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Learning objec ves

1- Be able to describe the main features of pelvic bones,
walls, & peritoneum
2- Be able to differen ate between male & female ar culated
pelvic girdles
3- Be able to describe main measurements of female pelvis
4- Be able to describe the main features of the perineum & its
5- Be able to describe the main features of the various pelvic
organs & their rela onships.

Recommended further reading textbook

By: R. J. LAST
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 1
Pelvic Inlet (pelvic brim):
*Formed by the pubic crest, Pec neal line, arcuate line of Ilium,
ala & promontory of Sacrum
*In female is round or oval. In male is heart-shaped
*It is an oblique plane (60 degrees with horizontal plane)

Pelvic cavity:
*Bounded by the ar culated Hip bones (Os Innominatum ),
the Sacrum, Sacro-tuberous & sacro-spinous ligaments
*Short curved canal with a post. Wall 3X as long as ant. Wall

Pelvic outlet:
*Extends from lower bordre of symphsis pubis to coccyx
*Bounded lat. By ischio-pubic rami & sacro-tuberous ligaments
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 2
Horizontal plane: passes thru. Upper border of symphysis
pubis, spine of ischium, p of coccyx, head and apex of
greater trochanter of femur.

Pos on of Pelvis:
In erect person, it is lted. The ant. Sup. Iliac spine & the
upper margin of symphysis pubis lie in same ver cal plane

The subpubic angle is nearly a right angle in the female

and about 60 degrees in the male.

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 3

Superior aperture or inlet (Female)
The anteroposterior or conjugate diameter extends from the
sacrovertebral angle (promontory) to the upper part of symphysis
pubis; its average measurement is about 110 mm (11cm).
The transverse diameter extends across the greatest width of the
superior aperture, from the middle of the brim on one side to the
same point on the opposite; its average measurement is about 135
mm (13.5cm).
The oblique diameter extends from the iliopec neal eminence of one
side to the sacroiliac ar cula on of the opposite side; its average
measurement is about 125 mm(12.5cm).

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 4

inferior aperture or outlet (Female)
The antero-posterior diameter, extends from the p of the
coccyx to the lower part of the pubic symphysis, is about
115 mm (11.5-13cm).
The transverse diameter, measured between the posterior
parts of the ischial tuberosi es, is about 115 mm (11.5-
12cm). Antero-posterior Diameter (13 cm)
Transverse Diameter (12 cm)

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 5

The true conjugate (T) can be measured only on
radiographic films because it extends from the sacral
promontory to the top of the symphysis pubis. Its
normal measurement is 11 cm or more.
The obstetric conjugate (O)is the shortest of the
three. It extends from the sacral promontory to the
thickest part of the pubic bone and measures 10 cm
or more.
The diagonal conjugate (D)is the most easily and
commonly assessed because it extends from the lower
border of the symphysis pubis to the sacral
promontory. It normally measures 11.5 cm or more.
The inlet is said to be contracted when any of these
diameters is smaller than normal.
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 6
The diagonal conjugate
diameter( ),
between the lower margin
of the pubic symphysis and
the sacral promontory is
measured per vaginam.
Inability to palpate the
sacral promontory suggests
that the conjugate diameter
of the inlet is adequate for
parturi on, whereas
palpa on indicates a
contracted pelvis.

Measurement of the diagonal conjugate diameter by the middle finger.

The indicated length on the index finger gives the true conjugate,
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 7
because the index is about 1.5 cm shorter than the middle finger.
The pelvis is composed of:
1- Pelvic brim: ( promontory of sacrum & ilio-pec neal line)
2- Pelvic floor (pelvic diaphragm): (levator ani & coccygeus)
3- Pelvic walls: (sacrum, os innominatum, piriformis &
obturator internus muscles)

