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Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side Patient’s How will you know Patient’s teaching/Nurse

Frequency Why ordered for theeffects/Adverse Assessment the drug is responsibilities

patient effects effective for the
Name:  Though to Hematologic:  The patient is in  If the pain of the  Advise patient that drug
Paracetamol produce analgesia hemolytic anemia, pain patient is lessen is only for short term use
by blocking pain neutropenia, or the absence and to consult the
Dose: impulses, leukopenia, of pain. physician if giving to
500 mg probably by pancytopenia. children for longer than 5
inhibiting days or adults for longer
Route: synthesis of Hepatic: than 10 days.
Oral and IV prostaglandins in Jaundice  Advise patient or
the CNS or of caregiver that many over
Frequency: other substances Metabolic: the counter products
that sensitize pain Hypoglycemia contain acetaminophen;
receptors to be aware of this when
mechanical or Skin: calculating total daily
chemical Rash, urticaria. dose.
stimulation  Warn patient that high
doses or unsupervised
 For mild pain and long term use can cause
fever. liver damage.
 Tell breastfeeding
woman that drugs
appears milk in low
levels. Drug may be used
safely if therapy is short-
term and doesn’t exceed
recommend doses.

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side Patient’s How will you know Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for theeffects/Adverse Assessment the drug is responsibilities
patient effects effective for the
Name:  A direct acting CNS:  The patient has  If the patient did  Give oral form with
Metronidazole trichomonacide Headache, fever, undergone an not get any meals
and amebicide vertigo, dizziness, operation infection.  Observe for edema
Dose: that works at both seizures, insomnia  Record number and
500 mg intestinal and character of stools when
extra intestinal CV: drug is used to treat
Route: sites Edema, amebiasis.
IV thromboplebitis
 It’s thought to after I.V. infusion
Frequency: enter the cells of
microorganisms EENT:
that contain nitro Sinusitis,
reductase pharyngitis

 Unstable GI:
compounds are Nausea, abdominal
then formed that pain, vomiting,
bind to DNA and diarrhea
inhibit synthesis,
causing death Hematologic:
 Prevention of leucopenia,
post operative
infection Musculoskeletal:
Transient joint pains

Upper respiratory
tract infection

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side Patient’s How will you know Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for theeffects/Adverse Assessment the drug is responsibilities
patient effects effective for the
Name:  Produces anti- CNS:  The patient is in  If the pain of the  Use cautiously in
Ketorolac inflammatory, Headache, dizziness pain. patient is lessen patients with hepatic or
analgesic and or the absence renal impairment or
Dose: antipyretic effects CV: of pain. cardiac decompensation.
300 mg possibly by Edema,  Carefully observe
inhibiting arrhythmias, patients with
Route: prostaglandin hypertension coagulopathies and those
IV synthesis taking anticoagulants
EENT:  Note for serious GI
Frequency:  Short term Sinusitis, toxicity including peptic
management of pharyngitis ulcers and bleeding.
severe, acute pain GI:
for multiple dose Nausea,
treatment constipation,
vomiting, diarrhea,

Decreased platelet
adhesion, prolonged
Diaphoresis, rash

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side Patient’s How will you know Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for theeffects/Adverse Assessment the drug is responsibilities
patient effects effective for the
Name:  A centrally acting CNS:  The patient is in  If the pain of the  Reassess patient’s level
Tramadol synthetic Headache, pain. patient is lessen of pain at least 30
analgesic dizziness, seizures, or the absence minutes after
Dose: compound not malaise, anxiety of pain. administration.
100 mg chemically  Monitor CV and
related to opiates. CV: respiratory status.
Route: Vasodilation  Give drug before onset of
IV  Thought to bind intense pain for better
to opioid EENT: analgesic effect.
Frequency: receptors and Visual disturbances  Tell patient to take drug
inhibit reuptake as prescribed and not to
of norepinephrine GI: increase dosage unless
and serotonin. Nausea, ordered.
constipation,  Caution ambulatory
 For pain vomiting, diarrhea, patient to be careful
dyspepsia when rising and walking.


Diaphoresis, rash

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side Patient’s How will you know Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for theeffects/Adverse Assessment the drug is responsibilities
patient effects effective for the
Name:  Provides GI:  The patient  If the patient’s  Between meal doses are
Ferrous Sulfate elemental iron, an Nausea, hemoglobin and hemoglobin and preferable. Drug can be
essential constipation, hematocrit level hematocrit level given with some foods,
Dose: component in the vomiting, diarrhea, is low. is increased. although absorption may
1 tablet formation of epigastric pain be decreased.
hemoglobin.  Monitor hemoglobin,
Route: hematocrit, and
Oral  To increase reticulocyte count during
hemoglobin and therapy.
Frequency: hematocrit level.
BID  Tell patient to take
tablets with juice or
water, but not with milk
or antacids.
 Instruct patient not to
crush or chew extended
release forms.

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side effects/Adverse Patient’s How will you Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for effects Assessment know the drug is responsibilities
the patient effective for the
Name:  First generation CNS:  Assess patient for
Cefazolin Sodium cephalosporin Headache, seizures, infection at beginning
that inhibits cell- confusion and during therapy.
Dose: wall synthesis,  Before initiating
500 mg promoting CV: therapy, obtain a history
osmotic Phlebitis, to determine previous
Route: instability; thromboplebitis with use of and reactions to
usually I.V. infection penicillins or
bactericidal. cephalosphorins.
Frequency: GI: Persons with a negative
Every 6 hours  For pregnancy or Pseudomembraneous history of penicillin
lactation colitis, nausea, sensitivity may still
vomiting, diarrhea, have an allergic
dyspepsia response.
 Monitor site for
Hematologic: thrombophlebitis.
Neutropenia, Change sites every 48-
leucopenia, 72 hr to prevent
thrombocytopenia, phlebitis.

Pruritis, pain,
erythematous rashes,

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side effects/Adverse Patient’s How will you Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for effects Assessment know the drug is responsibilities
the patient effective for the
Name:  First generation CNS:  Instruct patient to take
Cephalexin cephalosporin Headache, dizziness, the drug with food or
that inhibits cell- fatigue, hallucinations milk to lessen GI
Dose: wall synthesis, discomfort.
500 mg promoting GI:  Tell patient to notify
osmotic Pseudomembraneous prescriber if rash or
Route: instability; colitis, nausea, signs and symptoms of
usually vomiting, diarrhea, superinfection develop.
bactericidal. dyspepsia
eosinophilia, anemia


Erythematous rashes

Name, Dose, Route, Action of the drug; Side Patient’s How will you know Patient’s teaching/Nurse
Frequency Why ordered for theeffects/Adverse Assessment the drug is responsibilities
patient effects effective for the
Name:  Anti- CNS:  The patient is in  If the pain of the  Take drug with food and
Mefenamic acid inflammatory, Headache, pain. patient is lessen take only the prescribed
analgesic, and dizziness, fatigue, or the absence dosage.
Dose: anti-pyretic insomnia of pain.  Report sore throat fever,
500 mg activities related rash, swelling in ankles
to inhibition of CV: or fingers, changers in
Route: prostaglandin Edema, vision, and severe
Oral synthesis, exact arrhythmias, diarrhea.
mechanisms of hypertension
Frequency: action are not
As needed known. EENT:
 To relief pain. pharyngitis

vomiting, dyspepsia


Bleeding, bone
marrow depression

Rash, sweating

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