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 Supply the appropriate preposition of time ( in, on at )

1. I’ll meet you ______ the morning.

2. I’ll meet you ______ the afternoon.
3. I’ll meet you ______ the evening.
4. I usually stay home ______ night.
5. I get out of class ______ noon.
6. I’ll call you ______ six o’clock.
7. She came ______ Monday.
8. She came ______ March.
9. I was born ______ 1970.
10. I was born ______ March 15th.
11. I was born ______ March 15th, 1970.
12. He played a trick on me ______ April Fool’s Day.
13. I’ll help you ______ a minute, just as soon as I finish this work.
14. I’ll help you ______ a moment.
15. ______ the moment, I’m doing an exercise.
16. I’m living in the dorm ______ present.
17. I like to go swimming ______ the summer.
18. I like to go skiing ______ the winter.
19. The concert starts ______ 7:45.
20. I learned to drive ______ four weeks.
21. The course begins ______ 7 January and ends ______ 10 March.
22. I went to bed ______ midnight and got up ______ 6:30 the next morning.
23. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived ______ 5 o’clock ______ the morning.
24. Mozart was born in Salzburg ______ 1756.
25. Are you doing anything special ______ the weekend?
26. Hurry up! We’ve got to go ______ five minutes.
27. I haven’t seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her ______ Tuesday.
28. I’ll phone you ______ Tuesday morning ______ about 10 o’clock, okay?
29. I might not be at home ______ the morning. Can you phone ______ the afternoon instead?
30. Tom’s grandmother died ______ 1977 ______ the age of 79.
31. Jack’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work ______ the moment.
32. The price of electricity is going up ______ October.
33. ______ Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk the country.
34. There are usually a lot of parties ______ New Year’s Eve.
35. I like walking round the town ______ night. It’s always so peaceful.
36. Do you fancy going to the cinema ______ Friday night?
37. Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days-usually only ______ Christmas and
sometimes ______ the summer for a few days.
38. I’ve been invited to a wedding ______ 14 February.
39. I’m just going out to do some shopping. I’ll be back ______ half an hour.
40. Carol got married ______ 17, which is rather young to get married.

Preposition Exercises I to IV 1


1. How long have you lived ______ Texas?

a) for
b) in
c) at

2. Let’s meet ______ 2 o’clock.

a) at
b) in
c) on

3. Nothing could ever come ______ those two brothers.

a) between
b) among
c) beside

4. You’ll find your corrected paper ______ those on my desk.

a) between
b) among
c) beyond

5. Tom lives just ______ the city limits.

a) among
b) between
c) beyond

6. Come here and sit ______ me.

a) beside
b) among
c) between

7. They sit ______ each other in class.

a) beyond
b) next to
c) between

8. The little girl held her doll ______ her.

a) between
b) close to
c) among

Preposition Exercises I to IV 2
9. I like living ______ where I work.
a) near
b) among
c) between

10. The paper plates are down that aisle ______ the paper towels.
a) within
b) off
c) across from

11. There are two chairs ______ the sofa in the living room.
a) between
b) opposite
c) among

12. Here, lean ______ this post and rest a minute.

a) opposite
b) against
c) between

13. The toy store is ______ to the right after you pass the bank.
a) off
b) near
c) beside

14. There’s no cover ______ that picnic area, so let’s eat here.
a) among
b) off
c) over

15. A major is ______ a lieutenant in rank.

a) above
b) opposite
c) near

16. If you stay ______ the umbrella, you won’t get wet.
a) above
b) under
c) beside

17. Your pencil rolled ______ your desk.

a) above
b) between
c) underneath

18. Rainfall in that area is ______ average for this season.

a) below
b) under
c) against

Preposition Exercises I to IV 3
19. There’s good shade ______ that tree. Let’s picnic there.
a) upon
b) across
c) beneath

