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Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690

Modelling the e*ect of an assumed cosmic ray-modulated

global cloud cover on the terrestrial surface temperature
J. Ram-.reza;∗ , B. Mendozaa , V. Mendozab , J. Ademb
a Instituto de Geof sica, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, M exico DF 04510, Mexico
b Centro de Ciencias de la Atm osfera, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, M exico DF 04510, Mexico

Received 7 March 2002; received in revised form 19 September 2002; accepted 10 December 2003

We have used the thermodynamic model of the climate to estimate the e*ect of variations in the oceanic cloud cover on the
surface temperature of the Earth in the North Hemisphere (NH) during the period 1984 –1990. We assume that the variations
in the cloud cover are proportional to the variation of the cosmic ray :ux measured during the same period. The results indicate
that the e*ect in the temperature is slightly noticeable when we consider the surface hemispheric temperature on July 1987,
<nding an average temperature anomaly between −0:06◦ C and −0:14◦ C, along a latitudinal band between 20◦ and 40◦ . The
surface temperature averaged globally in the NH presents a decrease of ∼0:01◦ C in average, which is almost the same for
continents and oceans. However, these values are not signi<cant when compared to the overall variability of the time series
with and without forcing.
c 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Cloud cover; Cosmic rays; Solar activity; Temperature

1. Introduction Gierens and Ponater (1999) indicated that the <ndings

of Svensmark and Christensen were only partially correct.
Recent investigations suggest that the variations of the They pointed out that cloud cover variations are signi<-
cosmic ray :ux could be considered as one of the main cantly correlated with cosmic ray :ux variations only on
agents that induce important changes in the high and low mid-latitudes in a narrow geomagnetic zone that corresponds
atmosphere. Svensmark and Christensen (1997) noticed a to about 10% of the Earth’s surface, and therefore it is not
possible connection between the global cloud cover and the acceptable to extrapolate local results to planetary scales.
cosmic ray :ux (the correlation coe@cient was higher than More recently, Pall-e and Butler (2000) analysed cloud
0.9). They carried out a study of the behaviour of these two cover data from ISCCP D2. These data are believed to
parameters using information compiled by the International be better than the earlier C2 dataset used by Svensmark
Satellite Cloud Climatology Project C2 (ISCCP C2). The and Christensen (1997). In addition, the data correspond
information covers the period between 1984 and 1990, also to 1983–1994, being 3 years longer than C2. Furthermore,
it comprises only the oceans and excludes the latitudinal they examined the correlation between cloud cover and
band of ±22:5◦ , considering that in this area the magnetic cosmic rays :ux in di*erent latitude zones and altitudes.
<eld of the Earth inhibits the penetration of cosmic rays, and This study con<rmed the previous results of Svensmark and
therefore the e*ect on the cloud cover is minimised. Christensen (1997), but after 1991 the total cloud cover
and the cosmic ray :ux diverge. Instead, what they found
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +52-55-55502486. is that the low-level clouds for all latitudes excluding the
E-mail addresses: poles are well correlated with the cosmic ray :ux over the
(J. Ram-.rez), (B. Mendoza). complete period, with correlation coe@cients of 0.87 for

1364-6826/$ - see front matter c 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1684 J. Ram rez et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690

