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Multiple Intelligences

Unit Plan Template

EDUC 527
Unit Title: What is an American? Teacher: Mrs. Orosco

Grade Level: 11th grade

Subject: SDC English 11 Time Frame: 15 days- 55 minutes per day

Goals and Student Learning Outcomes:
IEP goals Addressed
Goal #1: By 9/11/2018, student will draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support

analysis, reflection, and research in 2 out of 3 trials with 75% accuracy as measured by student work

sample or teacher record.W.11-12.9

Goal #2: By 9/11/2018, Student will demonstrate knowledge of eighteenth-, nineteenth- and early-

twentieth-century foundational works of American literature, including how two or more texts from the

same period treat similar topics or themes. RL.11.9.A.

Goal #3:By 9/11/2018, Student will read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 11–CCR text

complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed in 2 of 3 trials as measured by teacher

observation, work samples, teacher made tests and curricular exams. RL.11.10

Goal #4: By 9/11/2018, Student will develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising,

editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a

specific purpose and audience 75% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by teacher observations, work

samples, teacher made test, and curriculum exams.


Technologies in the unit:

iMovie, Talking Tom,, YouTube, Nearpod, Mindeister, Interactive Smart Board,

Google Docs, Chromebook, iPad, Coggle, Google Blogger, Quicknote, Google Classroom,

Springboard,, Word Document, PowerPoint, GoAnimate, Canva, Spotify, Google

Common Core standards:

RI.11-12.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says

explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters


L.11.12.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases,

sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level;

demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering vocabulary knowledge

when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

RI.11.9.A: Demonstrate knowledge of eighteenth-, nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century

foundational works of American literature, including how two or more texts from the same period treat

similar topics or themes.

W.11-12.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and


RI.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or

formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a


W.11-2.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying

a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose or audience.

L.11-12.3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to

make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
Technology standards:
ISTE STANDARD 1: Creativity and Innovation- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct

knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

ISTE STANDARD 2: Communication and Collaboration- Students use digital media and

environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including distance, to support individual

learning to the learning of others.

ISTE STANDARD 3- Research and Information Fluency- Students apply digital tools to gather,

evaluate, and use information.

ISTE STANDARD 4- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making- Students use

critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make

informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

Materials: Intelligences:

Kahoot! Visual, Logical, Auditory,


Quicknote Logical, Visual

PowerPoint Visual, Auditory,

Interpersonal, Naturalists

Naturalists, Visual,
Google Docs Interpersonal, Visual,

Naturalist, Visual,
Coggle Intrapersonal

Visual, Kinesthetic

Auditory, Intrapersonal,
Springboard Interpersonal, Visual,
Mindmeister Visual, Intrapersonal,

Google Classroom Naturalist, Interpersonal,

Intrapersonal, Visual,

Voice Memo app Verbal, Intrapersonal

Procedures: Intelligences:

Day 1:

1. Using the iPad, the teacher will use Kahoot to present various pictures Visual, Auditory,
Kinesthetic, Verbal,
that may or may not represent Americans. The students will have to Interpersonal, Naturalist

decide whether or not they believe each picture is a true representation of

an American. After clicking on yes or no on Kahoot, the students will be

asked to move to the left side of the classroom if they believe the picture

represents what an American is, or move to the right if they do not think

it represents what an American is.

2. Using Quicknote, the students will be asked to type up a quick write Logical, Visual

explaining what they believe an American is.

Day 2:

1. The students will be introduced to how to extend a definition. Using a Visual, Auditory, Logical,
PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will explain the various ways to

extend definitions using a PowerPoint:

• Exemplification- examples of the definition

• Function- what the definition acts like or functions as

• Negation- what the word(definition) is not

• Classification- categorizing by type or kind of

2. As the teacher is going over the PowerPoint, the teacher will ask the

students to repeat the main definition as she points to the words.

3. Lastly, the students will create a Prezi to categorize the various texts and
Visual, Naturalist,
images into the four different categories: Exemplification, Function, Intrapersonal

Negation, and Classification.

Day 3:

1. The students will read their first Essay using Springboard Online, Auditry, Visual,
“Veterans Day: Never Forget their Duty” by Senator John McCain. After

reading the essay, the students will answer comprehension questions on


 During what War was McCain a prisoner of war?

 Who was Mike Christian?

 What did Mike sew on to the inside of his shirt?

2. For their ticket out the door, the students will be asked to create a quick Verbal, Intrapersonal

summary using the “Voice Memos” app or Microsoft word, and email it

to the teachers email:

Day 4

1. Using Coggle, the students will categorize what they think patriotism is Naturalist, Visual,
and isn’t. The thinking map should have two main branches: What they

think patriotism is and what they think patriotism isn’t.

