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Glavna zadaca na ucenicite e da naucat efikasno da ucat i da razmisluvaat kriticki.

Za taa cel se koristat novi tehniki vo nastavata

koi gi pottiknuvaat ucenicite samostojno i od razlicni aspekti da gi razgleduvaat informaciite i da oformat svoe mislenje za nivna
verodostojnost i vrednost.Tehniki od toj tip se:
- Bura na idei
-Stop tehnika
-Venov dijagram
-ZSU tehnika
Ovie tehniki odat vo prilog na sovremenata nastava vo koja ucenikot ke bide aktiven subjekt, a nastavnikot potiknuvac i nasocuvac.

Metode koje koristim u nastavi osnovi tehnike (objašnjenje)
 Moždana oluja (BRAINSTORMING) – jasno postavljena tema i dati su zadaci učenicima,
učenici razmišljaju na zadatu temu i rade po uputstvu na zadatu temu, izražavaju sve ideje
(asocijacije), važna je količina ideja koja kasnije dobija i kvalitet, kritika nije dozvoljena, svako
radi za sebe, nema diskusije – dobra je vježba za kreativnost kod pronalaženja različitih
 Simulacija – stvaranje situacija koje u najvećoj mjeri liče na stvarne, primjena stečenih znanja i
vještina u simuliranoj situaciji, učenici vježbaju, razvijaju i stiču vještine i kompetencije za
primjenu u realnim životnim situacijama, koristi se za sticanje novih znanja, utvrđivanje stečenih i
provjeru nivoa stečenih znanja i vještina. Dobro se kombinuje sa ostalim metodama, posebno
metodom demostracije.
 Znam – želim da znam – naučio/la sam (Tablica) – Učenici u parovima po par minuta pišu sve
što znaju na zadatu temu. Saopštavaju to nastavniku koji: – ono za šta postoji opšta saglasnost
piše u 1. koloni. U koloni 2. upisuje tvrdnje za koje nisu sigurni šta žele da znaju. Može se
kombinovati sa insert metodom gdje će učenici u datom tekstu naći odgovore na neka pitanja.
 Insert metoda – Interaktivni način obilježavanja uspješnog čitanja i pronalaženje šta znam a šta
je za mene nova informacija. Svaki učenik dobija tekst…. ♣ Učenici se upoznaju sa načinom
rada i oznake stavljaju na marginama teksta. Stavljaju štiklicu na marginu ukoliko nešto što su
pročitali POTVRĐUJE ono što su znali. Upisuju znak “plus” ako je informacija za učenika NOVA.
Upisuje znak ”minus” ako je neka informacija koju učenici pročitaju PROTIVURJEČNA ILI
NETAČNA sa onim što su do tada znali. Upisuju „upitnik“ ako žele NEŠTO VIŠE da saznaju o
 Studija slučaja – Učenici na ovaj način upoznaju važne elemente događaja ili okolnosti, koje
analiziraju kod rešavanja problema. Za definisani problem navodi se primjer (priča, događaj, opis
situacije) iz prakse. Do rješenja situacije dolazi se analizom od strane učenika čime se postiče
interes i aktivnost učenika, jer su u proces učenja uključene životne situacije i primjeri iz
svakodnevnog života.
 METODA KOCKE ( CUBING ) – Nastavnik baca kocku učenicima koji su podijeljeni u grupe.
Dobijeno polje sa zadatom temom je njihov zadatak. Kratko pišu na zadatu temu. Nakon toga
učenici razmjenjuju svoje odgovore. Svaki učenik ili grupa prezentira svoj rad.
 PROJEKTNI RAD – Kompleksno postavljena tema se razlaže na podteme, svaka grupa dobija
po jedan dio za obradu, a kasnije se svi djelovi integrišu. Proces u kome pojedinac ili grupa
mogu istraživati. Svaka grupa ima mogućnost konsultacija sa nastavnikom. Utiče na razvoj
istraživačkih sposobnosti, učenici su samostalni i inovativni.
 SNIJEŽNA GRUDVA – Metoda u kojoj učenik najprije o problemu razmišlja sam. Nakon toga
dolazi do razmjene mišljenja i ideja u parovima. Parovi se zatim udružuju u manje grupe gdje
zajednički dolaze do zaključka. U sledećoj fazi sve grupe prestavljaju zaključke, rezultate
korišćenjem različitih sredstava.
 METODA GROZDOVA (clustering) – Izrada grozdova je vrlo efikasna metoda za uvod u novu
nastavnu temu kako bi se učenici podstakli na razmišljanje o onome što su već prije čuli ili
naučili. Takođe je izuzetno plodonosna metoda za ponavljanje već obrađene teme ili cjeline. U
posljednje vrijeme vrlo često spominjana korelacija s drugim predmetima ovdje posebno dolazi
do izražaja budući da se ne ograničavamo samo na Tehničko obrazovanje. Čak je ovu metodu
moguće koristiti i kod provjere znanja. Grupi se može zadati i onoliko ključnih pojmova koliko ima
članova s tim da zadani pojmovi budu smisleno povezani. Tada svako radi svoj grozd, a zatim ih
zalijepe jedan do drugoga. Na kraju se uvijek mogu uspostaviti još neke veze unutar velikog
grozda; dva učenika mogu raditi svaki svoj grozd da bi nakon nekog vremena zamijenili papire i
nastavili raditi dalje. Ovo je vrlo zanimljivo jer se početni tokovi misli najčešće razlikuju pa