the whole Earth, 0.72 at the tropics, 0.88 at mid-latitudes izontal cloud layer (the plane-parallel cloud assumption),
and 0.92 at mid-latitude oceans. an oceanic layer of 100 to 50 m in depth and a continental
Marsh and Svensmark (2000) also used the ISCCP D2 layer of negligible depth. It also includes a layer of ice and
data <nding that low altitude clouds and cosmic rays are well snow over the continents and the ocean. The basic equations
correlated (r ¿ 0:6) over ≈15:8% of the Earth’s surface. are those of hydrostatic balance, perfect gas, continuity and
When taking the global average cloud anomalies they found conservation of thermal energy applied to the atmosphere–
r = 0:63 and 0.92 for the 12-month running mean. ocean–continent system. A monthly time averaging of the
The cosmic rays are registered by neutron monitors lo- variables is used. The details of the equations can be found
cated on the surface. The lowest energy that can be detected in Adem et al. (2000).
depends on the geomagnetic latitude, 0:01 GeV in stations The TMC converges and is stable (Adem, 1962). The
located in the geomagnetic poles up to 15 GeV in the sta- principal equation for the temperature anomalies is an el-
tions near to the geomagnetic equator. The intensity of the liptic expression solved as a <nite di*erence equation by
cosmic rays :ux presents a very well-known inverse rela- the Liebmannn relaxation method described by Thompson
tionship with the sunspot cycle. This is caused by the inter- (1961). In this case, the iterations <nish when the numeric
planetary magnetic <eld which has a screening e*ect on the solution and the theoretical solution have a di*erence of
cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are the dominant source of atmo- about 0:001◦ C, which means that the model errors are about
spheric ionisation at altitudes between 0 and 35 km with a 0:001◦ C for all the points in the integration region.
maximum at ≈15 km (Dorman, 1974). Since this model is basically a thermodynamic model, the
Then, we should expect that high altitude and latitude noise level is not signi<cant, which means that the model can
clouds would be the most a*ected by cosmic rays. How- be run with di*erent initial condition and we shall always
ever, the results indicate that low altitude clouds at low lat- obtain the same solution. This is di*erent from the dynamical
itudes are more in:uenced than higher altitude and latitude models for which the noise is sometimes strong.
clouds. No satisfactory explanation is at hand, and some The integration of the model equations is carried out for
speculations point to the di*erent physical state of the cloud the North Hemisphere (NH) with the use of a grid with 1917
droplets over the polar (ice clouds) and tropical regions points, which uses a polar stereographic projection with a
(liquid clouds) and the e*ect of cosmic rays over them. constant grid distance of 408:5 km (Adem et al., 2000). The
One of the mechanisms proposed for the interaction be- integration is carried out only in the NH because the South-
tween cosmic rays and the low atmosphere involves changes ern Hemisphere has a negligible percentage of continents.
in the rate of ionisation of their compounds. This could In addition, as the human activity is mostly developed in the
modify microphysics processes such as the nucleation and NH, there are more observations.
growth of cloud particles, and therefore the formation of The TMC is suitable for obtaining hemispheric averages
the clouds themselves (higher clouds) (Tinsley and Heelis, (20 –90◦ in latitude) of the anomalies of di*erent meteoro-
1993). logical variables. The model also produces monthly, annual
If indeed the cosmic rays can in:uence the nucleation pro- and seasonal predictions. Finally, we choose the TMC be-
cesses and in turn a*ect cloud formation, we expect that this cause on the one hand it is a coupled model of the continent–
:ux should have an e*ect in the global radiation balance of atmosphere–ocean system that takes into account the
the earth–atmosphere system and therefore in the terrestrial feedback mechanisms inside this system, and on the other
surface temperature <eld. hand, it is relatively easy to manipulate.
The purpose of the present work is to estimate the pro-
posed e*ect of the cosmic rays on the surface temperature 2.2. Modelling of the oceanic cloud cover
through the behaviour of the oceanic cloud cover for the pe-
riod 1984 –1990, when it has been found a good correlation In the TMC, the single horizontal cloud layer has the lower
between total cloud cover and cosmic rays. boundary at 3 km and the upper boundary at 4:5 km. In a
more realistic situation clouds appear in three di*erent lay-
ers, therefore in order to compensate our approximation, the
2. The model
radiative parameters in the single layer are the weighted av-
2.1. The thermodynamic model of climate erage values of the radiative parameters in each layer (Adem,
1964). In the present model, typically when the cloud layer
The model used here is the thermodynamic model of cli- fraction is about 0.5, clouds re:ect ∼25% of the solar ra-
mate (TMC) (Adem, 1962), which assumes that the energy diation, while when the cloud fraction is 1, clouds re:ect
that maintains the atmospheric circulation is the solar radi- 50% back to space. The cloud layer absorbs short-wave ra-
ation, and therefore the fundamental problem is to explain diation from the Sun proportionally to the fraction of the
quantitatively how the transformation of radiant energy in cloud cover; for example, when the cloud fraction is 0.5, the
mechanical energy is carried out. clouds absorb only 2% of solar radiation, and when the cloud
The model consists of an atmospheric layer of about fraction is 1, the clouds absorb 4%. The TMC also assumes
10 km of height which includes a uniform and single hor- that the cloud cover absorbs long-wave terrestrial radiation
J. Ram rez et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690 1685

