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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Grade 4 FSL Lesson Duration: 50 min.


General Learning Outcomes:
Language – Knowledge of Vocabulary
Specific Learning Outcomes:
-demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary associated with family members
-use the following linguistic elements, mainly orally: vocabulary for family members
Students will:
-be able to describe their family to another classmate
-comprehend a conversation about family with a classmate
Observations: Key Questions:
-observe during task time what needs -How many brothers and sisters do you have?
to be brought up in the post-task -What are your siblings names?
Written/Performance Assessments: formative observation assessments
-formative written assessment about the students’ families


Resource #1: Youtube video:


* Smart Board
* Video with family terms
* Phrase sheet guide

Introduction (__min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Count down from 5 in French
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Expect students to be open to discussion and willing to use French with
their peers.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Intro to Families, series of tasks, wrap-up
Transition to Body: How do you say “family” in French?
Body (__min.):
Learning Activity #1: Teacher introduction of family and associated vocab. (pre-task) (25 min.)
After writing down La Famille on the board. Have the students brainstorm all the different type of family members.
Go through each translation on the board, having the students also write each of them into their notebooks under the
“Famille” section. With each other them, say it for them to hear, then say it again and have them repeat (do this at least
twice for each)
Once each of the family members have been translated, show a Power Point slideshow on which you have a picture for
each of the family words (some may be missing if the students wanted to know words not necessary for the coming
-Watch the Youtube video and have the students sing along the second time through if they want.
-have the students practice writing these terms by having them write in the notebook the different members of their
-I will then write on the board the members of my family and demonstrate, by writing on the board or having it on the
Smart Board, the simple phrase “J’ai” and a few numbers listed, how I would tell the students about my family Ex
“J’ai deux frères, une sœur, et deux parents.” Repeat the model of this process twice.
Have the students practice with the person beside them telling them about their family.
Give the students the phrases “Il s’appelle and Elle s’appelle”. Have them write those down in their books with the
Model to them how one would say “J’ai une sœur, elle s’appelle Amber.” (Have it visually on the board too) Allow
them to practice with the person beside them again.
Have a sheet with other common questions and phrases about family that they may need.
Learning Activity #2: Tasks (17 min.)
Task #1 Family Surveys (3 min.)

Have the students find a different person than they just practiced with and have them find out whether the partner’s
family has more girls and women than boys and men. Make sure that they know to right down the answer.
Task #2 – Family Tree (5 Min.)
With the same person, tell each other the names of your close family, and then draw a family tree for your partner’s
family. Then show it to your partner to check.
Tell the students that they will be presenting the family tree they created of their partner’s family to the class. They
must show the tree, and tell each member of the family and their name. Tell them they can look for reference.
2 minutes to prepare and then 7 minutes of presentations.

Learning Activity #3: Post-task Language Focus (5 Min.)

Identify with the students the commons words and phrases used in these exercise. Have them write in their notebook
these phrases. Reflect what other vocabulary or phrases could be used (English and then translate)
Depending on what I heard and saw going around the classroom, I could focus on the pronunciation of certain
vocabulary or phrases. If they have trouble remembering certain vocabulary then we could review those ones.
Closure ( _3_min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Have the students write down five different family words (in French) to hand
in as an exit slip.

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