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certification body va GR, INDIA, PROVIDING ASSURANCE ‘We are CERTIND, one ofthe most important Romanian certification bodies. We provide assessment, certfiation and taining ‘Our mission isto support the growth in competitiveness of aur customers helping them to administrate operational risks and rompty adapt tothe ever-changing market, Principles we follow, developed through polices and confirmed through accrectatons are: openness; confidentiality, responsiveness to complaints and risk based approach. ‘We provide globally recognized certification services in Romania, Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germary, Albania, Moldova, Bosnia, ‘Macedonia or Montenegro and over 9000 cats tnat trust our services ae the guarantee for choosing CERTIND. ACCREDITATION, NOTIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS We provide evaluation and certification services that ensure glabal recognition of conformity. CCERTIND holds accreitations from the Romanian National Accreditation Body RENAR, for both management system and product ‘conformity certification We offer accreted certification forthe mast important and popular management system schemes ike: qualty management (ISO 9001); environmental management (150 14001); occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001); food safety (ISO 22000); Information security (ISO/IEC 27001) or eneray management (150 50002) under accreditation from RENAR and we are a icensed Certfcaton bedy by the FSSC 22000 Foundation (ww { forthe certification of food safely management systems ‘2ecording to the FSSC22000 scheme. CCERTIND is accredited and notifed tothe European Commission forthe assessment and verification of constancy of performance of, ‘onstruction products according to Regulation (EU) no. 305/20%1 end holds accreditation for product conformity certification inthe: voluntary sector ACCREDITATION, NOTIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS We provide accredited certification with recognition from the European Commission for foad products name protection: PD.0. (Protected Designation of Origin and A... (Protected Geographical Indication). CCERTIND holes accreditation from the Romanian Accreditation Body as environmental verifier according to Regulation 1221/ 2009 - EMASIL. CCERTIND is authorized by the Romanian Ministry of Transport to perform port facity security activites according tothe ISPS code ‘and nominated by the Romanian Ministry of Defense as NATO provider for assessment and certication services. Full deta about the accreditations and recognitions held by CERTIND are accesible on ww.certind.0. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Iso 9001 ‘A quality management system implemented and certified according to the requirements of international standard ISO 8001: represents the offical confirmation of 2 credible level of management performance within the organization; generates customers and other interested partes confidence; requires the oragnization to act to treat risks and opportunities ‘associated withthe provision of conform products and services; ‘may representa requirement for participating in public tenders. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Medical devices ISO 13485 150 13485 is an international standard thet defines the requirements for @ Quality management system applicable inthe field of medical devices. ‘The standard is based on the requirements of ISO 900% and is addressed ‘mainly to manufacturers and importers of medical equipment ané consumable as well service providers for the medical sector Certification to TSO 13485 confirms thatthe organization respects legal and contractual requriments applicable as well asthe commitment to mitigate humen heath related risks associated with medical devices and services. Education and training services [SO 29990 150 29900 is addressed to organizations that provide education and training services. Certification to TSO 29990 confirms that a qualty management system for the design, {development and provision of traning programs Is estabished and implemented, Customer contact centers €N 15838 EN 15836 san European standard that defines the requirements forthe provision (of services in customer contact centers, The standard i applicable to organizations that hod in their own structure or provide for third parties, call-center services. ‘The implementation ofthe standard is meant to provide benefits to the organizations by imaroving connection with customers, enhancing efficiency ‘and reducing staf rotation. QUALITY MANAGEMENT ‘Automotive industry IATF 1694" IATF 16949 isa standard developed by the Intemational Automotive Task Force that defines the requirements for a qualty management system applicable to the automotive industry. This standard superseeds ISO/TS 116949 and is applicable for organizations that provide products and services| {for the automative industry, Oil and gas industry ISO/TS 29001 ISO/TS 29001 Is an international standard developed by ISO together with the ol and gas industry representatives. It is based on the requirements ‘oF ISO 9001 supplemented with specific requirements applicable for this particular sector. Iti addressed to organizations working in the design, ‘development, installation, exploitation and service of plants and equipment in the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry. Translation services [SO 17100 International standard 1SO 17100 defines the requirements for translation ‘services ~ namely requirements addressed to human and technical resources, {quality management and project management. This standard superseeds EN 15038, Certification to 1S0 17100 represents a confirmation of the technical and ‘organizational capacity of the organization to provide translation services Inline wth the requirements ofthe custome. oH ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Iso 14001 1SO 14001 is the most important international standard that defines the requirements for an erviornmental management system. ‘Among other benefits certification to 1$0 14001: ‘represents a confirmation ofthe organization's commitments to protect the environment, prevent pollution and support sustainable develooment; raves relations with authorties and community; helps to reduce costs associated with waste management nd improve the effiency of resources use; helps prevent environmental