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 8

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 9
Perineal body (Central Perineal Tendon)
*Lies infront of anal canal
*Fibro-muscular mass of ssue
*Fixed to & forming part of the pelvic
*Composed of:
1. Interdigita ng fibers of pubo-
prosta cus (pubo-vaginalis)(mainly )
2. Transverse perinei muscles
3. Bulbo-spongiosus muscle Ischio-rectal fossae
4. Superficialis part of external anal
*Extends from level of pelvic floor to
skin of perineum
(closes the space between the ant.
Parts of le & right ischio-rectal fossae
*Very important in support of pelvic
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 10

The Perineum

Anal Triangle Urogenital Triangle

(Large & posterior) (small & anterior)

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 11

Anal Triangle
* Composed of:
1- Anal canal
2- Ischio-rectal fossae & contents
* Sides formed by Sacro-tuberous ligaments
* Base formed by the line joining ant. Parts of ischial tuberosi es

Anal Canal
*About 3 cm long muscular tube
*Its muscle fibers are all arranged in a circular fashion
*Consis ng of an internal (smooth) and an external (striated)
*The junc on of rectum and anal canal is at the pelvic floor
*From this junc on the anal canal passes downwards and
backwards to the skin of perineum

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 12

The anal canal has a point of demarca on between visceral and
soma c por ons called the pec nate (dentate) line , which is a
serrated line following the anal valves and crossing the bases of
the anal columns.
* The epithelium is columnar or cuboidal above
the pec nate line and stra fied squamous below it.
*The Arterial supply
Above the pec nate line from the superior (of Inf. mesentric art.) &
middle rectal arteries (of Int. iliac art.)
Below line from inf. Rectal artery ( of Int. pudendal artery)
* The Venous drainage
Above the pec nate line goes into 1. The portal venous system
mainly via the superior rectal veins. 2. To the caval venous system
(systemic) via middle rectal veins
Below the line, it goes into the caval venous system via the inferior
rectal veins or Saphenous vein.
(N.B. site of hemorrhoids-at junc on between systemic & portal
4/29/2012 Internal hemorrhoids
Prof.occur above the pec nate line, and13
Dr. F. AL-Khafaji

external hemorrhoids occur below it

Portal system Venous drainage
above pec nate line

External rectal plexus Across via Internal iliac vein

(Surrounding Ampula) middle rectal vein (Caval system)

Muscle wall of ampulla

Submucous plexus of veins

(in Ampulla & anal canal)
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 14
* The lympha c vessels: ( follow arteries) above the line: from
lymph follicles in mucous membrane drain upwards to join
those of rectum which drain across wall of rectum into lymph
nodes along the 1. Median sacral art. 2. Middle rectal art. 3. Inf.
Mesenteric art.
below it: into the superficial inguinal nodes.

*The sensory innerva on above the line: is through fibers from

the pelvic plexus (inf. Hypogastric plexus) and thus is of the
visceral type (rela vely insensi ve to touch but sensi ve to
below it: is by soma c nerve fibers of the pudendal nerve (Inf.
rectal nerves, which are very sensi ve).
PN. The sympathe c innerva on of the rectum & upper anal
canal contracts the circular muscles & internal sphincter, while
the parasympathe c (pelvic splanchnic) empty the rectum.
-The lower 1/3 of anal canal & ext. sphincter under voluntary
control (Inf rectal nerve &Prof.
4/29/2012 perineal
Dr. F. AL-Khafajibranch of S4) 15
Anal columns