zamenom grozdova učenici jedan drugoga podstiču na još šire razmišljanje; svaki učenik može
raditi svoj grozd na papiru s time da mogu, ali i ne moraju svi učenici imati zadat isti ključni
pojam. Ovakav individualan način rada pogodan je kada treba na brzinu nešto ponoviti i dobro je
onda ograničiti vrijeme izrade na max. 10 minuta; također se individualni način izrade grozda
može se koristiti i kod ispitivanja učenika; grozd se može izraditi i na velikom papiru za pano u
učionici. Da bi plakat bio što življi i originalniji, mogu se dodati crteži, slike, isječci iz novina.
 MAPE UMA – olakšavaju pamćenje, omogućavaju slobodan protok ideja, olakšavaju i ubzavaju
iščitavanje i preslišavanje, olakšavaju uočavanje odnosa među idejama, koriste samo ključne i
značajne riječi, što poboljšava pamćenje i štedi vrijeme, održavaju usredsređenost na glavnu
ideju, pojednostavljuju povezivanje ideja, omogućavaju lako dopunjavanje, grupišu važne
informacije na jednom mjestu.
 Metode čijom se primenom razvija kritičko mišljenje: Zujanje u grupi, Grupna rasprava,
Obilasci i izleti, Metoda i praktičnog rada.
Mary Ellen Handy had a painful crash course in the dangers of
the Internet. The trouble started in her freshman year of high
school after a dispute over a boy's affections. Once she
began dating him, a jealous girl flooded her computer with a
stream of nasty messages.
"She'd say, 'I hate you; leave the school,' and she called me
every name in the book," says Handy, now an 18-year-old senior
in New Jersey. With the speed and ease of the Internet, her
classmate soon recruited 20 others to bully Handy online. "It was
like a ripple effect," she says. As the ordeal dragged on for
months, she dreaded going to school, felt physically ill and saw
her grades tumble.
No doubt, the Internet can be an extremely useful tool for young
people. But instant messaging, chat rooms, emails and social
networking sites can also bring trouble - from cyberbullying to
more serious Internet dangers, including exposure to sexual
How savvy are you about keeping your child or teenager safe
online? Follow these tips to protect your kids from the 4 major
dangers of the Internet.
Internet Danger #1: Cyberbullying
On the Internet, cyberbullying takes various forms, says, an online resource that educates parents
about Internet safety. Cyberbullying includes sending hateful
messages or even death threats to children, spreading lies about
them online, making nasty comments on their social networking
profiles, or creating a website to bash their looks or reputation.
Cyberbullying differs from schoolyard bullying, Handy says.
Teachers can't intervene on the Internet. "When it happens
online, there's no one to filter it," she says. And cyberbullies
don't witness their victims' reactions, the way they might if they
insulted others to their faces. "They don't see you crying," Handy
says, which may make it easier for them to continue.
Some cyberbullies pose as their victims and send out harassing
messages to others. Recently, cyberbullies have also begun
posting humiliating videos of other kids they dislike, says Parry
Aftab, a cyberspace security and privacy lawyer who also serves
as executive director of, one of the largest
Internet safety education groups in the world
In the age of YouTube, a website that hosts videos shot by users,
"Kids are looking for their 15 megabytes of fame," Aftab says.
"They do it to show that they're big enough, popular enough,
cool enough to get away with it."
Often, kids don't tell parents they're being cyberbullied; they're
afraid their parents will overreact or yank Internet privileges,
Aftab adds. Her advice? If your son or daughter tells you, stay
calm. If it's a one-time thing, try to ignore the bully and block
future contact, she says. But if the cyberbullying involves any
physical threat, you may need to call the police.
Some tips from for responding to cyberbullying:

 To keep others from using their email and Internet

accounts, kids should never share Internet passwords with
anyone other than parents, experts say.
 If children are harassed or bullied through instant
messaging, help them use the "block" or "ban" feature to
prevent the bully from contacting them.
 If a child keeps getting harassing emails, delete that email
account and set up a new one. Remind your child to give
the new email address only to family and a few trusted
 Tell your child not to respond to rude or harassing emails,
messages and postings. If the cyberbullying continues, call
the police. Keep a record of the emails as proof.
Internet Danger #2: Sexual Predators

