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Volume   Journal
II Number 2 2011for Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation
Volume III No.
[ISSN 0975 2 2012 [72 – 79]
- 6272] [ISSN 0975 - 6272] 

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development

in India

Tushar Kumar Gandhi1 and Shailendra Kumar Sharma2

Received: July 24, 2012 ⏐ Accepted: November 16, 2012 ⏐ Online: December 25, 2012

The concept of sustainable development is still food, healthy environment and greenery ethics,
being developed and the definition of the term economics, chemistry, physics, statistics, and
is constantly being revised, extended, and engineering. Sustainability is not around us.
refunded, its main components are the Without sustainability environmental
economic, social, and environmental factors. deterioration and economic decline will be
Sustainable development is the concept of feeding on each other leading to poverty,
environmental protection for the sake of future pollution, poor health, political upheaval and
generation. Sustainability is the process of unrest. The environment is not to be seen as a
change in which exploitation of resources, stand-alone concern. We need to tackle the
direction of investments orientation of environmental degradation in a holistic manner
technological changes, etc. Sustainable in order to ensure both Economic and
development is the preservation of the Environmental sustainability. Forests play an
production possibilities of an economy to important role in environmental and economic
provide the same goods and services obtained sustainability. They provide numerous goods
from nature. Sustainable development and services and maintain life support systems
involves disciplines such as ecology, biology, for life on earth. Some of these life support
an opinion but imperative. For a better India to systems of major economic and environmental
live in; we need good air, pure water, nutritious importance.

For correspondence:
Keywords: Sustainable development ⏐ 
Singhania University, Pacheribari, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, Environment and Development ⏐  Social
Foresting ⏐  Green Economics of India
Department of Biotechnology & Life Science, Adarsh
institute of Management & Science Dhamnod, (M.P.), India

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 

Volume III Number 2 2012 [72 – 79]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

Introduction -Cultural identity

Sustainable development is playing important Environmental objectives
role to all societies, but critical for poor ones, -Healthy environment for humans
which depends more heavily on natural -Rational use of renewable natural resources
resources such as soils, rivers, fisheries, and -conservation of non-renewable natural
forests than do the richer nations. It is argued resources
that environmental problems in developing
Review of literature
countries are predominantly driven by poverty,
As suggested by Barbier (1987) sustainable
while those of richer nations are driven by
economic development is likely to require
affluence and over consumption. This is the
simultaneous account to be taken of at least
subject of the future, especially when
three systems, namely the biological system,
considered in a long-term generation
the economic system and the social system. He
perspective. Sustainability is about the
contends that sustainable development is
possibility that the things we value in the
indistinguishable from the total development of
present will continue to exist in the future.
society and cannot effectively be analyzed
Sustainable development is the concept of
separately as sustainability depends upon the
relationship between economic growth and the
interaction of economic changes with social,
environment. This paper addresses some
cultural, and economic transformations.
pertinent issues concerning economics of
Human ascribed goals apply in relation to each
Sustainable development in the present context
of these systems and must be taken into
through literature.
account simultaneously in determining a path
Objectives of sustainable development or path of sustainable developments. He
Economic objectives suggested that goals in relation to each of these
-Growth three systems must be:
-Efficiency -For the biological system: maintenance of
-Stability genetic diversity, resilience and biological
Social objectives productivity
-Full employment -For the economic system: the satisfaction of
-Equity basic needs, equity enhancement, increasing
-Security useful goods and services
-Education -For the social system: ensuring cultural
-Health diversity, institutional sustainability, social
-Participation justice and partition.