- (6-10 in No.)
- In upper 2/3 of mucouss membrane
- Longitudinal ridges in mucous membrane produced by ver cal blood
- Each column contains a terminal radical of the superior rectal art. & vein
- Three of these anal columns ( their veins , being largest at 4, 7, 11) are
prone to become varicose as the three primary hemorrhoids
- Vary in prominence according to amount of blood it contains (anal valves
remain constant irrespec ve of blood it contains)
- United to each other inferiorly by cross channels of anastomosing veins
which raise small mucosal folds known as the anal valves (near
muco-cutaneous junc on). These cross channels form a venous ring
called the Annulus hemorrhoidalis .
- Anal valves form a series of small pockets (Anal sinuses) each at the
Inf. End of a groove between two columns
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 16
Ischio-rectal fossa
*Wedge shaped space
*Fills lateral Part of anal triangle & extends forwards into
urogenital triangle
*Filled with so fat which forms dead spaces into which the
anal canal can expand during defeca on
** Lateral Wall : Formed by Obturator internis fascia,
Falciform margins of sacro-tuberous ligament & Ischial
** Medially: The 2 fossae are separated by the anal canal,
perineal body, & ano-coccygeal body
** Roof : By levator ani muscle
1- Loose fa y ssue. 2- Internal pudendal vessels &
Pudendal nerves (in Pudendal canal). 3- Inf. Rectal vessels &
nerves. 4- Scrotal vessels & nerves. 5-Perineal branch of S4
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 17
Urogenital Diaphragm
*Triangular double layer of fascia (Sup. & Inf. layers)
* Inf. Layer is the perineal membrane
*Situated in ant. Perineum (filling in the gap of pubic arch)
*Ant. : The two layers fuse, leaving a small gap beneath
symphsis pubis
Post. : The two layers fuse with 1. each other
2. membranous layer of
superficial fascia
3. perineal body
Lat. : The layers are a ached to pubic arch
Formed by 1. Sphincter Urethrae muscle
2. Deep transverse prineal muscles
* The closed space between layers is called the deep perineal
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 18
Uro-genital triangle

Perineal membrane (Triangular ligament)(male)

* Sta onary sheet of connec ve ssue
*Form the basis upon which the penis (root) & penile musculature
(body) are a ached.
* Below it lies the scrotum
* Above it lies the membranous urethra & sphincter urethra muscle.
*Pierced by urethra, nerves & vessels
* A ached to ischio-pubic rami --- from sub-pubic angle back to level
of ant. Part of ischial tuberosity (along a ridge on med. Srface of pubic
* Antero-posterior extent = 3.5 cm
* Fascia of Colles a ached to its post. margin

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 19

Central perineal tendon

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 20

Inferior fascial layer
Of urogenital diaphragm
(perineal membrane)

Perineal body

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 21

Superficial perineal pouch
Space between perineal membrane & fascia of Colles
Contents in the male
1.Testes & sperma c cords
2.Penis & muscles of corpora
3.Scrotal & penile nerves & vessels
4.Superficial transverse perineal muscles
Contents in the female
1.Root of Clitoris (crura)
2.Bulb of Ves bule
3.Greater ves bular glands
4.Labial & clitoral nerves & vessels
4.Superficial transverse perineal muscles
5.Terminal parts of Vagina & Urethra
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 22
Deep Perineal Pouch
Space between the two facial layers of Urogenital diaphragm
Contents in the male
1.Membranous urethra
2.Sphincter urethrae muscle
3.Bulbo-urethral glands of Cowper
4.Internal Pudendal vessels & branches
5.Dorsal nerves of penis
6.Deep transverse perineal muscles
Contents in the female
1.Part of Urethra
2.Part of Vagina
3.Sphincter Urethra muscle
4.Internal Pudendal vessels & branches
5.Dorsal nerve of Clitoris
6.Deep transverse perineal muscles
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 23
Internal Pudendal Artery
-Passes forwards along the ischio-pubic ramus above perineal
- Braches perforates the ant. Angle of perineal membrane as:

1-Artery to the bulb (two)

-Supply corpus spongiosum & glanis penis

2-Deep artery of the penis (two)

-Supply corpus cavernosum only
-Enter the crus by Helicine arteries

3-Dorsal artery of the penis (two)

-Supply skin, fascia, glans penis & anastomose with
terminal branches of artery to the bulb.
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 24
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 25
Deep dorsal vein of penis (one)
-Drains most of blood from corpora
-Runs proximally in midline & pierce the suspensory ligament
and enter pelvis between the two pubo-prosta c ligaments
-Joins the prosta c plexus
Dorsal nerves of penis (two)
-Con nua on of pudendal nerve & run on perineal membrane
-Pierces ant. Angle of perineal membrane on lat. Side of deep
dorsal artery of penis
-Supply : 1.Skin of penis. 2. Glans penis. 3. Corpus cavernosum
Perineal Nerve (two)
-Passes into superficial pouch
-Supply : 1.Penile muscles. 2.Urethra 3. Scrotal skin
4.Gives a branch to deep pouch which is motor to sphincter
urethra & 5. Ant. Fibers of levator ani muscle.
6.Sensory to membranous urethra
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 26
Cutaneous nerve supply of urogenital triangle