The online world opens the door for trusting young people to
interact with virtual strangers - even people they'd normally
cross the street to avoid in real life. About 1 in 7 kids have been
sexually solicited online, says John Shehan, CyberTipline
program manager for the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children in Alexandria, Virginia. The CyberTipline helps
prevent sexual exploitation of children by reporting cases of kids
enticed online to do sexual acts.
While sexual predators have targeted children in chat rooms,
they migrate to wherever young people go online, Shehan says.
More predators are now scouring social networking sites, such as
MySpace and Xanga, because these sites have centralized so
much information, Shehan says. A child's profile typically
includes photos, personal interests and blogs.
In terms of predators, that's obviously a hot spot where they can
go to research victims," Shehan says. "They need to meet these
kids, groom these children and become friends."
Predators may take on fake identities and feign interest in a
child's favorite bands, TV shows, video games or hobbies. "They
come across to the children as their new best friend. They're
going to have the same likes and dislikes," Shehan says. "It's
quite crafty what these child predators will go through."
Internet Safety Tips

 Ask your children if they use a social networking site. Look at the site together or search for it
yourself online. Social networking sites often have age limits. MySpace prohibits kids under 14 -
but doesn't verify kids' ages, so anyone can use it. If you want to delete a site, work with your
child to cancel the account, or contact the social networking site directly.
 Tell your kids not to post a full name, address, phone number, school name and other personal
information that could help a stranger to find them. Remind them that photos - like your child in
a team sweatshirt - can give away clues to where they live. Ask them not to send photos to
people they meet online.
 Learn about privacy settings that allow kids to choose who can view their profiles. Explain that
strangers who approach them online aren't always who they say they are - and that it's
dangerous to meet them in real life. Tell them to "instant message" only with family or friends
they already know off-line.
 When it comes to Internet safety, there's no substitute for parental supervision. Put your
computer in a common area of your home, not a child's bedroom, so you can keep an eye on
online activities. Go to websites that explain the short-hand kids use in instant messaging, like
"POS" ("parent over shoulder") or "LMIRL" ("let's meet in real life"), so you know what's going
 Ask your kids to report any online sexual solicitation to you or another trusted adult right away.
Shehan asks adults to report the event to the CyberTipline (800-843-5678), where staff will
contact law enforcement agencies to investigate. He also advises parents to call their local
police and save all offensive emails as evidence.
Internet Danger #3: Pornography
One of the worst dangers of the Internet, for many parents, is
the idea that pornography could pop up and surprise their
children. But parents may not realize that some kids are going
online to seek out web porn, too.
You can view the Internet browser history to see which websites
your child is visiting, Shehan says. But since kids can delete this
history, you may want to install Internet filtering software to
block porn sites in the first place.
Software filters aren't a perfect solution; some nasty sites can
slip through, while educational or family-rated sites may be
blocked. So while some parents may wonder whether monitoring
means they're spying on their kids, the safety factor often wins
out. "If you get the monitoring software, put it on the computer
and forget that it's there," Aftab says. That way, if someone's
viewing porn, you'll have the records to deal with it.

 Install Internet filtering software to block porn sites from

any computer your child has access to.
 Consider using filtering software that monitors and records
instant messaging and chat room conversations, as well as
websites visited.
 Consider using a monitoring program that filters
pornography keywords in several languages. Why? Because
some teens have figured out how to get around filters by
typing in porn-related search terms in other languages.
Internet Danger #4: Damaged Reputations

Camera phones, digital cameras and web cams are everywhere

these days, and kids can be victims of their own inexperience
with new technology. Many post pictures, videos or notes online
that they later regret. "Think before you post, because once you
do, it's going to be up there forever," Shehan says.
A child's online reputation is a growing concern, Aftab says, with
the rise of online social networking and profiles. She cites reports
of schools and employers rejecting young people for high school
programs, internships, college admissions and jobs after
checking out what applicants have posted online.
Many teenage girls put up provocative photos of themselves,
Shehan says. Why? Handy - a teenager herself - believes it's a
game of one-upmanship. "Kids are trying to look cool. They're
doing it because everyone else is doing it. A girl will see a picture
and say, 'Oh, I can top that.' And before you know it, she's half-
naked on the Internet for everybody to see."

