation in contralateral electric stimulation of lateral thalamic nuclei
basal ganglia-thalamic circuits might therefore by depth electrodes may trigger contralateral
provide a plausible substrate for the subjective movements with a subjective experience of volun-
motor conversion deficits. Finally, we also per- tary action (Hécaen et al., 1949). Finally, changes
formed a reverse comparison of vibrotactile stim- in basal ganglia activity have also been impli-
ulation during symptoms relative to recovery cated in immobilization behaviors exhibited by
(T14T2). This showed only mild increases in so- animals to protect an injured limb (De Ceballos
matosensory cortex contralateral to the symptoms, et al., 1986).

Fig. 3. Changes in brain activity associated with hysterical paralysis. (A) Selective decreases in activity were found in the thalamus,
caudate, and putamen (upper row) in the hemisphere contralateral to the limb affected by sensorimotor symptoms. Measures of
regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were obtained by SPECT scans in seven patients (lower row) during bilateral sensorimotor
stimulation by vibrotactile stimuli when their symptoms were present (T1 scan), and in four patients when their symptoms had abated
3–4 months later (T2 scan). Brain activity was decreased in all these subcortical regions in all patients in T1 as compared with the same
regions in T2 or with homologous regions in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the symptoms in T1. (B) Such decreases in the thalamus and
caudate (but not in the putamen) were more severe in the initial scan (T1) in the three patients who had persisting symptoms at follow-
up 4 months later, as compared with four other patients who had recovered, suggesting that the severity of decrease at the time of
initial symptoms, may predict the duration of their symptoms. (From Vuilleumier et al., 2001).

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of cortico-subcortico-cortical loops. These circuits link various areas in frontal cortex to the caudate
nucleus, putamen and pallidum, thalamus, and then back to the cortex, allowing a modulation and coordination of motor commands
initiated in the cortex during movement execution, but presumably also during more complex cognitive operations. Such loops provide
several neural sites, particularly in the striatum/caudate, where neural signals can be modulated by affective and motivational inputs
from many other brain regions (such as orbitofrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, or amygdala), constituting a cerebral system thought to
be critical for the integration of volitionally guided and emotionally triggered expressions of behavior.

Other functional changes in brain areas related produced increased activation of ventromedial
to voluntary motor control have been suggested by frontal cortex, including right anterior cingulate
two PET studies in patients with hysterical motor and right orbitofrontal cortex, which was not seen
deficits (Marshall et al., 1997; see also Spence, during movement execution with the unaffected
1999; Spence et al., 2000; for review). Marshall et right leg. It was concluded that during initiation of
al. (1997) studied a single patient with a history of motor action on the affected side, some signals
unilateral left leg weakness persisting more than 2 might be generated in the limbic ventro–medial
years, in a task requiring either to prepare or to frontal and cingulate cortex due to affective or
execute movements with either the left (affected) motivational factors, and that such signals might
or right (unaffected) limb. Whereas motor prepa- actively inhibit the activation of motor cortex,
ration (without execution) activated brain areas in preventing the execution of normal movements
a relatively symmetric manner for both limbs, mo- (Konishi et al., 1999; Paus, 2001). However, it is
tor execution compared to preparation showed a possible that this increase in frontal and cingulate
selective activation of motor cortex for the right activation might reflect other processes known to
leg movement only, but not surprisingly, there implicate these regions, such as difficulty, moni-
was no such activation for the subjectively paraly- toring of failure (Paus et al., 1998; van Veen et al.,
zed left leg. However, in the latter condition, 2004) or conflict (Dehaene et al., 2003; Badre and
attempts to execute movements in the left leg Wagner, 2004) due to ambiguous task demands

