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Let’s start with a basic summary of the problem, shall we?

You like a girl.

You think about her all the time.

You want to fuck her really bad.

You even think you just might be in love with her.

You imagine scenes of what you would do together if you were dating… how you’d get
cozy on the couch while binge-watching entire seasons of critically acclaimed
television shows, have sex every day, and do cute stuff like go to the farmer’s market

But when you try to make a move…

She shuts you down.

She tells you she just wants to be friends… doesn’t “see you that way”... and it
crushes your soul.

Am in the ballpark?



There’s a lot of bullshit advice out there about getting out of the friendzone.

Before I write anything on a dating topic, I always do a quick google search on it, and
look at all the first page results, just to see what kind of advice guys are being given
out there in the non-PUA community, a.k.a. the outer reaches of celibate hell.

Sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised.

Not this time.

Every single article I just read about getting out of the friendzone is pure garbage.

You can tell immediately that the people writing this shit have zero actual field
experience picking up women in general, and haven’t even tried the advice they’re
giving in real life.

But they have a looooot of opinions about it…

And if you don’t know any better, these incorrect and un-fieldtested opinions can be
poison to your results with women.

So before we begin, it’s necessary to bust up the two biggest myths which guys are
told and believe about the so-called “friendzone”...

…because if you’ve got either of these two assumptions knocking around your
subconscious, it’s going to massively inhibit your ability to attract your sexy female
friends and turn them into fuckbuddies.


There’s a popular joke that the friendzone is like North Korea: easy to get in,
impossible to get out.

Funny joke, but it’s a big misconception. There’s contrary evidence all over the place.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ll be reading a forum like and
some chick will be giving her story about how she met her boyfriend, and she’ll
mention they were platonic friends for years before hooking up.

Now, granted… /AskWomen is probably not filled with the type of hotties and
bartenders and waitresses who get your dick hard… but the point remains.

People go from being friends to lovers all the time.

I’ve done it with half a dozen girls.

Start out friends with a girl… it’s purely platonic… Then one day we’re partying and
bang, suddenly we’re in bed together.

It happens. And you can engineer it if you follow the principles and strategies laid out in
this short course, as well as in the Lust Molecule System and the other products
included in this package.

In fact, given certain conditions (which I’ll come to in a moment), it’s actually a lot
easier to fuck a female friend than it is to fuck a girl from cold approach…

● She knows you’re not a rapist. (Actually, statistically a woman’s more likely to be
raped by someone she knows, but that’s not how her biology and emotions

● She feels more comfortable around you and doesn’t feel like she has to put on
an “act”. (Women cannot be aroused unless they’re relaxed.)

● It’s easier for her to justify to herself that sleeping with you isn’t slutty than if she
had just met you.

● So long as you don’t cross the “line of no return”, you have a potentially infinite
amount of time to seduce her -- as opposed to cold approach pickup, where
you usually have a pretty limited window of opportunity to make some magic

● It’s easier to make her jealous of other girls you’re dating without seeming like
you’re doing it on purpose.

● It’s easier to impress upon her that you have high status and are desired by
other women.

● It’s easier to structure a situation where she’ll naturally start to desire you even if
she’s never had feelings for you before. From there, picking her up is as easy as
picking an apple off a tree.

If your game is tight and you apply some basic

psychology, it’s inevitable that you will fuck some or
all of your platonic female friends
Guys act as if the friendzone is some kind of permanent lock-down which can never be

The reality is that women are much more in tune with the present moment and their
own emotions than men are.

If she told you she just wants to be friends, that refers to her emotions only at the
moment she told you that.

But women’s emotions change constantly.

Every human’s emotional state does.

If they didn’t, then couples would stay together forever.

The initial euphoria and infatuation a girl feels for a guy would always remain… Girls
would never dump a guy or cheat on him, because their emotions would be constant.

That is not the world we live in.

The reality is that human emotions are unstable and are always changing… never

It happens all the time.

Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy starts changing… becomes a little bitch.

The comfort of the relationship makes him lazy, weak, effeminate. Girl falls out of love
with boy.

Well, guess what? The exact same process can happen in reverse, too.

Girl meets boy. Girl is not attracted to boy -- friendzones him.

Boy transforms himself… becomes a dominant male. Girl falls in love with boy.

Boy fucks her a couple times… then ignores her texts. (“I ain’t tryna hear that…”)

Do you notice the common denominator in both these cases?

Both are stories of transformation.