fect also the continental part due to the internal coupling of

the atmosphere–ocean–continent system given by the model

3. Experiments

Experiment 1: We ran the TMC without the cloud forcing

(control experiment). The results are the dashed lines in
Fig. 2. We obtain the anomalies in the continental surface
temperature (Fig. 2a), in the ocean part (Fig. 2b) and in
the complete hemisphere (Fig. 2c). The model obtains the
anomalies of the monthly average temperature in the NH for
each month along July 1984 to December 1990. In all the
<gures, the thick solid line is the oceanic cloud cover.
Experiment 2: We introduce in the TMC the cosmic
ray-modulated cloud forcing given by Eq. (1). We <nd the
temperature anomalies of the same three regions: continent,
ocean and hemisphere. The pro<les correspond to the thin
Fig. 1. The solid curve displays a 12-month running average of
solid lines in Figs. 2a–c, respectively. For the ocean and
the oceanic cloud cover as changes in per cent (ISCCP-2 monthly
data). The data correspond to the area on the oceans covered by hemisphere (Figs. 2b and c), we also plotted the observed
geo-stationary satellites (Svensmark and Christensen, 1997). The temperature anomalies as squares.
dashed curve is the theoretical <t of the observed data. Experiment 3: We obtain the di*erences between the con-
tinental temperature anomalies with and without cloud forc-
ing for July 1987. In this date the departures in the oceanic
as a black body, thus the radiation emitted depends only on cloud cover reached the maximum values, as we can see
the temperature. More details about the radiative treatment from Fig. 1. In fact, the dashed line has a peak around July
of the clouds are in Adem (1962). In the TMC, the cloud 1987. The result is shown in Fig. 3. To obtain the correct
cover is introduced as an average normal value plus a frac- values the numbers must be divided by 10.
tion which depends on the heat ceded to the troposphere by Experiment 4: In this experiment, the model was adapted
the condensation of water vapour in the clouds. This heat is to obtain the anomalies of the monthly average temperature
simulated by empirical functions (Adem, 1964). in the region that corresponds to Mexico for the complete
In order to incorporate the cosmic ray-modulated clouds period. In spite of the fact that this region is located in lower
in the present model, we construct a function that depends geomagnetic latitudes, it is a*ected due to the atmosphere–
only on time and is able to simulate the behaviour of the ocean–continent coupling incorporated in the model. The
cloud cover over oceans; this function is the solid curve in results appear in Fig. 4.
Fig. 1. The best <t (dashed line in Fig. 1) has the form:
N = exp(−2(t − t  )2 =B2 ) +  ; (1) 4. Discussion
where N is the change in the cloud cover observed over 4.1. Numerical results without cloud forcing
oceans (as a percentage), A = 123:2, B = 32:26,  = −1:154,
t  = 30:96 and t is the time in months. We can compare the observed temperature anomalies in
To estimate the goodness of the <t, we made a linear the NH with the model results.
correlation between the series of experimental data and the We show some statistical parameters of the observed tem-
series of theoretical data, <nding a correlation coe@cient perature and the model results when radiative forcing is not
higher than 0.9. introduced. The statistical information is presented in Table
We obtain a radiative forcing of the TMC by coupling 1a. We used a signi<cance level of 95%, i.e. the probability
the energy rates added by radiation in the atmospheric and that the average value is between 0:0236◦ C and 0:0692◦ C
oceanic layers with Eq. (1), since it represents the contribu- is about 95%.
tion of radiative heating by the cosmic ray-modulated cloud From Table 1a, we conclude that as the respective statis-
cover (that is only time dependent) and it is added to the tical parameters are similar, then the numerical results are
internally computed cloud cover anomaly. close to the observed values.
As the cloud cover (Eq. (1)) used corresponds only to We also comment on the climate sensitivity factor of the
the oceans, it is introduced in the TMC only in oceans. model without clud forcing, i.e. the ratio between surface
However, the change of the oceanic cloud cover should af- temperature change and radiative forcing. Most studies
1686 J. Ram rez et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690