* Ant. 1/3 scrotum (labium majus): ilio-inguinal N. (L1)

Lat.(Labium majus): Post. Cut. N. of thigh

(Perineal branch - S2)
* Post. 2/3 scrotum
Med. (Labium minus): Perineal N. (S3)
(Scrotal or labial branches)
* Skin of penis, glans, (clitoris): Dorsal N. of penis
L1(dorsal aspect of penile root), S2,3 (rest)

* Mucous membrane of penile urethra (labia minora): Perineal N. (S3)

* Penile musculature: Perineal N.

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 27
The Rectum
* About 13 cm long
* Con nuous with Sigmoid colon & have similar structure,
(only difference is peritoneal a achment, where there is mesocolone
it is called sigmoid)
* Ends where its muscle coats are replaced by the anal sphincters
* Starts at the hollow of sacrum at level of S3 vertebra, then curves
forwards over the coccyx & ano-coccygeal raphe to pass thru. Pelvic
floor into the anal canal at ano-rectal junc on. The ano-rectal junc on
lies 3 cm above skin of anus, and 5 cm from p of coccyx
* The mucouss membrane together with the circular layer of muscle
form 3 permanent folds called the transverse folds of the rectum
(Rectal valves) Ano-rectal junc on

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 28

Rela ons of rectum
Posteriorly: (both sexes)In contact with sacrum & coccyx, Piriformis,
coccygeus, Levator ani, Sacral plexus, Sympathe c trunk
In male:
Upper 2/3: which is covered by peritoneum, & is related to sigmoid
colon & coils of ileum that occupy the recto-vesicle pouch
Lower 1/3 : is devoid of peritoneum, & is related to
1. post. Surface of bladder.
2.termina on of vas deferens.
3. seminal vesicles.
In female:
Upper 2/3: which is covered by peritoneum, is related to
sigmoid colon & coils of ileum that occupy the recto-vesicle pouch
Lower 1/3: is devoid of peritoneum, is related to
1. post. Surface of vagina
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 29
Stability of rectum

1. Fascia of Waldeyer (around sup. Rectal vessels)

2.Lat. Ligament of rectum (around middle rectal vessels)
3.Pelvic peritoneum (upper 1/3 ant. & lat.,
middle 1/3 ant. Only, lower 1/3 devoid of peritoneum)
4. Pelvic floor

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 30

Urinary bladder
-- Form & size are the same in both sexes
-- Trigone is fixed
-- The full bladder is ovoid (pyramidal when empty)in both sexes
-- Having a Fundus (apex & sup. Surface), base (Trigone, Post. Surface)
& two inferolateral surfaces
-- Average capacity = 700 800 ml. ( mictur on starts at
200 -400 ml.)


4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji
- Triangular area lying between the internal urethral orifices & the
orifices of the ureters
- Rela vely indistensible & immobile
-Held in pos on by: 1.Lat. Lig. Of bladder
In male
2. Fixed to prostate
1. Cervix uteri
In female
2.Ant. Vaginal fornix
-Smooth walled & mucous membrane is firmly adherent to underlying

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 32

Posterior surface in male RELATIONS
A- Upper part: Covered by pritoneum (ant. Wall of rectovesical pouch)
B- Lower part: Separated from rectum by vas deferen a, Seminal vesicles
& rectovesical fascia of Denonvelliers
Posterior surface in female
-Firmly a ached to cervix uteri & ant. Vaginal fornix
Inferiolateral surface (2) (both sexes)
- Infront: Retropubic pad of fat & pubic bones
- Posteriorly: Obturator internis (above) & Levator ani (below)
Pelvic peritoneum,
sigmoid colon &
coils of ileum