The girl either loses attraction or gains attraction because of what you become.


At the core, she has put you in the friendzone because you are out of alignment with
your true masculine nature.

When you become aligned and congruent with your core essence as a man, she will
inevitably start to be attracted to you, and be open to hooking up.

It is simply an inevitability.

Q: How many guys in the friendzone does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: None, they just stand around complimenting it then get pissed off when it
doesn’t screw.

(Credit: heterosis, Reddit)

The other side of the coin is that if you think you’re going to seduce your female friend
without self-improvement and getting better with women in general, you need a slap in
the face.

I’m here to administer that slap, so listen up.

Here are the facts:

Guys complain that women are only after money. Meanwhile, they have the
testosterone levels of a 12 year old.

They bitch and moan about how girls only care about looks, or only date guys of a
certain height or ethnicity. Meanwhile, they haven’t gone out and socialised with real
life humans outside of their computer screen in days.

Then they put their one semi-cute female friend up on a pedestal… and think that she’s
in some way better, more noble than the women who rejected them. Then they
fantasise and “scheme up” different ways to worm their way into her panties like a little

It doesn’t work, because women are repulsed by guys who are in scarcity.


Because to have a scarcity attitude about girls and sex is to be out of alignment with
your true nature as a man.

Only when you regain a permanent connection with your core masculinity will you get
that girl.

And being in alignment with your power as a man means having a lot of sexual


Often, the desire to get with your female friend is a “lagging indicator” that you’ve
got a scarcity mentality with women in general and are in fact a “man in quotation
marks”, not a man in the full sense of the word.

Not always, of course.

But very often.

Being a man means taking action. That is principally what defines masculinity in all
cultures known on earth and in all times during recorded history.

But the desire to worm your way into the pants of a female friend is very often the
result of a crippling fear of taking action, i.e…

“If I can get her, I won’t have to approach other girls. I won’t have to make myself
vulnerable to rejection. I won’t have to get off my ass and change myself and improve
my life.”

This is the true reason why most guys find it “impossible” to get out of the

Not because the friendzone is some kind of “permanent lock-down” situation which
cannot be reversed.

But because the very fact that you feel you NEED to get that particular girl is usually a
symptom of a larger problem -- which is that your life as a whole is being dictated by
your fear of taking action.

And the girl you want can sense that. And it turns her off.

Because men take action.

And those who do not take action, are not men.

So what’s the antidote to this?

Systems vs. goals

Scott Adams -- the guy who created the Dilbert comic strip -- recently went on Tim
Ferriss’ podcast.

I’m not really a big Dilbert fan or anything, but the guy had some interesting views on

And when I looked him up in Google, I found out he’s got a net worth of about $75

Now, $75 million is much less than I plan to be worth by the time I’m his age, but it’s
still a lot of money, so I think on this basis the guy’s opinions on success are legit.

Anyway, when asked about the “secret to his success”, Adams talked about the
concept of SYSTEMS VS. GOALS.

Specifically, how goals fail where systems succeed.

Stay with me here…

…this is insanely relevant to getting that hot little female friend of yours into bed.

Get this concept and she’ll be inviting you over to her place to show off her new
lingerie for you, get you to stay the night at hers, then sneak into your room while
you’re asleep and jerk you off until you eventually wake up and agree to put it inside

I guarantee it.

Ok… Systems versus goals.

On the podcast, Adams actually gave just about the greatest defence of “pickup
artistry” that I’ve ever seen given on a semi-mainstream media outlet.

(Whether or not he knows about the pickup community and is into is anyone’s guess,
but it’s not unlikely given that he’s smart, single in his fifties despite being filthy rich,
and regularly talks about the alpha male/beta male dichotomy on his blog.)

Anyway, Adams explained that he used to have no success with women because he
was goal-oriented rather than being a systems thinker.

For example, there’d be a girl in his class who he liked, and his goal would be to date
her. So he’d go up to her, ask her out, and she’d reject him.


He’d be depressed about it for weeks, and the same pattern would always repeat,
leading him to become more and more frustrated.

And ultimately, he stopped taking action at all, because he couldn’t stand the pain of
being rejected by the one girl he had decided he “really liked”.

By contrast, he had a friend… and what this guy would do, is simply to approach lots
of girls, and ask them all out on dates.

In contrast to Adams, he didn’t set himself the goal of getting with any one particular

This guy’s strategy was simply to ask out every girl who he found attractive… in the
belief that eventually, statistically, one of them was bound to find him attractive too.

