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Grade: 1st Grade Lesson Topic: Character Traits – English/Lang.Arts

Candidate’s Name: _Meghan Hauenstein________

1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus
learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
CA Common Core Standards: Rationale:
These standards meet Common Core State
RL.1.2. Retell stories, including key details, and Standard guideline requirement expectations
demonstrate understanding of their central message for First Grade.
or lesson.
A main component to gaining full
RL.1.3. Describe characters, settings, and major comprehension of a story is being able to
events in a story, using key details. identify key details of a story, identify the
sequencing of these key details, and to be
DOK 1-2 able to retell the story including these key
- Identify key details about what makes Flip details. By regularly practicing these elements
special. through the use of short stories in the
- Take notes and retell. students’ anthologies, the students are given
- Use ABC prompts as needed. regular opportunities to explore and expand
DOK 2-3 their understanding of each component.
- Analyze the text, craft and structure.
DOK 4 There has been a heavy emphasis lately
- Integrate knowledge and ideas. during instruction on the importance of using
- Make text-to-text connections. both the author’s words and illustrator’s
illustrations in order to gain insight on story
Prior Learning: elements and character traits. Today, we will
Students have been working on reading stories in a explore character traits by watching what Flip
whole group setting from their literature anthologies. does in order to determine what his traits are,
They have regularly practiced analyzing the cover of a and if they would make him a good pet to
story and pairing the title with cover illustrations in have.
order to make predictions about the text. They have
been working on using illustrations as supporting
detail for an assumption about a character trait (by The students have been using paper and
seeing ‘what is the character doing?’). They have pencil supports for close reading in order to
written statements such as ‘He is _____ because he find and write their supporting detail claims in
_______” which displays the ability to declare a response to literature stories. For this lesson,
statement about the text with supporting details. the students will be introduced to using
Popplets, an app which allows for the
Transfer from Prior Learning: students to create an organizer for character
Students will identify key details in the text which trait details, paired with a supporting detail
support the idea of Flip as a good pet to have. The photograph from the story itself. I will not
students will be able to use these details, along with expect this to be a smooth lesson, as the
support from the illustrations, to provide written students are not accustomed to using this
explanations of character traits which make Flip a style in their literature response time.
good pet. However, I am excited to try something new
with the class and believe that I have gained
Behavior Expectations: enough of a rapport to introduce this
The students in this are very active and cooperative vulnerability into the lesson plan.
with a high motivation to work with iPads. I expect the
class to need a few behavioral readjustments during
the whole-class reading from the anthology, but I
expect them to comprehend the story well and to My Target Learner is performing academically
respond very well to the idea of using the iPad for the on-grade level and responds well to the use of
connection activity after the whole-group reading. technology in the classroom. During whole-
Because the students have very recently just been group instruction with the anthology, the
issued the iPads, and this will be one of the very first Target Student frequently calls out and has to
times they will use an iPad during whole-group be reminded of expectations. I will review
instruction, I anticipate some behavioral and attention behavioral expectations prior to the start of
issues. If needed, I will reinforce behavior the lesson.
expectations of proper iPad use, respecting the
speaker, paying attention, following along, following
directions and participating.