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 

Volume III Number 2 2012 [72 – 79]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

Georgescu Roegen (1972) suggested that petrochemical units, leads to climate change.
actual human population need to be reduced With countries habitual to periodic epidemics
rather than stabilized to ensure the maximum facing he menaces of bird flue fraught with
period of existence of human species. He based disastrous consequences for human life.
his view on the Entropy low of physics. Its spread in winter appears a trickle unusual.
Economic growth relies on high entropy which The recent surfacing to chikungunya in Italy, a
it uses and disperses. Eventually the stock of disease so far confined to warmer tropical
such resources will be completely dispersed climate change which emerges critical to
and no longer available for production. In his horizon. These are cases of global warming.
view unlimited economic growth is in principle Experts had been warming that global warming
impossible and there is no possibility of human is fuelling the spread of epidemics in areas
intervention making it so because of operation higher to unaffected. Large scale emission of
of the basic principles of entropy. carbon dioxide from industries is responsible
United Nations conference on Environment for these climate devastations and the
and development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil adversely affected 262 million people between
in 1992, United Nations conference on 2000 and 2004 by these climatic disasters have
sustainable development 1993; and world been mostly the poor.
summit for sustainable development Thus, globalization enthused conventional
Johannesburg 2002. productivity oriented growth models with
Brundtland Report 1987: Sustainable excessive consumerism and comfortable, life
development is development that meets the style ,has led to climatic change through
needs of the present without compromising the emission of green house gases, mainly carbon-
ability of future generations to meet their own dioxide which trap heat in atmosphere leading
needs. to large scale climatic disasters causing
miserable life conditions for poor in
Global warming - climate change
developing world.
We have to pay the ecological and human costs
of globalizing agriculture as well as industry. Poverty eradication and sustainable
It is a major signal that we need a shift from livelihoods
production oriented conventional modern Poverty and a degraded environment are
agriculture to ecologically resilient agriculture. closely inter-related, especially where people
Besides these phenomena, the emission of depend for their livelihoods primarily on the
green house gases through thermal plants, natural resource base of their immediate
chemical industries units, nuclear arsenal, environment. Restoring natural systems and

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 

Volume III Number 2 2012 [72 – 79]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

improving natural resource management and legislation. Several traditional practices

practices at the grassroots level are central to a that are sustainable and environment friendly
strategy to eliminate poverty. The survival continue to be a regular part of the lives of
needs of the poor force them to continue to people in developing countries. These need to
degrade an already degraded environment. be encouraged rather than replaced by more
Removal of poverty is therefore a prerequisite ‘modern’ but unsustainable practices and
for the protection of the environment. Poverty technologies. Development decisions regarding
magnifies the problem of hunger and technology and infrastructure are a major
malnutrition. The problem is further determinant of consumption patterns. It is
compounded by the inequitable access of the therefore important to evaluate and make
poor to the food that is available. It is therefore development decisions which structurally lead
necessary to strengthen the public distribution to a more sustainable society. Technologies
System to overcome this inequity. Diversion of exist through which substantial reduction in
common and marginal lands to ‘economically consumption of resources is possible. Efforts to
useful purposes’ deprives the poor of a identify, evaluate, introduce and use these
resource base which has traditionally met technologies must be made.
many of
Protecting and managing the natural
Their sustenance needs. Market forces also
resource base of economic and social
lead to the elimination of crops that have
The integration of agriculture with land and
Been integral to the diet of the poor, thereby
water management, and with ecosystem
threatening food security and nutritional status.
conservation is essential for both
Changing unsustainable patterns of environmental sustainability and agricultural
consumption and production production. An environmental perspective
With increasing purchasing power, wasteful must guide the evaluation of all development
consumption linked to market driven projects, recognizing the role of natural
consumerism is stressing the resource base of resources in local livelihoods. This recognition
developing countries further. It is important to must be informed by a comprehensive
counter this through education and public understanding of the perceptions and opinions
awareness. In several areas, desirable limits of local people about their stakes in the
and standards for consumption need to be resource base. To ensure the sustainability of
established and applied through appropriate the natural resource base, the recognition of all
mechanisms including education, incentives stakeholders in it and their roles in its