His friend got rejected a lot, but lo and behold… some of the girls he made a move on
did end up liking him.

And as a result of “systems thinking” rather than “goals thinking”, he was always
getting laid… while Adams’ sex life languished.

“Failure” is feedback
When Adams made it his “goal” to attract one particular girl, the failure to get her
would put him in a negative spiral of lower and lower self-confidence.

The superiority of his friend’s approach, on the other hand, was that whether or not any
individual women rejected him was irrelevant…

…because on the whole, he was constantly learning from feedback and improving his
strategy to get better and better at attracting women in general.

In other words, he had actually rigged the “game” in such a way that over a long
enough time period he could only win. “Failure” was literally not possible.

There was only feedback which inevitably led to him getting more and more of what he
wanted over time.

That’s a system.


So here’s my point with all this:

Trying to seduce “Ashley from work” is a goal.

Getting better with women in general is a system.

Goals fail.

Systems succeed.

If you focus on the goal of getting “Ashley”, you may get her, but you may also be
devastated if she rejects you, leading to worse quality of life.

However, if you focus on the system of getting good with girls in general by
approaching a lot of women and learning from feedback…

…not only is your success inevitable…

…but in the process, you’ll probably end up banging “Ashley from work” along the
way, without even really trying that hard.

What I’m going to give you here is a system for getting out of the friendzone… and into
what I call “the friendzone with benefits.”

The friendzone with benefits is where you’re friends with the girl, but you’re also
sexually attracted to each other, so occasionally you hook up and have sex.

No big deal.

You can escalate this into a more serious relationship if you like, or you can just keep
having fun in the friendzone with benefits.

Your choice.

This is not difficult to achieve if you follow certain principles.

I’ve personally done it many times. I’ve seen friends of mine do it many times. (A lot of
the couples I know started off as being platonic friends, for example.)

The system I will lay out is so effective for getting into the “friendzone with
benefits”, that I know many guys who actually use this as their primary form of
getting girls.

In other words, they don’t really use “game” or “pickup” at all.

Instead, they meet girls through cold approach, but instead of trying to “pick them up”,
they deliberately put themselves into the friendzone… then use some variant of
this formula to turn those new female friends into “friends with benefits” (FWBs).

The result is that they’re always surrounded by pretty girls… who are their “friends”...
but who they can convert into fuckbuddies at any time they like.

Sound like a pretty nice life?

Okay, well let’s get into it.

There are basically two steps to getting into the “friendzone with benefits” with any girl.

Step #1 is to transform yourself.

Step #2 is to transform the relationship.

The secret is this:

If you do the first step properly, the second step will inevitably follow.

Attractive men are in very short supply.

While your female friend has hundreds of guys competing to get between her pretty
little legs, the vast majority of these guys are what I call “men in quotation marks”.

They’ve got low testosterone… they don’t really approach women unless they’re shit-
faced drunk… they don’t have brass balls… they buy into mainstream media and
social conditioning… and they’ve got a scarcity mentality about sex.

If you follow the simple secrets laid out here (and in the rest of the Lust Molecule
System) you will find that she will be the one making the move on you and trying to
get you into a sexual relationship with her…

…simply because high quality guys like you are in such short supply that she’d be
crazy not to.

Rule #1 of getting into the “friendzone with benefits”:

Being attractive to women is the result of high testosterone.


Low testosterone = low dominance.

In our evolutionary environment, there were dominant males and submissive males.

Some women liked the submissive males and had sex with them, producing
submissive kids.

Other women liked the dominant males, and got fucked by them, making dominant

But eventually, the dominant males killed all the submissive males, and fucked
their women.

Millions of years later, there are no women left who like submissive males. Women are
exclusively attracted to dominant males.

Women telling you they “just want to be friends” is primarily a symptom of LACK OF

You need to turbocharge your dominance levels, my friend.

And testosterone is the key.

The biology of sexual abundance

This is not a course about hacking testosterone levels.

Although, like every other course on picking up women, it should be.

There is no problem a man can encounter in dating which higher testosterone

levels cannot solve.

You’ve already got a cutting edge course in testosterone hacking in the form of the Lust
Molecule System + the Animal Magnetism X™ Technology which is included with it.

