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YOU W ILL FIND IN H u m a n R e s o u r c e M a n a g e m e n t

Interorganizational Formal Mentoring: Career Success after Stigmatizing Organizational Events

Breaking the Concrete Ceiling Sometimes M o n ika H am o ri
Requires Support from the Outside This article examines the effect of six types of stigmatizing organi-
A udre y J. M urre ll, S tac y B lake -B e ard , zational events on employees’ career moves to another employer:
D avid M. P o rte r , J r ., A ddie P e rkin s -W illiamso n criticism of the organization in the media; resignation of key indi-
Our research explores the idea that formal mentoring relationships viduals from the organization; downsizing; a drop in net income;
that cut across traditional organizational boundaries may facilitate lawsuits launched by the Securities and Exchange Commission,
positive interactions among an increasingly diverse workforce. We competitors, or customers; and lawsuits launched by employees.
present interview, Web-survey, and focus-group data across an Stigmatizing events that signal the decline of corporate perfor-
eight-month period from a pilot test of an interorganizational for- mance are the most devastating for professional career success.
mal mentoring (IOFM) program sponsored by the Executive Lead- Outsiders, on the other hand, are less sensitive to an organization’s
ership Council (ELC). Results indicate that IOFM provides valuable involvement in lawsuits launched by public authorities or employees.
access to mentoring relationships that include trust and psychoso- Stigmatizing events affect the career success of every professional in
cial support, access to legitimate organizational power, and the the organization, irrespective of his or her hierarchical level.
sharing of social capital across traditional organizational boundar-
ies. The benefits and challenges of this approach to mentoring and
diversity are examined.
New Forms of Ownership and Human Resource
Practices in Vietnam
Y in g Z hu , N g an C o llin s , M ic hae l W e bbe r , J o hn B e n so n
The Relationship between Social Norm Consensus, In 1986, the government of Vietnam commenced the move from a
Perceived Similarity, and Observer Reactions centrally planned system to a market-oriented economy with a
to Coworker Theft multisectoral economic structure and a multiownership system.
J am e s M. S c hm idtke
This process, known as Doi Moi, has had a major effect on the eco-
nomic and social fabric of Vietnam. Although the body of research
This research examines observers’ reactions to coworker theft in a on this topic has grown, few studies have explored the effect of
restaurant chain. This study focuses on the role of social information, these economic changes on the internal operations of enterprises.
such as the social norm consensus regarding the specific type of theft In particular, little is known about the relationship between these
behavior, and on the perceived similarity between the observer and new forms of ownership and how enterprises structure their hu-
the perpetrator. In general, observers are less likely to label cowork- man resource management. This article seeks to explore this rela-
ers’ behavior as theft when social norm consensus is low and when tionship through detailed case studies of 32 enterprises covering
they perceive the perpetrator as similar to themselves. Also, observ- the range of ownership types.The findings reveal a diversity of hu-
ers are less likely to report and more likely to imitate the theft be- man resource management practices. The article concludes by con-
havior of similar coworkers as the amount of consensus regarding sidering the theoretical and practical implications of these results
the type of theft decreases. Analyses indicate that the relationship for economies undergoing transition.
between similarity, reporting, and imitation of theft behavior is not
mediated by the labeling of an event as theft. Implications for em-
ployee theft research and human resource management practice
are discussed.

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