using external forcings are concerned with the incom-

ing solar radiation and with the atmospheric composition.
Sensitivity studies compute the increase of the climatic
variables (temperature, humidity, etc.) due to an assumed
increase or decrease of, for instance, 1% in the solar con-
stant (in short, ±1% SC) or an assumed atmospheric CO2
doubling (2 × CO2 ). The solar constant forcings are often
applied to calibrate and compare models. The CO2 doubling
is the common reference level to estimate the anthropogenic
global warming.
The net radiation being the di*erence between the incom-
ing solar or short-wave radiation and the outgoing terres-
trial or long-wave radiation, we de<ne NQ as the increase
of the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere, usually the
tropopause. It is computed as the di*erence between the top
net radiation with and without forcing. Thus, NQ is the ba-
sic measure of the external forcing intensity. The consecu-
tive climate change is measured with NT . The ratio of these
two quantities gives the response of the climate system.
Garduño and Adem (1994) used = NT=NQ as a sensi-
tivity factor to measure the system response. Table 1b shows
the results obtained with the TMC.
More complex models, for example the general circula-
tion models, have response factors of ∼1◦ C W m−2 (Rind
et al., 1999). In comparison, the TMC has a sensitivity fac-
tor which is ∼3 times lower.

4.2. Numerical results with cloud forcing

We now estimate the e*ect of the variations of the cosmic

ray-modulated oceanic cloud cover on the surface terrestrial
temperature. We shall discuss various cases separately.

4.2.1. Continents
The numerical results are shown in Fig. 2a and the sta-
tistical analysis of the results appear in Table 2. Observed
continental temperature anomalies are not available.
From Table 2, we notice that the statistical parameters for
the cloud forcing and no forcing cases are similar, therefore,
the e*ect of the cloud forcing over continent is not signi<-
cant. However, it is important to underline the tendency for
a cooling of the weather when the change in the cloud cover
is positive (see Fig. 2a).

4.2.2. Oceans
In Fig. 2b, we plot the pro<les of temperature anomalies.
In this case, the observed anomalies are available. In Table
3, we present a statistical analysis.
Comparing the statistical parameters in Table 3 we note
Fig. 2. Monthly anomalies of the surface global average tempera- that they are very similar, then the e*ect of the cloud forcing
ture. The dashed line corresponds to the case with no cloud forcing. is not signi<cant.
The thin solid line corresponds to the case with cloud forcing (a)
over continents; (b) over oceans, the observations over ocean are 4.2.3. The hemisphere
plotted as dotted line and squares; (c) over the NH, the observations In Fig. 2c, we have plotted temperature anomalies for the
over hemisphere are plotted as dotted line and squares. The thick whole hemisphere. In this case we can also compare our
solid line represents the variation of the cloud cover over oceans. results with observations. Table 4 shows the statistics.
J. Ram rez et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690 1687

Fig. 3. Di*erences between the hemispheric temperature anomalies with cloud forcing and without cloud forcing during July 1987 in a chart
of isothermic lines. To obtain the correct numbers the values must be divided by 10.