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 33

Blood supply
* Arteries
1. Sup. Vesicle
2. Inf. Vesicle
3. Inf. Epigastric (few twigs)

* Veins
-From vesicle plexus at base of bladder
# In male: it communicates with prosta c plexus & middle rectal veins
which in turn drain across pelvic floor into internal iliac veins
# In female: it communicates with uterine plexus at base of broad
Which in turn drains across pelvic floor into internal iliac veins

- Follow arteries to nodes on side wall of pelvis alongside
1. Internal iliac art.
2. External iliac art. (from funds
4/29/2012 along pubic art.)
Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 34
- From both sympathe c (hypogastric plexus L1,2) &
parasympathe c (pelvic splanchnic nerves S,2,3,4 via inf.
Hypogastric plexus)
- Sympathe c is: 1. Inhibitory to detrusor muscle
2. S mulatory (motor) to internal vesicle sphincter
* Reach inf. Hypogastric plexus via the hypogastric nerves (
Lumbar splanchnics or presacral nerves, these are divided in
presacral neurectomy)
- Parasympathe c is: 1. S mulatory (motor) to detrusor muscle
2. Inhibitory to internal vesicle sphincter
* Afferent fibers of normal disten on & pain : -majority pass in
pelvic splanchnic nerves (parasympathe c) --some pass with
sympathe c via hypogastric plexus to L1,2 segments of spinal cord

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 35

Hypogastric plexuses

-Visceral branches from all lumbar sympathe c ganglia ( paravertebral)

join loosely & pass down in front of common iliac vessels, these are
the hypogasric nerves. They contain a mixture of pre (parasympathe c)
& postganglionic (sympathe c) fibers. They are joined by similar fibers
from the Aor c plexus (prevertebral).
-They unite in front of body of the 5th. Lumbar vertebra to make the
small Sup. Hypogastric plexus, which divide into right & le Inf.
Hypogastric plexuses. They supply pelvic viscera only.

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 36

Male urethra
20 cm long, S-shaped tube, 3 parts
1-prosta c urethra
* 3 cm long , Widest & most dilatble,
* Upper post. Part contains the urtheral crest
2-Membranous urethra
* 1 cm long, Narrowest, more ridged, 3 cm behind
symphysis pubis, surrounded by sphincter urethra
muscle, pierce perineal membrane
3- Spongy urethra
16 cm long, slit like lumen (narrowest at ext. ureth.
Orifice, dilated post. in bulb (intra-bulbar fossa),
dilated ant. at glance penis (navicular fossa)
*Blood suplly: Inf. Vesical (prosta c part), branches
int. pudendal (rest)
-Veins: Prosta c plexus, int. pudendal vein
*Nerves: mucous membrane by pudendal nerve
*Lymph: From prosta c & membranous parts to
int. iliac nodes
From spongy part to superficial ing. Nodes
-Mucous memb. Very vascular (prosta c--
transi onal, membranous & spongy-- stra fied
columnar, (at navicular fossa it is squamous)
Female urthera
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 37
*3.5 cm long , surrounded by sphincter urethra
* Hollow pear shaped UTERUS
* 8X5X3 Cm (nulliparous)
*Possesses Fundus, Body &
-Fundus: Part above entrance of
-Body: Receives Uterine Tubes at
cornua. Cavity is triangular in
coronal sec on
- Cervix: (neck of uterus) = 2.5
- Cervical canal is spindle in shape
- Cervix opens & protrudes into
Vault of Vagina
-Vaginal fornix (deep sulcus
the protruding Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 38
Rela ons
-Covered by peritoneum
-Ant. Down to level of internal os
(from internal os down to ant. Vaginal fornix is firmly
a ached to base of bladder by fibrous ssue)
-Post. Down to level of post. Vaginal fornix

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 39

Anteversion Anteflexion

Normal posi on of Uterus

Anteversion & slight Anteflexion
(almost horizontal)
(Maintained in this posi on by:
1-Support from pelvic floor.
2-Presence of ligts (eg.Round & Utro-sacral)