(i.e., ‘‘try to move even if you cannot’’). In any hysterical conversion, concerning deficits in somato-
case, a similar pattern (reduced motor activation sensory processing (Mailis-Gagnon et al., 2003)
with increased cingulate cortex activation) was and visual perception (Werring et al., 2004). Mailis-
found in a follow-up study examining a single Gagnon et al. (2003) studied four patients with
healthy subject who performed the same motor chronic deficits in sensation of touch and/or chronic
preparation and execution task as in the preceding pain affecting one or more limbs on one or both
study, but now after hypnotic suggestion of uni- sides, while they underwent fMRI scanning during
lateral paralysis (Halligan et al., 2000). Although blocks of brush and mildly noxious stimulation on
this result suggests some similarity between hyp- their affected and unaffected body parts. Results
notic suggestion and conversion symptoms, this revealed different patterns for different brain areas.
classic relationship (entertained since Charcot by First, unlike stimulation on intact limbs (which were
many others: see Bliss, 1984; Spiegel, 1991; always perceived and reported), both noxious and
Oakley, 1999) may still not be firmly established non-noxious stimuli on the affected limb (which
(see, e.g., Persinger, 1994; Foong et al., 1997a). were not perceived or not reported) failed to activate
A subsequent PET study therefore compared the thalamus, insular, inferior frontal, and posterior
three patients who had hysterical weakness (two cingulate cortices. Second, some areas activated
patients in left arm and one patient in right arm), by perceived stimuli on the intact limb were appar-
with four healthy control subjects who were in- ently deactivated during stimulation on the affected
structed to feign motor weakness of the right hand limb (relative to a resting baseline without any
(Spence et al., 2000). All participants had to per- stimulation), including parts of contralateral SI and
form regularly paced movements with a joystick SII, as well as bilateral prefrontal areas. Third,
held in their affected (or pseudo-affected) hand. As anterior cingulate cortex showed a greater activation
a group, patients with conversion disorder showed during unperceived/unreported stimulation on the
decreased activity in left prefrontal cortex relative affected limb than during perceived stimulation
to the control feigners; whereas feigners showed on the unaffected side. Finally, several regions with-
decreased activity in right prefrontal cortex rela- in prefrontal and parietal cortex (including a supe-
tive to conversion patients. The authors suggested rior part of SI) appeared similarly responsive to
that left frontal deactivation in hysteria may reflect unperceived and perceived stimuli, although the
the role of these cortical areas in motor planning commonalities of such activations was not formally
(Spence, 1999). However, left frontal hypoactivity tested. Moreover, it is unclear whether the deacti-
is also frequently seen in other conditions such as vation reported for some areas may correspond to
depression (Mayberg, 2003). All patients in this inhibitory effects, or be more apparent than real due
study had a history of depression, although none to greater activation in the baseline condition. In
needed treatment at the time of scanning. More- any case, these fMRI findings suggest that abnormal
over, these left frontal anomalies did not provide a sensory symptoms in these patients might have
direct functional substrate for the contralateral partly resulted from objective neurobiological
motor deficit itself, since the affected side differed changes in a distributed somatosensory network,
across the patients. But nevertheless, some impair- which the authors tentatively attributed to attentio-
ment in internal representations of voluntary nal and emotional processes triggered by mild
movements is likely to be present in these patients, injuries or painful conditions, and perhaps
as also suggested by purely behavioral studies that exacerbated by a preexisting vulnerability (Mailis-
compared mental motor imagery with the affected Gagnon et al., 2003). The complex results from this
and unaffected hands in individuals with motor study might partly reflect the heterogeneity of
conversion (Maruff and Velakoulis, 2000; Roelofs patients and the fixed-effect statistical analysis
et al., 2002). used in a small sample, but it is notable that in-
Finally, only two recent studies used functional creased activity in cingulate cortex was also found
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the in the critical condition involving stimulation of
functional patterns of brain activity associated with the affected limb, as previously found during