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 

Volume III Number 2 2012 [72 – 79]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

protection and management is essential. There Environment and development

is need to establish well-defined and The United Nations general assembly through
enforceable rights (including customary rights) its agenda 21 has provided a compressive
and security of tenure, and to ensure equal picture of inter links related to environment
access to land, water and other natural and and sustainable development. The agenda 21
biological resources. It should be ensured that suggests an action plan is to link national and
this applies, in particular, to indigenous international policies for revitalizing economic
communities, women and other disadvantaged agro with sustainability. Combating poverty
groups living in poverty. Water governance ,improvement in demographic structure
arrangements should protect ecosystems and ;change in consumption patterns health, human
preserve or restore the ecological integrity of settlements, pollution control, energy
all natural water bodies and their management, treatment of industrial wastes,
Catchments. This will maintain the wide range control of hazardous materials and after the
of ecological services that healthy ecosystems input sustainability are vital requirements for
provide and the livelihoods that depend upon overall sustainable development of nations.
them. Biomass is, and will continue for a long • Changing consumption patterns: Less
time to be, a major source of fuel and energy, wasteful life styles sustainable
especially for the rural poor. Recognizing this consumption levels; informed consumer
fact, appropriate mechanisms must be evolved choices.
to make such consumption of biomass • Health: Pollution health risks, urban health,
sustainable, through both resource Basic needs; communicable diseases;
management and the promotion of efficient vulnerable groups.
and minimally polluting technologies, and • Human settlements: shelter, land and
technologies which will progressively reduce settlement management, environmental
the pressures on biomass, which cause infrastructure, energy and transport, human
environmental degradation. The traditional resources and capacity building, disaster
approaches to natural resource management prone areas.
such as sacred groves and ponds, water • Urban water supplies: drinking water,
harvesting and management systems, etc., sanitation, intercultural planning,
should be revived by creating institutional monitoring
mechanisms which recapture the ecological • Fresh water resources: integrated
wisdom and the spirit of community assessment, development and management,
management inherent in those systems. production of quality and resources,

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 

Volume III Number 2 2012 [72 – 79]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

drinking water, sanitation, water for system is one of the major focuses of
agriculture. ecological economics.
• Energy: Sustainable energy development
and consumption, house hold, transport,
Social and Environmental stresses are the
failures of institutions to manage and provide
India’s green economy public goods to correct the spillovers. Getting
Economics is going green. Its latest concept is socially preferred outcomes require institutions
sustainable development which can only be that can identify who bears the burden of social
achieved if economic theory can be utilized to preferred outcomes require institutions that can
determine sustainable natural resources. identify who bears the burden of social and
Development can be sustainable if it has roots environmental neglect and who benefits and
in its own people, culture, soil and heritage who balance these diverse interests within
rather than the glamour of the others. society. This perspective helps in
Sustainability is not an option but imperative. understanding why technically sound policy
For better a better world to live in; we need advice is so seldom taken up. Thus, sustainable
good air, pure water, nutritious food, healthy development is about enhancing human well
environment and greenery around us. Without being thorough time.
sustainability environmental deterioration and So, is enjoying physical security and basic civil
economic decline will be feeding on each other and political liberties. And so is it appreciating
leading poverty, pollution, poor health, the natural environment, breathing fresh air,
political upheaval and unrest. drinking clean water, living among an
abundance of plant and animal varieties, and
India’s environmental ethics
not irrevocably undermining the natural
Ecological economics accounts not only for the
processes that produce and renew these
financial constraints on consumption, as in
conventional economics, but also for the
There is both a need and a scope for regional
natural constraints implied by the limited
and global cooperation in sustainable
ability of the environment to provide natural
development. Some of the areas of common
resources and to absorb the wastes of
concern are marine and riparian issues,
production and to absorb the wastes of
transboundary environmental impacts, and
production and consumption. Sustainable
management of bioresources, technology
management of the economic and ecological
sharing and sharing of sustainable development
experiences. Efforts must be made, especially

Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 

Volume III Number 2 2012 [72 – 79]
[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

by developing countries, to work towards adaptation to climate change and a more

synergizing experiences and raising shared sustainable use of ecosystems.
regional concerns as a strong united front in If we are to achieve our dream, the time to act
international forums. Mechanisms must be put at scale is now, given the inertia in the socio-
in place to facilitate such international economic system, and that the adverse effects
exchange of domestic and global experiences of climate change and loss of biodiversity
in sustainable development. There must be cannot be reversed for centuries or are
mechanisms for monitoring the compliance of irreversible (e.g., species loss). Failure to act
countries to their obligations under various will impoverish current and future generations.
environmental agreements. Currently there is a References
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[ISSN 0975 - 6272] Gandhi and Sharma

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Study of Environmental imperatives of sustainable development in India 


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