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What is pollution?

Environmental pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings. Pollution
disturbs the balance of our ecosystems, affect our normal lifestyles and gives rise to human illnesses and
global warming. Pollution has reached its peak due to the development and modernization in our lives.
With the development of science and technology, there has been a huge growth of human potentials.
People have become prisoners of their own creations.

We waste the bounties of our nature without a thought that our actions cause serious problems. We
must deepen our knowledge of nature`s laws and broaden our understanding of the laws of the human
behavior in order to deal with pollution problems. So, it is very important to know different types of
pollutions, their effects and causes on humanity and the environment we live in.

Types, causes, and effects of pollution

Air pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of pollution. A biological, chemical, and physical
alteration of the air occurs when smoke, dust, and any harmful gases enter into the atmosphere and
make it difficult for all living beings to survive as the air becomes contaminated. Burning of fossil fuels,
agriculture related activities, mining operations, exhaust from industries and factories, and household
cleaning products entail air pollution. People release a huge amount of chemical substances in the air
every day. The effects of air pollution are alarming. It causes global warming, acid rains, respiratory and
heart problems, and eutrophication. A lot of wildlife species are forced to change their habitat in order
to survive.

Soil pollution occurs when the presence of pollutants, contaminants, and toxic chemicals in the soil is in
high concentration that has negative effect on wildlife, plants, humans, and ground water. Industrial
activity, waste disposal, agricultural activities, acid rain, and accidental oil spill are the main causes of
soil pollution. This type of contamination influence health of humans, affects the growth of plants,
decreases soil fertility, and changes the soil structure.

Water pollution is able to lead our world on a path of destruction. Water is one of the greatest natural
resources of the whole humanity. Nothing will be able to live without water. However, we do not
appreciate this gift of nature and pollute it without thinking. The key causes of the water pollution are:
industrial waste, mining activities, sewage and waste water, accidental oil leakage, marine dumping,
chemical pesticides and fertilizers, burning of fossil fuels, animal waste, urban development, global
warming, radioactive waste, and leakage from sewer lines. There is less water available for drinking,
cooking, irrigating crops, and washing.

Light pollution

Light pollution occurs because of the prominent excess illumination in some areas. Artificial lights
disrupt the world`s ecosystems. They have deadly effects on many creatures including mammals, plants,
amphibians, insects, and birds. Every year many bird species die colliding with needlessly illuminated
buildings. Moreover, artificial lights can lead baby sea turtles to their demise.
Noise pollution takes place when noise and unpleasant sounds cause temporary disruption in the
natural balance. It is usually caused by industrialization, social events, poor urban planning, household
chores, transportation, and construction activities. Noise pollution leads to hearing problems, health
issues, cardiovascular issues, sleeping disorders, and trouble communicating. Moreover, it affects
wildlife a lot. Some animals may suffer from hearing loss while others become inefficient at hunting. It is
very important to understand noise pollution in order to lower its impact on the environment.

Radioactive pollution is the presence of radioactive substances in the environment. It is highly

dangerous when it occurs. Radioactive contamination can be caused by breaches at nuclear power
plants or improper transport of radioactive chemicals. Radioactive material should be handled with
great care as radiation destroys cells in living organisms that can result in illness or even death.

Solutions to pollution problems

Environmental pollution has negatively affected the life of both animals and human-beings. The only
way to control current environmental issues is to implement conservation methods and create
sustainable development strategies. We should find some effective solutions in order to restore our
ecological balance.

First of all, we should make sustainable transportation choices. We should take advantage of public
transportation, walk or ride bikes whenever possible, consolidate our trips, and consider purchasing an
electric car. It is very important to make sustainable food choices. Choose local food whenever possible;
buy organically grown vegetables and fruits or grow your own.

People should conserve energy. Turn off electronics and lights when you are not in the room. Consider
what small changes can lead to big energy savings. Use energy efficient devices. It is also essential to
understand the concept of reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Try to buy used items whenever possible. Choose
products with minimal packaging. Buy reusable items. Remember that almost everything that you
purchase can be recycled.

Conserve water as much as possible. Dispose of toxic waste properly. Do not use herbicides and
pesticides. Use natural, environmentally friendly chemicals for your everyday chores.


Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems caused by human activities that we should
overcome to see a tomorrow and guarantee our descendants a healthy life. There are many
environmental concerns for communities around the world to address. We should always remember
that pollution problems affect us all so each of us has to do his or her best to help restore ecological
balance to this beautiful place we call home. Learn about the major polluters in your area to protect the
air and water where you live. Encourage people to stop pollution, tell them everything you know about
this problem, and protest local polluters together. The masses should be educated on the danger of
different types of pollution. People should know everything about all consequences of the
environmental pollution in order to prevent the worst from happening. Let`s protect the water we drink,
the air we breathe, and the soil we use to grow our food.