I expect the Target Learner (Target 1) to initially be

distracted during the whole group lesson of the
reading from the anthology. However, once I introduce
iPad usage to the class for the duration of the lesson,
I expect him to attempt to participate and cooperate
better than usual.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)
Purpose: - Rationale:
- Students will be able to make predictions
about the story using title, cover illustrations The students have been learning about
and other details. visualizing using author’s text, and most
- Students will be able to read together aloud recently, using illustrations to infer character
the story from the anthology, stopping at traits and actions. It is important to review the
appropriate times to check for understanding. basic story structure and story elements prior
- Students will be able to note key details from to exploring character traits in order to clear
the illustrations in the story in order to any confusion and ensure students will
determine character traits of the main comprehend the material.
character, Flip.
- Students will be able to map out 3 traits using Student mastery may be observed through
the iPad app, Popplet, in addition to a paired the Popplet screen easily because it will be
photograph taken which will serve as the apparent to me whether or not a student is
“proof” of the character trait. able to master the app (his screen will
- contain a graphic organizer-looking form) or
Student mastery of the outcome will be observed unable to (blank screen, incorrectly
through the Popplet screen of each individual student. organized.)
If needed, this screen may be saved and printed.
However, teacher observation will suffice for this
portion to determine student mastery.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )
Given the recent review of the story the day before, Rationale:
plus the introduction to the app at the stat of the week,
I believe each student has the tools to succeed during Given that most of the students are on grade
this lesson with at least creating a Popplet with level, I would not anticipate many of the
appropriate language to describe a character. students having any issues with
comprehending the lesson plan itself; rather,
1. Linguistic Background the issues will stem from confusion over the
Primary home languages: English for most all students iPad.
– one or two may speak Spanish at home, but still
English primarily While there may be a few students who
speak another language at home, all of my
2. Academic Language Abilities, Content EL students are performing on-grade level
Knowledge and Skills and none of the backgrounds inhibit
22/25 of the students graduated on from a communication with the families. There is
Kindergarten class here at Rio Seco. only one student who is technically
considered an EL in this class, and I will
3. Physical, Social, Emotional make sure to provide sufficient time and
Students very active and social. Group tends to be support by increasing wait time and allowing
kind and cooperative. for her to see the visuals presented on the
4. Socioeconomic Considerations
32% of school is socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Parents work in professional and service occupations.
60% with college degrees. Many take extended
vacations during breaks.

5. Cultural Considerations
Students engage in religious and sports activities
outside of school.

6. Health Considerations & Attendance.

One tree nut allergy in the class.

7. Interests, Motivations, & Extra Curricular

Developmentally appropriate interests. High
motivation to read. High motivation towards

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments,

modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special
needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)
Modifications for ELs: By altering pacing and including visual aids
- Changed instructional pacing and graphic organizers in the lesson, EL
- Visual aids displayed on the mirrored teacher students will be able to reinforce their learned
iPad (displayed on screen) information and view it in different ways. The
- Additional review of vocabulary and emphasis more visual the learning, the more EL
on reviewing the meaning of any unknown, students can have an easier time storing the
newly introduced terms necessary (e.g. information and analyzing what is being
character traits, any help with technological taught. By reviewing the vocabulary, EL
terms during instruction) students will not get stuck in the lesson due
- Working hands-on with individual anthology to not understanding the given terms.
and iPad to create character traits chart
- List of character traits to aid in bridging new My Target 1 student (on-grade level) requires
vocabulary ample time to share out/ speak or he will be
distracting towards the whole-group lesson. I
will remind him of expectations, but expect
Modifications for Target Student #1 : him to be engaged more in an activity with
the iPad usage. I will call on him if he is
- Additional directions given as needed behaving appropriately. I will review
- Opportunities to speak/share aloud during expectations and remind him of steps of the
whole group time assignment.
- Visual representations of character traits to
resource My Target 2 Student is on-grade level but
gets distracted extremely easily, often leading
Modifications for Target Student #2 to unfinished work. To aid this, he is seated
close to the teacher and I am able to directly
- Seat placed in close proximity to the teacher observe his steps in completing this
and overhead projector assignment. Additional supports provided
- Detailed instruction for each transition include review of the story, character traits,
- Modeled examples of inserting a photo to the and how to navigate the new Popplet app.
Popplet app
- One word characteristic trait inputs (as My High-Achieving Students should be using
opposed to a sentence) sentences to support their findings of
- 3 character traits as the goal (as opposed to 4- character traits through the illustrations. The
5 for other students) extension/bridging activity the following day
- Visual representations of character traits as a will be reviewing their findings and writing
resource sentences. I will encourage my students to
begin writing these sentences and also to
Modifications for High-Achieving Students include as many details as possible. They are
-Providing higher-order thinking questions encouraged to think more critically about the
-5+ character traits as the goal, written in sentences in text by making text-to-text as well as text-to-
graphic organizer self connections.
- bridging to the extension activity: students will reflect
back and write sentences.
-Text-to-text connections/ text-to-self connections

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill
Resources: Rationale:

- Whole class set of the literature anthology, - By allowing for students to have
reading the story Flip individual resources, active learning
- Whole class set of iPads, equipped with the is able to occur because each
app “Popplet” student is manipulating his own iPad
- Teacher resources: iPad, anthology to create a graphic organizer
- Overhead projector including the character traits of Flip.
- Whiteboard to take notes (teacher) and - The teacher resources provide the
possibly list character traits scaffolding necessary for a lesson
like this to occur. The students are
new to using the app and still require
sufficient modeling of steps to
perform the outcome successfully.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for
Teacher will begin by reviewing that the essential Rationale:
question for this lesson is, “What makes a good pet?”
The class will be reminded that this essential question
has been the same for this whole week, but has been
explored in several ways. I will introduce that today we
will be reviewing the story we read yesterday, Flip,
with our essential question in mind. I will explain that
we will be looking back and reviewing our story’s
illustrations in order to visualize what Flip’s character
traits may be. I will model flipping back into my story
and looking aloud at a photo, voicing that I see Flip’s
face looks anxious or nervous on page 3. I will say, “I
can tell that he looks nervous because his body
language shows me he is waiting outside the door to
enter the classroom, but he looks like he is not ready
yet. I am looking at his eyes as well, and they look
nervous too. Would you agree?” Next, I would allow for
students to turn and share with a partner one other
example of a character trait which they have seen Flip

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)
Guided practice: Rationale:

Once the class understands expectations for this part

of the lesson, students will get out their iPads and
together we will create a new Popplet. I will model how
to create and name (this is a review, but still new for
students) our new Popplet, and I will scaffold this
learning activity by allowing for the first character trait
to be completed as a class.

Check for Understanding: Throughout this lesson I

will be consistently checking for understanding through
student observation. I will know which students are
understanding by whether or not they are sitting quietly
and following along. I know that when my students
have questions, they immediately start asking
neighbors or calling out, and this tells me I need to
stop instruction and review and/or model the lesson
again. I will also ask for thumbs up/down if students
agree and will call on students for responses in order
to understand if they are in agreement with the proper
understanding for the lesson.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note:
Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough
to work on their own.)
Students will begin independent practice by working By providing individual opportunities to
individually in their Popplet app in order to create a practice what was reviewed in the whole
graphic organizer with Flip as the central focal point. class instructional activity, students are
The students will work to complete 4 (as general goal) already familiar with the expectations of the
character traits, with illustrations to support, in their lesson and can review and put into practice
Popplet. what they are learning. They are given
opportunities to explore the app and
Higher Achieving Students should be writing in independently take risks, which are important
complete sentences (i.e. Flip is happy when he is for learning but are not always given during
painting, Flip is nervous to go into the classroom) while whole-group instruction when the lesson
the on-grade level expectations for this lesson allow needs to sustain a certain pace.
for the one word character trait to suffice (e.g.
“nervous, happy, sad”).

I will be assisting Lower-Achieving Students and my

EL student as needed. I will assist in the navigation of
the app, but will check for understanding of the
essential question and guide students towards
understanding the character traits assignment.

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students’
learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
Students will be assessed through observation for the Rationale:
duration of the lesson. As mentioned previously, I will
be able to observe to assess the students and know
whether or not they are grasping the essential
question and learning outcome for the lesson. There
has been some confusion on character traits (in
reference to them being physical traits, while for this
lesson we are focused on inner traits) and so I will
check for clarity and understanding by additionally
calling on students and allowing for peer share time.

During the independent portion of the lesson I will

check for understanding by walking around the class
and monitoring student iPads. This will be a great
informal formative assessment for me to observe
because I will note which students are not grasping
what character traits are, how to navigate the app, or
how to support the trait with an appropriate illustration.

If needed I will scaffold additionally for students who

require supports during independent time by reviewing
another step-by-step direction.

I will remind higher-achieving students to continue

writing in sentences and to prepare to write the
sentences using the words which the illustrations
depict as support. These sentences will be written on
paper the following day, but may be written into a box
in their app for today.
10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
At the end of the lesson, I will encourage students to Closure techniques should summarize what
stop where they are. Because students will vary in is learned and give one extra opportunity to
their work product amount, I will focus on reviewing practice what is learned..
examples of what students entered into their Popplet. I
will call on a couple students to share their work if time
permits. I will review the essential question, “What
makes a good pet?” Then, I will ask the students if
they believe Flip made a good pet, and ask why. The
students should display their mastery of the learning
outcome by providing me with a reason as to why they
believe he would/would not with a character trait and
support from an illustration.

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