accents and the organization's reslence to adverse environmental conditions. raves Work conditions for employees. mas Hl [EMAS (Eco-Management and Aucit Scheme) is a management ‘tool that allows the voluntary participation of organisations that perfarm activites with environmental impacts Its similaty appicable to organizations from the private and public sectors and its main aim is to enhance environmental performance, ENERGY MANAGEMENT Iso 50001 1SO 50001 isthe fist international standard that defines the requirements for an eneray management system. Its applicable to any organization, regarcless of size and activity and its compatible with the best known management system standards like 150 9001 an¢ 150 14001. ‘This standard aims to: «help organizations improve energy efficiency optimize costs and increase eneray performance; identify and address risks associated with energy sources; + promote C02 emission reduction; involve all employees in the identification of opportunites for improvement Certification to 1S0 $0001 confirms the organization's commitments to reduce energy efficiency and contribute to sustainable development. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OHSAS 18001 ‘An occupational health and safety management system implemented and certified confirms a credible level of performance of the ‘organization with regards to OHBS matters; + identifies OHS related hazards, evaluates associated risks and helps implement mitigaton actions; ‘reduces health and safety related accidents and, professional liness along with associated costs, roves legal compliance and the relation with authorities leads to happier employees and better staff retention, ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY Iso 39001 150 39001 is an international standard elaborated with the aim to reduce the number of casualties of road traffic accidents. Gobally, road accidents lead to over 1,3 milion deaths anualy and if nothing is done this figure is estimated to rise to 1,9 millon by 2020. 150 39001 is addressed to any organization but with a focus on those that: ‘provide transportation services using the road infrastructure; design, build, maintain or operate roads; ‘generate requirement for road trafic. CCerticaton to 1S0 39001 demonstrates the commitment ofthe organization to implement measures aimed to prevent road trafic relates accidents, FOOD SAFETY Iso 22000 180 22000 the international standard thet species the requirements for hazards review anc identification of crtcal Control points applicable for organization in the food chain “This standard ie applicable to any organization involved In the food chain fod processing, transport and station but aso other actives camected t the food chain (equipment or packaging manufacturers, procuce's of chemials or actives fr exemple) Implementation ad certification ofa food safety management system according to 150 22000, “confms the implemetation of fod safety requirements and the commitment ofthe oranzaton to provide secure products; + supports legal compliance; “hebs reduce losses through a mere efcent contra from raw ‘materials to final product Increases the trust of consumers andthe market; “ heps demonstrate the safe manufacturing and processing in cae of disputes and legal action. FSSC 22000 Scheme FSSC 22000 is a recognized and accepted scheme by the Global Food Safety Intative(GFSI) and the European Co-operation for ‘Accreditation (EA) along with other management system specif standards (ike BRC, TFS ec) FSSC 22000 s applicable for ~ perishable animal products (meat, pouty, eges, milk anc fish); - Wegetable perishable products (fresh fru and vegetables, rls and vegetable ces); prodcts wit long shelf fe at ambient temperature (canned products suits, snacs, ol drinking water, beverages, pasta, fur, salt sugar) (Cio}ereical products for food manufacturing (vitamins, adtives and bo cultures); packaging forthe food sector CCERTIND is accreted for FSSC 72000 certficaton anda censed body bythe FSSC 22000 Foundation SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY RS-8000 “Today's business enviranment motivates organizations to take into . consideration more than ever the socal and ethical impact of thir activities ‘The social problems thatthe world addresses to those days, like child labor, forced labor or discrimination, ask the ‘companies to fake into consideration not ony their direct ‘activity but also the whole purchasing chain, CCERTIND RS-8000 certification scheme is compatibe with the most popular international management system stendards | like 180 9001, 1S0 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and is based ‘on the international workplace treaties and acts, as well as. ‘on elements that cemonstate the involvement ofthe ‘organzation inthe cormmunity. Iso 26000 150 26000 is an international standard that defines guidelines for socal responsibilty. This standard addresses key aspect for socal responsibilty like human rights, work practices or Involvement in the community. ‘Although 1S0 26000 is nat used for certification purposes it offers guidelines forthe implementation of social responsiblity principles ‘and CERTIND can assist organizations through evaluaton and suppor. INFORMATION SECURITY ISO/ 1€¢ 27001 Dependence on information systems means organizations are ‘more vinerabe to TT-elateé secur threats. Information is an asset that, tke any other essential asset shal be protected accordingly. The organization is requted to assess its information secuny rss, select and implement adequate controls to preserve the confidentiality, integrity ond avaiablty of ifermaton. ISO/IEC 27001 isthe international standard tra Includes the requirements for an information securty management system aimed to help companies manage this sensible topic and demonstrate the commtinent to pratt the 4 | Information iehandles. i | Service Management ISO/ 1€C 2000-1 {Tis an essential part in business today, but there can be ‘concerns about IT services and the way they respond to customer {and business requirements. 1SO developed the frst intemational standard applicable forthe implementation and certification of an IT service management system. 