But here are a few basic things you need to be doing if you aren’t already:

1. Lifting heavy weights at least 4 times a week.

2. Eating a clean diet, with lots of meat, nuts, fish, vegetables and healthy fats, and
no sugar or processed foods.

3. Taking vitamin D3, zinc, selenium, grass-fed butter, and high quality liquid cod
liver every night before bed.

4. Approaching women regularly (even if just socially).

5. Accumulating sex energy through temporary or permanent abstinence from

ejaculation (Just 1 week of not ejaculating was proven to boost testosterone
levels by 150%. See The Dominance Pill Challenge)

Do all that for a couple months, and you won’t even

need the rest of this course
Your female friend will start seducing you without you even needing to make a move.

She’ll think it’s her idea.


Pheromones, baby.

I’ve said it a hundred times already.

You raise your T levels, it triggers your body to produce a substance (androstadienone)
which makes women horny.

They literally can’t help it.

I know girls who absolutely HATE me -- full on loathe me as a person -- yet if I get
close enough to her and stare in her eyes and lips a bit, she’ll end up giggling and
kissing me, and we’ll inevitably end up fooling around.

It’s just chemistry.

Sexual charisma
Another side effect of having high testosterone levels (i.e. being a real man) is that you
make your sexual intent felt from the start… so you never end up falling into the
friendzone to begin with.

You touch her casually right from the start, look her deep in her eyes from beginning,
tease her like the little dork she is, give her occasional sexual spikes, etc.

When you do all this from the very start…

...that is, when you interact with girls as a man to a woman, not as a “friend to a
friend”... don’t get friendzoned. Ever.

Trying to be put in the friendzone

I don't get friendzoned. Simply doesn’t happen to me anymore.

It’s not physically possible for me to be around a girl I’m attracted to and not be sexual
and flirtatious with her.

A girl may or may not want to fuck me, but she always knows I'm a sexual entity.

She feels deep in her core that if we were alone together, something sexual would

It’s written all over my face, my body language. It’s nonverbal.

It’s in my eyes… how I’m looking at her… how close I’m standing to her… how I’m
totally at ease with touching her even though we’ve just met.

And it’s the fact that I’m teasing her and busting her balls a little. I’m not afraid to
offend her and make her mad.

As a result of this, I actually find it difficult to get into the friendzone.

The other night I actually tried to get put into the friendzone and failed at it. I swear to

I was talking to this girl who was really cool and smart. I liked her. Her personality was
cool, and I could tell she’d make a good friend if we hung out.

She has a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend. Her boyfriend was even standing right there the
whole time I talked to her. (He did not like me. Also another sign that you’re “getting it
right” in terms of your testosterone levels, by the way.)

There was no sexual subtext to our conversation at all.

At least, I tried to make it that way.

We talked for ages. I got her number, said we should be friends, and even that we
should double date -- her and her boyfriend plus me and my girlfriend.

I felt like this girl would get along with my girlfriend and I wanted us to all be friends
and hang out.

And this girl was totally into it. She kept saying, “yeah let’s! please text me! please!”

She was insistent that I text her so we could hang out again.

When I texted her later that night saying hey, she texted back once again insisting that
I promise to text her the next day so we could all hang out.

Next day, I texted her back. No response.

Texted her some more funny stuff a day later. No response.

You know what happened?

She knows that if we hung out, she’d end up cheating on her boyfriend with me.

When she was feeling more social and had a few drinks, she wasn’t thinking logically.

But when she sobered up, she immediately realised I had sexual charisma and that if
there was even a chance that she would end up ruining her relationship by sleeping
with me, it’d be better if the whole thing was completely avoided.

What I’m saying is that I CANNOT be put in the friendzone!

I’m actually TRYING to do it at this point as a result of being in a LTR -- but my

testosterone is so high that girls basically just see me as a cock with legs!

And, lo and behold, that’s also why I’m dating a model, am lusted after by every single
woman I know, and can get laid pretty much any time I leave my house.

Testosterone, my friend.

Get on it.

Rule #2 of getting into the “friendzone with benefits”:

Women want what other women want.

If your female friend knows you’ve got options, she’ll be attracted to you in spite of

If she senses you’ve got no options, nothing you do will make her panties wet even if
she logically knows you’d be a great partner for her.

In nature, there’s this thing called preselection.

Here’s how preselection works.

The sexes are unequal because of how their sexual biology works.

A man can have sex with hundreds of women at no cost to his own health, and it’s all
pure upside.

He can spread his genes, but having a kid doesn’t (biologically) exert any cost on him.

A woman, on the other hand, has to be more selective about which males she chooses
to mate with, because being impregnated takes an enormous toll on her body for 9
months, plus she potentially has to look after the kid on her own.