2. The students will then use their Chromebook to read the same essay as
yesterday: “Veteran’s Day: Never Forget their Duty” through Kinesthetic

Springboard Online. While listening and following along to the audio,

the students will highlight quotes that help them understand McCain’s

definition of patriotism.

3. After highlighting the quotes, the students will be asked to create a Visual, Interpersonal

thinking map using Mindmeister to identify and write down the four

most important quotes that support their definition of patriotism. After,

they will share there thinking map to a peer.

Day 5

1. The students will complete the graphic organizer in Google Logical, Intrapersonal,

Docs to help them organizer the paragraph prompt: Define what

patriotism is to you Find one piece of evidence from McCain’s

essay to support your definition.

2. After completing the graphic organizer, the students will be Interpersonal, Verbal

asked to read the draft aloud, to a peer, or individually. After

reading it, the students will correct any errors and submit the

paragraph to Google Classroom.

Day 6

Photo retrieved from Sringboard Online.

1. The students will look at this illustration, which will be projected on Visual, Logical,
the Smartboard. The teacher will introduce the term “Primary Interpersonal

Source”, which the students will type into their word document

named Academic Vocabulary. The teacher will then randomly

choose a student using Class dojo to read the definition aloud. The

students will then type in the definition from the website. Lastly, the

teacher will give the students five minutes to write their own

definition of the word, Primary Source.

2. The students will get into their assigned groups and answer the Interpersonal, Visual,
Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal
following question, which will be posted in a Google Doc. There is

four groups, where each group will be assigned one question. After

answering the questions, the students will regroup with someone

who has a different question

a. Group one: When looking at a primary source such as this

illustration, it is important to consider both the message and

context of the source. What is the source of the illustration?

Why is it important?

b. Group two: Why might the date of the source be significant?

c. Group three: What do you see in the illustration? What point is

the source trying to convey?

d. Group four: What feelings or thoughts do you think people

might have looking at the statue of liberty for the first time as a

new arrival to this country?

Day 7

Auditory, Verbal,
1. The students will read and following along to a speech that

describes the immigrant experience in the United States of America,

written by Franklin D. Roosevelt on Springboard Online.

Intrapersonal, Logical,
2. The students will then create a Google Blogger or use the “Voice verbal

Memo” to write down phrases the describe Americans. The students

will then be required to identify how both the iconic image from the

previous day and speech from today both describe the immigration

experience in the United of States. At the bottom of the blog or end

of the audio, the students will identify which type of extended

definition is this speech. Lastly, the student will submit their blog or

audio to Google classroom.

Day 8
Auditory, Interpersonal,
1. The students will listen to the poem, “I Hear America Singing” by Verbal

Walt Whitman on YouTube. After listening to the poem, the teacher

will ask the students to identify imagery in the poem. The students

will do Think Pair Share with the person next to them.

2. After listening to the audio of the poem, the teacher will have the

students watch the PhotoStory of the poem using the same YouTube

Visual, Intrapersonal,
3. Lastly, the students will create a Symbaloo with words or phrases Naturalist

from the poem that shows imagery.

Day 9
Musical, Visual,
1. Today, the students will listen to the song “I Hear America Singing”

by Andre J. Thomas which is also on YouTube. As the song is

playing, the students will be reading the lyrics on the projector and

in google classroom. The teacher will play the song for a second

time, and the students will be responsible for highlighting imagery

that helps them understand the definition of an American.

Musical, Naturalist,
2. After highlighting the song, the students will be required to create a Visual

Venn diagram using On the Venn diagram, the

students will be asked to compare and contrast the poem and song

definition of an American.

Day 10
Visual, Auditory, Musical
1. Students will listen and follow along to the short story, “America

and I” written by Anzia Yezierska on Springboard. This audio has

music in the background. Interpersonal, Visual,

Logical, Naturalist
2. After reading to the story, the students will work in groups using the

website, Story Board That. The students will be asked to create a

story board summarizing the short story, “America and I”.

Yezierska story is divided into six chunks; therefore, there should

be six boxes in the story board. On day ten, the students will be

responsible for completing the summary and image portion of the

story board.

Day 11 Interpersonal, Naturalist,

1. On day 11, the groups will finish their Story Board. The students

will be responsible for identifying the tone for each section of the

short story, and list important diction that helps us understand the

author’s definition of an American.

Visual, Logical,
2. After completing the lesson, the students will present their

storyboards to the class by projecting it on the Smartboard. Intrapersonal, Visual

3. For their exit ticket, the students will be ask to independently reflect

on how they think each of the sources they have learned about help

them provide a definition for an American. The students will have

the choice of using Voice Memo or Google Blogger.

