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Ali and Enrique

Multiple Intelligences Mini Lessons

With your content area, create a lesson over a topic within your content area (Content area-science Topic- DNA, Content
Area-Art Topic- color wheel) that involves all 8 intelligences. ​You must stay with same topic the entire project!​ Make
sure that it is a topic that you are ​all​ familiar with. Be as creative as possible when creating your activities.

Don’t stick to the standard ways of teaching that you know; think outside of the box. If you are incorporating notes,
make them interactive (brain hat), or if you are incorporating the musical intelligence, ​you​ or your students come up
with a song to sing or find a YouTube video that explains the concept (don’t just play music in the background to “cover”
that intelligence).

Explain why each activity is a good representation of the specific intelligence. If you have an activity that includes the
kinesthetic intelligence and you say it is because they get up and get a glue stick or raise their hands, it will not count.
(​12pts per activity)

You must write out detailed instructions for your activities, materials needed, and provide a picture or physical example
of what they are going to be doing (if applicable). Examples: the creative notes (flip book, brain hat), hands-on activity
(picture of the end result), song (typed lyrics), discussion (provide topic and prompt questions), etc. ​YOU MUST

Use the internet to help you come up with ideas! Do not try and reinvent the wheel!

You will be presenting a 10 minute mini lesson involving a 2-3 of your activities; one must be your kinesthetic activity.
You must provide all the information students will need in order to complete the activity​. ​All materials needed for the
activity must also be provided by you.

Group members’ names: Ali Martin, Enrique B.

Content Area: Environmental Science

Topic:Rock cycle
Ali and Enrique
Ali and Enrique

Visual/spatial intelligence:

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: Looking at a rock collection gives the kids a chance to
actually see rocks in different stages of the cycle. It helps them understand by looking at them up close.

Activity: Looking at a rock collection

Materials: Rock collection

Directions: You will pass the rock collection around and identify different traits that you see about the rocks that are
unique to them. After that you will write a 6 sentence reflection on the differences you noticed.

Picture that represents activity (if applicable)

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This is a great activity for this intelligence because it gets
kids moving around while learning.

Activity: Grudgeball

Materials: Paper balls that look like rocks, questions about the rock cycle, trashcan, dry erase marker

Directions: First, we will break into 3 groups of 5 then, we will name the teams: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
After that there will be a question and if a group gets it wrong they don’t get to shoot the “rock” into the trashcan.
However if a group does get the question right, they get one point. After that the group will choose someone in their
team to shoot the “rock” into the trashcan for another point. Points represent the number of lines that your team can
erase from another team. The last team to have points wins.

Picture that represents activity (if applicable)

Ali and Enrique

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock cycle

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This is good for the Musical Intelligence because it gets
the kids with an affinity for music, and get them thinking about putting together information in song form.

Activity: Creating a song or rap about the rock cycle

Materials: paper, phones and info about the rock cycle

Directions: After listening to the song or rap we provide you, the class will break up into groups and come up with their
own song or rap, and then they will come up to the board and perform it for the class. Everyone is required to

Picture that represents activity (if applicable)

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity suits this intelligence because it helps those
who learn via Auditory.

Activity: Presentation of the Rock Cycle

Materials: Presentation

Directions: Pay attention and listen during the presentation

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Ali and Enrique

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity suits this intelligence because this will help
them think about what makes that rock a part of that part of the cycle.

Activity: Brain Teasers

Materials: online quizzes

Directions: The students will answer the brain teaser on the board to themselves. Once everyone thinks they have the
right answer, we’ll discuss the answer. Depending on the percentage of incorrect answers, we will discuss why.

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity suits this intelligence because they will be in
a group due to which rock they think is best, and then first think why that rock type is the best, and then debate to the
others groups to try and win the debate.

Activity: Debate

Materials: No materials

Directions: First choose what you believe is the best rock type. Then, find everyone else with the same favorite rock
type. This’ll be the group. Before the debate, discuss why the rock type is the best. Once the debate begins, use
everything you know to try and win.

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity best suits this intelligence because everyone
who learns via Visual will be able to take in the information easier.

Activity: Drawing

Materials: worksheet

Directions: draw 2 kinds of each rock type

Content: Environmental Science

Topic: Rock Cycle

Ali and Enrique

Intelligence AND WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This is a good activity for naturalistic because by taking
the class outside it will bring them closer with their outdoorsy self.

Activity: Going outside and collect rocks

Materials: ziploc bags, napkins and flashlights (on phones)

Directions: The whole class will collect rocks they find interesting in their ziploc bag and then we will go back to class.
You will place the rocks on the napkins and using your flashlight you will study the rocks and take mental note about
what you find interesting about them. And then you will share with class.

Picture that represents activity (if applicable)


Content​: History- Government

Topic​: 3 branches of government

Intelligences​: Visual and Kinesthetic because…

Activity​: Create paper bag tree notes to represent the 3 branches of government

Materials​: Paper bag, construction paper, scissors, glue, PowerPoint information

Directions​: Each student will receive a brown paper bag to create their tree trunk out of. The students will cut three
strips in the bag and twist them up to create a standing tree with three branches. Students will cut out three leaf shapes
and label them “executive, legislative, and judicial.” Students will take notes of the back of each leaf over the
coordinating branch of government. Students will attach a leaf to each tree branch to finish the paper bag tree.

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