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 40

Ligaments of Uterus
* Round ligaments. (lie in ant. leaf of broad lig.,
below uterine tubes--- holds funds forwards in
anteversion) )
* Utero-sacral ligaments. (from cervix to lower
sacrum---keep cervix braced backwards, so maintain
* lateral cervical ligament (of Mackenrodt), cardinal
ligament. (thick connec ve ssue around uterine
vessels--- It a aches the cervix to the lateral pelvic wall
at the ischial spine, give lat. stability to cervix)
* Pubo-cervical ligaments. Por on of the tendinous
arch of the pelvic fascia.(from cervix to body of pubis)
* Broad ligaments. peritoneum that connects the sides of
the uterus to the walls andProf.floor
of the pelvis.
Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 41
Supports of the Uterus
The uterus is a mo le organ which undergoes extensive changes in size and shape
during the reproduc ve period of life. It is supported and prevented from Sagging
( down by a number of factors which are chiefly muscular and fibromuscular.
Classifica on:
A. Muscular (or ac ve)
* Pelvic diaphragm (floor)
* Perineal body
* Urogenital diaphragm
B. Fibro-Muscular & mechanical
* Uterine axis
* Pubocervical ligament
* Lat. Cervical lig.
* Uterosacral ligament
* Round ligament of uterus

are formed by peritoneal ligaments.
* Broad ligament
* Uterovesical
fold of peritoneum Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 42
* Rectouterine fold of peritoneum.
Blood supply of uterus


* Uterine artery: - of internal iliac artery, pass over pelvic floor in base
of broad lig., above ureter, reach level of supra-vaginal part of cervix
where it gives a branch to cervix & upper vagina.
- It then turns upwards, between leaves of broad lig. To run alongside
of uterus as far as entrance of tube, where it anastomoses, end on,
with tubal branch of Ovarian artery.
-During its course it gives off branches which penetrate walls of uterus.

* Pass below artery at lower edge of broad lig. Where they form the
Uterine plexus of veins across pelvic floor.
-This plexus communicates with vesicle & rectal plexuses & drain into
internal iliac vein.
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 43
Lympha cs
*Pass along arteries into internal iliac group of nodes which drains
upwards into common iliac nodes.
- Some pass along round lig. To superficial inguinal nodes. Others with
ovarian artery to Para-aor c nodes at origin of artery.

* Branches from inf. Hypogastric plexus
-Sympathe c:- Efferent preganglionic sympathe c fibers are from
T12,L1 segments of spinal cord.
- Parasympathe c:- Efferent preganglionic parasympathe c fibers are
from S2,3,4 (pelvic splanchnics) segments of spinal cord.
- Sympathe c ac vity produce uterine contrac on & vasoconstric on
- Parasympathe c ac vity produce uterine inhibi on & vasodilata on
- The results of the ac vi es of these two systems are complicated by
the hormonal control of uterine func ons)
- Pain from cervix via pelvic splanchnic nerves, while pain from funds
(labour pain)via hypogastric
4/29/2012 Prof.nerves to T12,L1 segments.
Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 44
Uterine tubes (Fallopian tubes)
*10 cm long
*Lies in upper boarder of broad lig.
*Connects peritoneal cavity with
that of uterus.
*Four parts (Infundibulum,
Ampulla, Isthmus, Intramural part).
*Nerves: Inf. Hypogastric plexus
(Sympathe c & parasympathe c)
*Blood: Ovarian & Uterine arts. &
*Lymph: Corresponds to arts. (ie:
internal iliac & aor c nodes).