Day 12 Visual, Naturalist,

1. The students will use the iPads to create a mind map on Coggle. The

main idea on the mind map will be, “What is an American?”.

2. The main branches will be the title of the various sources we read or

saw in this unit.

Interpersonal or
3. The sub-branches will be the definition of an American for that Intrapersonal

specific source. The students will have the choice of working

independently or in groups.

Day 13

1. The students will be asked create a clear and efficient definition of

what they believe it means to be an American. This will be their

thesis statement for their definition essay, which they will type into

Mindmeister for their main bubble. The students will then decide

what type of definition essay they are going to create:

Classification, Negation, Exemplification, or Function. Visual, Naturalist

2. The students will identify two different sources that they believe

best support their definition of an American, and add that into their

Mindmeister. On the thinking map, the students will title the two
sources and identify whether the source is using classification,

negation, exemplification, or Function.

3. After choosing the two sources, the students will be asked to find

textual evidence that will support their definition of an American.

The two quotes will also be inputted on the thinking map, after the

title of the source.

Day 14 Logical, Visual,

Naturalist, Musical
1. The students will fill in the essay template provided in Google

Classroom. The students will be asked to fill in the three paragraph

essay outline. Because this is their day to write their rough draft, the

students will be able to listen to classical music to help them stay

focused. The teacher and aide will be walking around to help

monitor learning.

2. At the end of the period, the students will be asked to submit their

draft on Google Classroom. The teacher look over the student

drafts, and group the students in heterogeneous groups for day 15.

Teacher’s responsibility after class- The teacher look over the student

drafts, and group the students in heterogeneous groups.

Day 15-
Kinesthetic, Visual,
1. As the students walk into the classroom, the students will be asked

to scan the QR code under their name. The QR codes will be

projected on the wall. Each QR code will tell the student who his or

her group is.

Verbal, Interpersonal,
2. Once in their groups, the students will have ten minutes to read and

edit their partner’s essay on Google Doc. Once the timer goes off,

the students will have to exchange information with their peers and

make suggestions on how they can improve their paper. This should

take about 25 minutes. Intrapersonal, Logical

3. For the last 25 minutes of class, the students will work on

completing the final draft of the essay. The students will be

responsible for turning in their final draft by 10:00 pm of day 15 in .
Product: Intelligences:

Quicknote- Quick write response Intrapersonal, Logical,


Visual, Naturalist,
PREZI- Categorizing the Extended Definitions Intrapersonal

Voice Memos app or Microsoft Word- Summary of McCain’s Essay Verbal, Interpersonal,

Naturalist, Interpersonal,
Coggle- Thinking Map Categorizing what patriotism is and isn’t Visual

Google Doc- Graphic organizer for paragraph on what it means to be Interpersonal,

Patriotic Intrapersonal, Logical,
Visual, Verbal

Word Document- Academic Vocabulary worksheet Logical, Visual,

Intrapersonal, Naturalist,

Google Doc- How to understand primary sources. Interpersonal, Naturalist,

Visual, Verbal

Google Blogger or Voice memo- Phrases that describe Americans Auditory, Musical,

Symbaloo on Poem and Song, “I Hear America Singing” Visual, Musical Venn Diagram Visual, Naturalist

Interpersonal, Visual,
Story Board That- Story Board of “America and I” Naturalist

Google Blogger or Voice Memo app- explaining how each of the sources Intrapersonal, Verbal,
they learned about provide a definition for an American Visual
Coggle- Thinking map with the various Sources read through Unit and their Visual, Interpersonal,
interpretation of an American. Intrapersonal, Naturalist

QR Codes Kinesthetic, Visual,

Google Doc: Final Essay Draft Naturalist, Verbal, Visual,


NaturaAssessment (quantitative rubric):

Developing 1 Qualified 2 Exemplary 3

Coggle: Brain Student completed one Student completed 2-3 Student completed four
storming assignment
for Final essay of the branches with branches with 2-3 or more branches with

one source on the sources from the unit four or more sources

thinking map. from the unit

StoryBoard That! Student did not Student completed 2 of Student provided the

summarize, draw a the three instructions: summary, visual, and

picture, or identify the picture, identify, the tone on each chunk of

tone on the story tone on the story the story board.

board. board.

Academic Student has less than Student has five-10 Student has 10-13
Microsoft office five terms on the terms in the document. Academic terms in the

Academic Term word document.

Symbaloo! On Poem Student did not add Student added 5-10 Student added 13-15
and song
any words related to words related to the words related to the

America or Americans. two sources and the two source sources and

definition of the definition of

American. American.

FINAL ESSAY Student did not Student provided one Student provided two

provide textual quote to support their or more quotes from

evidence or definition of an two or more sources to

commentary from the American. support his or her

various sources read. definition of an


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