Bullying is now recognized as a widespread and usually neglected problem in school around the globe
because it implicates severe consequences for children who initiate the bullying and for those who are
victimized by bullies. This is an important issue that will not become solved until parents and teachers
address the reasons why children humiliate and intimidate others in the first place. With the right
guidance and education, children can acquire skills to work through their problems instead of managing
them by bullying others. In order to provide them with such education and successfully eliminate
bullying from schools, we need to determine its causes and effects that school bullying poses on

Bullying is usually defined as an aggressive behavioral pattern among school-aged children and
teenagers that implicates apparent power imbalance. School bullying also has a potential to be
repeated, over time. Children use their physical strength, access to private information, or popularity to
intimidate, control or harm others. Usually, bullying comprises of actions such as taunting, teasing,
threatening to cause harm, name-calling, spreading rumors about someone, and embarrassing in public
(“Common Causes of Bullying – Nobullying – Bullying&Cyberbullying Resources”).

Children who bully usually come from dysfunctional families. Of course, growing in such family is not an
assurance that a child will become a bully. However, a significant number of children prone to bullying
come from families where there are little affection and devotion. In such families, parents may often be
an example of inappropriate behavior, such as aggressive acts towards friends, siblings or other
members of the family. Therefore, children adopt such behavioral patterns and simulate it with their
peers. Although bullies may appear to be confident in themselves, they usually feel insecure and inferior
to others. They treat their peers with contempt to make themselves feel better. Most children do not do
this intentionally; they merely take an example from their parents’ behavior. However, when the bully
does not feel a resistance, he becomes overwhelmed with power and continues the action. The offender
is unintentionally rewarded whenever victims surrender. He also gets paid by gaining attention and
popularity, as well as the ability to have others afraid of them. These inadvertent amends strengthen
bullying behavior pattern and encourage the offender to keep bullying others. Children who bully
cannot regulate their emotions. Whenever people become angry and irritated, they can efficiently
manage their emotions to prevent themselves from harming others. However, children cannot control
their feelings. In fact, anything can provoke and cause them to overreact severely. For instance, a child
may accidentally wimble into a bully, while walking down the hall. Even though the child will beg for an
apology, the bully may lose his temper and hit or shout at him (“Common Causes Of Bullying –
Nobullying – Bullying&Cyberbullying Resources”).

The effects of school bullying are ubiquitous and extensive. From a mental point of view, bullying has a
potential to severely impact child’s self-esteem even years after bullying has stopped. The victims of
threatening and intimidating are inclined to suffer from anxiety and depression, particularly if the
harassment has occurred over the prolonged duration of action (Kelleher). Bullying can lead to such
psychological effects as low self-esteem,loneliness, and increased potential to lapse into illness. These
issues may persist into adulthood. It should be recognized that these mental impacts do not stop at the
bullied, they also extended to the bullies. Those involved in prolonged and severe bullying of others
experience wide range of mental health, academic and social problems (Kelleher).

Another effect of school bullying is on academic performance. After repeatedly facing a bully, a child
may begin to refuse to go to school. His grades may also suffer, both because of absence in a school and
his inability to concentrate. According to the National Education Association, “bullying impacts
approximately 13 million students every year, and some 160,000 students stay home from school each
day because of bullying” (“Nation’s Educators Continue Push For Safe, Bully Free Environments”). Some
of these students eventually drop out of a school. Some schools don’t even help the children that have
been bullied. Also, school bullying has effects on relationships between victims and their parents and
friends. These effects may force children into isolation or a general distrust of people. They may also feel
themselves justified in attacking other children or seeking revenge on his insulter to blow off stress or
anxiety. School bullying also has some physical effects. Apart from the usual bumps and scrapes that
young children get while playing, there can be excessive marks, such as scratches, bruises, and scars that
can mean a child is being bullied. Also, appetite and sleep loss are common consequences, as a result of
the prolonged fear and anxiety that bullying cause.

Effects of bullying regard every person that is somehow involved in the act — either by participating or
witnessing it. To the bully, the fact of humiliating somebody and the feel of power, all give pleasure and
occupy most of his time, that should be used in studies. Instead, these resources are now directed
towards poor academic performance. Furthermore, for bullies, aggression has a potential to persist into
adulthood showing itself through criminality, marital violence, child abuse and sexual harassment. For
victims, repeated bullying can cause psychological distress or even lead to suicide. There have been
dozens of incidents when school bullying has resulted in suicide. One of the high-profile suicide cases
was the death of Amanda Todd. A few years ago, when Amanda was in 7th grade, she often used video
chat to meet new people over the internet. People she met would always give her compliments about
how she is looking. Once, Amanda was talking with a stranger who convinced her to lay her chest bare
and took a picture of her breasts. With this picture, he blackmailed Amanda for years threatening to
publish it unless she gives him a show, but she refused. So, this stranger had found her classmates and
friends on Facebook and sent them the picture. They ostracised her driving her into anxiety, drugs,
alcohol, and underage sex. Amanda attempted suicide a few times before finally succeeding. On October
10, 2012, at about 6:00 PM, she was found hanged at her home (Dean).

Bullying is prohibitive and aggressive behavioral pattern among school-aged children that involves
threatening, humiliation, teasing, and embarrassing in public and that has the potential to be repeated,
over time. Usually, bullying comes from dysfunctional families that lack affection and openness. Both
children, insulter and its victim may have a broad range of

severe physical and mental health, social and academic problems, that may persist into adulthood.

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