In Fig. 3, we have plotted the di*erences between hemi-

spheric temperature anomalies obtained with and without
cloud forcing in July 1987 using the same con<dence level
than in the previous cases. We would like to point out that
when we run the model only for a month, spurious noise
is not introduced because the time step in the integration
process is not reduced. We take only the anomalies cor-
responding to July 1987. Fig. 3 shows a latitudinal band
between 20◦ and 40◦ . The temperature anomalies are the
largest in the South Asian part, where we observe tem-
perature anomalies between −0:06◦ C and −0:14◦ C. We
must point out that although these values are almost an or-
der of magnitude higher than for the whole period, they
are not signi<cantly di*erent when compared to the over-
all variations in the series of the control experiments, which
are ∼0:5 K.
Fig. 4. Monthly anomalies of the surface temperature in Mexico. These results indicate that in spite of the fact that we do not
The dashed line corresponds to the case without cloud forcing. The observe important e*ects on the global surface temperature,
thin solid line corresponds to the case with cloud forcing. The thick there are regions where the cosmic ray-modulated cloud
solid line represents the variation of the cloud cover over oceans. forcing is more noticeable.
Analysing the case of Mexico in Fig. 4 we <nd that from
Again we observe from Table 4 that the statistical the beginning of 1986 to the end of 1987, the average of
parameters are similar. However, when there is a positive the absolute values of the di*erences between cloud forcing
increment of the cloud cover over oceans the tendency is and no cloud forcing is about −0:06◦ C, using the same
for cooling of the climate (see Fig. 2c). con<dence level. However, this value is similar to the overall
1688 J. Ram rez et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690

Table 1

a. Statistical parameters of the TMC for the NH

Statistical parameters Observed values (◦ C) Calculate values without cloud forcing (◦ C) Con<dence interval (95%)

Average 0.0388 0.0464 0.0236 – 0.0692

Typical deviation 0.0701 0.1030 0.0994 – 0.1166
Root mean square error (RMSE) 0.069 0.1019

b. Climate sensitivity factor of the TMC

Forcing NQ (W m−2 ) NT (◦ C) (◦ C W m−2 )

+1% SC 2.08 0.73 0.35

−1% SC −2:08 −0:73 0.35
2 × CO2 2.79 0.8 0.29

Table 2
Continental statistical parameters

Statistic parameters Calculate values Con<dence inter- Calculate values Con<dence inter-
without cloud val (95%) with cloud forcing val (95%)
forcing (◦ C) (◦ C)

Average 0.0385 0.0146 – 0.0531 0.0341 0.0097– 0.0585

Typical deviation 0.1081 0.0912– 0.125 0.1101 0.0929 – 0.1273
Root mean square error (RMSE) 0.1072 0.1090

Table 3
Oceanic statistical parameters

Statistic parameters Calculate values Con<dence inter- Calculate values Con<dence inter- Observed values
without cloud val (95%) with cloud forcing val (95%)
forcing (◦ C) (◦ C)

Average 0.0538 0.0289 – 0.0787 0.0489 0.0227– 0.0751 0.0679

Typical deviation 0.1123 0.0947– 0.207 0.1182 0.0997– 0.1367 0.1219
Root mean square error (RMSE) 0.1130 0.1170 0.1210

Table 4
Hemispheric statistical parameters

Statistic parameters Calculate values Con<dence inter- Calculate values Con<dence inter- Observed values
without cloud val (95%) with cloud val (95%) (◦ C)
forcing (◦ C) forcing (◦ C)

Average 0.0464 0.0236 – 0.0692 0.0425 0.0185 – 0.0665 0.0388

Typical deviation 0.1030 0.0994 – 0.1166 0.1084 0.0914 – 0.1254 0.0701
Root mean square error (RMSE) 0.1019 0.1078 0.069

variation of both curves (with and without cloud forcing). The fact that negative anomalies in the surface tempera-
In this case, we do not have information to validate our ture are present together with a positive change in the vari-
results with the observations. We would like to stress that ation of the cloud cover in some speci<cs regions, means
in this case as we merely isolated the region under study, that the e*ect of short-wave solar radiation income dom-
the spatial size of the integration grid is not reduced and inates slightly over the long-wave radiation in the earth–
therefore noise is not introduced. atmosphere system.
J. Ram rez et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (2004) 1683 – 1690 1689

