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For the

March 9

Pace of Financial Deregulation: The House

Y Y N N voted, 264-143, to require bank oversight
agencies to conduct reviews every seven
years aimed at killing financial rules judged to
be obsolete. A yes vote was to pass HR
4607, which also would reduce Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau rules.
Call for Trump Disclosures: Voting 182
N N Y Y -228, the House defeated a Democratic bid to
require public disclosure of any rollback of
regulations under HR 4607 (above) that
would yield personal financial benefits to
President Trump or his family members. A
yes vote was to adopt the motion.
Blocking Environmental Rule: The House
Y Y N N blocked, 234-180, a rule to curb emissions
from the manufacture of bricks and clay
products and ceramics. The rule would cut
toxic discharges by 375 tons per year. Critics
said it would close plants, cost jobs. A yes
vote was to pass HR 1917.
Easing Clean Air Rule: The House voted,
Y Y N N 215-189, to ease the impact of a clean-air
rule on power plants fueled by coal refuse,
which emits more pollutants than does normal
coal. A yes vote was to pass a bill (HR 1119)
that would allow higher levels of toxic
emissions by these plants.
Relaxing Banking Standards: Voting 67-32,
Y Y the Senate started debate on a bill that would
largely exempt community banks and credit
unions from the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-
oversight law and provide regulatory relief to
larger banks as well. A yes vote was to
advance S 2155.
KEY VOTES AHEAD ©2017 Voterama in Congress
The House in the week of March 12 will take up a bill providing
resources for school-safety measures, and the Senate will complete work
on a financial-deregulation bill.

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