As a result of this fundamental inequality, men are trying to get sex with women all the
time, while women have to selectively choose which men, of the many who are
courting them, to sleep with.

And to help them decide which males have the best genetics, nature has implanted a
“short-cut” in female DNA called preselection.

Meaning, it’s relatively difficult for a woman to judge which man objectively has the
best genetics.

But it’s easy for her to see which man is most popular with women.

And so if she simply fucks the men who are already fucking a ton of women, this
will usually prove to be the best strategy in terms of getting the best mate.

Or in other words: women want what other women want.

Women are not conscious of the fact that they’re attracted to men based on

They go purely by instinct and emotions, and then rationalise their decision after
they’ve already made it.

How to take advantage of the “preselection glitch” in

female instinct to bang all your female friends
Preselection is (largely) useless for cold approach pickup.

A girl you’ve just met in a bar doesn’t know your life. She hasn’t seen how you live.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a supermodel girlfriend waiting up for you at home…
some random drunk chick in a bar is not going to know, so you can’t use preselection
to your advantage here.

On the other hand, preselection is your biggest asset

when it comes to turning your female friends into
Your female friends do see how you live… they have a window into your life… they
know how you roll.

So if they suddenly start seeing you with different girls, and they hear about how you’re
dating all these different women, it’s automatically going to trigger a preselection-
based spike in sexual attraction for you.

Now that’s all well and good if you’re already dating a few girls.

But what about if you’re new to success with women and you haven’t really got any
irons in the fire?

It’s all about…

“Girl Flow”: The #1 secret of all success with women

Success with women is all about girl flow.

What do I mean by “girl flow”?

Basically this concept refers to the fact that the likelihood of you getting any one girl
is directly proportional to how many girls you are seeing in a given period of time.

In other words, your ability to fuck any one girl will depend on how many girls you’ve
currently got floating around in your life right now.

Notice I say how many are “floating around in your life”...

Not how many different girls you’re fucking.

It will certainly help if you’re getting laid with one or more of these girls, but you don’t
need to be.

Simply having an abundance of women in your life who you’re texting, hanging out with
and going on dates with is enough.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the more girls you interact with regularly, the
more that “feminine energy” rubs off on you and makes you more attractive to
other girls.

Feminine energy flows towards itself. It flows where there’s already a lot of it. It flows
away from where there’s none of it.

The core questions you must ask yourself

● How many girls are you texting right now?

● How many dates have you gone on in the last two weeks?

● How many girls have you approached in the last three days?

The answers to those questions will tell me with infallible certainty whether or not you’ll
end up banging the female friend(s) you currently have your eye on.

Research has shown that approaching women regularly releases a substance in your
body which makes you more attractive to the opposite sex.

Get out there. Talk to people. Approach women. Get social. Doing this will have a
magical effect on the rest of your life.

You’ll feel happier. You’ll walk around “lighter”. You won’t take yourself so seriously.
You’ll always be laughing, and this will be infectious. People will want to be around

You won’t ever have to “create” attraction again. Attraction will simply be automatic
with any girl.

And you’ll end up banging your female friends by default, because they’ll be the
ones trying to lock you down.

It’s simply an inevitability.

Plus, if you’re known as a womanizer, women will logically assume you’re good in bed
due to having a lot experience.

That brings us nicely to our next point…

Rule #3 of getting into the “friendzone with benefits”:

There are many reasons a girl will want a “friend with benefits” -- i.e. a male friend who
she has sex with from time to time.

He provides comfort, a shoulder to cry on, and is a source of grounding masculinity in

her life which compliments her erratic feminine nature.

But most importantly, he’s got a dick + testosterone, and so he gives her good sex.

He pleasures her emotionally and physically, and gives her an opportunity to feel
desired and wanted and needed, and to dress up in sexy clothes for him so that he can
excite her by tearing them off.

This should go without saying, but you need to get your mindset about sex right before
you can get results with any type of game -- whether that be cold approach, social
circle, or getting into the FZWB.

Girls love sex.

Good sex = good life.

Giving a girl good sex is among your highest and most sacred duties as a man.

Unequivocal belief that female sexuality is a beautiful

If you have any kind of negative or self-limiting beliefs about sex, you need to fix them.

For example:

● if you think girls being “slutty” is a bad thing

● if you ever use the words “slut” or “slutty” non-ironically

● if you look down on girls for having casual sex

● if you judge women negatively for sleeping around

● if you idealise women who are sexually inexperienced

…then you are going to find it nearly impossible to inspire your female friends to
sleep with you.