an attempt to move the paralyzed limb in More questions and new directions
motor conversion or hypnosis (Marshall et al.,
1997; Halligan et al., 2000). Likewise, a recent fMRI A better understanding of functional changes in
study of five patients with unexplained visual brain activity during hysterical conversion is cer-
loss (Werring et al., 2004) found reduced activation tainly important not only because this may yield
in visual cortical areas during stimulation by whole- new insights into neural correlates of subjective
field color flickers, together with decreased (rather experience and awareness, but also because this
than increased) activation in anterior cingulate cor- may provide new constraints on theoretical ac-
tex. On the other hand, increased activity was found counts of conversion, in a neurobiologically plau-
in several other regions including more posterior sible framework, and therefore lead to improve the
cingulate cortex, insula, temporal poles as well as diagnosis and management of patients. There is no
the thalamus and striatum on both sides. Although doubt (and perhaps no surprise) that an altered
different from previous findings for sensorimotor experience of bodily functions might be associated
deficits, this pattern was again interpreted as gen- with specific modifications in the brain networks
erally consistent with the idea that conversion might normally responsible for generating our conscious
involve inhibitory modulation of visual processing experience of such functions, as also demonstrated
through increases in the activity of limbic areas. for even more extreme disturbances in bodily
Altogether, these new functional neuroimaging awareness (Vuilleumier et al., 1997; Blanke et al.,
data provide compelling evidence that ‘‘function- 2004; Blanke, this volume). Demonstrating specific
al’’ symptoms in patients with hysterical conver- neural correlates of hysterical conversion may also
sion may at least in part correspond to specific help reassure the patients as well as their caretak-
components in brain function, potentially under- ers, including nurses and doctors who sometimes
lying an abnormal awareness of perceptual and/or show negative or unsympathetic reactions when
motor abilities. Here again, there are still too few confronted with complaints unaccompanied by
studies, using different paradigms in different visible organic pathology. As already suggested by
types of patients, such that no definite conclusion James (1896), this may eventually help convince
is possible. Nevertheless, converging results point some skeptics that hysteria is a ‘‘real disease, but a
to the existence of dynamic changes within several mental disease’’.
distinct brain areas, affecting activity in motor or Importantly, neurobiological findings should
sensory systems under the influence of higher or- lead to refine our current psychopathological ex-
der systems, for instance in relation to attention, planations of conversion, by suggesting possible
emotion, or motivation factors. A new challenge mechanisms by which the mind can produce
for future research will be to provide a more pre- changes in the brain and body functions. Such
cise mapping between these patterns of brain ac- mechanisms are likely to involve dynamic interac-
tivation as revealed by neuroimaging techniques tions between neural systems mediating specific
and the various psychodynamic dimensions (acute functions (e.g., motor, somatosensory, or visual
conflict or stress, depression, personality traits, processing) and neural systems responsible for af-
etc.) that may be involved in conversion. In par- fective evaluations and reactions, based on current
ticular, further systematic studies are needed to as well as past experiences (e.g., limbic areas in the
better tease apart the neural correlates associated broad sense, such as cingulate gyrus, orbitofrontal
with subjective deficits themselves from other as- cortex, or amygdala). Such interactions between
pects potentially associated with coexisting disor- distributed brain areas might be usefully investi-
ders, such as changes in mood or anxiety, gated by neuroimaging studies using connectivity
personality characteristics, expectations, attention, analysis (e.g., Friston, 1994; McIntosh and
coping reactions as well as any activity conceivably Gonzalez-Lima, 1994). Various statistical tools
related to unconscious affective motives and con- now exist to describe how neural activity in one or
flicts that were postulated by Freudian psychody- several regions can either influence, or instead be
namic accounts. contingent upon, neural activity in other regions.