20 The woman sitting ______ me had on a large hat which blocked my view.
a) among
b) in front of
c) between

21. The children’s playhouse is ______ the house in the backyard.

a) in front of
b) in back of
c) in the back of

22 His desk is ______ the room.

a) in the back of
b) in back of
c) behind

23. Michael has to ride ______ the car or else he gets car sick.
a) in front of
b) in the front of
c) in back of

24. Let’s put the plant ______ the cabinet.

a) about
b) within
c) on top of

25. Watching sailboats, we walked ______ the shore of the lake.

a) along
b) about
c) across

26. Mark drove ______ the block while Jean ran into the store.
a) around
b) beside
c) against

27. When are you due home ______ this tour?

a) from
b) around
c) along

28. He came ______ the room and introduced himself.

a) out
b) into
c) off

Preposition Exercises I to IV 4
29. The graduates walked ______ the stage to get their diplomas.
a) into
b) onto
c) with

30. The tour guide led us ______ the market.

a) over
b) through
c) between

31. The police searched ______ the city for the criminal.
a) throughout
b) onto
c) beneath

32 When it started getting dark, we headed back ______ town.

a) around
b) with
c) toward

33 The car started rolling ______ the hill.

a) through
b) under
c) down

34. The cat climbed ______ the tree to escape the barking dog.
a) up
b) to
c) at

35. I like to sleep late ______ Saturdays.

a) in
b) on
c) by

36. Adam will return the day ______ tomorrow.

a) around
b) after
c) about

37. They danced a lot ______ the evening.

a) within
b) during
c) about

38. Joyce visits me ______ a month every summer.

a) for
b) since
c) before

Preposition Exercises I to IV 5
39. Frank has been here ______ last March.
a) since
b) for
c) about

40. Please don’t argue ______ me. You know I’m right.
a) among
b) about
c) with

41. Teachers must be patient ______ their students.

a) after
b) with
c) under

42. My dad is angry ______ me, so I can’t go out this weekend.

a) to
b) for
c) at

43. We arrived ______ the US two weeks ago.

a) in
b) on
c) at

44. The ship sailed ______ the Atlantic from Lisbon to New York in five days.
a) along
b) from
c) across

45. We had to drive ______ a huge boulder that had fallen on the highway.
a) at
b) over
c) around

46. The two candidates hurled insults ______ each other.

a) at
b) into
c) by

47.It was a beautiful day to drive ______ the coast.

a) along
b) off
c) above

48. Dad will be home ______ work at six.

a) at
b) across
c) from

Preposition Exercises I to IV 6
49. The wind blew the hat ______ his head.
a) through
b) off
c) up

50. I’ll be glad to mail the package. I drive ______ the post office every day.
a) into
b) through
c) by

51. Ben lives only a few blocks from his office, so he walks ______ work.
a) off
b) to
c) across

52. Ships sail ______ the Panama Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
a) across
b) onto
c) through

53. Columbus discovered America ______ October 12, 1492.

a) in
b) at
c) on

Preposition Exercises I to IV 7
 Fill in the numbered blanks with a suitable preposition of time. Be careful, however,
because in one or two cases no preposition is needed!

