Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6

1. Which of the process has the highest rate of reaction?

Proses yang manakah mempunyai kadar tindakbalas paling tinggi?

A. Rusting C. Combustion
Pengaratan Pembakaran
B. Respiration D. Photosynthesis
Respirasi Fotosintesis

2. Figure below shows the graph of total volume of carbon dioxide against time for the reaction
of a metal carbonate with dilute acid for experiment P and experiment Q.
Rajah dibawah menunjukkan graf bagi jumlah isipadu karbon dioksida melawan masa bagi
tindak balas karbonat logam dengan asid cair bagi eksperimen P dan eksperimen Q.

Which of the following explains the differences between both curves from the experiments?
Antara berikut, yang manakah menerangkan perbezaan antara dua lengkuk bagi eksperimen

I Temperature of acid in experiment P is higher than in experiment Q

Suhu asid dalam eksperimen P lebih tinggi daripada dalam eksperimen Q
II Catalyst is used in experiment P but not in experiment Q
Mangkin digunakan dalam eksperimen P tetapi tidak dalam eksperimen Q
III Quantities of metal carbonate and acid used in experiment P are more than that in
experiment Q
Kuantiti karbonat logam dan asid dalam eksperimen P melebihi dalam eksperimen
IV Small particle size of metal carbonate is used in experiment P and big particle size
of metal carbonate is used in experiment Q
Saiz zarah karbonat logam yang kecil digunakan dalam eksperimen P dan saiz
zarah karbonat logam yang besar digunakan dalam eksperimen Q

A III and IV only

B I , II and III only
C I, II and IV only
D I, II , III and IV

3. The equation below shows one of the reaction to produce hydrogen gas
Persamaan di bawah menunjukkan satu tindakbalas menghasilkan gas hidrogen
2HCl + Zn → ZnCl2 + H2

Which of the following would increase the rate of production of hydrogen gas?
Antara berikut, yang mana akan meningkatkan kadar pembentukan gas hydrogen?
A. Increase the time of reaction C. Increase the size of granulated zinc
Memanjangkan masa tindakbalas Meningkatkan saiz zink
B. Increase the volume of acid D. Increase the tempereture of the mixture
Meningkatkan isipadu asid Meningkatkan suhu tindakbalas
4. Table below shows the volume of hydrogen gas collected in the reaction between zinc granules
and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan isipadu gas hidrogen terhasil dalam tindak balas antara ketulan
zink dan asid hidroklorik cair.

Time/ Min
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Masa/ Min
Volume of gas / cm3
0.0 5.4 9.5 12.8 15.0 15.9 16.3 16.5
Isipadu gas/ cm3

What is the average rate of reaction during the second minute?

Apakah kadar tindak balas purata dalam minit kedua?
A. 1.50 cm3 min-1 C. 5.50 cm3 min-1
3 -1
B. 2.20 cm min D. 7.50 cm3 min-1

5. Which of the following will increase the frequency of collision?

Antara berikut, yang mana akan meningkatkan frekuensi pelanggaran?
I. Use reactant with larger size
Menggunakan reaktan yang bersaiz besar
II. Increase the concentration of reactant
Meningkatkan kepekatan reaktan
III. Increase the temperature of reaction
Meningkatkan suhu tindakbalas
IV. Increase the temperature of the product
Meningkatkan suhu produk

A I, II and III C II and III

B II and IV D I, III and IV

6. How does a catalyst increase the rate of reaction?

Bagaimanakah mangkin boleh meningkatkan kadar tindakbalas?
A. Increase the number of effective collision
Meningkatkan bilangan pelanggaran berkesan
B. Increase the activation energy of the reaction
Meningkatkan tenaga pengaktifan tindakbalas
C. Increase the total number of reactant particle
Meningkatkan jumlah bilangan zarah bahan tindakbalas
D. Increase the kinetic energy of reactant particle
Menngkatkan tenaga kinetic zarah bahan tindakbalas

7. The table shows the volume of oxygen gas obtained at regular intervals for the decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide, H2 O2
Jadual dibawah menunjukkan isipadu gas yang dikumpulkan dalam sela masa yang tetap bagi
menguraikan hydrogen peroksida, H 2 O2

Time/ Min Volume of gas collected/ cm3

Masa/ Min Isipadu gas yang dikumpul/ cm3
0 0
1.0 5.5
2.0 10.0
3.0 14.0
4.0 17.5
5.0 20.0
The average rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide from the second minute to the fourth
minute is
Purata kadar penguraikan hydrogen peroksida antara minit kedua dan minit keempat ialah

A. 17.5 cm3 min-1 C. 3.75 cm3 min-1

B. 12.5 cm3 min-1 D. 4.17 cm3 min-1

8. The graph below shows the volume of gas produced against time for the reaction of potassium
carbonate and hydrochloric acid.
Graf di bawah menunjukkan isipadu gas yang terkumpul menentang masa bagi tindakbalas
antara kalium karbonat dan asid hidroklorik.

The gradient of the graph decreases with time because

Kecerunan graf berkurangan apabila dibandingkan dengan masa kerana
A. catalyst is not used
pemangkin tidak digunakan
B. temperature of reaction decreases
suhu tindakbalas menurun
C. volume of mixure decreases
isipadu campuran reaktan berkurangan
D. concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases
kepekatan asid hidroklorik berkurangan

9. Which of the following explain the meaning of effective collision?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menjelaskan maksud pelanggaran berkesan?
A. The collision where its energy is less than activation energy
Pelanggaran yang tenaganya kurang daripada tenaga pengaktifan
B. The collision that has low energy
Pelanggaran yang berlaku mempunyai tenaga yang rendah
C. The collision which takes place before a reaction
Pelanggaran yang berlaku sebelumsuatu tindakbalas
D. The collision that causes a reaction
Pelanggaran yang menghasilkan tindakbalas
10. Table below shows the substances used to study the rate of reaction between marble and nitric
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bahan yang digunakan untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas antara
batu marmar dengan asid nitric.

Experiment Substance
Eksperimen Bahan

Excess marble and 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 nitric acid

Batu marmar berlebihan dan 50 cm3 asid nitrik 0.2 mol dm-3

II Excess marble and 100 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 nitric acid
Batu marmar berlebihan dan 100 cm3 asid nitrik 0.1 mol dm-3

Which of the following graphs represents the two experiments?

Antara graf berikut yang manakah mewakili kedua-dua eksperimen?





1. A B C D

2. A B C D

3. A B C D

4. A B C D

5. A B C D

6. A B C D

7. A B C D

8. A B C D

9. A B C D

10. A B C D

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