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The nodes of the moon, known as the North Node and the South Node in the Western
tradition, Rahu and Ketu in the Vedic tradition, and referred to as the Dragon’s head and
Dragon’s tail, represent an individual’s journey of the soul. The South Node position
(the combination of the constellation and the house) represents the skills/qualities/patterns
encoded within you: they feel known, familiar, and comfortable. The North Node is
thus your soul’s growth edge, often uncomfortable. Importantly, your North Node position
communicates the skills/qualities/patterns your soul desires (requires) to be evolved.
Understanding this essential component of your Soul Print allows its natural evolution.

North Node in the 1st House (South Node in the 7th)

The 1st house (the house associated with Aries, ruled by Mars) is about the Self and its identity.
With your North Node positioned in your 1st house, this is a path of individuation, confidence
and self-reliance. These are qualities and skills your Soul Print is asking to be developed. You are
required to move away from dependence on the Other and move toward dependence on
the Self. This path can be challenging but ultimately highly rewarding as it is fundamentally
about you unveiling and learning who you are without the influence or input from other people
and perspectives. Your Soul Print is moving into authentic self-knowing and self-trusting so that it
can stand out, be seen and heard, and express fully.

North Node in 2nd House (South Node in the 8th)

The 2nd house (the house associated with Taurus, ruled by Venus) is about material reality:
security, stability, money, possessions, resourcefulness, and ethos (what it is that you value). With
your North Node in the 2nd house, this is a path about becoming self-sufficient in regard to
personal values, material possessions. You will discover that challenges will arise when trying to
rely on other people’s money because it is not the forward movement supporting your soul’s
evolution. This path is specifically about becoming self-sufficient with all that this entails: living
within your means, living according to an aligned ethic, taking care of your body, and
developing endurance.

North Node in 3rd House (South Node in the 9th)

The 3rd house (the house associated with Gemini, ruled by Mercury) is about local networks:
mental, social, communication. With your North Node is your 3rd house, this is a path about
distributing information from the Higher Mind. With your South Node in the 9th house, you
inherently contain deep wisdom, a tendency for philosophical understandings, and a strong
intuitive nature. This path is specifically about moving away from the comfort of solitary
learning, contemplation and philosophizing and moving into evolving your communication skills
so that important, meaningful, relevant messages get delivered and seeded within local
networks to instigate change and new growth.
North Node in 4th House (South Node in the 10th)
The 4th house (the house associated with Cancer, ruled by the Moon) is about home and
ancestral roots. With your North Node in the 4th house, this is a path about subordinating career
and directing others to focusing on your personal life and developing emotional maturity. You
are responsible on this path to direct your attention back at yourself and be a model for “a
house in order”. This refers to handling your life responsibly – healing your emotional wounds
and managing personal affairs. A component of this involves home and family: your obligations
to those in your immediate environment. With your South Node in the 10th house, you inherently
contain an understanding of recognition received through career. This seeds the growth edge
on this path, which is that recognition may in fact be achieved but only once you come from
an organized, accountable and authentic for of Self.

North Node in 5th House (South Node in the 11th)

The 5th house (the house associated with Leo, ruled by the Sun) is about confidence, creativity,
affection and play. With your North Node in the 5th house, this is a path about moving out of
the dream world, connecting to others, and expressing your profound creativity in the real
world. This is very much a path about discovering the power of your thoughts in regard to
manifesting. With the South Node in the 11th house, you inherently contain a tendency for
dreaming, imagining innovations, intuition and solitary connection with the immaterial mental
realms. Your North Node in the 5th house placement requires that you ground this information
into reality through expression and evolve yourself through connections and relationships.
Children are highly likely to play a valuable, meaningful role in your soul’s development.

North Node in 6th House (South Node in the 12th)

The 6th house (the house associated with Virgo, ruled by Mercury) is about routine and details in
regard to health and daily service. With your North Node in the 6th house, this is a path about
developing responsibility and discipline and about confronting tendencies for delusion. With
your South Node in the 12th house, you are inherently sensitive and contain a tendency for
isolated contemplation and deep thought about infinite topics which if excessive can lead to
instability. Your North Node in the 6th house placement requires that you attend to details and
develop structure and routine to mental and physical processes: it is required for your diet, for
myriad daily processes, as well as for developing your skills and talents in service to others.
Because this is your soul’s evolutionary journey, you will learn that, although challenging,
discipline in these areas will bring confidence, ease, flow and ultimately bliss.

