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Everything will be put back into the hands of Moors, which MEANS, in the hands of the natural people, Natural
Law or Nature’s Law -- Common Law. Common Law is International Law. For this CONTINENT it begins with
the "Law of the Land", the American Constitution, which is based in Common Law - Nature's Law. With the en-
forcement of it, NO ONE will be molested, as they have been experiencing. EVERYONE MUST "Declare their
Nationality”, as it determines their Status and sets the stage for matters of Jurisdiction. Status is YOUR relation-
ship to the community, but Status is not a mere relationship, it is a lawful and legal one. Be sure you are NOT a
member / citizen of a corporation, as corporations can only issue to, dictate to, and rule over, other corpora-
tions, and as a natural person, you are NOT a corporation.
Adminstrator’s defined government succinctly. “Governments are corporations”, in as much as every gov-
ernment is an artificial person, an abstraction, a creature of the mind only, a government can deal only with
artificial persons. The imaginary, having no reality or substance cannot create or attain parity with the
real. Penhallow V. Doane’s,

It appears that consciousness has the Vatican, the United States of America, Incorporated, of which Eric
Holder is the Attorney General for, publicly announcing the violations of Law and stating that certain activities
(that they have been practicing or allowing to be practiced on the people), are now unconstitutional. DO NOT
GET IT TWISTED. These activities have always been unconstitutional. Good Beings are waking up and taking
their place amongst the affairs of man, which begins with their relationship to the community — their Status.

Below is a collective form "Warning of Violations", of which whenever your liberties are violated, by anyone,
an employee, public official, policy enforcer, etc., etc., fill it out on the spot, place the person’s name and / or the
corporation of which the person is working for, or rather hiding behind, and serve them with the warning on the
spot! Be sure to mail it to them as well (certified mail) because they may place it in the circular file (trash can).
If they are an employee, the corporation they work for is also responsible for their practices, so it is good to send
a courtesy copy to the CEO of the corporation as well.

As for "The Stop and Frisk" unconstitutional activities. Send the form to Eric Holder, State Attorney General
for ALL the corporate States. (mailing location on the form). If you have video or audio, send that as well. You
can send a courtesy copy to the particular municipality police department (Roman venue by definition). How-
ever, you are reporting directly to the Statewide Attorney General, Eric Holder, who has proclaimed publicly that
'criminal injustice’ will not be tolerated. After all that is his J.O.B. and he is a Public Servant and has a fiduciary
duty to uphold the rights of the people, as all government and governmental agencies do. The Constitution is
where he gains his derived authority.

State Governments are but Trustees with a derived Authority 4 Wheat 402

You must Know that the (task) force necessary as the watchful eye over these policy enforcers to make sure
they stop the ‘Stop and Frisk” is YOU -- The People! You are who you have been waiting for and who must
enforce the Law, because you are the Law!! Please be sure to go to “Failure to Identify?” page on R.V. Bey
Publications website. You will find a host of laws regarding ‘citizens arrest’ to support you in your activities.

This is ‘being active’ and with this activity, those in both their private and professional capacity, will get the mes-
sage that ‘the people’, of which they serve, are not allowing their liberties to be violated. Stop playing with them
and know that the organic American Constitution is NOT, the state’s Constitutions and that the state’s constitu-
tions must be in harmony with it or it has NO STANDING!! (Read Article VI of the American Constitution). This
may act as an educational tool as well, which is great because everyone MUST abide by the ‘Law of the Land’.

“Officers of the court have no immunity, when violating a Constitutional right, from liability. For they are
deemed to know the law.” Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T. 1398, 445 US 622

You go Moors – Enforce the American Constitution, as you already have been advised to do!

From the Tools of the Workshop of the Mind (Chapter 5— Circle 7 Holy Koran)
“use the hammer to hammer in the Truth until it is a part of everything”

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