 Explain that even if your kids delete their posted photos,

others may have already copied them into public forums
and websites.
 Tell your kids not to let anyone, even friends, take pictures
or videos of them that could cause embarrassment online -
such as if a relative or teacher saw them.
 Talk to your kids about possible consequences, the experts
say. A 17-year-old might think it's hilarious to post a
MySpace photo of himself looking drunk, with empty beer
bottles strewn around him. But will a college admissions
officer be impressed? Probably not
Identity Theft
Identity theft is when someone you know -- or don't know -- steals your identity and
claims to be you. It can be as simple as he or she saying they are you in a forum, or as
serious as stealing your Social Security number or bank account information and using
it for personal or professional gain. It is, however, the most common type of theft made
against a person. It is also a criminal offense and charges should be filed immediately if
a law has been broken. Individuals online look to steal others' identities in a number of
 E-mailing you a virus that would let them gain access to your computer
 Asking you to share your passwords with virtual strangers
 Giving someone your credit card or bank information
 Not protecting your computer and Internet access with a firewall and other secure
 Sharing photos of yourself, friends and family with those you don't know or posting them in
a public setting
If you find you have been a victim of identity theft, contact your local police department
and file a report. If banking or credit card information has been stolen, close all of the
accounts in question. You can also call each of the three national credit reporting
bureaus and have blocks put on your credit reports. This action will block anyone trying
to access your credit report for any reason. If someone is simply stealing your profile
information and using it as his or her own, then you can contact the owner of the site
and have that person banned.

Five Advantages of Social Networking

There are many reasons why someone may choose to take advantage of social networks

1. Worldwide Connectivity
No matter if you are searching for a former college roommate, your first grade teacher,
or an international friend, no easier or faster way to make a connection exists than social
media. Although Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are probably the most well-
known social networking communities, new websites are popping up regularly that let
people connect and interact over the Web.
With each of these sites, individuals can make new friends, build business connections
or simply extend their personal base by connecting and interacting with friends of
friends - which can have a multiplying effect.

These connections can help with a variety of things such as:

 Finding romance
 Seeking a new job
 Locating assistance
 Getting and giving product and service referrals
 Receiving support from like-minded individuals
 Making or receiving career or personal advice
 Sharing political beliefs
 Accessing news in real time
In many ways, these social communities are the virtual equivalent of church socials
where family and friends gather to exchange news and get updates. Even the age-old
custom of connecting with pen pals has been upgraded as private messages can be sent
over social media. When it comes to getting information, few methods are faster
than social media.

2. Commonality of Interest
When you opt to participate in a social network community, you can pick and choose
individuals whose likes and dislikes are similar to yours and build your network around
those commonalities. For instance, if you are a chess aficionado, a book lover or have a
particular political leaning, you can find and interact with those who share your interest.

It can also be a great way to share tips and ideas. Sites like Pinterest have been very
successful due to the ease in which a person can learn - and share - information about
hobbies, crafts, cooking, gardening and other do-it-yourself activities. By pinning and
sharing, you can attract like-minded individuals into your circle.

But, just as these virtual groups can help hobbyists exchange ideas and techniques,
other social network groups offer solutions for more vexing, real-world problems. For
example, social media groups can be lifelines for individuals suffering from a rare
disease. Churches, synagogues and temples also use social media to reach out to
members who may be unable to attend services.

3. Real-Time Information Sharing

Many social networking sites incorporate an instant messaging feature, which lets
people exchange information in real-time via a chat. This is a great feature for teachers
to use to facilitate classroom discussions because it lets them utilize the vast store of
information available on the Web. This can be a great time saver for the teacher - since
students no longer need to visit a library to conduct research- and it can be a great way
to engage distracted learners.

School is not the only setting where this type of real-time information sharing can be
beneficial. Social networking can provide a tool for managers to utilize in team
meetings, for conference organizers to use to update attendees and for business people
to use as a means of interacting with clients or prospects. Some leaders are going so far
as to include Tweets or other social media updates during presentations. This approach
can make events more interactive and help the presenter reach a larger audience.

4. Targeted Advertising
Whether you are non-profit organization that needs to get the word out about an
upcoming fundraiser or a business owner marketing a new product or service, there's no
better way than social media to get your message in front of millions of people 24/7.

Although social media can be used to spread a company's message for free, fee-
based advertisingoptions are also available. One of the best aspects of social networking
is the ability to deliver your content only to those users with the most potential interest
in your product or service. Each social platform offers an array of tools that enable a
business to deliver specific content to a very specific target group. This approach can
maximize targeted reach while minimizing waste.

5. Increased News Cycle Speed

Undoubtedly, social networking has revolutionized the speed of the news cycle. Most
news organizations now rely on social media sites to collect and share information.
Social media - especially Twitter - is steadily becoming a mainstream source for
breaking news. Today an individual can know, in real time, what is happening
throughout the world. This has led to the development of a nearly instantaneous news
cycle as everything from terrorist attacks to local car crashes get shared on social media,
quickly alerting their intended audience of the event.

Part of the increase in the speed of news can be attributed to smartphones. The
percentage of individuals accessing social media via their phone or mobile device
continues to rise. A 2014 Pew Center study states that 40 percent of smart phone users
access social media from their phones - and 28 percent do it on a daily basis.

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