North Node in 7th House (South Node in the 1st)

The 7th house (the house associated with Libra, ruled by Venus) is about our relationships with
others. With your North Node in the 7th house, this is a path about partnerships, maturing the
ego, and developing trust. Your South Node placement means that you inherently contain a
tendency for independence, and thus being alone is comfortable as no cooperation or
obligation is required. The growth edge for you with your North Node in the 7th house is to find
the balance between Self and others; and you know you are successful when you find the win-
win for both (reflecting the cooperative way that nature operates). Your soul’s evolution wants
partnership and commitment, so you will find that through confronting the challenges and
limitations of relationships tremendous support, nurturance and love will be returned to you.
North Node in 8th House (South Node in the 2nd)
The 8th house (the house associated with Scorpio, ruled by Pluto) is about regeneration, death
and rebirth, and the hidden realms of the psyche. With your North Node in the 8th house, this is
a path about psychological transformation, tempering powerful extremes, and helping others
find their resources and values. With your South Node in the 2nd house, you contain an inherent
resonance with the themes of receiving and having: this, primarily in regard to possessions,
money, and material and psychological security. With this placement, you also have a
tendency for independence. The growth edge for you with your North Node in the 8th house is
to evolve out of “receiving” and Self and move into “giving” and others; to move out of the
need for security and move into comfort with chaos and mystery; to move away from reliance
on material things and move into areas of the deeply psychological and the spiritual. The South
Node has provided you with determination, which can manifest as stubbornness but, if
balanced, will serve you on this path of extremes.

North Node in 9th House (South Node in the 3rd)

The 9th house (the house associated with Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter) is about exploration: of
mind, of new knowledge, of place. With your North Node in the 9th house, this is a path about
extending beyond a keen mind and local social networks and delving into philosophy, the
Higher Mind, adventure and unlimited global possibilities. With your South Node in the 3rd house,
you contain an inherent understanding of comfort with people around you - neighbors, etc.
However on this path, expanding beyond the local social fabric is the soul’s evolutionary desire,
so relationships with those in your local environment could manifest as difficult to push you to
new places. A growth edge on this path involves moving away from the mind’s need for
detailed analytic information and discovering the power of new undefined holistic experience.
Your soul’s evolution wants to expand into higher consciousness and develop true relationships.

North Node in 10th House (South Node in the 4th)

The 10th house (the house associated with Capricorn, ruled by Saturn) is about personal
authority and ambitions. With your North Node in the 10th house, this is a path about forging
your own life journey and maturing so to understand the emotional needs of others so that the
success you desire can then manifest. This is also about learning to develop a positive
perspective and mindfully extending your circle well beyond the family unit to whom you are
so tightly bound and devoted in one form or another (South Node in 4th house). The growth
edge will be to get to a place of non-judgment and non-resentment toward those who
depend on you. The evolutionary desire of your soul is to forge an individuated path of Self in
regard to a career of significant success.

North Node in 11th House (South Node in the 5th)

The 11th house (the house associated with Aquarius, ruled by Uranus) is about hopes, dreams,
friendship, and the collective. With your North Node in the 11th house, this is a path about
achieving success through groups and loving associations. With your South Node in the 5th
house, you contain an inherent creativity and talent for skilled expression. You also feel a great
need to be loved and romanced by lovers with this placement: this path, however, is about
expanding the soul’s experience of platonic love. It is also about achieving leadership through
participation with a whole and not as a result of individual efforts. The growth edges here
involve maturing inherent ego drives, learning the benefit of dissolving into the whole, and
being a participant in co-creative collective experiences.
North Node in 12th House (South Node in the 6th)
The 12th house (the house associated with Pisces, ruled by Neptune) is about the deep realms
of the soul that are typically kept unconscious. With your North Node in the 12th house, this is a
path about journeying away from the material world and moving into the spiritual world: it is
about releasing the details of external reality and embracing the internal nature of your soul.
With your South Node in the 6th house, you contain inherent tendencies of perfectionism,
control, attention to details, and anxious vigilance in regard to your environment and the outer
world. The growth edges on this path involve releasing the distraction of the environment (the
aesthetics, the logistics, etc.) and developing the courage to go inward. Your North Node path
requires that you reframe your focus and mature the wisdom of your soul. It is here when deep
confidence will naturally emerge for you and any mental or physical imbalances will dissolve.

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