New methods allowing inferences about the direc- subjected to threats or forced restraints (Rougeul
tionality of such influences (such as dynamic caus- -Buser et al., 1983; Gray, 1993; Klemm, 2001). In-
al modeling, see Friston et al., 2003) might prove deed, motor arrest and protective immobility (in-
particularly valuable in this context. cluding behaviors such as ‘‘freezing’’, ‘‘sham
Thus, in our own study of hysterical paralysis death’’, or ‘‘alert state’’) seem to constitute funda-
(Vuilleumier et al., 2001) demonstrating reduced mental and stereotyped modes of reactivity to en-
activation in the contralateral basal ganglia- vironmental events that are perceived as stressful
thalamic circuits, which became normal again af- and hostile, where animals can sometimes adopt
ter recovery from paralysis, we were also able to awkward fixed postures while waiting for termi-
show that such changes co-varied with concomi- nation of the unfavorable situation (Klemm,
tant changes in other distant brain areas, where 2001). It has already been proposed that such re-
activity was not globally reduced or enhanced but flexive behaviors might provide a possible primi-
rather appeared differentially coupled with the ba- tive mechanism underlying more complex
sal ganglia-thalamic circuits during paralysis. This hysterical and ‘‘illness’’ behaviors in humans
was demonstrated using a type of principal com- (e.g., Kretschmer, 1948; Whitlock, 1967). Hyster-
ponent analysis (scaled subprofile modeling; Mo- ical conversion is typically triggered by psycho-
eller and Strother, 1991) that allowed us to identify logical stressors, and sometimes minor physical
three distinct networks of regions whose activity injuries, which may be experienced as potentially
tended to covary together across all subjects and more harmful in the context of a subjective lack of
all sessions, irrespective of their absolute level of control and helplessness. It is therefore plausible
activity. Critically, this analysis identified a net- that in some individuals (perhaps due to predis-
work including the caudate and thalamus, together position or past history) a kind of primitive pro-
with inferior frontal regions (areas 44/45) and or- tection or avoidance mechanisms might be induced
bitofrontal cortex (area 11), which was specifically and abnormally maintained, resulting in a patho-
coupled during paralysis in the contralateral hem- logical state of alertness and attention that can
isphere. Second significant network was found to modulate their sensory or motor experience, and
include motor and sensory cortical areas (e.g., ar- that is reflected in neural activity within specific
eas 1–2–3, 4–6), which were coactivated in all con- brain areas such as cingulate cortex and sensori-
ditions, but less so during paralysis in the motor networks. It is also possible that similar
contralateral hemisphere; whereas a third signifi- psychobiological responses may induce behavioral
cant network included anterior cingulate and tem- changes in other modalities (e.g., blindness, deaf-
poroparietal areas (areas 39 and 40), and was ness, dysphonia) or in more complex cognitive
mainly activated in the ipsilateral hemisphere dur- domains (e.g., memory) depending on some inter-
ing paralysis. Although very indirect, this network actions between the causal events and prior expe-
analysis suggests that hysterical paralysis did not riences in a given individual. In all such cases,
arise in association with reduced activation of the these changes in neural activity often found in
basal ganglia-thalamic circuits alone, but this sub- limbic areas of cingulate or orbitofrontal cortex
cortical reduction was coupled with a distinct pat- might indicate a primary ‘‘core’’ dysfunction com-
tern of functional connectivity with inferior frontal mon to different conversion disorders, inducing
and orbitofrontal cortex. secondary functional changes in other brain areas
One hypothesis to account for this pattern is connected more directly with the symptoms. How-
that changes in basal ganglia-thalamic circuits ever, more work will be necessary to confirm such
might implement an inhibition in motor behavior changes in different paradigms and to compare
under the influence of affective or stressful signals them with other conditions such as feigning or
represented in orbitofrontal or ventral frontal cor- hypnosis. Note, however, that many conversion
tex (Mogenson et al., 1980; Kringelbach and Rolls, patients present with relatively complex and mul-
2004). Such inhibitory effects might be akin to tiform symptoms, making homogenous group
‘‘behavioral arrest’’ observed in animals when studies difficult, and unfortunately limiting the

generalization of the findings from one study to and the rich productivity of imaging research in
another. other neuropsychiatric domains. A better under-
Future studies might therefore fruitfully com- standing of functional changes in brain activity
pare patterns of brain activity in conversion pa- during hysterical conversion will undoubtedly pro-
tients showing different types of deficits (e.g., vide unique insights into neural mechanisms of
motor or somatosensory loss) to determine more human consciousness, but should also improve the
directly what are the changes related to specific diagnosis, management, and assessment of prog-
symptoms, and conversive reactions in general (for nosis in these patients. Finally, further research in
instance, testing whether some effects in anterior this field might certainly contribute to strengthen
cingulate and frontal cortex may arise irrespective the links between psychiatry and brain sciences.
of the type of deficit). New studies should also use
different possible approaches, for instance by ex-
amining brain function more systematically during
and after conversion deficits in the same individ-
Many thanks to F. Assal, C. Chicherio, T. Landis,
uals; by manipulating more explicitly factors re-
and S. Schwartz for their precious collaboration,
lated to attention, expectation or inhibition; and
and to P. Halligan for many valuable discussions.
by investigating any differences in brain reactivity
Part of this work was supported by grants from
to stressful probes presented to these patients even
the Swiss National Foundation.
when they have recovered from specific conversion
symptoms. In addition, we need to better under-
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