People in general do not like to do things which lower their self-esteem or lower their
worth in other people’s eyes.

If the girl gets the sense that you are even 1% judgemental about female sexuality, she
simply isn’t going to fuck you.

Why should she act like a “slut” if you’ve made it clear from your words or behaviour
that you hate women who are “sluts” and don’t respect them?

The answer is she’s simply not going to.

On the other hand, if you’re the type of guy who has a very relaxed attitude towards
sex, she’s going to feel good about opening up to you sexually and sharing that side of
herself with you.

You may find she’s a lot naughtier than you thought. (All girls are if you show them
you’re nonjudgemental.)

So that’s rule number 3 of getting into the friendzone with benefits:

You need to be good in bed, and you need to be liberal to a fault about the whole
question of sex.

Obvious, yes.

But still very necessary.

“But what if I’m sexually inexperienced?”
I’ve said that being good in bed is important for getting into the friendzone with
benefits, but if you’re sexually inexperienced or insecure in this area, don’t worry too

Read the Sex God Method by Daniel Rose. He’ll sort you out.

And again, get your testosterone levels way up. As I said, it solves every problem in
game, including this one.

You’ll have such high sex drive that you’ll approach more, thus having more sex and
improving at it.

Plus, having high testosterone will itself make you better in bed -- more dominant,
more appreciative, more present, more attentive.

If you can’t get hard, quit masturbation and porn.

If you have issues with premature ejaculation, you can either:

1. do kegel exercises on a regular basis (google it), or:
2. (my personal preference), just get your testosterone levels so high that you can
have sex at least 2-3 times per day, so that if you come in the first 3 minutes the
first time, you can always take a short break then give her a longer session the
next time around.

As to sexual “technique”, you really don’t need to worry too much. Sex for women is
mostly psychological rather than physical.

Once again, read the Sex God Method. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Todd Valentine of RSD also has a great free video on this: “How To Have Better Sex -
Secrets of a Player”:

Rule #4 of getting into the “friendzone with benefits”:

“Rule number 2, never let ‘em know your next move / Don’t you know bad boys
move in silence and violence?”
- “10 Crack Commandments”, The Notorious B.I.G.

All your instincts are going to tell you to “declare your feelings” for her.


Has declaring your love for a girl ever worked for you in the past?


Then don’t do it again and expect a different outcome.

What’s fucked up is that the reason we have this instinct to “confess our feelings” is
that we’re TRAINED to think it will work by TV and movies.

We literally get programmed that the way to attract women is with a kind of behaviour
which is, in reality, repulsive to them.

Flirt and tease, but never get too serious.

You want to come in “under the radar”…

The attraction shouldn’t be like a bright flame… but more like a white hot coal always
smouldering under the surface.

Never acknowledged openly… but definitely understood and sensed by both people.

The attraction you share for each other should be like a “little secret” you have
between you. A conspiracy… a guilty pleasure.

You never acknowledge it openly, nor does she, but you both know it’s there… and in
in the right situation, it may just end up getting triggered and explode like a powder keg
into glorious sex.

That’s the frame… and that’s how you’ll get her, my friend.

A slow burning sexual tension which goes on so long that she can’t endure it any
longer… and she starts coming onto you.

The moment you start overtly “trying” to get her is the moment you shatter the
fragile balance of sexual tension.

Then the uncertainty is lost. She knows your intentions and it’s no longer exciting for

Ambiguity is your friend here.

Now, let me pause here to make something clear.

This is very, very different from how you run game in cold approach.

With a girl you met from cold approach, you can break this rule.

I’ll often declare my feelings for a girl I’ve met from cold approach and tell her I like
her… but it works because I’ve already set a playful, teasing and sexual frame from the
very start.

You can go from teasing/playful/sexual to declaring your feelings, and she’ll be

aroused… because you’re making her feel a broad range of different emotions, which
is the master key to triggering attraction in females.

But you can’t go from platonic friend to declaring your love.

It just doesn’t click in most cases, and there’s too much potential for it to get “weird”.

With a female friend, you don’t ever want to be seen to be “trying to seduce” her.

Don’t cross the line of no return.

Meaning, don’t give her any definite signals that you want her.

In cold approach, that’s fine. But with a female friend, it’s just not a good frame to set.

