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Inseparable prefixes

Inseparable prefix verbs are verbs whose initial syllable is never detached from the verb root in any tense or
conjugated form. These are always unstressed syllables and usually, though not always, are morphemes (i.e.
units of meaning) that cannot stand as separate words. Prefixes that are always inseparable are: be-, emp-,
ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, & zer-. The most common of these is ver-.

Though the meanings of these prefixes are not fixed, they encompass a range of connotations that can be
described in general categories. These delineations are not exhaustive and do not include every possible
meaning of a prefix, but can be helpful in understanding the gist of a verb.

Prefix Meaning Examples

be- 1) Makes intransitive verbs or verbs with zaubern - to do magic | bezaubern - to enchant
prepositional objects transitive, or shifts the Ich beantworte die Frage. (Ich antworte auf die Frage.)
action to a different object. Er beschenkt Sie. ( Er schenkt Ihnen etwas.)
2) Added to nouns to create verbs with the idea die Nachricht message | benachrichtigento notify
of providing something. (Often -ig- is added.) die Waffe weapon | bewaffnento arm
3) Added to adjectives to create verbs with the ruhig quiet, still | beruhigento calm
idea of bestowing that quality. (Often -ig- is taub numb | betäubento numb, drug
added.) trüb dreary | betrübento sadden
Note: Approximately 25% of all inseparable prefix verbs begin with be-.
ent- 1) Added to verbs to convey the idea of fliehen to flee | entfliehento escape, flee (from)
escaping or moving away. kommen to come | entkommento escape, come away (from)
2) Creates verbs from nouns, adjectives, or laden to load | entladento unload
verbs. Indicates the removal of something. decken to cover | entdeckento discover
fern far | entfernento remove, delete
ent- often corresponds to English un-, de- or die Fessel chain | entfesselnto unchain
Note: Approximately 15% of all inseparable prefix verbs begin with ent-.
emp- A variation of ent- that is used before some fehlen to be lacking | empfehlento recommend
verb roots beginning with f. finden to find | empfindento perceive, sense
er- 1) Creates verbs from nouns or other verbs. finden to find | erfindento invent
Conveys the conclusion or end achievement of lernen to learn | erlernento learn, acquire
an action. trinken to drink | ertrinkento drown
2) Creates verbs from adjectives. Conveys the ganz whole | ergänzento complete
idea of becoming something or giving niedrig low | erniedrigento humiliate
something a quality. Often adds an umlaut to neu new | erneuernto renew, revive
the root, where possible.
Note: Approximately 10% of all inseparable prefix verbs begin with er-.
ge- ge- is rare as a verb prefix. It carries no distinct fallen to fall | gefallento be pleasing
meaning. In many instances, the root verb is --- | geschehen to occur
linguistically extinct. --- | gelingen to succeed
miss- Like the English prefix mis-, the German miss- -- | misslingento fail
indicates failure. It creates a verb that stands as fallen to fall | missfallento displease
a negative opposite to its positive or neutral billigen to approve | missbilligento disapprove
root. handeln to act | misshandelnto maltreat, abuse
ver- 1) Added to verbs to express idea of brennen to burn | verbrennenburn (to ashes, to death), scorch
completion, waning, or going away. hungern to be hungry | verhungernto starve
geben to give | vergebento give away
jagen to hunt | verjagento chase away
2) Added to verbs to express the idea of doing lernen to learn | verlernento unlearn, forget
something to excess or wrongly, or to convey führen to lead | verführento seduce
the opposite meaning from its root. achten to esteem | verachtento despise
bergen to salvage | verbergento conceal, hide
3) Creates verbs from adjectives or nouns that Deutsch | verdeutschento translate into German
convey the idea of becoming something or der Stein stone | versteinernto turn to stone
giving something a quality. die Ursache cause | verursachento cause
einfach simple | vereinfachento simplify
deutlich clear | verdeutlichento elucidate
4) Creates verbs from nouns to convey the idea das Silber silver | versilbernto silver plate
of providing something. der Körper body | verkörpernto embody
Note: Approximately 45% of all inseparable prefix verbs begin with ver-.
zer- Creates verbs from nouns, adjectives, or other das Glied member, limb | zergliedernto dismember
verbs to indicate destruction, usually "into klein small | zerkleinernto reduce to small bits
pieces". stören to bother | zerstörento destroy
teilen to divide | zerteilento disperse

There are a handful of prefixes which may be separable or inseparable. These include: durch-, über-, um-,
and unter-.

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