Veretenenko and Pudovkin (1999), reported a decrease regions. Compared with the UV forcing, the temperature
in the entrance of solar radiation associated with an increase anomaly is ∼30 times smaller.
in cosmic ray :ux, although their study is restricted to a
latitudinal band of 60 –68◦ north. Pall-e and Butler (2000) 5. Conclusions
found that an increase of the low-level clouds at periods of
low solar activity (high levels of cosmic rays) diminished We estimate the e*ect of a cosmic ray-induced global
the surface temperature. Our results in Figs. 2–4 indicate that cloud cover over oceans on the surface temperature with the
there is a slight general tendency for cooling over the surface following outcome:
in all the cases for the period 1984 –1990, which corresponds (1) The change observed in the oceanic cloud cover,
to the minimum and ascending phase of the solar cycle. which oscillates between 3% and 4%, produces a slight
Moreover, the largest response corresponds to the latitudinal imbalance in the net :ow of radiation of the atmosphere–
band of 20 –40◦ , also in agreement with the <ndings of Pall-e ocean–continent system, implying that the surface tempera-
and Butler, of high correlations at mid-latitudes. ture averaged globally (along the period under study) in the
We have forced only the oceanic cloud cover, the ocean NH presents a decrease ∼0:01◦ C in average. This decrease
has a great thermal inertia and therefore has a small response is almost the same for continents and oceans. Nevertheless,
to radiative forcing. We can speculate that if the cloud forc- this value has the same magnitude as the control experiment,
ing is also present in the continental cloud cover then the re- where the oceanic cloud forcing is not introduced.
sponse in the surface temperature could be stronger because (2) The most intense negative anomalies in the hemi-
the continental part is more sensitive. spheric surface temperature take place during July 1987. In
Furthermore, we suggest that the obtained decrement in this period, the maximum departures of the mean value in
the temperature would be strengthened by an extra e*ect: the oceanic cloud cover occurred. There is a latitudinal band
the solar radiometers measured a decrease in the total solar from 20◦ to 40◦ where negative temperature anomalies are
irradiance of 1:3 W m−2 (0.1%) at the top of the terrestrial between 0:06◦ C and 0:14◦ C, nevertheless, these values are
atmosphere during the solar minimum of 1986, relative to not signi<cant in comparison with the overall variations of
the solar maxima of 1980 and 1990 (e.g. Lean, 1997). This the time series.
decrease in the solar irradiance induces a climatic forcing (3) In the region corresponding to Mexico, the di*erence
of about 0:22 W m−2 . This e*ect added to the e*ect of the between cloud forcing and no cloud forcing is in average
oceanic cloud forcing proposed here would produce a larger ∼0:06◦ C. This value is smaller than the overall variation of
decrement of the surface temperature of the Earth during the time series with and without cloud forcing.
epochs of solar activity minimum. (4) As the model used here has a low sensitivity factor
The space studies (GISS) general circulation model (0:35◦ C W m−2 ), the temperature anomalies found should
(GCM) predicts an NH surface temperature change of be considered as lower estimates. Stronger anomalies should
0:51◦ C for a 0.25% solar irradiance reduction (Lean and be found with higher sensitivity models.
Rind, 1998). Furthermore, Rind et al. (1999) showed that (5) We conclude that the modulation of the oceanic cloud
an estimated solar forcing increase of ∼0:25% accounts for cover does not a*ect signi<cantly the surface temperature
a 0:45◦ C temperature increase since 1600 and an increase of the NH.
of about 0:2◦ C over the past 100 years.
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