It puts you in the same category as all the frustrated chodes who she’s “friends” with
and who are always trying to worm their way into her panties.

That’s why the principle is ATTRACTION, not seduction.

Magnetism, not persuasion.

You want to be cultivating a situation where she’s the one coming to you and being
drawn into your “personal gravity field”.

Not a situation where you’re in any way “courting” her or trying to “get her alone”.

So how do you this?

With indefinite attraction signals, not definite ones.

Let your actions do the talking, not your statements.

Teasing, touching, eye contact, etc…

Let that sexual tension develop and gradually come to a slow boil.

Never acknowledging it.

Never forcing it.

Never ever saying something definite like "I think we should be more than friends".

But always laying on sexual tension through ambiguous actions, like teasing her, being
playful, making fun of her, talking about sex in a playful way, holding eye contact
longer than normal, touching her, and so on.

Basically, any of the 33 sexual triggers contained in the Lust Molecule System are gold
here, so revisit that section when you have time.

The only time it's permissible to talk about the relationship you have is by framing it in
the negative in a teasing way, as if she's the one trying to seduce you and you’re

For example, I might play around with my female friends by physically escalating and
playing like I’m trying to kiss them, while saying, “stop trying to kiss me, stop trying to
kiss me, noooo, it’ll ruin the friendship”, and she’ll be in stitches with laughter, while
also being quietly a little turned on.

That’s funny… light.

See the difference between joking around and teasing her like that vs. sitting her down
and “confessing” your feelings?

One adds to the sexual tension by being funny, arousing, yet ambiguous. The other
collapses the sexual tension into something definite, from which you cannot return.

Ambiguity is your friend. Embrace it. Ride it like a surfer riding a wave.

Flirt, tease, build sexual tension, and allow the chemistry to develop.

But never make your intentions entirely clear.

When you make your intentions clear, you collapse the wave into something definite.

Don’t ever collapse the wave.

Rule #5 of getting into the “friendzone with benefits”:

This is related to the above rule on attraction not seduction.

Essentially, the more you try to compel a woman to do anything, the more
resistant she’ll be to doing it.

(This applies to people in general, not just women.)

What you fight you strengthen, and whatever you resist persists.

The reason I emphasise attraction over seduction (in the context of turning female
friends into FWBs) is that every time you’re seen to “make a move” on her and she
says no, it triggers a habit of her “resisting” you which then becomes stronger and
stronger the more it’s triggered.

People have an inbuilt persuasion resistance mechanism.

The moment you perceive someone is trying to get you to do something or limit your
freedom of choice, your brain reflexively slams down the brakes and makes you resist
that person.

It’s completely reflexive. It’s an instinct pre-programmed in all of us by evolution to

stop us being manipulated.

So don’t trigger that mechanism by ever trying to “maneuver” her into having sex with

Your female friend is a lot like a cat. Try to pester her to come sit down beside you and
curl up at your legs, and she'll ignore you.

On the other hand, act as if she doesn't exist and before you know it she'll be rubbing
up against you, purring and begging to be stroked.

The change happens fast. Faster than you may have expected.

We’ll get into how to engineer such a situation in a moment.

But first the final principle…

Rule #6 of getting into the “friendzone with benefits”:

Don't invite her on any kind of “one-on-one” date.

Once again, regular dates work great for cold approach or online game. But not in this

If you’re friends with a girl, and then you ask her out, even for “casual drinks”, it’s
immediately going to set off alarm bells.

She’ll know (consciously or subconsciously) that you’re trying to bang her, and this will
put her on the defensive.

Instead what you want to do is get her guard down by inviting her out with a bunch of
people, mutual friends, other people you know, other girls you’re meeting, etc.

Go to a club or bar with her and other people.

Let everyone get messy and tipsy and let their hair down.

This is the kind of environment where magic can happen.

Not sitting across from each other at dinner at your place, dressed all stuffy and
making small talk.


Once again, this can be confusing because it’s the opposite of “good game” in a
cold approach context.

In cold approach, your underlying goal is always to isolate the girl as soon as possible.
So getting drinks together is great in that context.

But when making a move on a female friend, it’s the opposite.

You want to get her out with you and a bunch of other people (girls and guys) in a
“party” type context.

You want to show her the kind of life you live… show her that you’re in abundance with
other girls… and especially, cold approach other girls in front of her (key)…

In other words, your best chance of sleeping with her is not going to be on a date, but
in a party environment where everyone’s letting loose, getting drunk and having fun,
then eventually hooking up at the end of the night.