150/ IEC 20000 helps organizations in thelr effort to demonstrate to customers and interested parties the use of best practices In TT services. This certification is applicable to any type of organization, no matter the size and number of employees that uses for its own purposes or provides IT services Business Continuity Management ISO 22301 ‘The capacity to resume activity to acceptable levels as soon as possible folowing a disaster or @ minor incident represents a requirement addressed to organizations from different sectors more and mare often. Continuity management is @ concept developed to help organizations undertake measures to mitigate the effects of any disturbing event. 1S0 22301 has been elaborated by experts from different activity sectors in cooperation with representatives of governments to hep these ooking to design, document and implement a business continuity management system. BH SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY Iso 28000 Complex logistics and partnerships in supply chains ‘may suffer due to security incidents. Companies look to ensure supply chain protection by the identification ‘of potential threats, risk assessment and implementing controls. 150 28000 has been developed in response to the needs. for 2 systematic approach to supply chain security. Its purpose is to serve as 2 too forthe identification of threats, rsk assessment and implementation of control measures. ‘The requirements of SO 28000 include all citcal aspects for supply chain security Ike information management, Hl packing storage or transfer of goods between locations and vehides. FOOD PRODUCTS CERTIFICATION FOR NAME PROTECTION P.0.0. (Protected Designation of Origin), T.S.G. (Traditional Specialties Guaranteed) and P.G.I. (Protected ‘Geographical Indication) ‘aking into consideration the diversity of food products and the abundance of avaliable information, consumers ask for clear and ‘explicit data regarding the origin of food products, specific characteristics due to the geographical areas of origin, tration ‘manufacturing methods and history; thus enabling them to make informed choices. Certification of feod products is done using as criteria: legal requirements, European standards, national standards, company standards, professional standards ‘The system of protection for food products allows manufacturers ‘to require the registration and protection of name in the European Union, 9.0. - "Protected Designation of Origin”: covers agricultural products and foodstus produced, pracessed and prepared in a given ‘geographical aea using recognized know-how. P.G1. "Protected Geographical Indication”: covers agricutural products and foodstufs closely linked to the geographical area. {Atleast one of the tages of production, processing or preparation takes place in that area 7.5.6. - "Traditional Specialties Guaranteed”: covers products, that are obtained using @ manufacturing or processing process that corresponds to traditional practices and is made oF raw materials and ingredient used traditional, This type of product certification is aimed to protect agains: ‘any commercial use ofa reaistered name that will alow the exgloftation ofits reputation; busive use, imitation o- evocation of origin; ‘any false or misicading indication regarding the origin, nature or essential characteristics of the product ‘any practce lable to misiead the consumer as tothe vertable origin ofthe product. PRODUCT CONFORMITY Product certiication is based on the evaluation ‘of conformity with declared referentia (harmonized standards, European Union legislation or other referential). Product certification andthe affix ofthe CE marking ensure the free circulation of products on the European market responding tothe security requirements imposed by European Union directives and regulations and thus stimulating world commerce. ‘The aff of the CE marking is obligatory for products subject to EU Directives ensuring credibity that they do nat represent a risk in what concerns the fulfilment ‘of fundamental requirements applicable to construction, health and safety or other aspects regarding public interest. CCERTIND holds accreditation from the Romanian ‘Accreditation Body RENAR for te assessment and Verification of constancy of performance of construction products incuded in Reguiation (EU) no. 305/ 2011 3S wel as forthe certification of product conformity for the voluntary area. CCERTIND is notified to the European Commission forthe assessment and verification of constancy of performance for ‘onstruction products included in Reguiation (EU) 305/ 2013. CE CERTIND TRAINING CENTER ciP ‘Beneficiating from continuous contact with the economic environment {and business groups, CERTIND has identified the need for continual traning ‘of personnel invalvad in the adminstration and assessment of management systems inne withthe present trend of managing businesses in accordance with international standards ‘The mission of the CERTIND Training Center i to disseminate in an efficient and pleasant way fundamental and specialized knowledge with the hep of experienced and certified lector. Personnel Training Center of CERTIND provides traning in diferent sectors ike: quality management; environmental ‘management; neath and safety; food safety; information security; social responsibilty; project management; performance ‘management; risk management in public adrnistation or preventive financial contol (Over 2000 training certificates have been issued tl today, CERTIND Training Center managing to establish partnerships for ‘education with prestigious universities and associations. Pdevista ertind ‘CERTIND MAGAZINE In 2014 we have initiated the project of a magazine that aims to be an objective and impartial source of information for various ‘areas lke certfication, accreditation, standarczation, management systems administration, conformity and legal compliance ‘among others. ‘Tne magazine offers an open public space for fruitful debate and cooperation among managers, specialists, customers and public withthe general aim of contributing to the creaton of a stable, more predictable and efficent society. CCERTIND Magazine can be accessed at www.certind.o. OUR CLIENTS coisa ccs nor Ione cochatne and ee tha fo chew oop Yo Bizm¥—- ORACLE @ nextcen iciahohan BOP AK | h eo Omnitocic | S POLYSTART? KONICA MINOLTA Microsoft Deloitte. @MAG S sa @ vodafone ADDED VALUE THROUGH COOPERATION WITH Ceri’ ees Oe ue erences Sree Peer een een ete et re tena! ete eer Cees EL) UGIR 1903 Pallace, 27-29 George Enescu, Bucharest, 1, Romania Ser circ Ray eet) Reed coe

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