Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6


/bin/bash --

# Read everything at the top of this script before proceeding

# Information:
# This script installs osu! (the circle-clicking music game) in an isolated 32-bit
Wine Prefix on Linux
# The initial package install (sudo passwd) and the "Initializing the Wine Prefix
for osu!" (gecko/mono) steps should be the only things requiring user-input

# How to execute this script:

# Choose one out of the three lines below (the lines starting with wget, bash, and
curl) and run it in Terminal
# Use the first line (wget) if at all unsure
# Remove the '# ' (number sign and space) from the beginning of the line

# wget '' -O
~/'' && chmod +x ~/'' && ~/''
# bash <(curl -s
# curl -L | bash

# Other Notes:
# Script only works as-is with Ubuntu currently
# Main package requirements are wine (normal or staging; accessible via PATH) and
# For non-Ubuntu distros, remove first 4 sections (or everything between the
start/stop remove comment lines) and manually install wine and aria2

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% This script will install osu! for the user '$USER'"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% If your distro is not Ubuntu-based, please review the script"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Please take careful note of the console output"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% If you experience any issues with this script, please report them"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Script will begin in 10 seconds"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 10

##### For non-Ubuntu distros, start removing lines here

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Adding the Wine repository to software sources..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
sudo add-apt-repository 'ppa:wine/wine-builds' -y

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Updating software sources..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
sudo apt-get update

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Installing Required System Packages..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
sudo apt-get install winehq-staging winbind aria2 -y

##### For non-Ubuntu distros, stop removing lines here

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Downloading Winetricks script..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
'' -d
'/home/'$USER -o 'winetricks' --allow-overwrite=true
chmod +x ~/'winetricks'

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Downloading Global Assembly Cache Tool..."
echo "%%%%% (this is for .NET Framework 4.0 later on)"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 3
mkdir -p ~/'.cache/winetricks/dotnet40'
aria2c '
net40.tar.bz2' '
Stuff/raw/master/Wine/Files/gacutil-net40.tar.bz2' -d
'/home/'$USER/'.cache/winetricks/dotnet40' -o 'gacutil-net40.tar.bz2' --allow-

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Initializing the Wine Prefix for osu!..."
echo "%%%%% (confirm download of mono and/or gecko if prompted)"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 3
mkdir -p ~/'Wine Prefixes'
WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/osu!' WINEARCH=win32 wineboot

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Downloading osu!'s installer..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
aria2c '!install.exe' '!install.exe'
-d '/home/'$USER/'Wine Prefixes/osu!/drive_c/users/'$USER/'Temp' -o 'osu!
install.exe' --check-certificate=false --allow-overwrite=true

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Sandboxing the Wine Prefix..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/osu!' ~/'winetricks' 'sandbox'

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Improving Cursor Handling for osu!..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/osu!' ~/'winetricks' 'grabfullscreen=y'

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Downloading and Installing .NET Framework 4.0..."
echo "%%%%% (you will see a lot of harmless text output)"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 3
WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/osu!' ~/'winetricks' --unattended 'dotnet40'

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Downloading and Installing Asian Font Support..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 2
WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/osu!' ~/'winetricks' --unattended 'cjkfonts'

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Creating a menu launcher entry for osu!..."
echo "%%%%% (you may need to reload your desktop environment)"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 3
mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/osu!'

cat <<EOT >> ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/osu!/osu!.desktop'

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Rhythm is just a *click* away! Actually free, online, with four gameplay
modes as well as a built-in editor.
Exec=env WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX='/home/$USER/Wine Prefixes/osu!' wine '/home/
$USER/Wine Prefixes/osu!/drive_c/users/$USER/Local Settings/Application
Path=/home/$USER/Wine Prefixes/osu!/drive_c/users/$USER/Local Settings/Application

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% osu! will begin installing in 20 seconds"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Let osu! install without interference for best results"
echo "%%%%% (let it use the default install location)"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% It will auto-start when installation is completed"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% To launch osu! after installation,"
echo "%%%%% use the newly-created shortcut placed in your app launcher"
echo "%%%%% (you may have to re-log or reload the desktop launcher)"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% The launcher icon for osu! will be created after the second start"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% To access the osu! folder for Songs and Skins handling,"
echo "%%%%% go to '/home/$USER/Wine Prefixes/osu!/drive_c/users/$USER/Local
Settings/Application Data/osu!'"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

sleep 20

echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Starting osu!'s Installer..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/osu!' wine ~/'Wine


echo ""
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%% Cleaning up files and finalizing..."
echo "%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
echo ""

# Don't worry if this executes while osu! is installing; Linux locks files that are
in-use (osu!installer.exe)

echo "..."
rm ~/'winetricks' ~/'osu!install.exe'
rm -R ~/'.cache/winetricks'
echo "All done!"

##### End

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