It’s real simple.

#1: Go to your front door.

#2: Open the door.

#3: Go somewhere where there are girls.

#4: Approach a girl. (If this step intimidates you, do the Approach Anxiety
Annihilation technique in the surprise bonuses section.)

#5: Talk to her by opening your mouth and letting words come out. She will talk
back. Congratulations. You’re now friends.

#6: Tell her you’re going out that night to a cool bar with your friends and she
should come. When she says yes, get her number. Text her time and location
and tell her to bring her friends.

#7: Repeat steps 1-6 about five times.

#8: Text your friends. Tell them you’re heading to a bar or club with a bunch of
girls, and invite them to come along. Be specific about the place and time.

Invite the female friend you want to bang (from hereon to be referred to as
your “target”) in the same manner.

#9: When everyone shows up, introduce them all to each other. Guess what?
You are now the most high status person within the group. Every woman there
is automatically going to be attracted to you because you know everyone and
are the most at ease.

#10: Have fun. Laugh with your friends. Cold approach other girls in front of your
target. Sit back and watch as the girls you brought fight over you. Ignore your
target completely.

#11: Keep doing step #10 for as long as necessary. Then when you see an
opportunity, isolate your target.

#12: Ramp up the sexual tension with strong eye contact, touching, flirting,
teasing, and reverse psychology.

All the stuff about teasing girls that I gave you in the Sexual Triggers section of
LMS will work like gold dust here.

For example, lean in to kiss her in an over the top exaggerated “sex addict” type
of way while at the same time teasing her by saying, “No! This is wrong! Stop
trying to kiss me! Stop trying to kiss me! You’ll ruin the friendship!”

Constantly accuse her of trying to seduce you. Flirt outrageously, then deny
interest when she calls you on it.

Get real close… talk real soft… then just as your lips are on the verge of
touching, walk away from her and approach another girl in the vicinity.

Bring the girl over to your target. Introduce them.

Always be teasing.

Alternate between building sexual tension with outrageous flirting, and ignoring

#13: Repeat until she breaks.

If you’ve done the other steps right, it really won’t be that difficult, because you’ve
already positioned yourself as a man who’s wanted by other women, so she’s naturally
going to want you too.

You don’t even really need to do steps 1-7 if you don’t want to… they’ll just tend to
make this process a whole lot easier if you do.

The real key is to invite your target out, party with her and some other people, and cold
approach other girls in front of her.

That’s what’s going to trigger her “jealousy glands” big time and get her feeling like she
needs to make the move on you or else she may lose you to one of these other girls.

It’s also going to show her you’re in abundance with women. You have no problem
hitting up other girls. You don’t need her.

Instinctively, she’ll start to chase you, like a cat chasing a mouse.

Chasing triggers
Girls usually never make a move on a guy unless there’s a legitimate fear that she’ll lose
him if she doesn’t.

When they sense that there’s a real chance the guy is going to be snatched up by
some other girl, then they start to “sit up” and get proactive.

But not before then.

So you can basically engineer this whole process such that you’re now the one who’s
in demand, and she needs to try to win you over.

How to go for the kiss without getting rejected or

triggering resistance
Once you’ve set that frame by inviting other girls to party with you and cold
approaching girls in front of her, it will be relatively easy to get your target horny for you
and to transition the relationship into a more sexual place.

Teasing, touching, eye contact, lots of reverse psychology… all key.

Then, when you sense it’s “on”, use the jedi mind trick of physically escalating while
verbally protesting.


Getting real close to her, staring deep in her eyes as your lips almost touch hers, while
saying stuff like, “We can’t do this… it’s wrong… it’ll ruin the friendship... it’ll ruin the
friendship… stop… stop…”

Pure chick crack.

Then once you’ve kissed her and a sexual context has been established, you can
basically just proceed to game her like you would any other girl.

Escalate, isolate, and use any excuse to be in the same bed together at the end of the

Be the man. Lead her through the club with your arm around her protectively. Bring her
around with you. Lead. Be decisive. Move her around the place.

Then lead her into a taxi for the “after party” back at yours.

You can invite other people back to yours for the afterparty, or you can just go back to
your place with her and escalate sexually, and now that you’ve got her horny and
there’s no one around she’ll usually go to bed with you.

If not, don’t force it.

Build comfort and bonding by staying up late just talking together and having drinks.
Then you’ll generally end up spooning and, human nature being what it is, it will tend to
go sexual from there.


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