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 45

*Almond-shaped, 2X4 cm.
*Have med. & lat. Surfaces & tubal & uterine ends.
*A ached to back of broad lig. By Mesovarium (double folds of
peritoneum through which ovarian vessels enter its hilus & a ached to
its equator).
*Long axis is ver cal in posi on
*Lies in angle between internal iliac & external iliac vessels on obturator
*Suspensory lig. of ovary (Infundibulopelvic Lig.): That part of broad lig.
Between a achment of mesovarium & lat. Wall of pelvis (ie. beyond
ovary & infundibulum of uterine tube to lat. Wall of pelvis). (uterine
tubes lie in med. 2/3 of free upper border of broad lig., the remaining
1/3 is the suspensory lig.).
-Contains the ovarian blood vessels, nerves and lympha cs
*Round lig. of ovary: Remains of upper part of Gubernaculum, extends
from upper end of lat. Wall of uterus to med. margin of ovary (mass of
smooth muscle & fibrous ssue lying between two layers of broad lig. &
is con nuous with round ligament
of uterus.
Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 46
Rela ons of ovary

*Lies against lat. Wall of pelvis, in ovarian fossa on obturator

nerve bounded by:
1-above: ext. iliac Vs.
2-behind: int.iliac Vs. & ureter
3-infront: obliterated umbilical art.
*Blood supply: ovarian (at L1) & uterine arts.
Veins drainage: (by a pampiniform plexus)
Lt. ovary Lt. renal vein,
Rt. Ovary Inf. Vena cava .
*Lymph: Follow Ovarian arts. To pre & para-aor c nodes at L1
*Nerves: From Aor c plexus (accompany ovarian arteries.)
(Sympathe c from T10 segments of spinal cord)
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 47
Prostate Gland
*Size & shape of a chestnut.
*Apex below between bladder & pelvic floor.
*Perforated by urethra (most substance lie behind & lat. To
*Between Alveoli there is fibromusclar stroma which is in
direct con nuity with muscle of bladder.
*Perforated by ejaculatory ducts which open separately
into prosta c urethra, on urethral crest.
*Its own ducts (30-40) open separately all around prosta c

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 48

*Surface covered by thin condensa on of
fibrous ssue and smooth muscle = Capsule.
*The capsule is completely covered by thick
membrane of condensed areolar ssue of
pelvic fascia = Prosta c fascia.
*This fascia is separated from the capsule by a
narrow space which contains the prosta c
plexus of veins.

Rela ons:
Sup.: neck of bladder & seminal vesicles
Inf.: Sphincter urethra
Antro-lat.: Levator ani
Post.: Rectum
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 49
*The prostate Possesses a base (sup.) & an apex (inf.) & ant.,
post. & 2 inferiolat. Surfaces.
*Traversed by urethra & in post. Upper ½ by ejaculatory ducts
which divide gland into a median & 2 lat. Lobes .
Median lobe: between urethra & ejaculatory ducts.
Lateral lobes: below & lat. To median lobe & are con nuous
ant. But separated post. By a midline groove.

4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 50

Prosta c fluid
*Thin milky fluid
* Slightly acidic (Ph=6.5) P.N.: Semen Ph =7.5
*About 30% of Semen volume.
*Contributes to mo lity & viability of sperms.
*Contains acid phosphatase ,citric acid, several
proteoly c enzymes ( pepsinogen, amylase,
hyaluronidase & prostate specific an gen)
Prostate-specific an gen (PSA) helps to keep the
semen in its liquid form. It is an enzyme in the form of
a glycoprotein produced primarily by cells lining the
acini and ducts of the prostate gland.
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 51
Seminal vesicle
-Pair of thin-walled elongated and lobulated sacs, each consis ng of a
blind tube folded on itself
-Length unfolded = 10-15 cm
folded = 5 cm
-Applied to base of bladder above prostate
-Covered post. By fascia of Denonvilliers
-Each joins the lower end of ampulla of ducts deferens to form the
Ejaculatory duct
-Produce seminal fluid & contain no spermatozoa
-Its secre on impart mo lity to Spermatozoa, slightly alkaline & contains
fructose & a coagula ng enzyme called vesiculase
-Arteries from branches of inf. Vesicle & middle rectal arteries
-Nerves from hypogastric plexus & Hypogastric nerves (motor---
sympathe c from L1 Ganglion)
-Contracts during ejacula on & secre on forms bulk of ejaculated fluid
(60% of semen volume)
4/29/2012 Prof. Dr. F. AL-Khafaji 52

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