My parents met (1) _____ the war. (2) _____ August 1943 to be precise. My
father was home (3) _____ leave (4) _____ the front, and he decided to spend the first
week with his aunt in Liverpool. He hadn’t seen her (5) _____ several years, even
though she had brought him up (6) _____ his mother’s death. Liverpool is not the most
beautiful city in the world, but it can be very pleasant (7) _____ summertime,
especially early (8) _____ the morning. (9) _____ this particular morning, however,
my father was in no mood to enjoy the sunrise over the Mersey. His train left Euston
Station (10) _____ time, at midnight, but (11) _____ the time He got to Crewe, it was
already three and a half hours (12) _____ schedule. So he was in a bad mood and very
tired (13) _____ arrival at Lime Street Station. But something happened (14) _____
minutes of his arrival that changed not only his mood, but also his whole life. Feeling
thirsty (15) _____ his long journey, he decided to go and have a cup of tea in the
station buffet. Typically, it was shut (16) _____ that early hour. A notice on the door
read “Opening hours: (17) _____ 7 a.m. (18) _____ 5:30 p.m.” He looked at the
station clock: ten (19) _____ seven. The buffet should be open (20) _____ now, he
thought. But, knowing station buffets, he realised that he could wait (21) _____ 8 or
even 9 o’clock before it opened. Suddenly he noticed a pretty girl sitting on a bench.
She was pouring some hot liquid from a thermos flask into a cup. Being something of a
lady’s man, my father ( at least this is what my mother told me (22) _____ some years
later ) sat down and said, “I’ve never seen such a pretty girl (23) _____ all my life as
you. And I haven’t had a hot drink (24) _____ last night. If you give me a drink of
your tea, I’ll marry you and look after you (25) _____ the rest of my life.” Believe it or
not, she smiled at him, gave him the tea, and well, I wouldn’t be here (26) _____ now
if the buffet hadn’t been shut (27) _____ that fateful day (28) _____ August 1943.

Preposition Exercises I to IV 8
 Insert suitable words, choosing them from the following list: at, by, during, for, from,
in, of, on, over, since, till, under, with.

1. I’ve lived _____ this street _____ ten years.

2. He has lived _____ 101 Cornwall Gardens _____ 1966.
3. _____ the age _____ 18 he was sent to prison _____ theft.
4. He was _____ prison _____ two years. _____ that time he became interested _____ birds.
5. There is a parcel of books _____ you _____ the table _____ the hall.
6. We heard that Bill wasn’t _____ arrest but was helping the police _____ their enquires. The
police are interested _____ a bank robbery which took place _____ Bill’s last holidays.
7. Much Ado About Nothing is _____ Shakespeare, and you’ll find more _____ his plays ____
the bookcase _____ the corner.
8. As the child was too young to travel _____ herself, they arranged _____ her to travel _____
the care _____ a friend of the family.
9. He was ill _____ a week and during that week his wife never left his side.
10. Passengers may leave bulky articles _____ the stairs _____ the conductor’s permission, but
the bus company will not be responsible _____ such articles.
11. _____ spite _____ the heat he refused to take _____ his coat.
12 He was wounded _____ the shoulder _____ a bullet fired _____ an upstairs window.
13. What’s the cheapest way _____ getting _____ London _____ Edinburgh?
14. He said he was _____ debt and asked me _____ a loan _____ $50.
15. When he gets back _____ the office he expects his wife to meet him _____ the door _____
his slippers, and have a hot meal waiting _____ him.
16. While _____ their way from the coast _____ the mountains they were attacked _____ a jaguar.
17. He’s not independent _____ any means. He depends _____ his father _____ everything.
18. He opened the door _____ a rusty key and went down the steps _____ the cellar, followed
by Bill _____ a torch.
19. He died _____ heart failure _____ Tuesday night. His wife is still suffering _____ shock.
20. The house is _____ fire! Send _____ The Fire Brigade!
21. It’s a long time _____ I had a good meal.
22. He hasn’t had a good time _____ ages.
23. _____ last year the noise has become very much worse.
24. The children are very fond _____ swimming. _____ the summer they spend most _____
their time _____ the water.
25. He insisted _____ seeing the documents.
26. They succeeded _____ escaping _____ the burning house.
27. I am not interested _____ anything that happened _____ the very remote past.
28. Turn left _____ the traffic lights.
29. I’ll meet you _____ the corner (of the street) _____ ten o’clock.
30. I didn’t see you _____ the party _____ Saturday. Where were you?
31. It was a very slow train. It stopped _____ every little station.
32. Paul is a student _____ London University.
33. The exhibition _____ the art gallery finished on Saturday.
34. It was a long voyage. We were _____ sea for ten weeks.

Preposition Exercises I to IV 9

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