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Kusnanto (Dr., S.Kp., M.Kes.

Fakultas Keperawatan, Keperawatan Dasar, Medikal Bedah, Kritis
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Jenjang Pendidikan

No Jenjang Pendidikan Institusi Mulai Berakhir

1 Program Sarjana Padjajaran University 1995 1998
2 Program Magister Airlangga University 2000 2003
3 Program Doktor Airlangga University 2008 2012
Riwayat Mengajar

No Subjek
1 Fundamental Nursing (I-IV)
2 Endocrine System for Nurses
3 Nursing Management
4 Research Methods for Nurses
5 Evidence Based Nursing
6 Quality Asurance
7 Nursing Theories
8 Support Course for Dissertation
Bidang Riset

No Subjek
1 Fundamental and Medical Nursing Research Area

No Publikasi Tahun
1 Self care management model-holistic psicospiritual care 2012
Development toward the independence and blood sugar level
and HbA1C of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
2 Self care management modules to improve the respon 2013
psychosocial-spiritual of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
3 Knowledge, self efficacy and stress in patient with leprosy 2014
through impelemntation of support group using adaptation
4 Peer group support on self efficacy, glycemic control and self 2014
care activities in diabetes mellitus patient
5 The effect of HAPA (Health Action Process Approach) 2015
Implementation to increase dietary adherence in DM type 2
Keanggotaan Asosiasi

No Asosiasi
1 Indonesian Nursing National Association
2 The Association of Indonesian Nursing Education

No Penghargaan Tahun
1 Piagam penghargaan Dirjen Dikti 2006
2 Piagam penghargaan 2011
3 Piagam Penghargaan (Pembimbing PKM Medali Emas 2012
Pimnas ke 25)
4 Piagam Penghargaan Dirjen Dikti (Pembimbing PKM Lolos 2014
Pimnas Ke 27)
5 Piagam Penghargaan Ketua PMI Propinsi Jawa Timur 2014
6 Piagam Penghargaan Walikota Surabaya 2014
7 Piagam Penghargaan Dirjen Dikti (Pembimbing PKM Lolos 2015
Pimnas ke 28)


 (2012) Self care management model-holistic psicospiritual care Development toward the
independence and blood sugar level and HbA1C of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients -
Source: Independet (Rp. 20.000.000)
 (2013) Self care management modules to improve the respon psychosocial-spiritual of type
2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients - Source: Independent (Rp. 5.000.000)
 (2014) Knowledge, self efficacy and stress in patient with leprosy through impelemntation of
support group using adaptation theory - Source: Independent (Rp. 5.000.000)
 (2014) Peer group support on self efficacy, glycemic control and self care activities in
diabetes mellitus patient - Source: Independent (Rp. 5.000.000)
 (2015) The effect of HAPA (Health Action Process Approach) Implementation to increase
dietary adherence in DM type 2 - Source: Independent (Rp. 5.000.000)


 (2012) Basic life support traiining for novice-community in the work-area of Puskesmas
Mojo - Source: Fund from School of Nursing Annual Budgeting (Rp. 10.000.000)
 (2012) Herbal therapy to lower blood sugar level among Diabetes Mellitus Patients within
the work-area of Puskesmas Kebonsari Surabaya - Source: Puskesmas Kebonsari -
Department of Health of Surabaya (Rp 500.000)
 (2012) Pelatihan manajemen stress melalui penerapan metode progressive muscle
relaxation pada kelompok paguyuban penderita diabet di wilayah kerja puskesmas
Kebonsari Surabaya - Source: Puskesmas Kebonsari - DKK Surabaya (Rp. 500.000)
 (2014) Sift skills caring development to improve nursing care practice in RS Haji Surabaya -
Source: The Hospittal of RS Haji Surabaya (Rp. 2.000.000)
 (2014) Nursing Training "The role of nurses in disaster mitigation efforts at kecamatan
Ngantang Kabupaten Malang - Source: BOPTN (Rp. 20.000.000)
 (2015) Entrepreneurship Training for homeless school aged children at Rumah Singgah
Matahari Surabaya - Source: Independent (Rp. 4.025.000)
 (2015) Nursing Training, "The role of nurses in disaster mitigation efforts at kecamatan
Ngantang Kabupaten Malang - Source: BOPTN (Rp. 17.500.000)


1. (2004) Pengantar Profesi dan Praktik keperawatan profesional - Penerbit Buku Kedokteran

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